The program opens fb2. How to open an Fb2 file and how to comfortably read e-books. How to open fb2 file on smartphone or tablet

Paper books gradually switched to electronic form, and now all book lovers instead of extensive bookshelves are acquiring a variety of files. And sooner or later the question will arise about how to open the Fb2 file, because these types of books are the most common and convenient to use.

Fb2 is the most popular format for e-books. Its main advantage is that it will look invariably the same on all types of devices from any operating system and screen resolution.

From this it becomes clear that there are programs for opening Fb2 files for all platforms and devices. Moreover, there are a lot of such programs, and I will talk about some of them in this article.


One of the most popular tools for opening Fb2. He earned his fame due to simplicity and ease, as well as cross-platform. The program runs fast, and there are versions for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, Blackberry and many other operating systems that run on desktop and mobile devices. On the developer's website, you can download the version for the desired operating system.

FBReader supports the following features:

  • creation of offline and network libraries;
  • book sorting
  • work with bookmarks;
  • work with the table of contents;
  • search function;
  • and others.

Cool Reader

A multifunctional program that has many options for customization. Versions for Windows, Android, Linux and other systems have been developed. On the developer's site you can download the version you need.

Cool Reader has these features:

  • in addition to being able to open an Fb2 file, it can also handle other text formats, such as Doc, Txt and others;
  • there is a night reading mode;
  • work with the table of contents;
  • work with bookmarks;
  • search;
  • animated page turning;
  • There are various appearance settings.

ICE Book Reader

You can open the Fb2 file using the universal ICE Book Reader, which also supports a huge number of other text files. This program created exclusively for Windows, unlike those described above, but it has maximum functionality.

Some of the features of ICE Book Reader include:

  • opens text files different formats.
  • you can open the Fb2 file and enable autoscrolling.
  • work with bookmarks;
  • work with the table of contents;
  • search;
  • There are many options to customize the program for yourself.

So, in this article I have given the most popular programs that allow you to open the Fb2. They became so famous for their comfort. It is unlikely that there will be programs more convenient than those that I have described. So use.

The most common problem that prevents users from opening this file is an incorrectly assigned program. To fix this in Windows OS, you need to right-click on the file, in context menu move the mouse over the "Open with" item, and select the "Choose a program ..." item from the drop-down menu. As a result, you will see a list installed programs on your computer and you can choose the one that suits you. We also recommend checking the box next to "Use this application for all FB2 files".

Another problem that our users also encounter quite often is that the FB2 file is corrupted. This situation can arise in many cases. For example: the file was not downloaded completely as a result server errors, the file was damaged initially, etc. To fix this problem, use one of the recommendations:

  • Try to find the desired file in another source on the Internet. You may be lucky to find a better version. Google search example: "File filetype:FB2" . Just replace the word "file" with the name you want;
  • Ask to send you the original file again, it may have been damaged during transfer;

Under the Windows operating system, install one of the following programs: Cool Reader, FBReader, HaaliReader, ICE Book Reader Professional, STDU Viewer or any similar. Programs can be downloaded from numerous Runet soft portals (for example,, and others).

To read books in Fb2 format on Nokia smartphones, install Foliant or ZXReader from the Nokia Ovi Store.

Depending on the type of device and the selected application, the method of downloading books to the application will differ. For some programs, you will need to connect your smartphone to a computer, while others can open Fb2 files previously downloaded to your smartphone. In most applications, there is a function to search and download Fb2 files from the Internet.

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  • how to open fb2 on computer

There are a number of reasons for reading books on your phone. The first reason is that the phone is always with you, and you can always open and read a book from it. Unlike a book, which you would have to carry around with you everywhere, a mobile phone is compact and essential for constant communication with colleagues, family, friends and loved ones. There are two ways to read books on mobile phone- using the converter on the computer and using the "reader" in the phone itself.


In order to create a book on a computer, you need the Book Reader program of any version. In this case, you are creating a java application using Text Document. During this process, you can choose the text color, background color, text layout, and font that will be used on the screen. After you have created a java application, you can use it on your own - you just have to copy it to memory using a data cable or memory card for your phone.

In case you want to work with the "reader" directly in the phone itself, you need this program from the network, and then install it on your phone by copying it to the "Applications" section. After that, you can transfer documents to the phone's memory and open them through this program.

It is worth remembering that you can set a password to open a java book, while a document copied to your phone from a computer is a completely unprotected file. In case of theft or loss of the phone, all information, including the content of those books that you read, will fall into the hands of the new owner. Consider this question when choosing between two ways to read books on your phone.

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Books available online can be designed to be read using a variety of software. Just imagine: what would your interlocutor think about you twenty years ago, if you asked him, what would be more convenient to read a book? And today this question is very relevant due to the abundance of e-book formats. The most commonly used formats are DjVu, FB2, PDF, CHM, DOC, RTF, TXT.


To read books in DjVu format, you can use, for example, the free utility WinDjView - There is also an option to work in MacOS. This one is designed specifically for scanned documents whose content is difficult to recognize - manuscripts, journals, scientific literature with a lot of formulas, etc. It is also used for the most transfer of historical and archival documents, in which, in addition to the text, individual design features are important - paper texture, corrections made, prints on ink, etc. In addition to an image, a DjVu file can contain a text layer and hyperlinks. The format allows you to start reading even before the file transferred over the network is completely downloaded.

To read books in FB2 (FictionBook) format, you can use, for example, the FBReader program - This format is based on XML standards and carries mostly text only. Appearance, in which this information will be presented, depends entirely on the settings of the viewer for books of this format.

To read books in PDF format(Portable Document Format) free Adobe Reader - This format, developed and actively implemented by Adobe, is primarily used to represent printed products in in electronic format. It allows you to embed fonts, images, shapes, multimedia elements, etc. into your documents.

To read books in DOC, RTF, TXT formats, you can use, for example, Microsoft Word. These are text formats of varying degrees of "advancement" - from plain text without formatting features (TXT) to documents with a complex structure, graphic, multimedia and interactive inserts (DOC).

To read books in CHM (Microsoft Compiled HTML Help) format, no special software is required - such files open standard means Windows OS. The vast majority of books in this format are various kinds of reference books, consisting of a set of HTML pages and a table of contents with links. Sometimes they have an index and information base for full-text search in page content.

There is also universal software that makes it possible to read most electronic formats. For example, the STDU Viewer program, which supports TIFF formats, PDF, DjVu, XPS, JBIG2, WWF, FB2, TXT, Comic Book Archive (CBR and CBZ), TCR, PalmDoc(PDB), DCX, BMP, PCX, JPEG, GIF, PNG, WMF, EMF, PSD.

Among readers, there are more and more disputes about the place of e-books in our lives. Someone even believes that soon she will force out her predecessor, the paper book, from the shelves of stores. However, some e-books are not so easy to find.


The first place to go in search of electronic fiction is special free libraries, which are quite a lot on the net. The most famous of them is, perhaps, Mashkova. It is very convenient to search on such resources. You can search by the author of the work, the title or the era in which it was written. Even if you entered the name of the work a little inaccurately, then, most likely, any search engine will find the right one for you by matching words.

If you could not find the book of interest in the public domain, contact paid services. Most of them work on the principle of an online store. You add the one you like to the cart. book and then you get an invoice to pay. After payment of the invoice, you will either receive your copy by e-mail or access the download link.

Gradually, e-books began to appear on store shelves. You can walk through the bookstores in your city and carefully examine the racks with discs. Most often, there is a fairly wide range of electronic and audio books.

Some state libraries began to appear their own archives with books. Perhaps, it is in the classical library with an electronic catalog that you are most likely to find a rare e-book that interests you. As a rule, it is quite difficult to download scientific literature and modern textbooks on the Internet. Many authors refuse to publish them on the Internet, providing electronic copies of their works only to libraries.

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One of the most popular e-book formats is FictionBook (fb2). Its convenience lies in the fact that it allows you to clearly preserve the structure of the book and can be easily converted to any other popular formats. Thanks to the functionality of fb2, you can create entire electronic bookstores. The format has become widespread and is readable by many modern devices.

You will need

  • - a device for reading electronic books;
  • - a reader program for a computer or mobile device


Currently, there are quite a lot of programs for reading and editing files in the DjVu format. Some of them are distributed, some on a commercial basis. If you only plan to read e-books without modifying the files themselves, the popular WinDjView program is fine for you. She

The FB2 e-book format is the most common type of storage for such documents. It is usually supported by all devices intended for reading, however, it is more difficult to open such files on a computer. The user cannot do without downloading third-party software, the functionality of which is focused on viewing the contents of such objects. Next, you will find out what software can be used for reading.

Books that you add to the library will not need to be re-placed there later. During the next launch, all added documents will remain in the same place where you left them, and you can continue browsing from the same place.

Method 2: STDU Viewer

The next program in our article will be STDU Viewer. Its main features are focused on viewing the contents of different file formats, which includes FB2. The software is distributed free of charge and takes up almost no space on the computer, so even a beginner will not have any difficulties with downloading and installing it, and viewing the necessary books here is done as follows:

  1. Even during installation, check the boxes with the required formats so that the operating system immediately selects STDU Viewer as the default viewer.
  2. After starting the software, just click on the appropriate icon to proceed to select the file to open.
  3. In Explorer, mark the element and click on "Open".
  4. If you need to preview an object before opening it, use the item "Review".
  5. Files are filtered by format and their contents are displayed here.
  6. After restarting STDU Viewer, it becomes possible to open a previously viewed project.

Method 3: FBReader

FBReader is one of the most popular apps to read books like mobile devices and on computers running Windows. Even a beginner will understand how to interact with it, but still we want to demonstrate the process of opening a file in more detail, having analyzed each action.

Method 4: Yandex.Browser

Separately, I would like to note the well-known web browser Yandex.Browser. A simple tool was initially built into its functionality that allows you to view books in the FB2 format, which makes life easier for the owners of this particular program. To run an FB2 object, follow just two simple steps:

If you have problems installing Yandex.Browser on your PC, we advise you to read detailed instruction on this topic by clicking on the link below.

Sometimes you need to convert an existing FB2 file to another format in order to view it using other tools installed on your PC. Converter programs or special online services will help with this. You will find all the necessary information on this operation in the articles below.

Many users often have problems opening e-books. The formats in which such books are distributed are not very common and specialized programs are needed to work with them. A striking example is the FictionBook or fb2 format. Users often ask how to open fb2? In this article, we will consider a number of programs that will allow you to work with e-books in the fb2 format.


FBReader- free program open source e-book reader. There are versions for Linux and Windows operating systems. The FBReader program allows you to open fb2, as well as other popular formats. Among them: ePub, TCR, PalmDoc, zTXT and TXT.

In addition, with the help of FBReader, you can create an electronic library by sorting your favorite books into thematic categories. Such an electronic library will allow you to quickly find and open the book you need, without having to search for a file in folders.

The program is equipped with a simple and intuitive interface. Menu typical of Windows programs, absent. Instead, a toolbar is used, which contains all the main functions of the program. It is possible to run the program in full screen mode.

In the settings, the user can specify page turning options, text formatting, etc.

Don't know how to open an fb2 file on your Android smartphone? There is a version of this program for this operating system, it is called FBReaderJ. Mobile app FBReaderJ allows you to open e-book formats such as oeb, ePub and fb2. It is possible to read books directly from zip, gzip and tar archives.

You can download the FBReader program on the official website.


CoolReader is a powerful e-book reader. Like the previous program, CoolReader is distributed with open source codes. There are versions for all popular platforms, including Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, OS/2, Android and Symbian OS.

With this program you can open FB2 files. CoolReader also supports CHM, TXT, EPUB (non-DRM), DOC, RTF, MOBI (non-DRM), PDB (PalmDOC, eReader), HTML and TCR formats.

Consider the main features of the CoolReader program:

  • Display one or two pages at the same time;
  • Ability to create bookmarks;
  • Support for cross-references and hyperlinks;
  • Search in the text of the book;
  • Display footnotes;
  • Reading books directly from without unpacking;
  • Recognition of text encodings;
  • View a list of recently opened e-books;
  • Reading books in full screen mode;
  • Work in portable mode, without installation;
  • Support additional fonts in TTF format;
  • Reading the text of the book aloud:

There is a version of this program for the Android operating system. The Android version has the following features:

  • Animation of turning pages;
  • Day and night reading modes (screen brightness and other parameters change);
  • Integrated file browser;
  • Ability to select and copy text;
  • Reading the text of the book aloud;

STDU Viewer

STDU Viewer - simple in various formats. If you do not know how to open fb2, but do not want to deal with complex programs, perhaps STDU Viewer will suit you best. The program is free for non-commercial use and works only under the operating system Windows system. With this program, you can open books in the following formats: FB2, PDF, DjVu, Comic Book Archive (CBR or CBZ), XPS, ePub and TCR.

STDU Viewer is equipped with simple interface with tab support. This means that you can open several fb2 files at the same time. This will be very convenient if you need to work with several books. An additional panel is located on the left side of the screen interface. With its help, you can view thumbnails of pages, bookmarks, and also search for the text of a book in fb2 format.

STDU Viewer is also equipped with some unique features. For example, you can print with print protection using this program.

You can download the program on the official website.

ICE Book Reader Professional

ICE Book Reader Professional is a powerful e-book reader. The program allows you to view and convert e-books in all popular programs. The program is free for CIS users. With ICE Book Reader Professional you can easily open fb2 files as well as e-books in other popular formats.

Supported formats include:

  • FictionBook files (all versions);
  • HTML;
  • Microsoft Word documents;
  • PALM books (.PDB and .PRC);
  • Microsoft Reader books (.LIT);
  • PSION/EPOC books (.TCR);
  • Microsoft HELP files (.CHM);

Consider the main features of the ICE Book Reader Professional program:

  • Converting e-books from one format to another;
  • Storing e-books and organizing your own e-library;
  • Smooth text scrolling;
  • Setting text formatting;
  • Book reading mode (more than one page of the test is displayed on the screen);
  • Advanced search in the text of the book;
  • Text encoding recognition;
  • Full Unicode support;
  • Create bookmarks;
  • Automatic memory of the page on which you finished reading;
  • Reading the text of the book aloud (with the ability to record the resulting MP3 / WAV file);
  • and much more;

You can download the program on the official website.

What is fb2 format

The FictionBook or fb2 format is XML file, in which each element of the book is described using special tags. Using the XML markup language, you can create e-books of any complexity. The fb2 standard was developed by a group of specialists led by Dmitry Gribov and Mikhail Matsnev.

The fb2 file contains all the necessary data to work with the book. In particular, the file contains information about the author and the book itself.

Fiction Book Editor is used to edit fb2 files. If you do not need an editing program and just want to open fb2 for reading, then check out the list of programs below.
