Popular apps for android. The most useful apps for Android: why you need to download it! SwiftKey Keyboard is the most functional keyboard

One of the reasons smartphones have got huge widescreens is to watch videos. Processors today can consume almost no energy when the smartphone is in video player mode, and in terms of the number of formats that a typical Android smartphone “pulls”, it is even cooler than computers. In theory, it will handle both the ancient videos of the early 90s and the new 4K video.

In theory, because standard video players in smartphones are made on the principle of "if only something would be played somehow." If you happen to record a bunch of movies from your computer to your smartphone to watch on the go, you run the risk of finding that half of the videos either won't open or play without picture and/or sound.

MX Player is an excellent omnivorous video player on Android

All this can be fixed by installing a truly omnivorous player. There are many of them, but MX is one of the most authoritative and sophisticated among its kind. It plays any video and music in a very economical mode even on old smartphones, can make the volume in video recordings twice as high as a standard player (in films with a quiet soundtrack, this is very useful), switch between several types of voice acting, scale the frame with a “pinch” ”, as in photos, and open videos from sites in a convenient Android player.

MX Player itself is free, but it is loaded with ads. The ad-free version is already worth the money. The only trouble is that, due to the greed of patent holders, support for the AC3 format (multichannel sound in modern films) needs to be downloaded and “fastened” separately. But take my word for it - the player is very good and deserves such trouble.

ES File Explorer - clean your smartphone from debris and transfer files over Wi-Fi

A long time ago, when Android was a semi-finished product, there were no smart file managers in it. In order to flaunt before the owners of iPhones the fact “look, I have everything laid out in folders, like on a computer!”, it was necessary to download a separate application for managing files.

Those days are long gone, and now there are commonplace programs for renaming, moving or copying files in every smartphone. But there are no quality ones among them.

ES File Explorer will help you transfer files over Wi-Fi and clean your system of junk

ES File Explorer was one of the first noteworthy file managers on Android, today it has grown in breadth and can do much more than the average user needs. But an active android phone user will definitely need the following “goodies”:

  • Ability to open files from the local network. For example, from a shared folder on your computer / laptop, or from a hard drive / flash drive that you plugged into the router.
  • Working with archives. Someday they will send you a pack of photos, a Word / Excel document inside a .zip, .rar or something even worse. ES Explorer will be able to open such archives without problems.
  • Drive Analysis. If the smartphone is full of files to the eyeballs, while it is not very clear why the place suddenly ended so abruptly, just press the "analysis" key in ES, after which it will show how much memory space is occupied by pictures / music / applications and games / documents, will arrange them from large to small and allow you to remove the "garbage" right in the same menu. An almost non-alternative function in terms of its convenience.
  • Transfer files between smartphones at Wi-Fi speed. It is unlikely that you send photos, music and videos to nearby mobile phones as often as in the era of polyphonic ringtones, but Bluetooth has been and has remained a dull and slow method of communication since then, and the normal universal way to transfer files over Wi-Fi is not came up with. More precisely, they came up with, but only between identical applications. If you and your friend have ES Explorer, you can send large files in two clicks at the highest possible speed between mobile phones - the file manager has a "sender" function for this case.

WPS Office - Word, Excel and all-all-all

During the existence of smartphones, standards files Microsoft Office(Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) at first were "heavy" exotics, then a revelation with which everyone tried to edit texts on tiny screens. Today, there are no miracles in viewing and finely editing text in documents and presentations. Another thing is that such files (+ documents of the format Adobe PDF) will be sent to you by e-mail from all sides, and there will be nothing to open them on your smartphone. You can, of course, keep the intrigue until you get to the desktop PC, but it is more reasonable to spend several tens of megabytes of memory on a ready-made set for opening and editing everything “office”.

WPS Office - Word, Excel and PowerPoint in your pocket

WPS Office (formerly Kingsoft Office if you're interested) isn't the coolest office suite of its kind, but it's free, bug-free, fast, and doesn't lack features even when compared to expensive alternatives. Recommended.

Weather/news widgets - not to turn on the TV

As in the case of file managers, smartphones are not deprived of informers about the temperature outside the window and the latest news, but the quality of standard widgets almost always leaves much to be desired. Therefore, we advise you to decorate the desktop with informational details from other developers.

The appearance and functionality of widgets is always a matter of taste, but in our opinion, Yandex offers the least catchy and at the same time functional options for weather and news. A side effect is the constant “steaming” of search, the Taxi application and other company products.

Weather and news will make the smartphone desktop always an interesting sight

At first, looking at headlines and weather instead of “wallpaper” on your desktop will be unusual, but take my word for it - very soon you will begin to enjoy the fact that you will know all the main events in the world before TV viewers and news readers on the Internet. It is also not necessary to delve only into political conflicts - car lovers or electronic devices can only receive information on their favorite topics.

Shazam - find out what song is playing

Every day you hear music, among which there are songs that seem to shock you. Because here, under this very song, you rushed under the Christmas tree as a child / were going on a first date / got a job / something else, but from the text in a foreign language it is still not clear what it is about, and you also don’t remember who He actually sings this song and what is the name of it.

With new smartphones, this is no longer a problem - you take out your “shovel” on Android from the wide legs, press the key. The smartphone listens to the song and calls the artist and the name of the song after a few seconds. That's what an app called Shazam is for.

Shazam: you will always know what music is playing nearby

Of course, Shazam, although it was one of the first, is far from the only one of its kind - Sony has similar applications, and even Google has recently begun to learn to recognize music. But Shazam has the largest knowledge base, so it's still the surest way to recognize music with a smartphone.

It seems to you now that such a function will not be needed regularly - when you begin to suffer after you heard a fragment of your favorite song, but did not find out who sings it, you will remember our words.

Currency converter - a tragedy with the dollar and the ruble in the lead roles

What are you laughing at? Have you already forgotten how you tore your hair on your head and rushed to stores for equipment in order to have time to buy it before the price tags are rewritten?

Of course, I would like to believe that the worst is behind us, and in the coming years we will not find sharp fluctuations of the ruble against the US dollar, but it will not be superfluous to keep an eye on how the national currency is doing so that later we will not learn the shocking truth last, from the evening news reports. And in general, a convenient tool for converting between currencies of different countries will come in handy on vacation and on business trips.

How is our long-suffering ruble doing there?

There are a lot of applications that can convert currencies, we will recommend one of the most obvious among them - Easy Currency Converter. Simple in appearance, with the ability to select "favorite" currencies and a chart with the dynamics of the exchange rate. That is, in addition to the current figures, you can always see how the ruble bounced / fell against the dollar over the next days, months or even years. Gourmets, by the way, can even glance at the so-called Russian Zen - the "holy trinity" of the dollar, euro and the price of a barrel of oil.

Messengers - VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, WhatsApp, Viber, Skype and others

A very naive item in our selection, but if you have just recently bought a smartphone, you should know that “smart phones” differ from simple ones by focusing on constant communication not only for calls and SMS in GSM networks, but also via the Internet. The ability to correspond in "ICQ" was in ancient times, but in new smartphones under Android control you have the opportunity to share huge amounts of information, video recordings, make video calls abroad for free!

A smartphone is an opportunity to communicate without regard to tariffs and distances

Because cellular operators have long transferred everyone to tariffs with a monthly fee, to which the serious shred of the Internet is “nailed”. This is enough to stop sending SMS and switch to communicating with friends and relatives online.

It is not necessary to install all instant messengers at once (although it is desirable) - select those in which you will keep in touch with someone. This will be enough.

Video on the network - "telly", online cinemas or short jokes

Of course, with a limited amount of traffic in the new cellular tariffs (Russian operators have removed the unlimited distance in order to “milk” subscribers more efficiently), it does not allow to accelerate much, but the Internet package is enough for a certain amount of video entertainment. And with periodic Wi-Fi at home or at work, you can get out even more efficiently.

If you didn't know, the "big three" (MTS, Beeline, MegaFon) mobile operators there is applications for watching TV via 3G/4G without spending traffic from the tariff. In MTS, for such a pleasure, they want a little money in excess of the tariff, Beeline has a small number of free channels + paid ones, MegaFon varies the number free tariffs depending on the amount of the subscription fee for your tariff. In any case, if you would like to watch TV away from the "box", pay attention to such services of cellular operators.

TV, movies or short videos - Android has it all

And if, on the contrary, you don’t want the TV to reach you from your mobile phone, install an online cinema for yourself to watch feature films or music videos. The most popular applications of this kind remain ivi.ru and Megogo, among unofficial (which are not in Google Play) and completely free clients you can note video mix , HD VideoBox and LazyIPTV.

One of the reasons smartphones have got huge widescreens is to watch videos. Processors today can consume almost no energy when the smartphone is in video player mode, and in terms of the number of formats that a typical Android smartphone “pulls”, it is even cooler than computers. In theory, it will handle both the ancient videos of the early 90s and the new 4K video.

In theory, because standard video players in smartphones are made on the principle of "if only something would be played somehow." If you happen to record a bunch of movies from your computer to your smartphone to watch on the go, you run the risk of finding that half of the videos either won't open or play without picture and/or sound.

MX Player is an excellent omnivorous video player on Android

All this can be fixed by installing a truly omnivorous player. There are many of them, but MX is one of the most authoritative and sophisticated among its kind. It plays any video and music in a very economical mode even on old smartphones, can make the volume in video recordings twice as high as a standard player (in films with a quiet soundtrack, this is very useful), switch between several types of voice acting, scale the frame with a “pinch” ”, as in photos, and open videos from sites in a convenient Android player.

MX Player itself is free, but it is loaded with ads. The ad-free version is already worth the money. The only trouble is that, due to the greed of patent holders, support for the AC3 format (multichannel sound in modern films) needs to be downloaded and “fastened” separately. But take my word for it - the player is very good and deserves such trouble.

ES File Explorer - clean your smartphone from debris and transfer files over Wi-Fi

A long time ago, when Android was a semi-finished product, there were no smart file managers in it. In order to flaunt before the owners of iPhones the fact “look, I have everything laid out in folders, like on a computer!”, it was necessary to download a separate application for managing files.

Those days are long gone, and now there are commonplace programs for renaming, moving or copying files in every smartphone. But there are no quality ones among them.

ES File Explorer will help you transfer files over Wi-Fi and clean your system of junk

ES File Explorer was one of the first noteworthy file managers on Android, today it has grown in breadth and can do much more than the average user needs. But an active android phone user will definitely need the following “goodies”:

  • Ability to open files from the local network. For example, from a shared folder on your computer / laptop, or from a hard drive / flash drive that you plugged into the router.
  • Working with archives. Someday they will send you a pack of photos, a Word / Excel document inside a .zip, .rar or something even worse. ES Explorer will be able to open such archives without problems.
  • Drive Analysis. If the smartphone is full of files to the eyeballs, while it is not very clear why the place suddenly ended so abruptly, just press the "analysis" key in ES, after which it will show how much memory space is occupied by pictures / music / applications and games / documents, will arrange them from large to small and allow you to remove the "garbage" right in the same menu. An almost non-alternative function in terms of its convenience.
  • Transfer files between smartphones at Wi-Fi speed. It is unlikely that you send photos, music and videos to nearby mobile phones as often as in the era of polyphonic ringtones, but Bluetooth has been and has remained a dull and slow method of communication since then, and the normal universal way to transfer files over Wi-Fi is not came up with. More precisely, they came up with, but only between identical applications. If you and your friend have ES Explorer, you can send large files in two clicks at the highest possible speed between mobile phones - the file manager has a "sender" function for this case.

WPS Office - Word, Excel and all-all-all

During the existence of smartphones, Microsoft Office standards files (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) were at first "unbearable" exotics, then a revelation with which everyone tried to edit texts on tiny screens. Today, there are no miracles in viewing and finely editing text in documents and presentations. Another thing is that such files (+ Adobe PDF documents) will be sent to you by e-mail from all sides, and there will be nothing to open them on a smartphone. You can, of course, keep the intrigue until you get to the desktop PC, but it is more reasonable to spend several tens of megabytes of memory on a ready-made set for opening and editing everything “office”.

WPS Office - Word, Excel and PowerPoint in your pocket

WPS Office (formerly Kingsoft Office if you're interested) isn't the coolest office suite of its kind, but it's free, bug-free, fast, and doesn't lack features even when compared to expensive alternatives. Recommended.

Weather/news widgets - not to turn on the TV

As in the case of file managers, smartphones are not deprived of informers about the temperature outside the window and the latest news, but the quality of standard widgets almost always leaves much to be desired. Therefore, we advise you to decorate the desktop with informational details from other developers.

The appearance and functionality of widgets is always a matter of taste, but in our opinion, Yandex offers the least catchy and at the same time functional options for weather and news. A side effect is the constant “steaming” of search, the Taxi application and other company products.

Weather and news will make the smartphone desktop always an interesting sight

At first, looking at headlines and weather instead of “wallpaper” on your desktop will be unusual, but take my word for it - very soon you will begin to enjoy the fact that you will know all the main events in the world before TV viewers and news readers on the Internet. It is also not necessary to delve only into political conflicts - lovers of cars or electronic devices can only receive information on their favorite topics.

Shazam - find out what song is playing

Every day you hear music, among which there are songs that seem to shock you. Because here, under this very song, you rushed under the Christmas tree as a child / were going on a first date / got a job / something else, but from the text in a foreign language it is still not clear what it is about, and you also don’t remember who He actually sings this song and what is the name of it.

With new smartphones, this is no longer a problem - you take out your “shovel” on Android from the wide legs, press the key. The smartphone listens to the song and calls the artist and the name of the song after a few seconds. That's what an app called Shazam is for.

Shazam: you will always know what music is playing nearby

Of course, Shazam, although it was one of the first, is far from the only one of its kind - Sony has similar applications, and even Google has recently begun to learn to recognize music. But Shazam has the largest knowledge base, so it's still the surest way to recognize music with a smartphone.

It seems to you now that such a function will not be needed regularly - when you begin to suffer after you heard a fragment of your favorite song, but did not find out who sings it, you will remember our words.

Currency converter - a tragedy with the dollar and the ruble in the lead roles

What are you laughing at? Have you already forgotten how you tore your hair on your head and rushed to stores for equipment in order to have time to buy it before the price tags are rewritten?

Of course, I would like to believe that the worst is behind us, and in the coming years we will not find sharp fluctuations of the ruble against the US dollar, but it will not be superfluous to keep an eye on how the national currency is doing so that later we will not learn the shocking truth last, from the evening news reports. And in general, a convenient tool for converting between currencies of different countries will come in handy on vacation and on business trips.

How is our long-suffering ruble doing there?

There are a lot of applications that can convert currencies, we will recommend one of the most obvious among them - Easy Currency Converter. Simple in appearance, with the ability to select "favorite" currencies and a chart with the dynamics of the exchange rate. That is, in addition to the current figures, you can always see how the ruble bounced / fell against the dollar over the next days, months or even years. Gourmets, by the way, can even glance at the so-called Russian Zen - the "holy trinity" of the dollar, euro and the price of a barrel of oil.

Messengers - VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, WhatsApp, Viber, Skype and others

A very naive item in our selection, but if you have just recently bought a smartphone, you should know that “smart phones” differ from simple ones by focusing on constant communication not only for calls and SMS in GSM networks, but also via the Internet. The ability to correspond in "ICQ" was in ancient times, but in new Android smartphones you have the opportunity to share huge amounts of information, video recordings, make video calls abroad for free!

A smartphone is an opportunity to communicate without regard to tariffs and distances

Because cellular operators have long transferred everyone to tariffs with a monthly fee, to which the serious shred of the Internet is “nailed”. This is enough to stop sending SMS and switch to communicating with friends and relatives online.

It is not necessary to install all instant messengers at once (although it is desirable) - select those in which you will keep in touch with someone. This will be enough.

Video on the network - "telly", online cinemas or short jokes

Of course, with a limited amount of traffic in the new cellular tariffs (Russian operators have removed the unlimited distance in order to “milk” subscribers more efficiently), it does not allow to accelerate much, but the Internet package is enough for a certain amount of video entertainment. And with periodic Wi-Fi at home or at work, you can get out even more efficiently.

If you didn’t know, the “big three” (MTS, Beeline, MegaFon) mobile operators have applications for watching TV via 3G/4G without spending traffic from the tariff. In MTS, for such a pleasure, they want a little money in excess of the tariff, in Beeline there are a small number of free channels + paid ones, MegaFon varies the number of free tariffs depending on the amount of the subscription fee for your tariff. In any case, if you would like to watch TV away from the "box", pay attention to such services of cellular operators.

TV, movies or short videos - Android has it all

And if, on the contrary, you don’t want the TV to reach you from your mobile phone, install an online cinema for yourself to watch feature films or music videos. The most popular applications of this kind remain ivi.ru and Megogo, among unofficial (which are not on Google Play) and completely free clients, one can note video mix , HD VideoBox and LazyIPTV.

Each of us uses the capabilities of our smartphone in different ways: it depends on the type of activity, the range of tasks to be solved, interests and other factors. Some old-fashioned people are content only with the phone capabilities of the device, others combine voice communication with communication on social networks, web surfing and games, others use gadgets with might and main for taking photos and videos, navigating, exercising banking operations reading books. There are also many who use a smartphone or tablet in business activities: to work with electronic correspondence and documents, operational communication with colleagues and partners, and business development. The scope of mobile technology is huge, but few are aware of the existence of products in the Google Play app store that allow you to look at familiar devices from a completely different perspective and fully reveal their potential. Interested? Then let's move on to an illustrated review of the twenty most unusual applications for Android!

Our TOP 20 opens with a couple of applications that have the same name Smart Tools and are available for download at this and this links on Google Play. With their help, it will not be difficult to turn a smartphone into a “Swiss army knife” and use it as a sound level meter, range finder, vibration meter, metal detector, light meter, thermometer, radar for measuring the speed of moving objects, level, magnifying glass, metronome, tuning fork, cardiograph and a dozen other useful household tools. For the full operation of both programs, it is necessary to support a whole bunch of sensors in the mobile device: illumination, proximity, accelerometer / gyroscope, magnetometer (digital compass), barometer and others. Of course, you should not count on the accuracy of the measurements made by Smart Tools, but in some cases such a set of software assistants can do a good job. For example, it can come in handy for hastily searching for hidden wiring in a wall or leveling washing machine along the horizontal plane.

Since we are talking about measuring tools, Planimeter can be an excellent addition to the applications mentioned above - a tool for determining distance, area, perimeter, angles on the ground using Google Maps and a GPS / GLONASS receiver built into a smartphone. Such a program can be used in various fields: field and agricultural work, planning, construction, travel and entertainment. It can also be useful for real estate agents. To calculate the perimeter or area of ​​any object (for example, a land plot), it is enough to set the starting point on the map, enable route tracking, and then walk around the object. Planimeter will automatically perform all calculations and give you the measurement result. Similarly, you can measure the distance between two points on the map and the angles between lines.

More progressive in terms of measurements is the Radioactivity Counter program, which allows you to seriously use your smartphone as ... the simplest radiation dosimeter! To monitor the radiation situation, a photosensitive matrix of a mobile phone camera is used, the lens of which must first be covered with a dark film - for example, from a floppy disk or an x-ray. After that, you will need to calibrate the application according to the instructions on the developers' website, and you can start measuring the background radiation. The link also presents various research materials, the results of experiments using professional equipment and demonstration videos, confirming the practical value and performance of the Radioactivity Counter.

High school students and students of technical universities will definitely enjoy the PhotoMath application for solving mathematical problems using a smartphone camera and optical recognition technology for Optical Character Recognition (OCR) tests. The principle of working with the program is simple, like everything ingenious: just point the camera at a mathematical problem, and PhotoMath will immediately give an answer and provide detailed information. step by step solution. The capabilities of the application allow you to recognize not only printed, but also handwritten text, as well as make edits to scanned formulas and equations. In fairness, we note that such a mobile assistant can be useful not only to students, but also to parents - to check the correctness of children's homework.

The review would not be complete without mentioning Im2Calories, Google's experimental application that allows you to determine the calorie content of food from a photo. developers, the artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies involved in the program allow it to determine the type of product, its ingredients and serving size with high accuracy, and then, based on the information received, draw a conclusion about the number of calories contained in the dish. However, it is not necessary that the picture be high definition, - even a photo from Instagram is enough. Unfortunately, not yet known, when exactly will the full release of Im2Calories take place. As soon as the application sees the light, we will definitely tell you more about it.

Another noteworthy creation of the Google team is the PhotoScan application for creating digital copies of memorable and dear paper photos. According to the creators of the program, it does not just take a snapshot of the image, but transfers it to digital media from high quality. Using artificial intelligence technologies, PhotoScan independently determines the boundaries, aligns the image, changes its orientation, and removes unnecessary glare. As a result of scanning, copies of the correct rectangular shape with corrected perspective are obtained, which can be saved in the smartphone’s memory or in the cloud. Google service photos.

Do not lag behind and domestic organizations, including state. One of them is federal Service for the regulation of the alcohol market (Rosalkogolregulirovanie), which created the Anti-Counterfeit Alco application, which is relevant for lovers of "take on the chest", which is designed to determine the authenticity of alcoholic products. Using the phone camera, the program reads the excise stamp (or the barcode on the check), checks with the Unified State Automated information system(EGAIS) and displays the results of the check on the screen. You can immediately report the found violation to the Federal Alcohol Regulation Agency and notify the department about the illegal point of sale of alcohol. Also in the application there is a map of stores that have a license to sell alcohol. In the light of cases of mass poisoning of the population with methyl alcohol and counterfeit alcoholic products, widely discussed in the media, it is definitely not worth writing off AntiCounterfeit Alco.

For motorists, our selection includes three programs at once: Auto Acceleration, Car Alarm and MeteoMoyka. The first allows you to turn your smartphone into a device for measuring the acceleration time of a car up to 100 km/h, the second into a simple alarm to protect against theft, damage or evacuation of a car, the third into an assistant that suggests the most successful day for car washing and automatically builds a route to the nearest car washes. The fundamental difference between the Auto Acceleration application and its competitors is the use of information from two sensors: a GPS receiver and an accelerometer. They are also involved in Car Alarm, which controls the location vehicle and in the event of an alarm notifying the owner by a call or SMS. A feature of MeteoMoyka is a system for analyzing meteorological data and evaluating the weather forecast for several days in advance. It is she who determines the most suitable time for washing vehicles.

A good addition to the set of mentioned programs for motorists is the Nexar application - AI Dashcam, which turns a smartphone into an advanced DVR that can simultaneously record video from the front and rear cameras, analyze the traffic situation on the fly and inform the driver about emerging dangers.

Thanks to the ABBYY FineScanner app, your smartphone can Android based can cope with the role of a pocket scanner for documents and books. Created Russian developer the product allows you to create PDF or JPG files from any printed documents (invoices, certificates, contracts, personal documents). The program has built-in OCR technology that recognizes texts in 193 languages ​​and uploads results in 12 popular formats, including DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, PDF, while maintaining formatting. Ready documents can be transferred to any of eight cloud storages, printed, sent by e-mail, opened in another PDF application. To scan book and magazine publications, ABBYY FineScanner provides the BookScan function, which automatically splits a photographed spread of a book into two pages, straightens line bends, removes defects, and makes a scanner copy that can be recognized and received as an edited file.

IT system administrators should bookmark the aptly named Web Monitor for monitoring and diagnosing servers on TCP/IP networks. The program periodically, with a specified time interval, sends requests to the sites set in the settings, captures the responses received from them and generates detailed statistics on the operation of network nodes. When using such a mobile tool, it will not be difficult to find out if the server is functioning, whether it “hangs” and when it was unavailable, as well as analyze the quality and load of the communication channel. In fact, Web Monitor is an improved version of the Ping diagnostic utility included with all modern operating systems and designed to check connections in networks based on TCP / IP.

A more perfect and technologically advanced analogue of Web Monitor is Pulseway - software package for comprehensive monitoring of workstations and servers running Windows, macOS and Linux platforms, as well as virtual environments Microsoft Hyper-V, VMware and XenServer, MS database management systems SQL Server, IIS servers, Exchange, Active Directory and other enterprise level services. With it, you can remotely monitor the operation of devices and tasks performed, view screenshots, analyze equipment performance, receive information about the status of services and services, as well as errors and failures in the systems. Pulseway allows you to send commands to remote machines: reboot them, suspend processes, send messages to authorized users, and perform other operations with complete list which can be found on the pulseway.com product site. The collection of necessary information and management of computers is carried out through special software clients installed on workstations and servers.

Well, the WiFi Analyzer mobile tool closes our selection, allowing you to use your smartphone as network scanner. The program scans the air for Wi-Fi signals, determines the signal strength of each of the detected networks, as well as their characteristics (SSID, channel, encryption method, MAC address of the router, etc.) and, based on the information collected, draws visual graphs that reflect a clear picture wireless networks. WiFi Analyzer supports working with different frequency bands and can be used to determine the optimal settings and location of Wi-Fi devices in order to improve the quality of signal reception and correctly build wireless networks. local networks In the organisation. The application can serve well when conducting a network security audit and troubleshooting network equipment.

Is it possible to imagine a modern mobile device without applications? Not! After all, the filling is the most interesting thing. Someone is fond of games, give someone news from all over the world - everyone has different tastes, no doubt. But the 25 applications that are collected in this post managed to win the recognition of a really huge audience and were downloaded the maximum number of times!

So, here is the hit parade of the most downloaded applications in the world!

25. Weather Channel

There are dozens and thousands of weather apps, but none of them has become as popular and recognizable as this one. And, apparently, for good reason!

24. Voice Search

The Voice Search application is a Google product that allows you to search for information on the Internet using voice dialing. In 2014, the application was updated, and now users can voice dialing choose from 5 possible languages ​​that the application understands and can process.


If someone had told you earlier that an application would be created that would allow you to call anywhere in the world for free, you would probably laugh in his face. But Viber made this dream a reality for us, for which we thank him more humanly!

22. Temple Run (and Temple Run 2)

This mega-popular gaming application was originally developed exclusively for Apple devices, and a version for Android was later created. The app has won the hearts of gamers around the world and the numbers speak for themselves - since the game's release in 2011, the app has been downloaded over one billion times.

21. Talking Tom and Friends (Talking Tom and Friends)

This application received an award as " Best game for iPad: Kids, Education & Family at the 2014 Tabby Awards, an international competition for tablet apps. Perfect for parents looking for something to keep their kids busy.

20. Shazam

Shazam is a veteran app today, but when it first launched in 1999, Shazam was a real breakthrough with its music recognition capabilities. 17 years later, the app boasts 100 million regular users and over 500 million downloads. The creators of the app also estimate that since its release, the Shazam app has been used to identify over 15 billion songs!

19. Pandora Internet Radio

Pandora Internet Radio, also known as Pandora Radio, is today the world's most popular music listening and auto-matching service with millions of users worldwide. As Elvis would say, 150 million fans can't be wrong.


If your eyes don't get tired of watching your favorite series and shows on the small screen of your mobile device, then this app is just made for you!


Instagram is said to be the best app for uploading and viewing photos in 2015. Well, judging by the millions of downloads of this app, Instagram really rocks!

16. Google Translate (Google translator)

Google Translate is a multilingual application from Google Inc. that is used to translate texts from one language to another. The app supports over 90 languages ​​and is used by over 200 million people daily.

15. Fruit Ninja Free

Fruit Ninja Free is a game application developed by Halfbrick Studios in Brisbane, Australia. The game was released on April 21, 2010 as an app for iPhone and iPad and has since become the second most successful game app for Apple devices after the video game Angry Birds.

14. Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger - free app that allows the exchange text messages based on the social network Facebook.

13. eBay

The popularity of the eBay application has grown and continues to grow, because shopping on the Internet is becoming more convenient and popular every year.

12. Dropbox

There is no app better than Dropbox to sync your smartphone with your computer and other devices based on your account. The company's acquisition earlier this year of CloudOn, a leader in document creation and editing, has made the application even more powerful. Well, isn't that wonderful, huh?

11. Amazon Kindle

In June 2010, Amazon released an Android app called Amazon Kindle, followed by an iOS version.

10. Google Street View

The Google Street View app, as well as the Street View feature in the Google Maps and Google Earth provide users with the opportunity to see panoramas of streets in various cities of the world from the point of view of a person located there. The app was launched in 2007 and then provided a panoramic view of the streets of only a few cities in the US, today the app includes visual information about cities and areas around the world.

9. Angry Birds

Without a doubt, Angry Birds is the most popular gaming app in the world. And really, how can you not love these crazy, colorful, vicious birds?

8 Skype

A simple but damn popular video chat app with people around the world, suitable for absolutely any device: computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone.


6. whatsapp messenger

WhatsApp Messenger is the world's most popular and most downloaded instant messaging app with over 800 million regular users worldwide.

5. YouTube

An interesting fact about YouTube app is that it gained its popularity and became the leader in downloads in the AppStore only in 2012, when Apple removed it from the set of applications installed by default. Today, YouTube is one of the top five most downloaded apps in the world.

4. Google Search (Google Search)

Just click OK, and Google will answer absolutely any question that interests you at the moment. And if you think about it, a billion downloads just means a billion happy users who have found answers to their questions.


With over half a billion users, Gmail is one of the most popular apps and the most popular email service in the world.

2. Facebook

Let's not dissemble, an absolute hypocrite among social networks- the Facebook application simply should be on every smartphone.

1.Chrome Browser

Google's Chrome browser is one of the cleanest, fastest and best internet browsers in the world. And it's not surprising that chrome app Browser has been consistently ranked as the top most downloaded app in the world for the last couple of years.

There are many amazing apps for Android. But their usefulness is usually limited by the habits of the people who use them. Without further delay, here are the best apps for Android right now. This is not a diamond list.

The best weather app for Android

1Weather is perhaps the best weather app for Android. It has a simple, paginated design that shows the weather, up to 12 days forecast, and other useful information. Other than that, you get a pretty decent set of easily customizable widgets, such as a bad weather notification. Perhaps its best feature is its minimalist design, which simply shows the weather (and interesting facts, if you will). AT free version all functions are available. For 62 rubles, you can remove ads. Otherwise, both versions work the same way. Most will also probably like a range of interesting facts about the weather, which is in the application. Others may also recommend good apps weather like Dark Sky, Weather Underground and Today Weather.

The best access control apps for Android

Bouncer is the best Android app in 2018. It is designed to improve user security and privacy. The app allows you to manage permissions and data access by other apps. So, for example, you can only give Facebook your location when you are on the social network. Bouncer will disable access as soon as you close the Facebook app. This is a great way to manage access without going into your phone's settings. The app costs $69 and should work with most (if not all) apps. There are rumors that such a feature will be in Android Q. If this is true, then even Google has found something for itself in this application.

The best Android app for backing up and working with office documents.

Google Drive is a cloud service from Google where all new users get 15 GB when they sign up for an account. You can of course buy more if needed. It includes Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, Google Photos, Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Keep. Think for yourself you have an app for just about everything. This is an office application, the Photos application (with its help it makes it possible to make backup unlimited photos). Some features of these apps support joint work real-time sharing and there is compatibility with Microsoft Office. I note that Microsoft Office has a similar OneDrive and Office application. Which makes it a great alternative to Google Drive. However, Google...

The best navigation app for Android

Google Maps is the de facto leader in navigation apps and remains one of the best apps for Android. They receive frequent, almost weekly updates, constantly expanding their already generous list of features. In addition to standard navigation functions, there is information about attractions, traffic data, gas station labels, hotels, and even offline maps.

Best voice assistant for Android

This is one very powerful application. It supports most Android devices. You simply download the application and run it. The assistant will answer all questions and support different teams. You can control the brightness, ask about the population of Russia, and it can even solve simple math problems. There are already many devices that support this assistant, including Bose QC II Bluetooth headphones, Chromecast, Google Home speaker, etc. There is also a second google app Assistant for those who want to have a launcher icon on their home screen. Google Assistant completely free. Amazon Alexa is another great app in the series, but it doesn't play well with Android yet.

best service online music for android

I have already reviewed. Google Play Music is the best streaming service today. The application can play both local and online music. In addition, you can upload tens of thousands of songs to the service for free.

The best password manager for android.

LastPass is one of the must-have apps for Android. This password manager will keep your passwords safe. In addition, it can generate almost impossible passwords to use in accounts. The application is cross-platform, so it can be used on a computer, smartphone, tablet, and so on. There are others good managers passwords such as 1Password, Dashlane, KeepassDroid and more. However, LastPass is a bit friendlier, especially with the additional LastPass Authenticator app.

The best launcher for Android

Initially, I did not intend to place a launcher on this list. But, Nova Launcher seems to go beyond . He is many years old, but frequent updates don't let the pedestal come down. It has many features, including backup and restore desktop settings, icon themes for most applications. A large number of desktop settings elements, application panels and much more. You can even make it look like the Pixel Launcher if you wish. If you opt for the premium version, you can customize gestures, notification icons, and many other features. Those who are looking for something more simple can try Lawnchair Launcher, Hyperion Launcher and Rootless Launcher.

Pocket Casts

The best podcast app for android.

Those who love podcasts probably already know and choose Pocket Casts. This is a stable and attractive application that allows you to download and stream podcasts. It supports both audio and video podcasts. There is a light and dark theme, an account feature that allows you to sync all your podcasts to different devices and a pretty decent recommendation feature. This is the best podcast app for android and you should definitely try it.

Pulse SMS

The best SMS app for Android

There are many great SMS apps out there. However, one thing stands above them all - it's Pulse SMS. The app comes with themes, GIF support, password protected chats, a spammer blacklist, dual SIM support, and more. I recommend this application to anyone who wants to control their SMS and have access to them from other devices, including a computer. It is also worth paying attention to the Textra application.

Solid Explorer - File Manager

Best file manager on Android.

Browsing files is something that any user has to deal with. You can do this with the powerful file manager Solid Explorer. It includes Material Design, archiving support, support for the most popular cloud services, and even features like FTP, SFPT, WebDav, and SMB/CIFS. Looks great, incredibly stable and just works great. There is a 14-day free trial version, full costs 99 rubles. This is by far the best file manager for Android.

The best keyboard for Android

SwiftKey Keyboard is one of the most powerful and customizable third party keyboards out there. It was released a few years ago with a predictive engine unlike any other keyboard, and the app has grown substantially over the years. It's free, but you can buy themes for it if you want. Other features worth noting are SwiftKey Flow, which allows you to type with gestures. There is support for multiple languages, synchronization between devices and much more. True, Microsoft bought SwiftKey, but until today they have not had time to spoil the application. Google's Gboard keyboard is also very good and comes in second in the rankings.
