How to install Google services after flashing. Install Google Apps on any smartphone Installing GApps through the application

An important factor influencing the functionality of the Android OS and the list of capabilities that the system user receives is the presence of Google services in one or another firmware version. What to do if the familiar Google Play Market and other company applications are missing? There are quite simple ways correction of the situation, about which we'll talk in the material below.

Official firmware from the manufacturer for Android devices often stops developing, that is, they are not updated after a fairly short time from the release of the device. In this case, the user is forced to resort to using modified versions of the OS from third-party developers. It is these custom firmwares that most often do not include Google services for a number of reasons, and the owner of a smartphone or tablet has to install the latter themselves.

In addition to unofficial versions of Android, the lack of necessary components from Google can be characterized by software shells from many Chinese device manufacturers. For example, purchased on Aliexpress Xiaomi smartphones, Meizu and devices from little-known brands often do not carry the necessary applications.

The solution to the problem of missing Google applications on an Android device in most cases is to install components called Gapps and offered by the OpenGapps project team.

There are two ways to get the usual services on any firmware. It is difficult to determine which solution will be more preferable; the performance of one or another method is determined largely specific model device and the version of the installed system.

Method 1: Open Gapps Manager

The simplest method of installing Google applications and services on almost any firmware is to use the Open Gapps Manager Android application.

The method only works if you have root rights on the device!

Downloading the application installer is available on the official website.

  1. Download the application file using the link above, and then place it in internal memory or to the device’s memory card, if the download was carried out from a PC.
  2. Let's launch opengapps-app-v***.apk, using any file manager for Android.
  3. If a request appears to prohibit the installation of packages received from unknown sources, we provide the system with the opportunity to install them by checking the corresponding item in the settings menu
  4. Follow the installer's instructions.
  5. Once the installation is complete, launch Open Gapps Manager.
  6. It is very convenient that the tool immediately after launch determines the type installed processor, as well as the Android version on which the installed firmware is based.

    We do not change the parameters defined by the Open Gapps Manager setup wizard by clicking "Further" until the package selection screen appears.

  7. At this stage, the user needs to determine the list of Google applications that will be installed. There is a fairly extensive list of options here.

    You can find out more about what components are included in a particular package. In most cases you can choose a package "Pico", including PlayMarket and related services, and subsequently download the missing applications from the Google application store.

  8. After defining all the parameters, click "Download" and wait for the components to load, after which the block will become available "Install package".
  9. We provide root rights to the application. To do this, open the function menu and select "Settings", then scroll down the list of options, find the item "Use administrator rights", set the switch to position "On" Next, answer positively the request to grant Superuser rights to the tool in the request window of the root rights management manager.
  10. Read also: Obtaining root rights using KingROOT, Framaroot, Root Genius, Kingo Root

  11. Return to the main screen of the application, click "Install" and confirm all program requests.
  12. The installation is performed automatically, and during the installation process the device will reboot. If the operation is successful, the device will start with Google services.

Method 2: Modified recovery

The above method of obtaining Gapps on an Android device is a relatively new proposal from the OpenGapps project and does not work in all cases. The most in an effective way to install the components in question is to flash a specially prepared zip package via custom recovery.


To install Gapps on an Android device, you must have a modified TeamWin Recovery (TWRP) or ClockworkMod Recovery (CWM) recovery environment.

You can read about installing custom recovery and working with them in the materials on our website:

As you can see, bringing Google services to Android, if they are not available after flashing the device, is not only possible, but also relatively simple. The most important thing is to use tools from reputable developers.

Sometimes it happens that you come across a smartphone that is good for everyone, but it does not have proprietary Google applications. And no matter how everyone around shouts about bloatware, it turns out that Google software is a nice thing, but living without it is not so convenient. At the very least, the lack of an app store greatly undermines the positive impressions Google Play.

This often happens if you use some kind of chinese smartphone, since Google does not give everyone permission to pre-install its application package. Or something similar can be found in emulators; a good example is the good Remix OS, but without the Google Play Store it’s not entirely convenient. Or another option - custom firmware. Again, not all romodels include Google applications in their default firmware. Or again the Chinese, for example, MIUIm if you download not the global one, but Chinese version, then you definitely won’t find Google Applications there. By the way, they are almost always and everywhere abbreviated as GApps.

GApps must include: Google Play and Google Services. And they will already give you access to all other content.

Installing GApps via the application

There is a fairly simple way to install GApps on your smartphone using the Google Installer application. Something like rooting Android in one click. You just need to download the apk, install the application, which will already be installed on your smartphone Google services. Just select what you need from the list. You can download New Google Installer from the link. Or, for example, in the Chinese Market "Mi Market".

Installing GApps through recovery

The second option for installing GApps on a device is somewhat more complicated, but it is suitable for those for whom the first one did not work, and this sometimes happens.

Here you need to be careful when downloading GApps specifically for the version of the system that you have on your device. For example, if you are working with KitKat 4.4, then GApps should be taken specifically for KitKat to avoid problems. Android version You can always look in the settings. You can download GApps for Android of various versions. Western fellow flash developers have carefully collected GApps for Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean, KitKat, Lollipop in one place. We select and download what you need, transfer the resulting archive to the memory card of your device.

Next, you will need a custom recovery that can install Android patches from zip archives. Here for each device individually. Most likely you will have to get and install ClockworkMod Recovery or TWRP or similar.

You can reboot into recovery on most smartphones by holding down the power button + volume down (or power button + volume up) for a few seconds.

Then you just need to select "Install zip from SD Card", specify the path to the previously downloaded file and wait a few seconds until the patch is flashed into the system. Reboot the device and wait until the cache is updated. Voila, you have a device with Google Apps.

It is very important not to forget about the importance of backups if you are doing something through recovery. It would be better to spend a few extra minutes of time, but you will quickly be able to revive your gadget, saving all the data, rather than later having to suffer, remembering what was lost, and in addition, looking for recovery manuals.

Should I talk?

Thank you! After the firmware custom firmware tablet - I was racking my brain for a long time on how to install gapps - for some reason I didn’t want to install it through recovery, but it turned out to be much simpler!

In this post we will tell you how to install stock correctly Android 4.2.2 With HTC One Google Edition for other models HTC One. This firmware is not official, as it has undergone a number of changes. XDA forum member bigxie made sure that ROM possessed root-access. You can read about other changes at this link. And so, if you want to get from your HTC One all those features that are characteristic Nexus devices, then in this post you will find all the necessary information.

The main features of this firmware are: stock version Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean with all updated Google applications; new camera; working Wi-Fi/Bluetooth; switch for Beats Audio in sound and kernel settings Tbalden 4.2.2. To get it all on your own without any problems HTC One, you will have to perform a number of preparatory steps and take into account several important nuances:

  • use this manual only for HTC One with the following code names: m7ul, m7tmo, m7att
  • the smartphone must be unlocked and received on the device root access and installed custom recovery image (CWM or TWRP). This manual describes how to work with TWRP
  • use mode recovery, to create Nandroid backup of the current OS version. In the future, this will allow you to restore old firmware, if you don’t like the new one, or you can’t complete the installation
  • when installing new firmware you will need to do wipe, because of this, all your data and settings will be lost, so create backups everyone installed applications, SMS messages, call lists, Internet settings and other key OS elements
  • on HTC One enable USB debugging option
  • charge your smartphone battery
  • remember that all responsibility for the operation lies solely with you
  • Be careful and careful, try not to miss anything or rearrange anything. If you have any problems, you can use the manual

Now that you know how to properly prepare your device for installing a new one ROM, you can go directly to the main operation.

Install stock Android 4.2.2 Google Play Edition on

1. Download the update file ( ROM zip) . Save it to your PC, but do not extract it.

2. Connect your smartphone to your computer and move the above file to HTC One. Disconnect the device from the PC.

3. Turn off HTC One.

4. Boot the device into mode recovery.

5. Go to the "Backup" option and create Nandroid backup current OS.

6. Return to the main screen and go to the "Wipe" option. Select " Factory Reset" and confirm the start of the process.

7. Return to the main screen again and select the "Install" option. Find ROM zip file and upload it to TWRP.

8. Confirm that you really want to install the file. The process will take a few minutes.

9. Select the "Reboot" option and then "System". The device should reboot to normal mode.

10. Don't forget that the first boot can last from 5 to 10 minutes. Don't panic and wait.

That's all. Now you know how to install Android 4.2.2 JB ROM from to standard HTC One M7. If new firmware If you don't like it, you can restore the old one. To do this, you need to reboot your smartphone into recovery, select the "Restore" option and restore the previously created Nandroid backup.
