Meizu m3 note how to download applications. We solve problems with Google Play in Meizu smartphones. If your Meizu does not open Google Play

In this article, we tell you how to make Google services systemic in the Flyme shell of your Meizu smartphone. This is important for the correct operation of the device (stable receipt of notifications from various applications, getting rid of unnecessary background processes, which will improve the autonomy of the device.) We need Root. (When the Flyme account is activated: Settings->Security->Root-access) This instruction is relevant for smartphones with a clean, just updated system, if Google services have already been installed, then they must be removed from the GMS installer application and then restart the smartphone, ideal will reinstall the update marked "Clear Data".

So, we act step by step: 1. After installing the update and turning on the device for the first time, the Hot Apps installer will offer to download Google services, we ignore this message. Further on the link, you need to download another installer of Google services to your smartphone (the installation process will take time).

1.1. We restart the smartphone. Activate your Google account and check the work Play market, install google app, if using voice commands "Ok Google"

2. The next step is to download and install Link2SD, grant Root rights.

2.1. In this application, you need to find everything related to Google and make each application a system one. To do this, after selecting the application, we perform a long press until the menu opens, in which we select "Convert to system", after each action a reboot will be offered, but we ignore it, and at the end of the conversion of all applications to system ones, restart the smartphone manually.

2.2. Improving autonomy. Launch Link2SD and after a long press on the application, delete or freeze it:

App Center - (delete if you do not download Chinese software)

Hot Apps - (delete if not using)

System update - (freeze, for those who update the firmware manually. This process is always active in the background).

Cloud Service - (Freeze)

Pico TTS - (freeze, Chinese speech synthesizer)

SIM tools - (freeze, these are operator services: horoscopes, latest news, weather).

Useful and Weather app - (delete if not in use).

Attention!!! We are strictly limited to this list, when deleting or freezing other applications, it is possible to get malfunctions in the smartphone.

To adapt the changes made by the system, it is recommended to restart the smartphone once a day for several days. This instruction makes the correct operation of Google services in your Meizu (including Okay, Google will start working from any desktop or application). On various forums, users came to the conclusion that the Chinese installer Google Installer does not quite correctly install Google services, which is why some files are missing in their usual places. This may be the reason for the unstable operation of the Play Market, data synchronization and notifications.

From 2016 to mobile devices ah Meizu no longer has Google services pre-installed. The exact reasons for these changes are unknown. Someone talks about showdowns in the manufacturer’s internal kitchen, and someone praises the Chinese company for providing the user with the maximum choice of application options and refusing to preinstall even seemingly completely irreplaceable ones like Google Play.

But, of course, the vast majority of users this application needed when using your smartphone. Therefore, the question is relevant for them: how is the Play Market installed on the Meise M5 or other gadgets released after 2016, independently? There are several ways to solve this issue at once. The most popular can be grouped into three groups:

  1. Through the built-in installer.
  2. Through an additional application.
  3. Directly through the apk file.

We will tell you about the details of each method, the advantages and disadvantages of each of them in this article.

Although Meizu does not install Google services, it has made sure that users do not experience problems downloading them on their smartphones on their own. In particular, you can download the Play Market on Meizu M5 using the installer, which is installed by default on your mobile device. To do this, we do the following:

  1. We go to the desktop of the phone and look for an icon called « Hot Apps» or "Best» (Depending on the firmware, the name may differ).
  2. Click on the icon and see a list of programs available for installation. Use the Hot Apps app to download any of them. To do this, simply click the button "Download".

The only important condition for downloading will be a stable internet connection. Its type does not matter - it can be either a mobile data transfer (of course, if you have a tariff that allows you to inexpensively download programs from the Internet), or a connection to WiFi networks. Installation is fast enough, because the program is small. When you have finished using the Hot Apps application or "Best" and successfully download Google services, a notification will appear on the screen. Now it remains to restart the smartphone for the changes to take effect.

Immediately after reloading, the Play Market will appear on the desktop. Now, if desired, you can remove the standard installer. As practice shows, it is needed only for the initial download of Google services, and in the future all downloads will go through the Play Market.

App Center App

If for some reason you were unable to complete the installation in the previous way, then there are other options on how to download the Play Market on the Meise M5. You can do this using the App Center app. In many gadgets shipped directly from China, it is installed by default. This program is a kind of gallery through which other applications are downloaded. To solve our problem, we perform the following steps:

  1. We find on the desktop of the smartphone an icon called App Center.
  2. We click on the search button, which is usually located at the very bottom, after which we write in it « Google». Since the program is Chinese, it is not surprising that the names of the programs are written in Chinese here. But you can focus, for example, on program icons that are well known to every user. Yes, and Google Installer usually comes first in the list of options.

  1. We download this particular option, which contains a standard software package from Google, including the Play Market.
  2. After completing the installation, as in the previous method, we reboot the smartphone, and when the system turns on, we can launch the application and check how it works.

Meizu App Store

On some Meizu smartphones, another version of the app store is also presented - the App Store. In essence, there are absolutely no differences from the App Center here. Only the names differ. Apparently, the developers of this application really like the services installed on the iPhone by Apple. In order not to repeat ourselves, we will only say that in this case the answer to the question of how to install the Play Market on the Meizu M5 will be exactly the same as in the previous paragraph.

Direct installation via apk file

In case users fail to work with the options described above for installing the Play Market on a Meizu 5 phone, the manufacturer has provided another way to install Google services. There is a so-called APK file, which is not among the pre-installed on the phone, but is available for free download from the Internet. For convenience, instructions are provided for installing Google services in this way:

  1. Download the Google Installer file to your PC or phone.
  2. Enable on your smartphone permission to install programs from unknown sources.
  3. We connect the mobile device to the computer and download the downloaded file to the Meizu M5 phone (if it was not downloaded to it initially) in order to install the Play Market in the future.

  1. We launch file manager on the phone, find the file dropped from the computer and run it. This will help start the installation of the program we need.
  2. We launch the application from the desktop, press the Installer button and wait for the installation of the playmarket and Google services. Immediately after the installation is completed, we reboot the phone and we can delete the installer.

Possible problems

If for some reason Google services Play on Meizu M5 does not open immediately after installation is completed, then you need to try to download again:

  1. Launch Hot Apps and drive in Google search installer.
  2. Install this installer and run it. Since it was originally installed, among available options there will be only removal. We choose him.
  3. When the uninstall is complete, run the installation again.

Having completed this process, restart the Play Market to check that the problem is solved successfully.

Applications may generate errors of a different nature. For example, Google services downloaded successfully, but applications are not installed with their help. If you encounter this situation, try changing the specified Google account.

Many models in the default settings prohibit the use of mobile traffic for downloading programs. It can also become an obstacle to the full use of Google Play. To check if you are facing this situation, do the following:

  1. Go to "Applications" in settings.
  2. Find an item Download Manager.
  3. Click on an option "Erase data" which will automatically clear the device's memory.

Check again if the problem is fixed. If after that, for some reason, downloading applications fails, then you should contact the specialists.


We hope our article was useful for you and now you know how to download Google Play on Meizu M5, and you can also take the necessary measures if the store does not work as it should, or does not work at all.

Recently, problems with the Google Play Market in Meizu smartphones have become more frequent. As a rule, application crashes occur after updating and flashing the OS.

Consider the two most popular Google problems Play and their solution.

If your Meizu does not open Google Play

In this case, you will need to reinstall the application. This is not difficult to do. All Meizu smartphones come pre-installed with the Chinese AppCenter app store or in HotApps global firmware, which is also an analogue of Google Play for China. You need to open it and type the phrase "google installer" in the search (in HotApps on the main page or in the "More" section). The first in the search results will display the application we need, we install it on the smartphone. The Google Installer shortcut will appear on the main screen, launch it, and then click on the “Unistall” (delete) button. We wait a couple of minutes until Google services are removed, at the end we click "A Key To Install" (install), so we reinstall the application. Next, open the Google Play application and go through the activation.

If applications are not downloaded on Google Play or it gives an error

This problem is solved in the following way. You need to add a second google account (settings-> accounts-> add an account-> Google) and go through activation (enter email address gmail and password). Next, open the Play Market and switch to a new account in the additional menu. Just in case, download any application to check, and then switch back to your main google account. Thus will recover Google work Play and all applications will load without problems. After checking, open the smartphone settings and delete the newly created Google account.

You can also reset your smartphone to factory settings, there were cases when this method solved problems with Google Play, but in this way personal data is deleted and installed apps! All methods have been tested on Meizu M2 Note, M1 Note, MX4, for other models it should also work.

Update 8.06.2016

IN latest versions Flyme has a new security requirement: the first launch of the Play Market must be carried out with a SIM card installed in the smartphone.

Update 11/10/2016

If applications are not downloaded from the Play Market via the mobile Internet. You need to go to settings-applications-boot manager-wipe data.
Next, try to download something. If it still does not download and is in standby mode, open the notification panel and click opposite the download file name on the download icon (down arrow) and allow downloading via mobile data transfer.

Update 11/22/2016

IN latest updates Flyme and Flyme Meizu users have a problem installing Google services. The HotApps application asks to install services, and the GMS Installer gives an error. First of all, we recommend installing manually more recent Google versions services for Android Lollipop and Marshmallow, for this, download the APK files and install them. The same problem applies to the Play Market - download the latest version 7.1.16 After installation, be sure to restart the device. If this procedure did not help, then, after that, resetting the settings to the factory settings with formatting the memory. After the first boot, immediately run installing Google services from HotApps and wait for its completion. After rebooting the smartphone, we restore the previously created backup.

Update 05/28/2017

With the new update, the problem with installing Google services has been fixed. Mandatory installation with data cleaning.

Happy owners of newly purchased Meizu phones are quick to notice that their devices lack the popular Google Play Market app store. This tool has long been an important attribute of almost any Android phone, delighting its owners with a variety of programs that can be easily downloaded to their mobile device. What to do in this situation? In this article, I will definitely help users and talk about installing the Play Market on Meise, and describe a step-by-step algorithm for implementing this task.

As you know, Meizu developers took a special path when working with the OS, developing a modified version based on the Android OS. operating system called "Flyme OS".

One of the features of this system was the refusal to pre-install a number of programs from Google on Meizu M3 and M5 phones, in particular, the Play Market. This decision, dated in the fall of 2016, was due to Meizu's decision to avoid problems with outdated versions of Google applications when a user buys a new Meizu phone.

Meizu decided to stop pre-installing Google Play Store on their phones

Instead, the company offers to install the latest version of the Play Market (and other applications from Google) using a special installer called "Google Installer". At the same time, the installation of these applications from Google is possible only for official Meizu devices sold in Russia (Ukraine, Belarus, etc.) with a confirmed IMEI. If you bought your smartphone on Chinese marketplaces, from unofficial dealers and other dubious vendors, then you will have to look for various workarounds to install the Market.

Method number 1. Use "Hot Apps" or "Best" app to install Play Market

To download and install the Play Market on Meizu smartphones, do the following (you need an Internet connection):

Method number 2. Downloading Google Play using the App Center application

To install the Play Market on Meizu M5 and M3, do the following:

Method number 3. Installing the Google Store using "Meizu App Store"

To use the applications and games of the store from Google, do the following:

How to download Play Store on Meizu

In addition to the described options for installing the Play Market on Meizu gadgets, you can use direct installation apk file this program on your mobile device. To do this, it will be enough to go to one of the links below, download mobile app as an apk file, and then install it on your gadget.

  • Download "Play Market" from the site;
  • Download "Google Installer" from (register on the forum);
  • Google Play from (register on the forum).

Why the app store does not work and does not open

If after these manipulations the Play Market does not open and work for you, then there may be the following reasons for this:

  • Your device is not certified (you can check it by IMEI on the website;
  • The Download Manager application does not work correctly (to correct the situation, go to Settings - Applications - Download Manager - Erase data. Then restart the Play Market);
  • There are problems with your Google account. To correct the situation, delete the old account in the phone settings, create a new one, and try to enter the Play Market. At the same time, please note that when deleting an old account, all decisions tied to it will disappear, in particular, your game results;
  • Phone malfunction. To resolve the issue, remove all Google services available on the phone, including the Play Store, Google Framework (uninstall GMSInstaller), reboot the phone, and reinstall GMSInstaller;
  • Reset your phone to factory settings. In this case, all your phone data will be lost, so use this method only as a last resort (Setting - About Phone - Storage - Factory Data Reset - factory reset– Start Reset).


In this article, I have considered the use of the Play Market on Meizu mobile devices. The specifics of the operation of Meizu mobile devices with the Google application store are analyzed. Usually, to install the Market, it is enough to use the Google Installer application available on the phone. If the installation desired application for some reason does not happen, then you should directly download the apk file of the application and install it on your gadget.

Meizu refused to pre-install Google Services in 2016, so users began to have a question about how to install the Play Market on a Meizu phone. There are two ways to do this: using the built-in Google Services installer or the application's APK file.

Built-in installer

If you have Meizu M3 Note or Meizu 5, then you can install Google Play services as follows:

  1. Locate the "Top" or "Hot Apps" app on the screen.
  2. A list of programs will open, in which you need to find Google Services and click the "Install" button.

To download the Google Play Market on Meizu, you need . The type of connection does not matter: it can be 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi. The application installs quickly enough, and it weighs a little, so even when using mobile internet a lot of traffic will not go away. After the application is installed, a window with a suggestion will appear on the screen of Meizu M3 Note or other model.

After rebooting the device, you will see that the Play Market has appeared on the Meizu M3. The installer that helped download the program to Meise can be deleted, usually it is only needed for 1 time, although if there are malfunctions in the Play Market, it is convenient to use it to reinstall the store.

APK file

Some Meizu users may have problems using the Google Services installer, so for them the question of how to install Google Play suggests that there is another option. It consists in using the APK file of the application, which is downloaded to the computer, transferred to the phone's memory, after which the Services are installed.

This is how you install the Play Market manually, so that no failures in the built-in installer will interfere. After installing the program, the installer can be deleted from the phone's memory.

Problems in the Play Market

If the Play Market does not open on Meizu after installation, try reinstalling the application.

  1. Launch Hot Apps and search through search string Google installer.
  2. Install the Google installer on your phone.
  3. Launch Google Installer. Since the application is already installed, only its uninstallation will be available. Execute it by clicking "Uninstall".
  4. After the uninstallation is completed, start the installation of the program by pressing "A key to install".

After reinstalling, launch the Play Store again and make sure that the problem is solved - the store is working without failures. Re-authorize by account Google and download games and other content.

If the app store opens but the apps themselves don't download, try adding a different Google account.

  1. Create a new Google profile or add another existing account to your Meizu settings.
  2. Go to the Play Market and switch to a new account. Download any app to make sure the store is working.
  3. After downloading the program, switch to the old profile. It should start working without a hitch.
  4. Go to settings and delete unnecessary Google profile.

Some models are disabled by default. mobile traffic when downloading programs. If the phone does not download applications in the Play Market:

  1. Open the "Applications" section in the settings.
  2. Go to "Download Manager" on the "All" tab.
  3. Clear the memory by clicking "Erase Data".

After erasing the data, make sure that the Play Market downloads games and programs to internal storage or to a memory card.
