What updates cause error 0xc0000005. Check the latest updates

So, let's consider one of the unpleasant moments that may arise in the operation of the OS - an application error with the code 0xc0000005. The highlight of this problem is that there is no clear description of the source of origin for it. In fact, the reason for its manifestations in work can be any nuance.
Even if you didn’t manage to get to the root of the problem, it can be easily fixed thanks to simple step-by-step actions, which we will now look at.
So, you are faced with an unpleasant phenomenon 0xc0000005 when starting your favorite game or useful program. Or maybe even just opening it a long time ago installed application on PC.

Windows updates that lead to error 0xc0000005

Over the course of two years - 2014 and 2013 - Microsoft developed a number of updates for the seventh and eighth versions of Windows. It was they who led to the collision with the error. This update can be configured to either manually confirm or automatically. It’s better to protect yourself from downloading from the beginning unnecessary programs using simple and effective steps - find the update installation package in the operating system and select the “Hide” option.

Thanks to such surprises, for example, very often applications with a 32-bit scheme refuse to work in the eighth version of Windows.

Of course, owners of pirated versions operating system much more often they encounter such an unpleasant moment, but even at work licensed program there is a risk of bumping into it. This is a matter of chance, but it’s safer to use the full-fledged legal version.

There are several message options that indicate this problem:

  1. Error while initializing the application (0xc0000005).
  2. Exception 0xc0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION.
  3. The operating system completely freezes and a blue monitor is detected.
  4. Error: access violation 0xC0000005.
What to do? In such situations, you should definitely try to remove updates. This can be done in two main ways.

Working with the command line in the Start menu (method 1)

It is important to check after each entry to see if the problem has gone away and reboot the system before the next entry attempt.
For the seventh OS, enter in the start line.

For the eighth - press first "Win+X" select “search”, and then enter the following combination: wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2859537 and press “Enter”.

If such manipulations do not work, then, after rebooting the system, try the following in the specified sequence until it works:
  • wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2872339
  • wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2882822
  • wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:971033

We work through the Control Panel (2nd method)

You need to go to the section for viewing installed updates. You can do this in three clicks: “Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> View installed updates”

We carefully study the entire list of updates installed on the computer. It is necessary to identify the following combinations in parentheses near the security settings: (KB971033), (KB2872339), (KB2882822), (KB2859537).

This method is more labor-intensive than the first. And all because you will have to track about two hundred lines with installed innovations.

If both options are unsuccessful

If the above methods do not help to cope with the disaster that has befallen you, you will have to work with “heavier artillery”. Most likely the problem has penetrated into the launch of even the panel itself or the utilities from the first method.

You need to do the following: when starting the OS, press "F8" and select from the menu that opens safe mode with command line functionality.

Then, perhaps, it will be possible to perform actions from the solutions described above.

In very difficult situations, even this method may not work. Therefore it is necessary after pressing "F8" and refer to the troubleshooting point.

You will be required to enter the PC administrator password and select a language. But sometimes this window does not open.

This means you will also have to use the installation media (disk, flash drive), from which, when starting, you need to go to the section system recovery, rather than a normal installation. And in the field that appears, select command line.

Now determine on which disk the infected OS was installed. With a standard breakdown of space, space is allocated for it local disk C.

But to check for sure, just type the word notepad in the command line. We get a simple notepad, in which through the “File” and “Open” sections we get to “Computer”.

The system disk contains a folder called Windows.

When we know exactly what drive the operating system is installed on, we need to enter the following combination on the command line: DISM /Image:drive letter:\ /Get-Packages Similar to the second method described above, you get an information list where you need to find the same update numbers that looked for in method 2. An example of what it would look like:

To make a lengthy search easier, you can simply copy everything that is displayed in the information sheet into a notepad, which will allow you to use the standard search function to find the required line.

If you yourself looked for the required fragment, then you need to select it (mouse, left button), copy (mouse, right button) and transfer to the clipboard.

Now enter DISM /Image:C:\ /Remove-Package /PackageName: into the command line and here is the code of the update package you copied. It should look something like DISM /Image:C:\ /Remove-Package /PackageName:Package_for_KB2859537~31bf8906ad456e35~x86 ~~ Press Enter.

Similar manipulations must be carried out with all found updates. Perhaps there will be entries about them in the OS log, but the programs themselves will be permanently deleted. There is no doubt about it.

Between complex and in simple ways One more thing can be called intermediate. For some, it has long become the only and indispensable use.

It consists of the following set of steps:

  1. We go to the local disk that contains the installed operating system.
  2. Find and open the folder “ Windows».
  3. In it we look for the section “ Software Distribution».
  4. And finally we find ourselves at the end point of the rescue route - the folder with downloads, that is, “ Download».
  5. It is necessary to remove everything that lends itself to such action.
  6. Using a button F8 go into safe mode and select the option to restore to the earliest save location.
  7. We reboot our entire system.

Other methods of dealing with error 0xC0000005

Since there are a huge number of reasons for the problem, in some cases even deleting programs that were installed during updates will not give a positive result.

In this case, it is best to restore the operation of the entire OS from the point when these files did not yet appear on the PC. Approximately determine the day when the ill-fated update worked and roll back to a date a couple of days earlier.

Among the variety of sources of danger, the following should be highlighted:

Help for those working with a license

If you purchased and installed the legitimate version, then you have the right to blame the whole problem on the developers.

Without time restrictions, you can send a request to them in the feedback form.

If you decide to call them, the time to contact the support service is from eight in the morning to eight in the evening. Saturday from ten to nineteen.

Their phone numbers:

  • In Belarus 8-820-0071-0003
  • In Ukraine 0-800-308-800
  • In Russia 8-800-200-8001
If you encounter a problem on a PC that you just purchased with the operating system installed, then you should contact the seller. And he will pass the information to the developers.

And, of course, there is always a win-win way - to tear down the old Windows and install a new one again.


Start solving the problem small and don't panic. Perhaps the scale of the tragedy is localized by one faulty application, carelessly downloaded from the Internet. Try the most basic ways to fix the error first. And move incrementally, as described in the article.
Those who use unlicensed version must initially understand that they are putting their work at risk. After all, “hacked” and rewritten systems a priori become a potential source of any harm on your personal computer. 05/28/2018 12:19

It's hard to enjoy life if productive work or fun play is hampered error when starting the application 0xc0000005. Today we will explore the reasons why it may occur and deal with possible options corrections.

Why does error 0xc0000005 occur?

Error code 0xc0000005 indicates difficulties with accessing a resource, most often to some part of memory. Possible reasons occurrences are:

  • RAM fault on physical level(defective module, overheating, etc.);
  • Problems with device drivers (incorrect version, damaged files);
  • Incorrect software update or installation;
  • Impact of viruses.

As well as various other factors, including errors by Microsoft developers.

While searching for a way to fix 0xc0000005, quite original methods were discovered. For example, in some cases it is recommended to remove certain system updates. let's consider available options actions depending on the situation.

1. Checking physical memory

If the error appears without any system, with random combinations of actions and launched programs, you need to start by checking the RAM. This can be done using specialized utilities, for example Memtest86.

To start the check, you need to download an ISO image from the official website and burn it to a CD or DVD. After this, you need to boot your computer from the burned disc. If you do nothing at startup, the default scan will load.

After testing is completed, the program will show summary results - data on the number of runs and the number of errors. If there are a lot of them, you should think about replacing the RAM.

If you have a suitable, known-good memory stick on hand, you can simply replace those installed in your computer one by one. After each replacement, you need to check whether the error remains.

2. Uninstalling installed updates

If error 0xc0000005 becomes a frequent visitor after installing system updates, you can try removing some of them. Yes, this is not a joke; in this case, difficulties can really arise if there are packages with numbers KB2872339, KB2859537 and KB2882822 in the installed list. Also, those users who had the KB971033 update on their computers encountered a similar error.

The roots of the problem often lead back to the moment Windows installations. If an illegal copy with pirated activations was used, then some of the files in it can be replaced with modified copies. However, the update system does not know about this, so the above packages try to use the original versions. As a result, an error occurs. To be fair, we note that in some cases difficulties arose in honest, licensed copies.

There are several ways to fix this when 0xc0000005 appears Windows error 7. All of them are based on removing problematic updates.

3. Uninstall via command line

The first option is to use standard system programs and command line. For these purposes, the latter must be launched with administrator privileges: in the Start menu, search for CMD. Then right-click on the detected object and select start as administrator in the submenu.

How to run a program as administrator

If the current user has administrative rights, then you can immediately enter commands through the “Run” item.

Now you need to write the following command:

wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2872339

By pressing Enter, it will launch the system update installer. In this case, the /uninstall parameter will tell it that it is necessary to perform uninstallation, not installation. The second parameter specifies which update needs to be removed from the system.

You need to do the same with the remaining numbers (2859537, 2882822, 971033). It may take some time to remove each package. You need to wait for the command to complete correctly so as not to encounter other problems. Then you should restart the device.

Important! When on automatic update the packages will be reinstalled. Therefore, it is recommended to check the effectiveness of the treatment, for example, with the Internet turned off. You can disable them through the Update Center: switch the installation to manual mode in the settings, check the list of available ones. Then on the specified numbers you need to right-click to open the menu and hide them.

4. Rollback to a restore point

Great luck if there is a restore point successfully created just before installing the updates. In this case, you can simply return to it to remove the updates. To do this, you need to use a tool called System Restore. The developers placed it in the usual Start menu, but hid it in a subfolder with utilities. It, in turn, is located in the Standard section.

After launching the utility, you need to select the appropriate point and roll back to it. The disadvantage of this method is obvious: all programs installed after this point will evaporate, so they will need to be installed again.

Rollback can also help in other cases, if it is known for sure that the error did not occur at the time the point was created.

5. Uninstall via DISM

If the previous removal options are not available or did not work, there is another way to resolve application error 0xc0000005. To do this, the uninstallation must be started from the recovery environment. To get into it, you need to press F8 when loading your PC until a menu with boot options appears. Then you need to select "Troubleshoot your computer." Alternative way– use a recovery environment with installation disk.

You can type notepad, press Ctrl + O in it and view the drives available on your computer and their letters. System can be identified by the corresponding label or by the presence Windows folders. Letter X: This is used by the recovery environment itself.

To remove via DISM you need to get the full names of the installation packages. The following command will show a list of them (for example, the drive letter D: is indicated here, if it is different, you need to indicate your option):

DISM /Image:D:\ /Get-Packages

A fairly long list of all updates with their status will appear. You need to find those that have problem package numbers in their names (for example, KB2859537). They look something like this:

After this, you need to copy their names to the very end (this can be done by first selecting them with the mouse and then right-clicking).

For the picture above the command would be:

DISM /Image:D:\ /Remove-Package /PackageName:Package_for_KB2859537~31bf3866ad364e35~x86~~

You should do the same with other failed updates.

6. Reinstalling the program/drivers

If the error is related to a specific application, you can try reinstalling it. In the case of games, updating or reinstalling the driver may also help. graphics card. However, this reason is much less common than the options described above.

7. Disabling DEP for the problematic application

Sometimes a program may not work correctly due to DEP - a system that prohibits program execution if it works with memory in a certain way. In this case, you can try disabling DEP for the application (if this does not help, the application will need to be removed from the exclusion list).

First you need to open system properties. To do this, right-click on My Computer and select the appropriate item.

Then you need to open Extra options systems.

By default, DEP only affects basic programs. But if 0xc0000005 appears when launching system applications, you should try the second option (“...except those selected below”). You need to click “Add” and specify the executable file of the faulty program.

This will enable DEP for all other programs, so you should use it carefully.

If the described methods do not work, you should check the system for viruses. Sometimes they are responsible for file corruption and incorrect operation of programs with memory.


Error 0xc0000005 is very common in all versions of the Windows operating system, so I hope the information contained in this article will fully help you solve this problem.

There are many reasons why error 0xc0000005 may appear, as it covers many different problems. Due to this, you will have to try a number of solutions to resolve this error.

When error 0xc0000005 appears

An application error has occurred and an error log is being generated. Exception: Access Violation (0xc000000), Address.

This message appears after trying to launch any application in Windows. After closing the error window, most likely, you will be blocked from launching this application.

Error code 0xc0000005 can appear in other error messages, it all depends on what application you are trying to install or run. This error may appear while using built-in operating system tools, such as disk defragmentation.

The reasons for this error to appear are numerous. However, the most common reasons are:

Sometimes this error 0xc0000005 can also be caused incorrectly installed updates security for Windows.

How to fix error 0xc0000005

Due to the unique nature of error 0xc0000005, there is no clear rule for fixing it, as it refers to many problems. The number of solutions is as numerous as the reasons why error 0xc0000005 appears.

The first step to fix error 0xc0000005 is to scan your registry

Error 0xc0000005 very often occurs as a result of poor maintenance and problems in the operating system registry. Conflicts in the registry usually arise due to incorrect installation and uninstalling programs.

Very often, computer users install new programs, but do not remove old versions.

In order to solve this problem, you need to go into the registry and remove all duplicates and redundant entries, but this procedure can be very difficult for many PC users.

Incorrectly or accidentally deleting an entry can lead to the failure of the operating system.

Therefore, to avoid having to do this work manually, enough software has been developed to work with the registry.

Your task remains to download the program from the official website and install. As I wrote earlier, there are many solutions for cleaning the registry, but I recommend that you use CCleaner, primarily because of its versatility, security, and increased performance in cleaning the system and restoring it.

The second step to eliminating error 0xc0000005 is to search for and eliminate malware or viruses.

If you systematically receive error 0xc0000005 when opening various applications, then most likely there is a virus on your computer.

At the slightest suspicion of a virus, it is necessary to immediately run a full system scan. If you do not have antivirus installed on your computer software, you can check out the “Top 10 Antivirus Programs” rating.

If, after a full scan, no viruses were found on your computer, try changing the anti-virus software and then perform a full scan again.

The third step to resolve error 0xc0000005 – problems with video card drivers

Very often, users receive error 0xc0000005 immediately after updating the drivers for their video card. If this error occurred for the first time and before this you updated the drivers for your video card, then I recommend that you roll back the drivers to the previous version.

Removing drivers for a video card is very simple:

After these simple manipulations, the drivers for the video card should be updated automatically.

If this does not happen, do the same, but instead of removing the video driver, click “Update video driver”.

The fourth step to resolve error 0xc0000005 – problems with printer drivers

Sometimes this error occurs due to a conflict between the printer profile and the settings of the program you are using. If this error appears every time you try to use the printer, in this case, I recommend that you reinstall the drivers.

To get more detailed information on how to do this, I suggest you read the article “How to properly install drivers on a computer or laptop”

The fifth step to resolve error 0xc0000005 is to disable Data Execution Prevention (DEP)

Data Execution Prevention (DEP) was first used in Windows XP Service Pack 2.
Basically, this is a set of software and hardware technologies designed to create additional memory checks in order to protect it from viruses. From Windows XP SP2 onwards, DEP is used in applications and hardware components.

But the reality is that there are some applications that are not fully compatible with DEP. Applications that use the "dynamic code generation" technique and do not mark these generated codes tend to have problems with DEP. Applications developed without SafeSEH are also prone to problems with DEP.

When an application violates DEP, the user will receive a message STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xC0000005).

If you are sure that the reason for the 0xC0000005 error is due to DEP problems, then you have 2 options:

  1. Contact the application owner and ask them to resolve this issue.
  2. You can disable DEP for an application that systematically causes error 0xC0000005; this can be done by following the instructions below.
  • First, make sure you have administrator rights.
  • Click “Start”, then “Run” or [Click WIN+R], write in the search sysdm.cpl and click OK

  • “System Properties” will appear, here, click on “ Additionally", and then " Options».

  • In "Performance Options" click on "Data Execution Prevention" and then click on "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those selected below" and click "Add".

  • A download window will open exe file, simply go to the EXE file of the program that causes systematic errors 0xC0000005, highlight it, and then click on "Open".

  • Once you have done this, click on "Apply", and then "OK"
  • Sixth step to resolve error 0xc0000005 – RAM fault

    There is a possibility that error 0xc0000005 may also appear due to problems with RAM ( Random Access Memory). If you start getting errors after installing new RAM, simply remove the RAM stick and then check whether the errors stop appearing or not.

    If you haven't changed or tested for a long time RAM on a PC, you can consider running tests with RAM. Special tests will answer your question about the condition of your RAM.

    Seventh step to resolve error 0xc0000005 – update Internet Explorer 6.0

    Today, there are very few people left who use or have IE6 installed, but they still happen sometimes. If you are one of these people, install more new version browser, or better yet, abandon this browser altogether.

    IE6 doesn't understand HTML tag span and if one appears on the page, you will get error 0xc0000005.

    Eighth step to resolve error 0xc0000005 – uninstall Windows Update KB2859537

    If error messages began to appear immediately after updating the operating system, then you need to find the KB2859537 update and remove it. If you can't find it, then you just need to uninstall the latest security update.

    Uninstalling the latest update is very simple:

    That's all! Everything is very simple and easy.

    Step Nine to Resolve Error 0xc0000005 – Use System File Checker

    If you have tried all the methods written above and failed to resolve error 0xc0000005, then you have no choice but to complete the last step - you need to run a check system files.

    This tool is designed to scan your computer's system files and replace damaged or missing files. The likelihood that this step will help you is very small, but you don’t need to exclude it, but it’s worth a try.

    If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments and I will be happy to answer them.

    Application startup error 0xc0000005 is quite common. Its descriptions can be different, for example, “ access violation 0xC0000005», « Error while initializing the application (0xc0000005)" or " Exception 0xc0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION". In this article you will learn how to fix error 0xc0000005 in Windows 7 and Windows 10. Unlike errors blue screen, everything is much simpler here. The solution is clear and easy to fix.

    0xc0000005 - how to fix the error in Windows 7

    To solve the problem of error 0xc0000005 in Windows 7, you need to remove the updates that cause it. Some programs may “pull” updates during installation, but generally they are installed automatically.

    So, to remove the update that is causing the error, you need to open the menu Start and insert the following lines there:

    These lines need to be pasted into the Start menu in Windows 7

    Press Enter and delete the ill-fated update

    You can also uninstall the update through the Control Panel. To do this you need to open Control Panel -> Uninstall Programs -> View installed updates, find the update we need in the list and click the “delete” button.

    If the update is uninstalled KB2859537 did not help, remove the update in a similar way (via Start or Control Panel) KB2872339. If this option does not help, delete KB2882822 And KB971033. After removing each update, a reboot is recommended.

    Full list to remove updates in Windows 7:

    • KB971033
    • KB2872339
    • KB2859537
    • KB2882822

    A more advanced case of error 0xc0000005

    It happens that not a single application opens due to error code 0xc0000005, so you simply cannot even run the update removal tool (wusa.exe). In this case, if you have Windows 7, you need to try starting the system in safe mode. In order to launch the command line and run the update removal program, it is not at all necessary to boot the entire system. Therefore, we will need the “Safe Mode with Command Line Support” item.

    When you turn on the computer before Windows boot press F8. If the BIOS window opens (usually selecting a boot device), you should press F8 until the first computer startup screen disappears.
    Boot in Safe Mode with Command Line Support
    If you were able to boot into command line mode, run the wusa.exe command to remove “harmful” updates.

    A complete list of commands to remove updates that cause error 0xc0000005 and how to fix it:

    • wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:971033
    • wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2859537
    • wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2872339
    • wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2882822

    If you can't boot into Safe Mode with Command Prompt support, try selecting "Troubleshoot your computer" instead of Safe Mode. However, it may not be available, especially if you have Windows version after "seven". There remains one more option: make a boot disk from Windows or a USB flash drive. Once the bootable media is ready, open a command prompt. To do this, after booting from the installation disk, select system recovery, then click on “command line”. It can also be called by the keyboard shortcut Shift + F10.

    Typically the bootable media is allocated disk "X"

    DISM /Image:C:\ /Get-Packages

    Where C is the drive letter of installed system

    If you selected the wrong Windows drive, you will receive the message "Error:2 Unable to access the image"

    If everything is correct, in response you will receive a list of a lot of information, among which you can find installed Windows updates.

    If everything works, you will receive a list of updates installed on your system.

    Oops! The list may become so large that not all the information will fit on the screen. What to do?

    You need to change the command line window settings. To do this, right-click on the window title and open Properties. Next, increase the screen buffer to 2000 (or more if this is not enough).

    If all the output information does not fit on the command line, you need to increase the screen output buffer.
    You need to select the name of the update as shown in the picture and copy it. This can be done by right-clicking on the selected text.

    After you have already copied the name of the package (update), all that remains is to enter it into the command line as follows:

    DISM/Image:C:\ /Remove-Package /PackageName: line_you_copied

    You should end up with something like this:

    This is what the command to remove an update looks like. Attention! A random update is selected in the image, but you need to find it from the list.

    After removing the selected updates, your system will work as expected again.

    P.S.: there is another method that can help you: deleting all files in the C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download folder. Next, you need to perform a system restore through safe mode.

    More options on how to fix error 0xc0000005

    • Disable your antivirus while starting the program. Check the quarantine: some antiviruses like to “remove the virus” from the executable file, but in the end it turns out to be “broken” and does not start.
    • As has already been said, system recovery is everything.
    • The reason may be the DEP function. How to disable or enable this feature you can find here:
    • Check your system for viruses
    • Check your RAM performance. Because of it, error 0xc0000005 often occurs.
    • If your system is licensed, feel free to call Microsoft technical support and ask for help.
    Otherwise the problem may occur again.

    Have you tried everything, but the problem remains? Write in the comments!

    You receive an error message " error when starting the application" with code 0xc0000005? Typically, this problem occurs when you try to open some software on your Windows 10 or Windows 7 PC. Although the error is mainly related to internet browsers, any program existing on your Windows can stop working due to this stop code. Since there is no specific reason for 0xc0000005, you will need several solutions to fix this error. Third-party antiviruses, a corrupted registry, and bad hardware drivers often cause this error.

    How to fix error 0xc0000005 when starting an application

    Whenever you get any error in Windows system, then the best option would be to restore the system from the last save point. If anyone doesn't know, that is complete guide By . You must understand that if a restore point was created on the 23rd, and the current time is the 25th, then everything that you installed on your PC between 23 and 25 will be deleted.

    1. Disable third-party Antivirus

    Third-party antivirus software may affect executable files, present on the PC, preventing the application from launching. So you need disable antivirus and check if the error is gone. If this does not help, you need to completely remove antivirus program from your system. The article below will help you with this.

    2. Enable Windows Defender Firewall

    Microsoft has greatly improved its Windows Defender Antivirus and included many features. It is worth noting that the built-in antivirus is quickly gaining popularity in protection and performance in independent tests. Let's check the built-in firewall. If you are using a third-party antivirus, then remove it for a while.

    • Go Control Panel > system and safety > Windows Defender Firewall> in the left column click on Turn Windows Firewall on or off.
    • Further parameters for private And public network must be Enabled.

    3. Scan the entire system for a virus

    A virus is the most annoying thing that harms your computer and creating startup errors like 0xc0000005 is one of them. In this situation, you need to scan your entire system to identify and destroy malware.

    1. I recommend an excellent cloud antivirus scanner. Do a full check on startup hard drive or do the procedure with the built-in antivirus, as described below.
    2. Open built-in Windows Defender and go through the parameters Protection against viruses and threats > Scan Options> and select first Check Windows Defender Offline, and after reboot run Full scan.

    4. Fix faulty drivers

    Outdated or corrupt drivers can also cause error 0xc0000005 when launching applications. Drivers are programs that help your computer work correctly with connected hardware. If they are outdated, certain failures may occur.

    • Click Win+R and enter devmgmt.msc.

    • If you see in the list of devices Exclamation point, then update them. I also recommend opening Windows Update and checking for updates. After the procedure, restart your PC.
    • Update your hard drive driver, even if it doesn't have an exclamation mark.

    5. Recover Boot Configuration Data (BCD)

    The most common cause of application startup error 0xc0000005 in Windows is a corrupted .

    • Open a command prompt as an administrator and enter the command.

    Note: If your PC's bootloader location says " xOsload.exe" instead of Winload.exe you have to eliminate some unnecessary files from your computer, and then restore your boot configuration data, which is what we'll do below.

    Type the following commands below, pressing Enter after each one. If you get an error, don’t worry, continue asking the commands.

    Del D:\Windows\System32\xOsload.exe
    Del D:\Windows\System32\xNtKrnl.exe
    Del D:\Windows\System32\Drivers\oem-drv64.sys
    attrib c:\boot\bcd -h -r -s
    ren c:\boot\bcd bcd.old
    bootrec /rebuildbcd

    6. Clean the registry

    Registry Editor is the central base Windows data, which plays a vital role on your PC. Any minor or incorrect entry can result in “Error 0xc0000005 when starting an app in Windows 10.” The same thing happens if some registry key is damaged or system files are missing. In this case, try using software as the manual process is too complicated.

    7. Check and restore system files

    Damaged system files may generate error 0xc0000005. Therefore, we will use the built-in tools to scan damaged system files and automatically restore them.

    • Launch Command Prompt as Administrator and enter the command sfc /scannow .
    • Wait for the process to complete and restart your PC.

    8. Checking and diagnosing RAM

    The first thing you need to do is physically check the RAM strips that are inside your beech or PC. Try to take them out carefully and put them back in, while blowing off any dust. If an error appears, we will check the RAM programmatically. For this:

    • Type the word in "Search" (near start) mdsched.exe and run the tool to check the RAM for errors.
    • Once launched, follow the on-screen instructions. After which, the PC will reboot and begin scanning the RAM for errors, and if it finds them, it will try to fix them automatically.

    9. Disable DEP Data Execution Prevention

    DEP - Data Execution Prevention may be causing a block in your process to run a program or game. You need to disable it and check if error 0xc0000005 is resolved. Open a command prompt as administrator and enter the command

    1. bcdedit.exe /set (current) nx AlwaysOff- This will disable DEP. Check if the problem is resolved, if not, turn it back on.
    2. bcdedit.exe /set (current) nx AlwaysOn- This is to turn DEP back on.

    10. Let's dig into the registry

    Press the Win + R key combination and enter regedit to open Registry Editor. In the editor, follow the path:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\

    • On the right side find the name LoadAppInit_DLLs, double-click on it with the mouse and enter the number in the “Value” field 1 - turn on.
    • Restart your PC for the changes to take effect.

    If you need to turn it off, set the value to 0.

    11. Restore your computer to its original state

    If you are already completely hopeless, then an excellent solution would be to reset your PC to default while saving or deleting files. This can be done by opening " Options" > "Update and Security" > "Recovery" > "Return PC to the initial state " and press the button Begin. I hope this will fix error 0xc0000005 when launching applications and games in Windows 10 or Windows 7.
