The firmware cannot be installed via recovery. "Installation aborted" error when flashing firmware: what to do, solutions and possible causes. How to restore stock firmware

If not all users of Android systems, then many of those who install custom (non-original) firmware know that the appearance of the Installation Aborted error during firmware is a fairly common phenomenon. And this is not connected at all with the data being installed, but with the version itself operating system. Most users start this process without thinking at all about the possible consequences. And they can be very sad (even if the firmware is not installed, the system may simply crash, and after that you will have to restore factory setting with complete loss of user data and any other related information).

Installation Aborted error when flashing firmware: what is this in general understanding?

Let's start by clarifying the term itself. What does it mean when mobile device When flashing firmware through recovery it says Installation Aborted, which is generally not difficult to understand.

It is enough to simply translate the message from in English into Russian. Receive a notification that the installation has been interrupted. But why does such a failure occur? You can read about this and much more in the material presented below. In addition, the usual cancellation of the installation is the worst thing that can be achieved when carrying out such actions. The fact is that Android systems react quite sensitively to any changes, and can only work with selected devices, for which only a certain version of the operating system can be used. Relatively outdated OSes and devices have practically no support in terms of updating the operating system. Updates affect only built-in services and custom applications, but nothing more. You can only update your operating system to a certain supported level.

Installation Aborted during firmware: what to do?

It is clear that when installing official updates, supported by Android operating systems, failures of this kind do not occur. The only situation when the system writes Installation Aborted when installing the firmware is due to the fact that the user installs the Firmware independently.

In principle, this is some kind of protective function, similar to the appearance blue screen on Windows systems. Only Android behaves much more modestly.

The main problem is not even the installation method, but the fact that this firmware may simply not correspond to the device on which it is installed. And to begin with, when canceling the process, simply restart your mobile device and restore the original system. After this, you can proceed to install the new firmware again.


Sometimes, when installing firmware, Installation Aborted also signals that the original update file was not placed in the area that is perceived by the device as a default reserve.

As a rule, in order to avoid Installation Aborted failure when flashing a smartphone or tablet, the file should initially be placed in the root directory of the internal storage (Android). Only after this can additional actions be performed.

Operating system update

Another failure option, when the system writes Installation Aborted when flashing the firmware, can be interpreted as the current version of the operating system not matching the one the user is trying to upgrade to.

This is similar to how desktop computers try to jump from Windows XP to Windows 10. First, you need to install an update for the Android OS itself, which is supported by both the system and the device, and only after that start flashing the device.

Many experts also call freeing up space on the internal storage as one of the most basic conditions for the successful completion of the process. Don't look at the fact that there is enough space on it. The most basic problem is that it contains undeleted cache data, which is perceived by the system as real garbage, although it may not signal this.

Thus, one of the options for eliminating Installation Aborted failure during firmware is to initially delete this type of data. You can use standard settings, from where you go to the applications section, select “All” and then clear the cache of each applet presented in the list.

It is much better (and this makes the task easier) if the user has an optimizer application installed on his phone or tablet. Such applets, in general, behave quite correctly. True, cleaning issues sometimes raise legitimate doubts, since the user sees one thing on the application screen, but in fact nothing really happens. Don't believe me? Look anywhere file manager to the DCIM and 100ANDRO directories, which are located directly on the internal drive where the operating system itself is installed.

CMW Installation Issues

Another point related to the possibility of eliminating the problem of the Installation Aborted error appearing during firmware relates to the installation of the CMW module, which is extremely necessary for such operations. Its installation will allow you to avoid problems associated with incompatibility of ROM drives. But to use it, you initially need to obtain so-called root rights.

In the simplest version, you can use the program Kingo Root, which is initially installed on a personal computer or laptop. After connecting the mobile device, the rooting driver will be downloaded, and then the mobile applet will be installed on the mobile device (a confirmation will be given on the computer directly in the program). After this, it will be enough to simply launch the corresponding mobile applet to perform further actions.

They consist of installing Rom Manager, and in Recovery mode, using the Setup section, go to the ClockworkMod Recovery menu, find your mobile device model in the list provided and agree to carry out further operations.

Restoring factory firmware

Sometimes this approach does not work, because sometimes the solutions presented can only be used on original firmware. Resetting the settings on your phone or tablet won't really do anything.

Therefore, it is advisable to immediately install the program that best suits your device (Xperia Companion, Samsung Kies, etc.), and restore the factory firmware via the Internet using it. And only after that you can start installing new firmware, if necessary.

Instead of a total

This is the solution to the Installation Aborted error when flashing firmware. What to do, I think, is already clear. In general, by and large, it is worth saying that flashing a mobile device using unsupported versions of Firmware is not recommended at all. So you can, as they say, simply ruin the device. You can install the firmware only if it is actually taken from an official source and is fully compatible with the model of the device that is supposed to be flashed. Otherwise, don’t even try to perform any such actions.

This post (manual or mini FAQ) is intended for people who have difficulties flashing or updating the software of their electronic device. All common errors that prevent you from flashing your phone will be covered here.

To be honest, in all the time I have been working as an engineer, I have seen quite a few such problems. I won’t be able to remember everything right away, but I’ll show you the bulk of these jambs that prevent you from flashing the device. And therefore this manual will be replenished and grown over time.

You can also write your problems with the firmware in the comments - this is welcome. Before you start flashing firmware, updating software, rooting or other actions that could kill the device, follow the following rules.

1. Attentiveness and “straight hands”

Almost every day I have to fix other people’s bugs that led to the device not working due to the user’s fault - he just wanted to update the firmware on his phone, but never did it and pressed any button in the process, or inattentively read the instructions according to the firmware, or chose the wrong software version - turned your favorite gadget into a “brick” - a useless piece of plastic, glass and metal.

Learn from other people's mistakes. This means, before you press the START or DOWNLOAD button (there are others), find a workable scheme for updating software, firmware, rooting, or installing any other software. Do everything strictly according to the manual and do not change the flasher settings if you do not know what this may lead to. Just be careful.

2. Defective battery

Due to a faulty or discharged battery, the device may not be fully flashed or may not even begin the process itself. Such cases are also not uncommon. The Fly IQ4404 Spark with its clumsy battery immediately comes to mind. I fully charged this battery and put the device on firmware and after a few moments (in different ways) when loading files an error occurs and the process stops. And now we have a “brick”. But this is a fly; it is not afraid of such zigzags of fate; it is enough to start the firmware again.

I start over (the battery is fully charged, according to the phone indicator) and a minute later the error occurs again. Well, I think the “flash drive” has died and I’m starting to get upset, but I don’t give up. I'm going to flash it for the third time, but without this battery, and I'm hooking up the power supply. The device has flashed. You can object to me and say that this is some kind of accident, but this is a fact.

I had more than one or even ten of these. But in fairness, I will say that this is a special case and in 99 percent of devices the firmware is flashed normally if the battery is charged. There is equipment that can be flashed without a battery at all. But it’s better not to take risks - don’t be too lazy to charge the battery.

3. Software problems

It happens that the device does not want to be flashed due to the software installed on the computer or laptop. Everything here is individual, but the same is true.

For example, there are phone models that are “sewn” only on WINDOWS XP PROFESSIONAL SP3, but on the seven they are no longer detected or the firmware program is stupidly not installed, giving an error. Also, if the operating system does not have necessary components, the drivers were installed normally, but the smartphone was no longer detected in the system.

I had such nonsense because of the stripped-down Windows - WINDOWS XP HOME EDITION. I had to install everything manually, and that was a real hassle. Here are a few more reasons that will lead to errors - broken firmware archives and flashers, incompatible software versions with hardware - it happens that several different revisions are released for a certain phone model motherboards, on which processor and memory chips from different manufacturers are installed, because of this there are several firmwares, incorrectly installed drivers, lack of administrator rights in the system.

If the firmware is not installed correctly, the boot (boot area) may crash and the device will stop showing signs of life altogether - in 90 percent of cases you will have to contact a service center where there is a special programmer. So be very careful, double-check everything several times.

4. Hardware problems

If your device freezes, turns itself off, does not turn on, or its battery quickly discharges during operation, then it is not a fact that these problems will disappear when updating the software or resetting the settings. Here, most likely, everything is much sadder, and this is precisely what is connected with the hardware of the gadget.

Here are a few typical problems due to which the phone may not be flashed - the system connector is damaged or dirty, the cable for the firmware is damaged or it is not entirely original, the USB or COM connectors of the computer are faulty, there is liquid inside the device, problems with the power supply circuit, etc. This may There can be a huge variety of reasons. In this case, contact the service center for diagnostics.

Be sure to do this before installing the firmware:

1. Fully charge the battery.
2. Check visually for damage to the fur, dirt on the PC and phone connectors. If there is one, it needs to be corrected.
3. Make sure the cable for the firmware is original and in good condition.
4. Check all downloaded firmware, flashers, drivers, etc. for viruses and integrity.
5. Also make sure that you have correctly installed the drivers, flash driver and other necessary software components.
6. Strictly follow the instructions when updating the software.

If you follow these simple rules, you will have much less hassle during the software update process. Write your problems with firmware in the comments. Let's fix them together. Good luck.


A fairly common problem that many users of Samsung smartphones and tablets encounter is that custom Recovery cannot be installed after flashing the firmware in Odin!

There are two types of this problem:

  • While flashing custom recovery firmware in Odin, the message “…. /failed 1)";
  • After successful installation and going to the Recovery menu, you discover that it is not custom (CWM, TWRP), but standard;

This article is aimed at solving common mistakes and learning how to avoid them in the future.

Solving the problem (succeed 0/failed 1)

This problem can arise not only when updating the Recovery firmware, but also when changing the firmware to a new one or updating the firmware of other partitions.

Why does this error occur and how to solve it:
1. The downloaded recovery image is not completely downloaded, or is broken - download the custom recovery file again or download it from another site.

2. MD5 amount does not match - please note that at the end of the recovery file there is an MD5 extension, it is used to verify that the file is intact or broken, but if you change at least one letter in the file name, then recovery will be considered broken. If you are sure that the recovery is not broken, then remove the MD5 extension at the end of the file. 3. Error with COM port— make sure that the MicroUSB cable is intact, without damage, and the plugs are not bent. On your computer, use only those USBs that are directly located on the motherboard, do not use USB hubs.
4. Error with drivers - update Samsung drivers, update motherboard USB drivers.

5. Reboot the device with each new firmware - if the firmware is successful or not successful, reboot the device, otherwise the next time you update the firmware, an error will appear in Odin (succeed 0/failed 1).

6. Make sure that the file being flashed is for your Samsung - if you start flashing someone else’s file that is not from your Samsung smartphone or tablet, then at a minimum you may get an error (succeed 0/failed 1), and at most you will break the device.

After installing custom Recovery, the Standard one loads (Recovery crashes)

You have successfully installed Recovery, but when you go to this menu, you find that there is a standard recovery instead of a custom one. This problem is due to partial incompatibility of the firmware and custom recovery or due to a protection mechanism. This problem is often called “Recovery crashes”.

Solution "Recovery flies"

1. After you have launched the Odin flasher, select the recovery file and uncheck the AUTO REBOOT item:

2. Then press the Start button and wait for the message that the firmware is completed - PASS and/or the scale is filled: Your Samsung smartphone or tablet will not restart, this is normal

3. Disconnect the device from the computer, if the battery in your smartphone or tablet is removable, then remove it and then insert it again, if it is not removable, then skip this step

4. Hold down the buttons to enter Recovery and do not release until you get into it, if Samsung starts to boot into the standard operating state, turn it off and switch it back to Download mode and repeat steps 1-4 again

Solving the problem “Recovery crashes” for those who have Root

If you have Root rights, and also have the “Recovery crashes” problem, then do the following:

1. Install the Root Browser application and go to it

2. Delete the following file along the path /system/etc/

3. Reboot your Samsung device and install Recovery

That's all! In this article we examined the main reasons that may arise when firmware recovery to smartphones and Android tablets made by Samsung!

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The Android operating system is very stable, but in some cases problems may arise with it. They are usually associated with the operation of the current firmware. There are many ways to flash the firmware; In this article we will look at how to flash Android via Recovery.

There are several main ways to enter this mode:

How to get ROOT rights: Video

Firmware with ROOT access

Let's look at how to install firmware through it. First of all, you need to find and download it as an archive new version firmware.

The gadget will reboot and 8 items will appear in front of the user. Each of them is responsible for a specific operation. For example, if you go to “Wipe / Factory reset”, the system will be reset to factory settings (in some cases, by simply activating this item, you can avoid the need to change the firmware when the device begins to work incorrectly). “Install” makes it possible to install files when this cannot be done from the shell itself.

To install the firmware, you need to go to the “Install” section (it is located in the extreme left corner), select the place where the firmware was downloaded, and start the process.

After some time, the system will report a successful completion, then you will need to exit the “Install” mode and select the “Reboot” mode. There, click on the “System” item: if the entire operation was carried out correctly, the device will boot successfully.

Flashing Recovery mode

Now let's look at the question of how to flash Recovery on Android. To do this you will need to install the so-called CWM Recovery. The easiest way to do this is using a special utility, which can be found in the same Google Play store at this link. In this case, you will also need superuser rights. Having launched the program, you just need to follow its instructions by clicking “Next”. If CWM Recovery is already installed on the system, then the utility will simply ask you to select the appropriate item that performs an action related to flashing or resetting to factory settings.

Any device with Android OS starts in Recovery mode. This is a standard feature. However, with the factory version you can perform too narrow a range of tasks. So, this is resetting the phone to its initial settings, clearing the cache, and also updating the system from the file. Obviously, users who are expanding their knowledge in the IT field are very dissatisfied with such a meager list. This is where specially developed Recovery Modes come to the rescue. CWM Recovery is a popular tool among Android users and a worthy replacement for the factory one.

Why do you need CWM Recovery mode?

Clockworkmod Recovery (CWM) is a famous alternative to factory recovery mode developed by Koushik Dutta. You can install it on most Android devices. CWM Recovery helps even in situations that sometimes seem hopeless to the average owner. That is why it is necessary to know about its existence, and also be able to use it.

CWM mode has many options

What exactly does the utility do:

  1. Installs unofficial custom firmware and kernels.
  2. Installs factory system updates, add-ons and OS patches.
  3. Connects to a computer via USB in removable storage mode and for working with the ADB program.
  4. Creates a complete backup copy of the current firmware and its individual parts (system, settings, applications).
  5. Restores the device from a previously created backup.
  6. Resets settings to factory settings (Wipe - data/factory reset), clears cache (wipe cache), clears Dalvik-cache (wipe Dalvik-cache), clears battery statistics (wipe battery stats).
  7. Creates partitions on a memory card and formats them.

CWM: installation instructions

ClockworkMod is sewn into the internal memory of the device in place of the factory mode. In some cases, work is carried out on the gadget itself with access to Root rights, and in others - on a PC.

The article covers such basic methods as Rom Manager, FastBoot, Rashr and Odin. For many devices, companies themselves produce separate utilities, for example, Acer Recovery Installer for Acer devices. CWM is embedded in the device memory on these devices also through ADB software, which is suitable for devices manufactured by HTC.

Rom Manager: Rooting and embedding

Rom Manager is a utility created by the CWM developers. It is available for download on Google Play Market. Allows you to install CWM Recovery on the device itself without using a computer and a USB cable. Before using it, you must root the device, that is, obtain administrator rights.

Obtaining Root rights

The procedure is simple and can be easily carried out using special software. As an example, we can take the Framaroot program. Anyone can navigate its simple and intuitive interface, even without instructions.

Launching Rom Manager

Now is the time to use the program:

Video: how to flash Recovery with Rom Manager

Although the method is easy, it has a drawback: it is not suitable for all devices, as mentioned earlier. Before you start using this method, it would be logical to first determine that this program is compatible with the gadget. The list is available on the official Rom Manager website.

FastBoot Mode: Complex Method

Installation method CWM with using FastBoot will require skill from the user, since it is much more complex than the previous one. It runs not on the device, but on the computer. It is recommended to use it only if you already have skills in such operations. Before installation, you must download it to your computer or laptop. certain files. This list also includes the Android SDK platform, available for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Preparatory stage

What you need to have before installing CWM using FastBoot mode:

  1. A computer with Windows OS and a USB cable to connect the device to the PC.
  2. USB drivers for correct device detection. They can be downloaded from the official website of the manufacturer.
  3. Android SDK platform.
  4. Recovery file.

The Android SDK utility will help you install the necessary Android packages SDK Tools and Android SDK Platform tools:

What else needs to be done before starting the firmware itself? Judging by the list above, you need the recovery-clockwork.img file. This is one of the key tools for further work. Downloading it won't be difficult, but it doesn't end there. It is important to place this file in the platform-tools folder. For further convenience in the firmware, you need to rename it to recovery.img.

Place the file in the platform-tools folder

Get straight to the point!

Now everything is ready for the CWM firmware, so you can safely get to work. Below is a detailed description of the actions, in which it is quite difficult to get lost.

The level of complexity, as you can see, is high, so before the procedure it is strongly recommended to check that this method is suitable for the device, since it may not work in all gadgets. In practice, this method is good if the manufacturer of the device is HTC.

Rashr app

The installation method using Rashr is convenient and easy to perform; it is recommended for beginners. However, ironically, it also requires administrator rights. You can get them in a few steps. was given earlier in the section on Rom Manager.

How to work with Rashr

First you need to download the application itself. It is freely available at Play Market(Rashr - Flash Tool). You can also view the program on a third-party site, but you must beware of suspicious web pages so as not to catch a virus.

When the program is already on the phone, you need to open it and provide it with previously acquired Root rights upon request. Then everything is simple:

Video: CWM and Rashr

Odin: solution for Samsung

The previous three methods are suitable for different models devices. The same method is effective for Samsung devices. This is a proprietary utility, so it cannot be used for devices from other manufacturers. There are many versions of this application. The latest one is Odin 3.09.

Here the standard factory version of Recovery is changed to a modified one using a PC, as with FastBoot:

How to enable CWM Recovery mode after flashing

Once CWM mode has been installed using one of the above methods, you need to check if it works. You can launch ClockworkMod Recovery:

  • using the ROM Manager program by selecting home page section “Load Recovery Mode”;
  • by pressing the keys simultaneously after turning off the device. Combinations may vary depending on the model and manufacturer of the device. In most cases, these are the volume down and power buttons;
  • using the ADB program using the adb reboot recovery button.

Possible difficulties

During the installation of an alternative Recovery Mode, in particular CWM, various difficulties and errors may arise. Which of them are the most common and how to solve them?

CWM Recovery does not recognize the memory card

CWM makes it possible to update your phone using an archive. When opening Recovery, the user sees a message that the flash card cannot be mounted. After installing another card, even with less memory, the problem disappears. The reason lies in the Windows system itself. The fact is that it diverges from card formatting standards. To ensure formatting is performed in accordance with the specification of SD/SDHC/SDXC flash cards, and not just in standard form, it is recommended to use specialized software, for example, SD Formatter.

The SD Formatter program allows you to correctly format the SD card

CWM does not see the internal memory of the device: problem solution

When the files to be recovered are on the internal memory, and therefore can only be recovered from there, a problem may arise. When you connect the USB cable to the PC and enable USB Debugging, the program reports that the Android device is not detected and you need to enable USB Debugging.

To solve this problem:

  1. Connect the device as a camera, not a storage device. If there are more available options, select them.
  2. Install universal drivers.
  3. Find a more suitable Recovery program for your device.

Recovery menu doesn't work

If when you launch the alternative recovery mode (volume + Home button or power) a picture appears with a lying robot, then the recovery was flashed, but when you restarted the device it was overwritten by the stock Recovery.

The problem is solved as follows.

  1. Before flashing the Odin3 program, you need to uncheck the Auto restart checkbox and disconnect the cable after flashing. From Download mode on the device, go to recovery mode by pressing the volume up + home screen + power keys in sequence and hold them until the recovery menu appears. So you should get into the custom recovery menu anyway.
  2. In it, select Reboot system now and then check Yes. This action will overwrite the stock recovery with a custom one and the “No command” error will be corrected.

Flash a new one Recovery mode- means getting new ones functionality. Firmware methods vary in complexity, but ironically, the simplest of them require access to Root, that is, device administrator rights. When choosing a firmware method, you need to be guided by the phone model first. Rom Manager is not suitable for all devices. For HTC, the FastBoot method is more suitable, while for Samsung it would be more correct to choose Odin.

What should you do if your Android smartphone suddenly starts freezing and acting as if it has a life of its own? How to reflash a device based on the Android operating system?

Many users of modern gadgets of well-known brands are tormented by this issue: starting from top Samsung devices or Sony, ending with the increasingly popular “Xiaomi” and “Meiza”.

Possible solutions to problems

“Recovery”: what is it and what is it eaten with?

Many users immediately give up and rush to contact service centers. However, any experienced user knows that this is not necessary. After all, you can save a decent amount of money and nerves by following just some simple steps given in this instruction. "Recovery" is a special software that is available in smartphones based on the operating system. Android systems. It is something like the BIOS on a regular personal computer. That is, using “Recovery” you can completely reset your smartphone to factory settings. Here you can also flash the device's firmware or install operating system updates. Upon purchase, the user most often receives a device with the factory “Recovery” menu. It is slightly limited in functionality and does not allow you to successfully flash the operating system. If we talk about “custom” “Recovery”, then it allows you to more fully interact with the phone system. Thus, you can make backup copies of firmware and restore them, as well as perform a deeper and more complete reset of the device.

"Recovery": how to enter

To flash the device through the “Recovery” menu, you need to get into this very menu. This can be done quite simply, especially since many devices use the same input combination. So, if your smartphone has a “Home” button or a physical central button, then with the gadget turned on, you need to simultaneously press the “Volume +” and “Home” buttons. After that, without releasing these buttons, you need to press the power button. The device should turn on in the desired mode. If the user has a more modern device without a physical Home button, it will be necessary to repeat the process described above, but only when using the Volume+ and Power buttons. If the desired result is not achieved, it is recommended to refer to the extended list of methods for entering the “Recovery” menu for devices from various manufacturers.

What else is needed?

To understand how you can reflash an Android-based device, you must initially download the firmware for your device. Firmware files are most often hidden from public view in order to protect the manufacturer’s data and security. It is for this reason that ordinary users create backup copies of their OS and form them into databases of stock firmware, links to which can be found on special sites. It is the firmware file itself, which is located in the archive with the *.zip extension, that will be needed in order to learn about restoring “Android” through “Recovery”. Sometimes there are times when users get tired of the old firmware and want something new. It is for this reason that there are always craftsmen who develop custom firmware, adding something new from them or, on the contrary, “cutting out” unnecessary things. In this case, you won’t be able to use standard Recovery. This is where custom CWM Recovery or TWRP comes to the rescue.

How to install CWM Recovery or TWRP

It is not necessary to install Recovery on Android using personal computer. Most often it is easier to use stock. All you need to do for this is download the necessary file, which is located in the archive with the *zip extension and move it to the external flash card of your smartphone. After that, you need to go to the stock “Recovery” and select the “Apply update external storage” item there. In the list that opens, you need to select the same file with custom “Recovery”. Once the selection is confirmed, the installation process will begin. After this, the device will prompt you to reboot. The process will be completed.

How to flash Android via Recovery

Let's move on directly to the process of installing the firmware. I would like to note that all unofficial Android OS files created directly by users are installed only at their own peril and risk. If the decision to install non-native software is nevertheless made, you need to make sure that the firmware was written specifically for the smartphone model that you plan to reflash. If we're talking about about stock firmware, it’s better not to bother installing CWM Recovery or TWRP. All manipulations that should be done are limited only to downloading the factory file and moving it to an external memory card. The process after this will be similar to installing a custom Recovery. You need to go to the “Recovery” stock menu and select “Apply update from external storage” in it. Then you need to specify the firmware file and confirm the action. When the process is completed, you will need to complete one more step, which will avoid glitches and freezes when turning on and operating the smartphone. Immediately after the firmware is installed, you must select the “Wipe data/factory reset” item in the menu and confirm the operation. This way you can clear information about previous software, as well as about those files that were on the device before the firmware process. When all these actions are completed, you will need to select the “Reboot system now” menu item. The device will reboot and the smartphone setup process will begin from scratch. If the switching process takes a long time and the device logo freezes, you will need to remember whether the settings reset item was performed after flashing.

Custom Android versions

How to flash Android via Recovery? All that remains is to figure out what to do with versions of operating systems that were written directly by device users. The answer to this question is quite simple: you need to repeat the entire process, performing the same manipulations in custom “Recovery”. The only difference is that the firmware file itself can now be placed not only on an external memory card, but also in the internal memory of the gadget. This will add convenience to the user if there is no flash card. Then you will have to select the “Apply update internal storage” item. It is also worth noting that in TWRP and CWM Recovery, the “Wipe data/factory reset” item was replaced with two separate items “Wipe cache” and “Wipe data”. After you manage to install Android through “Recovery”, you will need to select “Wipe Dalvik cache” in the modified TeamWin or ClockWorkMod menu. This will significantly increase the chances of successfully shutting down a device running a new OS.

How to restore stock firmware?

If the user doesn't like the new custom firmware, there is always the opportunity to return everything to its place. Many people today are interested in the question: how to restore Android through Recovery, namely through the stock version? The answer is hidden in the paragraph discussed above. Returning everything to its place occurs in the same way as making the initial changes. All you need to do is download the firmware from the manufacturer to the internal memory or flash card, and then select the appropriate item in the “Recovery” menu and perform a full reset. In principle, there is nothing complicated about this.

There is actually nothing complicated about flashing a smartphone based on the Android operating system. But if you are not confident in your own abilities, then it is better not to get involved with these processes. If something still doesn’t work out, you can always restore the device’s firmware using the corresponding menu item. The main thing is to make a backup copy before flashing Android using Recovery. To do this you will need a custom “Recovery” and a little patience. The firmware recovery process takes quite a long time. If something doesn’t work out, you can always turn to specialists for help.

If, after flashing the Android operating system, problems arise in the operation of the device, you need to understand the current situation and find the reasons. Very often, due to their inexperience, users use pirated firmware, which does not allow for high-quality firmware. In this case, you are left for a long time without a reliable assistant - your smartphone or tablet.

Many users who have already encountered the problem of low-quality Android firmware have tried the method of flashing Android OS via recovery. This firmware method involves first installing a special program on the mobile device, which acts as a bootloader. Recovery is activated by clicking until a certain key combination is loaded (power button + volume button).

If the user chooses this method, he must find out . Regardless of the device, it comes with its own factory recovery. It can be launched after turning on the device. Also, the factory program can install and configure system updates from update. zip, and clean the entire system.

To flash your phone through recovery, you need to find and download the ClockworkMod Recovery program (installed in the internal memory of the device, in place of the factory version). It is intended: for flashing Android firmware and kernel, creating backup copies for system recovery, and for other system updates. This utility differs significantly from its factory counterpart.

If the user is interested in how to flash Android through the recovery menu, this issue needs to be considered. Custom Recovery Menu is a special application that has a package of popular utilities. After installing the application on the device, it will be overwritten instead of the old version of the similar application.

Custom Recovery Menu is necessary for users who plan to flash their device very frequently.

Flashing Android firmware via the Custom Recovery Menu is very simple. It can be done using a PC or laptop. To do this, you need to go to program activation and select the appropriate firmware items.

Entering recovery mode.

Turn on the phone (Power button);

After 2 s. press the volume button in both directions simultaneously;

After another 2 s. release the power button;

We carry out the Wipe process (Wipe data/factory reset);

After the process, Data wipe complete appears;

Reboot the device and go into recovery again;

Select One of the Items (install zip from sdcard, choose zip from internal sdcard). It depends on where the firmware is located;

If everything is entered correctly, the firmware begins.

At the end of the phone firmware process, you need to reboot the device and start using it.

By default, all Android devices have a recovery mode called Recovery. With its help, you can roll back the operating system to standard settings, install official add-ons and fixes. If this is not enough for you and you want to install third-party firmware, kernels and utilities on your device, then the factory recovery needs to be replaced with a custom one.

Custom recovery: what to choose

The most popular custom recoveries for Android are Clockworkmod Recovery (CMD) and TeamWin Recovery (TWRP). The main difference between one program and another is the presence of touch controls in the latter. As for functionality, the software offers approximately the same list of options:

  1. Installation of unofficial patches and firmware;
  2. Connecting the device to a PC in ADB mode and instead of a removable drive;
  3. Formatting, creating, merging sections into internal memory devices;
  4. Clearing software cache and battery life summary;
  5. Creating backup copies of the system.

After studying the methods below, you can easily install custom recovery on Android. You need to obtain Root rights before carrying out work.

TWRP Installation Methods

You can install TWRP recovery using a special software developer utility (TWRP Manager), third-party software designed for flashing recovery, and Android Debug Bridge (ADB).

Installing TWRP using TWRP Manager

Your first step will be to download TWRP Manager from the Play Store and install the application on your device. The utility must be opened and given Root access rights. Then:

  1. In the menu that appears on the left, select “install twrp”;
  2. a window will appear in front of you where you need to select the device and version of recovery you want to install;
  3. after selecting all the settings, click “install recovery”;
  4. the program will automatically download the recovery and install it;
  5. if you want to install a specific version of recovery that you downloaded in advance, then you need to save recovery.img and select it through the “select img file” item.

ADB as a way to flash recovery

This solution with reinstallation of recovery is suitable for advanced PC users. To carry out the manipulations, you will need an Android device, a computer and a USB adapter. First you will need to install the Android SDK with all the packages along with the Google USB Driver. After that:

  1. save the Recovery.img version of TWRP supported by your smartphone to your computer;
  2. rename the recovery file to twrp.img, save it to the root memory of your device.

Connect your device to your computer with via USB. Launch the command line of the PC operating system (cmd in Windows). Write the following lines in it:

  1. cd C:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb;
  2. su
    dd if=/sdcard/twrp.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p34.

After this, reboot your device.

CMD Installation Methods

You can install CMD using Rom Manager, FastBoot mode or third-party utilities for flashing recovery.

Installing CMD using Rom Manager

  1. Download Rom Manager from the Play Store and install it on your device. Don't forget to give her Root access rights.
  2. After starting the program, a window will appear containing several sub-items. You will need to go to the “Recovery Setup” tab.
  3. A new window will appear. There select CMD. After this, you will need to select the device model on which the recovery will be installed.
  4. After this, another window will appear where you must confirm your actions.

Rom Manager will download the files to install the recovery and ask for Root rights if you have not provided them to it by default. After that, she will begin installing the software. Once everything is finished, you can check the CMD installation by going from the main menu to the “Reboot into Recovery” tab.

CMD installations in FastBoot mode

To reflash an Android device using this method, you will again need to download the Android SDK and USB drivers for your smartphone/tablet. Save the recovery file from the CMD website, rename it update.img, save it to the platform-tools folder located in the installed Android SDK directory. Then activate USB debugging mode on your Android device.

Launch Command Prompt and enter the following commands:

If everything goes well, a corresponding notification will appear on the command line.

Installing CMD and TWRP via Flashify

As we mentioned earlier, they install custom recovery for Android using third-party utilities. One of them is Flashify. A distinctive feature of the program is its compatibility with many models of smartphones and tablets. You need to install the software on the device and allow it to use Root rights.

  1. On the main screen of the running application, select “Recovery Image”.
  2. A window will appear in front of you with a choice of recovery version and a choice of device model (if you have not downloaded the program in advance).
  3. After the desired recovery version is saved to the device’s memory, click on “YUP!”
  4. Flashify will install the program and automatically reboot the device.
