Installation manual for datamax o neil. Incorrect ticket segment

Question: New DataMax I 4208 printer. Printed perfectly for some time. Then I stopped finding a space between the labels, the first time the problem went away after a level 2 reboot (according to the description - holding down button 2 when turning it on). Then he started skipping labels one out of 10. Now it generally sits on an error (ribbon fault, position fault top of form fault, holding down the buttons when turning on (neither 2 nor 3) does not give anything. The material sensor has moved. What should I do?
Answer: Try resetting the printer to factory settings again and then calibrating it. Step by step instructions instructions for performing these actions are given in the RKS instruction manual (sections and 5.0.1).
You can find this manual on our disk that comes with the printer or on our website in the Download section, after registering first.

Question: Datamax 4206 printer calibration problem. Using black mark labels. Halfway through the reel, it suddenly began to produce 10-15 empty reels after one printed one. We tried to do automatic calibration - no result. Maybe we are doing something wrong? Please tell me.
Answer: 1. Check if your sensor is installed correctly: the notch of the sensor should approximately coincide with the middle of the black mark of the label.
2. Reset all printer settings to factory settings. To do this, turn off the printer. Then, while pressing and holding all 3 buttons on the front of the printer, turn on the printer and hold the buttons until the STOP button light turns off (about 17 seconds).
3. Set the label type for the printer to “black mark”. To do this, while the printer is off, press and hold the PAUSE button, then turn on the printer and release the button when the STOP button indicator light goes out. Then press and hold the FEED button until the ERROR indicator light flashes 2 times. The printer will print possible options sensor type. Press the PAUSE button to set the sensor type to REFL. To test the selected parameter, press the “PAUSE” and “CANCEL” buttons simultaneously and hold until the “STOP” indicator stops lighting. To confirm the selected parameter, press the “PAUSE” and “CANCEL” buttons simultaneously and hold until the “STOP” indicator stops lighting.
4. Calibrate the printer. To do this, turn off the printer and press and hold the “CANCEL” button. Turn on the printer. Release the CANCEL button when the STOP indicator goes out. Then press the PAUSE button. The printer will attempt to automatically calibrate the labels. If the calibration was successful, the “STOP” indicator will light up; if not, the “ERROR” indicator will light up (in this case, make sure again that all printer parameters match the label and print parameters). To complete calibration, press the “PAUSE” and “CANCEL” buttons simultaneously and hold until the “STOP” indicator goes off.

For more detailed information To configure printer settings, refer to the M-class printer manual.

Question: Problem with DATAMAX E 4203 - it prints poorly on the right side, its rubber tape drive shaft is worn out. Where can I buy it or what can I do with it?
Answer:In this case, it is necessary to adjust the pressure of the thermal head using the adjusting screws. If the result is negative, you can contact our service center to repair and replace the rubber roller of the printer.

Prepared based on materials from the Scan-City Company website

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  • Datamax I-4208 - page 1

    O perat or 's Ma nual D atamax In ter n atio nal H erber t Hou se 12 El izab eth W ay, P i nnacl es Harl ow , Es sex C M19 5FE U K Phone: + 44 127 9 772200 Fax: + 44 12 79 42444 8 Asia -Pac ifi c 19 Loy ang W a y #01-0 1 CI LC Bui ldin g Singa pore 50872 4 Phon e: +6 5 542- 261 1 Fax: + 65 542-36 11 Cor porate Headquarters 4501 Par kway C omm...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 2
  • Datamax I-4208 - page 3

    Cop yri ght I n for m ation: CG Tri umvi rate i s a trademark of A g fa Corporati on. CG T i mes based upon T i mes New Roman under l i cense from the Monotype Corporati on. Wi ndows and Wi ndows NT are trademarks and Microsoft i s a regi stered trademark of Microsoft Corporati on. NetWare and Novel l are registered trademarks of Novel l, Inc. ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 4

    A gen cy C o m p l i a n ce a n d A p p ro v als: C U S List ed UL1950 Informati on T e chnol og y Equi pment C22.2 N o. 950-M93 E N60950 For 230 Volt Operati on (Europe) : Use a cord set, marked “HA R,” consi st i n g of a min H05VV -F cord whi ch has a mini mum 0. 75 square mm di ameter conductors, provi ded wi th an IEC 320 receptacl e and ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 5
  • Datamax I-4208 - page 6

    Im p o r t a nt S af e ty Inst r uct ions: T he ex clam ation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of im portant operating and m aintenance instructions in the literature acco m panying this unit. Th i s un it h as been care fu ll y desi gn ed to provi de y ears of safe, rel i abl e perf orm a n ce. H o...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 7

    i Cont ent s P r i n t e r O v erv iew 1.0 Abo u t t h e P r i nter ................................... .................................... 1 1.0.1 Stan d ard F eat ures .... ........................................... 2 1.0. 2 Optio n a l F eat ures ............................................... ....... 2 1.1 Optio n I n st a l latio n.................... ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 8

    ii Using th e Front P a n e l 4.0 Opera tio n ....................................... ..................................... 29 4.0.1 Ready M o de: No rmal Op erat io n ........................... 29 4.0.2 M enu M o de: Con f iguratio n ..... ........................... 30 4.0.3 Qu ic k T est M o de: Prin t T est Lab e ls ..................... ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 9

    iii 5.2 P rin t head Re p l ace m e n t ............................................. ............... 79 5.3 M ain te na n ce Sc h ed ule ...................... ................................... 80 5.3.1 C l e a n i n g t h e P r i n t h e ad .. ......................................... 81 5.3.2 Cl ea n i ng t he Pl a te n Ro l l e r ........................... ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 10

    iv A ppe ndi x E M enu Sy stem M ult i- La n g uage S uppo rt ........................... ....... 121 Advan c e Fi l e H a nd l i n g I n f o rmatio n ................................ ............... 124 A ppe ndi x F Savi n g a Co n f i g u r a tio n F i l e ..................... .................................... 127 War r an t y Inf o r m atio n ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 11

    I- C l a s s 1 Prin ter Ov e r v ie w 1 .0 Abo ut t he P r i nte r C ong ratu lat io n s o n y o u r pu rc h ase of a n I -Class prin t er. T h e I-C lass fa mily , h ere af t er ref erre d t o as 't h e pr in t er ', ble n ds th e r ugg ed d u rab ilit y of d ie-cas t con str u ctio n wi t h s t at e-of - t h e- art elect ron i cs an d u se ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 12

    F E atu r e s l i sti n g mo de l f e atur e 4206 4208 4208 4212 4308 4406 4604 p rin TH EAD D ED SITY (D OT S PER in C H) 203 203 300 406 600 D I R E C T H E R M A L P I N G XXXXXX O N N G XXXXX O n n n - D em an d...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 13

    I- C l a s s 3 DMXNe t Th e DMX N e t Print Server C ard is an in t er n al N e twork I n terf ace Co nt roller (NI C) t h a t e n abl es t h e pr nter to provide Eth ern e t co nn ectivity. Featu res in clu de: ¾ Aut o m a t ic s el ection of 10 Base2 (Th i nn e t) or 100BaseT Fas t Et h er n et conn ect io n. ¾ In t e g r al HT TP S er ve ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 14

    4I - C l a s s E xt er nal Media Rewin der (speci fy vol tage requ i rement when orderi ng) A preci si on -cr af ted, bi-direction al rewin ding m ec h a n is m wi th devic e-de pen da n t f eatu r es: ¾ DMX R E W 1 – acco mm odat es 1 t o 4-i n c h (25 to 101 m m) di a m eter cores; accept s a m a x i m um label w i dth of 4.5 i n c h es (114 ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 15

    I- C l a s s 5 readability of pr i nt ed bar codes. M in i mum bar code “X” di m e n s i o n i s 10 m i l s; m a x i m um w i dth is 4 i n c h e s (101 m m). P eel and P r esent Mec hani sm (requi res the Interna l Rewi nd opt i on) An o utp ut c ont rol devic e t h at a uto m a t ic al ly separ ates pr in t ed l abel s from th e back in...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 16

    6I - C l a s s 1 .1 Optio n I ns t a lla t ion Th e fo ll owi n g t able li sts th e avai labl e opt i on s an d t h e recom m e n ded qu alif icat io n lev el o f th e i n st aller . F or d et aile d in for m at io n con cern i ng a sp ec if ic opt ion , co nt act y o u r deal er or Dat am a x T ec hn i cal l Support. E xp e rie n ce L e v e l f ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 17

    I- C l a s s 7 1 .2 H a r d w a r e C om pone nts Th e foll ow in g dra w in g h i gh li ghts th e u ser -a sse ssa b l e c om pon e nts of t h e pr nter. I t e m s de n o ted w th a n a steri sk (*) ar e option a l e qu i p m e nt. ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 18

    8I - C l a s s ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 19

    I- C l a s s 9 G e ttin g S tarte d 2. 0 Un p a c k i n g t h e P r i nter In spect th e s h i p p ing c o n t a i n er (s) f o r d a m a g e ; i f evident , i m m edi at el y n ot i fy th e sh ippi ng co m pa ny to report th e n at u r e a n d e x t e nt of t h e da m a g e . T h e p r i n t er h a s bee n caref u ll y pac k a g ed to avoid da m a g e d u r i ng t ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 20

    10 I -Cla ss 2. 0. 1 I n spect i o n Aft er rem ovi ng th e pri nter from m th e pac k a g ing m ateri al , c h e c k t h e c o n te nts of th e p a ck a g e. In ad d it ion t o th is m a n u al, th e f ollo w in g it e m s s h o u ld b e in clu de d: ¾ P r i n t er ¾ P o w e r C o rd ¾ A ccessories CD ¾ Any speci al or addi tion a l ly pu r c h a se ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 21

    I- C l a s s 11 2. 1 Med ia an d Ri b bo n Sel ecti on Th e fo l owi n g is a l im i t ed overview of m edi a c h a r a c t er istic ics. For com plete i nfo r m a t i o n a nd a d v i c e r e g a r d i n g yo ur s p e c i fi c a p p l i c a t i o n ne e d s , a l w a ys con s u lt a q u al ified m edia speci alist or a Dat a m a x M edi a Represe n tat ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 22

    12 I -Cla ss res u lt ing i n a d ark er i m ag e. C o n ve rs ely, if th e i m a g e is t oo da rk, reduce th is val u e. T h e f in al m e th od is t o c h ang e th e 'P rin t Con t ro l / P rin t S p ee d' m e nu sett ing (also se lect able a s 'Pr in t S p eed ' in m o st soft ware prog ra m s). C h a ng i n g th e pr in t spe ed ch ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 23

    I- C l a s s 13 Setti ng U p the Pri n ter 3.0 In stallatio n Th is section e x plai n s h ow t o co nn ect th e prin t er, a n d load it w ith m edia a n d ri bbon . ; Note: When connecti ng the AC Power Cord or i nterface cab l es to the pr i nter, ensure the Power On/Off Swi tch i s i n the ‘Off’ pos i t i on. n Place t h e pri nt er on a f ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 24

    14 I -Cla ss 3. 0. 1 Co mmu ni cati o n s U s i ng a dat a det ec t ion process, th e int erf ace selection occu rs a u to m at i call y i n th e prin t er. At power-up, th e prin t er be g i n s m o n i to ri ng th e i n ter f ace port s for ac tivit y. W h e n th e h ost t r a n s m it s d a t a , th e p rin t er po rt det ec t ing th is d at ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 25

    I- C l a s s 15 S eri al I n t e r f ace Cab l e Li s ti n g (al l m o d e l s, e xc e p t as n ote d) Nu ll M o d e m (MX M) “P C” (D B 9P) to Prin te r Part Number 556000 Part Number 556001 For connect i on to other DCE equipment. Flow control i s onl y Xon/Xoff . For connect i on to a PC compat i ble w i th DB9P commun i cat i on port ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 26

    16 I -Cla ss W h e n f i n ish ed with th e s elf -t est s, th e L E D b lin k s, an d m a y b link a g ain a f t er pr in t er in it ializ at ion is complet ed . A m be r L ED – g e n era ll y in dic ates job ac t i vity . W h e n rece ivi ng pri n t jobs ov er t h e n et wor k , th e a m b e r L E D b link s; i t rem ai n s ‘O ff ’ du ri ng i ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 27

    I- C l a s s 17 3 .1 Loa din g Me dia B e g i n load in g as f ollo ws: n Ra ise th e A ccess C over. o Ro t at e t h e Print h ead L at c h f orw ar d an d rais e t h e Pri n t h ead Asse m bl y . p Slide t h e Med ia G u ide o u t aw ay f ro m th e f r a m e a n d t h e n l ow er i t t o t h e dow n pos i t ion . q I f u si ng r oll m edia, t h e ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 28

    18 I -Cla ss 3. 1. 1 Ro l l M ed i a T h is lo ad ing m e th od is for or ro ll t y pe m edia ap p lica t ion s. T o loa d: n S lide t h e R o ll M e dia ont o t h e M edia H u b un t il it re st s ag ain st th e Back stop . o Ro ut e th e m edia as sh own: un der th e M edia I dler, th ro ugh th e M e dia Sen sor, th en out t h e f ront o f th...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 29

    I- C l a s s 19 3 .1 .2 Fa n-Fol d M e dia T h is lo ad ing m e th od is for t a g a n d f a n -f o ld ty pe m ed ia a p p lica t ion s. T o loa d: n B rin g th e m edia in th roug h th e B o tt om o r th e R ea r M ed ia S lot . (I fu si ng reflective stock, e n s u r e t h a t th e m ark is f acedow n.) o Depen di ng u po n th e e nt ry poi ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 30

    - o f - for m (e x cept for cont inu o u s stoc k , w h ere th e TO F is s et th ro ugh pr o g r a m m i n g; see L abel L e ngth , Sectio n 4.1.2). To adj u st: n W it h m edi ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 31

    I- C l a s s 21 3 .3 Loa din g Rib bon Ribbon is r equ ir ed w i th th e m al t r a n s f e r m e dia . D epe n di ng u po n t h e t y pe o f Ribbon S u ppl y H u b (s ee t h e n e x t pa g e f o r e x a m pl es) ' or r i bbon s wi th t h e 'coating si de out' ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 32

    22 I-Cla ss; Note: Di rect i ona l Arrows near the Ri bbon Supp l y Hub i nd i cate the correct ri bbon route. R ibbon types are ava il ab l e w i th the i nk (coat i ng) l ayer wound ‘i n’ or ‘out’. These types are NOT i nterchangeab l e for use w i th the pr inter. Ri b b o n Ro uti n g Dia g ra ms ‘Coating Si de I n ’ Ribbo n S u ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 33

    I- C l a s s 23 3. 4 Q u i ck M e d i a C a l i b r a t i o n ☞ When ‘Uncali brated’ i s d i sp l ayed, fo l l ow the M e d i a Sensor Cal i b r a t i o n procedure i n Sect i on 5.0. A t th e f act or y, the prin ter is calibrated t o sen se a w ide ran g e o f m edia ty pes. Q ui c k Me d i a Ca l i b r a ti o n fi ne - t u ne s t he me d i a s e ns o ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 34

    24 I -Cla ss 3 .5 Output t ing Labe ls In addi tion t o di r ectly o u tp ut t i ng l abe ls f ro m th e pr nter, t h e r e ar e s ever a l op t ion al o u t p ut con f i gu rat ion s av aila b le. 3. 5. 1 Rew i nd i ng W ith th e In t ern al M ed ia R ewin de r o p t i o n , th e p r i n t er ca n win d th e prin t ed labe ls an d bac k ing m at eri a...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 35

    I- C l a s s 25 s Rout e th e media back t o t h e Media Rew i n d H u b, as s h ow n be l ow . t In ser t h e leadi ng ed g e int o a Slot on th e M edia Rewin d Hu b th en i n sert th e M edia Cli p in t o a Slot t o sec u re i t in pl ac e. u Posit ion t h e Rewi n d R et ain er li ght ly a g ai n st th e ed g e o f th e media on th e M edia R ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 36

    26 I -Cla ss 3. 5. 2 On- Dem an d Di sp en sin g Wh e n eq u i pped w ith t h e Peel an d P resen t op tion , labels ar e dispen sed t h e n separat ed au t o m a t i call y fro m t h e l i n er f or i m m edit application . n W i th th e Peel an d Present M ec h an is m i n st a lled o n th e pri n t er, pu ll outwar d on t h e L a t c h an d all ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 37

    I- C l a s s 27 r I f i n st alled , rem ov e th e M ed ia C l i p a n d th e R e w i n d R e t a i n er f r o m th e M edia Rewi n d H u b. Ro ut e t h e B ac k i ng Ma teri al ar ou n d th e M e di a Rewi n d Hu b, as s h own . s In ser t h e leadi ng ed g e int o a Slot on th e M edia Rewin d Hu b th en i n sert th e M edia Cli p in t o a Slot t o sec ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 38

    28 I -Cla ss 3. 5. 3 Cu t t i n g Wh e n eq u i pped with a C u t t er, cut labels ar e di spen sed au t o mat i call y fro m th e pri n t er. To l oad m edi a on a c u t ter equ ipped pr i n t er n En s u re th e leading ed g e of media is cl ean , straig ht a n d fir m l y at t ac h ed to th e lin er. o L oad m edia accor din g to S ec t ion 3.1, ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 39

    I- C l a s s 29 Using t he Front Panel 4 .0 O p e r a t ion T h e f r o n t pan el is c o m p r i s ed o f t h e r e i n d i c a t o r lig h t s, a L iq uid C ry s t al D ispla y an d f i ve m ode- depe n da n t k e y s . T h e s el ectable m odes (Read y, M enu a n d Q u ick Test) an d t h e rel a t ed f un c tion s o f th e p r i n t er k e y s a re de tail ed ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 40

    30 I -Cla ss 4. 0. 2 M en u M o d e: C o n f igu ratio n (R ea dy Li g h t 'F l as h i ng') n The DO WN AR R O W K y s c r o l l s to th e pr e vi ous me n u i t e m o n t h e s a me me n u l e v e l . I t a l s o decrem e n ts num er ical valu es in m o s t m e nu selection s. o The UP AR RO W Key sc r o l l s to t he n e xt m e n u ite m . It...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 41

    I- C l a s s 31 4. 0. 3 Qui ck Test M o d e: P r i n t T est Label s ; Note: The Qui ck Test M ode funct i ons are d i sab l ed wh il e process i ng data from communi cat i ons i nterfaces until the Host T i meout v al ue exp i res. n The DO W N ARR O W K y sc r o l l s to th e pr e v i ous te s t f u n c ti o n. o The UP AR RO W Key s c r o l l s t ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 42

    32 I -Cla ss 4 .0 .4 Indic a t or L ights n 'On ' in dicat es th a t th e printer is power ed 'On ' an d, aft er in it ia liz at io n , it in dic at es th e Re ad y M ode. ‘Sl ow F l as h ing ’ i n di ca t es Me nu M ode. ‘Fast Flash ing ’ in di cat es dat a is being recei ved an d processes sed. o ‘On ’ in dicat es a ‘Pau sed’ ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 43

    I- C l a s s 33 4. 0. 6 Reset i n g th e P r i n t er D epen di ng u po n t h e m eth od u sed, th e r e are t h ree r eset levels po ssib le: S oft Rese t To rese t h e pr in t er a n d clea r an y te m porar y h ost set ting s: W ith th e pr in t er 'On ', pre ss an d h old th e C AN CEL K ey for ap p rox i m at el y f o u r secon ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 44

    34 I -Cla ss 4 .1 The Menu S y s te m Pri n t er oper ation can be control le d t h r o ugh t h e u ser i n t er f ace, al low i n g th e operat or access to t h ese si x m e nu s y st e m bran c h es: M edia Set t i ng s Pri n t C o ntrol P r i nte r Opti o ns Sy ste m Set ti ng s C o m m u n i c a t i o ns Di a g nos ti cs Wh ile in th e m e nu s .. .

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 45

    I- C l a s s 35 4 .1 .1 Ent r a n c e a n d E x it P r ompt s W it h ‘ Ready ’ di sp l ay ed on th e L CD , p res s t h e K ey t o e n ter Me nu M ode. ; Note: Whil e i n M enu M ode, the pr i nter w ill stop process i ng new DPL (or bi tmapped) data. M ENU M O DE D e p e nd i n g u p o n t h e c o n f i g u r a ti o n o f t h e p r i n t er, t h e fo l l ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 46

    36 I -Cla ss 4. 1. 2 M ed i a S ett in g s M EDI A T YPE Select t h e pr i nting meth od. DI RECT T HERMA L F o r us e w i t h he a t s e ns i t i v e me d i a .  T HERMA L T RA NSFER For u se w i th m edi a r equ ir i ng a ri bbon t o create an i m a g e. SENSO R T YPE Sele cts t h e top-of -f or m (T O F) sen si ng m e t h od for or t h e m ed ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 47

    I- C l a s s 37 4. 1. 3 P r i n t C o n t r o l ☞ Refer to Secti on 2.1.1 for deta il ed i nformat i on on pr i nt qua l ity control l s. HE A T  10 (0- 30) Controls th e ‘b u r n - t i m e’ of t h e pri n th ead. T h i s is t h e equ iva len t of H eat S e tt ing o n m ost lab e l soft w a re pr og ra m s . PRI NT SPEED Control t h e r ate ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 48

    38 I -Cla ss Pri nt Control (conti nued) CUST O M A DJ UST M ENT S Th ese f ac tory adj u s t m e n ts in depe n de nt l y ch a ng e th e lis t ed p ar am e t ers t o f i n ely tu n e th e p r i nter a nd c o m p ens a te fo r s l i g h t me c h a n i cal l dif f e r e n ces s om e t i m es e v ide n t if m ult iple pri n t ers sh are l abe l form ats. ..

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 49

    I- C l a s s 39 4. 1. 4 P r i n t er O p t i o n s M O DULES M e m or y avai lable f o r u ser st o r a g e of g r a p h i cs , f o n ts a n d l a b e l f o r m a t s. (The phy sical presen ce of th e respect i ve m e m ory mo d ul e must b e de te c te d to s how t he fu n ct io n s e le ct ion s in th e m e nu s y st e m. S ee Appen di x C f or a l is tin g o f ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 50

    40 I -Cla ss Pri nter O pti ons (conti nued) C U TTE R U s e d to c ut me d i a i nto s e p a r a te l ab e l s . (The p hy si cal pre sen ce of a device mu s t be det ect ed t o s h ow th e ENABLE/D I S A B LE selection s.) ENA BLED En ables cut t i ng .  D I S A BLED Dis abl es c u t t ing . NOT I NST A LLED N o Cu tter is det ect ed. SC ANNE...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 51

    I- C l a s s 41 Pri nter O pti ons (conti nued) BA RCODE COUNT  00 (00-99) U sed to se t h e specif ic number of barcodes t o be r ead on th e l abe l. 00 sel ects AUT O M ode, al low i n g a va ri abl e n um be r o f barc odes to be re a d per la be l f o r m a t . A U T O M ode s h o u l d n ot be u sed wi th im a g ed (bi t m a pped) barc od ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 52

    42 I -Cla ss Pri nter O pti ons (conti nued) GP I O P OR T M odel de pen d a n t op tio n u s ed to i nterf ace th e pr in t er to a n e xt ern al controll i n g devi ce (s ee Appen di x D). GPI O DE VI CE In p u t cont rol s ig n al is req u ired t o p rin t a lab el.  DI S A BLED Disables th e GP I O . A PPL I C A T OR En ables t h e GPIO for ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 53

    I- C l a s s 43 4. 1. 5 Syst em Set t i n g s CO NF IG U R A T IO N FIL E Opt i o n s f o r s t o r a g e a n d r e c a l l o f p r i n t e r c o n fi g u r a t i o n fi les. S ee A ppe n di x F f o r de t ails. REST ORE A S CURRENT P ro vid e s a list o f av aila b le c o n f igu rat io n files. Se lec t in g a f ile f ro m th e lis t cau ses a p r i nter r e s ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 54

    44 I -Cla ss System Setti ngs (conti nued) DO UBL E B YT E SYM BO LS W h e n eq u i pped w i th t h e I L PC op t io n , th i s sel ects th e code pa g e u sed to pr in t do u bl e byt e f o nts un l ess ot h e rw i se specif ied i n D P L ; see th e I & W C lass Prog r a m m er’ s M a nu al f or detail s .  UNI CODE Un i code (i n clu d ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 55

    I- C l a s s 45 System Setti ngs (conti nued) CO NF IG U R A T IO N LEV EL T o u p g rade th e appli cat ion pro g ram (resid en t soft ware) ve rs ion of th e p r in t er, th e h ard war e a n d s o ft ware c om pa t ibilit y le vel s m u s t m a t ch for th e u pda t e t o be accepted ed. Th is i nf or m at io n i s display ed h ere ; it is a lso...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 56

    46 I -Cla ss System Set tings (conti nued) SET FACT O RY DEF AULT S P aram e t ers in th is m e n u list ing wit h th e ‘  ’ s y m bol ar e t h e desi gn a ted def a u l t s. SET FA CT ORY DEFA ULT S O v er writ e t h e cu rre n t se tt ing s with th e f actor y def a u l t setting s or, i f selected, w l l rest ore t h e Fact or y Sett ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 57

    I- C l a s s 47 System Setti ngs (conti nued) P A U SE M O DE W h e n e n able d, su spen ds pr i nting be t w een each l abel u ntil th e PAUS E K e y is pressed. ENA BLED Requ ir es an oper ator pres s th e P A U SE K y af t er each l abel.  DI S A BLED Th e prin t er c o m ple t es la be l bat ch wit h o ut pau sing be t wee n l a bel s. PEE...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 58

    48 I -Cla ss System Sett ngs (conti nued); Note: As i nd i cated, the fo ll ow i ng menu se l ect i ons w ill on l y appear accordi ng to the mode l of your pr i nter. PLUS EM U L A T IO N T h is in st r u c t s th e f ir m ware t o p ro ce ss specif ic D PL dat a as wou l d th e P r o d i gy P l us ® prin t er wit h o u t all o f th e variatio ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 59

    I- C l a s s 49 System Setti ngs (conti nued); Note: As i nd i cted, the fo ll ow i ng menu se l ect i ons w ill on l y appear accord ing to the model of your pr i nter. A L LE GRO E MU LA T I ON T h is in st r u c t s th e f ir m ware t o pro ce ss specif ic DP L dat a as w ou l d t h e A alle g ro ® pr in t er wit h o u t all of the e vari atio ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 60

    50 I -Cla ss System Setti ngs (conti nued) C O L UM N EM UL A T IO N P r o v ide s c o m pa t ibilit y wit h le g ac y Dat a m a x pr od u cts. T h e Prodigy Pl u s a n d A lle g ro ca lcu lat ed c o lum n p os it io n s u si ng 200 DPI m ath b ut h a d 203 DPI pri nth eads. A lso, decreasin g t h e DPI co m pe n sat es fo r diff erent pr inter m o ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 61

    I- C l a s s 51 System Setti ngs (conti nued) M ENU L ANG U A G E Selects t h e la ngu ag e i n w h i c h th e me nu sy st e m m essag es a n d co nf igu r at io n label are sh own . On l y langu a g es th a t are residen t w ill be a va il ab le.  ENGLI SH En g lish FRA NC AI S Fr e n c h IT AL I AN O I t alian DEUT SCH Ger m an ESPA NOL Sp a ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 62

    52 I -Cla ss System Setti ngs (conti nued) VO ID D IS T AN C E  0.25in (0-2.00) The dist a n ce to b ac ku p o n th e de f ect ive lab el a n d t h e f o n t si z e in wh ic h t o pr i n t th e VOI D t e xt . RET RY COUN T  1 (0-3) E st ab lish es th e num ber o f ret ries th e p rin t e r w i ll a tte m p t to r e p r i nt a d e fe c ti ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 63

    I- C l a s s 53 4. 1. 6 C o m m u n i c a t i o n s SER I A L PO RT A C o n t rol s th e c o mm unica tio n s sett i ng s for Ser ial Port A . BA UD R A T E Det er m i n es t h e ser ial com m un ication rat e. 38400 38400 bits per second 28800 28800 bits per second 19200 19200 bits per second  9600 9600 bits per second 4800 4800 bits per second 24 ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 64

    54 I -Cla ss Comm uni cati ons (continued) P A RALLE L PORT A Cont r o l s th e c o mm unica t i o n s se t ti ng s for P ara lle l P or t A. PORT DI RECT I ON D et er m i n es i f m essag es are sent f ro m t h e pr in t er t o th e h ost via th e pa ra lle l po rt .  UNI -D I RECT I ON A L On e - w a y p r i n te r co mmu nic a ti o n. BI-D...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 65

    I- C l a s s 55 Comm uni cati ons (continued) GA T EWA Y S p e c i f i e s the ne t w o r k ga t e w a y a d d r e s s the NIC Ad a p te r s ho ul d use . SNMPT RA P DEST I NA T I ON Select s t h e Net work I P add ress w h ere al l SN M P T ra ps wi ll be se n t. If z er oed, n o t raps are sen t. PROT OCOL Th e n e t wor k protocols r ecog n i z ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 66

    56 I -Cla ss Comm uni cati ons (continued) HO ST SETT INGS Se tti n gs w hi c h a f fe ct a l l c o mmu nic a ti ons wit h a h ost . HOST T I MEOUT  10 SEC (1-60) Th e number of secon ds a co m m unic ation s port m u st be i dl e before t h e pri n t er m a y proce ss da t a from a diff ferent port. T h i s valu e i s al so u sed t o “t i m ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 67

    I- C l a s s 57 Comm uni cati ons (continued) HEA T COMMA ND A ll ows th e u ser t o disable th e DPL Hea t C o m m a n d, p ro vid i n g co m p at ibilit y wit h ot h e r DAT AM AX p r i n ter s .  ENA BLED Nor m a l pr i n t er oper ating m ode. DI S A BLED DP L He a t Co mma nds a r e i gnor ed . The h eat v al u e i s con trolled via t h e m ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 68

    58 I -Cla ss 4 .1 .7 D ia gnost ic s H E X D U MP MOD E Mo s t c o m mo nl y us e d fo r tr o u l e s ho o t i n g. P r in t s da t a a n d in s t ru c t io n s rec eiv ed f ro m th e h o s t rath er th a n int erp ret ing th e m as la bel form ats; see Section 6.2. ENA BLE Pri n ts raw A SC II dat a received f ro m th e h ost rat h er th an e x e ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 69

    I- C l a s s 59 Diagnosti cs (conti nued) SENSO R R E ADI NG S A n al o g S e n s o r r e a d i n g s a re dis p l ay ed. T H R T R A N RI BM 24V Æ 255 255 255 255 L i ve se n s or va lu es a re di s pla y e d. V i ew can be t o gg le d w i t h t h e FO RWARD an d REV E RS E Key s. M a x i mum val u e s ar e sh own i n th is e x a m pl e: t h e r m is ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 70

    60 I -Cla ss 4. 2 Di sp l ay Messag es T h e pr int er dis p lay s s ev er al d if f e re n t ty pe s o f i nf or m at io n (if n o t i n th e m e nu sy st e m or Q u ick Tes t M ode): ¾ U ser Pro m p t s an d Co n dition M essa g e s (al so s ee Section 4.1.1 f o r a l i s ting of th e E nter / Ex i t Pro mpt s) ¾ Application a n d Boot L oa der U...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 71

    I- C l a s s 61 Use r Pr o mpts and Condi tio n M e ssa g e s (conti nued) Di s p l aye d M e ss age De s c ri ptio n C o n ditio n(s) SFBE Z Ready Mode. Nor m al operating m ode. The printer is ready to rec ei ve an d proces s la be l fo r m a ts. SFNP WF! MBC FM A la be l is a wa it ing rem oval. Th e Pr esent Se n sor opt io n is en abl ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 72

    62 I -Cla ss 4. 3 Q u i ck T est Mo d e Th i s section e x plain s t h e fun ctio n s of th e resi den t Qu ick T est s, accessible by pres s i n g t h e Key o n t h e Fro n t P a n el. ; Notes: (1) Wi th the except i on of the Conf i gurat i on Labe l, a ll Qu i ck Test l abe l s requ i re 4-i nch (102mm) w i de med i a to pr i nt the ent i re form...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 73

    I- C l a s s 63 4 .3 .2 C onfigur a tio n La be l Th e Co nf i gu ration Label provi des pr in t er va lu able da t ab as e in for m a t ion , as detail ed i n Section 4.1. T o prin t a C onf igu ra t ion L ab el: n Pres s th e Ke y. o U se th e K y t o scr o l l to ‘ P r i nt C o n fi g u r a t i o n’ . p Pres s th e Key to prin t. ; Note: ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 74

    64 I -Cla ss 4 .3 .3 Q uick Ribbon Tes t La be l Th e Q u ick R ibbon Tes t L abel fea tures a com pl ia nt pic k e t-f e n ce ba r c ode t h a t ca n b e u sed t o v er ify th erm al t ra n sf er an d prin t q u ality fun ct io n s. T o prin t a Qu ic k R i bbo n Test L abel: n Pres s th e Ke y. o U se th e K y t o scr ol l to ‘Ribbon Test ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 75

    I- C l a s s 65 4. 3. 4 Do t T est P at tern Lab el Th e D ot Test Patt ern L abel fea tu res pat t er n s th at e x er cise th e t h er m al el em e nt s of the pri nt h ead to i n dic ate ​​its overal l con dition (se e ex a m pl es be l ow). To pr i n t a D o t T e st Pa tt ern L abe l: n Pres s th e Ke y. o U se th e Ke y t o scr ol l to ‘Dot ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 76

    66 I -Cla ss 4. 3. 5 Val i d ati o n Lab el T h e V alida t io n L ab el is a n o th er u se fu l t ool for or ev a lu at i n g o ve ra ll prin t q u ality . T o g e n era t e a V alida t ion L ab e l: n Pres s th e Ke y. o U se th e K y t o scr ol l to ‘V a li da t ion L abel’. p U se th e K y t o sel ect a q u a n tit y; see Section 4.0.3. ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 77

    I- C l a s s 67 Adj us ti ng and M a in t a inin g th e P r in ter 5 .0 Me dia Sens or Calibr at ion In addition t o h e Sen sor T y pe sel ection , Media Sen sor c al ibr ation en s u res t h a t each label i s det ect ed corre ct l y an d reliably . Per fo r m cal ibration w h e n t h e ‘Un ca li br ated’ m ess ag e is dis pl ay ed. T...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 78

    68 I -Cla ss Standar d Calibrati on (cont inued) Step O p e r ator A c t i o n D i s p l a e d M e ss age Co m m e n t 3 Pres s th e Key to e n ter t he Me d i a Set t i ng s m e nu . NFEJ B!T FUU JOH T NFEJ B!U ZQF ! See Section 4.1.2 for m e nu la y o ut. 4 Pres s th e Ke y an d scro ll t o ‘S en sor C alibra t i on ’. NFEJ B!T FUU JOH T...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 79

    I- C l a s s 69 Standar d Cali bra ti on (cont inued) Step O p e r ator A c t io n D i s p l aye d M e ss age Co mm e n t 7 Proceed accord in g t o y o u r m edia t y pe: Die - c ut s t o c k: stri p th e m e di a f ro m t h e bac k i ng an d th e n rein se rt it i nt o th e sen sor; adj u st th e Sen s or E y e Mark k over th e cent er of th e ba ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 80

    70 I -Cla ss Standar d Cali bra ti on (cont inued) Step O p e r ator A c t i o n D i s p l a e d M e ss age Co m m e n t 9 O bserve t h e display . HBQ! NPE F DBMJ CSB UJP O!D PNQ MFU F O r, for ref lective m edia: SFGM FDU JWF !NP EF! DBMJ CSB UJP O!D PNQ MFU F Or, for c onti nuou s media: ! DPOU JOV PVT !NP EF! DBMJ CSB UJP O!D PNQ MFU F Th e cal...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 81

    I- C l a s s 71 5. 0. 2 Ad van ced E n t ry Cal i b rati o n A dvan ced E ntr y Calibration is the alter n ate meth od for special - case m edia ty pes. Th e proced u re h as two par ts: 1) Y o u m u st list th e sen sor r ea din g s f o r th e la b e l an d TO F va l u es u si n g diff erent alg ori t hm s. 2) F r o m yo ur l i s t t he b e s t a ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 82

    72 I -Cla ss A dvance d Entry Cali brat i on (continued) Step O p e r ator A c t io n D i s p l aye d M e ss age Co m m e n t 6 Pres s th e K y t o scr o l t o 'Advan c ed Entry'. TFOT PS! DBM JCS BUJ PO BEWB ODF E!F OUS Z Y ou are e n tering Advan ced E nt r y C a libra t ion . 7 Pres s th e Key. BEWB ODF E!F OUS Z TFOT PS! MFW FMT! Press...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 83

    I- C l a s s 73 A dvance d Entry Cali brat i on (continued) Step O p e r ator A c t io n D i s p l a ye d M e ss age Co m m e n t 11 Proceeded accord in g t o y o u r m edia t y pe: Die - c ut s t o c k : stri p th e m e di a f ro m t h e bac k i ng an d th e n rein se rt it i nt o th e sen sor; adj u st th e Sen s or E y e Mark k over th e cent er of ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 84

    74 I -Cla ss A dvance d Entry Cali brat i on (continued) Step O p e r ator A c t io n Di s p l aye d M e ss age Co m m e nt 12 From th e dat a coll ected in St eps 10 an d 11, w h ere both th e se n sor r eadi n g s are above 20, su btract eac h L abe l V alu e f ro m th e corr es pon di n g TOF V alu e. Th ese are th e Diffe r e n c e Val u e s ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 85

    I- C l a s s 75 A dvance d Entry Cali brat i on (continued) Step O p e r ator A c t io n Di s p l aye d M e ss age Co m m e nt 13 U si ng th e Ke y, select t h e G ai n N um ber deter m i n ed i n St e p 12. Pres s th e Key to select t h e sett ing . HBJO !US BO! !!! !!= zzz ? +19! !!! !!! !!) 1!. !42 * O r, for ref lective m edia: HBJO !SF GM! ! ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 86

    76 I -Cla ss A dvance d Entry Cali brat i on (continued) Step O p e r ator A c t io n Di s p l aye d M e ss age Co m m e nt 16 Pres s th e Key. U si ng th e or t h e Key, se t th e ‘P ap e r’ lev el t o t h e v alu e deter m i n ed i n th e previ ou s step. Press t h e K y t o set t h e e nt ry (i n di cat ed by th e ‘ * ’) an d adv a ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 87

    I- C l a s s 77 5. 1 Pri nt h ead Ad just m ent s T o en s u re co n sist e n t p ri n t q u ality ov er a wid e ran g e o f m ed ia ty pes an d dim e n sion s, t h e pr i n t er i s e qu i pped w i th a L evel i ng C a m adju s tm e nt an d a B u r n Li ne a d j us t m e nt . 5. 1. 1 L evel i n g Cam Ad ju stmen t Wh e n prin t ing on less th a n ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 88

    78 I -Cla ss 5 .1 .2 B ur n Line A d jus tm ent Th e B u r n L i n e h as be en adj u sted at th e fac tory for strict co m pl i an ce u si ng 6.5- m i l (.0065 i n c h) m edi a, e n s u ri ng pri nt q u al i ty acr oss a m aj or i t y o f m edi a ty pes. In e x tre m e ca ses , h ow ever, i f m edia of a di fferent th ic kn e ss or r ig idi ty i ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 89

    I- C l a s s 79 5. 2 P r i n t h ead Rep l ace m ent ; Note: Pri ntheads are frag il e; use extreme care when hand li ng and never use a sharp object on the surface. If you have questi ons, contact a qualified techn i c i an or Datamax Techn i cal Support before proceeding. To replace t h e pri n t h ead: n Tou c h a bare m et al part o f th e pri ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 90

    80 I -Cla ss 5. 3 Main ten ance S ch ed u l e Th e foll ow in g l is t an d t able de tail t h e rec o m m e n de d i t e m s, tec hn iqu es, a n d s c he d ul e s to he l p yo u s a fe l y a nd e f fe c ti v e l y ma i nt a i n t he p r i nt e r . I sopropy l al c oh ol Co tto n s w a b s A clean , l in t - free clot h Sof t-br is tle br u s h Soa ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 91

    I- C l a s s 81 5. 3. 1 Cl ean i n g th e P rin th ead I f pri n t qu ality dec lin es (sy m p t o m s i n clu de n o n -com plian t bar co d es , p rin t dropou t s, strea k s; see Sec t io n 4.3.4), t h e ty pic al cau s e is de bri s bu il d- u p on t h e pri n th ead. F u rt h er m ore, w h e n t h e b u i l d-u p is n o t re m oved i t m a y ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 92

    82 I -Cla ss 5. 3. 2 Cl ean i n g t h e Plat en Ro ll er A pl at en roll er con t a m i n ated wit h g rit, label adh esive, or in k can ca u se a declin e in pr in t q u ality a n d, in e x t re m e ca ses , ca u se lab els t o st ick an d wra p arou n d th e roll e r. To clean t h e plate n roller: n Tu r n ‘O ff ’ a n d un pl ug t h e pri ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 93

    I- C l a s s 83 5. 3. 3 Cl ean i n g In t eri o r an d E xt eri o r S u rf aces I n t e ri o r S u rf a c e s: D u ri n g oper atio n , d u s t part ic le s fro m t h e media bu i l d-u p in sid e t h e p rin t er. T h e n , as th e m ed ia is pu lled t h ro ug h th e p rin t er, th e par t icles can be c o m e at t ac h e d a n d c a u se voids on t ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 94

    84 I -Cla ss 5. 4. 1 Up d at i n g fro m the Ready M o d e U pd at e Pr oce d ure for Appli c at i o n Ver sio n 2.091 o r g r e ate r Step Di s p laye d Me ss age O p e r ator A c t i o n C o m m e n t (s) 1 ! SFBE Z U s i n g t h e DOS copy co mm a n d (wh ere ‘filen am e’ is th e prog ra m t o be loa ded an d ‘l pt1’ is th e select ed ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 95

    I- C l a s s 85 5 .4 .2 U pda t ing fr om t he D own loa d Mode Re qu i r e d U pdate Pr oce d ure for Appli cat i o n V e r s i o n 2.08 o r e ar lie r * Step Di s p laye d Me ss age Op e rator Act io n C o m m e n t(s) 1 CPPU .QB 21 13/1 9!3 022 011 P res s a n d h old th e PA U SE a n d T EST K e y s w h ile t u r n in g 'O n ' th e print...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 96

    86 I -Cla ss 5. 4. 3 Po ssi b l e Pro b l ems d u rin g an Up d at e Th e f oll ow i n g i s l i st of possi ble e rror m ess ag es w h e n dow n l oadi ng: ; Note: If experi enc i ng troub l e when attempt i ng to down l oad the f il e to the pr inter, try the fo ll ow i ng a l ternate methods: 1) Use the Downl oad M ode (see Sect i on 5.4.2). 2) ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 97

    I- C l a s s 87 5 .5 Boot Loa der Pr ogr a m U pdat e s Th e print er sto res t h e Boo t Loader P r o g r a m in Flash m e m o r y o n t h e M ain P CB . A f eatur e all ows u pdat es to th is prog ra m vi a th e prin t er’s in terf ace port. U pdat es can be f o un d a t f tp:/ /ftp.datam a x c . W ARN ING I f power is lost while ‘Up ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 98

    88 I-Cla ss...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 99

    I- C l a s s 89 T r oubl eshoot i ng 6. 0 Pro bl em Resol utio n S h o u ld a pro blem aris e, th e inf or m at io n in th is se ct ion will h elp y ou reso lv e it. T h e f ollo win g t a ble list s p ro ble m s th at will n ot n ece ssa rily g e n era t e an erro r m e ssa g e. (For in for m atio n o n di spl ay ed m es sag es, s ee Section 6.1 ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 100

    90 I -Cla ss If e x per ri e nc i ng t h i s pro b le m… Tr y t his solu tio n… Erra t i c p r i n t ing (i n stead o f th e label f ​​orm at, s t r a n g e c h a r a c t ers are p r i n t ed ): Th e pr i n t er m a y be in He x D ump M ode ; see Sec t i on 6.2. I f u si ng th e serial port f or com mun ica t ing, ch ec k bot h th e h os t a n d pri nt er por ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 101

    I- C l a s s 91 If e x per ri e nc i ng t h i s pro b le m… Tr y t his solu tio n… No power (all i n di ca t or l i g hts are 'Of f’): V er if y th at t h e AC power cord conn ectio n h as been m ade at bo t h t h e o ut l et a n d th e pr in t er; als o, en s u re t h e pow er switch is ‘O n’. V erify th at th e A C o ut let is fu n c ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 102

    92 I -Cla ss If e x per ri e nc i ng t h i s pro b le m… Tr y t his sol u t io n… N o t hi n g ha p p e ns w he n t r yi n g to p r i nt usi n g a s o f tw ar e prog ra m : E n s u re th a t th e p rin t er is a t RE A DY . O b se rv e t h e F ron t Pa n el, if th e R EAD Y l i gh t d o e s no t fl a s h a s yo u s e nd t he f o r ma t ch ec k ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 103

    I- C l a s s 93 6. 1 F a u l t an d W a r n i n g M essag es All prin t er fun ct i o n s are in t e r n a l y mo n itored. I f a probl em (Fa u l t) or a pote n t ia l proble em (W ar n i ng) is de t ected, t h e Err or I n di ca t or (see Section 4.0.4) will ill be illu m i n at e d. A c orr es po n din g m ess a g e will b e d isp l ay ed (if n o t ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 104

    94 I -Cla ss Pr in ter F a ul t M e ssag e s (cont inued) Di s p l aye d M e ss age De s c ri p t io n Po ss ibl e Sol u tio n (s) ENB! GBV MU Th e p r i n t er h a s det ect ed a D i rect M e m ory Access f ailu re. T ry c y cling th e p rin t er po wer ‘Of f ’ a n d ‘ O n ’. If t h e f a u lt does n ot clear, call for service. HBQ! NPE...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 105

    I- C l a s s 95 P r i n t e r F a ul t M e ssag e s (cont inued) Di s p l aye d M e ss age De s c r i p t i o n Po ss ibl e Sol u tio n (s) QPTJ UJP O! G BVM U Two pos si b le cau ses: (1) T h e prin t er was pow ere d-off or res et du ri ng a ri bbon , out of s toc k or TOF f a u lt ; or (2) the p rin t er was un a ble t o co m pl ete th e M edi a C a ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 106

    96 I -Cla ss Pr in ter F a ul t M e ssag e s (cont inued) Di s p l aye d M e ss age De s c r i p t i o n Po ss ibl e Sol u tio n (s) SFGM FDU JWF ! NP EF GBVM UZ! TFO TPS C o ns i s te nt l y hi g h s e ns o r r e a d i ngs wer e det ect ed. P r e s s a ny k y t o c o n t i n ue . En s u re t h a t m edi a w as rem oved fro m th e m edi a sen sor d ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 107

    I- C l a s s 97 P r i n t e r F a ul t M e ssag e s (cont inued) Di s p l aye d M e ss age De s c r i p t i o n Po ss ibl e Sol u tio n (s) TDBO OFS !GB VMU Th e Sca nn er cou ld n o t su ccessfu ll y pass a bar code. ; Note: T h is is a n o r m a l c o n d it io n when a bar code i s not readable. Press t h e FE E D K e y t o clear. I f t h e bar c o ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 108

    98 I -Cla ss Pr in ter F a ul t M e ssag e s (cont inued) Di s p l aye d M e ss age De s c r i p t i o n Po ss ibl e Sol u tio n (s) UPQ! PG! GPS N!G BVM U Th e printer cou ld no t fi nd t he T O F m ar k with in th e m a xi mu m l a be l len gth sett ing or it f o un d a TO F i n a n un e x pect ed place. ; Note: When the pri nter i s set for refl...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 109

    I- C l a s s 99 P r i n t e r F a ul t M e ssag e s (cont inued) Di s p l aye d M e ss age De s c r i p t i o n Po ss ibl e Sol u tio n (s) WFSJ GJF S! G BVM U Th e V er ifier cou ld n o t su ccessfu ll y pass a bar code. ; Note: T h is is a n o r m a l c o n d it io n when a bar code i s not veri fi ab l e. S im u lt a n eou sly pre ss th e ENTER a n ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 110

    100 I -Cla ss P rin ter W a rn in g M e ss ag e s Di s p l aye d M e ss age De s c ri ptio n Actio n (s) MPX! WPM UBH F Th e p r i n t er h a s det ect ed a low opera t i ng vol t a g e. P o s s i b l e l o w or f l uc t ua ti n g l i n e vol t ag e leve l. T r y m oving th e prin t er to an o th er o ut le t . Wh e n more th an 50% bl ack is be i ng ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 111

    I -Cla ss 101 6. 2 Hex Du m p M o d e Th e Hex D um p Mode is a u s e fu l tool for diag n osi ng probl e m s, i n cl u ding comm uni ca t i on a n d DP L s yn t a x er r ors , a l l o w n g a c o m par i son of i n p ut stri ng s (sen t b y h ost) t o o ut p ut dat a (received by prin ter). To decode th is in for m a t ion, th e I & W Class...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 112

    102 I-Cla ss...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 113

    I -Cla ss 103 P r i n t er S pecifications 7. 0 G en eral Sp ecif i cati on s Bar Co d es (See t h e I &W Class s Progra mm er's Manual for det ail s. See Appen di x B for sam ples.) Code 39, In ​​t erl eaved 2 of 5, Code 128 (su bse t s A, B a n d C), Codabar, LO GMARS, U P C-A, U P C-E, U PC 2 & 5 di g i t adden d ums, EAN-8, EA N-13, E...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 114

    ( -17° C to 60° C) Hu m idity: 10% 95% t ion: Moderate RF fiel ds c an be t oler ated M...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 115

    I -Cla ss 105 Pri nti ng Specific ations (conti nued) Pri n t L e ngth Ra ng e: wi th an op t io n al cu t t er: wi th an op t io n al peel & presen t m ec h a n i s m : .25” – 99” (6.4 m m – 2514.6 m m) I -4206, I -4208, I- 4212, I–4308 .25” – 84” (6.4 mm m – 2133.6 m m) I -4406 .25” – 55 ” (6.4 m m – 1397 m m) ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 116

    106 I -Cla ss Medi a and Ribbon Requi rem ents (continued) E A B C D G H I J F Me di a Di me ns io ns De sign ator De s c ri ptio n M aximu m M in i mu m A l abel w i dth 4.65 1.00 B l i n e r w i dth 4.65 1.00 C g ap (or n o tc h) between l abel s – .100 D label len gth – .250 E m ed ia th ic kn ess .0100 .0025 F n o ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 117

    I -Cla ss 107 Appe ndi x A A SCI I Cont ro l Cod e Char De c He x Char De c He x Char De c He x Char De c He x Ctrl @ NUL 0 00 32 20 @ 64 40 ` 96 60 Ctrl A SOH 1 01 ! 33 21 A 65 41 a 97 61 Ctrl B ST X 2 02 “ 34 22 B 66 42 b 98 62 Ctrl C E XT 3 03 # 35 23 C 67 43 c 99 63 Ctrl D EOT 4 04 $ 36 24 D 68 44 d 100 64 Ctrl E E NQ 5 05 % 37 25 E ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 118

    108 I -Cla ss ASCII Control Code Chart (conti nued) Char De c He x Ch ar De c He x Char De c He x Char r De c He x Ç 128 80 á 160 A 0 192 C0 Ó 224 E0 ü 129 81 í 161 A 1 193 C1 ß 225 E1 é 130 82 ó 162 A 2 194 C2 Ô 226 E 2 â 131 83 ú 163 A 3 195 C3 Ò 227 E 3 ä 132 84 ñ 164 A 4 196 C4 õ 228 E 4 à 133 85 Ñ 165 A 5 197 C5 Õ 229 E 5 å ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 119

    I -Cla ss 109 Appe ndi x B A vail ab le Fon ts an d B ar Co d es A ll ch ar act er f ont s a n d bar codes availab le w i t h t h e pri nt er are descr ibed in t h i s sect ion . E a h f o nt a n d bar code h as a n a m e associated with i t f or u se in prog ra mm i ng . Huma n -r eadabl e fon ts h ave num er i c n a mes, w h il e bar code f on t ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 120

    110 I -Cla ss T h e t abl e bel ow li sts t h e f o n t si z es; th e num ber s i n dic ate ​​th e number of do t s. Fo nt He ig ht Wid t h Sp ac i n g 075 1 11 37 2 21 8 1 0 2 32 7 1 4 2 43 6 1 8 3 55 2 1 8 3 66 4 3 2 4 73 2 1 5 5 82 8 1 5 5 F o n t 0: 96-ch aract er alph a num er ic, upper an d l ower case. F o n t 1: 145- charac t er u pper a n d ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 121

    I -Cla ss 111 F o n t 4: 62-ch aract er alph a num er ic, u ppercase. F o n t 5: 62-ch aract er alph a num er ic, u pper rca se. F o n t 6: 62-ch aract er alph a num eric, u ppercase. ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 122

    112 I -Cla ss F o n t 7: OC R- A, s i z e I. F o n t 8: OC R- B, s i z e III. Fo nt 9: Intern al Triumvir ate fo nt. Th e num ber i n t h e bar code h e ight fiel d sets t h e point si z es. L arg er poi nt si z e s ca n be ob tain ed b y i n cre asi n g th e h ei gh t a n d width m u l t ipliers . ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 123

    I -Cla ss 113 Bar Co d e S u mmar y Data Bar Code f o n t s h ave a l ph a n a m es (Bar Code ID): L owe rca se n am es o n l y pr in t barc odes; u pperca se n a m es pr i n t barc odes w i th hum a n -r eadabl e i n terpr etat io n s . Th e t abl e i s foll owed by vi su al s am ple s. Ba r Co de ID S y mb ology Le ng t h Ch eck - su m Vali d AS ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 124

    114 I -Cla ss Ba r Co d e A: C ode 39 Bar Co de B: U P C-A Bar Co de C: U P C-E Bar Co d e D: I nt erl ea ved 2 of 5 Bar Co de E: Code 128 Bar Co de F: EAN-13 Bar Co de G: E AN- 8 Bar Co de H: Health In d u str y Bar Code (HB IC) Bar Co de I: Codabar Bar C o d e J: Int erl eave d 2 of 5 w/m od u l o 10 ch ec k s um ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 125

    I -Cla ss 115 Bar Co de K: Plessey Bar Co de L: Int erl eave d 2 of 5 w/m od u l o 10 ch ec k s um a n d sh ippi ng bearer bar s B a r C o de M: 2 Dig it UPC adde n d um Bar Co d e N: 5 Dig i t U P C adde n d um Bar Co de O: Code 93 B a r C o de p: Post n et Bar Co de Q: U CC/EAN Code 128 Bar Co d e R: UCC /EA N C ode 128 KM ART NO N ED I ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 126

    116 I -Cla ss Bar Co de S: U C C/EAN Code 128 R a n d om W e i g h t Bar Co d e T: Tel epen B a r C o de u: U PS M a x iCode Bar C o d e v: FIM Bar C o d e z: PDF- 41 7 Bar Co d e WG: US D - 8 Bar Co de W1c: Da ta Ma tr i x B a r C o de W1 d: Q R C ode Bar Co de W1f: Azt ec Bar Co de W1z: M i cr oPDF417 ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 127

    I -Cla ss 117 Appendi x C Module As s ign ment s Me m o ry Mo d u le De sign ator Mo dule Si ze Vo la ti le * Lo cat io n / Us e A F ut u r e Opt ti o n N/ A N / A B F u t ur e Opti o n N/ A N/ A D 1024 KB (def au lt siz e) Yes M a in P CB S DR AM – u ser a ddres sabl e for g rap hic s , f o n ts, a n d la bel f or m a ts F 4 M B N o O pt io n ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 128

    118 I -Cla ss A vail ab le Sp eeds an d Defau l t Set ti ng s P r i n t e r S pe e d R a ng e s a n d D e f a ul t s * S p eed R an g e Defau l t S e tti n g Mo de l IP S MM PS IPS MM PS I -4206: P r i n t 2- 6 51 – 152 6.0 152 Feed 2- 8 51 – 203 6.0 152 Reverse 2- 5 51 – 102 4.0 102 I -4208: P r i n t 2-8 51 – 203 8.0 203 Feed 2- 8 51 – 2 ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 129

    I -Cla ss 119 Appe ndi x D G PI O Port Descri p ti on W ith th e op t io n al G PIO PC B, th e p rin t er ca n ea sily be p rog ram m ed t o i n t e r f ac e wi t h m ost application or devices. Th e G P I O f un ctio n s ar e en abl ed an d co nf igu r ed u s i n g t h e m e nu s y ste m of th e pri nt er (s ee Section 4.1.4). Th e se pa ra m eters a...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 130

    120 I -Cla ss G P IO P i n C o nf i g u r a t i o n (as vi e wed from t h e re ar of th e pr in t er) Exte r n al St ar t of P r i n t Co n t ro l Co n ec t i o n s for r an e xt er n al St ar t of Pri nt control c an be m ade (1) d i r e c t l y to P i n 8 us i n g a T T L- le vel i n put or (2) w i th an in t er f ace circu it si m i lar to th e o ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 131

    I -Cla ss 121 Appe ndi x E Me nu S yst e m M ult i- La ng ua ge Sup por t T h is prin t e r p rov ides t h e u ser wit h th e a b ilit y t o d o w n load n ew m e nu s y st em lan gu a g es a n d/or r eplace t h e Dat a m a x provided t r a n slation s. A M icr osof t Ex cel Sp readsh eet de fin es th e me nu diction ar y – th e u ser adds a n ew ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 132

    122 I -Cla ss Creat i ng a M enu L a ngu a g e: n In vo k e E x cel an d ope n th e g e m ms g lst. x ls f il e. Ex cel open s t h e f il e a n d t h e f ollowi n g screen appears. o Click th e “E n able M acro” box a n d t h e f oll ow i n g appear s: ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 133

    I -Cla ss 123 p Cli ck On Col umn J a n d e n ter y o u r n ew l an gu a g e , or m o dif y a n e x i st i n g o n e . Tips: A) M essag e Si z e – W h e n e nt ering n ew m essag es, ref eren ce th e ' M A X' co lum n: th is is t h e m a x i m um n u m b e r o f c h a r a ct ers allo w ed f o r t h is f ie ld. W arn i ng s a re di s pla y e d w h ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 134

    124 I -Cla ss s D o wn lo ad th e g e n era t ed files t o th e p r i n t er – on em m eth od is th e D O S c o p y c o mma nd: copy lpt1: /b t Reset th e pri nter by press i ng a n d h oldi ng th e CA NCE L K y f or approx i m atel y f o u r secon ds. u V eri f y th e op er ation b y pr nting a C o n f i gu ratio n L abel (see Sec t i on ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 135

    I -Cla ss 125 y To re store t h e fact or y g e n er ated EF IGS i m a g e, down l oad t h e fi l e * 832296.01A t o th e prin ter. T h is f il e i s loc ated on t h e Dat a ma x FTP si te. Th e l etter at th e e n d o f th e f i l e n a m e (e. g ., A) specifies t h e revisi on . T h e la t est revi si on will be a v a i la ble on th e F TP site. ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 136

    126 I-Cla ss...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 137

    I -Cla ss 127 Appe ndi x F Sa v ing a C onf i gur a t ion Fi le W it h a ppl ic ation ve rs ion 5.01 a n d above , the pri nter ca n s ave an d res tore c o m pl e te pr i nter s e tti n gs, i n c l udi n g med i a c a l i br a ti o n p a r a m e ter s , a s i nter na l Confi g u r ation F i l es. Here are t h e h i gh l i ghts a n d r estri ction s...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 138

    128 I -Cla ss To sav e a m a nu all y ent ered set u p (for ex a mple, an appli cat ion th at req u i red an A d v a nc e d E n t r y C a l i b r a ti o n b e for r e b e gi n ni n g) a s a c o nfi g u r a ti o n f i l e us i n g t h e f r o n t p a n el: Step Di s p laye d Me ss age Op e rator Act io n C o m m e n t(s) 1 ! SFBE Z Press th e K y . Y ou a...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 139

    I -Cla ss 129 War r ant y I nfor mat i on Datam ax B arcode Prod uc t s Lim i t ed War ran t y St a t em en t I- C l a s s P rint ers Printer D at a m a x war ran t s * t o P u r ch aser th at un der n or m al u se an d ser vice, t h e I-C lass P rin t ers, (wit h th e e x cep t io n o f th e t h e r m al prin th ead , pla t en roller, a n d be lt s...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 140

    130 I -Cla ss The r m a l Pr int he ad, P l a t e n R o l l e r , a nd Belt s T h i s w a r r an ty* is l i m i t ed to a peri od of o n e y ea r, (365 day s) , or on e m illio n (1,000,000) lin e ar i n ch es o f u se, w h ich ever co m es f ir s t , for th e I-Class s th er m al pri n th ead, platen r ol le r, an d bel ts. T h i s o n e y e r (365 day...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 141

    I -Cla ss 131 Gene r a l W a rr a nty Pr ov isions D a t a m a x m a k es n o w arra n ty as t o th e d e sig n , c a pa b ilit y , cap ac ity or su it ab ilit y of a ny of i t s h ar dw ar e, s u ppl i es , or sof twar e. Sof t wa re i s li c en sed on a n “as i s” basi s w ith out w ar ra n t y . E x ce pt a n d t o th e ex t e nt e x pre s ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 142

    132 I-Cla ss...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 143

    I -Cla ss 133 Glo ss a ry al pha num e ric Co n si sting o f alp habetic, numeric, pun ct u a tion a n d o th er sym bols. b ack in g m at e r ia l T h e s ilico n -coa t ed pa p er c ar r ier m at e rial t o w h ich labels wi t h adh esive back ing are af f i x ed. A lso ref erred t o as “li n er”. ba r c o de A re p res en t at ion of alp ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 144

    134 I -Cla ss de f a ult s T h e fun ct i o n al sett i ng val u es ret u r n ed f o l l o w i n g a f a c t o ry res et o f t h e p r i nter. di ag n ostic s Prog r a m s u se d t o l ocate a n d dia gn os e h ar dw ar e pr obl em s. die - cu t m e d i a M edia t h at h as bee n cut i n t o a patt er n u sing a press, w h e re th e e x cess paper is rem ove ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 145

    I -Cla ss 135 la be l A paper or sy nth et ic pri nting mat eri al , ty pi cal l y w i th a pr es su re sen si t ive adh esive back i ng . la be l le ngt h T h e dis tan ce fro m t h e t op o f th e labe l to th e botto m of t h e lab el a s it ex it s th e p rin t er. la be l re pe at Th e di st an ce f ro m t h e t op o f o n e l abel to th e t ...

  • Datamax I-4208 - page 146

    136 I -Cla ss re g i s t r a t i o n Repeatable top to bott o m ali gnm e nt of pr inted label s . re v e rse s pe e d Th e bac k w ar d ra t e of m e di a m otio n i n t o t h e pri n t er du r i ng t ear- of f, pe el an d prese n t a n d c u t ti ng oper ation s for or posi tion i ng t h e la bel at t h e s tart of pri nt position . r ibbo n A n e ...

Manufacturer Datamax Category Printer

We can divide the documents that we receive from the manufacturer of the Datamax I-4208 device into several groups. This is in particular:
- Datamax technical drawings
- service instructions I-4208
- Datamax product data sheets
- information brochures
- energy labels Datamax I-4208
All of them are important, but the most important information from a user's point of view will be found in the Datamax I-4208 service manual.

The group of documents defined as service instructions is also divided into more detailed types, such as: Datamax I-4208 installation instructions, service instructions, short instructions or Datamax I-4208 user instructions. Depending on your needs, you need to search for the required document. On our website you can view the most popular instructions for using the product Datamax I-4208.

A complete service manual for the Datamax I-4208 device, what should it look like?
A service manual, also referred to as a user manual, or simply "instructions" is a technical document designed to assist in the use of the Datamax I-4208 by users. Manuals are usually written by a technical writer, and in a language understandable to all users of Datamax I-4208.

A complete Datamax service manual should contain several basic elements. Some of them are less important, such as the cover/title page or author pages. However, the rest should give us information that is important from the user's point of view.

1. Introduction and recommendations on how to use the Datamax I-4208 manual- At the beginning of each instruction, you must find instructions on how to use this manual. This should contain information regarding the location of the Datamax I-4208 content, FAQ and the most common problems - that is, the places that users most often look for in each service manual
2. Content- an index of all tips regarding the Datamax I-4208, which we will find in this document
3. Tips for using the basic functions of the Datamax I-4208 device- which should make our first steps easier when using the Datamax I-4208
4. Troubleshooting- a systematic series of actions that will help us diagnose and subsequently the order of solving the most important problems Datamax I-4208
5. FAQ- most frequently asked questions
6. Contact details Information on where to look for contact details of the Datamax I-4208 manufacturer/service center in a given country if you cannot solve the problem yourself.

Do you have a question regarding the Datamax I-4208?

Use the form below

Full screen Standard

Operator's Manual

Datamax International

12 Elizabeth Way, Pinnacles

Harlow, Essex CM19 5FE UK

Phone: +44 1279 772200

Fax: +44 1279 424448


#01-01 CILC Building

Singapore 508724

Phone: +65 542-2611

Fax: +65 542-3611

Corporate Headquarters

4501 Parkway Commerce Blvd.

Orlando, Florida 32808

Phone: 407-578-8007

Fax: 407-578-8377

With USB

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Contents for Datamax ST-3210 service manual

  • Page 1: About the Printer With USB Operator's Manual Corporate Headquarters 4501 Parkway Commerce Blvd. Orlando, Fl 32808 Phone: 407-578-8007 Fax: 407-578-8377 Asia-Pacific Datamax...
  • Page 3: 1.0.2 Optional Features CG Triumvirate is a trademark of Agfa Corporation. Copyright Information: Firmware (Software) Agreement The enclosed Firmware (Software) resident in the...
  • Page 5: Unpacking Agency Compliance and Approvals: UL60950-1: 2003 1st Edition C US CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1-03 1st Edition; April 2003 Listed IEC...
  • Page 6: TOF GAIN Important Safety Instructions: This printer has been carefully designed to give many years of safe and reliable performance; however, as...
  • Page 7: Power Connection Contents Overview ............................................... ...................................1 1.0 About the Printer .......... ........................................................ ................. 1 1.0.1 Standard Features ............................... ........................... 2 1.0.2 Optional Features................. ............................................... 3 Getting Started ...
  • Page 8: Interfacing Troubleshooting.................................................... ...................51 5.0 Help Guide................................. ........................................................ ....... 51 5.1 Hex Dump Mode.................................... ..................................... 55 Specifications......... ........................................................ .......57 6.0 Specifications .................................... ........................................... 57 6.1 Approved Ticket Stocks... ........................................................ ............ 63...
  • Page 9: 3.1.1 Automatic Parser Mode Detection Overview 1.0 About the Printer ST (Table) Model SV (Vertical) Model The S-Class printer family, hereafter referred to by...
  • Page 10: TOF DELTA 1.0.1 Standard Features This printer comes equipped with many standard features: Communication Interfaces USB interface DB-9 RS-232 serial interface IEEE...
  • Page 11 1.0.2 Optional Features Many optional features are available for this printer: Cutter and Tray (ST Models only) This device automatically...
  • Page 13 Getting Started 2.0 Unpacking Inspect the shipping container(s) for damage; if evident, notify the shipping carrier to report the...
  • Page 14 2.0.1 Inspection After inspecting the printer, check the remaining contents of the box. In addition to this manual, the following...
  • Page 15 Setting-Up the Printer This section details the connections, loading methods, and resident ticket formats of the printer. 3.0 Power...
  • Page 16: 3.2.2 SV Models 3.1 Interfacing The printer can be connected to the host via the parallel, USB, or serial, The printer will automatically...
  • Page 17 3.1.1 Automatic Parser Mode Detection From the factory, the printer will automatically interpret the data received from the host to...
  • Page 18: Using the Front Panel 3.2 Loading Ticket Stock The procedure to load the printer differs depending upon the model, options, and stock type being...
  • Page 19 “Standard Media Sensor” using Fan-Fold Stock – With the ticket TOF Marks facing ‘down’ (away from you), place the...
  • Page 20 “Print Side Media Sensor” using Fan-Fold Stock – With the ticket TOF Marks facing ‘up’ (toward you), place the...
  • Page 21 “Standard Media Sensor” using Roll Stock – Mount the roll of ticket stock on the Roll Hanger so that...
  • Page 22: 3.4.1 Configuration Ticket “Print Side Media Sensor” using Roll Stock – Mount the roll of ticket stock on the Roll Hanger so...
  • Page 23: 3.4.2 Test Pattern Ticket Thumbscrew Media Guides (Too Loose) Thumbscrew Media Guides (Too Tight) Slide the ticket stock farther into the Media Guides...
  • Page 24: 3.4.3 Internal Test Ticket 3.2.2 SV Models Plug in and turn ‘On’ the printer. Bring the stock up to the Media Guides (the TOF...
  • Page 25: 3.6.2 Factory Default Reset Note: If automatic loading doesn’t occur, try the following: 1) Ensure that the Printhead Latch is locked. 2)Press...
  • Page 26: Keypad Lockout 3.3 Using the Front Panel The Front Panel is comprised of a ticket exit, darkness control, three indicator lights, and...
  • Page 27: Media Sensor Adjustment Ticket Exit The printed tickets are expelled from this opening. Darkness Control The Darkness Control adjusts the contrast of the...
  • Page 28: 4.0.1 ST Model Media Sensor Adjustment Dual-Purpose Buttons Depending upon the printer’s mode, the buttons function as follows: On-Line Mode Button Functions (On-Line, as denoted by...
  • Page 29 Power-Up and Off-Line Mode Button Functions (Off-Line, as denoted by the On-Line Indicator being ‘Off’) F2: Three functions: (a) Press...
  • Page 30 3.4 Resident Formats Several formats are stored in memory for useful setup, operational, and diagnostic information. Load stock that is...
  • Page 31: 4.0.2 SV Model Media Sensor Adjustment 3.4.2 Test Pattern Ticket The Test Pattern Ticket is a resident format that can be used to determine general print...
  • Page 32 3.4.3 Internal Test Ticket The Internal Test Ticket is another resident format that is another useful indicator of print quality....
  • Page 33: Stock ID Selections 3.5 Resetting the Printer There are two different reset levels possible for the printer: 3.6.1 Warm Reset To reset the...
  • Page 34 3.6 Keypad Lockout The Keypad Lockout Function stops the operator's ability to enter the offline functions in the printer’s menu....
  • Page 35: Start of Print & Cut/Tear Adjustment Adjustments and Maintenance This section details important adjustments, settings and periodic maintenance requirements that will ensure optimum performance. 4.0...
  • Page 36: Operational Database Modification 4.0.1 ST Model Media Sensor Adjustment The ST Model can be equipped with either a Standard or a Print Side...
  • Page 37 Printhead Assembly Media Sensor Printhead Latch Slide Ticket Stock Lower the Printhead Assembly and lock the Printhead Latch. Turn...
  • Page 38 Adjusting the Print Side Media Sensor – Turn ‘Off’ the Power Switch. Open the Access Cover. Loosen the Thumbscrew and...
  • Page 39: 4.3.1 Database Modification Example Grasp the Nut to move the Media Sensor. Position the sensor so that it can see the Quiet Zone...
  • Page 40: STOCK Media Sensor Printhead Assembly Printhead Latch Ticket Stock Raise the Printhead Assembly and lock the Printhead Latch. Turn 'On'...
  • Page 41: 4.4.1 Printhead Cleaning 4.1 Stock ID Selections The printer maintains a selection of 10 user modifiable stock setups. Each setup defaults to a...
  • Page 42 The table below lists the default settings, according to the printer model, for each Stock ID number. Stock ID Default...
  • Page 43: 4.4.2 Platen Roller Cleaning 4.2 Start of Print & Cut/Tear Adjustment If none of the preset Stock ID parameters meet the needs of your...
  • Page 44: 4.4.3 Media Sensor Cleaning 4.3 Operational Database Modification The operational configuration of the printer, including the Parser Mode and other parameters, can be changed...
  • Page 45 Operational Database: ST/SV-3210 Models Parameter Description Settings Stock ID Stock ID number 0-9 (see Section 4.1) Label (Ticket) Width...
  • Page 46: 4.4.4 Ticket Detect Sensor Cleaning Operational Database: ST/SV-3306 Models Parameter Description Settings Stock ID Stock ID number 0-9 (see Section 4.1) Label Width Width...
  • Page 47: 4.4.5 Interior Cleaning 4.3.1 Database Modification Example This section details the modification of an Operational Database parameter. The following example increases the printing...
  • 4.4 Maintenance Routine maintenance will ensure the optimum performance of the printer. The following table outlines the recommended cleaning intervals,...
  • Page 49 4.4.1 Printhead Cleaning Declining print quality (for example, streaking or smudging) is usually caused by a surface build-up of dirt...
  • Page 50 Printhead Assembly Printhead Cotton Swab Burnline Surface Build-up Allow the Printhead to dry. Lower (or raise) the Printhead Assembly...
  • Page 51: Help Guide 4.4.2 Platen Roller Cleaning Print quality can decline if the platen roller becomes contaminated with paper dust, grit or adhesive....
  • Page 52 Allow the Platen Roller to dry. Lower (or raise) the printhead assembly and slide the printhead latch into the...
  • Page 53 Standard Media Sensor option – Using a soft-bristled brush or compressed air, sweep or direct an air stream into...
  • Page 54 4.4.4 Ticket Detect Sensor Cleaning The Ticket Detect Sensor initiates the auto-loading process by signaling the presence of ticket stock...
  • Page 55: Hex Dump Mode 4.4.5 Interior Cleaning Required for ST Models only Over time particles of ticket stock accumulate inside the printer. These particles...
  • Page 56 4.4.6 Exterior Cleaning When necessary, the exterior surface can be cleaned using a general purpose cleanser and a soft cloth...
  • Page 57: Specifications 4. Following a successful download, the printer will perform a ‘cold reset.’ The previous printer setup will not be affected...
  • Page 58 50 S-Class
  • Page 59 Troubleshooting 5.0 Help Guide This section addresses common problems and suggests solutions. While not all situations can be addressed,...
  • Page 60 If experiencing this problem… Try this Corrective Action… No communications / not The parser mode may not match the printing...
  • Page 61 If experiencing this problem… Try this Corrective Action… After printing the ticket, the If cutter equipped, this may indicate a...
  • Page 62 If experiencing this problem… Try this Corrective Action… The printer does not print The parser mode may not match...
  • Page 63: Approved Ticket Stocks 5.1 Hex Dump Mode The hex dump mode is a useful tool for diagnosing problems including communication and programming syntax...
  • Page 64: SCALABLE FONTS 56 S-Class
  • Page 65: ASCII Control Code Chart Specifications 6.0 Specifications Barcodes/Fonts (See Appendix B for examples) Barcode Symbologies (mode dependent): DPL Parser Mode: Code 39, Interleaved...
  • Page 66 Communications Interface USB, RS-232 (DB-9), and IEEE 1284 Compliant Centronics Parallel Baud Speed ​​600 to 38,400 bits per second (BPS)...
  • Page 67: TEMP Mechanical Depth: ST-3210 & -3306 14 inches (35.6 cm) SV-3210 & -3306 7.65 inches (19.4 cm) Height: ST-3210 & -3306...

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Contents for Datamax h-4212 service manual

  • Page 1 Operator's Manual
  • Page 3 Copyright Information CG Triumvirate is a trademark of Agfa Corporation. CG Times based upon Times New Roman under license from...
  • Page 4 Agency Compliance and Approvals UL60950-1: 2003 1st Edition Information Technology Equipment C US CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1-03 1st Edition; April...
  • Page 6 Important Safety Instructions The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of...
  • Page 7 Contents Overview .................................................... ...........................................1 1.1 About the Printer ........................................................ .................................. 1 1.1.1 Standard Features ........... ........................................................ ......... 2 1.1.2 Optional Features .................................... .................................... 3 Getting...
  • Page 8 4.2 The Menu System ............................................... .................................... 33 4.2.1 Media Settings ........ ........................................................ ............... 35 4.2.2 Print Control ............................. ............................................... 38 4.2. 3 Printer Options ................................................... ............................
  • Page 9 5.3.2 Level One Reset ............................................... ........................... 88 5.3.3 Level Two Reset .................. ........................................................ ....... 88 5.4 Printhead Assembly Adjustments................................................. ...................... 88 5.4.1 Leveling...
  • Page 10 7.2 Model-Specific Specifications ............................................... .....................118 7.3 Approved Media and Ribbon ....................... ........................................128 7.4 Print Quality Controls ... ........................................................ .....................130 Appendix A ............................. ........................................................ .......131 Module Assignments,...
  • Page 11 1 Overview 1.1 About the Printer Congratulations on your purchase of an H-Class printer (hereafter referred to as ‘the...
  • Page 12 1.1.1 Standard Features Depending upon the model and type, the printer offers the following standard features: Model and Type Feature...
  • Page 13 Model Number Feature H-4xxx H-6xxx H-xxxxX (Standard (Standard (Tall Models) Models) Models) Ribbon Low Detection and Warning X X...
  • Page 14 External Media Rewinders Precision-crafted, bi-directional rewinding mechanisms with device-dependent features: DMXREW1 - accommodates 1 to 4-inch (25 to 101...
  • Page 15 Peel and Present Mechanism, Standard (Internal Rewind required) A plate-style output regulator that automatically separates die-cut labels from the backing...
  • Page 16 Option Installation (continued) Option Recommended Installer Peel and Present Mechanism Operator Present Sensor Operator RFID (Ready and Full Upgrade)...
  • Page 17 2 Getting Started 2.1 Unpacking The printer has been carefully packaged to prevent transit damage. (Inspect the container for...
  • Page 18 2.1.1 Additional Requirements Other items can also be needed for operation: An interface cable (see Section 2.2.2); Applicable...
  • Page 19 2.2.2 Connecting the Interface Cable(s) The printer can be interfaced to your host system via the Ethernet, Parallel, Serial, and...
  • Page 20 ; "Off the shelf" serial cables can be used with Xon/Xoff handshaking. USB Connection The USB interface connection may differ...
  • Page 21 2.2.3 Connecting to the SDIO Slot and USB Host Ports If equipped, the Secure Digital Input Output (SDIO) Slot and...
  • Page 22 USB Host Port Connections: The USB Host Ports support "plug and play" USB Memory Drives. After installing the...
  • Page 23 3 Setting up the Printer 3.1 Media Loading Load media according to its type and source, after performing these...
  • Page 24 C. Slide the Media Guide outward. D. Rotate the Media Guide upward. E. Proceeded according to the source of the...
  • Page 25 3.1.1 Internal Media Sources A. Slide Roll Media completely onto the Media Hub. B. Route the media under the Media...
  • Page 26 D. If loading media for the first time, or if switching media types, widths, or configurations, position the Media Sensor...
  • Page 27 3.1.2 External Media Sources A. Place the media supply (box or roll) parallel to and in-line with the Rear Media...
  • Page 28 E. If loading media for the first time, or when switching media types, widths, or configurations, position the Media Sensor...
  • Page 29 3.1.3 Rewinding Media When equipped with the Internal Rewind option, outputs can be rewind or, with the addition of a...
  • Page 30 C. Place the Arcplate on the front of the printer (as shown below) and tighten the Phillips Head Screw to...
  • Page 31 F. Align the Tabs on the Rewind Core Adapter to the Slots in the hub, and then slide the Rewind...
  • Page 32 H. Slide an Empty Media Core (3” diameter) onto the Rewind Core Adapter. I. Slide the Rewind Retainer into the...
  • Page 33 L. Route the media back into the printer and around the media core (as shown below) then tape the leading...
  • Page 34 Unloading the Internal Rewinder To unload the Internal Rewinder, open the Locking Lever, remove the Rewind Retainer, and slip the...
  • Page 35 3.2 Media Sensor Adjustment Position the Media Sensor for proper label detection: A. Raise the Printhead Assembly. Note the Red...
  • Page 36 C. Lower the Printhead Assembly then rotate the Printhead Latch completely clockwise. D. If necessary, return to Media Loading...
  • Page 37 B. In the direction appropriate for the ribbon type being installed (Coated Side In or Coated Side Out), slide a...
  • Page 38 E. Route the ribbon up and around the Ribbon Take-Up Hub. Wrap the ribbon several times clockwise (as indicated by...
  • Page 39 3.4 Quick Calibration Quick Calibration fine-tunes the printer for your media and should be performed during initial setup or after...
  • Page 40 30 H-Class
  • Page 41 4 Using the Control Panel 4.1 Layout The Control Panel is an event-driven user interface composed of a graphics...
  • Page 42 4.1.1 The Display, Icons and Indicators, and Keys and Buttons The Graphics Display provides various types of information: The...
  • Page 43 The Navigation Buttons access menu items and parameters, where the highlighted item on the display is selectable (by...
  • Page 44 Press the Menu Button to enter Menu Mode. The following designations denote setting icons used in the menu listing below:...
  • Page 45 4.2.1 Media Settings The Media Settings menu contains label and ribbon settings, and printhead maintenance selections. Menu Item Details MEDIA...
  • Page 46 Media Settings (continued) Menu Item Details RIBBON LOW OPTIONS Defines the response when THERMAL TRANSFER is selected and the ribbon...
  • Page 47 Media Settings (continued) Menu Item Details PRINTHEAD CLEANING Controls printhead cleaning alerts and functions, where: CLEAN HEAD SCHEDULE Specifies the...
  • Page 48 4.2.2 Print Control The Print Control menu contains print quality, throughput, formatting, and custom setup functions: Menu Item Details HEAT...
  • Page 49 Print Control (continued) Menu Item Details PRESENT DISTANCE Sets the label stop position, where: AUTO 0.00 (0 – 4.00 in.)...
  • Page 50 4.2.3 Printer Options The Printer Options menu contains module, file handling, and option functions: Menu Item Details MODULES Controls memory...
  • Page 51 Printer Options (continued) Menu Item Details PRESENT SENSOR Controls the Present Sensor or the Peel and Present option, where: MODE...
  • Page 52 Printer Options (continued) Menu Item Details SCANNER Controls the Linear Scanner option, where: MODE Sets the detection method and response...
  • Page 53 Printer Options (continued) Menu Item Details MIN READABLE HEIGHT Ensures bar code integrity by setting a minimum distance for identical...
  • Page 54 Printer Options (continued) Menu Item Details RFID Controls the RFID option, where: ; If not detected, this selection will result...
  • Page 55 Printer Options (continued) Menu Item Details AFI LOCK Locks the Application Family Identifier value, where: ENABLED Is write-protected. DISABLED Is...
  • Page 56 Printer Options (continued) Menu Item Details UHF SETTINGS Sets the UHF encoding parameters, where: TAG TYPE Selects the tag type,...
  • Page 57 Printer Options (continued) Menu Item Details LOCK AFTER WRITE Allows the tag to be locked after programming, where: ENABLED Locks...
  • Page 58 Printer Options (continued) Menu Item Details GPIO PORT Controls the optional Applicator Interface Card’s GPIO function, where: GPIO DEVICE Sets...
  • Page 59 Printer Options (continued) Menu Item Details END OF PRINT Sets the type of output signal generated to indicate End of...
  • Page 60 Printer Options (continued) Menu Item Details REWINDER Controls the Powered Internal Rewinder option, where: MODE Sets the detection method and...
  • Page 61 4.2.4 System Settings The System Settings menu contains operating, control, and formatting functions: Menu Item Details MENU MODE Sets the...
  • Page 62 System Settings (continued) Menu Item Details DOUBLE BYTE SYMBOLS Selects the code page (see the Class Series Programmer’s Manual) used...
  • Page 63 System Settings (continued) Menu Item Details CONFIGURATION LEVEL Displays the hardware and software levels of the printer, where: ; This...
  • Page 64 System Settings (continued) Menu Item Details SET FACTORY DEFAULTS Returns the factory-programmed values ​​or the Factory Setting File values, where:...
  • Page 65 System Settings (continued) Menu Item Details PEEL MODE Allows the Start of Print (SOP) signal to initiate (via the optional...
  • Page 66 System Settings (continued) Menu Item Details INPUT MODE Defines the type of processing that occurs when data is received, where:...
  • Page 67 System Settings (continued) Menu Item Details BACK AFTER PRINT Determines media movement when an optional cutter, present sensor, peel and...
  • Page 68 System Settings (continued) Menu Item Details FAULT HANDLING ♦ Determines the intervention requirement and the label disposition when a fault...
  • Page 69 System Settings (continued) Menu Item Details RETRY COUNT Sets the number of label reprinting attempts, where: 1 (0 – 3)...
  • Page 70 4.2.5 Communications The Communications menu contains interface port and host control functions: Menu Item Details SERIAL PORT A ♦ Controls...
  • Page 71 Communications (continued) Menu Item Details SERIAL PORT C ♦ Controls the settings for the optional Applicator Interface Card’s COM C...
  • Page 72 Communications (continued) Menu Item Details WLAN Controls the communications settings for the optional DMXrfNETII Card, where: MODE Selects between wired...
  • Page 73 Communications (continued) Menu Item Details IP DISCOVERY Controls IP Address discovery, where: ENABLED Broadcasts over the network to receive addresses...
  • Page 74 Communications (continued) Menu Item Details HOST SETTINGS Sets host communication parameters, where: HOST TIMEOUT Sets the idle period before interface...
  • Page 75 Communications (continued) Menu Item Details HEAT COMMAND Determines how host Heat commands are handled, where: ENABLED Processes software commands normally....
  • Page 76 Communications (continued) Menu Item Details MAX LENGTH COMMAND Determines how a host Maximum Label Length ( M) command is handled, where:...
  • Page 77 4.2.6 Diagnostics The Diagnostics menu contains testing functions: Menu Item Details HEX DUMP MODE Determines how the printer handles host...
  • Page 78 Diagnostics (continued) Menu Item Details TEST GPIO Tests the Applicator Interface Card’s GPIO function, where: MONITOR GPIO INPUT Displays input...
  • Page 79 Diagnostics (continued) Menu Item Details TEST SCANNER Tests the Linear Scanner, where: ALIGNMENT TEST Enters multiple read mode, decoding bar...
  • Page 80 Diagnostics (continued) Menu Item Details iPH REPORT Displays the IntelliSEAQ™ data (including the printhead serial number, and installation and maintenance...
  • Page 81 4.3 The Test Menu The (Quick) Test Menu contains internally generated setup and informational format selections that are printed at...
  • Page 82 4.3.2 Ribbon Test Label The Ribbon Test Label serves as a transfer function indicator for printers equipped with the thermal...
  • Page 83 4.3.5 Print Configuration CONFIGURATION TUE 09:09 AM 04SEP2007 MODE: DISABLED BACKUP DELAY (1/50s): PRINTER KEY: 0 4212-HE25-060224-090 FONT EMULATION: APPLICATION...
  • Page 84 74 H-Class
  • Page 85 Operating, Adjusting and 5 Maintaining the Printer 5.1 Display Messages During operation the printer (when not in Menu or...
  • Page 86 Prompts and Condition Messages (continued) Displayed Message Description Action / State CANCEL REPRINT The CANCEL or TEST Key The...
  • Page 87 Prompts and Condition Messages (continued) Displayed Message Description Action / State REMOVE RIBBON The TEST Button was Ribbon must...
  • Page 88 5.2 Calibration Calibration ensures correct media detection. Use Standard Calibration if the quick method (see Section 3.4) fails. 5.2.1 Standard...
  • Page 89 Standard Calibration (continued) Step Action Displayed Message Comment This sets the gap (or mark) value, where ‘yyy’ For die-cut media:...
  • Page 90 Standard Calibration (continued) Step Action Displayed Message Comment Calibration was successful. Observe the calibration; If 'Warning Low G CALIBRATION...
  • Page 91 Advanced Entry Calibration Step Action Displayed Message Comment CANNOT CALIBRATE Wait briefly for the A Turn ON the printer. -or-...
  • Page 92 Advanced Entry Calibration (continued) Step Action Displayed Message Comment Use the buttons to set the Gain Number to 00 and...
  • Page 93 Advanced Entry Calibration (continued) Step Action Displayed Message Comment Raise the printhead assembly then proceed according to the media type:...
  • Page 94 Advanced Entry Calibration (continued) Step Action Displayed Message Comment Use the buttons to increment the Gain TRAN SENSOR GAIN These...
  • Page 95 Advanced Entry Calibration (continued) Step Action Displayed Message Comment Use the buttons to set the TRAN SENSOR GAIN Gain Number...
  • Page 96 Advanced Entry Calibration (continued) Step Action Displayed Message Comment Press the ESC Key. Use the buttons to scroll to PAPER...
  • Page 97 Advanced Entry Calibration (continued) Step Action Displayed Message Comment The printer is ready for use. ; If the calibration attempt...
  • Page 98 5.3 Reset Methods There are three reset levels for the printer. 5.3.1 Soft Reset Soft Reset clears temporary host settings....
  • Page 99 Adjust the Printhead Leveling Cam as follows: A. With media loaded, download your label format (or use a Test Menu...
  • Page 100 5.4.2 Printhead Pressure Adjustment Printhead Pressure Adjustment should only be performed after attempting to improve print quality through the use...
  • Page 101 5.5 Printhead Removal and Replacement If the printhead needs to be replaced, follow the procedure below: Only use Datamax...
  • Page 102 G. Using a Cotton Swab moistened (not soaked) with isopropyl alcohol, gently clean the printhead then allow it to dry....
  • Page 103 Schedule The following table details the recommended cleaning schedules for various printer parts. Recommended Cleaning Schedule* Component / Area Cleaning...
  • Page 104 5.6.1 Cleaning the Exterior Surfaces When soiled, the exterior surfaces of the printer should be cleaned using a general-purpose cleanser....
  • Page 105 5.6.3 Cleaning the Interior Compartment Inside the printer, paper dust from the media can accumulate to produce small voids in...
  • Page 106 5.6.5 Cleaning the Platen and Assist Rollers Rollers contaminated with grit, label adhesive, or ink can lead to a decline...
  • Page 107 5.6.6 Cleaning the Printhead Never use a sharp object to clean the printhead. If print quality declines (symptoms can include...
  • Page 108 Cotton Swab Procedure (for users of direct thermal media, or thermal transfer media with wax ribbon): A. Perform the Preliminary...
  • Page 109 E. After the cleaning film has been run through the printer, turn OFF and unplug the printer. Open the printhead....
  • Page 110 C. Using a Cotton Swab dampened with alcohol, wipe the Ribbon Shield clean. D. Reload media and ribbon then close...
  • Page 111 Following a successful download, the printer will reset. Unless substantial data structure changes have occurred as a result of the...
  • Page 112 5.8 Updating the Boot Loader Updates for the Boot Loader program can be found at Before performing an update,...
  • Page 113 5.9 Downloading Fonts Fonts (KANJI, HANGUL and CHINESE) can be downloaded and stored in a printer module. Font files are...
  • Page 114 Font Download Messages (continued) Displayed Message Descriptions / Possible Causes / Solutions The download content was corrupted or a...
  • Page 115 6 Troubleshooting 6.1 Problem Resolution When a problem is encountered, the information in this section will help resolve it....
  • Page 116 General Resolutions (continued) If experiencing this Try this solution… problem… With the memory device properly installed (see Section 2.2.3) in...
  • Page 117 General Resolutions (continued) If experiencing this Try this solution… problem… Check the following possibilities: Verify that the AC power...
  • Page 118 General Resolutions (continued) If experiencing this Try this solution… problem… Ensure that the printer is at READY then observe the...
  • Page 119 6.2 Warning and Fault Messages The printer displays messages when an alert is required and when a problem occurs; these...
  • Page 120 Warning Messages Fault Messages (continued) Displayed Message Description Possible Solution(s) Clean the printhead (see Section 5.6.6). The scheduled printhead...
  • Page 121 Fault Messages These high priority messages alert you to a printer fault condition. Use the table below to locate the...
  • Page 122 Fault Messages (continued) Displayed Message Description Possible Solution(s) The scheduled Clean the printhead (see printhead cleaning has Section 5.6.6)....
  • Page 123 Fault Messages (continued) Displayed Message Description Possible Solution(s) Press any key to continue. Ensure that the reflective mark was...
  • Page 124 Fault Messages (continued) Displayed Message Description Possible Solution(s) If using direct thermal stock, change the Media Type setting to...
  • Page 125 Fault Messages (continued) Displayed Message Description Possible Solution(s) Check the following possibilities: Calibration may be necessary (see Section...
  • Page 126 6.3 Hex Dump Mode Hex Dump Mode is a useful tool for diagnosing problems and debugging label formats as received...
  • Page 127 7 Specifications 7.1 General This section identifies shared parameters and features of the printer models. Embedded Bar Codes &...
  • Page 128 Environmental Operating Temperature Range: 32° to 100° F (0° to 38° C) Storage Temperature: 0° F – 140° F (-17°...
  • Page 129 Printing (continued) Resolution: 203 DPI (8 dots/mm); H-4212 300 DPI (12 dots/mm); H-4310 406 DPI (16 dots/mm); H-4408 600 DPI...
  • Page 130 Media (continued) H-4212, H-4310, H-4408, & H-4606 Media Dimensional Requirements Minimum Maximum Designator Description inches mm inches mm A...
  • Page 131 Printing Method: Direct Thermal or (optional) Thermal Transfer Speed: 2 - 12 IPS (51 - 305 mmps); H-4212X 2 -...
  • Page 132 Media (continued) H-4212X, H-4310X, & H-4606X Media Dimensional Requirements Minimum Maximum Designator Description inches mm inches mm A Label...
  • Page 133 Printing Method: Direct Thermal or (optional) Thermal Transfer Speed: 2 - 10 IPS (51 - 254 mmps); H-6210 2 -...
  • Page 134 Media (continued) H-6210 & H-6308 Media Dimensional Requirements Minimum Maximum Designator Description inches mm inches mm A Label width...
  • Page 135 Printing Method: Direct Thermal or (optional) Thermal Transfer Speed: 2 - 12 IPS (51 - 305 mmps); H-6212X 2 -...
  • Page 136 Media (continued) H-6212X & H-6310X Media Dimensional Requirements Minimum Maximum Designator Description inches mm inches mm A Label width...
  • Page 137 Printing Method: Direct Thermal or (optional) Thermal Transfer Speed: 2 - 8 IPS (51 – 203 mmps) Resolution: 300 DPI...

This type of equipment allows you to print reports on tickets.

Setting up the printer

To support this equipment model, it is necessary (using the example of the “Administrator” workplace) to perform the following steps:

Setting up the printer driver

    Connect the printer via USB or LTP port to your computer.

    Install the driver that comes with the disk

    Start → Devices and Printers → Select the desired DataMax printer → Right click → Printer properties

    Go to the “Advanced” tab and check the box “Print directly to the printer (Speed ​​up printing)” → Click apply → Close window

    Select the printer again → Right click → Printing settings

    Go to the “Print Material” tab → Select the “Label Mark” option in the “Label Sensor” field → Select the “Cut” option in the “Action after printing” field.

To print test tickets, you can launch the Configuration utility, go to the User Function tab and click the Printer Test button. (See Figure 1.)

The printer comes with paper that is narrower than the maximum paper width for the printer. For example, the paper for test printing may be 60 mm, and the maximum paper that the printer can print is 80 mm. During test printing, the printer, regardless of the paper, prints to its maximum width, so printing may extend beyond the boundaries of the ticket.

Setting up a cashier's workplace

    In the administrative module of the program, go to Administrator - Cashiers' Workplaces - “Administrator”.

    Open the detailed form of this workplace by double-clicking on it in the list of workplaces.

    On the “Hardware Settings” tab, in the “Ticket Printer” field, select the desired printer model.

Editing the "Ticket" report

In order to switch to the report editing mode, you need to launch paid access → Go to the “Reports” navigation menu → “Report Designer” menu item → Select the “Ticket” report → Click the “Show report designer” button.

Before any actions with the report, you must do backup copy report.

Creating a Backup

    In the upper left corner of the report editor area, click the ">" button

    Select “Export report to file”

    To restore the report, use the “Import from file” item

    The previously saved file is indicated

    The open button is clicked and the report is restored.

Changing the report size

To change the report size, you need to change the “Page Height” and “Page Width” parameters in the area indicated in the figure.

At this point, no item in the report should be selected. To reset the selection, you can use the Esc button. Page size is indicated in mm.

Data editing

    Editing data binding (Area 1) - In the “Data binding” item, specify the required data. (For example, when specifying “Date” - it will indicate the date of sale on the ticket, when specifying “Amount” - the sale amount, etc.)

    Position of the element on the ticket (area 3) - By entering the X and Y coordinates, you can specify the exact location of the element on the ticket. Dragging can also be done by selecting the desired element and holding down the left mouse button.

    Change the text rotation angle - To change the rotation angle, you need to find the “Text Rotation” item in the “Properties Window” and specify the required angle.

Problem solving

Incorrect ticket segment

In some cases, there may be a problem with tickets being cut off according to the mark, not where it is expected. (The mark is usually 5 mm wide; an incorrect cut may result in some of the data ending up on another ticket)

Before you configure the printer using its utility, you must save the current settings. To be able to restore them.

    Run the Printer Setup Utility

    In the window that opens, select the one you need from the list of printers and click Query. The utility will try to connect to the printer, sometimes it doesn’t work the first time, so you need to try several times.

    Then you need to go to the PrinterOptions tab and enter in the Cut(in) field: the required indent value when cutting.

    In the upper left corner find the “Configure Printer” button. Click and send the configuration file to the printer.

Some of the dimensions in the printer utility are indicated in mm, and some in inches; the fields that are indicated in inches are labeled “in”. The cutting distance is indicated in inches.

Ticket printing does not occur

1. This can happen if the printer cable was removed from the connector in the computer, then plugged back in; by reconnecting, it creates another copy of itself in the system (for example, Datamax-O"Neil ST-3210(1)).

To solve it you need:

    Start → Devices and Printers

    Find the active DataMax printer (the icon will be highlighted)

    Right click → select rename - return the default name (Datamax-O"Neil ST-3210)

2. Thermal paper is inserted the wrong way.
