The play market does not work via the mobile Internet. Applications cannot be downloaded from the Play Market without WI-FI. Solving problems with Xiaomi. Checking the operation of Google accounts

Android smartphones are the most common smartphones around the world today due to their ease of use and the large number of free ones available on Play Market applications. After all, without modern applications, regardless of what smartphone you have: Xiaomi Mi 4C, Xiaomi Mi 5 or even Xiaomi Mi Max, your list of functions and possibilities for using the gadget is sharply reduced. But what to do if your smartphone flatly refuses to download from Google Play?! And this is exactly the problem that devices from the Xiaomi company encountered.

Reasons for the problem

Waiting for a Wi-Fi network in the Play Market on Xiaomi can be caused by a fairly large list of reasons, such as:

  1. Problems with the operating system (in our case Android);
  2. The smartphone is connected to a router that does not provide Wi-Fi (there may be no Internet if the router is connected);
  3. Google service problem (rare, but solvable problem);
  4. Poor compatibility of the Play Store with a specific brand (Xiaomi);
  5. Interference from others installed applications on a smartphone (using independent ad blockers, etc.);
  6. Settings mismatch ( manual installation changes).

Accordingly, there are many solutions to such problems, depending on the complexity and reasons for their occurrence. Let's consider each of the reasons separately.

Banal (simple)

As for simple solutions this problem, it should be highlighted:

  • Reboot your phone. Used in case of unexpected connection problems in the most operating system Android;
  • Update time and date. This may cause a malfunction in the Play Store and only after correction will it establish access to Wi-Fi;
  • Wait. Sometimes, due to the huge amount of data in the market, there may be problems. In this case, you should wait a little. If everything does not improve within 2 hours, then the problem is something else;
  • Removing program settings that may affect the operation of the service (for example, Freedom).

More complex

If you can cope with simple tasks without having much experience in using Xiaomi smartphones, then you will have to tinker with the rest. Connecting to a router and everything connected with it is a rather deep topic, let’s highlight the main ones:

  • Checking the availability of the Internet. The device may be connected to the router, but there is no Internet;
  • Availability of optimal speed. The provider must provide uninterrupted and good Wi-Fi connection speed;
  • Fix device connection ban. There are cases where the connection of a specific device is prohibited;
  • Correct entry of authorization data (login and password);
  • Updating the router firmware;
  • Reset settings to factory settings;
  • There is a possibility that the router is simply faulty.

Problems with the Play Market application

It’s rare, since Google monitors its products, but it still happens that you download an application that does not load due to problems in the play market service itself on your smartphone. Solutions that will correct the situation are:

  • Connecting another Google account;
  • Check and install, if necessary, an update for the OS;
  • Regarding Miui 8 users, the option of waiting for Wi-Fi is possible if the system settings increase the file size limits for downloading;
  • Restore from backup copy applications or, if necessary, the entire operating system;
  • Clear cache this application on a smartphone (removing smartphone clutter);
  • In the case of “authored” firmware, the option of unofficial sources for downloading the application is possible, so it is necessary to clarify the details with the author of the firmware;
  • Reset settings (with the condition that all data is saved).

Problems with settings

Access settings are one of the key points in creating a reliable and working connection. The solution to this problem is:

  • Correct changes in the Host file (leave only the base file “0.1 localhost” untouched; remove everything else);
  • Checking proxy settings (if not connected only via Wi-Fi).

Waiting for Wi-Fi network in Play service Market on Xiaomi smartphones has become a fairly common and discussed problem for users of the brand. Does not download applications and writes about waiting for Wi-Fi - the most common requests regarding Xiaomi today. But don’t be discouraged, because following a simple algorithm of actions, you can easily fix the problem based on your situation.

Problem: When launching Google Play Store errors appear No connection or :

At the same time, a funny nuance is observed: sites open normally in browsers and other applications also successfully connect to the Internet.

Situation 1. Play Market does not work either via wifi or mobile Internet


1. Check that the system date and time are correct. If the date is wrong, set the correct one. Check the boxes:

2. Reboot your device:

3. Find out the version of the Play Market application itself. If the version is not the latest, download the latest one in the format .apk and install from the memory card.

4. Check if the Freedom application is installed. If this is present, launch it, press STOP and reboot.

5. Check the hosts file. If it contains lines other than, delete them. Root is required for this operation.

6. If all else fails, reset your Android device.

Situation 2. Play Store does not work only when connected via Wi-Fi

This is your case if, when you disconnect your tablet (smartphone) from Wi-Fi, the error disappears and the Play Market application starts working normally via the mobile Internet.


1. Go to your router settings. Open WAN settings. Try alternately setting the MTU values ​​to 1460 and 1500.

Most often, setting the value to 1460 helps. But sometimes it happens the other way around, when setting the value to 1500 helps.

In common D-Link routers it's done something like this:

  • Internet Setup
  • Manual Internet Connection Setup

  • Set value MTU 1460
  • Save Settings:

This is what the setup looks like in older D-Link routers:

  • Home
  • Specify the value in the field MTU
  • Apply

In TP-Link you need to go to the section Network => WAN, change field MTU Size (in bytes) and press Save:

2. In the WAN settings, specify the Google server addresses as DNS:

Primary:; Secondary:

Usually it is enough to specify as Secondary DNS.

After these steps, for the purity of the experiment, it is advisable to reboot the router.

Common user mistake

Finally, I would like to mention one more situation. The smartphone/tablet may display an error Check your connection and try again, if you started Play app Market (Google Play) and during the download process, they changed the type of Internet connection - for example, they simply turned on Wi-Fi. At this moment, changes occur on the device network interfaces: traffic priority is given to Wi-Fi, the default gateway is changed. And it turns out that the device tried to connect the Play Store with the Google server via the mobile Internet, and due to the inclusion of Wi-Fi, this interface was deactivated. In this case, you need to wait a few seconds until the Wi-Fi connects to the network and press Repeat:

From now on, first turn on Wifi, and then launch applications that connect to the network.

Users Android smartphones may encounter a problem: if the Play Market is not working, you cannot connect to Wi-Fi. That no connection, signals the corresponding error name. But the main difficulty is that everything is fine with Wi-Fi, since you can easily access the Internet and open any website from another phone, laptop or tablet. And only the Market refuses to see the wireless network and writes that there is no connection. An interesting point: if you use a regular Mobile Internet, having turned off Wi-Fi, the Play Market is immediately corrected and begins to open any sites.

But without the Market there is nothing to do with Android, since downloading a game or video from the mobile Internet is not a cheap thing. The problem seems insoluble only at first glance, and today I will show you three ways to deal with the difficulties of installing Google Play Market on Android.
But this material will only help you if you have problems with the Market. .

For those who, when trying to access the Google Play Market, see a message about no connection, but at the same time other applications and sites open without problems, which signals normal operation Wi-Fi, you need to follow these recommendations.

Disabling the proxy server

Troubleshooting problems with the Play Market should begin by checking the proxies, that is, making sure that they are really disabled. The verification is carried out on your Android.
When selecting Wi-Fi in the settings, wait until the list of available wireless networks opens. Your network is the one that is causing the Market to not work. After clicking on the desired network, wait a moment until a list window appears. You need to click on the line “ Change network».

Then make sure that next to the line “ Advanced options" there is a check mark, and proxy servers are disabled (the sign says “No”). If there is no negative word, this means that proxies are set, and you definitely need to disable them.

Are you sure you disabled proxy servers or were they not enabled, but the problem is not solved? Then move on to the next step.

Set static DNS in the Wi-Fi menu

You again need to go back through the settings to properties wireless connection. Check the box again " Advanced options" and check the static IP setting. As you scroll down, you will see two fields to fill out: DNS1, where you should put And DNS2, which you fill in with the numbers Check that you have done everything according to the instructions and click " Save».

We reload Wi-Fi on our Android and try to enter the Play Market again. Works? If difficulties arise, move on.

MTU change

In the router settings, most often the automatic MTU parameter is 1500. Because of this, some programs may not work correctly, and some sites may not open at all. Moreover, this problem may affect not only your Android, but also all devices connected to the same point.
You can find the MTU parameters in the router settings in the tab Network-WAN(for Tp-Link). At the bottom of this page you will see the inscription MTU Size and a window next to it that needs to be filled in with the recommended four numbers.

Before changing the MTU parameter, it is better to contact your Internet provider and find out what numbers they recommend to set. If you do not have this option, but you need Internet access immediately, then try several options: 1420, 1460, 1500. After saving the settings after changing, be sure to reboot the router.

If you have an Asus router, then first you need to find the Internet tab. At the end of the page you will see the line " Extra options pppd", next to which in the window you write MTU 1460 MRU 1460. The variable value here is still numbers.

These simple instructions will help you connect Google Play Market to wireless network and download as many videos or games from the Internet as you like. You can ask questions or suggest your own solutions to this problem in the comments.

Recently, many Xiaomi smartphone owners suddenly encountered a very strange situation. When you try to download an application from the Google Play Store, a regular picture appears with the words “Downloading” and a “slider” showing the progress of this download, but on the right there is a message: “ Waiting for Wi-Fi network". In fact, downloading does not occur, and the “waiting” can last as long as desired. Interestingly, the problem occurs both when Wi-Fi is working normally and when connecting to the Internet via a SIM card via mobile network. Moreover, its appearance does not depend on the firmware version or the Xiaomi device model.

It is clear that the cause of the error is not the connection of the smartphone to the Internet. Experts have determined that this version is to blame Google Play Store 7.6. To date, we have found several ways to solve the problem, and we are ready to introduce you to them.

Method 1: Substitution of Google Play Store file

To resolve the "Waiting for Wi-Fi network" error, try running on your Xiaomi smartphone the following procedure:

Applications from the Google Play Store should be downloaded normally, without the “Waiting for Wi-Fi network” error appearing.

Method 2: Google Play Store firmware via Recovery

In order to use this method, you will need an unlocked bootloader and the TWPR recovery menu. The steps to correct the "Waiting for Wi-Fi network" error are as follows:

After this, applications from the Market should load normally.

Recently I encountered a problem that I urgently needed to update the application, but the available WI-FI networks there was no one nearby. I decided to update using the mobile network, unchecked the box in the market, but the download still did not start, instead the play market wrote “Waiting for WI-FI network” and the process stopped. There is of course no option in the Play Store settings related to the cause of this problem.

Video. Applications from Play Market without WI-FI cannot be downloaded on Xiaomi with MIUI 7

Video. Applications cannot be downloaded from Play Market without WI-FI on Xiaomi with MIUI 8

Why Xiaomi refuses to download applications and games using the mobile network

In fact, everything turned out to be very simple and clear, and the play market turned out to be not to blame for the current problem. My Xiaomi operating system, MIUI, has a feature called a built-in bootloader. He is responsible for downloads, updates, their speed, size - well, in general, for everything related to downloading data to a smartphone. In this case, all applications automatically pick up its settings. For example, if the downloader only downloads via WI-FI, then no matter how much you want, you won’t be able to download anything without it. This is exactly what happened, the Play Market simply could not update the application, since the file size when downloading was larger than the maximum allowed in the bootloader settings.

To be able to download and update applications not only via WI-FI, but also via a mobile network, follow the instructions below.

Instructions for setting up the Xiaomi bootloader (MIUI)

First, go to “Tools” - Tools on the smartphone’s desktop. Here we select the “Downloads” icon - Downloads.

A window opens in front of us where we can view downloaded applications, games, pictures and everything like that. We are interested in settings, so we click on the button with three dots in the upper right corner.

Menu items pop up, one of which is called “Settings”. This is exactly what we need, so we click on it.

Now we are looking for the phrase “Download size limit” - a limitation of the mobile Internet. By default there is usually 1MB. We are not happy with this because we want to install apps with a large size. Let's tap on this point.

We select from the required options the one that suits us and click “Ok”.
That's all, now you can safely download and update applications using the mobile Internet.

Note: if you do not have unlimited Internet on a smartphone or you use up your allocated bandwidth very quickly, then it is best to choose small sizes for downloaded files, as this can hit your wallet.
