How to lengthen the search string in Yandex. Yandex search by default in Opera. Setting up add-ons in Yandex

The Yandex company presented its fans with a new search program for working with its service on mobile devices. The name of the application is truly original - Yandex.Search. But putting aside unnecessary irony, we can say - download free Yandex.Search is a very good choice for those who like to quickly receive answers to any question posed. So, here is the first question posed and a very quick answer to it: this is a multi-browser. That is, a browser that has advanced capabilities for working with information received from the network and a variety of functions for its implementation.

Specifics of the Yandex Search Widget:

To obtain the necessary data, a query is entered into the search engine, which offers a corresponding tab with a list of sites.

When you search for the word Android you will get links to informational resources talking about it. If this applies to a restaurant, store, cafe, then you will receive a tab with a map, where the closest establishments you need are marked. Here you can also plot a route to them using the Yandex Maps service; scaling and other things are supported. For each request, you can additionally get tabs: pictures, news, maps, market, dictionaries, applications, posters and cars. Using the word with the name of the city, you will go to the weather page, there is a chart for the week and a regular view. A pre-installed program for viewing images. Everything is quite thought out, laconic and minimalist.

The style is yellow as expected. There are 3 types of widgets (1x2, 1x4, 4x4). Small ones only have a search bar, while the larger ones are informative. It displays the top news (5 news), a search bar, date and city name, exchange rate, weather for today and tomorrow and 4 labels at your discretion. A very interesting offer from Yandex that simplifies search may be of interest to many.

The application provides ready-made answers to queries related to popular topics in mobile - these are addresses, news, pictures and weather forecasts. Regular results are always nearby - just click on the corresponding tab or flip the screen.

If your site already has a sufficient amount of content, you need to think about convenient site search. Of course, you can use the built-in CMS tools of your site, or, if your site is made in pure HTML, you can write a script that will search the HTML site. But there is a third option, and it is more optimal - searching the site using search engines.

So, why is site search from search engines the most effective? There are several factors in favor of this:

  • First, and most importantly: search engines, no matter how trivial it may sound, specialize in search. This is why you should trust the quality of their search algorithms.
  • Search engines take into account the morphology of the language;
  • Search tips are used;
  • Correcting errors in search queries;
  • Accounting for search statistics.

Search the site via Yandex.Search

The Yandex search engine provides a free, convenient search integration tool: Yandex.Search for the site.

As we have already said, site search takes into account morphology of the tongue, i.e. takes into account different forms of words, spellings, errors, typos, etc. Yandex search also allows you to search not only by a specific word, but also by its synonyms. You can create a database of synonyms for each word that you would like to use in your search.

Search for a site from Yandex has simple and flexible settings, you can easily customize its appearance: leave the standard, familiar design from Yandex or design it in the colors of your site. You have full control over the setting: from it appearance, to CSS styles and search elements. The search is carried out not only by text documents, but also based on pictures and videos, they are shown in a preview, the design of which can also be changed.

When searching on the site, as well as when searching through search bar on, when you enter a word in the search bar, you will be offered list of hints, which will speed up the search process. Yandex will automatically create a database of private search queries and provide hints in accordance with it.

The search string can be supplemented with a tool refinement of search results. This means that a person will be able to find exactly what he needs, knowing the approximate date of publication of the material or the section of the site in which it is posted (blog, articles, help and support), or its format and language.

Searching the site will improve and speed up your indexing in the Yandex search engine, and will also help you create your own ranking of pages by importance, according to which the results will be returned; you will only need to report these pages to the Yandex robot.

In search statistics you will be able to see detailed information about the search queries of site visitors for a certain selected period of time.

To receive a search form for your site, you will need to specify the search name, site address and agree to the terms of service. You can then customize the appearance of the search form and the appearance of the search results. After this, you will receive ready-made HTML code to install on your website. More detailed instructions See below for installation.

Search a site using Google: Search for a site

Search engine Google system also provides a convenient tool for searching your site: Google Custom Search: Search for Websites, it is, unfortunately, paid, but it has the opportunity to earn extra money on AdSense advertising.

Let’s say right away that the cost of annual search service for a website from Google will cost you at least $100. The cost depends on the size of your site and the average number of annual requests.

Google Search for work offers you the broadest search capabilities, using the same technologies as in Google search. Google guarantees high relevance, i.e. compliance with requests, functionality, turnkey integration.

Let's list the main features of Google's site search:

  • Personalization. You can design the search as you like, you can remove the Google logo and place your own, change the colors, shape, in general the whole appearance.
  • Multilingual. Search is possible in any language, you can set the default language or it will be detected automatically.
  • Biased results. You can manually adjust the ranking and selection of search results depending on the date of publication, for example, the newer the material, the higher it ranks in the results.
  • Refining by labels is like refining search results in Yandex; you create categories of materials that the user, if necessary, searches for.
  • Search for images and illustrate search results with images that you can resize, or they will adjust automatically;
  • No advertising;
  • Indexing on demand, i.e. if you added new material, or made changes to the old one, then you yourself can send the Google robot to fix the updates.
  • Synonyms. The query catalog is automatically filled with synonyms, different spellings of words (Toyota, Toyota), as well as abbreviations and their decoding.
  • Select URL for autocomplete. Here you can manually configure and control the list of prompts that open for the user when he starts entering a query.
  • The benefits of Google search include the fact that you can search not just one site, but several.
  • Linking site search with others Google services. You will be able to track query statistics and visitor behavior, and the AdWords service will allow you to earn money by advertising.

When adding Google search to your site, you will need to specify the name of your “search engine”, a description and indicate the sites on which the search will be carried out. Then you need to choose the design of the search bar, after which you are invited to try out your search. You will then receive a code that you can add to your site.

Instructions: how to insert Yandex.Search into a website

Now let’s look at installing Yandex.Search for a website using our Nubex website as an example. The service code can be inserted into cms, integrated into the site, or you can simply paste the code into any suitable block of the site.

1. Go to the Yandex.Search website for the site and click the “Install search” button.

2. Fill in the required fields, add your site to the search area, do not forget to indicate the address Email. To successfully add your site to the Search Area, make sure your site is added to . Go to step 2.

3. Make settings for the appearance of the search bar: color, font, with or without background. Go to step 3.

4. In the third step, precise settings are made for how the search result will look and on what page it will be located (on the Yandex page or on your website). At the bottom of the page there is a preview of the results that you can focus on. Go to step 4.

5. Check the search performance on your site. And move on to the next step.

6. Now you need to copy the service code and install it on the website. Please note that there are two different codes for search and search results. Why is this necessary? You can set up a search string in one field or in a side column, and display the results on a separate page. This way the user will ask a query and be redirected to a page with the results.

7. Search results code can be 2x different types: iframe and html&css. What is the difference? Iframe is a simpler code option; it is more suitable for sites with complex designs, but it limits the ability to customize the appearance of the results. Html&CSS - search results will be designed in accordance with the CSS style of your site, and the code will be built into the entire structure of the site page.

8. Now let's go to administrative panel site. We decided to set the search bar to home page our website, so go to the “Site Documents” -> “Home Column” section. And click the “Create text block” button.

9. In the text insertion field, click the “Source” button. The HTML code of the page will open; paste the copied code of the search form and results here. Click the "Save" button.

10. Refresh your website page. The search bar should have appeared.


When using any custom search engine, be it a search for a Google or Yandex site, you need to remember that the search is carried out not on your site as such, but on the pages of your site that are present in the index of the selected search engine. Therefore, you need to make sure that all the pages on your site that you want to make available for search are opened for indexing and included in the search engine index.

The Nubex website builder has a built-in search, the widget of which can be enabled for sidebars.

Find the answer to a question or go to the site

    Enter the query, address or site name in the Smart line.

    Press the Enter key.

  • Request
  • Website address
  • Name of the site

","hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":true,"areas":[("shape":"circle","direction":["top","left"],"alt":"Sites that you have been bookmarked","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":false),("shape":"circle","direction":["bottom","left "],"alt":"Sites you've already been to","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":false,"hasBottomCallout":true)]))\">

","hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":true,"areas":[("shape":"circle","direction":["top","left"],"alt":"Sites on which you have already been","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":false),("shape":"circle","direction":["bottom","left "],"alt":"Sites you have bookmarked","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":false,"hasBottomCallout":true)]))\">

","hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":true,"areas":[("shape":"circle","direction":["top","left"],"alt":"Sites on which you have already been","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":false),("shape":"circle","direction":["bottom","left "],"alt":"Sites you have bookmarked","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":false,"hasBottomCallout":true)]))\">

Search on sites with OpenSearch

In the Smart line, you can set queries to search a site that supports OpenSearch (for example,

    Enter the name or address of the site in the Smart line. If the site supports OpenSearch, a tooltip will appear on the right side of the line Press Tab to search in [site name].

    Press the Tab key (an icon with the name of the site will appear on the left side of the Smart Row).

    Enter search query.

    Press the Enter key.

To exit OpenSearch, in the Smart bar on the right, click .

  • Entering the site name
  • Site search

How to copy URL when searching on sites with OpenSearch

When searching a site with OpenSearch support, the Smart Line displays not the address of the open page, but the text of the request. To see the page address, click the Smart bar and then the button that appears Copy address.

Change search engine

Attention. The search engine will change in the Smart bar, on the Tableau and in the context menu.

    Right-click on Smart Bar.

    IN context menu select item Change default search.

    On the page Search engine settings in the block Default search engine select the desired search.


    If the search engine you need is not in the list, specify it manually:

    1. Fill in the fields of the dialog box that opens:

      • Name: enter the name of the search engine (for example, bing);

        Key: enter the search engine address (for example,;

    2. Click the Add button.

      Hover over the line with this system and click the link Use as default.

Protecting the search engine used in the Smart String

Some programs try to change your search engine, which is used in Smart String.

The browser will not allow this - it will ask you to confirm the changes (enter security code from picture). If you don't want to change your search, don't do it.

","hasTopCallout":false,"hasBottomCallout":false,"areas":[("shape":"rect","alt":"","coords":,"isNumeric":false)]))\ ">

What should I do if I entered the address of the page and it does not open?

If the browser is unable to open the page entered into the Smart Bar, it will prompt you possible options solutions to the problem:

  • If you typed the page address incorrectly, the browser will display several links to existing pages with a similar address or offer to search for it in Yandex.
  • If the page existed but was recently deleted, you will be able to view a copy of it saved in Yandex.
  • If there are problems on the server, you can view a saved copy of the page or use Yandex search.

How to open a copy of a site saved in Yandex?

Every user who searches for information on the Internet uses the browser's address bar. It would seem that this is a banal and familiar tool that does not need to be considered separately. But that's not true. You need to know how to work with this tool. Now we will learn how to do this.

You can also download the modern browser UC Browser to view Internet pages from your computer and phone. It also has an address bar and some interesting features. It is gradually developing, and now it can compete with the usual Firefox, Chrome and Opera. Download and try.


To view web pages, use special programs- browsers. In each of them, at the top of the window, there is a text field in which the address of the desired website (url) is typed from the keyboard. When a site is opened, its full address is displayed in the address bar.

URL is a unique address of a resource on the Internet.

Example of an address bar in Mozilla browser Firefox

Essential elements

The following address bar elements are present in all popular browsers.

  1. Refresh button - refreshes the current page
  2. Previous/Next Page Buttons- navigation elements that allow you to return to a previously opened page, or go to the one you left (within the current tab)
  3. List of most visited pages - allows you to quickly jump to a site page that has been viewed frequently

Where is the address bar

Let's look at this using the example of the three most popular browsers - firefox, opera, chrome and internet explorer.

Mozilla Firefox

Address bar in the Mizila Firefox browser.

Google Chrome

This is what it looks like in Google's browser.


The appearance is presented as follows.

Internet Explorer

And finally the last browser.

Setting up search services

For a long time now, developers have begun to implement search services in the browser. This simplified the search for information - the search bar is located next to the address bar, and allows you to type queries without going to the search engine.

note . You can type search queries directly into the address bar. In this case, the search will be performed through the default search engine. If you type a query in the additional search bar in your browser, you will be asked to select through which search engine or service you want to find information.

Let's look at this mechanism using Mozilla Firefox as an example.

The figure below shows the process of entering search queries into the address bar window and into the search window.

As you can see, we have typed "search term" directly into the address bar. If we press the "Enter" button we will get the result. Our request will be processed through the Yandex search engine, and we will be redirected to the search results page. This will happen because the Yandex search service is selected by default in our browser. You can edit this setting. It's done like this.

In the search bar window, click on the arrow next to the magnifying glass icon (appears when you hover over the mouse pointer icon), and in the menu that opens, select " Change search settings ".

Here, select the search engine or service that will be used as the default.

If you type a search query not in the address bar, but in the search block, you will be asked to select the search engine or service that you want to use - just select the one you need from the list. That makes all the difference.

operating room Windows system provides several ways to search for files and folders. You can use the search box in the Start menu to search for files, folders, programs, and email messages on your computer. But when I try to search for something in the Start menu, the search field is missing.

There are several options to return everything to its place.

First option

The easiest way is to try to return the search field using Windows. Open Control Panel - Programs and Features. Select a tab "Turn Windows features on or off". Finding the component Windows Search. If the component is not selected, check the box.

Click OK. Now we check whether the service is enabled or not Windows Search. To do this, open Control Panel - Administration - Services. Checking the service mode Windows Search. Must stand Automatically.

Second option

Apply. To do this, in the Start menu - Run, enter the command gpedit.msc and OK. Now we are looking for User Configuration - Administrative Templates - Start Menu and Taskbar. In the right half of the window, look for the item Remove “Search” link from the “Start” menu. Let's check the value of this parameter. Must be Not specified.

Third option

This option will be useful for those users who have a version of Windows other than Pro, Enterprise and Ultimate. Only these versions support Local Group Policy Editor.

Open the registry editor: Press the Win key + R and enter the command regedit And OK. Finding the section


if there is a parameter in this section NoFind- it must be removed.
