The 1c server service stops. Error during installation process

Practical advice on setting up and working with 1C 8 server

  1. 1. How to run more than one 1C service for parallel operation with different versions of the 1C platform 8.0, 8.1, 8.2 8.3, etc.

When installing 1C on the server, we do the following:

When installing the second version for parallel operation, the installation is similar except for the point:

Remove the flag “Install 1C:Enterprise 8 server as a Windows service (recommended)”

We use: sc create

The line looks like:

sc create"<Агент сервера 1С:Предприятия 8.Х.Х.ХХХХ>"binpath="<место расположения ragent.exe>" -srvc -agent -regport 1641 -port 1640 -range 1660:1591 -d \"<место расположения папки сервера 1С>""

<Агент сервера 1С:Предприятия 8.Х.Х.ХХХХ>- indicate the name of the service. The main thing is so that both you and those who will support the 1C server can easily identify it in the future.

<место расположения ragent.exe>" -srvc -agent -regport 1641 -port 1640 -range 1660:1691 -d \"<место расположения папки сервера 1С>

The service line is as usual:

<место расположения ragent.exe>

If port 1540 is already occupied (if one server is already installed as a service), then set the next one or any one you like, for example, instead of:

15 41-port 15 40-range 15 60:15 91

16 41-port 16 40-range 16 60:16 91

Instead of<место расположения папки сервера 1С>We indicate the line where we plan to locate the folder with the server files. I recommend not storing this folder on the C:\ drive. Divide the server disk into 2. For the system and for the 1C server. Then, if the log files take up all the disk space, you can easily log into the server and clean them. The same cannot be said if you take up all the space on the system disk with your log files.

And run the command:

sc create "1C:Enterprise Server Agent 8.Х.Х.ХХХХ" binpath= "\"C:\Program Files\1cv8\8.Х.Х.ХХХХ\bin\ragent.exe\" -srvc -agent -regport 1741 -port 1740 -range 1760:1591 -d \"E:\1C_Bases\srvinfo_8_Х_Х_ХХХХ\""

As a result, we get the service:

If the service does not appear, click the Update button.))))

If you change your mind, you can delete the newly created service:

sc delete "<Агент сервера 1С:Предприятия 8.Х.Х.ХХХХ>"

Where<Агент сервера 1С:Предприятия 8.Х.Х.ХХХХ>- service name

Set the switch to “With a system account”

Hurray, everything is ready!

  1. 2. How to restart the server?

And in this case, you can clear the cache (this can be useful for various kinds of incomprehensible behavior of 1C)

You can delete these files only when the service is stopped.

If you have stopped the service and the files are not deleted, then you need to go to the Task manager and check it for frozen ones:

If detected, execute end task.

  1. 3. How to transfer a database from platform to platform without losing the log?

After you install (see point 1.) a new version of the server, you will want to transfer one or all databases from the current version of the platform (server) to the one you just installed.

This is easy to do: open the database properties on the current server

Mostly a reminder to myself. Because this information quite common on the Internet. And every time searching is a waste of time.

Information is relevant for the case of deploying two versions of 1C server on one production server. In my case, the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 server agent was already working. And after updating the already running 1C:Enterprise 8.3 server agent, the 1C agent service did not start. When viewing the startup line, I noticed that the installer installed the ports by default, although in my case, just for 1C 8.3, the ports were previously different from those that the installer installed by default. This can be seen in the Windows "Control Panel" in the "Administration" - "Services" - "1C: Enterprise 8.x Server Agent" section by going to a specific service. For example, I will show that by default the ports are already occupied by the 1C: Enterprise 8.1 server agent:

After updating the major version 8.3 platform to a newer minor version, in the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 server agent, as indicated above, the installer set the default ports: "C:\Program Files\1cv8\\bin\ragent.exe" -srvc -agent -regport 1541 -port 1540 -range 1560:1591 -d "C:\Program Files\1cv8\srvinfo". So I needed to change the ranges of ports used. In my case, it had to be a replacement from 1500x ports to 1400x.

To do this, stop the server agent service. Open the editor Windows registry(regedit command in command line, called by simultaneously pressing the Win buttons (the button with the windows symbol) + R). Next, look for the registry branch: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\1C:Enterprise 8.2 Server Agent. In the parameter ImagePath change the port set numbers: "C:\Program Files\1cv8\\bin\ragent.exe" -srvc -agent -regport 1441 -port 1440 -range 1460:1491 -d "C:\Program Files\1cv82\srvinfo"

Don't forget to start the server service.

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A necessary component of the client-server configuration of 1C older versions: “1C server agent service” is a separate module included in the delivery of server software software package and functioning as a service operating system Windows.

The purpose of the service is to manage user and system jobs. The 1C Server Agent service can be a source of unexpected problems of all kinds. Some of them can be easily dealt with by changing the service settings, for which there is a separate user interface. But what to do if the service does not start at all.

In version 8.2, the occurrence of such a situation is signaled by error 1C, accompanied by the following explanatory text: “ Error when starting the 1C Enterprise Server Agent 8.2 service».

Typically, this error occurs either during the installation of a new 1C instance on the server, or when trying to simultaneously launch two 1C application servers at once: 8.1 and 8.2 on the same physical server. Let's consider each of the options separately.

Error during installation process

The cause of the error in this case is the lack of rights of the user trying to install and run Windows service. Administrator rights are required to perform such actions. That is why installation new version 1C and starting the “1C Server Agent” service must be performed on behalf of a user with administrative rights. If this problem occurs, cancel the installation and restart it as a system administrator.

Running two configurations simultaneously

As mentioned above, the problem also arises when 1C users want to install 1C 8.2 and at the same time retain access to version 8.1. The cause of the error is an attempt by the same services of both versions to gain simultaneous access to the same computer port. To avoid this conflict, you need to re-register one of the services to a different port. This can be done directly at the time the service is started by adding the -port option to the ragent.exe -instsrvc startup command, indicating the corresponding digital value.

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