How to change font color of pdf. How to change text in PDF format: a few simple methods. Using Adobe Acrobat


Format PDF files- cross-platform format electronic documents, often used to maintain document integrity. This means that regardless of the application, when viewing a PDF document, it will always look the same. Therefore, the font is usually hardcoded. If you need to change the text font, you will have to use a dedicated PDF editing software or convert the file to an editable format. Read on to find out how.


1 Using Adobe Acrobat

  1. 1 Open the PDF file in Acrobat XI. One of the most simple ways to change the font in a PDF document is to use Acrobat XI. You won't find free version this program, but it is one of the most powerful PDF editors available.
    • You will not be able to edit PDF files with free program reader.
  2. 2 Open the Tools menu. This can be done by clicking the Tools button in the upper right corner of the editing window. A menu will appear on the right side of the window. Select the Content category and then select Edit Document Text.
    • In Acrobat 9 and older, you need to select the Tools menu and then select Advanced Editing. From the new menu, select the Text Correction Tool.
  3. 3 Select the text you want to change. Use your mouse to highlight the text you want to edit. A frame will appear around the selected text.
    • If the box around the text does not appear, open the OCR category from the Tools menu and then select In This File.
  4. 4 Right click on the highlighted text. Select Properties from the menu that appears. The Editing Properties window opens.
  5. 5 Select new font. To select a font, use the drop-down list at the top of the properties window. All changes to the selected text you will see immediately.
    • To edit text with a font that is not installed on your system, you will have to change the font first.
  6. 6 Set up your new font. When you change the font, the text may not look exactly the way it should or won't fit. You can use the drop down menus to set various font properties.
    • Font Size - This will change the font size, like in many text editors.
    • Character Spacing - This is the distance between characters in a word. If words appear squashed and difficult to read, increase character spacing.
    • Word Spacing – This is the distance between words. If you get the feeling that the sentence consists of one long word, increase the spacing between the words.
    • Horizontal Scaling - To stretch or shrink selected text horizontally, select the appropriate scale from the Horizontal Scaling drop-down list.
    • Fill - To change the font color of the selected text, select the fill text from the Fill drop-down menu.
    • Stroke - To give selected text a brush effect, select a stroke color from the Stroke drop-down menu and select a stroke weight from the Stroke Weight drop-down list.
  7. 7 Embed the font. Check Embed. Embedding a font in a PDF file prevents font substitution on a user's computer that does not have the font installed. Not all fonts can be embedded in a PDF file, and the status of the selected font can be viewed in the section Permissions.
    • To reduce the file size, check the box Subset to embed only the characters in the font that are used in the document.
  8. 8 Save the file. If you are happy with the results of the changes, you can save the file. If you don't want to overwrite the original file, select Save As.

2 Using the PDF Editor

  1. 1 Download a PDF editor. There are several programs available online that will allow you to edit the font of your PDF document. These programs are not free, but usually have trial versions, which will allow you to test them. The most popular of these programs are:
    • Foxit Advanced PDF Editor
    • PDF Complete Office Edition
    • Infix PDF Editor
    • PitStopPro
  2. 2 Open your PDF file in an editor. Launch the editor and open your PDF file from the File menu. Your PDF will download and you can start editing the document.
  3. 3 Make sure the PDF Properties window is open. In Foxit, right-click on the document and select Property List. The Property List window is where you will change the font.
  4. 4 Select the content you want to change. PDF files are created from text blocks. Highlight the block of text where you want to change the font by clicking anywhere in the text. In Foxit, select the Object menu and then choose Edit Object.
  5. 5 Select a font from the Property List. A dropdown menu will appear with all available fonts. Select the font you want to set for the text.
    • You can add fonts by selecting Edit and then Import Fonts. You can choose any font installed on your computer.
  6. 6 Adjust the size and spacing. When you change the font, the words may not align as they used to. Use the Font Size, Character Spacing, and Word Spacing items in the Properties List window to align your new font in the document.

3 File Conversion

  1. 1 Choose how to convert the file. Converting a PDF file to a Word document will allow you to edit the file like a normal document. You can convert small PDF files for free on various free sites. If you plan to convert a lot of files or have very large PDF files, you'd better download a dedicated conversion program.
    • For ease of editing, select the “.doc” format when converting the file. This will allow you to open it in almost any text editor.
  2. 2 Open the file in your favorite text editor. Make the necessary changes to the fonts. There is a chance that the fonts from the PDF file will not be transferred 100% correctly.
    • Converting a document sometimes results in formatting errors. Always carefully check the converted document for errors.
  3. 3 Save the document as a PDF. Click "Save As" and select "PDF" format. The file will be converted back to PDF format.

In the course of workflow, it is often necessary to edit the text in a PDF document. For example, this may be the preparation of contracts, business agreements, a set of project documentation, etc.

Despite the many applications that open the extension in question, only a small number of them have editing functions. Let's consider them further.

Method 1: PDF-XChange Editor

PDF-XChange Editor is a well-known multifunctional application for working with PDF files.

Method 2: Adobe Acrobat DC

Adobe Acrobat DC is a popular cloud-enabled PDF editor.

An important advantage of Adobe Acrobat DC is the recognition function, which works quite quickly. This allows you to edit PDF documents created from images without resorting to third-party applications.

Method 3: Foxit PhantomPDF

Foxit PhantomPDF is an advanced version of the famous PDF viewer. Foxit Reader.

All three programs do an excellent job of editing text in PDF file. Formatting bars in all the software considered are similar to those in popular word processors, for example Microsoft Word, open office, so working in them is quite simple. The common disadvantage is that they are all distributed on a paid subscription. At the same time, for these applications, free licenses with a limited period of validity, which are sufficient to evaluate all available opportunities. In addition, Adobe Acrobat DC and Foxit PhantomPDF have a text recognition function that makes it easier to interact with PDF files created from images.

PDF is a common file format containing text information or images. The format is known for being on any operating systems and any software it opens unchanged.

Many users see a problem in the process of changing text in a *PDF file, because this format is primarily designed for distribution, not information editing.

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PDF XChange Viewer

You can edit *PDF document using XChange Viewer. The application is free, therefore it is widely distributed among users. In order to change the text in PDF using this program, you need:

  • Download and install PDF program XChange Viewer (;
  • Open the program, select "Tools" in the top menu, then "Comments and notes" and the item "Text";
  • Put the required text in the *PDF file in the right place. Set the required font size, color and type;
  • Close the document and save changes.

Word 2013

It is possible to open a *PDF file in a familiar text Word editor version of 2013. To change the text in a PDF using this method, you must:

  • Download and install Microsoft program Word 2013 (;
  • Open Word, select "File" in the top menu, and then "Open";
  • In the window that appears, you must specify the location of the PDF file that you want to edit, and click "Open";
  • Edit the opened document;
  • Save changes by clicking "File" -> "Export", then "Create PDF/XPS". Then select the location where you want to save the file and click "Save".

Google Drive

Editing *PDF files with Google Drive is no less reliable and convenient than other methods. In order to change the text in a PDF using this method, you must:

  • visit Google service Drive ( and register in it, or use an existing profile to sign in;
  • Click the "Upload" button, and then select "Files";
  • In the window that opens, select the PDF file you want to edit and click "Upload".
  • Right-click on the downloaded file, select the menu item "Open With", and then "Google Docs";
  • Make the necessary changes to the document in the opened editor;
  • Save the changes by clicking "File" in the top menu, then "Save As", choosing the format "PDF Document".

Today, the PDF format, developed at one time by Adobe Systems, is almost universal, since it is in this in electronic format almost all instructions, technical documentation and other information are saved. But sometimes users have questions about how to change the text in PDF format. This can be done in several ways, which are applied depending on exactly what actions need to be performed.

How to Change PDF Text: Directions

To begin with, a few words about possible situations, since the choice in favor of one or another method proposed below will depend on this. A PDF document can combine both text and graphic information, but the format itself refers more to the graphics than to the text format.

However, the very question of how to change text in PDF format can have several solutions:

  • parts directly in the document;
  • recognition of graphic objects with text;
  • opening a document in various office applications;
  • conversion to another readable format.

Now about each technique in more detail. After considering each of them, any user will be able to decide which method is the most suitable and simple for him.

How to change text in a PDF file?

Let's start with the simplest. Previously, when the popularity of the newly created format was only gaining momentum, PDF documents could only be viewed. There was no mention of any editing. However, over time, the situation has changed radically, since special programs began to appear that allowed you to change the text part, as is done in any text editor. To date, the most popular apps you can name Foxit Reader, PDFXEdit, PDF-XChange Editor and many others, not counting Adobe's own developments that can be used to carry out such actions.

In almost any such application, the problem (how to change the text in a PDF document) is solved quite elementarily. In most cases, to do this, you need to click the edit content button and select the desired text range, after which text recognition will begin. Upon completion of the process, it will be possible to perform the same actions that are provided in conventional text editors.

Text recognition for translation to another format

But it also happens that the text in the document can be inserted as a graphic object (for example, a scanned sheet). What to do in such a situation, because such a fragment is not recognized as a text by editing utilities?

How to convert PDF to text? This can be done using special programs like ABBYY Fine Reader, in which you need to specify scanning and specify the desired output text format. By the way, the same software package is also useful when you need to perform text recognition in PDF format, and the original PDF file is protected from editing.

PDF conversion to other formats and direct opening in office programs

If there are no editing programs at hand, you can convert the original format using special converters, which are currently developed and available in public access quite a lot on the internet.

There is a format change for every taste. You can convert the document to a regular graphic image (for example, JPG), translate PDF text in Word or Excel, etc.

But if earlier the applications that are included in the office Microsoft packages, they did not know how to work with such documents, now there are no problems with this. For example, in Word, you need to open a PDF file.

Specify the desired format in the type of the opened document, and then the path to the document. Another thing is that the document can be opened in aggregate mode graphic images, and the text will not be editable. This also occurs. However, in latest versions Before opening Word, the source document is converted into a readable format, after which you need to click the edit permission button located at the top right. Then the source text can be changed at will.

Browser usage

The longest and most inconvenient way is to open the PDF file in any web browser, then save the page as HTML (or use the View source code), then open it in the same Word editor or in the usual Notepad and edit it. True, in this case, you will have to spend a lot of time, since you will need to delete the corresponding programming language commands. As it is already clear, the method is not the best, but if there are absolutely no other tools at hand, you can use it (although it is highly doubtful that the user does not have the same "Office" on the computer).

Brief summary

That's all that can be suggested in solving the above question (how to change the text in PDF format). Which of these do you prefer? Using specialized editors is far from the best solution, not to mention trying to edit after converting to HTML format. It is best to turn to Word tools, but the version of the editor itself must be at least 2010. And if you need to change the whole document into a completely different format, then you can’t do without converters. For the most part, they are distributed absolutely free of charge and after installation do not take up much space on your hard drive, and for some of them you can even find portable versions which do not require installation at all. So the choice is up to the user. It is difficult to judge what will be the most convenient tool for him. But at least one of the proposed solutions can be used.
