Payment system E-gold. Payment processing. Payment collectors. Federal System "City" Basic principles of operation of the System for the collection and processing of payments

Acceptance and processing of payments in the E-Gold system

Payment system e-gold would not have received such distribution in the network, if not for a set of its unique advantages. Especially brightly, they manifested themselves in the field of receiving and processing payments. Judge for yourself

  • high liquidity e-gold
  • anonymity of payments, both on the part of the client and the seller
  • high degree of protection
  • possibility of micropayments
  • internationality
  • complete lack of chargeback
  • simplicity and cheapness in service, low tariffs.
  • All these goodies have led to the fact that e-gold will gradually replace traditional payment methods on the Internet. Compare, for example, all of the above with paypal, or with other payment systems based on credit cards.

    On this moment, there are two ways to organize the acceptance of e-gold payments on the site. The first, and easiest, is to publish your account number and ask for the required amount to be credited. It looks something like this:

    To buy a product or pay for a service,
    please transfer to my account 316998 the amount of 1 USD.

    To pay, the client must go to the e-gold website, enter his account, click on the Spend button, fill in the required data: your account number, amount, type of metal, and make a payment.

    It seems that this scheme is simple and convenient, but this is only at first glance, let's try to list the visible disadvantages of such a payment acceptance scheme:

    1. Error in account number. The situation is this, when paying, the client dials your account number from memory and makes a mistake. The result is sad, you do not sell your product, the client loses money. Everyone is a loser.
    2. Payment error. The client is mistaken in the amount of payment, the result is a loss of time due to lengthy correspondence with the client. Either you ask the client to pay extra, or the client asks you to return part of the overpaid funds.
    3. Low efficiency. After the client has transferred e-gold to you, you, as a merchant, have three ways to identify the client, the first is his account number, the second is the batch number *, and the third is the coordinates left by the client in the "Memo**" field. All this data can be obtained in the "history" section of your account. With this payment scheme, you need to log into your account every time and check which of your customers made the payment.
    *batch number (BATCH NUMBER) - a unique number randomly generated in any transaction, it is known only to the participants in the transaction.
    ** Memo an additional text field, filled in optionally, in which your client can leave any information that allows him to be identified.

    As you can see, outwardly simple circuit accepting payments has many disadvantages. Therefore, it is advisable to use the second method of receiving payments. It consists in using a special interface for accepting e-gold payments SCI (Shopping Cart Interface).

    SCI is a simple HTML form that is placed on your site and allows you to organize the acceptance of e-gold payments. The advantages of SCI are as follows:

  • Firstly, simplicity to place a simplified form on the site, it is enough to have a superficial knowledge of html.
  • Secondly, platform independence- SCI can run on any server that supports HTML and optionally CGI scripts. For example, the form will work well on free hosting
  • Third, safety and reliability Payments are processed using the SSL protocol.
  • Fourth, accountability SCI provides you with complete information on the transaction.
  • Fifth, flexibility SCI can be easily configured for certain tasks.

    Z-PAYMENT (formerly Z-pay) is a payment acceptance and processing system that integrates many types of payments into a single unified algorithm.

    Z-PAYMENT offers its customers a flexible and reliable tool for on-line payments, accepting payments on websites, paying for various services and goods. It will be useful both for owners of Internet shops and paid services, and for ordinary Internet users. The complex supports ALL popular ELECTRONIC SETTLEMENT SYSTEMS, acceptance of BANKING, CASH and CASH payments

    Z payment

    Z-Payment is a payment system for accepting payments on the site and instant payment on the Internet.

    Are you still looking for the most reliable and flexible payment system that allows you to carry out absolutely any Money transfers? We are confident that Z-Payment will become your permanent partner, which will greatly facilitate your work and increase your profits!

    With our help online payment will become a simple, convenient and safe event that does not require any additional investments, both temporary and financial. To date payment system works with almost any type of transfer (bank, postal, money), electronic currencies, plastic cards, mobile and cash payments, as well as payment on site can also be carried out using various terminals, directly through the cash desks of banks and other payment methods.

    Our GOAL was to create accepting payments via the Internet, which would become available to the user around the clock and daily, without breaks and weekends. We are confident that we have managed to realize our plans by 100%, and the dynamically growing base of our clients and partners is a vivid confirmation of this. Now accepting payments on the site can be carried out instantly - and this is one of the main advantages of the Z-Payment system.

    The user of Z-Payment is not limited to a strictly defined type of calculation, he gets at his disposal a whole arsenal of means and types of calculation.

    The basic unit of settlements in the system is the Ruble Russian Federation, accurate to the penny. 1 zp = 1 ruble. All other calculations are carried out according to the tariffs of the system and the rates of the Central Bank of Russia.

    So, what are the main ADVANTAGES of our service, and what others cannot boast of? payment systems in Russia?

    • We were able to collect in one place the most diverse types of payments, of which there are already more than 40;
    • Now payment acceptance service the site can function fully automatically;
    • All users are provided with professional technical support.
    • All payment systems for the site offered on the basis of individual tariff plans;
    • We serve both legal entities and individuals. Settlements with the seller can be made both in a non-cash form and through other payment systems;
    • Users of the system can make any transfers within the system, and absolutely without any commission.

    If you need an efficient and functional online payment service, use Z-Payment. Our team knows all the subtleties of this market segment and is guided daily by such important PRINCIPLES as:

    • Safety;
    • Versatility;
    • High reliability;
    • Legality of use;
    • Ease of use;
    • Efficiency in performing any task;
    • Privacy of users and transactions.

    We guarantee the safety of funds, the security of payments made and the confidentiality of information.

    1. About the Z-Payment system

    2. Registration in the payment system

    3. Site navigation

    4. Certification

    5. Procedure for obtaining a personal certificate

    6. Replenishment of the wallet

    7. Personal safe

    8. Withdrawal of funds from the system. Payment for services

    Z-Payment is a payment system for accepting payments on the site and instant payment on the Internet.

    Are you still looking for the most reliable and flexible payment system that allows you to make absolutely any money transfers? We are confident that Z-Payment will become your permanent partner, which will greatly facilitate your work and increase your profits!

    With our help, payment on the Internet will become a simple, convenient and safe event that does not require any additional investments, both temporary and financial. To date, the payment system works with almost any type of transfer (bank, postal, money), electronic currencies, plastic cards, mobile and cash payments, and payment on the site can be carried out using various terminals, directly through the cash desks of banks and other methods payment.

    Our GOAL was to create such an acceptance of payments via the Internet, which would be available to the user around the clock and every day, without breaks and weekends. We are confident that we have managed to realize our plans by 100%, and the dynamically growing base of our clients and partners is a vivid confirmation of this. Now accepting payments on the site can be done instantly - and this is one of the main advantages of the Z-Payment system.

    The user of Z-Payment is not limited to a strictly defined type of calculation, he gets at his disposal a whole arsenal of means and types of calculation.

    The basic unit of settlement in the system is the Russian Ruble, accurate to the penny. 1 zp = 1 ruble. All other calculations are carried out according to the tariffs of the system and the rates of the Central Bank of Russia.

    So, what are the main ADVANTAGES of our service, and what other payment systems in Russia cannot boast of?

    We were able to collect in one place the most diverse types of payments, of which there are already more than 40;
    Now the service for accepting payments on the site can function fully automatically;
    All users are provided with professional technical support.
    All payment systems for the site are offered on the basis of individual tariff plans;
    We serve both legal entities and individuals. Settlements with the seller can be made both in a non-cash form and through other payment systems;
    Users of the system can make any transfers within the system, and absolutely without any commission.

    If you need an efficient and functional service for accepting payments on the site, use Z-Payment. Our team knows all the subtleties of this market segment and is guided daily by such important PRINCIPLES as:

    High reliability;
    Legality of use;
    Ease of use;
    Efficiency in performing any task;
    Privacy of users and transactions.

    We guarantee the safety of funds, the security of payments made and the confidentiality of information.

    Currently, electronic payment systems are of interest to almost all Internet users. Z-Payment clients are conditionally divided into 3 MAIN GROUPS, and each of them is offered individual terms of cooperation:
    For users

    Any Internet user after registering with Z-Payment gets the opportunity to make instant on-line payments. You have a unique opportunity to replenish your online wallet without leaving your home, without leaving your workplace, because you have instant payment through the site and much, much more; surprisingly, for this you do not need to carry out any additional steps, for example, install a special software etc.); You can easily pay for the services of any providers in our electronic terminals: Alpha and Gamma, replenish your game accounts through the terminal.
    For sellers

    We offer a payment system for the site, the benefits of which will be appreciated (and have already been appreciated) by many owners of online stores and paid services, because the implementation of the system and its subsequent use does not require costs; if necessary, online payment will be confirmed by receiving a letter to email, sms or via HTTP interface. Z-Payment works with legal entities with the conclusion of an appropriate agreement for accepting payments, which allows you to provide all the necessary accounting documents and reports. If you do not need contracts, you can organize the acceptance of payments as an individual, for this it is enough to confirm your personal data.
    For partners

    If payment systems on the Internet are not new for you, and you want to start your business in this direction, then we recommend that you become our authorized dealer in your region; Believe me, broad horizons for development and earnings will open for you. For potential investors, our company can offer favorable terms of cooperation.

    Our site contains an extensive catalog of online stores, and each representative of this group accepts payments through the Z-Payment system. Payment on the site is becoming the prerogative of domestic market participants involved in various industries: business and finance, Internet services, medicine and health, repair and construction, digital goods, home and office equipment. This list can be continued indefinitely, but they have something in common - and this is an effective system for accepting payments on the site.

    Today, many Internet payment systems offer their services to domestic and foreign users, but it was the Z-Payment service that managed to combine them together. To confirm that we are one of the best teams in this market, here are some interesting facts:

    Currently, our payment system for the site serves over 7,700 Internet projects of various sizes and directions;
    To date, Z-Payment electronic money is transferred to more than 560 thousand wallets of our users;
    Acceptance of plastic cards and electronic currency of a wide variety of payment systems, the number of which already exceeds 40 types;
    In 24 hours, our processing processes more than 1000 transactions of buyers and sellers;
    At the moment, Internet money "ZP" is completely liquid on the Web and is freely exchanged by independent exchange services for other monetary units of payment systems.

    Z-Payment - Payment system for you and your website!

    Payment collectors

    For credit institutions and trade and service enterprises, cooperation with the Gorod System ensures a constant flow of customers and commission income through the organization in offices, self-service devices and remote channels banking service collecting payments for the services of several thousand popular federal and regional providers.

    For maximum compliance with the current legislation in terms of accepting state and municipal payments, the Gorod System implemented a tool for payment collectors to quickly and reliably exchange information about payments and payer debts between various accounting systems of the organization and the GIS GMP - the CFT-Gosuslugi integrated adapter.

    Service providers

    For organizations that collect payments from the public for their services, the Gorod System offers a wide network of payment collection points and technologies for centralized automated processing of payments received from various cash and non-cash payment channels.

    Settlement centers and management companies

    The Gorod system allows you to automate and unify the billing of housing and communal services and the work of all departments of management companies, housing departments, homeowners associations, social protection departments, passport offices and other participants in the city infrastructure.

    Basic principles of operation of the Payment Collection and Processing System:

    1. Service providers transmit information about their subscribers to the System.
    2. Organizations that collect payments receive online access to the System.
    3. Information about collected payments enters the System in real time.
    4. Next banking day cash are transferred from organizations to service providers to whom payments were made.

    Thanks to the unique complex structure, the City System can be used with equal efficiency both to organize the collection of payments by a small company at several payment points, and to create a global city-wide system with millions of accounting personal accounts. At the same time, the process of expanding the network of payment points and increasing the number of service providers is very simple.
