How to disable content filtering on iPhone. Parental control on iOS and Android: total surveillance of a child. Android parental controls

Like computers with an Internet connection, the iPhone can access a vast amount of information that is forbidden to children or inappropriate in work situations. You can limit iPhone access to certain types of content.

In particular, you can use parental controls - for example, to prevent a child from buying from applications or watching adult films.

  1. Click the button "Home"(Home). The home screen will open.
  2. Click icon "Settings"(Settings). The corresponding screen will open.
  3. Click "Basic"(General). The corresponding screen will open.
  4. Scroll down the screen and press "Restrictions"(Restrictions). The corresponding screen will open.
  5. Click "Enable Restrictions"(Enable Restrictions). A screen will open with text "Enter restrictions password"(Set Passcode). It is better to use a password that is different from what is used to lock the iPhone.
  6. Enter password. In case someone is spying on you, iPhone shows dots instead of the characters of your password. After entering the password, the iPhone shows the same window again, this time with the message "Re-enter restrictions password"(Re-enter your Restrictions Passcode).
  7. Enter the password again. Screen "Restrictions"(Restrictions) will open again, now with the ability to change the positions of the switches in the field "Allow"(Allow).
  8. If necessary, move each radio button to the field "Allow"(Allow) into position "On"(On) or "Off"(Off).
  9. Scroll down the screen to the field "Permitted Content"(Allowed content).
  10. If you want to change the country for which restrictions are set, click "Age limit"(Ratings For). On the screen that appears, select your country, and then click "Restrictions"(Restrictions).
  11. Select settings for "Music, podcasts"(Music & Podcasts), "Movies"(Movies) "TV Show"(TV Shows) and "Programs"(apps). For example, click "Movies".
  12. On the screen "Movies"(Movies) select the maximum rating allowed.
  13. Click "Restrictions"(Restrictions).
  14. Translate the switch "In-App Purchases"(In-App Purchases) in position "Off"(Off) to prevent the user from purchasing content from apps.
  15. Set other settings in the field "Privacy"(Privacy).
  16. Select the desired values ​​in the fields "Accounts"(Accounts) and "Volume Limit"(Volume Limit).
  17. Move the switches if necessary "Games with Others"(Multiplayer Games) and "Adding Friends"(Adding Friends) into position "On"(On) or "Off"(Off).

What are in-app purchases?

Some apps allow you to buy products directly, bypassing the App Store. This is a popular and easy way for developers to sell additional features of applications (especially low-cost or free ones). Moreover, it is one of the most simple ways taking money from iPhone users.

What are the privacy settings in the "Restrictions" menu?

They let you control which apps get access to iPhone location information, contacts, calendars, reminders, and photos.

If you have purchased an iPhone for your child or just often give it to him and want him not to see materials prohibited for him, then make the appropriate settings.

The iOS system is very different from Android. Her functions have more restrictions in terms of settings for use by children. But still, it is possible to make the device childish, and with the help of standard tools. Regarding physical protection, the iPhone is much better.

In general, you have several software tools at your disposal that allow you to customize for the child:

  • System Restrictions
  • Guided Access
  • "My friends", working with geolocation

The list is small, but it's hard to get confused.

How to set limits?

You will find this tool in "Settings" - "Basic" - "Restrictions".

At the very beginning, you will be prompted to create a password. It is not necessary to make it the same as the unlock code. After installation, five sections will be available to you:

  • Permissions for applications and system features that can be customized with active restrictions. These are iOS apps, iTunes and iBooks stores, AppStore settings, and Siri and AirDrop. There are no additional options , you just need to turn off what you do not need yourself . If one of the programs is turned off in this way, it will hide from the main table.

  • Permitted content. Here you can set rules for files stored in the device's memory or purchased, downloaded or viewed.
  • You can specify your country to more accurately determine the age scale. Each category has its own restrictions, for sites installed smart filter and allowed access to a limited number of services.

  • Privacy settings . This function makes it possible to determine the access rights of the program to the content saved in iOS, as well as the hardware capabilities of the gadget. For example , you can prevent WhatsApp from sending photos , and Instagram from recording sound through a microphone .

  • The change permission section allows you to avoid account editing, saves traffic, sets content update times, and also limits sound. Here you can also prohibit changing parameters in the application "Find friends ".
  • Limitation functionality game center. I moved the sliders to an inactive position and you will be blocked from multiplayer in the game and the ability to add new friends.

Guide - access

Guide Access is primarily intended for commercial use of the iPad and iPhone as an interactive guide, restaurant menu, or simply a demonstration device.

Its main feature is to block the exit from the running application, sometimes it is not superfluous to block clicks on certain areas of the screen. But in this case, the guide-access will not allow the child to accidentally close the game or the developing program, and some controls can be covered with inactive zones. For example, in the player, you can leave only the key available Play/pause, and in the interactive book to block the exit button in the menu.

To activate the feature open "Settings" - "Universal access" - "Guide - access". Each of the options has a detailed description so you won't get confused. It is best to limit yourself to enabling this option, and do not enable the password and keyboard shortcuts, so as not to complicate anything.

Now the guide - access will be active for you. Open any application and press the Home key three times. You will see the mode settings menu.

Here you can turn off or leave on the volume keys, turn off, screen and accelerometer.

To define the area to block clicks, "draw" on the app preview. After finishing the procedure, press the button "Begin " and give the device to the kid. To turn off the guide - access or open the settings again, click the button three times "Home".

"My friends "

This application is the most valuable of all from Apple for each parent, because it makes it possible to always be aware of where your child is. Unlike similar ones on Android, this will not interfere with the child, so you don’t have to worry about the moral side of the issue. And at the same time you don't have to worry about where your child is.

My Friends app for iPhone

  • Further on each of your devices, enter Apple ID and sign in "My friends ".
  • By the way, the kid does not need to know this data at all, so that he could not turn off the location display.
  • Open item "Friends ", click on «+» and add new users. This feature is great for the whole family, as you can now see where all the added members of your family are located.
  • Send friend requests, confirm and a map will open in the next window with location all devices.
  • The system will also show when the latest data was received and the distance in kilometers .

How to set up "My Friends" for iPhone?

  • Of course, this is not all the functionality of the option. "My friends ". From the app you can run message history and get directions to places where it is the desired contact or activate notifications about movements from a specific location. For example, you will receive an alert when your child leaves school or when he comes home.

  • Of the parameters, the only interesting one is "Hiding from Surveillance". It is initially inactive. Probably, it is not necessary to explain why it is needed. When setting a lock on the device, after the initial setup, the application will not ask for a password. Therefore, in the section "restrictions" be sure to set the block to make changes.

An iOS tablet or phone can easily be turned into a great device for a child. Spend some time and the baby will have personal educational games, a library with many books , a player with cartoons and many other entertainments .

The desire to control everything that a child can do on their iPhone or iPad can be visited by any parent who dares to present a cult gadget by the beginning of the school year. What to look for when choosing software for iOS devices?

To tasks parental control may include a ban on visiting unwanted Internet sites, restricting a child's access to communication services, as well as control of work with applications on the device. As an option, there may be remote monitoring of what exactly (and not in the classroom) the child is doing at the moment.

However, not every developer includes all the components in their product, and sometimes even the “redoubts” erected by companies that have eaten a dog on information security surrender almost without a fight.

IN operating system iOS has its own “restraint” function, and therefore there are an order of magnitude fewer alternatives and add-ons in the App Store than, for example, in Google Play. Parental controls built into iOS allow you to restrict the use of certain regular applications, as well as prohibit the installation and / or removal of software. Among the programs that can be turned off are the Safari browser, the client for viewing videos on YouTube, the camera, the application for shopping in the iTunes online store for audio and video content.

To protect parental settings, a four-digit password is used, which gives about 10,000 combinations. However, even if the child is patient, it will not be easy to guess the password: after several unsuccessful attempts, the device gradually increases the timeout before the next attempt. In addition, the number of failed attempts is displayed on the password entry screen, which will give away a young hacker with a head.

There are no settings for filtering sites in Safari. When you disable the application, it simply disappears from the menu. You can leave the opportunity to use respectable resources only with the help of third-party solutions.

The iOS platform imposes strict requirements on developers, which does not allow them to create programs that work at the system level and control other software without violating Apple prohibitions. Thus, in fact, the only way web content filtering comes down to using a third-party browser that provides this functionality. At the same time, all other browsers must be removed (along with blocking the ability to install programs), and the standard Safari is disabled: otherwise, the meaning of using the "guardian" is lost.

In the absence of other browsers, Kaspersky Parental Control, released for iOS, can help. The application from Kaspersky Lab is submitted by the authors just as a means of controlling visits to "non-children's" sites. However, the program works based on its own "black" lists of sites, and these lists cannot be changed or supplemented. In addition, this protection can be easily bypassed. The K9 Web Protection Browser application better resists attempts to get to the forbidden fruits: the authors blocked the search for images and videos.

In fact, there is simply no such thing as “parental control” in iOS. However, the device can be configured in such a way that the child simply does not have the ability to perform certain actions, such as installing new programs or visiting any sites.

Restrictions in iOS

In order to restrict any actions of a child (or even another adult), you need to go to " Settings» — « Main» — « Restrictions". If you go there for the first time, then the restrictions will first need to be enabled. In this case, you will need to specify a password, which will need to be entered each time you subsequently enter this section of the settings.

The very first section in the restrictions settings is "Allow". In it, you can generally prohibit certain actions. Such as launching Safari, adding or removing programs, using the camera or the iBook Store. At the same time, after disabling, some of the icons are generally hidden. For example, Safari or FaceTime. Please note that if they were previously in folders, then after returning they reappear simply on the desktop.

It also sets the possibility of self-installation or removal of applications, making internal purchases. By disabling these items, you can be sure that your child will not download any expensive app or delete something important.

The next section is "Permitted Content". It can, for example, prohibit applications that have a certain age limit. So, if you select programs with a rating of 9+, then all the others with a higher rating will simply disappear from the screen (but remain in the device's memory, not deleted). There you can also make sure that all third-party applications are hidden in general, then only the standard set will remain on the screen.

Another important item in the "Allowed Content" section is "Websites". In it, you can limit the child's journey on the Internet to only a few specific sites, generally eliminating the very possibility of visiting any others. Restrictions for books, films, music, etc. are also set there.

But the “Privacy” section is not related to children, but to third-party applications that are given restrictions on the use of any privacy settings. For example, in the "Contacts" item, you can block access to your contacts from applications like Skype or ICQ.

In the "Allow changes" item, you can prohibit making restrictions on Accounts. There you can set a ban on updating applications and even adjusting the sound volume. And finally, restrictions in the "Game Center" means the ability to play with other users and add friends.

Guided Access

The Guided Access feature restricts the device to only be used within a single application that you are running. At the same time, you can set some restrictions on the use of screen zones. For example, make the area in which advertisements appear inaccessible for pressing.

To enable Guided Access, use " Settings» — « Main» — « Universal access» — « Guided Access". Enable the feature and set a password.

You can now launch Guided Access in any app by triple-clicking the Home button. After that, you will be prompted to circle the zones closed for pressing on the screen, set the parameters for the operation of hardware buttons, and also indicate whether the device should respond to movement. After launching the function, the Home button does not work, the user does not have the opportunity to launch another application. Restarting the device does not help, guide access does not turn off.

To turn off Guided Access, press the Home button three times again and enter your password.

Preparing the device for the child

In addition to the methods described above, before giving the device to children's hands, it makes sense to perform some more actions. So, if you want the device not to be used in your absence, then set a password on it. You can do this through "Settings" - "Password". In this case, you can use a simple password consisting of 4 digits or a password that also contains letters. In the second case, the level of protection is higher, but the usability of the device is reduced.

It will not be superfluous to purchase a case for the device, then falls and bumps will be less terrible for it. Although, unfortunately, this does not guarantee full protection from mechanical damage.

Well, and most importantly - find and install various interesting children's applications, all kinds of games and "training books". Fortunately, there is a lot of such content in the App Store.
