How to make a bombing Facebook group: social media promotion. Possibility of commenting by registering on Facebook. Facebook like box: setup and installation

(Last update: 22.11.2018)

Hello friends! Our topic today is How to create a Facebook page. The most popular social network on the Internet is, of course, Facebook. It would be foolish not to use Facebook for free for your website/blog. For this you only need create a brand page on facebook. In our case, the brand is your blog on the popular free Blogger platform.

How to create a Facebook business page

Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook is a great marketing tool to get your blog in front of your target audience. You just need to create your own page and fill it with announcements of your articles that you publish on the blog. One of the advantages of this service is indexing. search engines, which means that all Internet users can see Facebook pages, even those who do not have their own account in this social network. So, if you have decided that you need a page for your brand.

Before starting, prepare a good photo, such as your blog logo. Creating a Facebook page will take quite a bit of time. Create a place for people to learn about your favorite blog. How your page will look, I will show mine as an example.

School Bloggera Facebook page:

School Blogger(s) on Facebook

In order to create a page for your blog on Facebook, go to this link. First you need to select your type of activity, click "Brand or Company":

How to create a business page on facebook

A window will open where you need to select a category - Website:

Enter the name of your page, you can name your blog. Agree to the terms and click "Get Started". Next, you get to the logo or photo upload page:

Uploading a logo or photo

You can skip the photo upload by doing it later. Further on the next page you will be offered - invite friends, talk about your page, and so on:

Click continue. Here general information about your page. Add some basic information so that people who visit the page know more about it:

general information

Click continue. Now you can fill your Facebook page with information. When you publish several announcements on your page, it will already look more attractive. And in order for you to be able to automatically publish announcements of your articles on your Facebook page, you can use the automatic posting service from the rss channel of your blog: Rss Graffiti 2.0 or

About how to maintain a brand page on Facebook to increase the organic reach of posts without investing money.

The CPU has repeatedly considered the topic of reducing the organic reach of posts on Facebook - and this against the backdrop of the latest statistics on how much referral traffic from this social network has grown. The creators of the pages on Facebook were seriously worried: everything went to the fact that the only way increase the coverage of posts - pay for the promotion of records.

Sarah Matista of Pagemodo reflects on where this is leading. Paid promotion will definitely increase the reach of posts and give an advantage over those competitors who are not in a hurry to pay yet. But this does not mean that those whose budget is very limited do not have a chance. Looking at the situation objectively, general rules page references do not change; only the number of people who see these posts change.

In the event that the number of views of posts by default decreases, you need to involve as much as possible those people who still continue to see your posts. It is much more profitable to have a hundred users who perform some actions on the page than ten thousand "dead souls" who may be reading, but doing nothing.

Facebook, no matter what, is trying to shape the news feed in such a way that only the most interesting and relevant posts get into it, so that their fate is only in the hands of the page administrators.

Creating a smart strategy and content can help increase your reach without paying a dime (although if there are a few free dimes available, then it’s better to spend them on promoting a post).

The tricks that Sarah gives in her post:

1. Improve the quality of your content. If you want more people to see your post, you need to make his friends want to share it. Expert Michael Hyatt suggests implementing the following things:

2. Follow the trends. When Facebook introduced the Trending Topics block, it became much easier for administrators and marketers to keep track of what people are discussing right now. If there is nothing on this list that might suit your audience, stay tuned through Feedly, Google Alerts or Flipboard - if you properly set up the list of sources and keywords, you can quickly and accurately catch topics that are currently popular. It is them that your subscribers will like, comment and repost especially diligently.

3. Reply to subscribers. The EdgeRank system closely monitors the interaction between subscribers and the page, which is determined by the Affinity Score parameter. The more you communicate with subscribers, the more relevant and active the page looks in the eyes of the algorithm. Accordingly, her posts will more often fall into the news feed. That is why you need to communicate with subscribers in the comments.

4. Tag other brands in your posts. Facebook recently introduced a feature that allows you to tag brands on the pages of other companies. So you can try to reach out to the subscribers of another page by simply mentioning it on your site. Of course, you should not overdo it with this - for each such mention there should be a suitable situation and / or reason.

5. Promote posts selectively. As stated above, all of these techniques will help increase your organic reach, but there is nothing wrong with paying a little extra. Especially in cases where the post can actually hook the vast majority of readers. One of the most popular types of content among subscribers are contests, so if you want to test the paid posts system, try organizing some kind of competition.

Good day, dear friends! Today we are going to integrate our blog with facebook social network. To do this, we will look at how to create a separate page for a facebook blog step by step.

More and more penetrating into our lives and there will only be more. This is great news for all bloggers who want to get more visitors to their blog. Moreover, I am sure that if now it is just an option to promote your blog, then in the future social promotion and communicating with the audience, not only on the comment pages of your blog entries, but also on the pages of social networks will be an increasing share.

Social network Facebook in this regard, it compares favorably with others and makes it possible to create not only groups, but also individual fan pages. Thus, by creating a fan page on facebook, your friends and other users will be able to follow exactly its updates, comment on blog entries or other entries that will appear in the page's news feed, view photos, videos and much more.

I have already created a facebook blog page for myself, you can see it at this address - and if you like my blog, then you can immediately click - I like it 😉 though you must be registered on facebook for this.

Well now let's move on to creating a page for your blog or facebook site.

As I noted above, first of all you need to register an account for yourself, and only after that you can start creating a page. Anyone can handle registering an account, so we will immediately proceed to creating a page.

To start creating a page, you need to follow this link - Further everything with screenshots and explanations. Pictures are clickable, and it’s better to click with the middle mouse button to open on new pages so as not to constantly go back.

In the case of a website or blog, you should choose what I chose, namely - Brand, product or company, and in the drop-down menu - website. And click create page. After that, you will immediately be transferred to a freshly created page.

On this page, everything is described in steps, let's look at what to do next. First of all, you need to upload an image and fill in the information about the blog or website. In my case, I downloaded the logo from my blog.

After loading the logo, click - edit the page and fill in the fields. Then you need to add a few announcements of articles from your blog or website to the page.

It is very easy to do this. Facebook is very handy in this regard! Simply take the URL of the article and paste it into the field that appears when you click on the status link. Then everything happens automatically. Facebook itself uploads the title of the article, announcement, picture. Thus, we fill in the necessary articles to fill our page.

To do this, we need an application - RSS Graffity- it is located on this page. On this page, click - add to my page and select the page in the pop-up window. And then click go to the application.

On the page that opens, on the left, select your newly created page (I have two pages in the screenshot, since the second was created to go all the way from the very beginning, then I will delete it). We look at the screenshot - this is what you should see now.

At the top we see the status - Status: Some Permissions Required. Therefore, you need to authorize the application for this page. We click and authorize.

After that, you will be redirected to the application page again. Now you need to add an RSS Feed to your blog. We click on the button + Add feed. Set up all fields and click Save. In fact, the main thing here is to write down the RSS address of your blog and its name.

As a result, the settings page looks like this:

With the publication settings finished, now go to the newly created page itself. To do this, click in the upper right corner of the screen - Account -> Page Management and select a page in the window.

Now the page is ready, the primary goal is fulfilled. Congratulations! 🙂

But that's not all, the most interesting thing is ahead - promoting your facebook page. This is a topic for a separate post, which will be released after the new year, because before NG I still have some other posts planned, but no less interesting 😉 Don't miss it!

In the meantime, you can become a fan of my blog page on facebook by going to

Hello dear readers!

Today I would like to tell you how to create a Facebook page for your company's web resource.

But before we talk about how to create a site on Facebook, let's figure out why you need to do this at all.

Why do you need a company page on Facebook?

Facebook is by far the largest and most popular social network, with over 900 million users worldwide.

Business Page on Facebook is an opportunity to announce your brand to the whole world. Moreover, it does not depend on what kind of information is posted on the site.

I do not advise you to create a page of your Internet resource in the form of a personal profile. The business page differs from the profile in some functionality, for example:

  • multiple administrators can manage the page;
  • unlike a personal profile, the page is available to the general public;
  • after creation, the page is indexed in the Facebook search engine and other search engines;
  • the system allows you to define a category, thanks to which the page can be quickly and easily found by social users. networks.

It should be noted that in this social network you can make certain parts of the page available only to yourself, or to a limited circle of people. To set the access rights, you should set the required values ​​​​in the "Access rights management" section.

Account registration

Before you create a representative office for an organization in the most popular social network in the world, the first thing you need to do is register there yourself, that is, create your account. This is done very easily. Go to the Facebook website, in the upper right corner there is a registration form that you must fill out. Enter all the required data, click on the "Register" button.

After successful registration, you will be sent to the settings page. First, find your friends who are on this resource. Then fill in the account with your personal data: interests, mobile number(it is possible without a phone), place of work, city in which you live and so on. After that, upload your photo.

Once your account setup is complete, you will be redirected to your profile page. And don't forget to check Mailbox, which you indicated during registration - there will definitely be a confirmation letter. Open this letter, follow the link in it and registration on Facebook is over.

How to create a page for your organization on Facebook?

And now you can start creating a page for the company. It is created absolutely free. This is much like creating personal account. You need to go through a few simple steps, and the Internet representation of your company in the largest social network will be available to its users.

For the sake of example, I will create a page for my blog. I'm sure it won't be redundant.

These eight steps are:

Now you know how to make a representation of your organization on Facebook. Grow your business through social networks and attract the attention of new customers.

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

The popularity of the social Facebook networks continues to gain momentum, and if you have a blog or website, it is logical to link it to Facebook. To do this, you can use several methods. Quite simple, but for some reason it is not always possible to find out about them from Facebook itself.

When I looked for this information for the first time, desperate to find explanations in my account, I found everything on Google. And only then did I find out where everything that is needed in order to link the blog to Facebook is located.

Step 1: Create a Facebook Blog Page.

If your goal is to promote your blog or site on Facebook, as well as communicate more productively with your readers, it is best to do this using a page (not a group and not your own personal profile).

Do you want to create a Facebook page? To you here!

A competent detailed instruction in Russian was found on the blog: How to create a page on Facebook. Please note that the interface of the pages section has changed a few months ago, so many instructional posts on the same topic, dated earlier than 2011, are partially outdated.

How to shorten a page link on facebook

Another little trick: both the personal page (your profile) and the site page on Facebook can be assigned a short link, URL (by default, this is just a set of numbers). Why is this needed? The blog page on Facebook is its representation on this social network. Like the domain, it is desirable that the URL of the page is short, understandable and memorable for readers. Compare: this is what the default profile URL looks like: and here is the short name

There are no restrictions for a personal profile, but to make a short link for a website (or company) page, you need to join it at least 25 people .

So, in order to make a short URL, you need to go to this page , check if the name you have chosen is not taken and quickly take it. 🙂

How to invite friends to your Facebook page?

Everyone who created a page on Facebook saw the option “Invite Friends” (Suggest to Friends), but not everyone knows that it ... does not work. Experimentally, it has been found that people simply do not receive these invitations! Why? Facebook doesn't report it.

How to tell friends about your page? Through private messages, personal profile and your website. And also, if you post interesting updates in the blog page feed, people will slowly join.

By the way, if you haven't joined yet. Facebook Mom Blogs page , now is the time to do it, because there appear both links to site updates, and another interesting information, which is not included in the blog. You can also create polls, post albums of photos and videos.

We will immediately add that we do not mind at all if you also post announcements for some of your important posts or events in our feed.

Step 2: Linking the Blog to Facebook

All the necessary webmaster tools can be found here:

The essentials from this list:

Add facebook like button

This is really a necessary thing, there are no users who do not know how to use it. Yes, and what to use there - clicked and you're done. Expressed a positive attitude to the read with a single click. And the link to the page appeared in the reader's news feed of his Facebook account. We have a Like button installed at the beginning of posts.

Facebook like box: setup and installation

Also a useful thing if you have a separate page for your Facebook blog. Here you can see this block in the right sidebar. Appearance block can be varied: you yourself determine how many faces to show, whether to include an update feed or not, block sizes can also be customized to fit your site design.

Possibility to comment by registering on Facebook

We do not use this plugin. Perhaps this will not be relevant for many blogomers, since it is important for most blog owners to indicate a link to their resource in the comments. And this plugin makes commenting easier for those who “live” on Facebook and are not too interested in website promotion.

In the facebook developers section given detailed instructions for configuring and installing these plugins. But if you prefer simpler recommendations, and even in Russian, read the article How to add Facebook to your site by Mikhail Shakin. Please note that you are not required to work directly with the code, the post contains links to special plugins for WordPress, if it is more convenient for you, use them.

Step 3: Broadcast blog news on your Facebook page
