How to fill a Facebook group with bots. How to promote a group on Facebook if you are not an expert. Facebook Messenger: Why It Matters

  • The time for short posts is over, people are ripe for long posts

In order to introduce consumers to our Unagrande brand cheeses, we have created a Facebook group "Mozzarella Lovers Club". Since then, the number of its subscribers has exceeded 145,000, and sales of our products have increased by more than 60%. I'll tell you how to grow a group on facebook.

The group is promoted on Facebook by Internet advertising specialists (a contract has been signed with them). They have developed the idea of ​​the community, the promotion strategy, run advertising campaigns, are responsible for the timely appearance of information materials, review comments and guide the discussion.

The American company HubSpot found out which first sentences do not inspire the reader, but, on the contrary, force them to delete the letter.

In our article, we have collected 5 such phrases, and ways to correct mistakes.

The cost of promoting a group on Facebook, together with moderation services, costs us about 400 thousand rubles. per month (about 5 million per year).



How to promote a group on Facebook and make it one of the most popular

1. Publication of exclusive culinary recipes. Twice a week, interesting recipes with illustrations appear in the group's news feed, developed by the chef of the Italian restaurant Pane & Olio, Giuseppe D'Angelo, especially for our Mozzarella Lovers Club. An obligatory ingredient of recipes is products produced under our brand. The chef's establishment receives advertising in this way, so we do not pay him anything extra.

2. Competitions involving partners. We held an Apron Voting contest. At the first stage, subscribers were asked to vote for one of eight aprons in the colors of our brand (they were provided by an online store of designer aprons). At the second stage, participants shared their recipes and photos of caprese appetizers, and the authors of the top ten recipes received as a gift an apron that the group members liked more than others. The competition attracted the attention of several hundred people, turned out to be lively and interesting.

3. Active participation of employees and management of the company in the life of the group. Customers' questions are answered not only by ordinary employees, but also by top managers - they give recommendations, talk about interesting production details.

For example, when a dispute arose in the comments as to whether real mozzarella can be made in Russia, one of the top managers told what our mozzarella is made of and why Italian cheese of this variety brought to Russia will never have the same taste as in Italy. In the photo album there are also my photos - in the form of a chef who prepared caprese; I also starred in a film about mozzarella and other cheeses.

4. Targeted advertising. Our banner ads are seen only by users from cities where the company's products can be purchased. Facebook allows you to quickly find out which audience is interested in the product, which slogans and advertising messages have the greatest effect.

I'll give you an example. Taking one ad, adapting it for different age and gender groups, and comparing the click-through rate after a couple of days, we found that girls aged 27 years old are twice as interested in ads for mozzarella cheese than girls from 18 to 27 years old. Such testing costs $50–$100. After checking how interesting an advertising find is to potential buyers compared to other ideas, you can safely use the most effective methods in a larger advertising campaign.

  • Free marketing: how to spend 0 rubles to attract customers

How to get 300,000 rubles from one post on Facebook

Maya Bogdanova, General Director, Discovery Center, Moscow

The text of 4500 characters received 100 likes, 30 reposts, over 60 comments. The time for short posts is over, people are ripe for long posts.

Decide on the target audience

Decide who you are talking to. Often, marketers try to reach multiple audiences with one post. But this is impossible: people have different interests, tasks and desires. The target audience of the post from the example is wealthy people who are willing to pay for the services of consultants. They know that promotion should be discussed with a promotion consultant and finances with a financial consultant. The idea that there is a price to pay for setting goals is not new to them.

Select sites for placement

We posted on Facebook on the page of the goal setting expert whose services we promoted. The page has 1500 subscribers - this is a “warm” target audience that will not accept a post with a story about yourself and services with hostility. The main task in the sale of services is to earn the trust of the client. After all, he will have to spend time for his own money to tell the expert about his business or family quite intimate things.

Choose a post type

There are six types of text: selling, reputational, informational, viral, motivational, artistic. Two of them directly affect sales:

  • reputational - the reader perceives the author of the text as an expert and, as a result, wants to work and cooperate with him;
  • selling - the text makes the reader want to purchase a service or product from the author.

We used a combination of two types: reminding the reader of strengths expert, and then moved on to describing and selling the service.

Think about the structure of the post

The structure of the selling text is as follows: the formulation of the problem, the proposal of a solution, the motivation for action. But I rarely use this formula. The level of anxiety in society is such that not everyone is able to read a text that begins with a description of the problem. Especially in in social networks. My sales post formula has four parts instead of three.

  1. Building trust in the author. We tell the story of the client whose problem was solved, or we describe some fact from the biography of the author of the text that correctly positions the company or the expert himself.
  2. Determining the problems you are willing to solve with readers. To describe the problems, you will need the wording that customers use, the shortest possible phrases, and understandable language.
  3. Solution to the problem. The main thing is to clearly articulate how you plan to solve the client’s problem (“at the consultation we will draw up a map ...”, “after the consultation I will be interested in you ...”, “besides, you will receive ...”).
  4. Motivation. We tell you how you can and should be contacted, and do not forget to write the word "write" or "call" depending on the chosen communication channel. According to statistics, the verb in the imperative mood doubles the number of responses.

Check text for errors

I will list the popular ones.

  1. "He" is the language and "You" is the language. If the text is not addressed directly to the client (“Do you think…”, “Do you feel…”, “Do you want…”), but talks about the client or a third party, then it works worse. If he talks about your company, instead of talking to the client about himself, it does not work at all.
  2. Shout about bargaining, urgently. If you start a conversation with a description of discounts or an affordable price, then you have nothing else to surprise the client with. Look for other arguments.
  3. Dry and boring. The text should fascinate the client, and who is fascinated by bores?
  4. Bad Russian, tracing paper from English. Check that you don't use baby talk (words "beauty", "switch") or unnecessary anglicisms ("communication" instead of "communication"). The simpler and clearer the words, the better. A good Russian language inspires confidence.
  5. Grammatical errors. Check the text for spelling and punctuation errors.
  6. Client issue not reported. Make sure the customer's problem is described in a recognizable and understandable way.
  7. Price or contacts not specified. Make sure you include the price and contact information where the client can contact you.
  8. No motive to buy right now. Check if you have described enough reasons in your post to contact you promptly and immediately.

The post attracted 30 customers in two months. At that time, the expert's income amounted to 300 thousand rubles. The post continues to attract customers today.

Copying material without approval is allowed if there is a dofollow link to this page

Facebook has 1.4 billion daily and 2.13 billion monthly active users, making it the most popular social network in the world. And although in Russia it only ranks 4th (according to VTsIOM) in the rating by the number of users, it wins in many respects in terms of the "quality" of the audience. The fact is that registration on Facebook is allowed only from the age of 13 and there is simply no content such as free music and films that are being chased by an unpromising audience for business. Thus, a solvent audience prevails on the site, which makes the promotion of a Facebook group a promising direction for any business.

The clear benefits of promoting a company on Facebook include the following factors:

  • Here, for the most part, the audience is represented, which is ready to perform conversion actions.
  • There is still low competition in the Russian-speaking segment.
  • Huge selection of promotional tools.
  • An opportunity to attract not only customers, but also to make useful business contacts.

What kind of business is Facebook promotion suitable for?

Representatives of the social networks on Facebook Business provide examples of successful promotion of the automotive, pharmaceutical and gaming businesses, companies from the financial, sports, educational fields, telecommunications and restaurant brands. Also here you can effectively advertise medical services without providing certificates, unlike VKontakte.

Facebook promotion methods

Facebook allows you to register a personal profile, create business pages, groups and events. In principle, any option can be used for promotion - it all depends on the object of promotion and the goals pursued.

12 steps to successful promotion on Facebook

There is no universal recipe for SMM here, each business, each company, each offer must be considered individually. However, we can give you a few tips on how to promote a business page or Facebook group that will lead you to success.

  1. Create an original cover and avatar. They will become not only the face of the brand, but also a good platform for advertising. The cover allows you to promote products and services, invite to groups, webinars and other events.
  2. Come up with a nice address so that in the future there will be no problems with the promotion of the page on Facebook.
  3. Choose the template that best fits your industry (services, company, venue, non-profit organization, restaurants and cafes, shopping, policies, or standard). Change the tabbed navigation to your liking.
  4. Set up a call to action button.
  5. Fill in all the fields. The more complete the information is, the more trust it will inspire users.
  6. Link your Instagram profile to your business page. This will allow advertising campaigns with Facebook Ads Manager, as well as collect accurate statistics on them.
  7. Link your group and page. This will increase the reach and engagement of both sites.
  8. Set up quick replies so that users do not wait and remain loyal to the company.
  9. Post only quality content. Announce new materials from the blog and group, post interesting infographics, captivating videos, start interesting discussions.
  10. Do it regularly. According to statistics, pages and groups that post content 1-2 times a day get 40% more engaged audience.
  11. Add products if you are promoting an online store.
  12. Track statistics: study your target audience, group growth dynamics, what content caused the most interest, at what time users are most active.

Good luck with your progress!

Promotion in social networks is an important event that has proven its effectiveness in a short period of existence. Social networks give us the opportunity to build a dialogue with potential customers on a completely different level. You can use your group or page not only to advertise goods and services, but also to be useful to your user.

Before I tell you how to make the best social media ads in the world, let me explain why you should choose Facebook as another promotion tool.

So why Facebook?

And this means that Facebook will definitely not die in the next few years, and we, investing in it, will not waste time in vain.

What are the opportunities for promoting a company on Facebook?

Before you start promoting on Facebook, you should decide: what platform do you need for promotion? Facebook has our usual division into public pages and groups. But they differ in functionality from what we are used to seeing in the implementation from VK.

Let's try to figure it out!

A Facebook group is a community of people created more to communicate within a specific topic. Newsfeeds are messages written by members of a group.

Unlike groups in VK, you cannot post messages on behalf of the group here, and only messages from your friends will be displayed in your news feed. That is, in order to see all the messages of the group without going into it, you need to add all its members as friends. Groups cannot be advertised within contextual advertising offered by Facebook, you will have to promote the group yourself. They are closed from indexing search engines, it is impossible to see the statistics of their visits, and all content is hidden from unregistered users.

At the same time, there are business pages. Do not confuse a Facebook business page with a personal page - they perform different tasks and have a different set of functions.

The business page serves to promote your company - personal profile pages cannot be used for this purpose. A personal page with a name that is different from the usual human Name-Surnames is quickly deleted by the administration. A business page can be distinguished by the "Like" button and the likes counter.

The functionality of business pages is much more suitable for promoting a company on Facebook:

  1. It is possible to view statistics and install applications.
  2. The page is completely open for indexing and for unregistered users.
  3. A page can have an infinite number of fans and a wide range of administrators.
  4. The user, after clicking the "Like" button, will see in his news feed all messages published on the company page. A nice bonus is that the subscription message will appear in the news feeds of his friends, as well as in his profile in the "Interests" section.
  5. Business pages have the ability to advertise themselves internally through targeted ads.

Whatever promotion format you choose - whether it's on Facebook or maintaining a page - there are a number of general rules to help you find your target audience.

Facebook promotion on your own: how to stop panicking and start acting effectively

1. Creation and optimization

Promoting a business on Facebook is, in fact, the same conclusion in the TOP, but only within the framework of a social network. Now the search in them works according to an algorithm similar to the algorithm of search networks. We are ready to open the veil of secrecy for you. So, the effectiveness of issuance is affected by:

  • direct occurrence of keywords in the title;
  • the number of members or likes;
  • update frequency and development of the group/page;
  • the number of your friends in the group;
  • user behavior: user activity, number of reposts and comments, etc.

From all this follows a clear list of actions that will help us get into the TOP:

  • we must clearly and succinctly formulate the idea of ​​our business, making it into a popular request, and enter it in the name of our group / page.
  • it is necessary to increase the fan base, involving more and more users in your community, stimulating them to communicate and take active actions - comments, likes, reposts.
  • it is worth taking care of the quantity and quality of the content posted: do we forget about our project, do we show activity.

2. Content filling

Even if you're creating a page dedicated to your business, you don't have to make every post promotional - it's much more effective to be useful to the user. Remember that pages and groups are all communities that are united by some topic. And until you win the trust of its members, it is better to refrain from self-promotion. How to win it? Create user-friendly content.

There is an empirically derived formula for publishing posts on social networks: 30% topical news, 30% company news, 30% humor and 10% feedback.

For example, when - write useful informational articles that will help tourists in other countries, post funny pictures and stories of community members, arrange polls once a month or raise a burning topic for discussion. Such posts are interesting to users, they will share them on their pages or send them to friends in private messages. One viral post in a Facebook group can bring you hundreds of likes and dozens of new customers. You will be able to form an active community based on your brand.

Keep in mind that not all posts can be shown in your fans' newsfeed. Unlike VK and OK news feeds, where the latest published messages are displayed, Facebook news feeds use the EdgeRank algorithm. The principle of its work is in the automated selection of news messages that are interesting for the user, which are published by friends or pages / groups. A simplified version of the algorithm looks like

Where means matching the interests of the user

  • timeliness

Weight - determined by the presence of a photo, video or link. Empty text will have little weight and is unlikely to gain a large number of views.

Timeliness - sorted by publication date. The older the post, the less likely it is to be seen in the news feed.

Attach multimedia content to your posts, share links to interesting articles, invite users to exchange opinions - all this will make EdgeRank work in your favor.

Also, don't forget the importance of keywords: even if you decide to start a Facebook group, you still need to include keywords in your posts. There is no need to talk about the need for keywords for business pages: if you are promoting a business through Facebook, it is vital for you to enter the keys that will be read by search robots.

3. Keep active

Add new content regularly. Publications 1-2 times a week will keep users, more often they will attract new ones. Arrange polls, ask participants' opinions, offer them your help in solving their problems. Respond to questions and comments, keep the discussion going.

An effective strategy is to work with opinion leaders - these are users whose words are listened to by the rest of the community members. Gather more influencers in your field on the page who will actively participate in the life of your brand, and new users will be drawn to them. For example, you can make a positive review of their article, remembering to mention the link of the author himself. With a high degree of probability, after that he will become a member of your group.

4. Clean the group from spam

No matter how well Mark tries to protect us from spambots, they still can't be avoided. Remember to regularly check comments and posts for spam. Remind users from time to time about the rules of the group and the inadmissibility of this. If you don't have time to follow this, then you can hire a moderator. Just don't let your group turn into another RayBan junkyard - this will negatively affect the promotion of your group on Facebook.

5. Use paid and free ways to promote on Facebook

Everything is simple. To advance, you need promotion - your K.O.

Increase brand awareness, increase sales, attract new customers - all this can be done by promoting a group or website on Facebook. An extensive target audience is concentrated here - potential consumers of any product, whether it be spare parts, appliances or cosmetic services. If you decide to take on the promotion of your product yourself, be careful. You should know the basic rules and typical mistakes of product promotion in social networks.

How to promote a group or site on Facebook

The promotion of a resource on Facebook has a number of undeniable advantages. This is the coverage of the target audience, and the high speed of dissemination of information, and direct contact with a potential buyer. Let's take a closer look at how you can use these benefits to your advantage.

How to start promoting on Facebook

You need to start promotion on Facebook directly from the creation of your page, the so-called Welcome Tab. Carefully consider its design and content, principles of maintenance, published content. The main task of your page is to cater to the interests and needs of a potential client and capture their attention. When creating your Welcome Tab, keep the following guidelines in mind:

The main mistakes when promoting on Facebook

Let's highlight the main mistakes that prevent doing business on Facebook:

  • Bad page title. The title should be short, catchy, reflecting the content of the page. It is better not to use lowercase English words for it. Make sure that there are no mistakes or typos.
  • Invalid page description. Indicate all the data: from the website address to your actual location and a valid phone number. This important information for the consumer.
  • Similarity to competitors' pages. Show imagination and ingenuity to stand out from other pages and sites. So you will acquire uniqueness and potential consumers will definitely not confuse you with anyone.
  • Misrepresentation of the target audience or lack of understanding of it. Do not forget, the exact definition of the target audience is already half the success.
  • The absence of at least an approximate content plan. The content plan serves as the basis for filling your page. It should not be treated superficially or completely ignored. A well-thought-out content plan is the key to effective audience engagement.
  • Too frequent or too infrequent publications. Keep a balance: post multiple posts throughout the day. Just enough so that your audience does not lose you. You shouldn't be too active: social media users don't like intrusiveness.
  • Long delays in responses to user messages or comments. In addition to being annoying and distrustful, Facebook also puts down the so-called responsiveness indicator for this. So be careful and try to respond in a timely manner.
  • Features of SMM on Facebook

    Facebook has customers for any business. But remember, selling directly here is useless. The customer must be led to purchase. The audience of the social network is not simple: educated people with medium and high incomes, businessmen, famous bloggers, journalists. And the main Facebook page It's not just a profile of a person. This is a place where all the news that the user's friends put "likes" are collected.

    For a company or project, creating a page is more suitable than a group - it simply more features: you can insert advertising widgets, they are indexed by search engines, there is no limit on the number of participants, etc.

    Consider some of the intricacies of SMM on Facebook:

  • Create a page and choose what it will represent. If the business has a real address, then "Local business or location" is the most appropriate option. Here users will be able to check in if they visit your establishment and leave a review.
  • Pay attention to the text and graphic design of the page. Give it a short relevant URL, make it a business card for the company. So the user will immediately understand what you do and what you offer.
  • Analyze competitor pages and create your own content plan.
  • Don't forget to hashtag your posts. Unique hashtags will act as a rubricator. With their help, it will be easier for users to find the information they need on your page. Thematic hashtags will help in attracting a new audience.
  • Content must be unique. Video posts and GIFs get into the search results most actively, and only then simple pictures. Use their rotation, and also do not forget to publish interesting stories.
  • For promotion, you can make posts in free groups, hold quizzes and marathons, themed weeks or weekends, collaborate with other groups on the terms of mutual PR, etc.
  • If there is a budget for promotion, then for successful SMM you can:

  • cooperate with well-known bloggers and users who form the opinion of the audience;
  • hold a Giveaway, when a prize is announced for reposts, and the winner is chosen at random;
  • publish paid posts in promoted groups with your target audience;
  • use targeted advertising on Facebook.
  • Video: how to properly promote a page on Facebook

    Facebook targeting

    Types of Facebook targeting

    So, what kind of targeting is on Facebook:

  • By demographics and location. The simplest type of targeting, which determines the gender, age and place of residence of the client. You can expand the data and select the user's family composition, marital status, education, etc.
  • Interests and behaviour. This takes into account the information that users leave on their page: interests, education, work, likes certain pages or participating in groups.
  • Relationship based. Ads appear only for those users who, for example, liked your posts, commented on them, etc.
  • There is no time targeting on Facebook. Therefore, you do not have the opportunity to independently set the time for showing ads. Here the system decides for itself when the user will see them.

    Today it is difficult to imagine a business without a full-fledged representation on the Internet, whether it is a website or groups in social networks. Maria Shirokova, project manager at the Interium agency, talks in detail about how companies can create and “promote” their community on Facebook and VKontakte

    A few years ago, if you wanted to, you could promote your group on a social network with minimal investment or even without it at all. As a result, publics grew like mushrooms after rain, and creative content and the right approach made it possible to quickly increase the audience of the community. Today, this process is much more complicated, and if you do not own a community grid or other resources, investment in promotion is necessary. But the size of this budget will be determined by the overall attractiveness of your community to the audience.

    Factors that increase the success of your community:

    1. Original creative content.

    2. Visual appeal of the community.

    This includes the use of design menus, covers and pictures for posts, a single style of visual presentation, etc.

    3. The degree of usefulness of the community for users.

    For example, media publics are popular because they provide up-to-date information, publics with advice for moms or car enthusiasts also carry value for the target audience. Many commercial brands dilute content interesting information or increase utility by providing discounts and bonuses for subscribers.

    4. Compliance with the expectations of the target audience.

    5. Topics and scope.

    Entertainment publics and groups dedicated to training courses, cosmetics and make-up, clothing and other consumer goods are more likely to attract an audience because they are relevant to many people. And if your business belongs to a narrower segment, it will be somewhat more difficult to gain subscribers.

    Facebook group promotion

    Promotion of the VKontakte group

    To promote a VKontakte group, you can use several methods at once:

    The Promote Communities format is very character limited. This is the banner that is displayed on the side of the page in the web version.

    Additional methods for promoting groups

    These methods are suitable for almost all social networks, many of them are free, others will save a significant part of your budget.

    1. The easiest way for those who do not have a large budget for promotion is to invite their friends or representatives of the target audience to the community. The method is good at the initial stage, but, in general, it will not give a big effect. However, representatives of small companies often use it.

    A separate variation of this method is spam against a competitor database or other cold base, but in most cases this method is inappropriate and can cause irritation.

    4. Involving bloggers and opinion leaders in the promotion. On Facebook and VKontakte, this method is not as common as on Instagram, but, nevertheless, it can bear fruit.

    5. Non-targeted traffic - I do not recommend this method, but it has a place to be. This includes any form of attracting subscribers for money, votes or other bonuses. Such subscriptions almost never convert into sales or high engagement, most often they hang dead weight and differ little from bots.

    In conclusion, it’s worth saying: before you start promoting your group, you should decide what you need it for? Your social media promotion strategy will directly depend on your ultimate goal. If you need sales, it is best to focus on promoting individual posts with promotions, but if you are going to use the group as a full-fledged representation in social networks, you need to pay more attention to content quality, moderation speed, user friendliness and other things.
