How to make synchronization on iPhone 6. Synchronizing iPhone with a computer: an overview of all methods. Troubleshooting

- most often this question is asked by users who have purchased a new "iPhone" to replace the old one. And, of course, the question immediately arises of transferring all data from one smartphone to another. Or there are situations when you need to partially transfer data from one iPhone to another: for example, sync only contacts or photos. In this article, we will look at several ways to solve this problem. Even the most inexperienced users will be able to sync iPhone. So let's go!

Sync iPhone via iTunes

This method has its pros and cons. You will definitely need a working computer on Windows or OS X with installed program iTunes (we recommend using the latest version).

Cons of this method:

  • everything is done by hand
  • the system may refuse to restore the backup if the second device is using an earlier firmware version than the first (in this case, the second iPhone must be updated first).

Sync iPhone via iCloud

I like this method the most, as you perform the minimum number of actions. The system does everything for you. The essence of the method is to create a backup copy of all data on one iPhone, and then download it to another device. Internet access and a working iCloud account are required.

Situation 1:

If you have a newly purchased iPhone in your hands, first you need to activate it, select the interface language, etc. Next, you will see an item such as "iPhone Setup", where you will be prompted to perform iPhone setup as new, or restore data from iCloud copies or via iTunes. Naturally, we choose the second option - "Restore data from iCloud copy". After that, you will just need to enter your iCloud account details ( email and password), and then the system will do everything for you.

Situation 2:

If you are already holding a working iPhone in your hands, to which you actually need to transfer all the data. Then we do it this way. Open the Settings application on it - General - Reset - Erase content and settings. All information from the second phone will be deleted, after that you can download a backup copy - go to the third point situation 1.

Situation 3:

You can make a recovery not necessarily through iCloud, but also through iTunes - see point 4 from the instructions "Synchronization via iTunes".

Cons of syncing iPhone to iPhone via iCloud:

  • in this way, multimedia files (music, movies, some application data) cannot be synchronized,
  • you can only copy photos, contacts, calendar data, iCloud Drive, reminders, Safari data, notes.


One of the most strengths smartphones - synchronization with a computer. So you are guaranteed to save your data and purchased applications. In this article, we will explain how to sync iPhone with computer in different ways.

Perhaps the main difference between the iPhone and other smartphones is operating system iOS, which is only able to sync data with a computer using special program iTunes. As conceived by Apple, iTunes was originally created as a music organizer for the computer and a program for working with the iPod player. However, now it is the main tool for working with all Apple mobile devices.

The main idea of ​​iTunes and iOS is to restrict access to files, but provide convenient access to content. You can't just transfer files from iPhone to computer and vice versa. To make this possible, you need to hack the system (jailbreak), but this is a separate big topic. Therefore, now we are considering unhacked iOS.

So, the first thing you need is to install iTunes. You can download the latest version of this software from . After installing the program, enter your account information in the AppStore. This is necessary for correct authorization.

Connect your iPhone with a cable to your computer while iTunes is running. The device is recognized by the system, and its icon will appear in the upper left corner of the iTunes window. Whether it's an iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch; the picture will always be the same. Therefore, illustrations that apply to the iPad also apply to the iPhone.

What software do you need to sync iPhone with computer

By and large, it is enough to have an up-to-date version of iTunes on your computer. The relevance of the version is important: often out of time updated iTunes refuses to recognize mobile devices.

For your convenience, Apple also provides an update manager that will notify you of new versions of iTunes and other Apple programs that are released. However, the main thing is still iTunes.

How does iPhone sync with computer

With each sync, you determine exactly what data you want to sync. In iTunes, the types of data are conveniently systematized: these are music, videos, books, audiobooks, sounds (ringtones, notifications), information. The last item stores all non-multimedia information: contact database, mail, calendars, bookmarks.

When synchronizing, you need to open the desired section: say, music, photos or books, and choose whether you want to send all or part of the contents of this section to your smartphone. In particular, in the case of music, you can select artists, songs, albums, styles, playlists.

Similarly, you choose which videos, books, email accounts to sync.

Once you've made your selection, click the Apply button in the lower right corner of the iTunes window. After that, all the changes you made will be applied to your smartphone or tablet. The bottom of the screen also shows the device's memory, its occupied and free part. When choosing data to sync, you will immediately see if there is enough space on your iPhone or iPad for this data.

You can also set up automatic synchronization. Then, when connected to a computer, iTunes will synchronize data from all sections. Of course, only files added or deleted to the appropriate partitions on the computer will actually be copied or deleted, so the procedure will take relatively little time.

Are sync cables required?

Even if you plan to sync your iPhone or iPad over Wi-Fi (more on that below), you'll still need a cable for the first connection. In other cases, you will need the cable all the time.

Modern Apple technology uses two cable standards: 30-pin (for iPhone 4s and earlier) and Lightning (for iPhone 5 and later).

The necessary cable is supplied with the smartphone, if necessary, you can always purchase it separately.

After connecting the smartphone to the computer with a cable, you will see how its icon appears in the upper left corner of the iTunes window. An absolutely similar picture arises with the iPod, iPad and other Apple devices.

Possible errors when syncing iPhone with old iOS

One of the most common mistakes is iTunes refusing to sync with your mobile device. Instead of syncing, iTunes will offer to update your iPhone to the most current version iOS.

It's important to note that iTunes never asks for the impossible. If you are using an older iPhone that does not support current iOS 8, it is suggested to upgrade to the maximum supported version.

Applications designed for current generations of devices are unlikely to be installed on older iPhones, even if you update iOS as much as possible. But there should be no problems with books, music and films, and even more so with the contact database, mail, calendar and bookmarks.

Sync iPhone 6 with iTunes on Windows 8 and OS X

Of all the possible combinations, the combination of iPhone 6 and Windows 8 or OS X is, generally speaking, the most hassle-free. Both the device and its operating system, as well as the OS on the computer, are the latest available. The most important thing to keep an eye on is the relevance of the iTunes version.

How to sync iPhone with computer over Wi-Fi only?

To start using Wi-Fi for syncing, you need to set it up both in iTunes and on your iPhone itself. First of all, go to iTunes settings with your iPhone connected and on the "Browse" tab, check the box "Sync this iPhone using Wi-Fi".

You need to confirm the action on the device itself. The pop-up window will not let you forget about the settings. All you need to do is confirm.

Now that your iTunes computer and iPhone are in the same local network, they will automatically sync without a wired connection. To start the synchronization procedure, you need to change some data (add music, videos, books, etc.) on your computer or smartphone and start the synchronization manually.

It is important to note: synchronization occurs only when your iPhone is fully charged or is being charged. The rest of the time, this function is inactive, as it requires battery consumption.


Another nuance of synchronizing iPhone and computer - backup data. If you wish, you can save the backup not in your iCloud cloud account, but on your computer. This way you can restore your iPhone in the event of a software failure or when manually reinstalling iOS.

This choice has a drawback: you will have to allocate quite a lot of space on your computer for the backup. As a rule, this is several gigabytes, or even more. But if you need to restore the system with all applications and their data, you do not have to connect to the Internet and re-download your backups.

It is advisable to synchronize backups on a computer if you have a weak Internet connection. Another option is that your apps are larger than 5 GB and you don't want to buy a paid premium account.

Fair, not too high or too low. There should be prices on the Service website. Necessarily! without "asterisks", clear and detailed, where it is technically possible - the most accurate, final.

In the presence of spare parts up to 85% percent complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs take much less time. The site indicates the approximate duration of any repair.

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A warranty should be given for any repair. Everything is described on the site and in the documents. A guarantee is self-confidence and respect for you. A 3-6 month warranty is good and enough. It is needed to check the quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and realistic terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that you will be helped.

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This is very important and has already become a rule of good form for the service center. Diagnosis is the most difficult and important part of the repair, but you should not pay a dime for it, even if you do not repair the device after it.

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If the Service works for you, and not for itself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule should be convenient in order to be in time before and after work. Good service works on weekends and holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals consists of several points

Age and experience of the company

Reliable and experienced service is known for a long time.
If a company has been on the market for many years, and it has managed to establish itself as an expert, they turn to it, write about it, recommend it. We know what we are talking about, since 98% of incoming devices in the SC are restored.
We are trusted and passed on complex cases to other service centers.

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technical literacy

If you ask a question, the specialist must answer it as accurately as possible.
To give you an idea of ​​what you need.
Will try to solve the problem. In most cases, from the description, you can understand what happened and how to fix the problem.

In this tutorial, we will look at a fairly simple operation - syncing iPhone and iPad with iTunes. And we will describe it from two sides, touching at the same time such a not-so-trivial task as synchronizing a mobile device with iTunes via Wi-Fi.

Let's start with the simplest - the process of syncing iPhone and iPad with iTunes using a cable. If you are no longer a novice user and are here to get acquainted with the possibility of wirelessly syncing an iPhone or iPad with iTunes, then feel free to jump over the section for beginners by clicking on this one.

Step 1. Launch iTunes on your computer, if the program is not installed yet, then you can download the latest version of Apple's multimedia processor from this link

Step 2Connect your iPhone to your computer with a USB cable

Step 3: Wait for iTunes to find your device

By syncing your iPhone or iPad with iTunes, you get a huge amount of possibilities. You can download music, movies, podcasts, images, and other supported file types to your mobile device for later use. In addition, you can buy music, movies, apps and games directly from iTunes and immediately sync them with your gadget.

How to sync iPhone or iPad with iTunes over Wi-Fi

Step 1. Connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer and launch iTunes

Step 2. Go to the tab of the mobile device and activate the item " Sync this iPhone/iPad over Wi-Fi" In chapter Options

Step 3. Click " Synchronize»

Step 4: Disconnect your device from your computer

Step 5. Go to the menu Settings -> Main -> Sync with iTunes over Wi-Fi

Step 6. Select the computer that appears there by clicking on its name

Step 7. Click the " Synchronize” and wait for the operation to complete - the process of its execution will be shown as mobile device, and in iTunes on your computer

In this simple way, you can synchronize your iPhone or iPad with your computer without resorting to hated wires.
