Is it possible to delete an iPhone backup? Delete backup data from iTunes and iCloud. How to Delete iCloud Backups on Mac or Windows

Often, users of iOS devices are faced with an annoying reminder about the lack of free space V iCloud. Most often, the reason is the presence of old backups in the cloud storage various devices. In this material we will tell you how to remove and configure backup in such a way as to save space in the “cloud” from Apple.

First, it’s worth figuring out what is taking up space in iCloud. Fortunately, this is easy to do from the iOS device itself - just open Settings and go to the section iCloud, and then select Storage.

The device screen will display information about the available and used storage space in iCloud. Below this information is a button Storage. You need to click on it.

The first in the list will be displayed backups devices associated with this . Select the one you need and click on the device name.

After this you can delete the backup iCloud copies using the key delete copy.

In the same settings window, you can select program data from the device that will be saved in a backup copy iCloud, this will also help with cloud storage.

For each user, Apple allocates 5 GB of iCloud storage space for free. If you want more storage space, you have the option to increase your iCloud storage by purchasing a subscription to a storage plan. However, there are many ways that can help you clear up your iCloud storage space. One such method is to delete old backups from iCloud on iPhone, iPad or iPod. Below we will tell you how to delete iPhone backup from iCloud.

This is especially useful if you have several mobile iDevices. If your devices are linked to one account iCloud, then they will all use that 5GB (or more). You can delete iCloud backups directly from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. You can delete both new and old copies of iCloud at any time. If you want to delete a backup copy of another through one device, this is only possible if you used the same iCloud account on both devices.

If your storage space becomes full, you can delete your old iCloud backups. To do this, follow these steps:

How to delete backups from iCloud

You can delete all iCloud backups of any devices linked to your Apple ID. You cannot undo deleting copies, so delete them only when necessary.

  1. Open the application Settings.
  2. At the top of the screen, click on yoursName.
  3. Select iCloud.
  4. Click Controlstorage.
  5. Now select Backups.

6. On the screen that opens, select device, copies of which you want to delete.

7. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and tap Deletecopy.

  1. Confirm your action and, if desired, disable backup of this device.
  2. Repeat the process with the other copies you want to delete.

iCloud backups are deleted instantly and cannot be undone. However, immediately after deletion you can create new copy your device. If you delete a copy of a device that you use every day, we recommend that you immediately create a new copy to avoid losing your data.

The method works in all modern versions of the system, including iOS 12, iOS 11 and iOS 10. If you have more than old version iOS, you can still delete backups, but the process will be slightly different.

How to delete iCloud backups on older versions of iOS

    1. On your iPhone or iPad, go to Settings.
    2. Go to Basic > Storage and iCloud.
    3. Scroll to “iCloud Storage...” and tap Manage. Also, you can go to iCloud space management via Settings > iCloud > Storage.
    4. Here you will see all the devices associated with your iCloud account and the space they occupy.

    1. Select the device you want to remove backups from iCloud. Click Delete copy.
    2. Confirm deletion by clicking Turn off and delete.

This action will delete the backup copy of the selected device. You can also select another device, such as an iPad, and delete its backup.

Most often, you need to delete copies when you run out of memory in iCloud storage. When memory runs out, new backups stop being created. Moreover, . Other data, for example, information from applications, will no longer be uploaded to iCloud. Therefore, it is important to delete backups that you no longer need. Or you can simply buy more storage from iCloud.

Now you know how to delete iCloud backups to free up storage.

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  1. Create the first image immediately after successfully installing a clean operating system. Install all the necessary drivers, make sure the programs and hardware are working, and then create the first archive.
  1. Postpone creating the second image for a couple of weeks. Download and install required applications, delete unnecessary ones, swipe fine tuning for personal needs. Check that all components are working smoothly. By creating a backup at this point, you will have a complete image with your favorite set of applications and features.
  1. Get into the habit of regularly making backups. Windows images to avoid unwanted data loss. The frequency depends on the free disk space. Optimally - every month, minimum - once a quarter.

Even without a deep understanding of the architecture of modern operating systems, you'll quickly figure out how to delete a Windows backup from your computer. Use the step-by-step algorithm from this article or simply

For each user, Apple allocates 5 GB of iCloud storage space for free. If you want more storage space, you have the option to increase your iCloud storage by purchasing a subscription to a storage plan. However, there are many ways that can help you clear up your iCloud storage space. One such method is to delete old backups from iCloud on iPhone, iPad or iPod. Below we will tell you how to delete iPhone backup from iCloud.

This is especially useful if you have several mobile iDevices. If your devices are linked to the same iCloud account, then they will all use that 5GB (or more). You can delete iCloud backups directly from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. You can delete both new and old copies of iCloud at any time. If you want to delete a backup copy of another through one device, this is only possible if you used the same iCloud account on both devices.

If your storage space becomes full, you can delete your old iCloud backups. To do this, follow these steps:

How to delete backups from iCloud

You can delete all iCloud backups of any devices linked to your Apple ID. You cannot undo deleting copies, so delete them only when necessary.

  1. Open the application Settings.
  2. At the top of the screen, click on yoursName.
  3. Select iCloud.
  4. Click Controlstorage.
  5. Now select Backups.

6. On the screen that opens, select device, copies of which you want to delete.

7. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and tap Deletecopy.

  1. Confirm your action and, if desired, disable backup of this device.
  2. Repeat the process with the other copies you want to delete.

iCloud backups are deleted instantly and cannot be undone. However, immediately after deletion, you can create a new copy of your device. If you delete a copy of a device that you use every day, we recommend that you immediately create a new copy to avoid losing your data.

The method works in all modern versions of the system, including iOS 12, iOS 11 and iOS 10. If you have an older iOS version, you can still delete backups, but the process will be slightly different.

How to delete iCloud backups on older versions of iOS

    1. On your iPhone or iPad, go to Settings.
    2. Go to Basic > Storage and iCloud.
    3. Scroll to “iCloud Storage...” and tap Manage. Also, you can go to iCloud space management via Settings > iCloud > Storage.
    4. Here you will see all the devices associated with your iCloud account and the space they occupy.

    1. Select the device you want to remove backups from iCloud. Click Delete copy.
    2. Confirm deletion by clicking Turn off and delete.

This action will delete the backup copy of the selected device. You can also select another device, such as an iPad, and delete its backup.

Most often, you need to delete copies when you run out of memory in iCloud storage. When memory runs out, new backups stop being created. Moreover, . Other data, for example, information from applications, will no longer be uploaded to iCloud. Therefore, it is important to delete backups that you no longer need. Or you can simply buy more storage from iCloud.

Now you know how to delete iCloud backups to free up storage.

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