Internet Explorer 11 is not updated. Update the Internet Explorer browser to the latest version. Settings to help

Internet Explorer is a Windows browser that is not used very often. But if this needs to be done, I would like the latest version of the online review...

How can you update Internet Explorer to version 11: tips

From Masterweb

25.05.2018 19:00

Browsers are utilities that require some work from time to time. For example, clear their cache, configure and update. Old versions of some Internet browsers have a lot of errors; they no longer work stably and are no longer supported by manufacturers. Today we will try to update Internet Explorer to version 11. On this moment- this is the latest build of the corresponding software. How to cope with the task? What needs to be done for this?

Update methods

First, it's important to understand how browsers are updated in general. There are various options for the development of events.

For example, you can update Internet Explorer:

  • manually;
  • automatically;
  • through browser settings;
  • by working with the Windows Update Wizard.

All of these techniques work equally well. Let's look at them in more detail.

With your own hands

How to update Internet Explorer to version 11? You can do this manually. To implement the task, the user needs:

  1. Go on the website Internet Explorer and download the latest software.
  2. Find the “Uninstall Programs” service on your computer and go into it.
  3. Find "Internet Explorer" and right-click on the corresponding line.
  4. Select the "Delete" option.
  5. Launch the "Installation Wizard".
  6. Follow the instructions on the screen.

That's all. You can skip steps 2-4. Sometimes Internet Explorer does not appear in the list of installed applications.

Automatic update

Sometimes users wait too long to update their software. Then it can reinstall itself, especially if the user has the “Auto-update” option enabled in the browser settings.

You just need to connect to the Internet and then launch your browser. The update will start automatically. As soon as it is completed, a page with a new version of the Internet browser will open.

Settings to help

You can also update Internet Explorer to version 11 through your browser settings. How to do it?

The update instructions look like this:

  1. Connect to the Internet and go to an Internet browser.
  2. Open the main browser menu. It is often activated by clicking on the wrench or gear button located to the right of the address bar.
  3. Select the line "About the program".
  4. Click on the "It's time to update..." button.
  5. Wait until the browser finishes loading.
  6. Launch the "Setup Wizard" and follow the on-screen instructions.

But that is not all. The problem can be solved in a non-standard way.

Windows Updates

It's about using Windows services Update. The guide looks like this:

  1. Log in to the above application. For example, through the system tray.
  2. Start scanning the operating system. This requires an Internet connection.
  3. Check the box next to Internet Explorer.
  4. Click on "Download and Install".

All that remains for the user is to wait for the procedure to complete. Even a schoolchild can update Internet Explorer to version 11!

In the latest editions of Windows 7, the built-in Internet explorer browser has already been updated to version 11. If you still have version 8, then your operating system has not been updated for a long time.

Internet explorer version before update

Fortunately, Microsoft thought through this issue and released a special standalone update to solve it.

We will tell you how to properly update Internet explorer to version 11 through the official Microsoft website in this article.

Update procedure

Downloading the Internet explorer 11 update installer

Once the update file is downloaded, you need to run it as an administrator.

Launching the update to IE11

The automatic installation of the update will begin, during which the computer will restart several times. You don't need to do anything. Just wait for it to finish.

Updating to Internet explorer 11 on Windows 7

After the last reboot, the desktop will be displayed with a notification that the update was successful. Now you can launch internet explorer,

IE11 works on operating systems ah Windows 10, 8.1, Server 2012 R2, as well as on Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2.

How to remove Internet Explorer in Windows 7?

In order to remove Internet Explorer in Windows 7, you need to go to the Control Panel in the “Programs and Features” section. After that in the list installed programs select and click the “Delete” button. Then restart your computer. In order to completely remove Internet Explorer from your computer, you must go back to the “Programs and Features” section and select view updates. Select IE9 or 10 from the list and remove them. Generally, complete removal Internet Explorer consists of gradually removing all updates for this browser available on the computer.

How to remove Internet Explorer on Windows 10?

In order to remove IE11, you need to go to the Control Panel, and then to the “Programs and Features” section. After that, select “Windows components that are turned on or off.” Then select from the list the necessary program and click "Disable". Accept the system warning and restart your computer.

How to clear the cache in Internet Explorer?

To do this, you need to go to the “Service” section; if this menu is not displayed initially, then press the Alt button. Then select the “Security” category and the “Delete browser history” block. In this section, you need to check the box next to the “Temporary Internet and website files” item; you need to uncheck the other items, and then click the “Delete” button.

How to update in Internet Explorer?

Often Windows and all its components update themselves, including IE. But if you do not have the auto-update function enabled, then in order to get the new version you need to go to the “Service” section in the browser itself and select “Center” Windows updates", where you will be offered several update options. Another way to update is to visit the official Microsoft website and

The Internet Explorer (IE) browser first saw the light back in 1995 and was released bundled with the Windows operating system. Despite the fact that the browser's share is decreasing relative to its competitors, IE is still the most popular browser in the world, according to Wikipedia. In Russia, however, it is only in fifth place.

In the past, IE could even be installed on operating systems such as Linus or Mac, but the product has been discontinued for some time now. However, you can still install it on other OSes using the WinAPI Wine emulation environment.

You can find many horror stories on the Internet that tell you how bad IE is. Is it so? It depends we're talking about. Experts from leading companies have repeatedly stated that this browser is actually less resistant to various malicious files and software, and in addition, it works much less productively than its competitors. Finally, it is far from the most convenient to use. For these and other reasons, users choose browsers from other companies, and I am among them. However, in our country there are a huge number of people who prefer IE and the article you are reading now is dedicated specifically to them - I will tell you how to update this browser.

Currently 11 have been released Internet version Explorer. Unlike other browsers, IE cannot yet be updated directly through the interface, so the first thing you need to do is go to the Microsoft website at A window will open in front of you with a “Download” button at the top of the screen. Click on it and the file will begin downloading.

Once it is downloaded, simply launch it.

Follow all necessary instructions that appear on the screen. The system may ask you to close all programs that are in one way or another related to the browser installation. Close them yourself and then continue with the installation.

You should also remember that, depending on the browser version, it is either completely downloaded to your computer, or only a small file is downloaded first, which will begin downloading after launch. necessary files for installation from a Microsoft server. In this case, the installation may take a little longer, since it completely depends on the speed of your connection.

In addition, danger may be waiting in the most inopportune place - the latest versions of IE do not support some versions of operating systems Windows systems. For example, Windows 7 without SP1 is not supported. You can get it, OS.

Finally, you need to restart your computer to start using IE.

It is worth noting that the latest versions of this browser turned out to be not only interesting in appearance, but also quite convenient. True, I didn’t dare use them for a long time, bearing in mind the not so pleasant words said about this browser.

Hello again friends. Today's conversation will be about how to update Internet Explorer to latest version. Until recently, this browser was not particularly popular among Internet users, and there were probably certain reasons for this. It often froze, website pages opened extremely slowly, could close itself for no reason, etc. Naturally, this irritated users extremely, and they preferred to use other more convenient and reliable browsers - Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera.

The situation has changed dramatically with the release of version 9 of the Internet Explorer browser. It began to work noticeably faster, and the problems that I wrote about above were also eliminated. All subsequent updates to this browser only improved its performance, and if you take into account the fact that this application is already installed on your system by default, then this browser can compete with more famous competitors.

So, let's look at the process of updating this browser. To begin, launch your Internet Explorer and select Help - About in the horizontal menu.

In the window that appears, make sure that the checkbox next to Install new versions automatically is checked. If there is no such checkbox, be sure to check it. Now all updates to your browser will be installed automatically.

Option 2. If there is no item in your browser automatic installation updates, you need to go to the official website, manually download the update package and install it on your computer.

Let's get started.

Don't forget to uncheck the box next to Search Bing and MSN by default.

Save the installation file to your PC and run it.

Important! The Internet Explorer browser must be closed at the time of updating. All settings, as well as bookmarks and history, will remain in place after the update.

After starting the installation process, carefully read the windows that appear and follow the steps written in them. There is nothing complicated in this process, so I will not describe it.

The only thing I want to note is that the installer requires you to restart the computer for the changes to take effect. Reboot your PC and you can launch the updated version of the browser.

When you first start, you can select Internet security settings; I recommend setting them to the ones offered by the browser itself (first point).

That's all friends. Now you know how to update Internet Explorer, and new version you will no longer be bothered by problems related to the speed of loading pages and images, switching between bookmarks, etc. It should be noted that each updated version significantly improves the security of working on the Internet.

That's all for me. See you again!
