Explorer is not updated to 11. Update Internet Explorer to the latest version. Settings to help

The Internet Explorer 11 web browser is today recognized as one of the fastest and most stable tools used for surfing in World Wide Web, along with Edge or third-party browsers like Chrome, Opera or Mozilla. But this version is present as a built-in feature only in Windows 10, but many users of lower-ranking systems would also like to have such a utility in their arsenal.

Let's see how to update Internet Explorer to version 11 if an outdated modification is installed on the system. This can be done several times in simple ways. I would immediately like to draw the attention of all users that IE 11 cannot always be installed on obsolete operating systems for which support has been discontinued.

Is it possible to update Internet Explorer to version 11 on systems below version 10?

The question really requires special clarification. The fact is that even with the automatic update of the browser operating system itself enabled, upgrading the version, rather than patching holes in the security system, may not always be installed.

Why is that? Yes, only because for each modification of the OS itself there are restrictions on the use of a certain version of the browser with appropriate support. Even if you access the official Microsoft resource directly on the site, update options will be offered in the form of “Internet Explorer” for XP - version 8, for Vista - version 9, for 7 and higher - version 11.

And this means that the 11th modification of the browser cannot be installed in Expishka or Vista. At the very least, you can try (some advise using the installer for Windows 7), but, as practice shows, the result will be zero.

You can find out the current version of the browser when you launch it using the keyboard shortcut to access the settings Alt + X and select the “About” section. In versions of Windows higher than seventh, the update may not be required if it was done in automatic mode.

Update Windows Internet Explorer automatically

Thus, we can conclude that IE 11 is installed only on systems starting from the seventh and higher. The browser is said to update itself, although unexpected glitches may occasionally occur.

There should not be any particular problems regarding how to update Internet Explorer to version 11 in the above systems. In principle, if automatic updates are enabled in the Update Center, the installation of the latest version of IE will still happen sooner or later. If suddenly for some reason this does not happen, you can use manual installation both system updates and the browser itself.

Manual installation of the latest version

To get started, you can simply go to the Microsoft website, select an installer there in accordance with the modification and bitness of the OS, then download it to your computer and start the installation manually.

If you have an active connection to the Internet during the installation process, the latest version of the browser will be installed. But you can do it even easier by using the so-called online installer. You don't even have to choose here. After launching, the web installer file will automatically determine the type and bitness of the OS, after which it will also independently install all the necessary components.

Possible browser update errors

If for some reason it is not possible to update Internet Explorer to version 11 on supported systems, the only reason should be sought in the fact that the latest updates and service packs have not been installed for the operating systems themselves.

If service packages are not installed even if you use a manual search, you will need to download them yourself directly from the Microsoft website, then install them and search for updates for the installed packages again.

In this case, you need to use the “Update Center”, which is called from the “Control Panel”, where the button to manually search for updates is pressed. Everything that is found must be integrated into the system (without exceptions). After this, the process of installing a new browser can be repeated. Apparently, the errors will disappear after this.

Instead of an afterword

As you can see, Internet Explorer 11 cannot be installed on outdated Windows operating systems. And this is due not so much to the browser itself, but to the fact that support is limited only to versions 8 and 9. Therefore, no matter how much you want it, you can’t jump over your head. But in Windows 7 and higher, the 11th modification of IE is installed without problems.

The best option, of course, would be to use an online installer so as not to download the full distribution and save it on your hard drive. But in this case, you will need an uninterrupted Internet connection.

By the way, in connection with recent statements by Microsoft management about the extension, many experts assume (and not without reason) that integrating Internet Explorer 11 on Wednesday of this particular system will eventually be possible. And there are all the prerequisites for this. But, as they say, time will tell, but for now we have to be content only with what we have at the moment. In any case, you shouldn’t give up.

The Internet Explorer browser is included by default with every Windows operating system, making it one of the most popular browsers in the world. However, as a rule, an outdated version of Internet Explorer is installed on the computer. This is due to the fact that the version installed on the computer is current at the time the operating system was released and users do not always download the recommended ones. Windows updates in automatic mode.

Using an outdated browser is extremely dangerous, as it is vulnerable to viruses and does not support new features. Thus, modern sites will not display correctly on it.

In this article, you will learn how to update Internet Explorer to the latest version and have it update automatically.

For various operating systems There are different versions of Internet Explorer available on Windows. For Windows XP, the latest supported version is Internet Epxlorer 8, for Windows Vista - Internet Explorer 9, for Windows 7 and older - Internet Eplorer 11.

To find out what current version of the IE browser you have on your computer, open Internet Explorer and click " Service"(or key combination ALT+X) and click " About the program". A window will pop up in which your version of Windows will be written.

In my case, Internet Explorer 10 is installed on Windows 7, and as was written above, the latest version for this operating system is version 11, so it needs to be updated. By the way, by selecting the checkbox “ Install new versions automatically", Internet Explorer will automatically update if your computer is configured to install Windows updates. But let's return to the topic of updating.

To update Internet Explorer, go to the IE download page on the Microsoft website and click Download Internet Explorer 11 (for users of an operating system lower than Windows 7 will offer version 9 or 8 of the browser.

After downloading the installer, run it. The installation of the latest version available for yours will begin. Windows browser Internet Explorer. In my case it is Internet Explorer 11.

If you have Windows 7 and the program could not update to version 11, most likely you are missing the global update Service Pack 1 for Windows 7.

Go to the menu StartControl Panelsystem and safetyWindows UpdateCheck for updates. Install all necessary updates after finding them. After this, try installing Internet Explorer again.

At the end of the installation, you will be prompted to restart your computer.

This completes the Internet Explorer update.

If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments to the article.

If you have a 32-bit version of Windows, download the IE11-Windows6.1-x86-ru-ru.exe installer. It is also worth noting that when installing Internet Explorer 11, all necessary updates will be installed for the browser to function correctly.

How to install Internet Explorer 11

  1. First, make sure you are using Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10.
  2. Download the file IE11-Windows6.1-x64-ru-ru.exe - this is the official Russian installer for Internet Explorer 11. After that, run the installer by double-clicking on it.
  3. Installing Internet Explorer 11 does not require any action on the part of the user - you just need to wait while the system is installed and updated. In some cases, IE11 may require Internet access to download additional files.
  4. After installation is complete, you must restart your computer.

Incorrect installer version

If, when installing the browser, the error “Incorrect version of the Internet Explorer installer. This version of the installer does not support the type of Windows OS installed (32-bit or 64-bit), which means you have a 32-bit version of the OS and to install Internet Explorer 11 you need to download the file IE11-Windows6.1-x86-ru-ru.exe .

Not a Win32 application

If you receive the error "IE-REDIST.EXE is not a Win32 application" when you try to install Internet Explorer, then you are using too much old version OS. Please note that IE11 is only supported on Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10. For Windows XP you need to install , and for Windows Vista you need to install .

Internet Explorer 11 in other languages

Internet Explorer 11 is available in the following languages: Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish and Ukrainian. To download IE11 in the desired language, go to:

Internet Explorer is the most famous browser from Microsoft, built into everything Windows versions; Despite all its shortcomings, the program is quite reliable and deserves attention, if only because it allows you to download other, more convenient applications. Updates for Internet Explorer are released regularly and are important to keep your machine up to date. How to upgrade IE for free to latest version- Let's try to figure it out.

Via Update Center

The easiest way to update Internet Explorer is to use the built-in Windows features; in this case, the user will know for sure that the downloaded program is safe for the computer and is indeed the latest version.

Important: To download the browser update, you will need an Internet connection. The user should connect the cable or, and then proceed to the steps described below.

The first thing to do before searching new version IE, - check which one is installed in currently. You can do this as follows:

  • Launch Internet Explorer by clicking on the shortcut, usually pinned to the taskbar, or selecting the appropriate item in the “All Programs” menu.
  • Enable the “Menu Bar” by right-clicking on the top field of the program, and then on the line of the same name in the context menu.

  • Go to the “Help” section in the top horizontal menu, and in it - to the “About the program” subsection.

  • In the window that appears, the user will see detailed information about the current version of Internet Explorer. The 11th is available for Windows 7 and 10; for Windows 8 and 8.1 - 10th. If the number in the information window is less than indicated, it’s time to install the current version of IE; Having completed this task, the computer owner can also .

The procedure for updating Internet Explorer varies depending on operating system generations. On Windows 8, 8.1 and 10, installing the latest version is no more difficult than; This is done in a couple of mouse clicks. Users who prefer “Seven” will have to put in a little more effort - they should start with the instructions.

To update Internet Explorer on Windows 7 via Update Center, you need to:

  • Call up the “Start” menu by clicking the mouse or pressing the corresponding key and select “Control Panel” from it.

  • Go to the "System and Security" section.

  • Left-click on the “Windows Update” link, ignoring small subsections.

  • In a new window, depending on the user’s previous activity, a message will appear indicating the presence or absence of current updates, as well as previously taken actions. To get the latest Internet version Explorer, click on the “Check for updates” button.

  • The process takes a few minutes; To search for the latest software, you need a stable Internet connection, otherwise the operation will either be interrupted or take much more time from the user.

  • If the system is looking for updates only for the operating system, you should use the "Additional information" link, and then indicate that you need to download new versions for all applications from Microsoft.

  • By going to the “Settings” section located to the left of the main window, the user can set the frequency of automatic updates and indicate whether the system should download recommended new software products along with important ones.

  • After installing the update, Internet Explorer may not work correctly. This happens infrequently, but if it does happen, the user needs to “roll back” the changes made to the browser by opening the “Taskbar” again and clicking on the “Uninstall a program” link in the “Programs” section.

  • The window that opens presents a list of installed software, and in the left sidebar there is a link “View installed updates"; This is what the user needs.

  • After waiting for the entire list to load, you need to find the items Internet Explorer 11 and “Internet Explorer 11 Language Pack”. You can delete them by double-clicking on the line with the left mouse button.

  • Click the “Yes” button in the dialog box. The changes are irreversible: if the user changes his mind about abandoning the current version or wants to once again verify its functionality, he should click on the “No” button. After removing the module, you will need to reboot the system.

  • Upon completion of all manipulations, the owner of the computer or laptop will receive the current version of IE; You can verify this by launching the browser again and opening the “About the program” subsection.

Advice: In order not to update Internet Explorer manually in the future, it is strongly recommended that in the same subsection you check the “Install new versions automatically” checkbox.

In operating rooms Windows systems 8, 8.1 and 10 Internet Explorer is tightly integrated into the working environment and is updated along with other components, regardless of the user’s wishes. As a rule, the latest versions are downloaded and installed automatically, so you don’t have to worry about keeping your browser up to date. But sometimes you need to start the process manually; to do this you need:

  • Open the Start menu and click on the gear icon located in the leftmost vertical row.

  • Check the last time you searched for the latest software and click on the “Check for updates” button.

  • Wait while Windows searches for new software products.

  • If there are updates, their downloading and installation will start automatically, as before - without the user’s desire. You may need to restart your computer after installing Microsoft applications.

  • Now all that remains is to check the relevance of Internet Explorer using the method described above. As you can see, as a result of the manipulations, the latest version of IE is installed, and in addition, the user has no need to look for the “ Automatic updates" - the task operates by default and is not displayed in the "About the program" window.

Via Microsoft page

Since, as already mentioned, Internet Explorer is an integral part of the operating Windows systems 8, 8.1 and 10, it can neither be removed nor completely disabled; Interestingly, the user cannot download the current version on the official Microsoft website.

Here you can only make sure that the software you are using is up to date and download IE installers for more earlier versions OS - following the following instructions:

  • Go to the developer's official website at microsoft.com.

  • If the computer owner uses a VPN or the online service is unable to correctly determine its location, the language in home page may differ from what is required. You can correct the situation by going to the bottom of the page and clicking on the link with the globe icon.

  • In the window that opens, you need to click your language.

  • And back to the beginning again home page, go to the “Support” section.

  • Go to the “Describe the problem” section and left-click on the Internet Explorer icon.

  • On the next page, select the first link “Get Internet Explorer”.

  • The user can make sure that it is impossible to download IE for Windows 8, 8.1 and 10; all he can count on is advice on checking the relevance of the installed application.

  • But by selecting in the drop-down Windows menu 7, the user will be able to download the browser for 32- and 64-bit versions of this generation of OS.

  • After downloading and installing, you will be able to check the relevance of Internet Explorer in a well-known way - and start working in this modern, convenient and fast browser.

Let's sum it up

You can update Internet Explorer to the latest version using Windows Update using the manufacturer's built-in tools. Obtaining the current version for OSes higher than the seventh generation is done automatically. On the official Microsoft website you can download software only for Windows 7, selecting the installer for a 32-bit or 64-bit system.
