What to do if an earpiece is shown on the tablet. What to do if the headphones do not work on the android phone. How to connect wireless headphones

Headphones are an integral part of the phone, allowing you to listen to music and watch videos without disturbing others. At the same time, many were faced with the situation that the headphones on the phone did not work, and for no apparent reason. Before you go to the store, you need to figure out what the reason is, because the problem may not be as serious as it seems.

Why are my headphones not working on my phone?

If extraneous noises are heard during the operation of the headphones, the sound quality decreases, or only one headphone works, then you need to check the operation of the headphones by connecting them to another device. If the problems remain, then the cause is in the headphones and they must be taken for repair or thrown away.

When the sound is perfect when using headphones on another device, then the problem lies in the phone itself. In most cases, the input for the phone does not work, but all due to mechanical damage. Another reason is related to the presence of serious problems in the cellular device board. Headphones can stop working on the phone due to the fact that the contacts are oxidized or closed. Perhaps there was an error in the phone software and you just need to reboot it.

How do wireless earbuds work?

The principle of operation of this device can be carried out in several ways:

  1. Via Bluetooth. Headphones work thanks to the change digital signal to analog. They work even at a distance of 10 m from the sound source.
  2. Through infrared rays. The principle of operation is based on the emission of infrared rays, like remote controls. Even minor obstructions can cause the sound to cut out.
  3. Through radio waves. If wires are not used, the signal transmission range is 150 m. Interference may affect the sound quality.

e Android headphones, headset, microphone do not work or are not connected. What to do and how to fix.

Many users face the problem when phone either tablet on Android based starts to freak out. It seems that nothing happened that could cause a malfunction, but it does not work as it should.

For example, the device has problems with the fact that the headphones and headset do not work or work incorrectly connected to it. The reason for this may be:

1st: Software failure - i.e. the problem is crash software

2nd: hardware failure- i.e. the problem lies in the "hardware" (i.e. - replacement or restoration of spare parts of the gadget is required)

However, do not rush to get upset - in 90% of cases with problems operation of the synchronization system with a headset and headphones smartphone a or android tablet is to blame software failure, which you can fix on your own.

Fixing a software bug:

Method 1. Pretty simple - go to "settings", find there « backup and reset" in which you choose full reset settings to delete all data. Be careful, using this method often turns out to be effective, but it entails deleting all photos, contacts, passwords, music, games, videos and, in general, all information stored on your smartphone e or tablet e. Therefore, first save everything you need by connecting the gadget to your computer. If this method does not suit you, or if the problem persists after it, see Method 2.

Method 2.

Based on solving problems with communication and network reception phone ov and tablets based on Android by introducing additional software. Utilities that control all processes inside gadgets. Today, there are quite a few of them, however, the fewer functions an application contains, the more, as a rule, it is effective. Best of all, it controls the system functions, corrects, and fixes all possible settings and synchronization errors, a small, easy-to-use, free utility for Android devices. Download app from Google Play and you can see its additional options in the description. After installing the application, it remains only to launch it. Further, from you, in principle, nothing more is required. The application will take full control of the device functions. (By the way, among other things, the gadget will start charging 20% ​​faster, and its performance will also increase significantly, which will affect the loading and operation speed of all applications, games, and the system as a whole. On average, after scanning, the system runs on 50% faster.)
Method 3.

Changing the device software, or, as it is also called "re firmware ".This method, as a rule, requires certain skills and is solved by contacting the Service Center. For the independent implementation of this task, you need to contact the manufacturer's website of your device, download the utilities necessary for the firmware and the firmware itself, and then reinstall it on your gadget.

If none of the methods brought results, unfortunately, you will have to contact the Service Center for repair of your tablet a or smartphone a.

Headphones, headset, microphone do not work or are not connected to the Android phone or tablet. What to do and how to fix.

The reasons why the smartphone does not see the headphones can be divided into two groups. These are software and hardware. The first step is to fix the obvious problems. The battery died, the gadget was dropped into the water, hit the ground, twisted headphones, and so on. If there are no visible common problems, then you can move on to other causes.

The smartphone does not see the headphones - software problems

Often the phone does not see the headphones due to poor-quality software, overload, memory clogged with all sorts of garbage and a failure in the OS. All this can be easily solved. You need to clean the memory and throw off the useless software. Further:

  1. save the data - make a backup;
  2. full reset - hard reset;
  3. in the settings, select system cleanup;
  4. delete the data.

Alternatively, you can use a cleaning utility program. If the HTC, Sony smartphone does not see the headphones, then contact the warranty service. If the warranty has expired, then check the reasons above. Did not help, look for a hardware failure.

The smartphone does not see the headphones - hardware problems

If the phone has stopped seeing the headphones, then the problem may be either in the headset or in the smartphone itself. If the phone sees the headphones, but there is no sound, then the headphone speakers may have flown. Change your headset. If the phone does not see the headphones, but sees others, then again you need to change the headset. Here the problem may be that the headphone plug is not in contact with the connector.

What to do if the headphones do not fit the phone? Very simple. Replacing the headset will solve the problem. Wireless headphones deserve special attention. If there is no contact, then Bluetooth is faulty (either in the phone or in the headset itself). Regarding headphones with wires, we can say that often a malfunction occurs due to a break in the wires. Twisted wires often break.

The headset can be checked with a tester. You need to ring the ends of the wires, and then you can find a break. In any case, it is better to replace such headphones. Even after recovery, it is not a fact that there will be no re-break. The smartphone does not recognize the headphones different reasons. But here were listed those problems that can be fixed with your own hands, and even at home!

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If, when you connect a wired headset, Android does not see the headphones, the cause of the problem should be looked for both in the audio device itself and in the phone. Most often, it is possible to detect and fix a malfunction on your own, but in the event of a serious mechanical breakdown, you will have to contact the service.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 9/8/7/6: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Headphone problems

The first step is to determine if the headphones are working, which Android does not recognize. To understand, it is enough to connect them to another sound source: player, TV, computer speakers. If the headphones also do not work with other equipment, then there may be two reasons:

  1. Headphones are defective and need to be repaired/replaced.
  2. Devices are incompatible.

Incompatibility between headphones and a phone is a rarity, as modern headsets are universal with a few exceptions. Therefore, most likely, the headphones are simply broken or poorly made. The most common problems:

  1. Damaged wire.
  2. Dirty headphone plug.

If the plug can be quickly cleaned, then more efforts will have to be made to restore the damaged wire: open the insulation, restore and fix the wiring, close the kink with electrical tape or heat shrink. In the case of cheap headphones, it is easier to buy a new accessory.

Breakdowns in the smartphone

What should I do if headphones with or without it are detected on other equipment, but the phone does not see them? To finally make sure that the problem is on the side of the phone or tablet, connect other headphones to them. Does not work? Check for the following problems:

  1. Damage to cable or jack.
  2. Plug clogged.
  3. Oxidation of socket contacts.
  4. Closure.

An ordinary user can independently cope with a clogged socket, but if we are talking about damage to the cable or connector, it is better to contact the service center. For cleaning, you can use a needle, toothpick, fine tweezers. The main thing is not to overdo it and not damage the connector.

Software problems

The reason that the headphones are not detected may be a system failure. You can fix it in a radical way - resetting the settings.

  1. Open the Android main menu and go to Settings.
  2. Go to "Backup & Reset" or "Backup & Reset" (depending on your brand of phone).
  3. Click "Reset Settings" or "Reset Data" and confirm the operation.


Resetting the settings is associated with the loss of user content, so before performing it, you must definitely do backup data. But you can do without a reset using special software. A program that can be downloaded for free at Play market.


In the application, you can select the device that will be used for audio output - built-in speaker, wired headphones, Bluetooth accessory. After connecting wired headphones and selecting the appropriate position in the program settings, playback problems will disappear.

One of the few breakdowns where the reason why Android does not see the headphones can be equally physical damage and software errors.

Headphones not visible in Android due to software glitches

Most smartphone and tablet owners use third-party apps that they download from Google Play. Although recently Google has become more closely monitor the posted content, there are still many low-quality, underdeveloped and simply malicious applications disguised as audio and video players.

Sometimes a crash when Android does not see the headphones happens even due to fully functional programs due to accumulated errors, lack of memory. In order to clean the system yourself, you can perform the following steps.

  1. Make a hard reset. Pre-save all valuable data from your phone or tablet, then go to settings, where you can choose to clean up the system by deleting all data in memory. You will receive the gadget “out of the box”.
  2. If Android still doesn't recognize the headphones, use one of the malware-cleaning utilities. Good program from Google Play - Multi Cleaner. The utility does a good job of "catching" viruses, trojans, simply low-quality, "bugged" programs, it can clean the system from causing errors applications and files.
  3. The gadget still does not detect the headset? There is an error when working with the microphone, nothing helped? Then you will have to do a flashing of the device - a complete reinstallation of the Android system in the device. If you have no experience, it is advisable to contact a repair shop, experienced users can try to reflash the device on their own.
