Smartphone reboots by itself what to do. Samsung Galaxy reboots by itself - Solutions. One-time software failure

Even the most reliable technology can suddenly fail, and Android devices (even from well-known brands) are no exception. One of the most common problems that occurs on phones running this OS is a constant reboot (bootloop). Let's try to figure out why this problem occurs and how to get rid of it.

There may be several reasons for this behavior. They depend on many circumstances that need to be taken into account: whether the smartphone has been mechanically damaged, whether it has been in water, what type of SIM card is installed, and what software and firmware are installed inside. Consider the reasons for reboots.

Reason 1: Software conflict in the system

A headache for developers of applications and firmware for Android is the huge number of hardware combinations of devices, which makes it impossible to test all existing ones. In turn, this increases the likelihood of conflicts between applications or components within the system itself, which causes a cyclic reboot, otherwise a bootloop (bootloop). Bootloops can also cause user intervention in the system (incorrect root installation, an attempt to install an incompatible application, etc.). The best method to fix such a failure would be to reset the device to factory settings using recovery.

If this did not bring any result, you can also try to reflash the device - on your own, or using the services of a service center.

Reason 2: Mechanical damage

A modern smartphone, being a complex device, is very sensitive to extreme mechanical loads - shocks, shocks and falls. In addition to purely aesthetic problems and damage to the display, the motherboard and the elements on it. It may even happen that the display of the phone remains intact after the fall, but the board is damaged. If shortly before the appearance of reboots, your device survived a fall, this is most likely the reason. The solution to this kind of problem is obvious - a visit to the service.

Reason 3: Faulty battery and/or power controller

If your smartphone is already several years old, and it has begun to periodically reboot on its own, there is a high probability that the cause is a failed battery. As a rule, in addition to reboots, other troubles are also observed - for example, fast battery discharge. In addition to the battery itself, there may also be problems in the operation of the power controller - mainly due to the mechanical damage or marriage mentioned above.

If the cause is in the battery itself, then replacing it will help. On devices with a removable battery, it is enough to buy a new one and replace it yourself, but devices with a non-separable case will most likely have to be carried to the service. The latter is the only measure of salvation in case of problems with the power controller.

Reason 4: Faulty SIM card or radio module

If the phone starts to spontaneously reboot after the SIM card is inserted into it and turned on, then this is most likely the reason. Despite its apparent simplicity, the SIM card is quite complex. electronic device, which can also break. Everything is checked quite easily: just install another card, and if there are no reboots with it, then the problem lies in the main SIM card. It can be replaced in the company store of your mobile operator.

On the other hand, this kind of “glitch” can also occur if the radio module malfunctions. In turn, there can be a lot of reasons for such behavior: starting from factory defects and ending with the same mechanical damage. Changing the network mode may help. It is done like this (note that you will have to act quickly in order to be in time before the next reboot).

Reason 5: The phone has been in water

For any electronics, water is a mortal enemy: it oxidizes contacts, which is why even a seemingly surviving phone after bathing fails over time. In this case, the reboot is just one of many symptoms that usually build up. Most likely, you will have to part with the “drowned” device: service centers may refuse to repair if it turns out that the device has been in the water. We recommend that you be more careful in the future.

Reason 6: Bluetooth problems

A rather rare, but still relevant bug in the operation of the Bluetooth module - when the device reboots, you just have to try to turn it on. There are two ways to solve this problem.

  • Don't use Bluetooth at all. If you are using accessories like wireless headset, fitness bracelet or smart watch, then this solution is definitely not suitable for you.
  • Phone flashing.

Reason 7: Problems with the SD card

The reason for sudden reboots can also be a failing memory card. As a rule, this problem is accompanied by others: media server errors, the inability to open files from this card, the appearance of "phantom" files. The best solution is to replace the card, but you can first try to format it by first doing backup files.

Reason 8: Presence of a virus

And finally, the last answer to the question about rebooting is that a virus has settled in your phone. Additional symptoms: some of the phone's applications suddenly start downloading something from the Internet, shortcuts or widgets that you did not create appear on the desktop, certain sensors turn on or off spontaneously. The simplest and at the same time radical solution to this problem will again be reset to factory settings, the link to the article about which is presented above. An alternative to this method would be to try using an antivirus.

We got acquainted with the most characteristic causes of the reboot problem and options for solving it. There are others, but they are mostly specific to some specific model Android smartphone.

In the article we will consider the reasons why the android itself reboots, their solutions. Let's take simple actions, which in some cases can save you from going to a service center, which means saving time and money. This breakdown is typical for famous and unknown brands, as well as old phones. Reasons for a spontaneous Android reboot can sometimes be fixed at home, but some can only be dealt with at a service center if the phone or tablet can still be saved.

Smartphone battery related reasons:

  1. Weak battery contact or oxidation;
  2. The battery does not properly distribute signals to modules;
  3. Swollen or otherwise mechanically damaged battery;
  4. Damaged power charging controller due to the use of a non-original or cheap charger;
  5. The battery has served its purpose;
  6. Poor quality of a non-original battery;
  7. Moisture, dirt getting under the body.

Only changing the battery to another will help, since they are not being repaired.

Other technical reasons:

  • Signal power accelerator failure;
  • Power button drop;
  • Damage to the main or printed circuit board, other spare parts (after getting wet, falling).

Software reasons:

  1. The presence of applications that conflict with each other;
  2. Firmware problems (especially relevant if a custom, inappropriate, beta version of the OS is manually installed or a release has occurred recently);
  3. Smartphone overheating;
  4. Virus on the device.

That's why the phone itself restarts android.

What to do if the Android phone constantly reboots. Application issues

Do you have several antiviruses, cleaners, camera applications, GPS? Possible conflict of algorithms. Therefore, you should not install too many programs, especially if you are not sure that you need them. Start in safe mode. If the reboots stop, remove the extra application. Check your device for viruses. Have you noticed overheating and a long reaction of the smartphone? Perhaps you downloaded something from unverified sources. More specifically, the presence of a virus is indicated by a reboot of the phone when an application (for example, a camera) is launched. The highest quality antiviruses for android: Norton Security & Antivirus, Sophos Antivirus & Security, Bitdefender Mobile Security & Antivirus, Antiy AVL, Cheetah CM Security. No malware? Do you have a lot of "heavy" applications that often work at the same time, and are you already tired of notifications about the lack of memory? Try clearing the cache of programs ("Settings" - "Applications" - any application from the list - "Clear Cache"), remove unnecessary ones. You can use one of the cleaning programs: Clean Master (if there is an antivirus, it may conflict), DU Speed ​​Booster & Cleaner, GO Speed.

If you suspect an OS malfunction

If you think that there is nothing suspicious and new in your files, and the previous tips did not help, reset the settings to the factory settings, after saving important data on an external drive (a flash drive is suitable), reset the settings to the factory settings. The advice is suitable when it was not possible to determine the problematic software on your own or there is a suspicion of damage to system files. Section "Settings" - "System" - "About phone" - "Software update". Why is the phone constantly rebooting by itself android? Perhaps there are problems in the firmware. To update it, go to "Settings" - "About device" - "System updates" - click "Check now". Agree to the software update. The smartphone will reboot itself after the operation is completed. If there are no updates, look for information about your smartphone model along with the Android version. Perhaps the problem is in the firmware. You will have to wait until they fix it or find to install an unofficial version if you are sure of your actions. Reboot while turning on the bluetooth. Change your phone firmware. If it reboots too quickly for that, pull out the SIM card and memory card to make the device work faster. Turn on your phone and quickly turn off bluetooth. If the device reboots, then you will not encounter this again. If necessary and desired, you can install a third-party file transfer application.

Actions in case of physical damage to the device

In case of technical damage, most likely, you need to contact a service center for help. There are some things you can try to do on your own. There may be a problem with the memory card. Take it out and perform the action that usually triggers a reboot. If this does not happen, format the memory card. Did not help? Replace with a new one if possible. Remove the battery and wait 30 minutes. This will help against overheating, which could be the cause of reboots. The phone keeps rebooting Android when shaken. In this case, the battery loses contact with the contacts. This can happen if the phone is used frequently. You need to solder the contacts. Of course, it is better to do this in the service, but you can do it yourself. Soldering is a rather delicate process that should be considered separately. Notice the dirt on the battery terminals? Remove the battery, wipe the connections with a piece of cotton soaked in contact cleaner or spray. Slightly straighten the contacts for a tighter connection with the battery terminals. Phone reboots after turning on GPS and can't start? There are several solutions. Replace the SIM card if it is much older than the smartphone.

The case may be in the memory card or the settings that need to be rolled back to the factory settings.

Samsung phone reboots itself. In addition to Android, Samsung smartphones were released under the control Windows phone. In the former, the problem of spontaneous reboots is more common. Solutions, as in the previous paragraphs. To roll back the firmware, if necessary, visit the official website of the manufacturer:

There are times when owners of Lenovo phones encounter the problem of spontaneous rebooting while taking pictures, talking, launching all kinds of applications, etc. Why is this happening? Let's try to figure it out.

The most popular reasons

The device may reboot on its own for a number of reasons. The most common among them are:

  • Software failures.
  • All kinds of damage due to external physical impact (cause may be a fall or a strong blow).
  • There is moisture under the phone case.
  • Failed battery.
  • PCB damage.

What to do?

In order to normalize the operation of your device, you should take a number of actions that directly depend on the nature of the breakdown.

Reboot at power on

In cases where the phone itself reboots during power-up, you should restore the factory settings. Often, in this way, the operability of the device is completely restored. Each model has its own reset method.

Permanent reboot

A similar reaction can be traced in cases of a damaged battery. In order to check this, you should get the battery itself, put it on a hard plane and twist it. If the battery spins without any problems, then you need to replace it.

During telephone conversations

In cases where the device reboots during an incoming call, or during a conversation, you should contact the service center. The reason may be the loss of contact between the battery and the battery. You can also solder the connecting contacts yourself, but without the proper skills, this is quite risky.

When photographing

It's not uncommon for a phone to reboot on its own when you turn on the camera. Such a breakdown is usually caused by a malicious program - a virus. You can get rid of it with an antivirus.

If your device rebooted itself, but you managed to find out why this is happening and solve the problem, write it down in the comments. This information will be useful to other users.

Often there are situations when mobile devices have to be rebooted, but there are also cases when the phone reboots itself.

Let's try to figure out what you can do on your own to bring it back to life, and in what cases you need to rely on the experience of specialists.

Possible reasons

There are several main reasons for rebooting the phone:

  • mechanical damage (due to impact or fall);
  • software failure;
  • battery failure;
  • malfunction of elements on the printed circuit board;
  • exposure to moisture on the device (getting under the body of the device).
  • Quite often, the reason for a sudden reboot of the phone is a failed signal strength amplifier or battery. Energy consumption increases, which eventually leads to an emergency reboot. The replacement of these elements takes place in a matter of minutes and does not hit the owner’s wallet much.

    The next leader in the number of calls from mobile device users to service centers is a software failure. Applications previously installed in the phone may conflict with each other, or the owner of the gadget made a mistake in choosing the firmware that did not fit this phone model.

    Ordinary moisture ingress can cause the device to reboot, along with mechanical damage resulting from a device falling from a height, which often damages the main or printed circuit board.

    What to do if it reboots

    A fairly common problem with modern smartphones is a spontaneous reboot. The following describes the steps you need to take to restore normal work systems.

    All the time

    The reason may lie in a damaged battery. To verify this, just pull the battery out of the device, put it on a hard surface and twist it. If the battery spins easily, it means that it has a bulge somewhere or the battery is already starting to swell.

    If this is the problem, then you should look into the nearest service, since swollen batteries cannot be repaired.

    In cases where the battery is in perfect order, it is necessary to update the software, as well as previously installed applications. If the gadget is running on the Android platform, it is recommended to go to Google Play and choose necessary updates, the lazy ones can just click "Update All", but it's better to browse the suggested apps to avoid junk on your phone.

    After updating the applications, you should proceed to update the system. If this does not help, then you need to contact the service center.

    When turned on

    When the phone spontaneously reboots when turned on, you can apply the following methods:

    • reset to factory settings. The chances of returning the device to working capacity in this way are very high. Each device has its own method for returning the default settings, all this can be found in the instructions for the device;
    • take out the battery and then put it back in 30 minutes.

    Perhaps the problem is that the phone simply overheated, there are also cases of the device's power button getting stuck. If none of the proposed options gave a result, you need to reflash the gadget. This can be done on your own or contact the service workers.

    When talking

    In the case when the phone restarts during an incoming call or during a conversation, it is likely that the battery is losing contact with the device. This is explained by the fact that during a long period of operation there is a slight play on the rear surface of the battery (gap between the connecting elements).

    With daily use of the gadget, the case shakes, which causes the contacts to separate. To check if this is the root cause of the failure of the device, you need to shake it several times. If the device rebooted again, then you should re-solder the connecting contacts. It will be easier to give the device to the service if it is under warranty.

    The next reason for the incorrect operation of the device may be a software failure.

    There are three possible solutions to the problem here:

    • transition to default settings;
    • firmware update;
    • service center (if none of the above options helped).


    After update

    The mobile device may reboot after accepting the necessary updates. However, there are pitfalls here as well.

    To get started you need:

  1. turn off the device and remove the battery from it;
  2. after 15 minutes, put it back in place and turn on the device again.

If this procedure does not work, then carefully monitor which updates you install.

Some applications may block the normal operation of the device or conflict with each other. If before the updates you did not notice deviations in the operation of the gadget, then you need to return to the factory settings and restart the device again.

The reason for the incorrect operation of the gadget can also be malicious software that got into it along with updates. In this case, you can also use the above tips, if they did not work, then you should give the phone for flashing.

When turned on

Another common type of problem is the smartphone restarting when you turn on any application or function. The following describes necessary actions to eliminate it.


It is not uncommon for mobile devices to reboot after turning on the camera. Especially often the owners of advertised iPhones suffer from this misfortune. The cause of the problem may lie in some application that "caught the virus." It is recommended to run the antivirus, find the cause of concern and restart the system.

If this does not help, then you should return to the standard settings, but before that you need to make a copy of all the necessary documents and contacts. The problem can also be specifically with the device of the camera itself, after being hit or dropped from a height, the phone may come off the cable.

The method of treatment is to open the gadget and put it in its place. Craftsmen often do it on their own.

To understand what caused the reboot, you should remember if the device was ever dropped into water or other liquid. In such cases, the device may reboot periodically, which does not greatly annoy the owner, but this is just the beginning.

If the phone has recently experienced all the charm of water procedures, then you should disassemble the gadget again and dry it thoroughly. After such tests, rebooting when turning on the camera is not the worst thing that could happen to him.


What should I do if my phone restarts after turning on GPS?

There are several options for solving the problem:


This problem is quite common among owners of HTC phones. To solve it, you can reflash the phone or simply never use the multimedia transfer function. However, after flashing the device is guaranteed to work as before. You can also use a simple factory reset.

As for disabling the annoying function, everything is not so simple here either. Due to the constant reboot, the user has only a couple of seconds to turn off the bluetooth. So, you need to turn off the device, remove the SIM card and memory card. So the gadget will work faster, thanks to which the owner of the phone has 10 seconds to turn off the bluetooth, after which it will reboot again, but for the last time.

When launching applications

A similar incident is often found in Nokia phones.

To understand the reason for the reboot, you need to:

  • make sure that the battery is in perfect order;
  • then wait 10 minutes, insert the battery back, turn it on and go to the application again;
  • if everything remains the same, then you should do a flashing.

    • try not to use registry cleaners;
    • do not download too "heavy" applications;
    • use only official software.

    When connected to a computer

    Rebooting your phone when connected to a PC can be caused by malware. Check both devices for viruses. If it was not possible to eliminate the threat on the phone using the antivirus, then you should reinstall the software or reset the settings.

    Do not forget that the artisanal flashing method can result in a breakdown that can no longer be fixed. If the problem has not been solved using the usual methods, then you should contact the service center.

    Phone keeps rebooting on Android

    To return your Android phone to normal functioning, you need to check the date latest updates. This applies not only to applications, but also to the system itself.

    Happy owners Samsung phones can conduct an experiment - try to go to safe mode. If the gadget does not go into reboot, then we can safely say that the device is exhausting one of installed applications.

    This is the consequences malware. After uninstalling the app, you need to restart your device.

    Try to treat the equipment carefully and carefully, of course, mechanical damage can be corrected, but they entail more serious problems. Ask for help from service center specialists, only in this way you can be guaranteed to get back a properly working device.

Some users are faced with an unpleasant situation - their phone is constantly rebooting, which prevents them from performing any tasks on their mobile device. Reboot can occur at different stages: when turned on or off, during a conversation, when connected to a computer, etc. In any case, all users have one question - what to do if the phone constantly reboots, and how to fix this problem.

Reasons for reboot

Sometimes users have to reboot their phone as a result of a software glitch. But if the device restarts on its own, then it does this for one of the reasons listed below:

  • Failure of the battery or signal power amplifier.
  • Serious software glitch.
  • Mechanical damage.
  • Moisture exposure.

Most often, users are faced with the failure of the signal power amplifier, which leads to an increase in power consumption and subsequent emergency reboot. Amplifier replacement or battery is carried out quickly and does not hit the budget of the owner of the smartphone much.

In second place in terms of “popularity” is software failure. The reason for its appearance may be a conflict between the device and installed applications or user errors during flashing.

Mechanical damage or exposure to moisture also adversely affect the condition mobile device: The phone does not turn on or constantly restarts.


Try to determine at what point the phone reboots - this will help you quickly diagnose the cause and fix the problem. Everything depends on it further actions so be careful.

Restarts constantly

If the phone is constantly rebooting, then first of all check the battery - it may be out of order. Take out the battery, put it on the table and try to twist it.

If, after a small push, the battery spins for a long time on the table, then it has a bulge, that is, it swells. In the normal state, the battery will not spin - it will stop almost immediately after the push.

Swollen batteries are beyond repair, so you will have to purchase a new battery. But after installing it, the problem with the reboot should be successfully resolved.

If the problem is not the battery, then try updating all applications and software. Start with apps: if there are updates for them, install them. If that doesn't help, get on with it. software phone - update the system yourself or contact the service center.

When turned on

If the phone restarts immediately after being turned on, try the following troubleshooting methods:

Sometimes the phone reboots due to overheating or the “Power” button sticking. If none of the above reasons suits you, you can try to reflash your smartphone.

During a call

If the smartphone reboots during an incoming call or right during a conversation, then the most likely cause is the loss of contact between the battery and the mobile device. This can be explained by the appearance of a small gap between the connecting elements as a result of long-term operation or mechanical stress.

To make sure that the cause of the reboot is a loss of contact between the battery and the phone itself, shake the device several times. If it turns off or reboots, then contact the service center or solder the contacts yourself.

  • Reset to system parameters.
  • Firmware update.

If the above methods did not help, then you will have to contact the service center to save the phone.

After update

If you have installed the updates, but the phone, instead of starting to work better, now constantly restarts, then try to first remove the battery and replace it after 15-30 minutes.

Some applications after the update block the normal operation of the mobile device or begin to conflict with each other.

If before the update you did not notice any problems with the phone, then try to roll back to the factory state - this should help solve the problem.

Malicious software can also be the reason for the constant restart. If a virus has hit your smartphone, clean its system with an antivirus or reset the settings to the factory state and reflash the device. By the way, if the phone reboots when connected to a computer, then here you also need to think about checking both devices for virus infection.

When launching applications or modules

Another common problem is that the phone reboots when launching modules or individual applications. For example, the iPhone restarts when you turn on the camera - the cause of this problem often lies in a virus infection.

If the antivirus check did not reveal anything suspicious, then make copies of all important files and return the phone to standard settings. In addition, on some models it is useful to correct errors on the memory card or replace it altogether.

The reason for the reboot when the camera is turned on can also be mechanical damage: for example, after the impact, the cable came off. You can fix this problem yourself, but if you do not have sufficient knowledge, then it is better not to open the case of the mobile device.

GPS and Bluetooth

Sometimes the phone reboots due to Bluetooth or GPS modules. There are few options for solving the problem:

Flashing will also help to fix the problem - the main thing is to carry it out correctly, without making any mistakes.


Often, the smartphone restarts when you turn on an application. To fix this annoying situation, try the following steps:

  • Make sure the battery is in good condition (not swollen, leaking, etc.).
  • Take out the battery, wait 15-20 minutes and put it back in.
  • Reflash your mobile device.

To avoid hardware and application conflicts, use the following guidelines:

  • Do not use programs that clean the registry on your phone.
  • Do not download excessively "heavy" applications so that the smartphone does not work at the limit of its technical capabilities.
  • Use the official software, without cracks, builds and home releases.

If it is not possible to identify and eliminate the cause of the reboot, do not delay contacting a service center: repairing a phone is usually much cheaper than a new device.
