Prohibited by the administrator by the android encryption policy, how to remove it. How to remove the “Forbidden by administrator, encryption policy, or data storage” message on Android. Required steps to reset to initial state

Often, users of mobile gadgets running on the Android OS are faced with the problem of disabling the screen lock. A pattern, password or PIN code has been set, but the owner of the device wants the protection to be removed with a simple movement of a finger, or the screen not to be blocked at all. Trying to simply go to the menu and remove restrictions, the user sees that he cannot access the necessary options, since the necessary lines are inactive. This error has a fairly simple solution, and now I will tell you what needs to be done to remove restrictions if these actions are prohibited by the administrator, encryption policy, or credential store.

Settings menu with error message "Prohibited by administrator, encryption policy, or credential storage service"

Why does the administrator ban error occur?

In addition to the fact that mobile gadgets on the Android platform have built-in programs that ensure data security, many users install additional security measures and, without knowing it, launch administration or encryption policies. As a result, the owner of the device turns on such protection that he himself does not have access to certain settings of the tablet or phone.

Also, the error message “Forbidden by the administrator, encryption policy, or credential store” may pop up when installing any useful software that has a certificate that changes the settings mobile device. In this case, the application requests permission to activate the device administrator, and if the user confirms the action, after installation is complete, a message pops up stating that the administrator has been activated.

Administrator activated

The third reason is corporate security policy. That is, if you use your device to access information from your employing organization, and your email remotely connected to the company network, the error may be caused by the actions of IT specialists. In this case, before solving the problem, you should contact them and together try to eliminate the “Forbidden by the administrator, encryption policy, or credential store” error.

How to fix the “Forbidden by your administrator, encryption policy, or credential store” error

If the problem arose after installing an application that provides additional protection for the device, then if this program is not needed, it must be removed. If you do not want to delete the application, you can disable the administrator so that no third-party programs can control your phone. To do this, in the gadget settings you need to go to the security menu and go to the “Device Administrators” item.

Device Administrators

If there are any programs in this menu, especially ones that are unknown to you, you need to click on their name. If a message pops up stating that the administrator is activated and allows the application to lock the screen, this means that these rights must be removed from this program - uncheck the box or move the button. If necessary, you can go back to this menu and again give the application the right to block the screen.

Programs located in the "Device Administrators" menu

The next step is to clear the device certificates that do not allow you to reduce the security level of the device. The required item is located at the very bottom of the “Device Administration” menu. Depending on the gadget, it is called “Clear credentials” or “Clear certificates.” In both cases, the same action is assumed - deleting all certificates. Select it and confirm the action.

Cleaning up certificates

If you are afraid that you will lose personal data in the process of deleting certificates, create them backup copy. You can send important files to the cloud, and then download them again to your phone. Nothing bad will happen to the device itself. A big advantage of the Android OS is synchronization with Google account. In this case, all contacts are stored on the cloud by default. If in doubt, check the synchronization. To do this, in the settings, go to the “Accounts” or “ Accounts” and click on Google. There you will see all the necessary information.

Google account

For normal operation restart your smartphone or tablet, go to the security menu again and check whether the lines that previously contained the error message “Forbidden by the administrator, encryption policy, or credential storage” have become active. If yes, then feel free to disable the screen lock or activate simple finger unlocking.

This method should give the desired result - unlock inactive fields. If this does not happen, then the last option is to reset to factory settings. Before performing these steps, save important information: personal photos, videos, files necessary for work, since all data will be lost when resetting.

A notification with the text “Forbidden by the administrator, encryption policy, or data storage” most often appears on Android (ASUS, Honor, Lenovo, Huawei) when the user intends to remove the security PIN, graph. key to perform accelerated unlocking without unnecessary movements.

But the system does not give up its position so easily and does not allow changes to be made, citing certain prohibitions. In fact, the situation is quite typical, there is a simple way out of it. Now let's take a closer look!

Prohibited/disabled by administrator - how to remove protection, disable Android screen lock

Android OS tries to protect us from the negative consequences associated with providing unfettered access to the device. Moreover, sometimes third party applications(optimizers, antiviruses) can receive admin privileges and create obstacles to making changes.

You can actually check and fix it in a matter of seconds:

  • There is a section related to security or privacy in the settings. The names may differ on different firmwares. We will show the example of Android 7 with the MIUI shell:

  • Go to the “Device Administrators” tab:

  • We look through the list and deactivate unnecessary elements created third party programs. Usually, by default, only the “Find...” line is present:

The problem should now be resolved. But suddenly the method did not work - so we move on to the second chapter of our instructions.

What to do if it is prohibited by the credential store?

In the privacy settings, scroll down and you will see the operation - “Remove all certificates”:

After confirmation and a short wait, try removing the pattern/PIN again. The ban message will disappear.

But in some cases it is additionally worth disabling encryption (if it is active). This is done in the same window:

We emphasize once again that the names of sections may differ in different versions of Android. If you can’t find it using our instructions, use the search parameters or Google:

Nothing helps!

Unfortunately, sometimes the situation gets out of control. The listed methods are effective in 99.9% of cases. But there is a possibility that you will have to do full reset to factory settings.

You will find the “Restore/Reset” tab; inside there is an option to clear all data on the phone (first copy important documents, photos to your computer/external drive):

We figured out what the message “Forbidden by the administrator, encryption policy, or data storage” means after trying to disable the smartphone’s security algorithms. We really hope that the management really helped achieve the desired result.

Now we will figure out the reasons why on your phone or Android tablet Disabling the screen lock is not active or unlocking is prohibited by the administrator. Let's see what can be done in such a situation.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 10/9/8/7: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Attention! You can ask your question to a specialist at the end of the article.

Reasons for the error with administrator prohibition

The option to disable screen lock may not be active due to security settings or certain applications. Below we will look detailed instructions solving the problem by changing security settings for different gadgets and versions of the Android system.

Android devices have built-in applications that are responsible for information security. Some users also like to activate additional protection, which launches administration without any notifications. As a result, protection is launched, and the user loses the ability to access some of the gadget’s settings.

Demonstration of the error “Forbidden by the administrator” is possible in a situation where you are installing software with a certificate that changes the settings of the gadget. Here the software will perform a request to activate the device administrator. When the user confirms this request after completion installation process a message about administrator activation is displayed.

Another reason is related to corporate security policy. When, using your own gadget, you gain access to the data of the employing company, and your e-mail is connected to the organization’s network remotely, such an error is caused by the actions of IT specialists. To solve this problem, you need to contact these specialists so that the “Forbidden by administrator” error is disabled.

Ways to lock the screen

  • There is no blocking. There is no protection at all, and the screen turns on by pressing Power. The desktop starts immediately.
  • Simple swipe. Relevant for protection against accidental starts. The user unlocks by moving his finger across the screen.
  • . The device is unlocked by drawing a pattern by selecting special points. If the user makes an unsuccessful unlock attempt, a pause is introduced before the next attempt, which guarantees the security of the device.
  • PIN code. The lock is unlocked after entering several numbers. If several incorrect entries are made, a pause is triggered, which guarantees a higher level of security.
  • Password. This option is the safest, but also very time-consuming method. The user must specify a combination of previously selected characters.
  • Fingerprint. An innovative method of protection. On this moment provides the highest level of security.
  • Face recognition. Points on the user's face are scanned.
  • Iris scanner. The highest level of protection is provided, because Everyone's retina is different.

To increase the level of security, the user can use third-party software, which requires answering questions and riddles to log into the system. In this area, the possibilities of Android are limitless.

Removing the lock from Android 6.x

  • Click on the “Applications” icon. Select “Settings”.
  • The screenshot below shows a menu in the form of a gear, click on it.
  • We indicate “Security”.
  • In our example, the screen is locked using a pattern key. The user needs to disable it, so tap on the item, as in the picture below.
  • Now let's enter graphic key. If this operation is not performed, then you will not be able to proceed to the next point of our instructions.
  • If the verification is successful, there are several options to disable the blocking. Click on the 1st point.
  • In the window that appears, confirm disabling the screen lock.

Removing the lock from Android 7.x

  • The user needs to move the notification bar down, then click on the icon that looks like a gear.
  • Now we indicate the “Security” menu.
  • A menu will open in which we click “Lock Screen”. We are looking at an example of an authorization method using a PIN code.
  • In order for the user to be able to make changes to the security settings, this PIN must be specified.
  • The functionality will be unlocked. Click on the 1st item to this type disable blocking.

Xiaomi and MIUI

Instructions for disabling the screen lock on the proprietary MIUI shell, which is used on Hiomi gadgets:

  • Swipe to open the toolbar and click on the gear icon.
  • The security method in this example is a fingerprint, so in the menu we click on the specified tab.
  • Select a menu with this type of blocking.
  • Enter the password. Without performing this operation, you will not be able to continue the steps in the instructions.
  • Click “Disable blocking”.
  • A message appears warning you that the lock will be released. Click "OK".

Samsung and TouchWiz

  • The user is required to lower the curtain and click “Settings”.
  • Scroll down the menu to the item shown in the picture below.
  • The “Block Type” section will be displayed there, demonstrating the installed protection. We should select the line circled in red in the screenshot below.
  • We confirm the changes by entering the correct pattern.
  • Click on “Swipe across screen”. With this action we will disable the security check.
  • A message will be displayed indicating that the previously saved key is being deleted. Click “Erase” to confirm the action.

Completing the above instructions will allow the user to reset the password and cancel the device’s power-on protection.

Bypass blocking if you lose your password

There are often situations when the user is unable to unlock the phone, because... forgot password. The only effective solution here would be to remove the lock by resetting the gadget to factory settings.
