Slow search for updates in windows 7. What to do if the search for updates in Windows is broken? Why updates are needed

In the Seven, such a malfunction can be encountered most often after clean install systems. Upon attempt update in the Update Center - this is not immediately possible.

The process can go very for a long time and one gets the impression that the system is not looking for at all, or does it indefinitely.

Using the official fix

Based on the capacity installed system On the official Microsoft website, you can download a special patch KB3102810 which is specifically designed to fix this problem.

For Windows 7 x86(32 bit) any version.

For x64(64 bit processors).

Loading, launch installation. However, this method does not always help, so let's move on to the next one.

If the update didn't help

You can resort to finding a solution to the problem specifically for your type of error, or you can download standalone package Windows updates 7 - UpdatePack7R2.

The description describes the functionality of this package, as well as full list keys to install the set.

After downloading, right-click on the package file, select Create Shortcut.

Then right click on labelProperties.

In field An object separated by a space next to the location address prescribe keys.

The keys indicate the installation of the IE11 browser, completely automatic installation with reboot on completion.

Windows 8 is endlessly looking for updates

With a similar problem in the G8, the procedure is somewhat different.

Cleaning the SoftwareDistribution folder

At first disable the Windows Update service. In the window Run(Win + R) enter " services.msc».

We find the corresponding service, right-click - Stop.

Getting Started cleansing installation directory. To do this, either follow the path C:Windows/SoftwareDistribution/Download or enter it in the window Run.

Delete all files.

After that again launch service.

Reboot and start searching for and installing updates

Automatic troubleshooting

Available on the Microsoft website utility solutions to similar problems 0x80240016. A utility called WindowsUpgradeDiagnostic automatically eliminates error.

After downloading and running in the program window, click Further and wait for the end of the diagnostic process.

Upon completion of the diagnosis, a mark will be placed, symbolizing correction Problems.

Then, restart the computer and manually run search And installation in the Update Center.

Making corrections manually

You can try to troubleshoot using regular funds systems.

StartControl PanelTroubleshooting.

Then select the first item in the field, as shown in the picture.

The Update Center will start, where after pressing the " Further» you can perform the procedure troubleshooting.

In the graph Issues found green ticks indicate that there are no faults.

Reboot and try to update the system again.

Windows 10 not updating via Update

So this error looks in ten.

In the picture, the arrows show the order of the steps to Run the Update & Security settings.

IN additional options The instructions strongly recommend that you enable automatic mode.

Computer Troubleshooter

Troubleshooter here starts And configurable in an identical way, as shown earlier for the figure eight. Therefore, we give a list of step-by-step pictures of the required actions.

At this stage, the system will ask us permission to the application of the correction, to which you should answer in the affirmative by selecting the appropriate item.

After that you will get report about the corrections made.

Enable or restart the update service

Starting the system service turn on update service. If it is already enabled, you can try restarting it.

Using the script

Another way to troubleshoot - reset options update center automatically using a special script.

The script contains the procedure for disabling the update service, resetting the parameters and restarting. In addition, the SoftwareDistribution update center service directories, downloader, and catroot 2, change their name to catrootold and they are backed up.

To use the script enter commands into a notepad-type beat editor and save with an arbitrary name (in the example "winupdate-reset") and the extension ".bat" with ANSI encoding.

Then it will be enough just run received file from administrator name, press any key and wait for the completion of the parameter correction procedure.

Press any button again and reload computer.

This method can work on systems versions 7, 8, 8.1, 10.

Of course, there can be many reasons for this problem. The most effective in such situations are considered above. If they didn't help advise look for a solution on the Internet for a specific error code in order to figure out what exactly the failure occurred.

Problems can be with firewall settings, caused by blocking proxy server ports, viruses lurking in the system, and many other reasons. In each case, based on the error code, it should be approached individually. As an option, you can roll back the system to a restore point when there were no problems with the installation.

Updates, although, at first glance, do not carry anything negative in terms of security for the average computer user, they introduce additional functions that are very necessary for the operation of many programs, therefore it is extremely necessary and recommended to install updates.

When using the Windows 7 operating system, you may encounter the following problem ... When the system tries to automatically search for updates (or you manually start the search for updates), it may happen that the search is performed indefinitely. You will only see the inscription "Searching for updates ..." and even several hours may pass, but there will be no result. As a result, no updates can be downloaded, but they can fix various glitches and generally improve the system! This usually happens with a recently installed / reinstalled Windows 7, and on more recent versions of Windows, I personally have never encountered such a problem. In this article, I will share ways to solve such a problem with updates on Windows 7.

Updates for Windows are a necessary and important thing. These updates contain various improvements, fixes for Windows, which ultimately allows you to get rid of some glitches in the system, close various loopholes for hackers, etc. Although it also happens that new updates give rise to new glitches :) But in any case you need to update the system!

Configuring updates for Windows 7 and 8 systems is described.

In Windows 7, you can open the update search section through the built-in Windows search by typing Update Center. How to use the search in any Windows versions, told .

And now let's go through the ways to solve problems with searching for updates in Windows 7, that is, when updates are searched for indefinitely and to no avail. And I'll start with a solution that helped me personally when I faced such a problem.

Main decision. Installing a fix for Windows 7 that solves the problem with finding updates

This is the method that I think will help most users facing a similar problem.

It consists in the fact that you need to manually install a special fix for Windows 7, after which the search for updates should work as expected. So instructions...

After a few seconds or minutes, Windows 7 will find updates and you can install them!

If suddenly this method did not help, try a few more methods presented below.

Additional solutions to the problem (if the main one does not help)

If the main solution to the problem with finding updates for Windows 7 suddenly did not help, then you can try a few more options.


I think one of the methods described above (especially the first one) will help you solve the problem with finding updates for Windows 7. I encountered this problem on Windows 7 several times, mostly right after installing a new “clean” Windows. Sometimes the problem went away by itself after some time, and sometimes not, and then method No. 1, described in the article, helped me. In any case, you should not turn a blind eye to the problem with finding updates for Windows, because these updates are important for the system!

Problems with updates can definitely arise at inopportune times. Moreover, there are a number of reasons for this, so we advise you to study the guide better!

Today, this software is a little outdated. However, the popularity of the considered OS is still high. This article will tell you why Windows 7 is not updating through Windows Update and how to fix the problem. Below are a number of methods.

Why are updates needed?

But first you need to understand what these updates are for and what role they play for the user:

  • the product ensures the integrity and security of the OS;
  • the update provides compatibility with advanced machine parts;
  • software optimizes the program code;
  • The fix improves the performance and multitasking of the OS.

What are the updates?

All software components are divided into several types:

  • important;
  • recommended;
  • optional;
  • other updates.

Important updates pertain to Windows system security. It is recommended to install such packages from the moment they appear in notifications. Recommended components will improve PC performance. The composition of optional components includes various drivers, or updated software from developers. To others, it is worth including those components that were not included in the above.

The OS distribution will not be reconstructed in the future, since Win 8 came out, and then 10. Developers will only support a special range of tools. Fans of the presented version have a lot of time left.

Because of what updates are not installed in the OS?

To date, this may be the following reasons. Before doing anything, you should definitely leave the opportunity Reserve copy data followed by a system restore point. Otherwise, the system may not stand up and the user will lose important data. That's why:

  • make a point for rolling back the OS;
  • or we will create an image for backup using native tools - the Win 7 archiver;
  • or use third-party software and create a similar copy in it.

Incorrect installation

Often incorrect installation lies in the error starting "Update Services". To enter the settings options, just launch the "Start" menu and register - "Services", after which a dialog box with the configuration of the parameters will pop up.

The dialog box displays a list of local OS tools. In the list, we will find "Windows Update". The list is displayed in alphabetical order, which means that the required element will be located at the very bottom. We double-click.

In some cases, the service tool is run offline. It also happens that the problem depends on the launch itself. It is worth checking if the service is running. Most often this is observed on illegal (pirated copy) assemblies of the Win 7 distribution. Softmakers turn off the service on purpose. So let's make sure the local tool is enabled. If not, then turn it on.

The included OS update application should be turned off.

Without leaving the properties dialog box, press the Win + R combination on the keyboard, after which the Run system window will pop up, where we enter: SoftwareDistribution and click OK.

The OS explorer will start with the “SoftwareDistribution” subsystem folder from which you will need to delete all existing folders and files.

Now let's go to the Win 7 local tools configuration window and restart this item again.

After this operation, you will need to restart your PC and go to the "Update Center".

When the working window opens, download the updates and install them. To quickly enter the configuration settings, you will need to call the Start menu and enter the service name you are looking for in the search. In the dialog box, select the "Check for Updates" option.

Install the required update package by clicking on the parameter of the same name.

When you want to install only special updates, you have to click on the "Important updates" option.

Among the expanded list, we tick off what we need.

Upon completion, we will return to the initial window of the service and enable the installation option.

Errors when downloading updates

One of the most common Win 7 update problems is a crash during the download process on a PC. This happens because the files are located and loaded into the OS cache. If the download fails, the installation process will fail. It is worth considering that at the stage of downloading files, the update package will not be able to be overwritten. Initially, you will need to uninstall the disk space containing the cache, which stores erroneous updates, and only then download the components.

To clear the cache, open command line. In the Start menu search dialog box, enter the appropriate query - "Command Prompt". Then, let's call context menu and run with administrator rights.

In line Windows commands you need to enter the following combinations:

net stop wuauserver
ren %windir%\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.OLD
net start wuauserver

Click "OK". After the cache is cleared, let's start updating the system by restarting the PC.

Errors in the system registry

Most often, errors when installing OS updates occur due to a failure - 80070308. This happens due to the fault of the system registry. To return the system to its original form in the registry, a number of edits should be made. Press Win + R. The Run dialog box will pop up. In the field, enter: regedit and click "OK".

We go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section and select the COMPONENTS subfolder in which we delete the PendingRequired. To delete a system file, open the context menu by pressing the right mouse button.

After the operation, restart the PC and perform manual installation updates.

Fix It - automatic solution of problems with the OS

To make it easier for users to troubleshoot such problems, Microsoft has developed a special software Fix It. It will automatically eliminate all possible errors with the OS. The utility can be downloaded from the link below.

Let's run the program installation file. The software will build an OS restore point on its own. After the above operations, the detection and elimination of system errors will start. After running the program, close the utility and try to reinstall the updates.

What to do if there is no access to the Internet and the connection to the Microsoft host is blocked by an antivirus or firewall?

If there is no Internet connection, and this is usually a problem with proxy servers or the absence of the Internet itself, the download of updates will not start. If the problem is in the antivirus or firewall, then during the installation, they should be disabled and the appropriate updates should be manually installed.

Unable to update due to lack of memory

Regular inability to install updates for operating system Windows 7 is in the absence of free disk space on the hard drive personal computer or laptop. It should be borne in mind that most often the average amount of updates takes up to 5 gigabytes. Before downloading and installing, you will need to free up the occupied disk space on drive C and repeat the whole process again.

Long search for updates

Recently, when installing a clean image of the Win 7 OS, it takes a long time to search for updates. In this case, no errors are observed. The problem is solved in the following way:

  • install Microsoft Fix It and reboot;
  • restart the PC and install KB3102810 (links are given below!);
  • reboot again - everything should be fine.

This may be the reason why Windows 7 is not updated through the OS update center. This completes the troubleshooting step. We will be glad if the information helped you. You can rate the article and write a comment! Share your advice with your friends. Thank you!

For all systems of the Windows family, installation of service packs is provided. And the seventh version, although it is considered the most stable of all currently existing ones, was no exception. However, it also sets the search first. Windows 7 update can go on indefinitely different reasons. Consider all aspects related to this. The solutions proposed below help to eliminate an unpleasant situation in 99% of cases. And all of them are simple enough to be used by even the most inexperienced user in matters of system configuration. But first things first.

Why is the search for updates endless (Windows 7)?

Let's start the consideration of the main issue by finding out the causes of violations in the operation of the update service. Among the main root causes, most experts point to malfunctions in the Update Center itself and the system services that are involved in this process.

Now situations with virus exposure will not be considered, since each user must take care of protecting his computer himself. Consider how to eliminate the infinite 7 on your own. There are at least three ways to do this.

Windows 7: Infinite Update. Diagnostics of the "Update Center" by means of the system

Since the endless process of searching for update packages is connected precisely with the "Center", it is logical to assume that this service needs to be checked for operability.

If use software the system itself, the problem that Windows 7 updates are endless is eliminated through the built-in debugger. You can call it from the Run console (Win + R) by entering the line msdt / id WindowsUpdateDiagnostic, after which a window will appear in which you should use a link to additional settings. In the new window, first you need to check the box opposite the permission to automatically apply fixes, click on the link to run as administrator and click the continue button. After that, it remains to wait for the end of the diagnostic process, go to the "Update Center" and set a manual search, followed by confirmation of the installation.

Diagnosing problems with a special utility

If someone does not like the method proposed above, or just too lazy to dig into the debugger settings, you can go the other way.

From the official Microsoft website or any other trusted resource, you should download a small program called WindowsUpdateDiagnostic. By the way, it is also suitable for more recent versions of the system.

After the first start of the utility, select the update center line and activate the troubleshooting. They will be displayed in the results, which may indicate problems with the drivers or with the hard drive. Please note that the program does not fix the problem in Windows 7. Infinite Update is only defined and indicated by it possible reason. So you have to install drivers or check HDD himself.

Drivers can be installed from the "Device Manager", but this is too long a process. It is better to use automated tools like Driver Booster with automatic search and integration of drivers into the system.

Download standalone update package

If the problem persists, you still have to pay attention to the Windows 7 Update Center again. The endless search can be fixed by another method.

To do this, you need to download the so-called standalone package with the number KB3102810 to your computer, choosing the appropriate bit depth for the system (32 or 64 bits) when downloading. You can download the package, again, either on the Microsoft website or on another resource. But that's only half the battle.

Stopping the Update Center service

In Windows 7, an endless update can only be fixed if the service itself, which is responsible for finding and installing updates, is deactivated. You can try to end the active process in the "Task Manager", but as a rule, this will not lead to anything, and the service will be activated again.

It can be completely disabled only in the corresponding section of services, which is accessed through the services.msc command, entered in the corresponding Run menu bar.

Here you need to find the update center line, right-click to open the context menu and select the stop work command.

In order not to rummage through the services directory, you can use the command line with administrator rights (cmd in the Run console), where you should write the net stop wuauserv combination.

Package installation and manual search for updates

Now the most basic thing is installing the standalone package. We launch it with a standard double click on the downloaded file and agree with the installation proposal.

After that, the installation process starts. When finished, you will need to restart your computer. If errors occurred during the process of integrating the package into the system, then something was done wrong at the stage of disabling the update service. Repeat the above steps and run the installer again. In addition, it is possible that the standalone package installation file itself was not completely downloaded (this also happens). In this case, as is already clear, you need to repeat its download or download from another source.

When the package is successfully installed and the system is rebooted, you should go to the "Update Center" and use the manual search for updates.

If nothing helped

Finally, if none of the above helps, you can remove the endless update in Windows 7 by installing the UpdatePack 7 Live service pack (build version 07/31/2016).

Upon completion of its integration into the system, the search for updates will automatically start. It is very likely that a lot of them will be found (in some cases their number can reach two hundred or more). You should not be surprised, because, in fact, after installing the package, the user gets an almost “clean” system in which no updates were installed.

Note: you can install this pack only on top of the existing Service Pack 1. If it is not there, the updater will not be installed. The way out is to install SP1 (at least even from the official Microsoft website).


As you can see, there is nothing particularly critical in the considered problem. It is eliminated quite simply by all the proposed methods. It goes without saying that such solutions only apply to a system that has not been found to have potentially harmful or active threats that could disrupt or block the Windows Update service. In all other cases, such solutions help. In the matter of preferences, the user himself decides how to proceed, although you can use complex diagnostics first, and only then install a standalone package or service pack. Which one to choose? Actually, absolutely no difference. Yes, and the opinions of users about installing either one or the other update diverge, so you will have to decide for yourself.


operating room Windows system 7 does not lose ground and to this day is the most popular. It is used by millions of users around the world. And it is incredibly upsetting when failures and other emergency situations occur in it.

One of them is the constant (non-stop) search for updates in Windows 7. No errors appear, just a constant search. We will solve this actual problem by considering several effective methods.

Method One - Restarting the Windows Update Service

If after the manipulation the problem remains, then proceed to the next solution.

Method two - a recommendation from Microsoft to solve the problem of a long search for updates

  1. Open the menu Start, enter the text in the search bar there "Windows Update". An item of the same name will appear a little higher - click it.

  2. In the Windows Update window, click on the inscription "Settings", which is located on the left side of the window.

  3. In the settings block under the name Important updates select the item under the name from the drop-down menu "Don't check for updates..." and press the button OK, which is located at the bottom of this window.

  4. Next, restart your computer.
  5. After restarting the PC, you need to download updates in the form of files from the official website of Microsoft, the developer of Windows. After downloading, you need to run and install them.

    Update options exist for both x86 bit Windows and x64. Download the ones that match the bit depth of your Windows 7. If you do not know the bit depth of your system, then the article will help you with this.

    And here are the files themselves:

    • For x64 (64 bit) version of Windows 7: update file KB3020369 and KB3172605
    • For x86 (32 bit) version of Windows 7: update file KB3020369 and KB3172605

    Install the update with the alphanumeric index KB3020369 first, and after KB3172605.

    Note: Don't worry if an error pops up when installing any of the above updates, it just means that it was installed earlier.

    After the updates are installed, restart your computer again.

  6. Now you need to repeat the first step and the second step of this guide, and then you need to enable the download and installation of updates. To do this, in the update settings window in the block under the name Important updates must be selected from the drop-down menu "Install updates automatically" and press OK to save the setting.

  7. It remains only to wait for the download and installation of updates. If earlier the system was only reinstalled, then it is necessary to wait a long time - up to a day.

If, after the lapse of time, nothing has changed and the problem with the “eternal” search has not disappeared, then proceed to the next solution.

Method three - use the standalone update installer for Windows 7

This method is based on installing updates from a specially created package. official updates for Windows 7.

A third-party developer downloaded most of the updates from the official Microsoft website and made a special installer that, at startup, checks the system for missing updates and installs them.

After that the problem with constant search updates in Windows 7 will be resolved, all subsequent updates will be installed via Windows Update, as it was before.

As we can see, there are many effective solutions, one of which will definitely return performance. Windows Update on your Windows 7 installation.
