Endless search for windows 7 fixit updates. What to do if the search for updates in Windows is broken? Enable or restart the update service

Good afternoon, dear blog readers and subscribers, last time I told you about how to update windows 7 to windows 10, and today we will also talk about the seven and its update, more precisely when you have an endless update of windows 7, and we will solve it in a minute, I met a bunch of people on the Internet who fell into this situation, users want their system to be as secure as possible, and Microsoft puts spokes in the wheels, so I’m convinced once again that they are trying in every possible way to transfer users to their top ten, which is up to so raw it's creepy.

Previous story, I periodically compile my Windows builds, because I don’t like to constantly install the same updates, spending a lot of time on it. They are very popular because apart from official updates there is nothing in them. Whether Microsoft wants it or not, Windows 7 is currently the most popular operating system in the world and its new brainchild, Windows 10, is not yet gaining its place in the sun so quickly, but that’s not what we’re talking about now.

And so I sit here and collect new version assembly, everything is as usual, I install Windows 7 on virtual machine and I start updating it, but that was not the case. The search for updates in Windows Update had been hanging for 5 or 6 hours, the reboot did not help, it immediately became clear that something was wrong.

This is what an endless search looks like windows updates 7, the green slider is running and that’s it, wait until you’re blue in the face. It’s good if after some time you get an error that can be easily searched on Google, but this is just a black box. I won’t bore you for long and will immediately tell you a solution that will help in 95 percent of cases.

Solving the endless Windows 7 update

The solution to the endless search for Windows 7 updates will, oddly enough, be their official offline updates, downloading and installing which you can solve this problem.

Download the package (KB3102810) for solving the error endless search for updates Windows 7 64X (https://cloud.mail.ru/public/FuX2/8as6DnF3Y)

Download the package (KB3102810) for solving the error endless search for updates Windows 7 32X (https://cloud.mail.ru/public/KGmP/Yz9AcAqbH)

do the following, we need to stop the Windows 7 update service. This can be done simply in two ways:

A small addition from reader Valery, if it doesn’t help with KB3102810:

Download the update KB3020369-x86(https://cloud.mail.ru/public/7c2V/yQ8j5d8JH)

Download the update KB3020369-x 64 (https://cloud.mail.ru/public/N91u/TURuiBjwm)

install it and restart your computer, then download and install the following KB

Download the update kb3172605-x86(https://cloud.mail.ru/public/9f4m/LkHLAg5qN)

Download the update kb3172605-x 64 (https://cloud.mail.ru/public/FuX2/8as6DnF3Y)

Reboot and enjoy life

A small update from user Alex, fix KB3161608 helped him fix the problem:

  • endless checking for updates
  • high CPU load
  • high memory consumption

There is also a solution from the user Vasily that I have not tested:

It is proposed to permanently solve the problem with the “windows update” service in this way.

1) Go to the control panel, disable automatic search and installation of updates.
2) Reboot the computer.
3) Download and install updates in the following sequence (for Windows 7 x 64):


Having installed the above updates, go to the control panel and turn on
automatic search and installation of updates

The first is graphical, you click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services and there you already look for Windows Update, right-click on it, selecting properties from the context menu

and select the Stop button.

The second method is you open the command line as an administrator and enter the following command

net stop wuauserv

As a result, this operating system service will stop

We have fulfilled all the main conditions and our Windows 7 is now ready to install the standalone package.

If you do not stop this service, then the standalone package will not be installed, and Windows will also forever search for an update, you will get the same endless cycle

The offline installer will show you its code, it will be KB3102810, we agree to the installation, click yes.

We wait a little while the slider reaches the end

We all see that it has been successfully installed and application requires a system reboot, which is what we do. In 95 percent, this action allows you to eliminate the endless updating of Windows 7, I hope that you are included in this number.

After rebooting and trying to find updates, I successfully found them, in the first stream there were more than 200 of them, and this is normal, seven are clean.

After downloading them, the installation began, without problems and everything was clear. Endless renewal defeated. If you were unable to defeat him, then try the second method described below.

Second method

Finally, having launched the utility, select Update Center and click next.

Troubleshooting will begin.

After correcting the errors, run the utility (WindowsUpdateDiagnostic) Diagnosing and preventing problems on your computer and get a window like this, then restart Update Center or simply reboot.

To summarize, we have discussed how to solve the problem when the endless updating of Windows 7 does not allow you to roll out updates to the system, now eliminating this infection will not take you much time.

Update 07/31/2016

If the methods described above did not help you and you are still endlessly looking for updates in Windows 7, then try installing this collection of updates. (They are all official, I answer for this with my head). You must install Service Pack 1.

Make sure that your update service is turned off, then launch the update package. Click install.

I've had as many as 120 updates.

After installing the updates and rebooting, the endless Windows 7 update will disappear.

Download UpdatePack7 Live 13.5.10

from https://cloud.mail.ru/public/Agod/3Qq2BQVEm password website

Update to eliminate endless search for updates dated 06/30/2018

The fourth method of fixing endless windows updates is to use a monthly update package, I already showed it to you when the Russian language was not installed and I had the error “0x80073701”. And so follow the link below:

Windows 7 - https://support.microsoft.com/ru-ru/help/4009469

This will take you to a page where you can download monthly Windows update packs for specific months. I advise you to download the last few of them and install them manually.

In my example, I chose the June collection, opening its contents at the very bottom you will find a link to the Microsoft Update catalog.

As a result, you select the desired KB based on your architecture and install it. What do such collections provide? They carry a number of latest updates and allow you to eliminate current problems with endless searches.

Problems with updates can definitely arise at inopportune moments. Moreover, there are a number of reasons for this, so we advise you to study the manual better!

Today this software is a little outdated. However, the popularity of the OS in question is still high. This article will tell you why Windows 7 won't update through Windows Update and how to fix the problem. Below are a number of methods.

Why are updates needed?

But first you need to understand what these updates are for and what role they play for the user:

  • the product ensures the integrity and security of the OS;
  • the update ensures compatibility with improved machine spare parts;
  • software optimizes program code;
  • The fix improves the performance and multitasking of the OS.

What updates are there?

All software components are divided into several types:

  • important;
  • recommended;
  • optional;
  • other updates.

Important updates are related to Windows system security. It is recommended to install such packages from the moment they appear in notifications. Recommended components will improve PC performance. Optional components include various drivers or updated software from developers. Others include those components that are not included in the above.

The OS distribution will not be reconstructed in the future, since Win 8 and then 10 were released. Developers will only support a special number of tools. Fans of the presented version still have a lot of time left.

Why are OS updates not installed?

Today, this may be due to the following reasons. Before doing anything, it is imperative to leave the possibility Reserve copy data followed by a system restore point. Otherwise, the system may not start up and the user will lose important data. That's why:

  • we will create a point for rolling back the OS;
  • or we will create an image for backup using native tools - the Win 7 archiver;
  • or we will use third-party software and create a similar copy in it.

Incorrect installation

Often incorrect installation lies in the error starting the “Update Services”. To enter the settings parameters, just launch the “Start” menu and enter “Services”, after which a dialog box will pop up with the configuration of the parameters.

The dialog box displays a list of local OS tools. In the list, we will find “Windows Update”. The list is displayed in alphabetical order, which means that the required element will be located at the very bottom. Click twice.

In some cases, the service tool is running offline. It also happens that the problem depends on the startup itself. It's worth checking if the service is running. This is most often observed on illegal (pirated copy) builds of the Win 7 distribution. Software makers turn off the service on purpose. So let's make sure that the local tool is enabled. If not, then turn it on.

The enabled OS update application should be turned off.

Without leaving the dialog box with properties, press the Win + R combination on the keyboard, after which the “Run” system window will pop up, where we will enter: SoftwareDistribution and click “OK”.

The OS Explorer will start with the subsystem folder “SoftwareDistribution” from which you will need to delete all existing folders and files.

Now let's go to the window with the Win 7 local tools configuration parameters and restart this element again.

After this operation, you will need to restart your PC and go to the Update Center.

When the working window opens, download the updates and install them. To quickly enter the configuration settings, you will need to call the Start menu and enter the desired service name in the search. In the dialog box, select the “Check for updates” option.

Install the required update package by clicking on the option of the same name.

When you need to install only special updates, you will need to click on the “Important updates” option.

Among the expanded list, let's tick off what we need.

Upon completion, return to the initial window of the service and enable the installation option.

Errors while downloading updates

One of the most common problems with the Win 7 update is a failure during downloading to the PC. This happens because the files are located and loaded into the OS cache. If the download is unsuccessful, the installation process will not be possible. It is worth considering that at the stage of downloading files, the update package will not be overwritten. Initially, you will need to uninstall the disk space containing the cache contents in which erroneous updates are stored and only then download the components.

To clear the cache, open the command line. In the Start menu search dialog box, enter the appropriate query - “ Command line" Then, let's call context menu and run it with administrator rights.

In line Windows commands you must enter the following combinations:

net stop wuauserv
ren %windir%\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.OLD
net start wuauserv

Click "Ok". After the cache is cleared, we will proceed to updating the system, after restarting the PC.

Errors in the system registry

Most often, errors when installing OS updates occur due to a failure - 80070308. This happens due to the fault of the system registry. To return the system to its original appearance in the registry, a number of changes must be made. Press Win + R. The Run dialog box will pop up. In the field, enter: regedit and click “OK”.

Go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section and select the COMPONENTS subfolder in which we will delete the PendingRequired. To delete a system file, open the context menu by right-clicking.

After the operation, restart the PC and perform manual installation updates.

Fix It - automatic solution to OS problems

To make it easier for users to troubleshoot such problems, Microsoft has developed a special software Fix It. It will automatically remove everything possible mistakes with OS. The utility can be downloaded from the link below.

Let's run the program installation file. The software will automatically create an OS restore point. After the above operations, detection and elimination of system errors will begin. After the program is running, close the utility and try to install the updates again.

What to do if there is no access to the Internet and the connection to the Microsoft site is blocked by an antivirus or firewall?

If there is no connection to the Internet, and this is usually a problem with proxy servers or the lack of the Internet itself, the download of updates will not start. If the problem is with the antivirus or firewall, then during installation you should disable them and manually install the appropriate updates.

Impossibility to update due to lack of memory

It is regularly impossible to install updates for the Windows 7 operating system due to the lack of free disk space on the hard drive personal computer or laptop. Please note that most often the average volume of updates takes up to 5 gigabytes. Before downloading and installing, you will need to free up the occupied disk space on drive C and repeat the entire process again.

Long search for updates

Recently, when installing a clean image of Win 7 OS, it takes a long time to search for updates. In this case, no errors are observed. The problem is solved as follows:

  • install Microsoft Fix It and reboot;
  • restart the PC and install KB3102810 (links are given below!);
  • We reboot again - everything should be fine.

This may be the reason why Windows 7 is not updated through the OS Update Center. This completes the entire troubleshooting phase. We will be glad if the information helped you. You can rate the article and write a comment! Share this tip with your friends. Thank you!

Most often, the situation with an endless search for updates worries users who have recently installed Windows on their PC or laptop. The main problem is that this causes the computer to slow down greatly. Let's look at options for solving the problem, especially since there is nothing complicated about it.

Options for solving the problem

There are several ways that can help. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Installing Hotfixes

Microsoft is aware of the problem and has released a special patch. In 65% of cases, this method allows you to get rid of the endless search for updates. Download and install patches from the official website:

  1. For 32-bit Windows versions.
  2. For 64-bit version of Windows.

After installation, restart your PC and check if the search is running.

Installing updates manually

If the above method does not help, then you can try downloading the updates yourself. Microsoft has released two packages at once that solve problems with endless searches.

Attention! You need to install both updates in the specified sequence, rebooting your PC between actions.

Download from the official website and install:

  1. Update KB3020369: 32 bits or 64 bits.
  2. Update KB3172605: 32 bits or 64 bits.

Users say that after installation the problem disappears.

Fixing system files

Fix in OS Windows this error possible using the console. To use it:

The system will automatically scan the files and fix the problems. Once completed, restart your PC and check if the steps helped.

Constant search settings

If after all the actions you have a search, then it’s time to move on to radical actions, namely disabling the update service.

Note! Even without updates, Windows will work stably.

The first thing you need to do is turn off automatic search. For this:

By following these steps, you will prevent the system from updating.

Many users very often encounter update problems in Windows 7. The system constantly displays a message that it is searching for updates, but does not find anything.

There is one solution to this problem. It is enough to manually download and install just one package from Microsoft, which will eliminate this error. Let's look at why Windows 7 Update doesn't find updates.

For quite a long time, Windows 7 Update has been causing serious problems to its users. Unfortunately, I myself belong to the group that, in its own skin, experiences problems with centering on the “seven”. On one of my computers, every time I try, the search ends with the endless message “Searching for an update...”. At first I assumed that the system was looking for updates for a long time, but when I left the computer turned on overnight, it did not bring the desired result. What should I do if Windows 7 Update doesn't work properly?

It turned out that this problem can be solved quite easily. Of course, I do not guarantee that the proposed method will solve the problem for absolutely all users, but for me it was instantly resolved manually - by installing the KB3172605 package and performing a few other simple steps. Here's what you need to do to fix the problem.

Step 1: Download the update for your system (but do not install it)

The first step is to download the KB3172605 package directly from the Microsoft website using a web browser. You will find direct links below for 32-bit and 64-bit versions.

You need to download the package, but not install it yet - we'll do that in step 4. First you need to perform two simple steps.

Important! If in the fourth step you encounter a problem installing the above package (for example, a message about system incompatibility is displayed on the screen), then instead of the above, you need to download the KB3020369 package from the links below. But only do this if the above updates are not working.

Step 2: Disable Internet access

Downloaded files should be installed when the Internet is turned off. If you are using Wi-Fi, then click on the icon wireless network in the notification area (bottom right corner of the screen) and turn off the connection. If you are connected to the Internet using a network cable, you can disconnect it from your computer.

Alternatively, right-click on the network icon, select "Network and Sharing Center" shared access", then go to the "Change adapter settings" tab and disable network card, with which you connect to the Internet.

Step 3: Stop the Windows Update service

After disconnecting from the Internet, we need to stop the Windows Update service. To do this, press the Windows + R key combination, enter the following command in the “Run” window that appears and confirm its execution by pressing Enter:


The System Services window will open. Find the Windows Update service in the list, then right-click on it and select Stop. Make sure the service is stopped and then close this window.

Step 4: Install package KB3172605 (or KB3020369)

Only now can you begin installing the previously downloaded KB3172605 file for your system. Run the installer file and confirm installation.

If you receive an error that the update is not compatible with your operating system, make sure you download the correct version for your system (32-bit or 64-bit). If it still gives an error, use the alternative package from the first step.

After installation, you will be prompted to restart your computer. Confirm and wait while the update is installed and the operating system boots.

After the system boots, connect to the Internet and turn on the Windows Update service (right-click on it and select “Run”).

Now go to the Windows Update window (for example, using search string in the Start menu) and then click on the search for updates button.

After about 5-10 minutes, a list of updates available for installation will open. In my case, the search continued for several minutes and thus finally solved the problem with the endless search in Windows Update.

Updating Windows 7 without Windows Update

Sometimes Windows 7 Update does not download updates, especially if there are a lot of them. Most often this happens after reinstalling the system - we installed a fresh one operating system and suddenly the center displays a message stating that several hundred updates are available for installation. Just downloading them one by one takes a lot of time, not to mention installing them. This is often problematic and ends with a message about restoring the computer to previous settings, since so many updates cannot be installed (the solution is to install them in small batches).

Fortunately, after several years, Microsoft decided to do something about this problem, due to the fact that many users do not update Windows 7 properly. latest version. The company decided to put up cumulative packages for download on the Microsoft Catalog website. The packages are constantly updated and are currently available for 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows 7 and 64 bit Windows Server 2008 R2.

A huge advantage of this packaging is that we don't have to download hundreds of individual packages via Windows Center Update.
In order to install them, the “seven” must include:

  • installed Service Pack 1 (SP1);
  • package KB3020369 since April 2015

When these conditions are met, we can download a rollup package that will update our system to the latest version in one click. To do this, follow the following link using a browser Internet Explorer(unfortunately, the following page only works under IE):

Download update rollup for Windows 7 / Server 2008

When you log into the site, a list of found updates will be displayed. Three will be available for download:

  • for Windows 7 (32-bit version only);
  • for Win 7 computers based on x64 processors (64-bit version only);
  • for Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 (64-bit version only).

Download the package that matches the bit size of your Windows and install it as standard by running the installation file. Cumulative package requires a minimum of 4 GB free space on disk.


operating room Windows system 7 does not lose ground and is still the most popular. It is used by millions of users around the world. And it’s incredibly upsetting when failures and other emergency situations occur.

One of them is a constant (continuous) search for updates in Windows 7. No errors arise, just a constant search. We will solve this pressing problem by considering several effective methods.

Method one - restart the Windows Update service

If after the above manipulation the problem remains, then move on to the next solution.

Method two - a recommendation from Microsoft to solve the problem of a long search for updates

  1. Open menu Start, enter the text in the search bar located there "Windows Update". The item of the same name will appear a little higher - click on it.

  2. In the Windows Update window, click on the inscription "Settings", which is located on the left side of the window.

  3. In the settings block under the name Important updates select the item under name from the drop-down menu "Do not check for updates..." and press the button OK, which is located at the bottom of this window.

  4. Next, restart your computer.
  5. After restarting your PC, you need to download updates in the form of files from the official website of Microsoft, the developer of Windows. After downloading, you need to run them and install them.

    Update options exist for both x86-bit Windows and x64. Download those that correspond to the bitness of Windows 7 installed on you. If you don’t know the bitness of your system, then this article will help you with this.

    And here are the files themselves:

    • For x64 (64 bit) version of Windows 7: update file KB3020369 and KB3172605
    • For x86 (32 bit) version of Windows 7: update file KB3020369 and KB3172605

    Install the update with the alphanumeric index KB3020369 first, and then KB3172605.

    Note: do not worry if an error appears when installing any of the above updates, it just means that it was installed previously.

    When the updates are installed, restart your computer again.

  6. Now you need to repeat the first step and the second step of this guide, and then you need to enable the download and installation of updates. To do this, in the update settings window, in the block under the name Important updates you must select the item in the drop-down menu "Install updates automatically" and press OK to save the setting.

  7. All you have to do is wait for the updates to download and install. If the system was previously only reinstalled, then you need to wait quite a long time - up to a day.

If, after a while, nothing has changed and the problem with the “eternal” search has not disappeared, then move on to the next solution.

Method three - use the offline update installer for Windows 7

This method is based on installing updates from a specially created official update package for Windows 7.

A third-party developer downloaded most of the updates from the official Microsoft website and made a special installer that, upon startup, checks the system for missing updates and installs them.

After this the problem with constant search updates in Windows 7 will be resolved, all subsequent updates will be installed through Windows Update, as it was before.

As we can see, there are many effective solutions, one of which will definitely restore functionality. Windows Update in your Windows 7 installation.
