Logmein hamachi latest version. Free programs for Windows download for free. Hamachi for Minecraft

Hamachi is a small utility for Windows, MacOS and Linux that allows you to set up a virtual local area network between two or more computers via the Internet. In this case, the devices can be installed at a considerable distance from each other. You can download Hamachi for free from our website.


  • A secure connection established over a secure channel through a VPN.
  • In addition to computers, you can connect MFPs, web cameras or other equipment to the local network.
  • Communication between network members in a comfortable chat.
  • Encryption is carried out according to the AES-256 algorithm.

Advantages and disadvantages

Programs that work through local networks perceive the connection via Hamachi as a full-fledged physical local network and retain all their capabilities.

Data transfer in the virtual network is carried out using the p2p protocol, while the network itself is organized on the basis of the UDP protocol.

The Hamachi utility has two versions: paid and free. The second version operates only in unmanaged mode and has a limit on the number of devices that can connect to the network - up to five. In addition, the networks themselves are created only with a mesh topology, and are not configurable. However, you can connect to all existing networks with various types of structure.

The paid version of Hamachi allows you to connect an unlimited number of devices to the network, provides the user with many additional functions for working with a remote desktop, and also allows you to stream audio and video.

Typically, Hamachi is used for multiplayer games over a local network. It is used in cases where game servers are disabled. In this case, the computer of one of the gamers becomes the server, and the rest of the participants connect to it. At the same time, the player whose device acts as a server does not have an external IP address, but this does not interfere with setting up a local network.

The latest version of the utility was released in 2017. The program has been translated into a number of languages, including Russian. You can download Hamachi in Russian for free from our resource.

System requirements

  • OS: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10
  • Architecture: 32 bit or 64 bit (x86 or x64).
  • Processor with a clock speed of 1200 MHz or higher.
  • RAM: 256 MB or more.
  • Free hard disk space from 15 MB.

Is it worth installing

The Hamachi utility allows you to install and establish a virtual local area network between two or more devices that are located at a considerable distance from each other via the Internet. The program is actively used for multiplayer games, remote control computers, sharing files from various devices.

Hamachi has a user-friendly interface and ease of use, thanks to which even an inexperienced user can figure it out. The program has two versions - free and paid, which has a much larger number of functionality, as well as allowing you to connect an unlimited number of devices to the network.

You can download Hamachi for free from the official link at the link below.

Program version: . Distributed by: For free. Size: 10MB.
Operating system: Windows. Downloads: 1047 076 .
Last update: 2017-10-26 .

Many children, teenagers and adults play computer games today. Everyone chooses the genre that seems to him the most interesting - strategies, shooters, racing and many others. However, it is most interesting to play not with a computer, but with friends located both in a neighboring house and on the other side of the earth.

Alas, not all games can be played with friends. If some provide corporate passage or simply the ability to play with other users via the Internet, then other games do not have such a function. True, many popular games make it possible to play with friends via a local network. But what if your friend lives hundreds of kilometers away? Of course, it will not work to extend a local network over such a distance.

hamachi free download

Download Hamachi for free! Download and install the latest version of the group network software on your computer.

It is in this case that the excellent highly specialized Hamachi program comes to the rescue.

You can download Hamachi from our website. By running this program simultaneously on several computers, you can achieve amazing results. By creating a server on one of the computers and connecting to it from other computers via the Internet, you can play games that only have the function of playing on a local network! That is, the list of games that you can play with your friends is expanding significantly. Now you, being at a great distance from each other, will be able to play many popular games and have even more fun.

Hamachi for Minecraft

Of course, the currently popular game Minecraft is one of the programs that can be run using Hamachi. This will certainly please many fans of the game who live around the globe and who want to play it exclusively with their friends, without the participation of outside users. Now you can create your own world, where friends can always come, but which enemies or just unwanted people will never visit.

The programming code gives Hamachi the ability to build a LAN (local area network) over an internet connection. In this case, all data passing through the program is transmitted exclusively in peer-to-peer mode, that is, from user to user. The information does not end up on any servers, and even more so, it cannot be intercepted and used in order to cause any harm to the user's computer. The possibility of penetration of viruses or other malware through the connection created by the Hamachi program (provided, of course, that none of the connected computers is infected with viruses).

But many users will be even more pleased by the fact that working with the program is surprisingly simple. Many experienced gamers have been actively using this application for many years to play good games with your friends. If you still don't know how to play Minecraft or some other games through Hamachi, then you can learn everything in a matter of minutes.

Hamachi Settings

Of course, the first thing to do is download Hamachi. The size of the installation file is not large at all - about five megabytes, so it will be downloaded in a matter of seconds. When the program is downloaded, it needs to be installed and run. After, one of the users (preferably with the most powerful computer - it will become a server) must select the "Create new network", and the rest (players) item" Connect to existing network". After starting the program in server mode, the user will see his IP address. It is he who will need to be reported (through social media, ICQ or SKYPE) to other users. Now they just have to enter the IP address in the appropriate line and join the server.

That's all. Now the computers are connected to a virtual local area network, which any game will perceive as real. Of course, nothing else can prevent you and your friends from playing your favorite games for hours and days on end, chatting and just having a lot of fun from the gameplay itself! That's what the excellent Hamachi program was created for.

P.S.: In addition to the minecraft game, you can also play other less popular games through the hamachi program. Here is a small list of games supported by the program: Counter-Strike (CS 1.6, CSS), Heroes of Might & Magic, Battlefield, WarCraft, Diablo 2, Dungeon Siege, Unreal Tournament, Quake, GTA, Terraria, Age of Empires, Worms, Pro Evolution Soccer, Total War and many more.

LogMeIn Hamachi free download

Download Hamachi for free. Hamachi - free software to create your own, secure network.

Some conditions require the creation of a virtual network between two remote computers connected to the Internet. And if there are no particularly difficult tasks to perform, then the use of Windows servers or others can be not only costly, but also difficult to maintain.

In this case, a program such as Hamachi (there is a Russian version) comes to the rescue, which allows you to create your own VPN connection between two computers on the Internet in a few steps and in a matter of minutes.

You can download the latest version of hamachi from our website at the bottom of this post.

Hamachi uses UDP protocol, and is stable and secure enough to transfer files and data over the network. In fact, it emulates a local network, and allows you to perform any task as if two remote computers were in a single local network.

hamachi setup

Once you have downloaded the hamachi program, it can be easily customized for your needs. Can be in a short time connect two remote computers and work the same way as in a local network. With Hamachi, you can enjoy playing games, transferring files, using printers, and more.

The program is safe to use and completely eliminates data loss or leakage. Encryption is used to maintain security, each computer must be authenticated to work, and NAT is used inside the virtual network to issue virtual internal IP addresses.

Also, those applications that work in the local network will also work in the VPN networks of the program. It is enough to specify the network emulated by Hamachi in the settings.

Program Hamachi in Russian very often used by gamers in order. To bypass the licensed disk protection system, or play outdated games over the network. In global terms, the possibilities of this program are very extensive. And they make it easy to create your own VPN network. This allows two or more computers to communicate directly with each other over an Internet connection, which can also increase data transfer speeds and do so securely.

The program is distributed free of charge and is available for download on the official website of the developers, but we also post it for you via a direct link.

Those who want to download Hamachi for free the Russian version know what Hamachi is and cannot properly make a server without Hamachi. However, no one needs a non-Hamachi server, since there are few alternatives to Hamachi. It's about about those users world wide web who knows how to play through Hamachi and where are the Hamachi servers in Russian, and there are quite a few of them. While using this or another operating system in a network of up to 16 participants for non-commercial purposes, it is considered free.

Simplicity and convenience of Hamachi

It is enough to download Hamachi in Russian for free and any application that works on the local network will be able to work on the Hamachi virtual network. For the application to work, NAT, firewalls, routers and antiviruses will not interfere. There are no conditions where the Russian version of Hamachi does not work. You just need to download the latest version of LogMeIn Hamachi, run it on your computer, and this product will be able to create a virtual private local area encrypted network from several Windows, Linux or MacOS PCs connected to the Internet, as if these computers were connected by a real local cable network.

LAN LogMeInHamachi

The most simple and intuitive interface of the Hamachi program will allow you to deploy a local network quickly and effortlessly. Creating a VPN network can be entrusted even to an inexperienced computer user. You just need to download Hamachi for free and the program will make a VPN network (virtual private network) - this is by all indications a closed secure the local network, which unites several computers through open channels on the Internet. Those who want to download Hamachi for Windows 7 for free may need to use the Hamachi patch for Windows 7, for which you will need to visit the official website.

The Hamachi network supports, in principle, all the functions of a simple LAN between computers, including general access to files and printers. Yes, what Hamachi can’t do yet: download a torrent, or upload files, launch the web and ftp server, play games via Hamachi over the network (via LAN connection) and much more. For this, the program is popular with gamers (computer players) who use it for network real play in Allods, Minecraft, Warcraft, FIFA, GTA, Quake, Battlefield, Flatout, Red Alert, Heroes, Need For Speed ​​and other network games. A spectrum of diverse uses free version programs are multifaceted.

Hamachi safety and security

Using the free Hamachi program for Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, XP and other operating systems, you can do virtual network for connecting servers and thin clients or standard client PCs. Proved that this method connecting computers on the Internet makes it very difficult to intercept sensitive data. All transmitted information on the Internet is encrypted. Data exchange is carried out using the UDP protocol, which is related to the secure peer-to-peer technology that has proven itself in Skype.

Free download Hamachi for Windows

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Hamachi software is a reliable and quite handy tool that is designed to create a virtual private network to connect multiple personal computers. Using such a network, you can directly transfer information from one PC to another, while the connection will be reliably protected through the use of special encryption algorithms. Even if you have not used such applications before, you will easily figure out how to create your own network.

Connecting to VPN in Hamachi

First you need to download Hamachi and preferably choose the most current version to avoid any errors. After the utility has been downloaded and installed, turn it on by clicking on the shortcut located on the desktop. A small working window will appear, here we select "Connect to an existing network". We enter the network ID, and also enter the password, if necessary. This network can be created by your friend or represent any gaming community. If you see free slots in the window that opens, you can connect.

Now let's learn how to create new networks rather than connecting to existing ones. In fact, it is quite simple to do this, and now you can see for yourself. Just study the algorithm of actions and you will succeed:

  • Launching Hamachi latest version.
  • In the workspace, select the item "Create a new network".
  • Now you need to come up with an original identifier, as well as a password. In order not to forget this data, it is better to write it down.
  • And the very last step - click the "Create" button.

Share your password and ID with your friends so they can connect and play any online game with you. Only four people can connect to the newly created VPN, not counting you. But the number of connected participants can always be changed by going to the official Logmein website and in personal account change subscription.

If the network adapter is not created

If users usually do not have questions with installing an application, then not everyone can figure out why the program does not create a network adapter. This problem is really unpleasant, because without an adapter a virtual tunnel with other users will not be created. This error is resolved in the following way:

Standard way or using special applications, we completely uninstall the software from the PC, while deleting all settings, as well as registry branches where there is a mention of this software.
Then download Hamachi for free and perform the installation again. It is important to find the version in which such a malfunction will be absent.

When you complete all the steps, most likely, the adapter will appear in the " Network connections". If suddenly after installing the utility it will have the status "Off", then you need to enable it. But sometimes it is not possible to fix the problem due to the fact that an old assembly of Windows is used.

Hamachi software update

Usually, after installation, the application is automatically updated to the latest version. But if this does not happen, then you can start the update process manually. Performed this action in just a couple of minutes:

  • We open the client.
  • Click on the "Help" tab.
  • Select the first line "Check for update".
