Updated windows 7 error. Windows Update - Troubleshooting. Unable to update due to lack of memory

As you know, starting with Windows XP, Microsoft has been constantly releasing so-called system updates and service packs. However, it is worth noting that in Windows 7, for some reason, the update error is much more common than in other operating systems. What to do with it, we will now figure it out.

Why does Windows 7 need an update?

If the error occurs again and again, the reason for its appearance may be that the file itself, which is responsible for starting the update process, is damaged. In this case, you need to perform a deep scan with any anti-virus software, but it is better to use utilities that have the general name Rescue Disc, which are launched even before the system starts from optical media.

Firewall and antivirus issues

An equally common situation, when in Windows 7 an update error appears even after all of the above actions, there is a process conflict hidden from the user's eyes with a regular antivirus or firewall.

It is clear, after all, that the update program refers to a reliable source (in this case, directly to Microsoft resources), so they can be temporarily disabled before starting the update process, but only on condition that the preliminary check showed the absence of viruses and threats.

Error after Windows 7 update

Now directly about the most common mistakes, apart from what was described above. Windows 7 update error codes is a fairly large database, let's look at the three most common ones.

Error 643 is related to the inability to update Microsoft platforms.NET Framework. Other components of the system can be updated, but it is her update that causes the error. It should simply be removed from the system and reinstalled after downloading it from the official Microsoft website. latest version. By the way, as far as deletion is concerned, it's best not to use standard means from the Programs and Features menu. In this case, advanced uninstallers come in handy, removing absolutely all residual files and system registry key entries from the system.

One of the most powerful programs of this type is the iObit Uninstaller utility, which has a special Forced Uninstall mode.

No less common is the error with the code 800b0100. In this situation, the most acceptable solution is to use automatic problem fixers such as Fix It or the System Update Readiness Tool. In most cases, they are able to fix problems automatically, even without user intervention.

But the biggest headache for many users is the error code 0xc0000005. It appears after installing updates to the system. Usually, given type The error is caused by updates in the form of packages KB2859537 and KB2872339. Removing them also allows you to get rid of annoying errors.

The easiest way is to type in the command line wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2859537 or the same, but only for the KB2872339 package (of course, you must be logged in as an administrator). If this does not help, you will have to use the update log, in which all packages should be sorted by date. Most likely, some latest update is causing the crashes. Now you need to remove the packages one by one, each time restarting the computer until the error disappears (you can use the same command line). When the problem is fixed, you can manually install the updates again, but exclude the problematic packages from the list.

This issue affected Windows 7 monthly and security updates, which means that important security patches cannot be deployed to the affected machines until the bugs are fixed.

When accessing the support page, you will notice that the error is now marked as a known issue, although it was not mentioned at the time of the release of the updates.

Installation this update may fail with error code 0x8000FFFF.

To resolve this issue, before installing this update, install KB3177467, the current servicing stack update for Windows 7 SP1, and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1.

The update was marked critical even though it is not a security update for Windows 7. This status is because servicing stack updates are required for the update process to work correctly.

Servicing stack updates are periodic updates that are released to service or update the Windows platform software stack. The updates contain fixes and corrections to the code that is responsible for processing and managing updates and are intended to improve the reliability of the update process and eliminate bugs that block the installation of patches for various parts of the system when cumulative updates are deployed.

Servicing stack updates help you maintain a robust and polished servicing stack so that your devices receive and install Microsoft security patches.

Some organizations, IT administrators, and home users skipped installing the October 2016 servicing stack update, and at first glance, this did not affect the update process in any way, since all subsequent updates installed without errors.

However, the situation has changed with the release of updates for Windows 7 SP1 for August 2018. Security updates were refusing to install on devices that did not have the appropriate servicing stack update installed, and error 0x8000FFFF was shown.

Installing KB3177467 resolved this issue, but most users and administrators were unaware of this method until Microsoft added the information to the list of known issues.

Why didn't Microsoft notice the bug?

Microsoft says it only tests its monthly patches on fully patched systems. The issue was not identified due to the fact that Microsoft only tested the fixes on systems with an updated servicing stack.

What is Microsoft going to do to avoid similar problems in the future?

Microsoft plans to re-release update KB3177467 on Patch Tuesday in October 2018 and classify it as a security update. While not a security update, this classification of the update ensures that it doesn't go unnoticed by customers this time around.

Any servicing stack update in the future will also be classified as a security update.

Or programs designed to improve and improve the operation of the product. But, unfortunately, in the operating room Windows system sometimes there are problems and problems with installing updates. What to do in this case? This article will take a detailed look at how to fix Windows update errors. Let's figure it out. Go!

Sometimes the center Windows updates throws errors

There are many problems with system updates. Often, users who have the mode enabled on their computer automatic update complain about the result. For example, they constantly see a message that new settings could not be loaded or an error occurred while installing them. Users who prefer to install everything themselves are also often unhappy with the update. Sometimes, instead of improving the operation of the operating system, updating only leads to even worse results. Errors 0x80070057, 80244019, 8007000e and so on appear. In this regard, a logical question arises: how to fix it? More on this later in the article.

Implemented a special tool for troubleshooting all sorts of problems, which is called "Troubleshooting". You can use this tool to get rid of center errors Windows updates. "Troubleshooting" stops the Wuauserv system service and changes the name of the cache partition, and then restarts the service. To use this tool, type "Troubleshoot" in the Windows search and select the search result. Next, go to the System and Security section.

Go to the System and Security section

Once in the diagnostics and prevention window for your computer, click on the "Advanced" item below. Then make sure that in the window that appears, the line "Automatically apply fixes" is marked with a checkmark and select the startup mode with administrator rights. Start the error correction process - it will take a little time. Then close the window and install the necessary updates again.

If the above method did not bring the desired result, you can try to fix the problem in manual mode. To do this is easy enough. First, turn off the Wuauserv system service. To do this, go to "Task Manager" on the "Services" tab.

Go to the Services section of the Task Manager

Click on the corresponding line with the right mouse button and select "Stop" in the menu that opens. To get to the "Task Manager", use Windows search or a combination of hot keys Ctrl+Alt+Delete. The next step is to open a command prompt as an administrator and run the command: netstopwuauserv

After executing the command, open the "SoftwareDistribution" folder, which lies in the "Windows" partition on drive C. Completely delete all the contents of this folder. Files with updates are pre-downloaded there, so do not be afraid to delete something you need. After clearing the folder, don't forget to enable the Wuauserv service again.

Another way to fix errors is to use third-party utilities. Among other products, the WSUS Offline Update program deserves special attention. This utility allows you to download and install the necessary updates from Microsoft. WSUS OfflineUpdate is free, so you can easily download it from the Internet.

After installing and running the utility, simply click the button with the name of the version, which is located in the "Mostrecentversion" section. An archive with the necessary installation file called "updategenerator.exe" will be downloaded to your computer. Run it. In the window that opens, you will need to select the bit depth operating system that you have installed. You can find out this information by typing "System Information" in the Windows search. Return to the download window and check the appropriate box (x86 or x64). Press the "Start" button. Wait a while for the updates to download. Upon completion of the procedure, a window will appear asking you to view the list of downloaded files. Click "Yes" or "No" depending on your preference. After that, run the "updateinstaller.exe" file, which is located in the "client" folder. In the window that appears, click on the "Start" button to start the installation process. Wait a while. Ready!

Now you know how to fix Windows update errors. As you can see, it's quite simple. Write in the comments if this article helped you, and tell other users about your own experience in solving similar problems.

This article covers several ways you can fix Windows Update errors.

Sometimes, when installing Windows updates, various problems and errors can occur. The most common errors that the user encounters are too long to scan or download updates, as well as an error downloading or installing an update.


How to Fix Windows Update Errors Using the Troubleshooter

If you have problems installing updates, use the Windows Update troubleshooter built into your operating system.

Run the troubleshooter by opening:

Windows Settings ➯ Update & Security ➯ Troubleshoot

On the right side of the window, in the section Run and troubleshoot select Windows Update and press the button Run the troubleshooter

This will launch the troubleshooting tool.

When the scan is completed, some of the problems may be fixed automatically. For other problems, you can choose Apply fix or Skip fix for other troubleshooting or exit the wizard.

At the end of the utility, information about detected and fixed problems, as well as problems that automatic mode failed to fix. Click the Close button and restart your computer. After the reboot, try installing the updates again on Windows Update.

If the built-in troubleshooter failed to fix Windows Update errors, use the following method.

How to Fix Windows Update Errors by Restarting Services

If the update takes too long to download (hangs), then you should try stopping and starting (restarting) the services associated with Windows Update.

Stopping services:

Starting services:

How to Fix Windows Update Errors by Clearing the Update Cache

The operating system saves update files to the "SoftwareDistribution" folder in the Windows system directory

To clear the update cache, run the following commands as an administrator and sequentially:

attrib -r -s -h /s /d "%SYSTEMROOT%\SoftwareDistribution"
del "%SYSTEMROOT%\SoftwareDistribution" /q /s

How to Fix Windows Update Errors Using "Reset Windows Update Agent"

"Reset Windows Update Agent" is a tool that will help you fix errors and problems when updating Windows. This script will be useful when system updates are not detected, downloaded or installed.

"Reset Windows Update Agent" allows you to fix errors in related components, instead of using more drastic measures, such as before

Run the script as an administrator, after that the tool will offer the following options for fixing problems and errors updating the Windows operating system:
1. Open the "System Protection" settings.
2. Reset Windows Update Service Components.
3. Delete temporary files in Windows.
4. Open Internet Explorer web browser settings.
5. Run the disk checker.
6. Run the System File Checker.
7. Scan the image for damage.
8. Check for any damage found.
9. Perform automatic recovery operations.
10. Clean up obsolete components.
11. Remove incorrect registry keys.
12. Restore/Reset Winsock settings.
13. Search for updates.
14. View other local solutions.
15. View other online solutions.
16. Download diagnostic tools.
17. Reboot the computer.

"Reset Windows Update Agent" can be especially useful in case of data corruption, such as a crash hard drive or modification of services and registry keys by malware. This script is compatible with all Microsoft-supported Windows server and client operating systems.

The above methods should help you fix Windows Update installation errors.

Windows Update - Troubleshooting

Sometimes when you update the Windows operating system (OS) on your computer or laptop, misses and errors appear, which later lead to serious malfunctions and problems.

Yes, such situations do not occur for everyone, but for a significant majority of users.

When the computer proceeds to complete the update installation process, the user may be notified that some kind of failure has occurred and a Windows Update error has occurred.

A number of such updates that do not install correctly and cause crashes can seriously affect the performance of your operating system.

And then users who encounter this kind of problems are forced to solve them on their own: go to the Internet and monitor every article about how this problem can still be solved (and whether it is possible at all).

To optimize your search time, we have compiled some of the most popular and effective ways which can help you in dealing with the problem.


Microsoft came to a reasonable decision and with care made the task of many people easier: a project was launched on their official technical support website: a special-purpose service for solving problems with updates, which was translated into Russian.

When dialog boxes appear on the computer with the text "Windows Update 7/8 or 10 failed", the user is given the opportunity to try out this service and try to solve the problem with it.

Yes, there is a possibility that this method may be ineffective, but at the initial stage of the problem, it would be more appropriate to contact the manufacturer's website.

Troubleshooting Windows Update:

These maneuvers will help you get answers to questions about common errors such as 0x80073712, 0x8024402F, 0x800705B4, 0x80004005 and other less common ones.

In the event that you were unable to solve the problem with these methods, do not worry, then you will be able to offer other, more complex actions.

We will tell you more about them and provide an algorithm of actions:

1 Select the version of the operating system that is installed on your personal computer.

To complete the cleaning and resolve all problems, you must restart your computer.

Once it has rebooted, go to the Update Center and check if the errors have been eliminated when searching for and further installing Windows updates.

The script code looks like this:

@ECHO OFF echo Reset Windows Update echo. PAUSE echo. attrib -h -r -s %windir%\system32\catroot2 attrib -h -r -s %windir%\system32\catroot2\*.* net stop wuauserv net stop CryptSvc net stop BITS ren %windir%\system32\catroot2 catroot2 .old ren %windir%\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old ren "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\application data\Microsoft\Network\downloader" downloader.old net Start BITS net start CryptSvc net start wuauserv echo. echo Done echo. PAUSE

Yes, of course, there are a number of reasons why updates are not downloaded and installed and they are not so easy to solve. But this method will help to cope with most of them.

In order to prevent this from happening again in the future, we will give you some tips.

  • Check if there is enough free space on a computer disk. Free space must be at least 20 GB. If there is not enough space, run and delete from it junk files and programs you don't use. After all, the lack of free disk space is one of the problems that can arise if you get an error.
  • Remove from your system software which damages the computer. Killers are viruses and harm all important files and the computer as a whole.

Therefore, always use to periodically diagnose and fix problems at an early stage.

  • Restarting your computer is one of the most effective methods for troubleshooting updates. If the operation hangs and is not responding, then try restarting your computer and try it again.

We really hope and believe that the information provided will help you troubleshoot errors in Windows Update. If you have any questions, you can watch the video:
