Hyper-V on Windows: A guide to creating and configuring virtual machines. Automatic startup and shutdown of virtual machines on the Microsoft Hyper-V platform Installing hyper v server on windows 7

Some time ago we wrote about autorun virtual VMware machines vSphere and Citrix XenServer, but administrators Microsoft Hyper-V are also facing this problem. As well as on the vSphere platform, Hyper-V has settings to control behavior virtual machines when turning the host server on and off.

So, if you open the virtual machine settings in Hyper-V, you will see an item like Automatic Start Action, where the settings for the behavior of the VM at the start of the host are actually set:

There are three options for how the machine behaves when running a Hyper-V host:

  • nothing- By default, the virtual machine does not start when the host server starts.
  • Automatically Start If It Was Running When The Service Stopped - this option is useful when testing various applications in the VM (which, for example, can reboot the host) and the presence of machines that do not always turn on, but as needed. If you select this item, the virtual machine will be started only if it was running at the time the host was shut down or rebooted.
  • Start This Virtual Machine Automatically - this option is best used for productive virtual machines. It will allow you to start the virtual machine at the start of the host in any case. There is also an option for a delay before starting the VM, which will allow you to configure the order in which dependent services start (for example, the controller Active Directory we start without delay, then the Microsoft SQL database, and after a while we start the application server and the web server). In addition, this option will allow not to simultaneously create a load on the storage subsystem by all machines, distributing it in time.

In addition to autostart of virtual machines, you can also configure Automatic Stop Action- Action taken when the Hyper-V host server is shut down. This is also in the properties of the virtual machine:

There are also 3 options here:

  • Save The Virtual Machine State- this option allows you to minimize the downtime of the virtual machine in case of a host shutdown. If a scheduled shutdown occurs, the virtual machine's memory will be saved to disk, after which the machine will be suspended. When you turn on the virtual machine, its memory will be restored, and it will continue to function as if nothing had happened (although not in all cases). Thus, the time required to load and initialize guest OS services is saved. However, with a large number random access memory required by the VM, it can also take a long time to upload to and from disk. This option is set by default.
  • Turn Off The Virtual Machine- this option will "hard" shutdown the virtual machine (similar to sudden power failure). In this case, nothing will be saved, plus there are no guarantees of data consistency inside the VM (and as a result, there are no guarantees that it will boot at all). But this happens the fastest, so it is convenient when using a test environment, where data safety is not so important, and everything needs to be done quickly. In addition, such a shutdown is guaranteed, unlike the next or previous paragraphs.
  • Shutdown The Guest Operating System- in this case, the graceful shutdown procedure is initiated in the guest OS. The system state will also not be saved, but most likely the system state will be consistent, since read-write operations will be completed correctly. If this option is used, then you need to configure the system boot order in the previous paragraph (autostart) accordingly, since it takes time to initialize the OS and services when starting virtual machines.

Here we must not forget that if you have the "Save The Virtual Machine State" option selected, then you will need significant disk space for the .BIN files that contain the memory of virtual machines (the sum of VM memory with this setting).

Hello friends, in today's article we will connect a Hyper-V virtual machine to our Windows 8 and install the Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating system on it, we will also answer all the questions asked by users. By the way, you can transfer your entire physical computer to Hyper-V! Several of my acquaintances sysadmins work only on Hyper-V and have even forgotten what a normal operating system is. At the very beginning, we publish some of your letters.

Installing Hyper-V

If Windows 8 Pro or Windows 8 Enterprise (corporate) is installed on your computer, then you can use the Hyper-V virtualization system or, in simple words, use the virtual machine built into the Windows 8 operating system. It is very easy to manage and I have no doubt that you will understand it.

Hyper-V requires your processor to support virtualization technology. Before work, be sure to enable the options in the BIOS of the computer:

"Intel Virtualization Technology" for Intel processors or "AMD Virtualization" for AMD processors.

I warn you that Hyper-V is primarily designed and intended for IT professionals and is used on servers.

When working in Hyper-V, you will not be able to use a flash drive, sound card, and WiFi, VirtualBox is preferable in this regard. But I still think that those who read this article know why they need it.

For its operation, the Hyper-V virtual machine puts forward small requirements:

Windows 8 Pro must be 64 bit.

The presence of RAM at least 4GB.

Connecting Hyper-V

We open Control Panel

and choose Programs

Programs and components. Turn Windows features on or off

Find the Hyper-V partition and mark it with a checkmark and click OK.

There will be a short search for the required files and reboot.

After the reboot, go to the Metro interface and left-click on the arrow, then select Hyper-V Manager,

The Hyper-V Setup Wizard appears. We click on the name of our computer, then Create And Virtual machine.

Hyper-V Settings

1) Getting started. This master will help you create a virtual machine, click Next.

2) Specify a location. We assign a name to the virtual machine in Latin, for example Windows 7. Specify the location of the Hyper-V virtual machine files, since I have no space on drive C: I will check the box Save the virtual machine in another location and click browse, then specify the drive D: and Next.

3) Specify a generation. I want to install Windows 7 so I will choose Generation 1.

4) Allocate memory. My computer has 8 GB of RAM, which means I can painlessly allocate 2 GB of RAM for a virtual machine. We mark the item "Use dynamic memory for this virtual machine" and Next.

5) Network setup. We skip this parameter (we will set up an Internet connection later) and click Next.

6) Connect a virtual hard disk. We mark the item Create virtual hard disk. So in the second paragraph Specify the location, we indicated the location of the virtual machine files on the D: drive, then by default the virtual machine will offer us to locate the virtual hard disk on the D:\Windows 7\Virtual Hard Disks\ drive.

Friends, the 127 GB size item does not mean that 127 GB will be “squeezed out” on your D: drive right away.

Note: A virtual hard disk can be created at the very beginning, that is, before you create a virtual machine, in which case you can choose which virtual hard disk to create, for example:

Dynamic(grows in volume gradually, according to the accumulated data, at first it takes several megabytes).

fixed size(immediately requires allocation for the required space, if you create a 120 GB disk, then you must allocate exactly that much space to it).A fixed size hard drive is considered to be more efficient.

More detailed information see at the end of the article.

7) Installation options. Check the box Install the operating system later. Further.

8) Done

How to set up internet in Hyper-V

Now let's set up the network. In the main Hyper-V window, click on the Virtual Switch Manager button.

In the window that appears, select what type of virtual switch you want to create. I'll choose the type - External network. WITH create a virtual switch.

Choose an arbitrary name for the virtual switch. network wifi adapter on my computer manufacturer "Atheros", so I'll choose this name. Apply.

Choose Options

A window will open, in the left part of which you can see two sections with different parameters, if you select the parameter you need with the left mouse, then in the right part of the window you can configure it.

Network adapter. In the right part of the window, select our Atheros Virtual Switch, Apply And OK.

Installation on Hyper-V operating system

Now the actual question is how to install an operating system in a virtual machine. To install a Hyper-V virtual machine, you need to download it from installation disk Windows 7 located in the drive or for these purposes, you need to use an ISO image with Windows.

, then in the right part of the window using the buttons Up And Down set the boot of the virtual machine from what you need:

CD- boot from the installation disk or ISO image.

Choose Controller 1 IDE and click on the plus sign, then DVD drive, if you want to boot the virtual machine from DVD drive mark the item Physical CD-ROM drive DVD discs: Next, insert the Windows 7 installation disk into the drive.

You can also use Windows 7 to boot a virtual machine and install an ISO image with Windows 7, in this case you need to check the item Image file and click the Browse button, in the explorer that opens, select the image with Windows 7 and click Open. Apply and OK.

Click Start and the virtual machine starts. Hyper-V is booting from the Windows 7 ISO image. Double-click the thumbnail of the Hyper-V virtual machine window,

a window will open in which we will work with you. Press any key, otherwise boot from the installation Windows disk 7 will not happen. At the top of the window are the virtual machine settings buttons.

The familiar Windows 7 installer dialog box. Next, you can install the Windows 7 operating system on the virtual machine. The whole process is described in detail in our article.

So we connected the Hyper-V virtual machine to our operating system and installed Windows 8 on it, the Internet is present on the virtual machine. In the same way, you can install Windows 8 on it.

How to create a virtual hard disk in Hyper-V

Friends, a virtual hard disk in Hyper-V can be created not only in the process of creating a virtual machine.

In the main window of the virtual machine, select Create -> HDD

Select the disc format. You can choose a new hard disk format, but note that it is not supported by early operating systems prior to Windows 8

Select a disk type. You can create a fixed partition disk that is considered higher performance

Specify the location of the virtual hard disk if you have little free space on the C: drive, then place the virtual hard disk on the D: drive. Click on the Browse button and select drive D:

Disk setup. If we create not a dynamic expandable virtual disk, but a virtual disk of a fixed partition, then we must specify the exact size of the disk, if we specify the size of 127 GB, then exactly how much our virtual disk will occupy on the D: drive. Make sure you have enough free space on your D: drive.

note per parameter Copy the contents of the specified physical drive, you can use it if you want to transfer your physical computer, along with all the settings, to a virtual machine!

The virtual hard disk has been created. When creating a new virtual machine in step Connect virtual hard disk we can mark the point Use an existing virtual hard disk, then click Browse and specify the location of the virtual disk -D:\New virtual HDD.vhdx

Blue screen on creationvirtual switch V Hyper-V

Friends, several times I had to deal with the fact that in the new Windows 8.1 operating system in the Hyper-V virtual machine, when creating a virtual switch, the operating system went into blue screen with error:

The problem seems to be caused by the following file: fwpkclnt.sys UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP *** STOP: 0x0000007f.

I tried to solve the problem different ways: reinstalling the virtual machine, restoring system files, removing antivirus and firewall, updating drivers for all computer components, including network card. Unfortunately, only changing the network adapter helped.

In the operating room Microsoft system Windows 8 introduced Hyper-V virtualization technology, previously available only in Microsoft server operating systems.

System requirements for running Hyper-V on Windows 8

1. OS

Hyper-V is only available in 64-bit Windows versions 8/8.1. Supported editions of operating systems Windows 8/8.1 Professional and Enterprise.

2. CPU

  • 64-bit processor manufactured by Intel or AMD
  • Support for virtualization technologies (Intel VT-x or AMD-V), as well as second level address translation technology (Second Level Address Translation, SLAT). Intel calls this technology Extended Page Tables (EPT), AMD calls it Rapid Virtualization Indexing (RVI).

Before enabling the Hiper-V component, you need to check if all these technologies are enabled in the BIOS/UEFI. In some cases, enabling them may require a BIOS update.

You can check if the processor supports these virtualization technologies on the intel manufacturer's website http://ark.intel.com/Products/VirtualizationTechnology or amd http://products.amd.com/pages/desktopcpuresult.aspx

You can also use the utility for Intel processors IntelProcessorIdentificationUtility.

1. Download the program from Intel downloadcenter.intel.com

2. Install and run the program.

3. Go to tab CPU Technology, to check if the processor supports virtualization technologies.

Enabling the Hyper V component in MS Windows 8.1

1. To install - you need to open Control Panel -> Programs and components and select item Enable or disable featuresWindows.

This window can be called up by pressing Win + R (to open the window Run) and input OptionalFeatures.

2. In the window that opens, find Hyper-V

In addition to the platform itself Hyper-V this includes tools for its management - graphic equipment Hyper-V Manager and module Hyper-V for PowerShell.

3. Check the checkboxes of all required components and click OK, after which you will need to restart your computer.

4. After the reboot, shortcuts will appear in the Metro interface to launch Hyper-V Manager And Connections to a Hyper-V virtual machine.

5. These labels are also available in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Hyper-V Management Tools

Installing a guest operating system in Hyper-V

1. Open Hyper-V Manager

2. In the main menu, select Actions -> Create -> Virtual Machine… Similar actions are available on the right panel Actions.

3. In the opened dialog box of the wizard, click the button Further

The wizard is required to assist in the process of configuring the virtual machine. It collects information about the location of the virtual machine, its name, information about virtual network to connect a virtual machine, virtual0th parameters hard drive etc.

4. In the next dialog box, specify the name of the virtual machine, and if you want to store the virtual machine in a location that differs from the default when installing Hyper-V, you must specify a new location.

5. The next step is to specify the generation of the virtual machine

The second generation of virtual machines appeared only in latest version Hyper-V and has a number of features, some of them are listed below:

  • Only the following operating systems can be used as a guest operating system in a Generation 2 virtual machine:
    1. Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2;
    2. Windows 8 (64 bit) or Windows 8.1 (64 bit).
  • no obsolete devices such as floppy drive and COM ports
  • no IDE controller, instead of it there is a bootable SCSI controller
  • the standard BIOS has been replaced by firmware based on the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI).

6. In the next dialog box, you need to specify the amount of RAM for the guest system.

The RAM configuration greatly affects the performance of Hyper-V. An option to use dynamic memory is available. When dynamic memory is used, virtual machines that require more memory are allocated memory resources for virtual machines that have lower memory requirements. For example, those that are idle.

7.In the next step, the virtual machine creation wizard will show the screen Network configuration.

You must specify the virtual switch to which the virtual machine will be connected. If there is no choice of network adapters in this window, you must create a virtual switch after completing the configuration of the virtual machine.

8. At the next step, when configuring a new virtual machine, you must set the radio button in the item Create a new virtual disk. You can specify the virtual hard disk name, location, and size. If the virtual machine has already been created, you can select Use an existing virtual hard disk or Connect the virtual disk later.

9. In the dialog box Installation options you need to choose where the operating system will be installed from. You must set the radio button in the Image file (.iso) item and specify the path to the iso image of the operating system to be installed.

If the distribution kit of the operating system is written to disk, you must select PhysicalCD orDVD. If necessary, specify the path to ISO image operating system, you can choose Install operating system later.

10. Dialog box of the final configuration of the virtual machine. If you need to make changes to the configuration, you must click the button Back. After pressing the button Ready an entry for the new virtual machine will appear in Hyper-V Manager in the state Off.

Creating and configuring a virtual switchHyper-V

11.In the menu Actions choose Virtual Switch Manager.

There are three types of virtual networks that you can connect to in Hyper-V: private, internal, and external virtual network

A private virtual network allows all virtual machines to interact with each other. Private networks do not have a physical network adapter associated with them. On a given network, virtual machines cannot communicate with the host operating system, and the receiving OS cannot communicate with virtual machines on a private virtual network.

An internal virtual network is similar to a private virtual network in that it allows all virtual machines to interact with each other, but unlike a private network, virtual machines can also interact with the host system.

An external network is used when it is necessary to provide a virtual machine with access to physical network. Essentially, a physical network adapter is bound to a virtual switch, and Hyper-V takes over when the virtual machine tries to access the network through the switch.

12. Select the type of virtual network External -> Create virtual switch

13. In the virtual switch properties window that opens, specify the switch name and connection type.

14.When creating an external network, you can allow shared access to the network adapter from the side of the virtual switch and host system, for this you need to check the box Allow the managing operating system to share this network adapter.

15 . If the network uses logical subnetting, then for the virtual switch connected to the external network, you can enable the use of VLAN by checking the checkbox Allow VLAN authentication for the managing operating system and specify the VLAN ID.

16.Press Apply-> OK

17. On the panel Virtual machines Hyper-V Manager, select the configured virtual machine and call the context menu with the right mouse button.

18. In context menu choose Options -> Network adapter

19. Specify the created virtual switch for the selected virtual machine

20. Press Apply-> OK

21.Start the installation of the guest operating system by clicking on the icon Start on the panel Actions(you can also start a virtual machine by selecting in the main menu Action-> Start or via the context menu).

Back in Windows 8, Hyper-V virtualization technology appeared, previously available only in Microsoft server operating systems. This solution looks better than the Windows Virtual PC that was included with Windows 7. Today I will tell you how to create a virtual machine in Windows using Hyper-V, as well as configure the Internet, local network and file sharing in it.

In addition to Coreinfo, you can use Intel's proprietary utility (AMD has a similar one).

You can also check the virtualization technology support matrix on your processor manufacturer's website: Intel | AMD.

Enabling the Hyper-V Feature

Hyper-V is an operating system component that is initially disabled. Advanced users can enable it with a single PowerShell command:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V -All

If you prefer a graphical interface, press Win + R , type OptionalFeatures and press Enter .

In the window that opens, check the Hyper-V box.

One way or another, the component will become available after the system is rebooted. Of the installation problems in Windows 8 RP, a cyclic reboot due to the fault of the drivers has been noticed so far USB controller 3.0, which on some systems was solved by disabling USB 3.0 in the BIOS.

Create and configure a virtual machine

Press Win + R , type virtmgmt.msc and press Enter to open Hyper-V Manager. From the menu Actions select CreateVirtual machine.

The wizard for creating a virtual machine is extremely simple, however, I will note some points for those who like detailed instructions with pictures. I will skip the network setup step for now, as I will analyze this issue in more detail.

The default location for virtual machines is a folder ProgramData, but it can be changed.

If you already have a virtual disk in VHD format, you can mount it. By the way, I did just that, using the disk created earlier for Virtual Box.

When you specify an existing VHD, the wizard skips the step that specifies the installation media.

However, you can also specify the path to the ISO later by opening the virtual machine settings in the main Hyper-V Manager window.

Starting a virtual machine and installing Windows on it

Here, too, everything is simple, but a little unusual for those who have not previously encountered Hyper-V.

In Hyper-V Manager:

  • to start the virtual machine, click "Start"
  • to interact with it, click "Connect" or double-click the thumbnail of the car

When the bootable Windows ISO image is specified in the machine parameters, you will see the familiar Press any key to boot on the screen ... Then you can handle it yourself, but if you need step by step instructions by installation, they are on OSZone for Windows 7 and Windows 8.

If the operating system on the physical machine is newer than the one installed on the virtual one, it is recommended to update the integration components (thanks, Artem). To do this, connect in the Hyper-V manager to the virtual machine, press Ctrl + I and run setup.exe.

Setting up Internet access and local network

The instructions in this section are only necessary if you are not satisfied with the Default Switch that was introduced in Windows 10 1709, which cannot be deleted or renamed. When using the Default Switch, if the host is connected to the VPN, the virtual machine also uses the VPN. This is one of the main differences from the external switch, the creation of which I will describe next.

On the menu Actions select Configuring Virtual Switches. A window will open in which you can create a switch of one of three types. To enable your virtual machine to access the Internet, create external switch.

Now you need to set the name of the switch and select the network adapter if you have more than one. At home I use wireless network, so I chose the Wi-Fi adapter.

It remains only to specify the created switch in the parameters network connection virtual machine.

Now in installed Windows you will have an internet connection and the local network between physical and virtual machines.

In the picture above you see:

  • on the left is the result of adding a virtual switch to Hyper-V on a physical machine, i.e. network bridge and virtual adapter
  • on the right - Internet access and LAN connection on a virtual machine

As you can see, setting up the Internet and local network is not so much complicated as it is unusual for users of Microsoft client operating systems.

Sharing files between physical and virtual machines

In the course of working with a virtual machine, it regularly becomes necessary to copy files to it from a physical one, or vice versa. I will describe several ways to solve this problem.

Shared network folders

This method works in all editions of Windows 10. Since we have a local network at our disposal, we can use shared folders to share files. In fact, the instructions below boil down to the basics of creating shared folders.

Access from virtual machine to physical

A picture is worth a thousand words, as the Americans say.

The figure shows the virtual machine explorer (VIRTUAL-PC) from where the physical machine (VADIK-PC) is accessed. As soon as you enter the account credentials, access to his profile will be at your disposal.

You may want to share a folder located on a physical machine outside of your profile. To do this, it is enough to use standard means sharing, but I will explain this process using the example of accessing an arbitrary folder of a virtual machine.

Access from a physical machine to a virtual one

Let's say there is a folder in the root of the virtual machine's disk shared. Right click on it and select General access individual people(or Specific Users in Windows 7).

Now you can open a shared folder over a network in Explorer, including entering an address like \\computername\foldername.

Remote Desktop Connection of a Virtual Work Machine

In Hyper-V, files cannot be exchanged between a physical machine and a virtual machine by copy and paste. You can only paste the text copied on the physical machine with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V . However, once the virtual machine has started, you can connect to it via RDP instead of opening it from Hyper-V Manager. This method works in Pro editions and above.

Actions on the virtual machine

First you need to allow remote desktop connections on the virtual machine in the system properties. Press Win + R and run:

RUNDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL sysdm.cpl,5

Then allow the connection as shown in the picture.

It remains only to find out the IP address of the virtual machine with the command ipconfig

Actions on the physical machine

Press Win + R and type mstsc and expand login options.

In the window that opens:

  1. Enter the IP address of the virtual machine (required).
  2. Specify the username for which account will be logged in.
  3. Turn on remember credentials.
  4. Save your connection settings.

You can also set the Display tab to a resolution lower than what is used on the physical machine.

Now you can share files between physical and virtual machines with the familiar keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V .

Finally, I would like to virtualize some of Denis Diaghilev's recommendations for working with Hyper-V.

Use RDP to connect to virtual machines.

This will not only allow you to share files between the physical and virtual machine by copy and paste, but will also save system resources that vmconnect consumes when connected to the virtual machine in the Hyper-V manager or from command line.

If you plan to regularly use RDP to connect to various virtual machines, pin the program to the taskbar. Then the list of machines will be stored in the jump list.

Be careful with pictures

With Hyper-V, you can take snapshots of a virtual machine using differential disk technology. However, the logic of how the images work is practically the opposite of what a person who has never stepped on a rake expects from her.

Alexander Kosivchenko (Virtualization MVP) described in detail, albeit somewhat chaotically, the principle of Hyper-V snapshots on Habré.

Use virtual machine import if needed

Import will be of more interest to IT professionals, but I happened to use this feature by accident. After creating the virtual machine, I renamed the drive letter where it was stored, after which the Hyper-V manager lost it.

Looking around in the snap, I saw the import option and instantly restored the machine.

And I didn’t even suspect that the actions I performed became possible only due to the appearance of a new feature in Hyper-V :)

Hyper-V vs. virtual box

Dealing with Hyper-V, I involuntarily compared Microsoft solution for client operating system with Oracle VirtualBox.

From the point of view of typical tasks of home users (testing the installation of the system, getting acquainted with it, checking the operation of applications), these solutions practically do not differ from each other. But VirtualBox can be used on home editions of Windows 10, while Hyper-V is not available on them.

VirtualBox doesn't have such strict hardware requirements, and its graphical capabilities are even better, since it supports 3D hardware acceleration (although I've never used it).

Concerning GUI Well, it's purely a matter of taste. Probably, the hypervisor that came from the server OS looks more ascetic, but the parameters and settings of virtual machines are generally very similar.

The presence of Hyper-V in Windows will primarily please IT professionals who are accustomed to this technology. For home users, this is a good opportunity to take advantage of the system's built-in tools and expand their horizons by joining Microsoft server technologies.


I was introduced to virtual machines in 2004 when I started autoinstalling Windows. Since then, they have become an integral part of my daily work, including testing system settings, programs, etc.

In comments tell us what virtualization solution you use and for what purpose!

I want to thank Denis Diaghilev for his help in preparing this material. One of the benefits of the MVP program is exposure to top Microsoft technology experts. This means that in private you can get competent advice on any issue;)

Denis also kindly offered his help in leading the discussion. So if you have any technical questions about this article, you can count on qualified answers.

I want to specifically emphasize that

Using graphical interfaces such as Hyper-V Manager or System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) makes managing Hyper-V quick and easy. However, there are many situations in which you can perform operations much faster if you have the ability to use the command line or scripts. In this article, we'll take a look at Powershell's features for managing Microsoft Hyper-V.

Powershell installation

First we need to install Powershell.

To install Powershell on Windows 2008, go to server manager, further to Features. Click Add Features. Check windows powershell and press next.

After that click Install.

To launch Powershell go to start-All programs-windows powershell.

At this moment, the long-awaited dark blue will open. Windows window Powershell:

Now we need to download the Hyper-V Powershell library.

Download and install Hyper-V Powershell Library

The developer of the Powershell control library for Hyper-V 1397 is James O'Neill and his library is simply invaluable when you have to manage Hyper-V from the command line. Follow the link above and download the file Hyperv.zip. Unzip the archive to some directory, for example C:\temp.

Now start PowerShell, go to the directory with the unpacked scripts, disable PowerShell security with the command:

Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted

. c:\temp\hyperv.ps1

After that you will get a security warning and you have to select “ R” to run the script. After that you should see the message “ VM Functions Loaded” and a list of loaded commands.

Administering Hyper-V with PowerShell

The library comes with a help file that describes more than 100 commands included in the library. And remember that each of these 100 commands has a large number of parameters. Consideration of all commands and their parameters will not fit in a dozen of such articles, so we will consider the most basic commands and their application.

Let's look at the following 5 commands and how they are used:

    Returns summary information about all guests virtual machines on your Hyper-V server.

    Start-VM, Stop-VM, Suspend-VM, and Shutdown-VM- the purpose of these commands is quite obvious. The name of the virtual machine is specified as a parameter.

    The easiest way to create a new virtual machine

    - a list of all virtual machines on the server and the amount of memory it consumes

The command shows all snapshots taken on your Hyper-V server. To manage snapshots, you can additionally use the commands Update-VMsnapshot, New-VMsnapshot, Apply-VMsnapshot, Get-VMsnapshotTree, and Choose-VMsnapshot.

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