Microsoft installer update for Windows 7. Solving the Microsoft Installer error when installing Skype. Main reasons why this service may not work

A fairly common problem among operating room users. Windows systems any versions - msi error when installing programs from a file with the .msi extension. In this article, I will describe common problems with the Windows 7/10/XP installer and solutions to them, and also make a video on the current issue.

Files with the .msi extension are regular installation packages (distributions) from which the program is installed. Unlike the usual “setup.exe”, to launch msi file The system uses the Windows Installer service (msiexec.exe process). In simple terms, Windows Installer unzips and runs files from the distribution. When Windows Installer does not work, various errors appear.

In general, this really infuriates me, because... After a stupid error message, it’s completely unclear what to do next. Microsoft specifically developed the Windows Installer to expand the capabilities of installing programs (mainly for system administrators), but did not take proper care to ensure that the service would run smoothly or even adequately report problems. Now we have to sort it out :)

Problems may be with the operation of the service itself or may arise during the installation of programs, when everything is configured, in principle, correctly. In the first case, you need to tinker with the installer service, and in the second, solve a problem with a specific file. Let's consider both options, but first the second one.

msi file errors

Very often errors appear due to insufficient system rights to files or folders. This is not to say that Windows Installer does not work, in this case it is enough to simply add necessary rights and everything will work. Just yesterday I was faced with the fact that the downloaded distribution kit.msi did not want to be installed, the installation wizard starts successfully, the parameters are selected, but then the system thinks for a few seconds and gives an error:

"Error reading from file 'filename' verify that the file exists and that you can access it" (Error 1305). Translated: “Error reading from file...check if the file exists and if you have access to it.” Well, aren't you stupid? Naturally, the “Retry” button does not help, and canceling stops the entire installation. The message also does not carry any special meaning, because the file definitely exists and I have access to it, otherwise I simply wouldn’t be able to run it and receive this message, and for some reason it’s in English :)

And the mistake is that it is not I who should have access to the file, but the Windows installer, or rather the System itself. The solution is very simple:

Now the installer error will not appear! You can add access to the entire folder from which you usually install programs, for example, to the “Downloads” folder, like mine. Watch a video on solving problems with access rights:

In Windows XP, the Security tab will not appear if simple general access to files. To turn it off, you need to go to “Start -> Control Panel -> Folder Options -> View” and turn off the “Use simple file sharing” option. In stripped-down versions of Windows 7/10 and XP, there is no “Security” tab at all. To see it, you need to log in as an administrator.

More ways to solve the problem

The described method will help with different messages, with different numbers. For example, you may see msi file errors like this:

  • Error 1723
  • Internal Error 2203
  • System error 2147287035
  • Error: "This installation package cannot be opened"
  • Error 1603: A fatal error occurred during installation

In all these cases, setting the rights to the file and/or to some system folders. Check if the "system" has access to the temporary files folder (you may receive the error "The system cannot open the specified device or file"). For this:

After pressing “Enter” the path will change to “normal” and you will be moved to the real temporary folder. The rights to it need to be checked. I also recommend clearing temporary folders of everything that has accumulated there, or even better, deleting them and creating new ones with the same names. If you can’t delete a folder, read, but it’s not necessary.

If the Windows Installer service still does not want to work, then check the rights to the folder "C:\Config.Msi", here the “system” must also have full access. In this case, you might have seen the error “Error 1310”. Just in case, make sure that the folder WHERE you are installing the software also has all rights.

Registry and service settings

The next way to resolve the error is to restore operating parameters in the Windows Installer registry.

To do this, download the archive and run two reg files from there, according to your Windows versions. Agree to import settings.

Important! Before last action desirable! If the method does not help or gets worse, you can recover to your previous state.

In Windows XP or Windows Server set 2000 latest version installer 4.5.

If this does not help, then re-register the components:

  1. Press "Win + R" and enter " cmd". Then in the black window enter the following commands in sequence:
    MSIExec /unregister
    MSIExec /regserver
  2. The answer should be empty, no errors. If the problem is not solved, enter another command
    regsvr32 msi.dll
  3. Close the black window

If it says that you do not have enough rights, then you need to run .

If the commands were executed, but did not help, then run msi_error.bat from the archive and check the result.

The last option is to download the Kerish Doctor program, it has a function for fixing the installer service and many other common Windows problems.

Also, many programs use the .NET Framework, so it would be a good idea to install the latest version of this package. And, finally, one more piece of advice: if in the path to the distribution file there is at least one folder with a space at the beginning of the name, then remove the space. This simple trick will solve your problem :)


Errors with the Windows installer are very unpleasant, there are a lot of them and it’s not immediately clear where to look. One thing is clear - the system has failed and needs to be restored to working condition. Sometimes nothing helps and you have to. However, do not rush to do this, try asking for help on this forum. Describe your problem exactly, tell us what you have already done, what messages you have received, and perhaps they will help you! After all, the world is not without good people :)

Errors when installing applications from files with the .msi extension are one of the manifestations of operational problems Windows services Installer (in the Russian version - Windows installer). Users of all versions of this OS, with the exception of the earliest ones, encounter a similar phenomenon. So far the problem with the installer is one of common reasons, according to which users decide to reinstall the system. Let's try to figure out how to avoid this. The reason that Windows Installer does not work may be the following:

  • viral infection, and removing the virus does not always solve the problem;
  • incorrect installation Windows updates;
  • a malfunction of the security software when, instead of blocking one suspicious msi file, the installation service is blocked entirely;
  • changes in computer security policies;
  • damage to system files or the registry for reasons not related to viruses (removal of installer components, unqualified editing of the registry, crooked software, malfunction hard drive and so on.).

Checking the integrity of the Windows Installer structure

The Windows Installer consists of the following components:
  • file C:\Windows\System32\Msiexec.exe - directly by the installer application itself;
  • file C:\Windows\System32\msi.dll - Windows Installer library;
  • Msiserver service, whose settings are stored in the registry key.
Before diagnosing, it is important to make sure that both of these files are present in the system, that the above section is in the registry and its parameters have normal values ​​(the values ​​can be viewed in the registry of a similar, working system). Also open the list of services (press Windows + R and enter the command services.msc in the "Open" line of the "Run" application). Find "Windows Installer" and make sure it starts. If the files are missing, copy them from another system of the same version or from the installation disk. If the registry key is missing or damaged, also transfer it from the working system. To do this, on a working computer, run the registry editor (C:\Windows\Regedt.exe) and find the above section. Expand by right click context menu msserver folder and click "Export". Save the file in .reg format and transfer it to the problem machine. Double-click this file and agree to add data to the registry. Restart your computer. If the Msiserver service still does not start, check that the RPC (Remote Procedure Call) service on which it depends is running. You can re-register the installer files and restart the service using a set of special commands on the command line. For convenience, you can create a batch file: paste a set of actions into Notepad and save it as a .bat extension. To launch a file, simply double-click on it. For the changes to take effect, click on the desktop and press F5.

Checking security settings and access rights

Windows Installer may not work because it is blocked by security software or the operating system does not have the necessary rights. First, let's look at the software. If you have an antivirus installed, temporarily disable it. Each product has its own methods of disabling, but most often this is done through the context menu of the antivirus icon in the system tray. Now let's take care of the rights. Open the context menu of Msiexec.exe and expand its properties. View the list of groups and users on the Security tab. Among them must be “System” and the “Trustedinstaller” service, and the latter must have full access to the file and be its owner. The system must have "read" and "read and execute" permissions. The Trustedinstaller service was first introduced in Windows Vista, so in Windows XP full access must be granted to the system. Everything written below applies to versions released later than XP. To check who owns Msiexec.exe, click the "Advanced" button on the same tab. In the next window, expand the "Owner" tab. Set the owner to the Trustedinstaller service if something else is specified as the owner. If it is not in the "Change owner to" list, click the "Change" button, and then click "Other users and groups." Enter Trustedinstaller in the "Enter names..." field, click "Check names" and OK. Return to the previous window. On the "Effective Permissions" tab, assign the necessary rights to Trustedinstaller and the system. The msi.dll library should have exactly the same security settings. Now let's check if there are any restrictions for the "System" user to access the following:
  • system drive (usually drive C);
  • temporary folders (these are C:\Windows\Temp and C:\Users\Current_User\AppData\Temp);
  • folder C:\Config.Msi;
  • the folder where the msi file from which you are trying to install the program is located.
The system must be given full access to all these objects. This is done in the same way as we discussed above. After these operations, in most cases the problem with the installer is successfully resolved. If our advice did not help you, the cause of the failure lies in something else and specialists should deal with it.

The operating system consists of a huge number of programs and services, each of which performs its own functions. For example, to install new programs on your computer, you use Windows Installer, an installer service for Windows 7. It is responsible for unpacking files and entering data into the system registry. Some users, when trying to install applications, encounter the error “Could not access the service,” as a result of which the installation of the program becomes impossible. This article presents ways to solve the problem.

A similar error may occur if the corresponding service has been disabled, or the system files or registry entries. Below are ways to solve such problems.

"scan now" command

If, as a result of viruses or system failures, any important system files responsible for Installer have been damaged, you can use a special command for the console to identify and fix errors. You need to do the following:

After that, try calling Installer again by starting the installation of some application. If the problem is not resolved, proceed to the next step in the guide.

Service Manager

It is possible that Installer is not working because the service that is responsible for it is disabled. Try opening the manager and turning it on. If you don't know how to do this, follow the instructions:

If the required element is not in the presented list, call command line. How to do this is described above in the previous section of the manual. In the console you need to enter the command “net start MSIServer” and press Enter. If no problems occur, you will see the message “Windows Installer started successfully.”

Registry export

You can also find a copy of someone else's registry key online and import it into your computer. The directory you need is called "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\msiserver".

Windows - operating system, which stands on most of modern computers. Many not only games, but also applications are produced for it. But sometimes even the most reliable devices have problems. What to do if the program format is unknown to the computer, why does it not start? The problem can be solved simply by downloading and installing the Windows Installer service for Windows 7 x32.

About the purpose of the program

Thanks to this program, users will no longer have problems working with applications that have the msi extension. They can be removed, configured, and installed. The installer allows you to install and configure the necessary parameters at any time.

Difficulties with the service. And their reasons

You just need to download and enable the application if, when working with other programs, a message pops up stating that the service could not be accessed. Usually the installer comes bundled with the operating system itself. When is access to it closed? If the user has not logged into his account, but retained the status of a guest.

Solving startup problems

Does the computer belong only to you? Then it is enough to use the rights of the main user or administrator and log in again. If the computer is someone else’s, you need to contact the person who is responsible for access to the system.

Sometimes a message appears indicating that the service has been disabled altogether. There is nothing complicated in such a situation either.

Problems arise due to the fact that the version of the program is outdated, or this tool is missing altogether. Then you just need to find the service on the Internet and install it. Starting from version 7 of Windows, the program is compatible with all the latest operating systems.

When reinstalling the program, you will need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect. There is another solution from the developers of the operating system itself - Windows Installer Clean Up. Thanks to this solution, it is easy to remove parameters in the installer if some of them interfere with the normal operation of programs. The main thing is to prevent duplication of files in folders and hard drives.

Good day ladies and gentlemen! Are you trying to install the most popular communication program? And then during installation a bug came out! I won’t be mistaken if you are looking for how to deal with an error when installing Skype. The most interesting thing is that until recently, when installing Skype on a clean Windows OS, no such problems were observed. At new installation or updating skype, some users began to receive an error stating that the Microsoft installer could not be found or downloaded when installing skype.

Perhaps Skype adds new requirements for Windows 7. And this is not surprising. The era of Windows 7 is gradually fading away. But don’t despair, there is a solution! The error can be solved in several ways, the only thing you need to figure out is which option is right for you.

Just like you, I encountered this problem, reinstalled Windows 7, installed the necessary set of programs for comfortable work on the computer. It came to installing Skype, as expected, downloaded and launched the installation, nothing foreshadowed trouble. And here you have a piece of luck, you couldn’t find the microsoft installer or launch it! We've arrived.

I started to figure it out, read the forums. I found an interesting thing. Skype support recommends Alternative option solutions, in other words temporary, for those who do not want to bother and look for methods to eliminate the error. You need to download and install the MSI installer:

But this is not a way out of the situation, but just a temporary cure that, as usual, will stop working at the most inopportune moment. As is usually the case.

Why does Microsoft installer error occur during installation?

Let's figure out what it is and what it is eaten with! The windows istaller error appears when updating Skype to new version or during a new installation. As always, everything is done for the benefit of the user. Improvements in terms of security, usefulness and all that. While the matter is closely related to the security of the program, then the operating system must comply with security requirements. The bar for Win7 OS has been raised from skype. This is not observed for Windows 8, 8.1 and Win10.

Simply put, you need to update outdated Win7 OS components. But which ones, you ask, and I also asked this question)) I started with the update package for the operating system itself. More on this below.

By the way, there is no point in installing the Windows installer separately. Verified.

If you want to try installing the windows installer separately, you can download the microsoft website from the link below and try it. Only if you succeed, describe your situation and share with people who also encountered the error. Personally, a separate installation did not help me.

I solved the problem by installing the update package. Read below how to do this.

Install or update Internet Explorer 11

The correct method when an error occurs: the microsoft installer could not be found or downloaded; you need to install/reinstall IE11 on your PC. If you believe the official requirements of skype for windows 7 SP1, Internet Explore 11 must be installed, for normal operation. Even if IE11 is installed, you should download and run the installation again. Which in turn will establish necessary updates to use Skype.

You need to start by checking the version of IE installed on your computer. To do this, go to Internet Explorer, click on the gear and select an item in the menu About the program. As a result, you will see a window with the IE version.

If you have a version lower than 11, then you need to use Item Reference and select it About the program. What to do if there is no gear or Help, just press the Alt key in the browser. And you will see a menu.

If you have Explorer below version 11, updating is mandatory, it’s not even discussed! In cases where the version corresponds to the latest version 11, you need to download the distribution and reinstall it.

Select the operating system you need and download from the link below:

Install, restart your computer and try to run the Skype installation.

Install windows 7 updates

Friends, this is 100% result. To be honest, I started with this decision, because After installation, the operating system turns out to be “bare”, no updates, no drivers, nothing, unless you have a build. In which some updates may be included in the installation.

The advantages of this method are installing new things, and Windows itself will not struggle to download gradually and update itself and solve the problem with Skype. Let's kill two birds with one stone!

The package you need install KB2533623 for windows 7, if you don't update your OS. Or maybe the update is completely turned off, or you don’t confirm the system update.

Why are such requirements made, so that your computer has all the important fixes from Mexosoft. Or maybe Skype together with Bill Gates)). So that everyone switches to modern OS. As I said earlier, the time of Windows 7 is passing, and official support no longer appears. Who remembers how it was with windows xp.

After downloading, install the updates, the system will reboot several times and you can try installing Skype.

As a result, we get all the critical system fixes installed, plus Skype itself is installed, without problems, which is exactly what we need.

Download and install the full Skype installer

You can try another method in cases where the error message is skype could not find the microsoft installer. The point is to download the full Skype distribution, or an offline installer and then install it.

You must first install compatibility mode for Windows XP SP3. Here is the link on the official website for downloading:

Click right click by distribution, further Properties. Select a tab Compatibility, put a tick Run the program in compatibility mode for Windows XP (Service Pack 3), Further OK.

Start the installation. The option is working, verified.

Let's summarize what has been done. We learned what to do when an error occurs - Could not find microsoft installer when installing skype, three proven solutions that you can easily do
b, plus it won't take much time. Solved the problem yourself without resorting to paid services IT specialist and personal satisfaction, which is not unimportant.

In conclusion, I would like to hear your opinion or advice on resolving the error on your computer. Or maybe you have another solution to the problem. We will add information to the article and users will be able to fix the problem and enjoy Skype.
