Net framework 3.5 sp1 download standalone. Install or update, fix errors

Microsoft. NET Framework is a digital platform that allows you to create, launch correctly and use various applications or games, during the creation of which parts of one specific application are written in different program codes. This platform is a digital environment in which different codes of a single application are compiled into one transferable code, which in turn is understandable by the Framework itself. Then the moving code is compiled into understandable code for the operating system for which the application was developed. For example for Windows 7/8/10

You can install this platform in various ways.

  • By installing an operating system whose update package already includes this platform.
  • Download Net Framework and then install. (Official links on our website)
  • Install as additional software when installing the game.
  • Install automatically using Windows Update

There are cases: When starting a game or application, a window with approximate content pops up on the screen: “(application name) requires the presence of. NO Framework. Please download and install Net Framework 3.5 or higher." What does startup do? this application impossible without this platform. If you have Microsoft Net Framework 4.7 installed, this does not mean that you do not need older versions. You will need to install both Microsoft Net Framework 4 and previous versions. It is highly recommended to install all existing ones regarding your operating system.

Select and install the versions you need for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8,10

Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0 for 32/64 bit

Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 for 32/64 bit

Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0

For 32 bit

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 for 64 bit

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 for 32/64 bit

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 for 32/64 bit

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 for 32/64 bit

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 for 32/64 bit

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 for 32/64 bit

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 for 32/64 bit

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 for 32/64 bit

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 for 32/64 bit

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 for 32/64 bit

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7 for 32/64 bit

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1 for 32/64 bit

Version 3.5, which includes earlier ones, and version 4.7.1 (the latest at the moment) must be installed.

We will be glad to hear your feedback, we will also help you install components and correct errors. Write everything in the comments below

A set of libraries and system components that are necessary for running applications based on the architecture .NET Framework. This package is a cumulative update that contains many new features based on the platforms .NET Framework 2.0, .NET Framework 3.0, .NET Framework 3.5, and includes cumulative service updates for subcomponents .NET Framework 2.0 And .NET Framework 3.0.

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 contains the following new features and enhancements:

Dynamic data ASP.NET , which provide a rich scaffolding platform that enables data-driven development without writing code. They also contain a new addition to ASP.NET AJAX , which provides support for managing browser history (back button support).

Basic Common Language Runtime (CLR) improvements, including: Improved native image layout .NET Framework; avoiding strict name checking for fully trusted assemblies; improved performance when launching applications; Improved code generation that reduces the execution time of completed applications; and the ability to execute managed code in ASLR mode (injecting randomness into the address space structure), if supported by the operating system. Additionally, managed applications opened from network shares behave like native applications by running with full trust.

Performance Enhancements WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation ), including reduced startup time and improved effects performance for bitmaps. Additional features include WPF– Improved support for business applications, support for native splash screens, support for texture builders and a new control WebBrowser.

Application Publishers ClickOnce may choose not to sign and hash applications if this option better suits their scenarios. Developers can programmatically install applications ClickOnce, showing custom brand information. Dialog boxes errors ClickOnce maintain links to application-specific support sites on the Internet.

- Entity Framework– development of the existing set of data access technologies ADO.NET . Entity Framework allows developers to program relational database operations according to application-specific domain models rather than underlying database models. Entity Framework introduces some additional features, including support for new types SQL Server 2008 , default Entity graph serialization and entity data source. This version of Entity Framework supports new SQL streaming capabilities Server 2008 for dates and files. Working with graph serialization makes it easier for developers to build services (WCF) using simulation complete graphs like data contracts. The entity data source allows web application creators who want to work with Entity Framework, use traditional methods working with a data source for ASP.NET.

LINQ to SQL supports new streaming capabilities SQL Server 2008 for dates and files.

Data Services Platform ADO.NET consists of a combination of templates and libraries that allow data to be represented as a flexible data service based on technology REST , which can be consumed by web clients in corporate networks or on the Internet. Data Services Platform ADO.NET allows you to create data services from any data sources. A conceptual model for viewing the underlying storage layout can be easily made accessible through rich integration with ADO.NET Entity Framework. Services built using the Data Services Platform ADO.NET, as well as compatible services Windows Live ( ), easily accessible from any platform. For client applications running on Microsoft platforms, a set of client libraries is available that makes it easier to interact with data services. For example, clients based on .NET Framework, can use LINQ to query data services and a simple object layer .NET Framework to update data in the service.

- Windows Communication Foundation now makes use of the serializer DataContract easier thanks to improved interoperability support. It improves debugging in partial trust scenarios and expands protocol support RSS, allowing for wider use in applications Web 2.0.

Data Provider .NET Framework For SQL Server(SqlClient) adds support for the ability to use file streams and sparse columns in SQL Server 2008.

Well, the creators of the dot Net Framework really screwed up! They are the only Indians there who are now pushing, they write, because it is difficult to explain such a collection of absurdities with adequate mental activity: so I decided to install this very dotnetfx35.exe.

I went to the support site - there are two links: one means for lovers of perversions - like first download a small downloader (dotNetFx35setup.exe - 2.7 MB), which will then download everything else for you; the second - for those who know a lot about simplicity - the FULL type (Full package .NET Framework 3.5). I choose FULL version! I also specially set the language - “Russian” - so that, as they say, all included...

Downloading! ... almost 250 MB.. Well, I definitely think it should be FULL (although, to be honest, I can’t wrap my head around how, as a programmer, you can even come up with something to fill this HUGE file with some useful EFFICIENT code!!!).

I launch the FULL version... and... it offers me to download MORE!!! 70 MB!!! ... Comrades, Indians:)))) we apparently have a different understanding of the word FULL version! No, I think it’s a bummer - I won’t download anything else - I specially turn off the Internet and run the installer again... The installer is hysterical FIVE times, trying to make a hole in the Internet))) Apparently, the creators of the installer are not familiar with the availability check functions network connection:)))) After rustling the progress bar in despair, the installer eventually reports that EVERYTHING is loaded! (without any Internet) ... what were you doing, dear!? ;))))

The magical process of installation has finally begun! ... And...

In the best traditions (I won’t point fingers at anyone) ... the installation was a 99% failure!!! ... the window that appeared also suggested sending a bug report to you know who :)))

I didn’t bother busy people with my incomprehensible problems ;))) - I clicked “Cancel” and... (no, even I didn’t expect this from the miracle writers) ... and another window appeared (the creators of Windows live up to their name with a bunch of windows everywhere !): the window said that the installation was successful! ... yeah... difficult to see, the Windows-Hindu language)))) I would say mutually exclusive.

And yes, I forgot about one more joke: when you start the installer, you can read the “License Agreement” in the window, only the RichEdit field, which contains the text of the agreement and which must be scrolled with a scrollbar - it’s so narrow, like a keyhole, that pressing scroll fifty times will not work the head of even the most notorious fan of boring reading material. It can be assumed that the creators already understand that no one reads these filk letters)))

When installing the simply necessary package, the system disk acquired additional folders of the Framework, counting them in number three, there is the possibility of IIS access.

NET Framework is a software platform from Microsoft that provides an environment for running CLR applications written in a variety of programming languages ​​that support this environment. It is a kind of analogue of Java, released by Sun Microsystem. The NET Framework platform is a patented brainchild of Microsoft, but although it is intended for Windows, there are projects to port it to other operating systems.

Many users of the new operating system are looking for resources from where they can download this environment to run many applications in the Windows 10 operating system. Problems often arise during the installation of a library package of version 3.5 or 4.5, in the form of various error messages when trying to install the software again on the same computer .

As part of this informational article, we will consider the installation process - .NET Framework for 64 and 32-bit versions of the “tens” and methods for correcting problems that arise at any stage of installation software latest releases. A method for installing Framework on a computer, which is not approved by the developer, is also given, but it should be used only as a last resort.

The installation process of the Framework in the Windows 10 environment using tools integrated into it

To install Framework version 3.5, which is enough in most cases, it is not necessary to download anything using a browser or download manager. Moreover, these programs are absolutely unnecessary in our case. Everything is carried out using Windows 10 by activating the corresponding item in the Programs/Features applet.

It is called via search string or control panel. After the required window is displayed, you must click on “Turn Windows components on/off” in the left vertical menu.

A window will open with a list of system components, where you need to leave a checkbox next to the option - .NET Framework of the required edition and click “OK” or “Enter”.

After this, the Framework installation process will begin, upon completion of which it is strongly recommended to restart the computer. Only after a reboot will a program that requires libraries be able to start.

In many cases, running the installer may report an error. Most often they are caused by the absence of update number 3005628 on the computer. It can be installed through the Update Center or from the Microsoft website at Links to download the missing component are located at the very bottom of the page, and they are different for x86 and 64-bit editions of Windows. Read about other problems at the end of the article.

If you need to have an official installer at hand (for example, when creating a software build or for cases where there is no Internet), it can be downloaded from the page and run in compatibility mode for Windows 7.

Installing Framework version 4.6

The latest version of the NET Framework, edition 4.6, is installed on your computer by default and is fully compatible with previous editions of the platform. If a pirated OS image (assembly) with a disabled element was used to write to bootable media, it should be activated, as in the previous case, through the “Programs/Components” applet.

To obtain standalone installers for each component, you can download them from the following links:

To find and fix problems with Windows 10, there is a Fix It utility located at With its help, you can try to find the source of the problem and fix it.

The Framework Cleanup Tool program is also available via the link from the previous paragraph, which performs a comprehensive uninstallation of the Framework with all its components and registry keys. The utility is useful when the system reports the presence of the Framework installed in it. After the application you should clean the registry third party program(alas, Microsoft has not yet matured enough to equip its operating system with such software) and reboot.

Installing Framework version 3.5.1 from the installation disk

This option is very unpopular and rarely used, but it works.

1. To check it, you need to connect a drive with the installation files of the operating system you are using or mount the image with its distribution in virtual drive, for example, through Daemon Tools.

2. Call command line with extended privileges via context menu Start.

3. Insert the following line and press “Enter”, replacing the letter F with the disk label of the drive.

Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFx3 /All /Source:F:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess

Unofficial installation method for Framework of both editions

Often, a Framework downloaded from an official source refuses to install normally. This happens regardless of release and Windows bit depth 10, and company representatives have not yet commented on the situation. In this situation, there is another way to solve the problem - Missed Features Installer 10. This is a build of the software that was in older versions operating systems Windows. In most situations, the installation of the .NET Framework was completed successfully. But here, too, not everything is smooth: the official website of the developer of the assembly is not functioning, and downloading it from file exchangers or peer-to-peer networks is problematic. Therefore, the application package in the form of an ISO image must be looked for on specialized forums or websites.

Working with the assembly is no more difficult than working with distribution kits for automatic installation other programs or drivers: mount the image into a virtual drive, run the MFI10.exe file, accept the given operating conditions for the product. We will see the following window with a list of available components. Click on the icon - .NET Framework.

Then we select the software version; problems arise with the bark in the case of installation from a product obtained from the official website. The latest edition of the Framework 4.6.1 is also available here, compatible with all previous ones, so you should pay attention to it.
