Trados reference guide. Programs for the translator. Important points when working in Trados

Translation cats, like ordinary ones, are different. I will talk about the CAT tool that I use and which is the most popular.*

Trados is an automated translation tool. This means that the program does not translate for you, but only helps to optimize the translation process, which sometimes significantly speeds up the work. This is achieved due to the fact that Trados allows you to accumulate a database of already translated texts ( Translation Memory ) and use it to translate subsequent texts.

(Company homepage:

This article is for those who hear about this program for the first time and want to get an idea of ​​how it works.

You will see that Trados not as scary as it might seem.
To work with it, it is enough to know three keyboard shortcuts (for starters).

An example of working with SDL Trados 7 Freelance.
When you translate a document MS Word, you have the source document itself and an additional window open Trados - Translator's Workbench. I placed the window Translator's Workbench to the right of the window MS Word, and there is still room for two dictionaries (see the figure below).

As you can see, I have prepared the file MS Word A containing several similar sentences. The first and last sentences are identical.
Place the cursor at the beginning of the first sentence and press first keyboard shortcut:


We get the following picture:

Look at the window first MS Word. The first offer "opened" in the blue field. A yellow field has opened below - here we will print the translation.
Now look at the window Translator's Workbench. It is divided into two parts. The top one shows the sentence you are currently translating, the bottom one is empty. This means that there is no such sentence in your translation memory yet.
Let's print the translation.

Let's move on to the next proposal. For this, it is used second keyboard shortcut:

Alt+Num+ Ctrl+Alt+N(for laptop).

Let's see what happened:

First, look at what happened to the first translated sentence. Both the original and the translation are visible, while they are enclosed in "tags" ( Special symbols- they are needed by the program).
Now let's look at the second proposal. The original text has opened in a blue field, and below it, in a yellow field, a translation has already been suggested. It means that Trados found a similar sentence in the translation memory and substituted its translation.
In the window Translator's Workbench the lower section shows which translation memory sentence the variant came from. The word highlighted in yellow is the one that distinguishes the two sentences. Those. there is a word in our sentence "another", and in the previously encountered sentence, the article was in its place "a". This is especially useful if the sentence is long and only one word needs to be corrected.
We will correct the translation accordingly.

We press the already familiar keyboard shortcut to go to the next sentence:

Alt+Num+(For standard keyboard) or Ctrl+Alt+N(for laptop):

The situation repeated itself - the previous offer was closed with tags, a new one was opened. And again we are offered a translation.
We look out the window Translator's Workbench. One word is highlighted in grey. This means that we are offered a translation of a sentence that has already been met before, but the new sentence has one more word (highlighted in gray). Let's add the translation of this word in the yellow field:

Alt+Num+(for standard keyboard) or Ctrl+Alt+N(for laptop)

And again we were lucky. A translation of a similar sentence has already been suggested in the yellow box.
We look out the window Translator's Workbench. One word is highlighted in blue. This means that we are offered a translation of a sentence that has already been met before, but in the new sentence one of the words is in a different place (highlighted in blue). Correct the translation in the yellow field:

Let's move on to the next offer:

Alt+Num+(for standard keyboard) or Ctrl+Alt+N(for laptop):

This is the dream of every translator!!!
As before, the original sentence opened in a blue box, and below it, a translation in a green box. Green color means 100% match. As you remember, I made the first and last sentences identical.
Thus, nothing needs to be edited in the proposed translation. We already have the correct translation ready! Since this is the last sentence, we do not move on to the next one, but close this segment with a keyboard shortcut:

Alt + End

All segments are ready. Now in a split second with Translator's Workbench clear the file and get a clean file with translation:

Well, who's to say that this is a complex program?
You have seen that it is enough to know just three keyboard shortcuts:

  1. Alt+Home
  2. Alt+Num+(for standard keyboard) or Ctrl+Alt+N(for laptop)
  3. Alt + End

For starters, and in most cases, you don't need more.
Especially useful Trados when translating texts that contain repetitions or similar sentences. For example, it is a pleasure to translate manuals for different versions of digital cameras from the same company, etc.
But even if there are few repetitions, it is still more convenient to work with this cat. You have separate fields for each original sentence and its translation, you won't miss a single sentence, and so on.
There are also disadvantages.
For example, working with this program ties you to work by sentences, and sometimes it is better to read a whole paragraph and then convey its meaning, although in most cases we still translate by sentences.
So, the principle of work is clear to you.
There are little things left. However, without them, you will not be able to get to work and get the desired result.
Just as briefly, I will tell you everything you need to know to work with this program, and also share some tricks.

*Question of popularity Trados requires special consideration, which we will deal with later.

What is Trados?

Trados is a special software, which belongs to the family of the so-called. TM programs. TM-programs allow you to accumulate and use when translating the current document a special database created by the translator himself in the course of his previous translations - a memory bank of past translations or, in short, translation memory (translation memory, TM).

Trados Studio - a software package for translators

Trados has three main components. First, it's a work environment. Those. a translator working in Trados opens a document in a different Microsoft Word or Excel, it opens the file in a special shell program, which may not have much of what is in Microsoft office, but there are various functions that are useful in the implementation of the translation. Second, Trados contains two types of databases. One database is the same "translation memory" that can remember everything that the translator is currently translating. Another database is the term store or MultiTerm. In this database, the translator can enter individual terms and their meaning, some explanations and even pictures.

Why you need Trados

For translator

Initially, upon purchase, Trados is empty. Those. it contains everything you need, except for the "most important" for the uninitiated - there are no dictionaries, ie. not at all. When buying Trados, a translator spends thousands of dollars not at all to buy some secret dictionary that cunning but greedy translators have, but ordinary citizens and "poor" businessmen do not.

But the translator has clients. Which, as a rule, are customer firms or translation agencies. What does this mean for the translator? And this means a stream of similar documents that he must translate. But what does "similar" mean? In this case, this means that the company the translator works with has some sort of established terminology and has standard materials. Which can be repeated, with variations, of course, even with big changes, but sometimes for years. In addition, the firm concludes contracts and conducts correspondence with partners. Of course, the agreements and partners are different, but they definitely have something in common. In short, for a translator, a customer is a set of characteristic phrases and special terms that, perhaps, are accepted only in this small segment of the market, but without understanding which outsiders have nothing to do in this market.

Accordingly, the translator has two tasks: firstly, to translate the material as accurately as possible (let me remind you that a translator usually has several customers; some can place an order once a year, for example; accordingly, you can forget by the next order that you were there once translated), and secondly, to make sure that repeating pieces of this material would also be repeated during translation. Otherwise, you will agree, it would be somehow indecent to translate today like this, and tomorrow like that.

That is why the translator buys and uses special TM programs that allow him, firstly, to quickly remember, even in small things and nuances, the specifics of his client, and secondly, to translate similar pieces of text as closely as possible. Trados can significantly speed up and improve the quality of translation work: you do not have to painfully remember where you found the meaning of a particular term last time (and even not find this meaning this time), and you can quickly insert the translation into repeated places. So the cost pays off over time.

For translation agencies

Translation agencies also have problems. It would seem that you are saying to customers that a translator is a person, he cannot physically translate more than 10-12 pages of text per day, and the customers seem to have agreed: take it out and put it on for everyone, from 100 pages to infinity, and preferably "yesterday" . At the same time, in words, customers are ready to agree with "some reduction in the quality of translation", because in order to translate this voluminous document in a short time, several people need to be involved in its translation at once (and each of them has his own characteristics, his own understanding and his own style). But for some reason, sometimes, over time, of course, but it turns out that the customer is not satisfied with the quality of the translation and this very urgent order, and he cannot understand how the same term (or phrase) in one place is translated as in a different way. Even if the entire translation is generally correct, but why such a discrepancy, where did all these synonyms come from? It is clear who is extreme in such situations.

And that's why the translation agency also buys Trados. Only a more complex (and expensive) version of it. To connect their translators to a single database so that they can download a single terminology, translate the same pieces of text in the same way, and generally talk and discuss a single strategy for translating this material.

How translation looks like with Trados

For translator

So the order has been received. If it is a new customer, the translator creates a "project". Which is initially as empty as Trados at the time of purchase. Then, being in the "project", the translator opens the file to be translated and starts its work. Trados remembers sentences. And if there are at least two identical sentences in the new document, the translation needs to be done only once, and it will be inserted into these two places at once. But that is not all. Trados will simultaneously "remember" the translation of this offer in the database for this customer. Those. if this sentence occurs in a new document from the same customer, it will already be inserted as translated. In addition, Trados will mark with a special designation all "similar" offers, i.e. those where there are almost all the words that are in the sample sentence, but there may be other words that are not in the sample. Those. in fact, in the case of a high degree of similarity, the translator will only have to translate a piece of the sentence, sometimes even one word.

In this case, the database can be adjusted. Suppose this term was translated like this, but suddenly the customer came to the conclusion that it should be translated differently. No problem! A small adjustment of the database, and all the following translations will go in a new way. Here's an example for you. What phone do you have, cell or mobile? Think about it, now it is rather mobile. But 10 years ago it was more like a cell phone. So, in the case of Trados, no tragedy happened, and the old databases, having been slightly tweaked, can still be used.

Finally, the work with the file for the new customer is completed. The translator will convert this file back to word document, Excel or PowerPoint, and also saves new base information for this customer. The next time this client calls again, the translator is a little better prepared for the job. Everyone is satisfied. The translator is satisfied, he works faster and better (and can focus on the most difficult areas). Satisfied customer, he receives high-quality and improving day by day translations.

For translation agencies

Believe it or not, the main headache of any translation agency is where to find the right number of translators. Suppose you have been successfully working in the translation services market for a long time. You have regular customers. Permanent translators are also "attached" to regular customers. Which on this topic "ate the dog." But these regular customers are very fickle. Today he is doing well, but tomorrow - you look - he will wither. And the other for years sent orders for three kopecks, and suddenly something unimaginable began with him: he drives and drives the shaft, do not breathe. Therefore, there are a lot of "attached" translators, or they are wildly lacking. And the trouble lies elsewhere: there are people, specialists, professionals, but, unfortunately, they have never worked in this subject, in this segment. So, if they start, they will break firewood out of habit. And what to do? To put the main "specialist" in charge of the team of "beginners"? Does he want it? Can he do it? And if there is one, well, a very important document in the package of documents, which should be translated by a "specialist", because it is according to this document that the customer will evaluate the quality of work (hehe, he says so now!).

There is a way out, and it's called Trados. As you remember, Trados is a translation memory, first of all. And this memory can be "disconnected" and sent to everyone who needs it. In addition, Trados is a memory of terms. Which can also be "detached" and sent to colleagues. Thus, if our “lead specialist” translator previously worked in Trados, he can transfer his databases to the entire translation team, and they will no longer work from scratch, they will be able to quickly navigate the terminology and even, if they are lucky, in the process his own translation, "unexpectedly" to see in his place already "someone" translated places and catch the style of translation.

Now let's imagine that a translation agency has a special, expensive Trados that allows you to centrally manage all databases. Let's say the command is running. This means that each member of the team can almost immediately see how one or another piece was translated by his colleague. He can correct it immediately (if necessary), and he can take advantage of the work of others (remember, Trados inserts the translation in all places where it matches 100%, and in addition, marks those places where the match is, say, 80 %, i.e. the sentence differs by one word or a short phrase).

So everyone is happy again. The customer is satisfied, his wish - to translate a large amount of material in a short time - has been fulfilled and carried out at a high level. The translator is satisfied, because he made good money, even on unfamiliar material (which in other conditions is given with great difficulty and, of course, subjectively it seems that it is poorly paid at first). The translation firm is happy because who do you think the database is? That's right, it's company property. We kill two birds with one stone: you can additionally tie the staff to yourself, you can, and, if necessary, connect a new staff. But there is also a third "hare". Let's suppose that a competitor has "interrupted" a tender for translations to a given customer from our company. Well, why not sell this very database to "villains" competitors? At least some benefit.

In this article, we offer you an overview of programs with the function translation drive(NP) available on the market today. It's about about interactive tools that allow translator accumulate in a special database (DB) equivalent text snippets in two languages ​​in order to quickly find samples for translating new texts in the future. Words, phrases and whole phrases can act as fragments. When working on texts that are similar in genre and subject, such tools simplify and speed up translation as the database is replenished.

Majority programs compatible with popular word processors and publishing packages, with common formats such as RTF, PDF and HTML. Almost all NP systems allow grouping working files, databases and terminological dictionaries into separate projects for convenience.
Translation aggregators- an expensive professional tool. As a rule, developers offer both corporate, network, and individual (freelance) versions of their IR systems. In the first case (especially when supplying multifunctional tool complexes), the price may exceed $1000, in the second it is several hundred dollars. Programs are often protected with hardware keys.

Trados 3.0
One of the pioneers and market leaders in TM programs is the multinational company Trados (, which offers the Trados Translation Solution package - a line of tools translation automation. The package comes in corporate (Team Edition) and single-user (Freelance Edition, price about $1,000) versions.

Trados consists of three main programs:
Trados WorkBench is, in fact, the text accumulation module itself.
Trados TagEditor is an interface for working with formatted texts, as well as with various text formats - Excel, PowerPoint, Word, etc.
Trados WinAlign is a program for matching segments in source and translation files, and then generating a Translation Memory (TM).

The main module of the package, Translator's Workbench, is designed to work with the TM database, and also provides functions for converting dates and units of measure, and when working with complex documents. also manipulations with footnotes, pointers, etc. The MultiTerm module is used to maintain a multilingual database of terms. The WinAlign module allows you to replenish the drive database in a semi-automatic mode by analyzing parallel texts on two languages. In addition, the package includes a tool for translating documents containing SGML and HTML markup - TagEditor.

Trados 3.0 is compatible with Windows 2000, Office 2000 (Word 2000, PowerPoint 2000), FrameMaker, Interleaf, PageMaker, QuarkXPress and Ventura publishing packages, XML languages, SGML and HTML. When installed, Trados embeds its toolkit in the Word toolbar and menu. Close integration with Office allows you to automatically replenish the TM database when translating texts into Word.
The program automatically analyzes the texts, breaking them into segments, which can then be exported to the TM database. The default segment delimiters are tab stops, paragraph markers, and some punctuation marks. Segments that have no analogues in the database can either be included there, provided with a translation, or placed in a glossary of terms. After segmenting the text, the automatic translation function offers the user fragments for block-by-block translation.

Based on feedback on functionality this program practically in no way inferior to Trados, popular in Russia, but it is considered much more stable and cheaper. In addition, a completely functional version can be downloaded from the official site, in which the collection of translations is limited to 500 blocks, which is equal to 20 conventionally printed pages.

DejaVu Toolkit
Atril ( releases a set of powerful TM-class tools,

chief among which is the DejaVu Interactive program. Its Pretranslate function is segmented

It takes the source text and automatically substitutes the segments found in the database into the final translations. For fragments that only partially match the existing patterns, the fuzzy match function on-line offers options

translation ant. The smarter Assemble and Propagation features are said to increase the degree of translation automation and TM database enrichment.

Like other TM systems, DejaVu has a tool for working with terms, in addition, the ability to prohibit the translation of individual phrases in source texts has been added. The program is compatible with numerous text editors and layout programs, including Word, PowerPoint, FrameMaker, PageMaker, QuarkXPress, Interleaf, as well as IBM and Trados TM programs; RTF, Help Contents, Java Properties files, HTML (including ASP), HTML Help, SGML, RC, C/C++ formats are supported.

WordAlign Control Panel
DejaVu allows you to select language pairs in translation projects from an extensive list of world languages; there is a built-in spell checker for a dozen European languages. The DejaVu package also includes the TermWatch module, which provides access to the terminological dictionary from the environment of applications that work with foreign texts. The program comes with a handy guide. All DejaVu modules use a common OLE server, based on which you can develop applications containing API function calls.
DejaVu is priced between $790 and $990 depending on the number of licenses purchased. You can download a free 30-day trial of the program from the developer's Web site.

SDLX 3.0
SDL International ( offers
TM-tool SDLX, which allows you to create and edit the TM database, replenish it by comparing parallel texts, perform analysis, segmentation and automatic translation of texts, maintain a user multilingual glossary. A fuzzy search for fragments in TM is provided. Translation of bidirectional (heterogeneous in the direction of writing) texts is supported.

SDLX is compatible with HTML, RTF, MIF, and TXT document formats; import and export of TM databases of various formats, including Trados, is provided.

An important advantage of the program is the ability to process (analyze and translate) files in batch mode. You can download a demo version of SDLX with limited functionality from the SDL site. The full enterprise version costs $1,000 (it is protected by a hardware key), the Light version is $399, the single user version (without text analysis, automatic translation, and filters for SGML and XML) . $350

Transit and TermStar
The Swiss company STAR ( offers a series of programs for automating the work of a translator.

Transit Professional TM-program uses fuzzy index technology: when searching for fragments in the database of accumulated translations, combinations are searched that approximately correspond to the selected fragment. Transit works with almost all European languages ​​(including Russian), Turkish, Arabic, Chinese and Japanese, and bidirectional texts are also supported.

Thanks to the presence of import-export filters, the program is compatible with many word processors, publishing and other packages (Excel, PowerPoint, Word, WordPerfect, AmiPro, Interleaf, FrameMaker, PageMaker, Xyvision, Ventura, QuarkXPress), as well as with common formats (HTML, SGML , XML, RTF).

Along with Transit, the TermStar program is distributed, a multilingual manager of terminological hypertext dictionaries that interacts with the TM environment and is suitable for multi-user work.
STAR TM tools are available in several configurations. The Transit Professional 3.0 variant including TermStar costs €1245; Workstation variant without import and export functions, 695 euros.
The corporate package Translation Center Suite costs about 4 thousand euros, and its version with
network capabilities Corporate Suite 3.0 about 8 thousand euros.

Hungarian freelance translator Korney Tibor created an inexpensive (only $30) TM program
WordFisher. The program, implemented as a macro, integrates with Microsoft Word (version 6 and higher) and has many features typical of professional packages of this class: it automatically creates a folder for storing translation project files, generates a table of parallel fragments and allows you to search for text elements in the source document from drive TM. The glossary management module is used to work with the glossary of terms. To automatically build a translation memory database based on matching parallel texts, use the WordAlign additional macromodule, which is simpler and faster than similar tools in the Trados, DejaVu and Star packages.
A fully functional evaluation version of WordFisher can be downloaded for free at www.

IBM Translation Manager 2.0
IBM's TranslationManager software provides standard TM-systems with the ability to work with a translation drive database, group work files into projects, manage a dictionary of terms, and automatically analyze and segment texts. An API is provided for embedding TranslationManager functionality into applications.

TranslationManager runs on Windows 9x, NT, and OS/2 and provides compatibility with RTF, HTML, WinWord, Word Pro, WordPerfect, PageMaker, and QuarkXPress. The program supports translation for any pair of languages ​​from a list including English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Swedish, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese ( full support guaranteed for 34 languages). The package includes basic dictionaries of terms (for full-fledged work, you need to expand them or purchase more
perfect), the TM database manager and the data itself. A 60-day trial is available at Unfortunately, judging by the information on the IBM site, the corporation is not very actively developing its TM-related business (the demo is dated 1996), however, the existing functions are enough to greatly facilitate the work of the translator.

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