The title of the main page title is an example. Correct title Title, optimization for SEO, maximum title length and other nuances for Yandex and Google. What is a page title

One of the main SEO settings is the Title tag, both experts and specialists agree on this. Therefore, when promoting sites, it is important to write the Title correctly, as for home page resource, or any other.

In this article, we will tell you what a title is and where it is shown, how to write it correctly and make it unique. Let's share examples of compiling a Title for the main page, categories, goods and services, as well as articles.

TITLE is a tag responsible for the title / title of the site page that is displayed in the browser. To find out any page, open it in a new tab and hover over the tab itself. It looks something like this:</p> <p><b>In code</b>. Find a tag <title>can be in the HTML code of the page. To do this, right-click on the page in the browser and select "View Page Source". A new tab will open with the code, <title>is between tags <i><head></head> V</i> at the very beginning.</p> <p><b>In search</b>. In addition, the title of the page is displayed in the snippet when the site is displayed in the search results:</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>From the point of view of SEO promotion, TITLE is the first thing a search engine looks at when crawling the pages of a site during indexing. Also, the title is taken into account when ranking.</p> <p>If the page is not registered <title>, then nothing is displayed, or the content of the tag is loaded <h1>.</p> <h2>How to write Title (title of the site page)</h2> <p>If the site is written in pure HTML, then you will have to set this parameter manually right in the code. For a site on a CMS or constructor, you can register the title in the admin panel.</p> <p>Let's figure out how to fill in the Title correctly and what to write there. Here are some recommendations:</p> <br><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><h2>How to make a title unique</h2> <p>But how do you make a title unique? Especially if everyone listens to the recommendations of search engines and:</p> <ul><li>include the main search query in the page title;</li> <li>put it at the very beginning of the title.</li> </ul><p>It turns out that all competitors should have approximately the same titles. In fact, it is, so you need to make the title unique. Here are some ways to do it:</p> <ul><li>Add at the end <Title>website address, abbreviation or company name. Separate the name with a straight line</li> <li>Place a special offer in the title, indicate the price or other information that is different from competitors.</li> <li>For online stores and sites with services, you can specify the price or special conditions (promotion, discounts) in the page header. This will have a positive effect on clickability in search results, as there are specifics.</li> <li>If you want to additionally stand out in the search results, add an emoji to the title, but not more than one, and do not forget to separate it with a space from the next word.</li> </ul><p>Here is a short video on the topic:</p> <p><span class="18Il3fTP-xI"></span></p> <h2>Examples of correct tag filling <title>+templates</h2> <h3>Example #1: Title for the main page of the site</h3> <p>Suppose you are engaged in low-rise construction and offer to build from timber, aerated concrete and brick. Should this be in the title of the main page? No. For each separate type of construction, you need to make a separate page.</p> <p>The title for the main page will be:</p> <p><i>Turnkey construction of houses in Ufa: projects, prices, terms |</i></p> <p>Thus, for the title of the main page, we take a broader request.</p> <p><b>Sample</b>: [Field of activity] + [city] + [additional information]</p> <h3>Example #2: Category title in an online store</h3> <p>Do you sell phones <a href="">Apple</a>. How to compose the correct <title>for the iPhone 11 category page, which is promoted by [ <i>Buy iPhone 11 in Moscow</i>]?</p> <p>The title will look like this:</p> <p><i>Buy iPhone 11 in Moscow - price from 89990 rubles |</i></p> <p>We put the key request at the very beginning <title>, specify the specifics in the form of a price and make the title unique using the site address.</p> <p><b>Sample</b>: Buy + [Product] + [city] + [more information]</p> <h3>Example #3: Service Page Title</h3> <p>You want to promote one of the pages of your site for the query [ <i>To order a site</i>], while your company is located in St. Petersburg.</p> <p>Title will be like this:</p> <p><i>Order a website in St. Petersburg - websites in St. Petersburg to order |</i></p> <p>Here, too, the keyword is at the very beginning. <title>, then we specify a georeference so that the search engine knows where we are, and in the second part of the title we decline the keywords and indicate another possible spelling of the city of St. Petersburg - St. Petersburg.</p> <p><b>Sample</b>: Order + [Service] + [city] + [additional information]</p> <h3>Example #4: Product card title</h3> <p>Let's take all the same iPhones. Their main differences: model, memory size and color - which we indicate in the title of the product card:</p> <p><i>Buy iPhone 11 <a href="">Pro Max</a>, 512 GB, Dark green |</i></p> <p>Product cards are most often in which the user indicates specifics, so we also write specific data in the title.</p> <p><b>Sample</b>: Buy + [Product] + [model, color, specifications] + [city]</p> <h3>Example #5: Title for an article</h3> <p>When compiling a title for an article, the general principle does not change. All articles are promoted by information requests, which usually contain: <i>how, why, where, why, how much</i> And so on. Let's take a query [ <i>maternal capital</i>].</p> <p>For an article on this topic, the title might be:</p> <p><i>How to get maternity capital in 2020 | mother site</i></p> <p>In this case, we used a question that the user can enter when searching, and also made it relevant by indicating the year. You can make the material relevant not only by adding a year, but also by indicating what exactly will be on the page: <a href="">step-by-step instruction</a>, answers to questions, manual, video, photo and more.</p> <p><b>Sample</b>: [Question answered by the article] + [relevance]</p> <h2>How to evaluate the effectiveness of Titles on the site</h2> <p>The main indicators to consider when evaluating the effectiveness of the title:</p> <ul><li><b>CTR</b>- the higher the click-through rate, the more attractive the title of the page and the more often people click on it;</li> <li><b>Search position</b>- since the title is taken into account when ranking in the search results, then, other things being equal, a higher position in the search also indicates the correct choice of title.</li> </ul><p>Keep in mind that the position in the search depends not only on the title, but also on many other factors, so do not make too much allowance for this indicator, because CTR is more important in this case.</p> <h3>How to find out CTR and display position</h3> <p>The best way to do this is by parsing the data in and .</p> <h4>Search Console</h4> <p>Go to Google Search Console and click on "Search Results" on the left. Activate all colored plates from above: <i>Total Clicks, Total Impressions, Average and Average Position</i>. Click "+ New" to get information on a separate page.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>In the menu that appears, select "Page", a window will appear where we enter the url-address of the page for which we will evaluate the effectiveness of the title.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>After that, the average page indicators for the selected period will appear on the colored plates at the top. Below you can find more accurate data, for each request. In particular, we see that our title demonstrates the greatest efficiency when shown on demand [ <i>how to create a group in vk 2019</i>].</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Similarly, you can check the effectiveness of the title for any other page.</p> <h4>Yandex.Webmaster</h4> <p>Open Webmaster and go to "Search queries - Page statistics".</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>At the top there will be a graph with averages, and below you will find data for each page separately.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>Important</b>: If the site is commercial, then there will be up to 4 advertising positions or organizations on the maps before the search results. In the case of information queries, the search results may be blurred due to the display of pictures and videos, and Yandex also likes to show links to its services: Services, Connoisseurs, Collections, and so on.</p> <p>The Title tag is the title of the html document. Title is almost always used in search engine results. On <a href="">this moment</a>, it is very important for classic SEO and for attracting attention in social networks.</p> <p>The main purpose of the Title tag is to accurately and concisely describe the content of the page content.</p> <p>This element is very important <b>how to users</b>(when they decide whether to switch to <a href="">this page</a> from search results) <b>as well as search engines</b>(one of the important factors in determining the relevance of a page to certain search queries).</p> <h2><b>Optimal title tag structure</b></h2> <p>Main keyword - secondary keyword | brand name</p> <h2><b>Optimal length for search engines</b></h2> <p>Google usually displays the first 50-60 characters, or as many characters as will fit in 512 pixels. If all your titles are 55 characters, then you can expect about 95% of the pages to be fully rendered.</p> <p>However, search engines may choose to display other text as well: the title in the results can be changed</p> <ul><li>for your brand</li> <li>custom request</li> <li>or for any other reasons (for example, keyword spamming)</li> </ul><h2><b>Why is the title tag so important?</b></h2> <p>Title has long been considered one of the most important factors among internal ranking factors (most important: page content) and it appears in 3 places:</p> <p><b>1. </b><b>Browser.</b> Displayed at the top of your browser + in your bookmarks.</p> <p><b>2. </b><b>On search result pages.</b> When using keywords in the title, search engines will highlight them in search results if the user has completed a query with those keywords. This gives the user more reason to click on your link.</p> <p><b>3. </b><b>On external sites</b>. Many external sites, especially social networks, will use the title as an anchor link to your page.</p> <p>For example, this is how it looks on Facebook:</p> <p>And now let's figure out how best to optimize and write the title on your site.</p> <h2><b>How to properly optimize a title</b></h2> <ul><li><b>Always remember the length</b></li> </ul><p>As mentioned above, search engines will shorten your title if you exceed the boundary threshold. But, on the other hand, this length is not a very hard rule.</p> <p>Since long titles can work much better to get traffic from social networks. And also, even if some keywords were not displayed by the search engine, this does not mean at all that they do not take any part in the ranking. Therefore, it is desirable to make the title as natural and clickable as possible, while sacrificing length.</p> <ul><li><b>Put the main keywords at the beginning</b></li> </ul><p>According to experiments and our experience, the closer the key phrase is to the beginning of the title, the more weight it has in ranking. In addition, the likelihood that the user will click on our link in the search results increases.</p> <ul><li><b>Brand Strengthening</b></li> </ul><p>If your brand is well-known in your target market, then in such cases, it needs to be placed in the visible area of ​​the title so that users pay attention to it in the search results. In other cases, the brand is better added to the end of the title tag.</p> <ul><li><b>Readability and emotional impact</b></li> </ul><p>Creating an attractive headline can help to significantly increase the number of clicks from the SERPs. When you're creating headlines, it's very important to think about all of the user interactions beyond SEO and keyword usage.</p> <h2><b>Tools that can help with title optimization</b></h2> <p>In order not to wait for how your page will look in the SERP, but to immediately get the maximum effect, we recommend using the following SERP simulation services:</p> <p>As a result, you can see how the title looks in the search results:</p> <h2><b>Finally</b></h2> <p>The title tag is equally important for both , and end users. Using well-constructed and unique titles for all pages of your site will help you rank higher. <a href="">search engines</a>.</p> <p>The title of the browser window Title is one of the most important elements of SEO-optimization of the page. What is Title and what to write in it? What should be its length? Rules and examples of writing a good Title.</p> <h2>What is Title?</h2><p>The Title tag is the title of the browser window and one of the most important SEO elements of a page. By default, the Title title is the title of the search snippet, and not only the relevance of the document to search queries, but also the CTR (clickability) of the snippet will depend on the quality of its compilation. In each browser tab, you can see the Title of a particular page.</p><p>Along with a well-written title, it can grab the attention of users who are thinking about which tab in the SERPs they should open. A poorly composed Title may not reveal the content of the page, and then the user will go to your competitors.</p><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>The snippet title, unlike the meta description, is displayed in a larger font and is highlighted in blue in both Yandex and Google. Title is the main link in attracting the attention of users, which is why so much attention is paid to its optimization.</p><h3>What is the difference between title and h1?</h3><p>Has similar features with title, however, these are two completely different tags. H1 title is displayed directly on the page, reflects its general content for users and generalizes all the semantics of the document into a single keyword. Title, in turn, is the title of the browser window, it is not displayed directly on the page, and is a source of information for search engines, which, based on the content of this tag, partly get an idea of ​​the relevance of the page to certain queries. If the user sees h1 after going to the site, then he sees the title before.</p><p>Unlike the h1 title header:</p><ul><li><i> </i> Must be original, be of interest to users, increase the CTR of the snippet;</li><li><i> </i> May include additional keywords.</li> </ul><p><i> </i> What unites title and H1 is that both of these tags must contain common keywords. These tags can be the same for categories and navigation sections of the site, this will help search engines correctly form quick links to the site. In other cases, you need to focus on your goals: you can make the title and h1 unique to expand the semantics of the document, or leave them the same if the document only answers a specific keyword.</p><h2>title tag syntax</h2><p>Title is a paired tag (not to be confused with the title attribute) and is located within the tag <head>with other service and meta-information. The tag itself has no attributes and contains only <a href="">text information</a>, which is displayed in a browser tab and does not appear on the page directly. In the HTML code of the document, it looks like this:</p><p> <head> <title>Browser window title

To view the title and description of someone else's site, do the following:

What is the title for?

Title is one of the most important tags of any page. It performs the following functions:

  • Represents semantic importance for search engines. Along with meta tags, title conveys information to search engines about the content of the web page. Title is one of . Its correct filling can increase the relevance of your document for those key queries for which you optimize this document. Incorrect filling of the title with a high degree of probability will negatively affect the presentation of your site in the search.
  • By default, this is the title of the page in the search results.. Title, first of all, informs visitors about the content of the page they are going to go to. If you let the user know that the web page contains relevant information that matches their query before they go to the site, they are more likely to visit your site. Also, the Title greatly affects the CTR of the snippet. The more attractive and clickable title you create, the higher your CTR will be.
  • Makes it easier for users to navigate in the browser. Title, as mentioned earlier, is displayed in the browser tabs, and allows the user to navigate among the many open tabs. Also, the default title is the name of the bookmarks in the browser. If the user decides to save your site as a bookmark, the title will automatically be substituted into its title.
  • By default, this is the title of the post when sharing in social networks. If you share a link to your site on any social network, it will automatically generate a block with information about this page. The title of this block is taken from the title tag. If you are actively using social networks, make sure that the title of your pages is presentable in them, and conveys to readers not a set of words, but an attractive semantic message about the content of the page.

What to write in the title?

Let's consider in detail what you need to write in the title in order to get into the TOP, what are the main mistakes when writing the page title, and also concrete examples from the search results.

How to optimize the title of the page title?

The optimal length of the page title title is 50-70 characters. If the title length exceeds the set value, it will be cut off by search engines. Therefore, in the process of compiling a title, imagine how it will be displayed in the search engines from which you plan to attract traffic, whether its meaning will be violated, whether it will be informative if it does not fit into a limited range of characters. The maximum displayed title in Yandex is up to 60 characters(usually no more than 55), Google up to 70 characters(usually no more than 65). However, search engines can truncate the title by 45 or even 40 characters if they consider the following content to be inconsistent or not relevant to the query. More often, this situation occurs when punctuation marks and stop words are used in the page title: unions, commas, colons, dashes, etc.

The maximum size of the displayed title is determined not so much by the number of characters, but by the limitation of the width of snippet blocks. In Yandex, the maximum block width is 536 pixels, in Google it is 600 pixels. Accordingly, the number of characters is primarily affected by the width of the characters themselves, the number Latin letters, the number of spaces and capital letters. For example, a block of the same width will fit many more "i" characters than "I".

Title should be a short, meaningful and understandable title of the page, corresponding to its content. Try to place the keyword as close to the beginning of the tag as possible. Firstly, you thereby increase the relevance of snippets in the eyes of users. Secondly, Yandex, for example, highlights key queries in the snippet in bold. The presence of bold in the snippet can seriously increase its CTR. Place less significant words at the end of the title tag.

10 title mistakes

  1. title too long. A title that is too long is a bad practice that negatively affects how your site appears in search. First, you risk violating the semantic integrity of the page title after the search engines cut it off. Secondly, the CTR of snippets may decrease. Thirdly, search engines use the technology of dynamic generation of snippets, in connection with this, any sense of using as many words as possible in your title is lost.
  2. title too short. Don't make page titles 1-3 words unless they are navigational sections. Minimal use of words in the title reduces the variety of queries your page can answer.
  3. Repeating words. You should not use the same keywords to "strengthen" the title. So you only risk earning penalties from the search engines. Also, do not duplicate Russian and English words that are identical in meaning, for example, "title" and "title". Search engines have long learned to recognize and take them into account.
  4. Unwanted characters. Try to avoid excessive punctuation in your page titles. Try to use the following characters as little as possible (, . / = ! ? * :< > | + _).
  5. Request mismatch. The title should display the content of the page. Do not try to fool users and search engines. You will not be able to drive traffic for queries that are not relevant to the content of the landing page.
  6. Re-optimization. You don't need to list queries separated by commas in the title. Consider whether users will understand the content of your page. In addition, the excessive use of keywords in the tags and text of the page is perceived by search engines as spam, which is subject to sanctions.
  7. Language mismatch. Fill in the title in the same language that your page content is written in. The use of foreign or allusive phrases can negatively affect the presentation of your site's pages in the SERP.
  8. Not using keywords. Title not only can, but should contain the main high-frequency keyword that is most relevant to the content of the page. The absence of keywords in the title is a negative ranking factor for the site.
  9. semantic garbage. Try not to use phrases like "Welcome to our site", "Welcome" in the title of the page.
  10. Duplicate title. No need to duplicate the title on different pages of your site, this will make it difficult to work search job by determining the relevance of pages to common key queries. You should also not duplicate and copy the title of your competitors. Search engines try to make the results as diverse and representative as possible, so the same content is unlikely to rank high. Again, common sense should not be forgotten, in certain niches, pages can only respond to one specific key query that is already used by other sites in the title. In this case, there is nothing criminal in duplicating the title.

Examples: good title vs bad title

Let's look at a few examples of good and bad titles.

Example #1. Request "buy jeans for women"

A good example of a title is from the Lamoda online store. The keyword is located at the beginning of the title, the minimum price is displayed in the title, which makes it more visible. Using the price also allows the target audience to understand the price range of the goods they are interested in. The cropped title does not violate the semantic load.

The page is optimized for 2 high-frequency keywords at once: jeans and trousers. For such broad keywords, you need to create 2 separate landing pages. The length of the page title is 125 characters. The title lists the keywords separated by commas - an obvious re-optimization, the snippet title is truncated at 39 characters. The main keyword is not at the beginning of the title.

Example #2. Request "water delivery to the house in Moscow"

Short and clear title of the page. Occupies the maximum space in the snippet header. The keyword is located at the beginning of the tag. To uniqueize the title, the name of the company is indicated, which also contains the keyword "Water", this rang to significantly distinguish the title from competitors.

The snippet generated an automatic title, as the title tag contains outright spam. Listing keywords separated by commas is a clear re-optimization. Such tag content will never become the title of the snippet .

Title: about the complex in simple words

Let's consider more complex issues that may arise when filling in the title and analyzing search snippets.

Title and HTML5

With the widespread support of HTML5, it became possible to use emoji in meta tags and site titles. How does this affect SEO? The question remains open. So far, there are no objective data that can give an unambiguous answer to this question. On the one hand, the use of special characters can significantly increase the CTR of the snippet, on the other hand, there is no understanding of how the search robot perceives special characters.

Some examples of using icons in title and description:

Site Request "buy jeans for women" Request "buy a women's swimsuit in an online store" Request "buy down jacket WL170501"

All 3 sites for the submitted key queries are in the TOP-10 of Yandex search results. In Google, the situation is much worse - none of the sites is presented on the 1st page of the issue, with the exception of the 3rd vital request. At the same time, Google does not display icons in snippets at all. Can this mean that icons supported by HTML5 cannot harm the presentation of the site in the Yandex search engine, but at the same time negatively affect the presentation of the site in Google? Probably much more data is needed to be able to draw any conclusions. And, in principle, it is wrong to evaluate the quality of issuance by one single factor, to put it mildly. Share your opinion on this issue in the comments.

You can use special symbols without any fear for vital requests. For example, by product pages, as shown in the 3rd example. In other cases, carefully monitor traffic, page positions, and snippet CTR.

Does the title always end up in the snippet?

Title can be used to form the title of a snippet, but this is not always the case. Firstly, the search engine can independently form the title of the snippet based on the text data that is present on the page. This happens most often when explicit spam is written in the titlte - this is not our case.

However, even a correctly composed title may not get into the title. Example:

Why is this happening? First, search robot itself determines the relevance of the title by the main keyword, and can use, for example, h1 as in the example presented. A similar situation can occur with other text elements on the page. The technology of dynamic generation of snippets has long been widely used. It allows the search engine to present different titles and descriptions for the same web documents for different search queries.

The title of the snippet can also include, for example, the title of the second level h2. That is why the correct structuring of the article with the logical distribution of keywords is so important today, and the excessive use of keywords in the title is meaningless.

For example, for the query "name day on September 7" in Yandex, we see in the search results a site with the following snippet title:

When the query is changed to "September 7th Men's Name Day", the snippet title for the same page is changed to "September 7th Men's Name Day" - this text is the second-level heading in the page content. For 2 different queries, Yandex dynamically generated 2 different titles and snippet descriptions for the same page for us.

Ideally, when optimizing a landing page, you should work out all the possible queries that you can get from the search. The most frequent of them should fall into the title and h1. The least frequent ones should be used in the structure of the document with appropriate heading markup.

Where is the scope of optimization?

How to understand when to include a key query in the structure of an article, and when to create a separate document? How to determine the number of keywords that can be used in a title? It is impossible to give a clear answer to these questions. First of all, you should focus on the logic, the semantic component of the page and the tasks that users set for themselves when they get to your page.

Each page must solve these problems, and it is impossible to do this simultaneously in all areas. If we take the commercial query "buy sneakers", then it is logical that users will be interested in the product range, and if we take the query "sneakers size chart", then the availability of goods on the landing page fades into the background. One request is commercial, the second is informational. People set different goals for themselves: in the first case, the purchase of goods, in the second - determining the required size. These goals cannot fit on one page, both in terms of content structuring and SEO optimization. It is quite logical that for these keywords you need to create separate pages.

If you have any doubts about combining content to optimize it for different user requests, refer to the search results and it will give you a clear answer. It will be enough to look at the first page of the search engine and the content that search engines consider relevant. If for different queries you find the same pages in this topic, then page optimization for them is possible. If, among the results for the first request, you will not find a single site in the issuance of the second request, then you should not optimize the page for different keywords.

As far as keywords are concerned, the heading structure that can be used to form dynamic snippets should be logical and consistent. Don't put keywords in titles for the sake of keywords, especially if we are talking about low frequencies. By low frequency requests often it is not required to have the entire query text on the page for the site to be in the TOP. Use the most frequent words for h2-h6, which can be the semantic headings of your page. If there is no semantic unity, then they cannot be used, you will only violate the relevance of the document and spoil the user factors.

Is it possible to change the title after indexing?

After the page has got into the search results and managed to accumulate data on user and other ranking factors, it is necessary to evaluate its positions and attracted traffic. If the page is in the TOP and attracts a lot of traffic, there is no need to make any changes. If the page did not get the place in the issue, then you need to make changes!

However, you need to remember that low page positions for a specific key query can be not only the result of an incorrectly composed title or description. There are hundreds of other factors that affect the search results, and in the end, your changes to specific tags may not lead to anything.

We will learn what a Page Title is, what it affects and how to compose it correctly using the recommendations of search engines. There is a manual on WordPress

Hello, dear readers of the blog site.

Look a little higher and tell me what you see? That's right, in front of you is the Title of the page or, as they say, the title. Not many people know that a properly composed title is the key to successful promotion. In other words, title is an important ranking factor for search engines.

Many novice webmasters (bloggers) still do not understand what it should be and how to compose it. I will help you with this. On my own experience, I will reveal all the secrets that I have collected in 2 years. I am sure that the information will be useful to you.

So let's get started...

What is a page title?

Title of the page (title) is html tag, which is between . It's funny and it's not clear what he said. Simply put, the usual heading of articles.

For search engine robots, the title looks like this:

For us ordinary people:

The correct title of the page - what is it?

In order for the page title to be properly optimized, you need to know about the basic requirements of search engines.

  • Title must be unique

Never copy the titles of your competitors' pages. If you do this, then you will not be able to get around the opponent. You need to come up with something unique. After analyzing the Yandex results for top queries, you can easily notice this factor:

You see, all titles are different and each of them carries additional unique information.

The second thing to pay attention to:

  • title length

Maximum page title length: Yandex - 15 words (up to 80 characters), Google - 12 words (up to 70 characters). Therefore, if the title size is 14 words, then Google will cut it off and this will have a bad effect on ranking.

To make everything “good”, come up with titles up to 65 characters. Well, that's just my personal opinion.

  • The key phrase must be present in the Title

Title 1: Make money on the Internet without investments: real options

Title 2: Website about making money on the Internet. Where and how make money online

As you guessed, the first title is better designed. But here you need to know that it is forbidden to spam the title with key phrases. I often see headlines like this:

how to make money online how to make money online how to make money online

Here they are spammed and in no case should they be used. But that is not all.

You need to do without the so-called stop words. I explain what it is. The very concept of "stop words" came from the field of SEO. This includes words that do not carry any semantic load. For example, and, on, when, who, maybe, whose, this, etc. They are not recommended to be written in titles. If you have sinned, do not overdo it.

As for the search requirements, that's all.

And now, the question is: who works on WordPress? Webmasters understand exactly what I mean. Since this platform is our home for our blog, we have developed some useful habits for ourselves that concern just the title, the title of all our pages.

How to optimize page title in WordPress?

All the work we do with titles goes through the Yoast SEO plugin. If you're hearing about it for the first time, then install it right now. Link here.

So how do you use the title plugin to your advantage?

After you install Yoast, the following settings will appear under your articles in the editor:

Here you can:

  1. Register your Title (what we need);
  2. Write a description meta tag (a short description of the page);
  3. Highlight the key phrase for the article (focus keyword);
  4. Specify keywords.

To register your title on wordpress, you just need to click on the title:

An example of my title for this article:

A green indicator indicates that there are still a few words left to add. Everything suits me, so I'll leave it like that. So that we do not count the characters ourselves, the plugin does all the work for us. Thus, the length of the title is always under control.

Important! When we write an SEO title, the page title does not change. In fact, we have two headers: the first (from WordPress) is for readers, the second (from the plugin) is for search engines.

This is how it all looks in practice:

But that is not all. The plugin also knows how to set the title of the main page on wordpress. You need to go to the main settings, select "titles and metadata" and in the "Home page" section, register your (new) title. And also don't forget to fill in the meta description and include keywords.

You can check if the title is registered for the main one here.

Let's summarize

Without a doubt, well-written headlines can improve positions in the top. How to do it? Now you know. I hope that the article was useful to you. If you have any questions, then leave them in the comments.

Thank you all for your attention! Good luck and high positions.

Sincerely, Mogish Ivan

</b>- this is the first thing the visitor sees, as well as the search engine, so it is important to format the title correctly so that the user understands that this is what he was looking for.</p> <p>From literate and <a href="">good description</a> a lot depends. If the headline arouses a burning interest among users, a desire to visit the site, traffic in general can skyrocket. Therefore, optimization <b>title</b> the same important fact as being constantly in the TOP. We can safely say in our time that this is one of the most important parts. By the way, if you learn how to form a title correctly, you can easily do without financial investments when promoting an Internet resource. And after 2 months to see an extensive influx of visitors to your site. This site is living proof of that.</p> <h3>Use well-formed and logical phrases</h3> <p>3. Form headlines that will arouse curiosity. The trick also lies in the psychological factor. A person is always curious, why is the sky lilac?</p> <p>4. To optimize for high-frequency queries, it is recommended to make short titles, for low-frequency queries, use as many keywords as possible.</p> <p>5. If possible, exclude stop words, prepositions, conjunctions, punctuation marks from the title. The trick is that their density is also taken into account, but they do not carry semantic information.</p> <p>6. If you really want your pages to stand out in bookmarks, for example, the same one, it is better to replace the company name with an Icon. That is, learn how to use the tag:</p> <p><link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="images/icon.png" /></p> <p>7. Use keywords in the title that are common to all pages, they reinforce each other, form a thematic, semantic core.</p> <h2>How NOT to do in title</h2> <ol><li>You do not need to include the WEB (http) address in the name of your site. This is beyond idiotic. Firstly, all domains are unique and, accordingly, the result of a request for a domain will be unique and unique anyway. Secondly, the person is already on your domain, and the WEB address is perfectly visible in the address bar, so why repeat it in <b>title</b>? Or do you think that the search engine forgot your domain and you decided to remind it of this on every page? And thirdly, if you think that a person will find you by domain, then you are deeply mistaken, because without knowing the domain, a person will never type your abracadabra, first, in any case, he will turn to a search engine.</li> <li>The company name also does not need to be included in the title of each page. This is the same idiocy as the first point. The exception is those cases when the name of your company is a competitive query for the search engine. But such cases are quite rare.</li> <li><b>Do not use</b> in title the following characters <b>@#$^&*~` </b>. Some people like to put "$$$ Earnings in the network $$$" - such a perversion is a direct road to a ban.</li> </ol><p>This article is based on real experiments and the experience of many specialists, and not on fiction, it is enough to make queries in search engines about the correct title, for example: “how to format a title correctly” and you will see this article in TOP 1, in all known search engines. No method of promotion was applied to the article.</p> <p>UPD: 2013-10-19 Since the publication of the article, more than 30 sites have poked my picture and not a single dog has put a backlink, but most importantly, the tags in the picture leading to my site have not even been cleaned. Cool.</p> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var _acic={dataProvider:10};(function(){var e=document.createElement("script");e.type="text/javascript";e.async=true;e.src="";var t=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];t.parentNode.insertBefore(e,t)})() //--> </script><br> <br> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> <div class="single-popular"> <div class="single-popular-tit col-lg-12">Popular in category:</div> <div class="single-popular-item col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6"> <div class="single-popular-item-wrp"> <img width="150" height="120" src="/uploads/b70b980db40158799d48b4d4a0caab15.jpg" class="attachment-sm-widget size-sm-widget wp-post-image" alt="Open the left menu ansi. 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