Photoshop can't open jpg file. Why can't a jpeg file (photo) open in Photoshop? Gives an error message. Image compression method

Photoshop, being a universal photo editor, allows us to directly process digital negatives obtained after shooting. The program has a module called "Camera RAW", which is able to process such files without the need to convert them.

Today we will talk about the causes and solution of one very common problem with digital negatives.

Often, when trying to open a RAW file, Photoshop does not want to accept it, displaying something like this window (there may be different messages in different versions):

This causes a known discomfort and irritation.

Causes of the problem

The situation in which this problem occurs is standard: after purchase new camera and a great first photo shoot, you try to edit the resulting shots, but Photoshop responds with the window shown above.

There is only one reason for this: the files that your camera produces when shooting are incompatible with the version of the Camera RAW module installed in Photoshop. In addition, the version of the program itself may not be compatible with the version of the module that these files are able to process. For example, some NEF files are only supported in Camera RAW contained in PS CS6 or later.

Solutions to the problem

  1. The most obvious solution is to install more new version Photoshop. If this option does not suit you, then proceed to the next paragraph.
  2. Update an existing module. You can do this on the official Adobe website by downloading the installation distribution kit that matches your PS edition.

    Please note that this page only contains packages for CS6 and earlier.

  3. If you have Photoshop CS5 or older, then the update may not work. In this case, the only way out would be Adobe use Digital Negative Converter. This program is free and performs one function: it converts images to DNG format, which is supported by older versions of the Camera RAW module.

    This method is universal and suitable in all cases described above, the main thing is to carefully read the instructions on the download page (it is in Russian).

On this, the options for solving the problem with opening RAW files in Photoshop have been exhausted. Usually this is enough, otherwise, it may be a more serious problem in the program itself.

Having upgraded to Windows 10, I ran into a problem - files stopped being dragged into Photoshop! You have to open the file through the menu, which is very inconvenient and time consuming.

The search for a solution led to the results that I want to share with you. Take it, you'll need it.

First, simple solution:

If files are not dragged into Photoshop, you need to check the access rights. To do this, right-click on the program shortcut and go to the "Properties" tab where we put a tick "Run this program as an Administrator".

I must say right away that this method did not help me, in this case there is a second solution:

1. Go to Start and in search line at the bottom paste the command: regedit
2. Next, go poti: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Policies > System
3. Find the EnableLUA section. Open it with a double click and change the variable from 1 to 0. Save. The computer will ask you to restart. Agree or reboot manually. We rejoice - now the files are dragged into Photoshop.

Personally tested on:
1. Windows 10 Photoshop CS6 x64
2. Windows 8 Photoshop CS6 x64
3. Windows 7 Photoshop CS6 x64

UPDATED 01/27/2019

Thanks to our user named Artem, another solution was found:

In Win10 Eng, only one way specifically helps - go to the shortcut's Propirties tab Compatibility (compatibility), go down, go to Change settings for all users, uncheck Run this program as an administrator, click Apply - and that's it, the files are dragged. And all these Enable LUAs of yours are a hat, after changing to 0, photos, music, video, skype and other Windows scales will not work. Do you need it?

    Eat special programs just for "broken" photos. They restore the image according to a certain algorithm.
    But from experience I can say that it turns out to restore 10-15 percent, no more.

    Well, then it’s easier to go to the bank and get it done calmly and without any errors

    Just delete the letter E in the jpeg file extension. And you will be happy.

    is there a difference? only in writing is, but the format is the same

    I present to you free program to convert RAW to JPG, as well as to view detailed image data (EXIF) - ShowExif v0.06-16beta.

    Actually it is the same format.
    Its full name is Joint Photographic Experts Group, short for JPEG.
    But in the old operating systems file extensions could not be more than 3 letters. Therefore, the file extension of this format was reduced to 3 letters JPG.
    But other operating systems do not have this restriction, so the extension was not shortened.
    So there are two extension standards for the same file format in parallel.


    If you think only about changing the format, then Paint is the easiest solution.

    Well, or instead of .jpeg write .JPG

    Nothing different. JPG is short for JPEG. Photography Expert Group :)

    How to convert JPEG to JPG? Win+R write a word cmd, click ok. Write dir folder where the pictures are. Write ren *.jpeg *.jpg. All pictures will become YPG.

    Nothing different. JPG is short for JPEG. Photography Expert Group :)

    How to convert JPEG to JPG? Win + R write the word cmd , press ok. Write dir folder where the photos are. Write ren *.jpeg *.jpg. All pictures will become YPG.
