Make a shortcut in Android. Shortcuts and desktop in android, how to configure? How to hide a folder on Android

Article from Anna Sebova, engaged in embroidery and programming. She combines both in her blog, simultaneously telling us about various interesting features.

I have a blog “Madame Storozhenko” about needlework. It is very young, and I often access it from my mobile, thinking about what to write about, how to improve it. At the same time, storing it in open browser tabs on a mobile phone is not very convenient; bookmarks in a mobile browser are not suitable for me either. Therefore, I decided to pin a link icon (shortcut) to the blog on the desktop of my mobile phone.

Making a website icon is simple: in the mobile settings you need to select “ Add to Home Screen“. But the created icon did not remind me of my site at all, but caused bewilderment. Only by clicking on the label or reading the signature did I understand what it was all about. You understand, this is inconvenient.

Then I found an easy way to make the icon (or shortcut, whichever you prefer) more recognizable. It's very simple, you just need to do a couple of steps.

Act one

Take the original site logo image (or favicon) and crop it to standard sizes for different devices. In my case, the logo and favicon are the same image.
I chose the following sizes convenient for mobile and tablets:

- For iOS two files: apple-touch-icon.png And apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png– size 57 by 57 pixels:

- For Windows Phone file windows-icon-70-70.png:

Android picks up one of the pictures and does not require additional images or links.

Act two

< link rel = "apple-touch-icon" href = "/mobile-icons/apple-touch-icon.png"/ >

< link rel = "apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes = "57x57" href = "/mobile-icons/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png"/ >

< meta name = "msapplication-square70x70logo" content = "/mobile-icons/windows-icon-70-70.png"/ >

Display a link to the site on the desktop of your mobile phone. To do this, open the desired site in your browser:

Then open the browser menu (click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the browser) and select the item highlighted in the screenshot:

The following window will appear:

Select “ Add“.

Then minimize the browser window and... voila! A website with a beautiful and recognizable icon is located on the desktop, and is also accessible with one touch.

It couldn't be more convenient.

P.S. An article from Anna Sebova about how to cure.

In our article we will look at the basic settings of the desktop and main menu of Android on a smartphone.

Desktop and menu

For different smartphones, the Android system provides several work areas that can be configured at your own discretion. It is worth considering that the Google search bar located on the desktop at the top cannot be removed on the smartphone.

You fill your desktops with a variety of widgets, be it a weather forecast, a clock, or any other widget. Versions of Android 3.0 and 4.0 provide for changing the visual size of the widget. You can do this by clicking on it, after which a frame will appear on the display, by controlling the edges of which you can either reduce or increase the size of the widget.

In addition, you can create folders on the desktop of your smartphone by selecting a shortcut and moving it to any location on the display. At the bottom of our desktop there are standard 5 shortcuts, which, if necessary, can be replaced with your favorite widgets or folders


If you want to place a shortcut from your favorite application or a popular widget on the desktop of your smartphone, then to do this you need to press on an empty space with your desktop finger and do not release it until the menu appears. A smaller image of your desktop will be located at the top of the display, and shortcuts and applications with widgets and folders at the bottom. If you want to move the required element, you need to click on it with your finger and drag it, holding it, to the top of the display to the reduced desktop where you would like to install this application. If there is not enough space on the desktop, the Android system will display a message.

The list of widgets can be viewed by scrolling through them horizontally or in a list; version 4.0 also provides a search for available widgets.

If we turn to older versions of Android, for example 2.3, then adding an element to the desktop can be done by simply clicking on the widget or icon and briefly holding it, after which a menu appears. With a long press, you can not only add items, but also move icons and widgets to wherever you want or transfer them to other desktops.

The Android operating system allows you to create icons, widgets and shortcuts on your Home screen. This greatly simplifies access to various system objects, without the need to open file directories and scroll through screens. Moreover, this approach allows you to effectively use free space on the working screens of the operating system. Ultimately, shortcuts can be tied to applications, to browser bookmarks, to routes on maps, to specific file directories, and to other operating system objects.

Today we will tell you a couple of ways to create icons for Android applications and files on the desktop of the popular operating system.


Drag the application icon to the desktop (Drag and Drop)

  1. Tap the Applications button on your operating system's Home screen. Scroll through the list of installed applications to find the icon for the application you need.
  2. Tap an app icon and don't lift your finger until you see the shadow it casts on the Home screen.
  3. Move the captured icon to the selected position on the home screen. Continue holding down the app icon until the Home screen comes to the foreground. Only then remove your finger from the screen.
  4. Tap the program icon with your finger to launch it or tap the “Home” button to go to the home screen.

Create a new shortcut on the Home screen

  1. Scroll through the home screens to get to the Home screen where you want to create a new icon.
  2. Tap on an empty space on the screen and hold your finger until you see the “Add to Home” dialog menu for adding interface objects.
  3. Select the “Shortcut” item, and then select the type of object to create using the drop-down menu.
  4. Scroll through the list of graphics and tap the icon you want to create on your Home screen. When you're done, you can use the new icon to launch the application or file associated with it.

As you can see, creating an icon on the Home screen of the Android operating system is very simple and this operation is available to everyone.

Do you visit a certain website ten times a day? The long procedure of launching the browser and digging through bookmarks is already starting to get boring - we have a wonderful solution! Let's take your favorite site and put a shortcut on your Android desktop. After this, you will be able to open the desired web resource with one click on its icon (just like with applications).

So, first, we need the Google Chrome browser installed. Launch Chrome and go to the desired site. In the upper right corner, click on the three vertical dots - a drop-down menu list will open. Find the “Add to Home Screen” item and click on it. A small window will pop up before your eyes with the site name, description and the “Add” button at the bottom. Click on the button, voila - the site icon is now on our main desktop! Move it to the desired screen or position just like other icons.

Another little tip: before adding a tab to your desktop, you can rename it or, for example, remove an unnecessary description. To do this, simply click on the text and a keyboard for editing will appear. Enjoy! Also, we will be glad to hear from you in the comments.

In older phones, it was possible to display a contact on a specific key. Then by holding it you can quickly make a call.

It is not possible to add this to Android Samsung and all others, but you can transfer the shortcut to the desktop.

Yes, it is not possible to set a phone contact to a specific button, but you can even make a “speed dial” for a group of contacts.

To do this, you can use a program, which you can download at the end of the recording, or use the tools on your smartphone.

With the tips below, you'll be able to create a contact icon and learn how to attach to your chosen contact on your smartphone's main desktop.

This operation is very simple and works under the same conditions in most phone models.

Android - how to put a contact on your smartphone desktop

Open the "Contacts" section. Touch and hold the name of the selected person. A menu will appear on the phone screen.

Depending on the device, select one of the options: move to the desktop or add a shortcut (Samsung devices).

If this does not work (depending on the phone), then on the desktop in an empty space and hold your finger until the menu appears. Select it "Shortcuts".

Now in the next menu, select "speed dial" whenever you want to be able to quickly call a person or send an SMS.

Program to place a contact on the Android desktop

If you have a built-in one, then just call up widgets (who doesn't know how) and click on the "Contacts" icon.

Then, depending on your need, select what you need: quick message, quick call or “Contact”.

I select "quick call". A shortcut is placed on the desktop, and the phone book opens for me - I need to press and hold my finger.

Live on the desired one and the contact will instantly appear on your desktop.

If you download the widget below, then the actions with it are almost the same, only the first one is automatically added to it, which of course you don’t want. Then just click on it from the desktop and click edit.

Now you can change the number, name, ringtone and many other parameters (to do this, click “More” at the bottom).

That's all. Good luck.



