Blogger black mamba. A Russian video blogger died after setting a black mamba on himself live. A blogger from Tatarstan had an accident

And his American photographer colleague remained alive after a similar situation and did not even go to the doctor

The tragedy occurred on September 25 during a live broadcast on the Internet. Arslan Valeev, the 31-year-old popular creator of the You Tube channels “BobCat TV” and “Private Exotarium,” hosted a night broadcast during which he demonstrated how he can handle the most dangerous snake on the planet—the black mamba.

Arslan called himself a lover and connoisseur of poisonous snakes. At one time he worked at a zoo. However, this time the zoologist’s luck ran out and the snake bit him on the hand.

According to one version, the bite was not accidental. So Arslan Valeev may have decided to die due to prolonged depression. On the recording, Arslan can be heard first saying the phrase “it’s time to do what needs to be done,” then screaming, “Let go - it hurts... Well done, I killed it... I’ll go broadcast. I’ll die like this.” Then you can see how the blogger’s condition rapidly deteriorates during the broadcast and the broadcast stops.

However, the version of suicide is still speculative. After his health worsened, Arslan went outside and waited for the ambulance to arrive, which was called by one of the channel’s subscribers. Valeev was taken to the hospital in a coma and he died.

But the American professional photographer Mark Laita, who published a photo book about snakes, Serpentine, not only survived a black mamba bite, but did not even see a doctor.

Mark Light was bitten by a black mamba during a photo shoot in Central America. The bite severed an artery in his leg and caused profuse bleeding. The photographer captured the shocking moment, but did not go to the hospital. As the extreme sportsman said, apart from his swollen jaws, which hurt terribly all night, he was not physically injured.

He explained his luck by saying that the snake produced a “dry bite” (without venom) or that heavy bleeding washed away the venom. Some commentators have suggested that this mamba's venom glands were surgically removed, but Laita responded that this was not the case. (Sources:, Photo:,

About the death of the popular St. Petersburg video blogger, zoologist and serpentologist Arslan Valeev, who ran YouTube channels about wild cats and reptiles. On the eve of his death, Valeev conducted a stream during which one could see the consequences of a snake bite. Administrators of his channels and communities said it was a black mamba bite.

At the same time, some subscribers believe that Valeev deliberately allowed himself to be bitten because of a conflict with his wife. Subscribers are also concerned about the fate of animals from the blogger’s large collection. "Paper" collected everything that is known about the circumstances of Valeev’s death and the future of his pets.

Valeev was bitten by a black mamba during a YouTube stream

The death of St. Petersburg 32-year-old video blogger Arslan Valeev became known on September 25 from a message in his group about wild cats “BobCat TV” on VKontakte.

From the text it followed that Valeev received a bite from one of the most dangerous poisonous snakes in the world - a black mamba, which is part of his extensive collection of reptiles. The bite allegedly occurred while trying to transfer her from the terrarium to a special container that he uses for broadcasts.

At the time of the bite on September 23, the man was streaming on one of his channels. Viewers of the stream called ambulance, however, the bite turned out to be fatal.

After the stream, as reported on the Investigative Committee’s website, the 32-year-old man was taken to the Dzhanelidze Research Institute. On September 25, he died without regaining consciousness. Investigators named the cause of death as poisoning of unknown origin.

Valeev was a famous blogger and serpentologist

As follows from the information on Valeev’s VKontakte page, he is a biologist by training, worked as a zoologist, and has many years of experience working with exotic animals.

He also worked at the Leningrad Zoo and in the herpetology department of the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences. Valeev took part in the filming of the program “In the Animal World” on Channel One and commented in the media, incidents related to snakes - for example, the death of a 39-year-old St. Petersburg woman from a python bite in 2015.

Some subscribers believe that he set the mamba on himself

Some of Valeev's subscribers believe that he deliberately set the snake on himself. They put forward their theories in the comments under videos dedicated to Valeev’s death. As arguments, the discussion participants cite the behavior of a blogger who, after receiving an off-screen bite, returned to the camera with the words “I’ll die like this.”

Subscribers believe that the reason for the alleged suicide could be a conflict between Valeev and his wife. Before losing consciousness, Valeev dictated phone number his wife Ekaterina Pyatyzhkina, asking subscribers to contact her. There is no recording of the stream on the channel.

In August, Valeev’s wife said that they separated at the beginning of the year due to beatings from him.

Valeev ran the channel with his wife Ekaterina Pyatizhkina, but they separated at the beginning of the year.

In August Pyatizhkina on Instagram account posted photographs of hematomas on his body, claiming that the reason for the separation was constant beatings from Valeev.

Wild animals remained in Valeev's house, including lynxes and poisonous snakes

According to 47News, about 300 snakes and other reptiles, as well as two lynxes, remained in Valeev’s house in Vsevolozhsk. The publication claimed that Valeev’s mother was looking after them.

Video: 47News

The authorities of the Leningrad region refused to intervene in the situation with the animals. The press service of the regional administration told Interfax about this.

Press service of the Leningrad region administration:

This is private territory, and by law we are not supposed to interfere there. We can do this if the police or relatives [living in the house] contact us. The animals are in cages there. There is no danger of an epidemic now.

Administrators of Valeev’s groups and channels reported that they were distributing his pets. Valeev's father says he handed over the snakes to the laboratory

Administrators of Valeev’s groups report that they are solving problems with the animals that the blogger left behind and urge subscribers not to worry. According to them, some of the animals were handed over to “government authorities” and “Moscow colleagues.”

The lynxes were transferred to the Sirin animal rehabilitation center. At the same time, representatives of the center promised that they would continue to post videos with lynxes on the BobCat TV channel, and the videos would be provided to existing YouTube channel administrators. The center clarified that they were given three lynxes from Valeev’s collection.

Arslan’s father, Murat Valeev, told the St. Petersburg channel that, through employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he transferred the collection of snakes to a closed serpentarium for scientific research. At the same time, he stated that all poisonous snakes were brought to Russia in circumvention of the law.

Administrators cannot yet

The reptile grabbed Valeev’s finger on the evening of September 23. It is impossible to say for sure whether it was accidental or not.

Everything happened in live YouTube channel led by Arslan. In the video, he sits in front of the monitor after the fatal bite. At first the blogger shows his bitten finger, but is in no hurry to do anything. When he feels bad, in a semi-fainting state he dictates the phone number of his ex-wife and asks his subscribers to call her.

“I would be glad to see Katya,” says Valeev, rolling his eyes.

Was it suicide or an accident? The Investigative Committee is now looking into this. Well, everyone involved in this story needs to solve one more problem: where to put the 300 snakes that remained in Valeev’s huge terrarium?

A KP correspondent visited the site of the blogger's abandoned terrarium.

Arslan lived in a small house made of aerated concrete blocks on the outskirts of Vsevolozhsk.

There are enclosures with lynxes on the site. In a separate cage, a white alabai is yawning, and another watchdog, smaller in size, is rushing around the yard.

At the gates of this house, Komsomolskaya Pravda managed to talk to the mother of the deceased blogger.


Darikha Nurgusheva - a beautiful woman about 50 years old - smiles so as not to cry. She takes the death of her son very hard.

On the evening of the 25th, my friends called me. They say: look on the Internet, Arslan recorded some strange video there,” Darikha tells Komsomolskaya Pravda. “When I realized what happened, I immediately went to the hospital.

Before her son’s death, she managed to see him once again with one eye.

“I went into the intensive care unit to say goodbye,” Darikha sighs.

According to Arslan’s mother, snakes were his life’s work.

Even as a child he loved all sorts of worms and spiders. Then I became interested in snakes. I saw this hobby of his: I bought snakes, terrariums, and even allocated a separate room. I always supported him.

Dariha divorced Arslan's father a long time ago. But I visited Arslan’s house in Vsevolozhsk quite often.

The day after the death of my baby, my ex-husband took almost all the snakes somewhere - the most expensive and valuable ones. There are only pythons left,” says Darikha.


According to her, one snake costs from 2 to 4 thousand euros. Darikha fears that now they will try to sell them at a profit.

This is the seizure of the property of Arslan and his wife Katya. It's their property! - Darikha worries. - I will do everything to preserve the collection. Arslan dreamed of opening a private museum, and he must make money. This was his dream, and I must make it come true.

She emphasizes: she is not interested in money, but only in the memory of her son.

She does not believe that Arslan could commit suicide.

Yes, he and his wife had a disagreement. So what - who doesn't quarrel? But Arslan was very cheerful and positive. He would never have dared to do this.

Let’s add: four lynxes in cages and an alabai are still sitting on the property near the house.

Valeev's father refused to talk to Komsomolskaya Pravda. Relatives of the family said that "the snakes were taken away by the state."

At the same time, at the Leningrad Zoo they told us that they would not take the snakes for themselves. Reptiles do not have the necessary certificates and papers.


Arslan Valeev is a 32-year-old St. Petersburg blogger who owns the public page BobCat TV / Wild Cats. He has 273,633 subscribers on his YouTube channel and more than 55 thousand people are united by the exotarium public. In it he talked about lynxes and other wild cats.

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A black mamba bit a St. Petersburg blogger live.

Now in Valeev’s house at 4 Molodezhnaya Street in the city of Vsevolozhsk there are still three hundred reptiles, two lynxes and a dog. A private zoo with deadly inhabitants belonged to a deceased serpentologist blogger. Law enforcement agencies are concerned that dangerous reptiles will not spread to neighboring areas. Otherwise, panic will begin in the city.

Reptile specialist and popular blogger Arslan Valeev demonstrated the bite marks of his pet, a poisonous black mamba snake, directly during an Internet broadcast. This remained behind the scenes, but he may have deliberately exposed himself to a fatal blow. After all, there are no attempts to call a doctor or administer an antidote. Acceptable conclusion: Artur Valeev decided to commit a sophisticated suicide on air.

Those who saw this online, realizing the tragedy, tried to call doctors and relatives instead. The full horror of the situation and fear of death reaches Arslan himself when he is no longer online. According to relatives, the young man, allegedly with the words “I want to live,” asks them to urgently take him to the toxicology department of the hospital, reports NTV correspondent Nikolai Bulkin.

Sergey Glushkov, leading researcher at the Department of Clinical Toxicology at the Dzhanelidze Research Institute of Emergency Medicine: “We fought for the life of this patient for a day and a half. This poison has a very highly resorptive effect. The poison is quickly absorbed, enters the blood and finds its target organs."

Flirting with a poisonous snake attracted tens of thousands of views on the Internet. The black mamba in Arslan's collection is the most dangerous reptile. But for a specialist it is also the most favorite. Fast, aggressive, with a terrifying black mouth. When bitten, it releases hundreds of milligrams of poison, and 15 is fatal to humans.

His video blog was dedicated to dangerous experiments. Here he prepared the so-called cocktail of poisons from five different cobras. I drank it with soda. He will tell you what it cost him in the next video, showing a doctor’s certificate.

What is here – the desire of a specialist to learn more about the subject of study or is it still working for the public for the sake of a larger number of likes? His own house - a terrarium with cobras, mambas, vipers, boa constrictors and other reptiles - was openly shunned by his neighbors.

But Arslan was a recognized expert in his specific field. And on his Internet channel there are dozens of useful videos on how to keep reptiles, feed them, and breed them. He observed precautions more often.

Friends insist it was an accident. But if it was still suicide, then it could have been due to the recent difficult separation from his wife Ekaterina. She shared his interests and made videos for him. And during his last broadcast, he, being alone, said her name several times.

More details in the NTV story.

Russian video blogger Arslan Valeev ran the BobCat TV public page about wild cats and the YouTube channel “Private Exotarium”, where he talked about snakes. Arslan worked professionally with snakes, which is why some consider his death not an accident, but a suicide related to separation from his wife Ekaterina. The blogger studied the physiology and habits of snakes, and at home he kept a whole zoo where snakes, lizards and even lynxes and pumas lived.

In April 2017, Arslan divorced his wife Ekaterina. The breakup occurred with a scandal: Ekaterina Pyatizhkina claimed that things had come to the point of assault - her husband beat her out of jealousy, and she left him. Later, Catherine admitted that that incident was not the only one, and the reason they broke up was, in fact, constant beatings.

In September, Arslan went online with an unusual stream. A herpetologist tried to transfer a dangerous snake from a terrarium into a container with his bare hands, and it bit him. The black mamba's bite was fatal. Realizing that he was about to die, Arslan recorded a farewell video where he asked to contact his ex-wife. After spending several days in a coma, Valeev died.

Roofer fell from a skyscraper

The acrobat, roofer and extreme sportsman Wu Yunning had 230 thousand subscribers - all of them watched with bated breath the desperate Chinese's stunts, which he performed on the roofs of skyscrapers without insurance. Before each of his videos, Wu warned that there is no need to repeat after him - he has many years of practice and training behind him.

However, they did not help him. In the 10 months that Wu Yunning was blogging, he shot about 300 videos from the roofs of high-rise buildings. Interested advertisers approached him, and specifically for this video, Wu was supposed to receive $15 thousand, which he was going to save for the wedding and for the treatment of his sick mother. Unfortunately, something went wrong - the roofer tragically fell from an 82-story skyscraper. His body was found only a day after the stream.

Pregnant American woman shot and killed her boyfriend

A family of video bloggers - 20-year-old Monalisa Perez and 22-year-old Pedro Ruiz - were planning to make a viral video. Pedro invited his pregnant wife to shoot him directly in the chest, which would be covered only by a book. A book instead of a shield. According to him, he shot at the book many times, but the bullet never went through.

In front of her three-year-old daughter, Monalisa gave in to her boyfriend’s persuasion and pulled the trigger.

Pedro did not wait for the ambulance to arrive and died on the spot. Monalisa faces 10 years in prison or a fine of $20,000.
