How to make specifications. How to insert a compass specification into a drawing. Final preparation of assembly drawings and creation of specifications

Today we'll look at how to insert a compass specification into a drawing. The specification on the drawing sheet in compass 3d allows you to reduce the number of documents, and also allows the performer to work with the drawing more conveniently, he does not have to hold two documents in his hands, and does not need a lot of space to arrange the documentation on the table.

How to insert a specification in compass into a drawing

In the previous lesson we looked at how. Now let's look at how to create it in an assembly drawing. The specification for the drawing in compass 3d allows you to reflect the applicability of components in unlimited quantities, placed on the drawing, it does not contain many positions, and accordingly is only suitable for assemblies with a small number of components.

The specification is inserted into a drawing of minimum A3 format. We create a drawing and be sure to save it. Further actions Let's look at the example of a simple drawing.

In the top menu we find the “Specification” section and select “Add object”. As you can see, there is no need to create new files, everything is done in the drawing file. Adding an object directs you to select a section.

Select the documentation and click “Create”, proceed to filling out the specification. Now, to fill out the main title of the specification, you need to select the document to which we will link it. In the bottom panel, click “documents”, a small window appears, in which we click on the document selection, select, confirm, and click “OK”.

You must select an assembly drawing as a document. After confirmation, we see only the assembly drawing itself on the screen, but do not be alarmed - this is how it should be, the specification has already been created, all that remains is to display it. It is displayed as follows: Click “Specification”, then select the specification on the sheet and put a tick in the display box - the specification appears on the sheet, save the drawing.

Now you know how to add a compass specification to a drawing sheet. All that remains is to fill it out. To fill it out, double-click with the left mouse button on it anywhere, it will open in a new tab of the compass, you can read about how to fill it out in. Please note that when you open a specification in a new tab to fill out, it will not be displayed on the drawing until it is closed in the tab.

Thank you for attention! Ready to answer questions!

Hello, dear readers! Today we are creating an assembly drawing of threaded connections– bolt, screw and stud; let's learn how to create specification in Compass 3d to the resulting drawing.

Threaded connections They are detachable - they can be disassembled without damaging parts.

So, today our task is to create an assembly drawing of the connection of three parts with a bolt, screw and stud, as well as drawing up a specification for it in Compass.

The task in a somewhat simplified form is taken from the collection of Bogolyubov S.K.

Fastener parameters:

bolt M10*75 GOST 7798-70,

washers S10.37 and S16.37 GOST 11371-78,

nuts M10 and M16 GOST 5915-70

screw A M8*35 GOST 1491-80

stud M16*40 GOST 22036-76

It is required to depict the connections in a simplified manner.

The initial task is this.

Creating a drawing of threaded connections

Bolted connection

We will create a bolted connection using the library of Standard products included in the basic (free) configuration of Compass 3d.

1 In the main menu, click on the tab Libraries →Standard Products→Insert Element.

2 In the window that appears, in the file tree, sequentially select Fasteners - Bolts - Hex Head Bolts– find a bolt with the required GOST standard and double-click on it with the left mouse button or on the icon with the image of a bolt.

3 Double-click on the line Thread diameter and select the parameters we need: diameter 10 mm, thread pitch: 1.5, bolt length 75 mm.

Click Apply.

4 Place the bolt phantom as shown in the figure. On the properties panel, disable the Create specification object button. Click Create object. Then, again, click Stop 2 times.

A specification in Compass 3d can be created manually and automatic mode . Today, in order to take a closer look at the process of creating a specification, we will do it manually after inserting all the elements into the drawing.

5 We find ourselves back in the library. We select a washer of class C GOST 11371-78 (version 1).

We indicate a diameter of 10 mm, front view, simplified.

We place the washer on the bolt, fix it, and do not create a specification object.

6 We return to the library and select the M10 nut GOST 5915-70 (version 1). Choose a thread pitch of 1.5, the same as for the bolt!

The bolted connection is ready.

Screw connection

7 In the library, select a screw M8*35 GOST 1491-80 (normal screws tab), front view, standard detail (you will have to edit to simplified), thread pitch 1.25.

Hairpin connection

8 In the library we select screw-in stud M16*40 GOST 22036-76 (version 1), thread pitch at both ends – 2.

Insert the pin with the screwed end l 1 down.

The arrow shows the starting point for placing the pin.

9 Similar to a bolted connection, insert the washer and nut into the drawing of the threaded connections. Do not forget that the nut has a thread pitch of 2.

We manually create images of a bolt and a stud. We insert the screw from the library.

Note! We insert into the drawing a view of the screw from the left, and not from the top, since the screw in the library is located horizontally.

Now let's adjust the drawing of threaded connections in accordance with the task - simplified.

In simplified images, the thread is shown along the entire length of the threaded part; roundings, chamfers and gaps between the rod and the hole in the part are not shown. In the top view, the arc showing the internal diameter of the thread is not depicted; The washers are also not drawn in this view.

On the stud, the parting line of the parts is preserved.

We apply shading.

Want to know how to make carvings on a model in relief? about it.

Specification in Compass 3d

We will create the specification manually. For this we create new document– Specification.

Now it is displayed in normal mode (editing and filling is available).

Attention! Please add the Documentation section to the specification and make the following entry in it: in the Designation column - your accepted designation for drawings, at the end of SB; in the column Name - Assembly drawing.

Click the Add section button. In the window, select Details.

Fill in the first line.

To add a second line, click the Add auxiliary object button.

Fill out the Details section.

Then we create a new section Standard Products.

Fill it out in the same way as in the Details section.

The Designation column for standard products is not filled in.

Fasteners are entered in alphabetical order, parts of the same type are recorded in ascending order of size.

To fill out the title block in the specification, go to page layout mode (circled)

This completes the creation of the specification in Compass 3d, let’s save it.

Designation of positions on the drawing of threaded connections

Let's return to the drawing. Click the Designation button, select the Position Designation button

We apply positions first for parts, then for standard products.

To enter several positions from one line at once, you need to go to the Text menu in the Properties panel and press the Enter key to enter the position values.

We take item numbers strictly from the specification!

According to GOST, positions must be aligned vertically or horizontally. To align, use the buttons to align positions vertically or horizontally, having previously selected the position lines.

Finally, we mark the thread dimensions on the bolt, screw and stud.

The final drawing of the threaded connections looks like this.

If after reading the article something remains unclear, watch the video tutorial. It's not small, but quite detailed!

Now, I am sure, you will quickly make a drawing of threaded connections and a specification in Compass 3d for it.

The specification and assembly drawing of the product refer to the working design documentation. This documentation is developed after the general arrangement drawing and detail drawings have been completed.

The main design document for an assembly unit, complex and kit according to GOST 2.102-68 is a specification, which is a list of components and design documents for a specific product. The need to specify how. independent design document is determined by the needs of manufacturing, completing design documents, planning the launch of products into production.

The form and procedure for filling out the specification is established by GOST 2.108-68. The specification is

Rice. 3.32. (see scan) Specification form

on A4 sheets according to the form shown in Fig. 3.32.

The specification includes the components included in the product, as well as design documents related to the product as a whole and its components.

In general, the specification consists of sections, which are arranged in the following sequence: documentation, complexes, assembly units, parts, standard products, other products, materials, kits.

Depending on the composition of the product, some sections in the specification may be missing. The product specification “Geared motor” (Fig. 3.33 and 3.34) is presented in the sections “Documentation”, “Assembly units”, “Parts”, “Standard products”, “Materials”. Since the design of the “Geared Motor” (see Fig. 3.1) does not include complexes, kits and non-standard products used according to technical specifications (other products), there are no corresponding sections in the specification.

Design documents for the product are recorded in the “Documentation” section in the sequence in which they are listed in GOST 2.102-68 (see Table 1.2).

Examples of the sequence of filling out the “Documentation” section. - see fig. 3.33 and 3.35.

In the sections “Complexes”, “Assembly units”, “Parts”, the specified products are recorded in ascending order of the numbers included in the classification characteristics of the product. The “Gear” assembly unit, included in the product specification “Geared Motor” (see Fig. 3.33), has a classification characteristic of 303711, therefore it is recorded in the specification earlier than the “Electric Motor” assembly unit, whose classification characteristic is the combination 521721. The details are included in the specification in the same sequence. It is recommended to record parts with the same classification characteristics in accordance with the serial number (Fig. 3.35, pos. 6...9).

If the sections “Complexes”, “Assembly units”, “Parts” include products developed various organizations, then the products are recorded in alphabetical order, combinations of the initial characters (letters) of the indices of the development organizations, and then in ascending order of the numbers included in the designation.

Products used in accordance with state, republican, industry standards, as well as enterprise standards, are classified as “Standard Products” (see Fig. 3.34).

Standard products are most often bearings, fasteners, electrical products, etc. Products according to state standards are first entered into the specification, then according to republican, industry and enterprise standards (Fig. 3.36, items 19...22).

Within each category of standards, products are grouped into groups based on functionality. Usually, fasteners are written down first: bolts, screws, nuts, studs, dowels, etc. (in alphabetical order), within each name - in ascending order of the standard designation, and within one standard - in ascending order of the main parameters or dimensions of the product (Fig. . 3.34, pos. 16...22;

The “Other Products” section contains products used according to technical specifications. Products are recorded in homogeneous groups. The further recording order is similar to the order of recording standard parts. In specifications for electrical products, the order of recording other products can be determined by the order of their recording in the list electrical diagram. In Fig. 3.36 and 3.37 products pos. 23...27

(click to view scan)

(click to view scan)

(click to view scan)

Rice. 3.37. (see scan) Product specification “Device SG1-4” (end)

are arranged in accordance with their designations in the Latin alphabet (see the “Note” column).

The “Materials” section includes materials directly included in the product, such as cables, wires, cords, petroleum products, varnish, paints, etc. (see Fig. 3.34, 3.37). The procedure for recording materials is determined by GOST 2.108-68.

After filling out the specification columns, the following notes should be made:

a) in the “Format” column indicate document formats. If the document is made on sheets of different formats, then an asterisk is entered in the column, and the formats are indicated in the “Note” column in ascending order (see Fig. 1.9). For parts for which drawings have not been issued, the warhead (without drawing) is indicated in the column. In the sections “Standard products”, “Other products” and “Materials” the column is not filled in;

b) in the “Zone” column indicate

designation of the drawing area in which the position number of the component is located;

c) in the column “Pos.” indicate the serial numbers of the components directly included in the product being specified, in the sequence in which they are recorded in the specification. In the sections “Documentation” and “Kits” the column is not filled in;

c) in the “Designation” column indicate the designation of design documents and products in accordance with GOST 2.201-80 (see § 1.4). In the sections “Standard products”, “Other products” and “Materials” the column is not filled in;

e) in the “Name” column indicate the name of the product in accordance with the main inscription on the design documents of these products. For standard and other products and materials, designations are added to the name in accordance with standards and specifications. In the “Documentation” section, only the name of the document for this specified product is recorded: “Assembly drawing”, “Dimensional drawing”.

After each section of the specification, you should leave a few free lines for additional entries. It is also possible to reserve item numbers.

An assembly drawing is a document that provides the information necessary for the manufacture (assembly) of an assembly unit.

In general, the assembly drawing must contain (GOST 2.109-73):

a) an image of the assembly unit, giving an idea of ​​the location and mutual connection of the components connected according to this drawing, and providing the ability to assemble and control the assembly unit;

b) dimensions, maximum deviations and other parameters and requirements that must be met or controlled according to this assembly drawing;

c) instructions on the nature of the interfaces and methods for its implementation;

d) position numbers of the components included in the product, in strict accordance with the specification for this product;

e) overall dimensions of the product;

f) installation, connecting and other necessary reference dimensions:

g) if necessary technical characteristics and coordinates of the center of mass.

As an example in Fig. Figure 3.38 shows an assembly drawing of the “Geared Motor” product. The drawing contains an image of the structure, which gives an idea of ​​the relative position and connection of the component parts and is sufficient for the assembly of this product.

The drawing shows the dimensions and maximum deviations that comply with the submitted drawing. There are instructions on the fits of cylindrical parts that are performed during the assembly process.

The item numbers of the components are given in strict accordance with the specification for this product (see Fig. 3.33, 3.34). For rules for applying item numbers, see § 3.1.

A complete study of the design of the gearmotor is carried out on a general view drawing (see Fig. 3.1).

The installation, overall and connecting dimensions of the product are shown in the dimensional drawing (Fig. 3.39), which is intended to provide comprehensive information about the external contours of the item. The installation and connection dimensions of the product on the dimensional drawing must be indicated with maximum deviations. The dimensional drawing does not indicate that all dimensions are for reference.

The image on assembly drawings should be made with simplifications in accordance with GOST 2.109-73 and other ESKD standards. Pictures of different types of connections,

(click to view scan)

Rice. 3.39. (see scan) Preparation of dimensional drawing

typical parts and assemblies are carried out according to the rules set out in § 3.1. It is allowed to depict undissected components for which independent assembly drawings are drawn up. Typical, store-bought and other widely used products may be depicted with external outlines (see Fig. 3.38). A welded, soldered, glued and similar product made of a homogeneous material assembled with other products in sections and sections is hatched in one direction, depicting the boundaries between two products with solid main lines (Fig. 3.40).

On the drawings of assembly units made by surfacing metal or alloy onto a part, filling the surfaces of the part with plastic, rubber, etc., the dimensions of the final finished assembly unit and other data necessary for manufacturing and control are indicated (Fig. 3.42). The deposited metal for pouring is recorded in the specification of the assembly unit in the “Materials” section (Fig. 3.43).

A specification in the Compass program can be associated (that is, linked) with any drawings or 3D models. You can also create a simple specification by simply filling out the lines in the document. You can, however, build specification templates yourself using segments, but this is a completely clumsy way to create a specification =). If you have large assemblies, then it will be very convenient to create an associated specification, then some of the information will be taken by the program from drawings, 3D models, and when you select a line in the specification, the selected object in the assembly can be highlighted at the same time.

Creating specifications is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. And for beginners, often, mastering this module at first causes nothing but irritation due to a lack of understanding of its work.

Therefore, let's look at the simplest manual, rather than automatic, method of creating a specification, which no one recommends using, but with which you can get a little comfortable here. For example, you have an assembly of several unique parts (not standard ones like bolts and nuts) and several standard parts (just a bolt and nut) that can be inserted into the assembly from the Compass Design Library. To prepare an assembly specification, we need to create 3 sections (Documentation, Parts, Standard products) and fill out the title block.

Assembly drawing of the device

Create a Specification document ( File->New->Specification). The specification window will open. When creating any section, a specification object is immediately created - base or auxiliary. The auxiliary is simply a blank line where you enter your information. And the base object can have various settings (sorting, automatic filling of columns, connecting objects from 2d assemblies and parts from 3d assemblies). In our case, for maximum simplicity, we select an auxiliary specification object (although it is recommended to mainly use the basic ones). Both commands are available in the Specification panel or through the Insert menu.

To create the first partition Documentation click the button Add section on the Specification toolbar or menu Insert->Section. Select Specification Auxiliary Object, press the button Create and indicate information about the assembly drawing (format, designation, name).

Window for selecting a section and type of specification object

Create a second partition in the same way Details, but then, to create the following objects manually, simply use the button Add a helper object or Insert->Auxiliary Object. Specify the data - format, position on the drawing, designation, name, number of parts (if added through the base object, the position and number of parts are automatically entered).

In the same way, create a third section with standard products. If you specify the type of object when inserting - the basic object of the specification, then here you can select a template with text to insert, instead of filling it out yourself. Click the button Select a template. Next – Fasteners, bolt/washer/nut . The position, name, and quantity will be automatically entered into the specification - all that remains is to change the text.

9.1 Purpose

  • study and gain skills in applying the rules of depiction and designation of threads in accordance with GOST 2.311–68;
  • study the features of calculating standard threaded fastening connections;
  • study the features of creating an assembly drawing and specification;
  • gain skills in constructing images of threaded fasteners.
  • further design the assembly taking into account the calculations of the parameters of standard fasteners;
  • the holes in the body part for the screw and pin must be blind;
  • make an assembly drawing of the specified connections;
  • fulfill specification;
  • make a drawing of the part specified in the task;
  • apply the required dimensions in accordance with GOST 2.307-68.

9.3 Execution order

  • Based on the initial data of the stud, select the material of the part into which it is screwed;
  • depending on the screw-in depth of the pin and screw, determine the parameters of the holes for them, provided that the holes in the body part for the screw and pin must be blind;
  • further construct the assembly by choosing the thickness of the parts to be connected, taking into account the calculations and conditions of the problem, maintaining the proportional ratios of the parts (see Figure of the task);
  • based on the given thread diameters, calculate the lengths of fasteners;
  • insert into the drawing from the library images of smooth and blind threaded holes and standard fasteners;
  • edit images;
  • apply positions;
  • create specification objects;
  • apply dimensions on the assembly drawing, according to the rules for applying dimensions (GOST 2.307-68);
  • create a specification;
  • create a drawing of the part specified in the task;
  • fill out the title block.

9.4 Example of laboratory work

Let's construct constructive images of connections.

A variant of the task is shown in Figure 9.1. The initial data is as follows:

Figure 9.1 – Example of a task on the topic “Threaded connections”

9.4.1 Construction of a hairpin connection

1. The GOST 22034-76 stud has a screw-in depth ( l cc ) 1,25d , Where d – thread diameter. This means that the base material is, for example, cast iron.

By long stud we mean the part of the stud protruding above the surface of the body part (in the example under consideration - the base), see section and section.

Calculate the parameters of the threaded hole according to the notation shown in Figure 9.2 and the formulas below.

Figure 9.2 – Design parameters of a stud connection

Screw-in depth l bb =1.25d=1.25*12=15 mm
Hole depth = l cc +d=15+12=27 mm
Thread depth = l bb +0.5d=15+0.5*12=21 mm

2. Insert hole from library Libraries⇒Standard Products⇒Insert Element. In the dialog box, select the second tab Structural elements, folder Holes⇒Cylindrical holes⇒Smooth holes⇒Smooth cylindrical hole, simple through, double click on the selected hole.

Double-click any hole numeric parameter and set the following parameters:

click the button Apply and set the position of the hole in the plate pos.4.

3. Insert the threaded hole into the base in the same way. Select Holes⇒Cylindrical holes⇒Threaded holes⇒Threaded cylindrical hole with blind chamfer.

Set hole parameters: M12 with a large step 1.75 mm and previously calculated depths:

In the dialog box in the folder Display, specify: with axis rendering, Front view, Detailing - Standard. Click the button Apply.

Set the position of the hole in the base.

4. If the hole extends beyond the height of the base, the height of the base must be increased (so that, approximately, the distance from the border of the hole to the bottom border of the base is at least1d ), using the edit commandShear deformation.

5. Insert a stud from the library

Remember that standard products on assembly drawings are not cut, so choose the detail of the image that gives the appearance of the product!

On the tab Standard products select folder Fasteners⇒Studs⇒Studs with screwed end⇒Stud GOST 22034-76 (version 1) and double click on it.

In the dialog box, double-click on any numeric parameter and set the desired dimensions

6. Click the button Apply. Insert the pin into the drawing. The cursor will be associated with the screw-in end boundary point, which must be positioned at the intersection of the hole axis and the top edge of the base (see figure below). Set the vertical position. Please note that the option must be enabled in the properties panel, and select from the list.

7. Place a new positional leader line.

8. After which the specification line appears, click OK.

Exit the pin insert command.

9. Insert the washer from the library Libraries⇒Standard Products⇒Insert Element.

On the tab Standard products select folder Fasteners⇒Washers⇒Lock washers⇒Light spring washer GOST 6402-70 (version 1) and double click on it. In the dialog box, set the parameters shown in the figure below. Select Detail - Simplified!

10. The option must be enabled on the property panel Create BOM object, and select from the list. Indicate the previously placed positional leader line on the stud.

After inserting the Washer, the specification line window will appear, click OK.

Exit the insert washer command.

11. Insert the nut from the library Libraries⇒Standard Products⇒Insert Element.

On the tab Standard products select folder Fasteners⇒Nuts⇒Hex nuts⇒Nut GOST 5915-70 (version 1). Double click on it.

In the dialog box, set the parameters shown in the figure below. Detail - Standard.

12. The option must be enabled on the property panel Create BOM object, and select from the list Specify existing item designation. Indicate the previously placed positional leader line on the stud and washer.

After inserting the Nut, the specification line window will appear, click OK.

Exit the insert nut command.

9.4.2 Construction of a bolted connection

Let's look at inserting a Bolted connection using another library. Insert the bolted connection assembly along with the holes.

1. Call up the library window Libraries⇒Standard Products⇒Insert Element.
On the tab Fastening connections select folder Bolted connection with hole⇒Bolted connection with hole. Double click on it.

2. In the middle area of ​​the dialog box that appears, configure the composition of the connection.

For example, to change the bolt standard, find and select the desired GOST in the list on the left and double-click on it, the bolt in the middle area of ​​the window will change to the selected one.

Remove both washers under the bolt head (in the folder) by highlighting each one in the list and pressing the button Delete.

To replace the washer under the nut, similarly remove all washers (in the folder Products under fastened parts), find and select the one you need (GOST 11371-78) and double-click on it. The washer will be inserted into the folder Products above fastened parts, to move it under the nut, select it and press the button Move down .

3. After you have completely configured the composition of standard products in the middle part of the dialog box, configure the geometric parameters in the right part.

For us, the thickness of the parts to be connected is 36 mm, be sure to press the key after entering the value Enter, thread diameter M12 with a large step.

4. Press the button Apply. Insert the connection images into the drawing, placing the bolt head on the bottom and the nut on top. Make sure the option is selected Add a new position designation. Specify the position of the leader line. Items for all three standard products will be created automatically.

9.4.3. Construction of a screw connection

Similar to the bolted connection discussed earlier, insert a screwed connection with holes from the library.

The only difference from a bolted connection is that it is necessary to adjust the length of the screw and the depth of the holes according to calculations. Detailing at the holes - Standard!(so that there are no images of the local section).

Construct the shading of all the details.

To insert images of standard products in a top view, you can use the same library, only when inserting, turn off option Create a specification object!

Fill in the drawing title block by double-clicking on it.

Paste the code using the command context menu Insert code and name.

9.4.4. Final preparation of assembly drawings and creation of specifications

1. After inserting all standard fasteners and making the necessary changes to the parts being connected, proceed to drawing up the assembly drawing and creating a specification.
All standard fasteners already have positions. Place positions on the remaining components of the assembly unit, if they do not exist, using the list of sets command DrawingDesignation of positions.

Select in any convenient way the image of one component part, for example, Planks, in all images and add the position number to the selection.

2. Control Add objectspecificationsDetails, press Create.

In the specification line window that appears, fill in the properties of the object -Format, Designation, Name.

3. If for some reason, when inserting a standard fastener from the library, you did not check the option Create BOM Object, then also highlight in all images the image of a standard product, for example, a Screw, and the item number.

Select set list command ControlAdd objectspecifications . In the dialog box that appears, select the specification section -Standard products, press the button Select a template.

In the dialog box that appears, select the sectionFasteners⇒Screw.

In the specification line window that appears, check and, if necessary, change the properties of the object -Name.

4. Create a file Specification.
Select a team from the area ControlAssembly management. On the panel Options select team Add a document and select the build file.

5. The BOM will automatically display all the assembly components created in the previous steps. Add a section Documentation using the buttonAdd section. On the panel Options Choose a sectionDocumentation, press the button Add a documentand specify the assembly file, answer the question that appears Yes. As a result, all assembly drawing title block data will be copied to the BOM line.

6. All components are automatically sorted, select the command Arrange positions. All components will be numbered in ascending order of position.

Examples of work performed are shown in the figures below.

Figure 9.3 – Execution example laboratory work on the topic "Threaded connections". Assembly drawing

Figure 9.4 – Example of laboratory work on the topic “Threaded connections”. Specification

Figure 9.5 – Example of laboratory work on the topic “Threaded connections”. Part drawing

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