Ipad screen went blank and won't turn on. iPad won't turn on. Why won't my iPad turn on? iPad stuck on apple and won't turn on

If when you turn on your Apple devices, you see that the apple logo is on, but the iPad does not turn on - do not despair. Below are a number of ways to find out what the problem is and maybe even fix it yourself.

Why the ipad does not turn on: the apple is on and the screen goes blank

There are three groups of reasons why your iPad does not turn on and perhaps even the apple does not burn. Here are the reasons:

  1. Faulty charging cable or adapter.
  2. Software failures.
  3. Malfunction of device components.

Let's move on to a more detailed consideration of the reasons why the iPad is stuck on an apple and does not turn on.

The apple on the ipad is on and it does not turn on - check the state of charge

The reason, it would seem, is banal, but sometimes they don’t think that the tablet is empty. It often happens that the iPad does not turn on: the apple burns and goes out after a fraction of a second. It is possible that the remaining battery charge allowed the device to turn on for a very short time. Pay attention to the cable and charging adapter - if they are damaged. Try charging another similar device with them or change the outlet. If after these manipulations the tablet starts charging, then the defective accessory should be replaced or the socket repaired. Please note that only Apple-certified equipment should be used for charging.

Another option to fix problems with turning on the tablet is a very long battery charge. It can last for 1-2 days. According to user feedback, this should help.

The apple is on and the iPad does not turn on: software problems

Press the button on the ipad - the apple is on, then it does not turn on. This may be a sign that some kind of glitch has occurred in your tablet software. The first thing to try is to reboot the device. A deep reboot can be done by long pressing the power and home buttons. Hold until the apple logo appears. After a few seconds, your iPad is back to normal.

A universal way to fix a software error is to use the device recovery mode. Use iTunes to update or restore your tablet's firmware.

The iPad does not turn on, but the apple is on fire: what to do?

If your tablet display is dark but the Apple logo is on, you should connect your tablet to iTunes. The version of iTunes must be the most up-to-date. Then connect your tablet to your computer.

The recovery process is as follows.

  1. Turn off your iPad.
  2. On your computer, open iTunes (latest version).
  3. Connect your tablet to your computer with a cable.
  4. Press and hold the Home button until a message appears on the tablet screen “Connect to iTunes” or you can see that the program has found your device.

If, when connecting to a computer, the program displays any messages or warnings, follow the steps indicated on the screen to update or restore the iPad firmware. Steps through iTunes should help resolve the error in the software.

Please note that during the recovery process, you may lose all data from your device. The solution to the problem is possible by creating a copy of the data.

If the tablet is not visible when connecting to iTunes, then you should use the DFU mode. Follow the strict time limits allotted for working in this mode.

In the event that both recovery options cannot be implemented, you can use another computer with iTunes installed on it. Sometimes the reason that the device is not recognized through the computer is driver problems.

What to do if the iPad does not turn on and the apple is still on fire?

Another group of reasons are faulty components of the device. The battery, power controller, cable between the display and motherboard or battery charging port. All of these can be replaced. If all the recommendations above do not solve the problem, contact a specialist for diagnostics. An electronic technician can help determine what is not working and replace the correct part of the device.

Even the highest quality equipment is not immune from malfunctions. And Apple devices, which have won the love of users with their functionality and impeccable reliability, are no exception.

If your iPad won't turn on, don't worry too much. The reason for this is not necessarily a hardware malfunction, most likely, the problem is solved easily and tritely.

You should determine the reasons for this behavior of the tablet. This can happen due to failure battery or due to a malfunction of the power button.

Causes and Solutions

This behavior of the iPad is usually characteristic after the battery is discharged.

Factors associated with battery damage are conventionally divided into three groups:

  • deformation of the contacts (may occur if the tablet fell into the water);
  • minimum charge;
  • internal problems.
  • The battery has run out

    First of all, if it is impossible to turn on the iPad, it should be connected to the charger. A completely dead battery is often the cause of this iPad behavior. Usually, the battery charge is only enough to display an empty battery, but it often happens that nothing is visible except for a dark screen.

    The minimum recommended time to charge an Apple tablet is 20 minutes. After that, you need to try to turn it off. If a red battery appears on the display, the tablet is discharged and you need to continue charging.


    The most effective action in the fight against spontaneous shutdown of the tablet is its hard reboot. To do this, press two keys on the iPad "Home" and "Power" at the same time and do not release them until an apple (Apple logo) appears on the screen or graphic image about the condition of the battery.

    The appearance of an apple on the display indicates that the problem has been solved, the tablet is charging and will be available for normal operation.

    It should be noted that a hard reset resets temporary data.

    Restoring the iOS operating system using iTunes

    If, after a hard reset, the tablet still does not turn on, then you can try to restore the iPad to working capacity by completely flashing the device.

    In order to restore the operating system through iTunes, you will need:

    • the latest version of iTunes (preferably);
    • pre-downloaded file from iOS version, which is currently installed on the iPad.

    iOS recovery is carried out according to the following sequence of actions:

    iTunes will automatically delete all content and download "fresh" firmware during internal memory iPad. After the update, the device will be transferred to recovery mode, and the machine will be restored to the factory state.

    Other reasons

    Often, even with a loaded battery, the iPad still does not turn on.

    There can be several reasons for this behavior of the device:

    • installation of unlicensed applications and installation of new firmware. Possible Solution the problem is reinstalling operating system using iTunes. But before reinstalling the operating system, you must try to hard reset the device;
    • iPad component problems. Most often, the power button breaks. To diagnose this problem, you need to connect the device to the charger. If the battery charge indicator is displayed on the screen, then the power button is almost certainly out of order;
    • charging port is defective. This type breakdowns are much more difficult to identify, since nothing happens when the iPad is connected without a charge to charging. A possible way to eliminate this kind of malfunction is to clean the connector contacts;
    • moisture getting inside the tablet. You can try to deal with this problem yourself. You need to disassemble the tablet and let the device dry for 2-3 days. This method not always effective and risky, since there is a possibility of board oxidation. Repairing the board is usually quite expensive, and in some cases the device becomes completely unrepairable. In this regard, it is recommended to take the tablet to a service center to fix the problem as soon as possible;
    • short circuits. Although the cause is improbable when used correctly, when using a non-original charger this can happen. The only way out of the problem situation is to replace the burned-out elements.

    Video: What to do, iphone does not turn on

    iPad stuck on apple and won't turn on

    The situation when the Apple tablet does not turn on, and the apple is on the display is quite common. The likely source of the problem is a software glitch. To solve it, you need to install new firmware tablet using iTunes.

    Except software problem the reason for this behavior may be hardware. In the event of a malfunction of the internal components of the tablet, you cannot do without the help of third-party specialists.

    In general, when an apple appears on the screen, you should not worry too much, most likely, nothing critical has happened to the tablet, and the problem can be solved on your own. However, in extreme cases, such as moisture getting inside the device, it is better to contact the service center.

    As a rule, if the Apple tablet turned off and does not turn on, this means that there was a failure in the device's power supply system. In this case, the tablet can turn on or off on its own, periodically changing the indicator of the battery charge level. Usually, with such problems, replacing the battery helps, even if the gadget was purchased recently.

    Only experienced specialists can accurately answer the question of what to do when the iPad does not turn on. Timely contacting a specialized service center will help to avoid more serious problems and unnecessary costs.

Almost every owner of the popular "apple" tablet at least a couple of times dealt with failures during the operation of the device. It happens that the iPad does not turn on, the apple on the display is on. The problem is not so rare, so Apple Support has prepared several recommendations in case of such complaints from iPad owners.

Causes of the problem

Reasons for these failures include:

  • interruptions during iOS update;
  • incorrect installation of programs;
  • moisture ingress into the device;
  • processor failure.

How to troubleshoot

There are the following ways to solve the problem when the iPad does not turn on, the apple is on:

  1. Follow Apple Support recommendations.
  2. Entering the device into DFU mode.

For starters, it's best to use the first method. If there is no result, it is worth resorting to the second. It should be added that there are two options for entering the iPad into a special mode - at the end of the article we will consider how to do this.

If the iPad does not boot up for a long period of time during startup, the apple is on, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Connect the gadget to the PC and open iTunes.
  2. Perform a forced restart (simultaneously press and hold the Sleep/Wake and Home keys).
  3. Never release the keys after the company logo reappears on the display - the key combination must be held until the recovery mode screen appears.
  4. On the screen that appears asking you to restore or start the update process, select the "Update" function. The application must reinstall iOS while saving data.

"Apple" application should download software for the device. If for some reason the procedure takes more than 15 minutes, the tablet will exit the recovery process, then you will need to repeat all the steps again.

The above tips will also come in handy for owners of "apple" devices that do not turn on iPad 2, the apple on the screen is on.

Switching to DFU mode

It is worth noting that this is a more extreme way out of the situation when the apple is on, but the iPad does not turn on. There are two methods for putting the gadget into special mode.

First option

The easiest way to enter the device into DFU is to simultaneously hold down the Home key and the power button for 10 seconds. Then you need to release the power key and continue to hold the "Home" button.

Second option

If the first method did not work - the iPad still does not boot, the apple is on fire, you can try the second method. This method is considered more competent, but it is a little more difficult for new users of "apple" devices:

At the end of the procedure for entering special mode, a message will appear in the iTunes application that the program has detected your device in a state of recovery. However, you will need to restore your iPad before using it with iTunes at the same time.

Sometimes iPad owners face a problem when the device does not turn on or the apple icon just lights up on the screen. There are several reasons for a possible breakdown, some of which can be solved at home without contacting a service center.

The problem with turning on the tablet can be caused by several reasons: a breakdown of any internal component or a failure in the system. In the latter case, simple actions that do not require opening the device can help.

Option 1: Charging

First and most common cause why the iPad does not turn on - low battery. The tablet just turns on for a fraction of a second, the Apple logo appears on the screen, then everything goes blank. In this case, the low battery icon may not appear, the user will only see a black screen.

The solution is very simple - connect the iPad to the network using a charger and wait 10-20 minutes. During this time, the battery will be able to consume enough energy for further switching on. Then restart your iPad.

It is important to connect the iPad to a power source only through the "native" charger. If possible, do not use chargers from iPhones and other iPad models, as well as any analogues. Often they overheat the tablet, and this can cause the tablet itself to break. In the screenshot below, you can compare what the iPad and iPhone adapters look like.

If, after 20 minutes of charging, the iPad still does not turn on, check the operation of the USB cable itself and / or the outlet. Connect another phone or tablet with them and see if it charges. If yes, move on to other solutions to the problem.

Restarting the tablet helps many users with software failures, since in the process the system is cleared of unnecessary data, thereby preventing further failures and eliminating previous ones. It can be performed different ways, but in our case we will have to use the so-called "hard" reboot. We have described how to do this in Method 2 next article.

Option 3: Restore iPad

The most radical solution to the problem when the iPad is not turned on is to flash and restore it. In addition, this option is the last one that the user can apply at home.

Please note that the creation backup at this stage it is impossible, therefore, if shortly before the breakdown it was not created automatically or manually, then the user runs the risk of losing all files beyond the possibility of recovery.

In a situation with a non-working tablet, only iTunes will help you reset your iPad and set it up as new.

Option 4: Fix iOS bugs

Another way to restore iPad is to use third party program, which allows you to fix iOS device errors, and DFU mode. Using this option, the user will not lose important data. In this article, we will consider working with dr.fone.

Option 5: Repair

The solutions described above for solving the problem with the inability to turn on the iPad are only suitable if the tablet has not been subjected to mechanical damage. If, for example, a fall or moisture ingress could damage the components of the device, which led to failures.

We list the main signs by which the user can understand that the problem is a malfunction of the "insides" of the iPad:

  • Flashing screen when turned on;
  • Before the image fades, noise, stripes, etc. are observed;
  • The apple icon that appears is a fuzzy white color.

Today we have analyzed why the iPad may not turn on and how to solve this problem on our own. However, in a situation of mechanical damage, it is worth contacting a specialist.

Those who have won the trust of users with their reliability are no exception. But if it doesn't turn on, don't panic. The reason for this is not necessarily a breakdown, it can be commonplace and easily fixed.

If your iPad does not turn on, you need to connect it to a power source. A completely dead battery may be the cause of the problem. Usually the tablet's charge is enough to highlight an empty battery, but it happens that we see nothing but a black screen. It is recommended to charge the gadget for at least 20 minutes. Then you should try to turn it on. If the screen shows red , then the iPad is empty, so you need to . If there is no change, try changing the power source (plug it into a different outlet, change the charger).

Firmware problem

The battery is charged, but the iPad does not turn on, what should I do? This sometimes happens after a firmware update or installation unlicensed programs. The solution in this case is to reinstall the operating system. Try pressing the Home and Power buttons at the same time for about 10 seconds. Turn on iPad button power. If an apple appears on the display, then the problem is fixed, the tablet will turn on soon.

Tablet elements malfunction

Another reason why iPad may be a malfunction of the gadget.

Faulty power button

Sometimes it happens that the Power button fails and stops working. Diagnosing this problem yourself is not difficult - you just need to connect the iPad to the charger. When the battery charging indicator appears on the display, you can be sure that the shutdown button is not working.

Charging port broken

Identifying a connector malfunction is a little more difficult, because when you connect a completely discharged tablet to the charger, nothing will happen. There is, however, a possibility that the contact is missing due to contamination of the connector. So, the solution to the problem can be its cleaning.

Moisture ingress

Moisture inside the tablet can also cause the iPad not to turn on. You can try to deal with this problem yourself. To do this, you need to disassemble the device and let it dry for several days. But this is quite risky, because the board can oxidize from moisture. Repairs will be expensive, and maybe the iPad will not be repairable at all. Therefore, it is much more prudent to take the gadget to a service center to clean the board as soon as possible.

Short circuit

Another common reason for an iPad to turn off and not turn on is short circuits. Their very possibility in a tablet seems incredible. When used correctly, it is. Basically, a short circuit occurs due to the use of a non-original charger. In this case, an electrical impulse can disable some elements of the device. The only solution in this case is to replace the damaged elements.
