The outputs on the front panel of the computer do not work. The PC does not see the headset. The front soundbar does not work. The most common reasons for no sound in headphones on the front panel

The front panel does not work for Windows headphones, identifying problems and finding solutions.

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The front panel with a headphone jack is an important element of any computer. But it also happens that its work suddenly stops, listening to sound files becomes impossible.

There may be several reasons why the front panel for the headphones has stopped working.

Among the most common faults are the following:

  1. The required drivers are not installed;
  2. Assembly defects;
  3. The control panel is not configured;
  4. Parameters not set;
  5. Input not connected;
  6. The sound mode is not set.

And now about everything in more detail.

Let's figure out how to solve this problem. First of all, you should find out the cause of the malfunction.


Before you begin solving the problem, you need to make sure that the drivers on your device are installed correctly. To do this, try playing the audio file using the rear panel.

If the file does not play, the problem is serious. It is better for you to seek help from a qualified specialist. If there is sound, then we proceed to solve the problem with the front panel.

When the panel malfunctions

Remember how long ago the front panel stopped working. You may not have connected it since purchasing the device. Then most likely the problem is in the assembly. In this case, you can contact the store where you purchased the device (or a service center) for help.

If the panel was working properly and the breakdown occurred recently, remember what settings you have made recently. Perhaps something was configured in the Control Panel.

Due to incorrect installation, a failure could occur, resulting in a malfunction of the front panel of the computer.

Control Panel

Now let's move on to checking the sound settings. Open the control panel, find the sound section there.

Please note that in the “Play” tabs

and “Record” devices were set by default.

To see everything installed devices, click on any free place right-click and check the box next to “Show disabled devices”.

Now go to the “Play” tab. On the device that is working, right-click and launch “Properties”. In the window that opens, check that the list of connectors includes an item with a front panel.

The same needs to be done in the “Record” tab. Only here we open the microphone properties.

Realtek HD

If all the drivers on your computer are installed correctly, then you have the Realtek HD configurator. You need to check its settings. You can find it in the Control Panel.

Open the “Speakers” tab, select the yellow folder icon on the right. Make sure the “Disable front panel jack detection” option is enabled.

If the parameter has not been set, install, save and check the functionality of the panel. You also need to go to additional settings(the corresponding item is in the window on the right, at the top).

Set the options here that you want: “Separate all output jacks as independent input devices” and “Disable front panel jack detection.”

Connecting the inputs

If you have recently disassembled your computer, it is important to check that the panel was connected correctly and the wires were not damaged.

The panel can be connected in the following ways:

  • Using a solid block (AC'97 and HD Audio). Nowadays the most common type is HD Audio. AC'97 is already outdated and comes across very rarely.
  • Using separate connectors with markings.

If you don't know if everything is connected correctly, use your motherboard manual. It will help identify the problem.

The sound is not working properly

It also happens: the connectors on the panel are AC’97 type, and the sound is played back in HD. Your task is to change the way sound is played in the BIOS.

It should be displayed on the AC’97 panel. Or try turning off HD.

The front panel for Windows headphones does not work, summary

We looked at the most common problems with the front panel. If none of the methods help you, contact a specialist. The problem may be much more serious than you think.

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Recently, a friend contacted me asking why her front sound panel wasn’t working. She recently purchased a computer, everything works, she’s happy with everything, she connected it and set up the Internet. But a problem arose.

She bought headphones with a microphone so she could talk on Skype. After she connected them to the front panel, she discovered that neither the headphones nor the microphone were working. Moreover, if you connect them to the rear panel, then everything works. And there are many such cases. What's the problem? Maybe this is a defect and I need to use warranty service?

Not everything is as bad as it seems. In fact, in almost every case, users simply do not look carefully at the settings. The connectors located on the front are in working order and rarely break down!

What to do if there is no sound on the front panel

In the lower right corner of the monitor you need to click on the speaker icon. We are looking for a driver designed to play sound on a computer. I call it “Realtek HD”. If suddenly it is not there, then we turn to the control panel and look for it on it. If it is not there either, then you simply have a different driver.

Launch the found driver. The sound settings window will appear on the monitor. Select the “Speakers” tab (if you are the owner of Windows XP, then this will be the “Sound inputs/outputs” tab)

Once you do this, sound will appear on the front panel.

All of the above applies to Windows 7. Therefore, if you are the owner of the XP version, then your control panel will be slightly different. When you go to the “Audio Inputs/Outputs” tab, you will see that next to “Analog” there is a small wrench in a blue circle. You need to click on it, then a window will appear on the screen, as for the Windows 7 version. And then follow the instructions.

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Most modern computers have additional USB, IEEE1394, and 3.5 mm minijack ports on the front panel of the case. connectors for headphones and microphone. This was invented specifically for convenience, so that users do not have to climb behind the system unit to connect a flash drive or audio speakers. Unfortunately, sometimes it can happen that a careless PC assembler when assembling system unit I forgot or was too lazy to connect them. And now the front headphone jacks don't work. What to do? Call a specialist and pay money? No! You can do everything yourself.

Disconnect the system unit from electrical network. Unscrew the right side wall of the case and remove it.
We look at what cables go from the case to the computer’s motherboard - usually this is a small bundle of wires that are responsible for the power button, reset button, USB ports, etc. Among them will be a cable from the front headphone and microphone connectors. They are usually signed as "AC'97" or "HDAudio".

Now you need to carefully inspect the motherboard - you need to find the socket marked as “F-Audio”:

On some models the socket may be labeled as “FP_Audio”:

Or "HDAudio":

Now you need to connect the front headphone and microphone connector to the socket:

Please note that the plug and socket are connected only in one position due to the special location of the pins - the key. There is no other way to connect them.

We assemble the computer case, put it in place and turn it on. Now you can connect speakers or headphones to the front panel ports and check operation.

I recently assembled all my hardware into a new case. The case is equipped with a front panel with USB outputs and jacks for a microphone and headphones. But here's the problem: The sound on the front panel does not work! USB works, the "rear" connector (on the motherboard) plays sound, but there is silence on the front panel. It’s not convenient to crawl under the table every time, so through trial and error I found all the possible reasons why the sound might not work!

Causes, Why the sound may not work:

If the sound on the front panel of the case does not work, there may be several reasons for this and, accordingly, solutions:

Solution 1: Check if the front panel connector is properly connected to the motherboard.

There are 2 audio standards:

AC"97 (short for Audio Codec "97) is an audio codec standard created in 1997. This standard is commonly used in motherboards, modems, sound cards and cases with audio output on the front panel. AC"97 supports sampling rates of 96 kHz when using 20-bit stereo resolution and 48 kHz when using 20-bit stereo for multi-channel recording and playback. In 2004, AC"97 was replaced by Intel® High Definition Audio (HD Audio) technology.

HD Audio
Intel® High Definition Audio is based on a specification released by Intel in 2004 that delivers more channels at higher quality audio than was possible with integrated audio codecs like AC"97. Hardware based on HD Audio , support 192 kHz/32-bit audio quality in dual channel and 96 kHz/32-bit multi-channel (up to 8 channels).

Microsoft Windows Vista only supports acoustic peripherals High Definition (such as front panel audio solutions).

Solution 2: Update your audio driver.

Download the driver from the official website of realtek or your motherboard manufacturer.
You can also use the program automatic update drivers.

The sound may not work because there is simply no driver for your sound card. Or the software is not installed correctly on your audio device.

Solution 3: Correctly configure the software (driver) for your audio device.

If sound doesn't work on Windows 7, try the following:
Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Sound -> Select Digital Audio as default.

Realtek HD Manager --> Connector Settings --> check the box next to "Disable front panel socket detection"

Check the box to disable front panel socket detection.

4. Other solutions:

BIOS setup

In BIOS, you can try to enable AC"97 instead of HD Audio, or vice versa.

Replacing (soldering) the front panel

You can try connecting the audio output directly to the motherboard.

pinout on the motherboard (from Intel, usually standard)

Each case manufacturer's pinouts vary, so check the manufacturer's websites for details.

Alternatively, find a front panel from another manufacturer :)

Change case

A radical way is to change the case to a company from another manufacturer. On Thermaltake cases, the sound on the front panel always works! Confirmed by practice.

Few users of modern devices do not know how to connect headphones to a computer, but not everyone can solve problems that arise during connection. Let's look at some of the nuances of connecting and setting up headphones for their high-quality operation on various operating systems.

Connecting headphones to a computer is not a difficult matter, but sometimes difficulties arise directly when setting up the equipment. Almost all PC models have sound card. It can be built into the motherboard, or you need to connect to it through a special connector. In any case, the gadget can be connected either to the back panel of the computer or to the front (if there are appropriate sockets).

By looking at the figure below, you can understand how to connect headphones with a microphone to your computer.

The headset output is always green, and the microphone input is pink. Since the plugs of gadgets are also painted in corresponding colors, it is very difficult to make a mistake and insert them into other connectors. You need to insert the green plug into the green socket, and the pink plug into the pink socket. The pink jack can be used to connect both a headphone microphone and a third-party microphone to the computer. After which the connected equipment is configured using special software (in Windows 10, as well as versions 8 and 7, the configuration should take place automatically).

On a laptop, gadgets are connected in the same way. The manufacturer may place the connectors on front panel device or on the left.

Sometimes laptop headset jacks are made tighter to increase their lifespan. Therefore, do not be afraid that the plug does not fit into the socket well.

It should be noted that the plugs of headsets intended for computers are color-coded if there is a microphone on the headphones. The plugs of the rest of the headset do not have any color differences. There is a headset, for example, for phone, which has not 2 plugs, but one, which combines contacts for the microphone and audio channels. It clearly shows 3 stripes separating the contacts. Two contacts are used to connect audio channels, and one is for a microphone.

New laptop models have combination socket, to which you can connect headphones with a microphone that have one plug.

A special marking is placed near such a connector. If there is no such jack, but there are 2 standard ones, then such a headset can be connected via special adapter.

Thus, it becomes clear how to connect headphones from your phone to your computer. Headphones on the front panel are connected according to the same principle: if there is a microphone on the headphones, then it is connected to the pink jack, and audio channels to the green one.

Connecting the headset to a PC

Now you know how to connect headphones to your computer. But this action is not enough for the gadget to work properly, although most often it starts working right away and you don’t need to configure anything. But there are times when the connected gadgets do not work, so some actions need to be taken.

Connecting a headset on Windows 7

Before setting up headphones on a Windows 7 computer, you need to connect them on the back or front panel of the device to the appropriate connectors (you already know how to connect correctly). Then you need to start playing the music file. If there is sound in the headset, then the connection can be considered complete. If there is no sound, do the following using headphones on your computer (this instruction is also suitable for setting up the gadget on a laptop).

The above settings can also be applied to the Windows 10 operating system (Windows 10), if you do not know how to enable the gadget directly in it.

Microphone settings

Before you can use the microphone in Windows 7 or 8, as well as in Windows 10, you need to configure it.

There are also headphones with a microphone that can be connected to a computer via a USB connector. In most cases, after connecting them, the configuration occurs automatically.

Microsoft's new operating system is good. Compared with previous versions, Windows 10 is faster and more stable. You quickly get used to good things, so users react painfully to new problems with this OS. One of these troubles is the lack of sound in the headphones after installation or update operating system. Usually the reason lies in damaged or incompatible drivers, so you shouldn’t blame the developers of the new OS. Let's look at how to set up headphones on a Windows 10 computer and return music to the headset speakers.

Checking physical connection parameters

Sometimes no special action is taken to eliminate the problem. It is worth checking the primary causes of the problem - perhaps the solution lies on the surface.

Attention! After installing the chipset software, reinstall the audio driver.

Methods for setting up headphones

There are two methods for setting up headphones.

Driver update

This is the main way. 90% of all audio playback problems are caused by a problematic driver package.

Setting up Realtek Manager

If driver updates do not help, move on to the second method.

  1. Lack of codecs for playing music files High Quality. You can download them.
  2. Physical damage to the connectors or sound card. In this case, you need to contact the service center.

That's all. Now you know how to set up headphones in Windows 10 and diagnose the causes of the problem.

Everyone knows that headphones can be connected not only to a smartphone, but also to a personal computer or laptop. However, it is necessary to know the basic principles of the process. Therefore, in this article we will analyze them, and also consider possible difficulties that may interfere with achieving the goal.

How to turn on headphones through the front panel of the computer

  • To begin with, it is advisable to find the instructions that are included with the motherboard upon purchase. In it, on the first pages, you can find a diagram. It is necessary in order to detect a special input - a hole for audio connectors. It is usually located at the bottom, next to the USB.
  • Next you need to make sure it is correct. To do this, you can refer to the hint where the names are written. The one you were looking for is called an "audio connector".
  • Then you can take the required cable. It should be marked “hd audio”.

ATTENTION. If you have an old PC, you may need another one labeled “AC’97”.

  • Then you need to find the same connector, but only directly on the panel itself. Based on the diagram, it can be found at the very bottom on the left side. Of course, the location is sometimes different from others, since the manufacturers are different.

IMPORTANT. Do not confuse the recess with others similar to it. It often happens that users connect the product to USB. It is recommended to pay attention to the markings, as each system has one.

  • There is a specific slot on the part that is closed. This is done specifically to prevent you from connecting it incorrectly. This way, if the cable doesn't fit, you don't have to put in much effort. It is enough to check the correctness of your actions, turn again to the diagram and the equipment itself.

Therefore, after the above manipulations, the sound should be automatically played in the future. However, it is worth going into the settings and carefully studying the parameters.

Why don't headphones work on the front panel of the system unit?

Indeed, it may be that the procedure was not successful. In such a situation, it is advisable to independently identify the causes of the malfunction so that you can then eliminate them. Accordingly, the most common of them are:

  1. If the PC was recently assembled, then it is possible that the connector was connected incorrectly directly to the motherboard.
  2. Inappropriate settings in the control panel.
  3. Sound driver problem.
  • You should first double-check the functionality of the headphones. That is, connect them to another device. If there is sound, it's not their fault.
  • Make sure the switch is in the right place. It often happens that the volume is at a minimum.
  • In addition, you should connect the product to the back panel of the computer, instead of speakers. Most often the connector is green.

Thus, if the problem lies in the hardware, then all that remains is to double-check that all the parts are connected correctly. But it’s still worth checking drivers and settings.

A complete description of the parameters, as well as instructions for setting up built-in Realtek sound cards. Setting up playback, recording, 3D sound. Windows Vista/7/8



Audiophile's Software

Copyright 2017, Taras Kovrijenko

Full or partial copying of the text is allowed only with the written permission of the author.


This time I will touch on a topic that is relevant, so to speak, for beginner enthusiasts - that is, for those who have not yet acquired a discrete sound card and want to get the most out of an integrated one.

1. Educational program

To begin with, a short educational program. Who doesn’t know or doesn’t fully understand what it is hardware audio codec, carefully read the relevant Wikipedia pages:

Have you read it? Great! And now it would be very nice if you read my two articles:

Well, now we can start.

2. What we have

So, I have at my disposal the Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate x64 OS (the setting described in the article is suitable for all operating systems starting with Vista), the ALC887 codec built into the motherboard (ASUS P7H55-V) (there is a datasheet), an external amplifier connected to the rear connectors and microphone (green and pink sockets, respectively). Please note that we will configure the card for withdrawal stereo sound by analog interface.

3. Software installation

First of all, you need to install the drivers. Of course, most likely the Windows OS itself has already found and installed the drivers for the sound device, however, to gain access to all the functionality, as well as for peace of mind, we will install the driver package directly from Realtek, latest version which you can download on the corresponding page of my website. By the way, the settings specified here were tested on driver version R2.67.

Download the drivers and perform a simple installation procedure (by running HD_Audio/Setup.exe), reboot the computer.

After loading the OS, a brown speaker icon should appear in the system tray:

4. Driver setup

First of all, let's go to Windows Control Panel->Hardware and Sound->Sound and, making sure that our headphones or speakers are connected to the green socket sound card, disconnect all unnecessary devices, and make our connected device the default device:

At the same time, let's do the same with recording devices:

Now double-click on the tray icon. If there is no icon, look for it in hidden icons; if it’s not there either, go to Control Panel->Hardware and Sound->. One way or another, the dispatcher window should open:

Here we immediately set the speaker configuration (stereo), set our analog device as the default device (after which the corresponding button will go out), turn off surround sound if, God forbid, it’s turned on.

Using the button in the form of a yellow folder, you can configure to disable detection of front panel connectors:

Also note that the connected connectors are displayed in bright color - in our case, speakers are connected to the green output, and a microphone is connected to the pink input. There is one very important detail here: by double-clicking on the connector icon, you will see a window with a choice of the type of connected device. This is important because if you choose "headphones", then the codec will use a special additional amplifier (otherwise the sound in the headphones will be too quiet), for the connected active speakers or external amplifiers should be selected "Front Speaker Output". Here you can enable the automatic pop-up of this window when you connect a device to any of the card connectors:

Using the “i” button, you can open a window with information about the driver version, DirectX, audio controller and codec version, and you can also turn on/off the display of the icon in the system tray:

Now let's turn off the effects:

The “Room Corrections” settings for the stereo configuration are not available, which is strange - in the same console from THX (which is included, for example, in the Creative X-Fi driver package) you can adjust the distance and angle of direction of the speakers relative to your location, which It can be very useful when you are not sitting directly in front of the speakers, or they are located asymmetrically relative to you. Well, okay, let it be on the conscience of the developers.

The last tab duplicates the control panel settings (however, most of the settings from the Manager are also in the control panel):

Here you can set the parameters of the system mixer - at what sampling frequency and bit depth Windows will mix all played sounds. Let's set it to 24 bit, 96 kHz. I’ll tell you why later.

Since I am constantly bombarded with questions about how to set up a microphone (which, in my opinion, should cause a minimum of confusion), I will still focus on setting up recording devices. Their settings, by the way, as well as playback devices, are located on separate tabs at the top of the window. Let's start with the stereo mixer:

Everything here is elementary. This device records everything you hear through the speakers, i.e., the finished audio stream that Windows transmits to the sound card. It is reduced to the specified form (since the mixer operates with a sampling frequency of 96 kHz, then we will set the same here).

But our main recording device is, of course, the microphone:

So, set the recording volume to maximum and turn off the microphone gain (then, if necessary, you can turn it on). Also, very often people complain that they reproduce the sound picked up by the microphone; to prevent this from happening, we turn off the playback. To your taste - noise filtering, echo suppression. On the tab , again, the recording format is set:

Considering the characteristics of the sound recording path, the standard 16 bit/44.1 kHz will suffice here.

5. Setting up foobar2000

In principle, the work done is enough to ensure the highest (for this card) sound quality in any player. But for the truly paranoid, I will provide foobar2000 settings. We will need, in fact, the player itself and several plugins for it - WASAPI output support And SoX Resampler. Well, or you can download my assembly, which already has everything.

So, in the player output settings (File->Preferences->Playback->Output) select WASAPI:<наше устройство> , set the bit depth 24 bit:

When outputting via WASAPI Exclusive, all sound card effects (if enabled) are bypassed, as well as Windows mixer(for which we specified the sampling frequency).

Now let's move on to the DSP settings:

Here we add the resampler SOund eXchange and Advanced Limiter to the chain. In the resampler settings, set the frequency to 96 kHz.

Now why 96 kHz? I conducted a series of experiments and this is what I found out. In front output mode, if the volume control is set to more than 90%, when playing the test tone udial(sampling frequency - 44.1 kHz) strong distortion is heard. The distortion disappears if you either lower the volume, switch to headphone mode, or resample the audio to 96 kHz.

It is difficult to judge the reasons for this phenomenon based on the available data, but you can draw conclusions and play it safe twice: output all audio at a sampling rate of 96 kHz, and do not increase the volume to more than 90%.

And a few words about the need to configure foobar2000. In principle, it is possible to output audio to the device "DS: Primary sound driver" In this case, resampling will be performed using Windows(the resampler there is not the worst), besides, all other sounds will not be turned off (as when playing through WASAPI Exclusive). Additionally, by selecting this device, Windows will output sound to the device that is set by default in the Control Panel, which can be convenient (for example, when you turn off one of the devices, the sound automatically switches to another). So the choice is yours - convenience, or confidence in quality.

6. Resurrecting 3D Audio and Hardware Mixing

And of course I haven’t forgotten about gamers. Since in Windows, starting with Vista, there is no access to hardware mixing of streams (all operations are performed by Windows, and then one single stream is output to the sound card), the developers came up with special program, analogous to Creative ALchemy, but for Realtek - 3D SoundBack. It connects to hardware resources via the OpenAL interface, emulating for the specified Windows programs emulates a DirectSound device (as in Windows XP), and then simply converts DirectSound (or DirectSound 3D) commands to OpenAL commands, resulting in true EAX 2.0 in games, as well as the ability to convert multi-channel audio to stereo with surround effects.

To launch the program, open the folder .../Program Files/Realtek/3D Sound Back Beta0.1, in file properties 3DSoundBack.exe on the tab "Compatibility" install Windows Vista SP2 compatibility mode:

Now run this file. To add an application - click Add Game, enter the name and address of the folder that contains executable file programs. For example:

After adding, do not forget to highlight the added application and click the button Enable.

Now the specified application will by default use the DirectSound emulated device and will have access to the hardware resources of the sound card:


Well, another grandiose article is completed. By the way, I was thinking: in a good way, this article should have been written one of the first... However, at that time I still would not have had enough knowledge to describe everything in such detail, so it may be to to the best.

If something is not clear, or you have any questions, please ask or comment. Good luck!

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A front panel with audio and USB ports is an integral part of any modern computer. This is a very convenient thing that allows you to connect removable media, headphones or a microphone without unnecessary movements. However, it is often with the front panel that problems arise, as a result of which the sound stops working and you can no longer use the computer as usual. In this article we will try to understand possible reasons similar malfunctions.

Before you start troubleshooting problems with the front headphone and microphone jacks, you need to make sure that all drivers are installed correctly and the sound is working properly on the back panel of the computer. If you connect headphones with reverse side If there is no sound in the system unit, then the problem is more global and, therefore, requires a different approach to solving and a separate conversation. We will devote this article entirely to the front panel.

Why doesn't the sound on the front panel work?

We begin diagnostics by remembering at what point the inputs stopped functioning. For example, if the computer was only recently assembled and you have never used headphones with a microphone, then perhaps during assembly the connectors were incorrectly connected (or not connected at all) to the motherboard, i.e. The front panel is simply not connected properly. If the panel worked properly before, then try to determine the action after which the problems probably began. Perhaps some settings were made in the Control Panel or BIOS. If nothing comes to mind, follow the recommendations below.

Checking the headphone and microphone input connections

This item will be relevant for those cases when the computer was disassembled/assembled and after that the sound on the front panel stopped working. You need to make sure that the panel is actually connected - the connector is connected to necessary contacts on the motherboard, and the integrity of the supply wires is not compromised. To connect the front panel, either a solid block of two types – AC’97 and HD Audio, or separate connectors with markings can be used.

The AC'97 format is obsolete and is now rare. At the same time, the HD Audio (High Definition Audio) standard is now used everywhere. On the motherboard, the front panel HD Audio connector usually has letter designation, for example, F_Audio.

If you are still not sure where to connect the header, use your motherboard manual. Below we provide the AC’97 and HD Audio pinouts.

Connection diagram of individual connectors to AC’97:

Front Panel Configuration in BIOS

Sometimes it happens that the front panel works according to the old AC’97 standard, but the motherboard provides the new High Definition Audio specification. By the way, both connectors are similar, and the user may not notice this discrepancy. However, no problems should arise when connecting a panel with AC’97 to a motherboard with High Definition Audio. True, in some cases you will have to change the operating mode through the BIOS.

We go into the BIOS by pressing the F2 or DEL key when booting the computer. Next, go to the “Advanced” section and look for the “Onboard Devices Configuration” item. Just below is the “Front Panel Type” parameter (it can also be called High Definition Front Panel Audio or Legacy Front Panel Audio). Switch it from the HD Audio position to the AC97 position. If your front panel uses the HD Audio standard and the BIOS is set to AC97, then switch back.

Some motherboards do not provide the ability to change the operating mode of the front panel, but only allow you to disable or enable the sound controller. The Onboard Audio Function parameter (may have a different name) is responsible for this function, providing only the “Enabled” and “Disabled” values. In such a situation, you do not need to reconfigure anything in the BIOS, and the sound should work without additional manipulations.

Setting up sound devices in the Windows 7/10 Control Panel

If you are one hundred percent sure that the front inputs for headphones and microphone are connected correctly and everything is set correctly in the BIOS, it’s time to go to the sound settings in the most Windows environment 7/10. First of all, go to the Control Panel, and then to the “Sound” section. On the “Playback” and “Record” tabs, make sure that the default devices are installed.

To display all devices, right-click anywhere in the window and check the “Show disconnected devices” and “Show disconnected devices” checkboxes.

On the “Playback” tab, click the same right button on the active device and select “Properties”. In the “General” section, look at the list of connectors - the item “Front panel 3.5 mm connector” should be present.

In the same way, we check the microphone properties on the “Recording” tab.

Front Panel Configuration Using Realtek HD Manager

If all the steps done did not produce results and the front panel for headphones and microphone still does not work, try playing with the Realtek HD settings. If the drivers are installed correctly, this sound configurator must be present on your computer. We launch it using the icon on the taskbar or, if there is none, by following the path Control Panel - Realtek HD Manager.

In the program window, select the “Speakers” section and click on the yellow folder in the upper right corner.

Make sure that the checkbox next to “Disable detection of front panel sockets” is checked; if it is not there, be sure to check it.

Save the settings and check if the sound on the front panel is now working. In most cases the problem should be resolved.

Here in the Realtek HD manager you can make additional device settings. Follow the corresponding link in the upper right corner of the window.

Using switches we achieve the required sound configuration.

We tried to talk as fully as possible about how to act in a situation where the microphone and headphones on the front panel do not work on the computer. If none of the above helps, try reinstalling or updating your sound drivers. As a last resort, seek help from specialists.
