After changing the account, google play does not work. How to fix Google Play if it stops working? Make sure your Download Manager is running

Most owners of Android devices use the services of the official Play Market store from the IT giant Google, which, in general, is not surprising. Here, every user can find any content to meet their needs, be it special programs, films, music or games. However, situations are not uncommon when Google Play Market does not work on Android.

Such service failures can occur for a variety of reasons. Now we will look at what may be causing the problem and suggest the most effective ways to eliminate it.

In fact, the reasons that provoke such an error can be very diverse, the most common are:

  • There is no connection to the internet, caused, for example, by a settings failure (smartphone, router, etc.).
  • Technical problems on the part of the Play Market itself are quite rare, but not excluded.
  • Problems with the file hosts, which is edited by the system automatically.
  • There is a conflict between an installed application and Google Play.
  • The date/time parameters are incorrect.
  • Other.

First, what we have to do is simply restart your smartphone. The fact is that this banal procedure can be an effective solution not only with the problem described, but also in other cases of system freezing. If rebooting the device did not have any effect, move on.

Reset updates

Quite an effective procedure. Our actions - go to “Settings”:

Open " Applications"(maybe "Application Manager"), from the list that opens we find Google Play, press. In the window that opens, click on the position “ Uninstall updates"to return the Play Store to its original state:

We reboot the gadget and try to log in. What, there is no reason for joy yet? Then let's continue.

Reset settings and clear cache

Again, through the main settings, go to “ Applications", we find " Google Play", open. First, “tap” on “ Erase data", then " Clear cache»:

We restart and try to log into Google Play. If the question “why the play market doesn’t open” is still relevant, let’s continue “dancing with a tambourine.”

Correction of GP service data

As in the third step, from “Settings” we go to “ Applications", we find " Google Play Services", erase the data and clear the cache:

Clear Google Services Framework data and cache

Let's follow the beaten path " Settings» → « Applications" In the " All"find and open" Google Services Framework" Erase data and clear cache:

Checking the operation of Google accounts

It is quite possible that for some reason this function was disabled, which was the reason why the play market does not work on Android. It's easy to fix the situation. From the settings in " Applications"we need to open the tab " All", choose " Google Accounts"and, if this application is really disabled, then connect it, and at the same time (if necessary) clear the cache:

Debugging the Boot Manager

Disabling the boot manager can also be a likely problem, so to rule it out we go to “ Applications", swipe left to go to " All" and open " Download Manager" If necessary, activate it, and if the presence of a cache is detected, then clear it too:

Removing and restoring your Google account

Another effective method, to which detailed instructions “” were dedicated on our website. After the described exit procedure, .

Resolving application conflict

As mentioned above, there are applications that can block Google Play. One such program is Freedom. Advanced gamers probably understand what we're talking about. The fact is that Freedom allows you to bypass the Market license check in order to purchase for free all sorts of paid goodies in games (coins, crystals, extensions, etc.), for which the user can pay with a fake card:

Inept use of an application, or improper deletion of it, is one of the most common reasons for Google Play Market failure caused by changes in the “ hosts" To work with the application (installation and uninstallation). More information on how to correct the situation can be seen in a special video:

Cleaning the "hosts" file

It is worth dwelling on this point in more detail. The fact is that you probably don’t have the Freedom application installed (see above), but there may well be a problem with the file, and here’s why. The hosts file of the Android system (as well as Windows) stores a database of sites, as well as their IP addresses. And every time you open a particular site, the system will access the “hosts” file, and only after that the DNS server. That is, in fact, being in principle a primitive filter (firewall), hosts can, for security purposes, block access to almost any site, including Google Play.

That's when the need to edit it arises. For this we will need a file manager, for example, and (since we will be dealing with a system file).

Launch ROOT Explorer, find the folder system:

It contains a folder etc, go into it and set the rights R/W(Read/Write) by clicking on the corresponding button in the upper right corner:

Upon request of the Superuser rights system, we provide:

Now let's open hosts and start editing it. By default, it should contain only one line - localhost. If you see two or more lines, this means that other programs have made their changes, so we delete everything unnecessary without pity:

Correcting date and time settings

If there was a failure in this position (which could also block access to the play market), then:

  • Open " Settings»
  • In chapter " System"find the item " date and time", open.
  • Enter the correct data and save the changes.

Reset Android settings (or Hard Reset)

This is the last, so to speak, control shot from our arsenal, if you are convinced that there are no problems with the Internet connection, and all the described methods did not bring the expected result (which I very much doubt). What should we do:

  • Go to " Settings" and open " Recovery and reset", without forgetting to make a backup copy.
  • Select the item " Reset».
  • “Tap” on the field “ Reset your phone».
  • Finally, click “ Erase everything».

This procedure will delete all data on the device's internal storage, leaving the information on the memory card intact.

Perhaps this is all we wanted to talk about on the topic. Maybe you had a successful experience in solving a problem that was not described in the article, we will be grateful if you share it with our readers. Good luck!

Application GooglePlayMarket is a key program in the Android operating system, because it is with its help that we download and install new games and programs on our phone or tablet and find a lot of content. Like any other program, Google Play Market is not immune to glitches and errors. If you are one of the “lucky” people who are faced with the fact that the Google market does not launch on your mobile device, this article is for you.

A small note: on some unofficial (custom) firmware, the Google Play Market may be cut out by their developers (for example, this was done in the very popular CyanogenMode firmware), and you will not find it in the list of installed programs. Read about what to do, how to install Google Play Market on your mobile device, and how to start using it in these instructions on our portal:

After this short introduction, you can proceed directly to the recipes for “healing” your Google Market. So:

10 ways to fix a broken Google Play Market:

1. Turn on the Internet on your device

Why doesn't Google Play Market work? The reasons for this may vary. But first, we recommend that you check internet connection on your phone or tablet. For this application to work, a working Internet connection is required. Perhaps you simply forgot to turn on Wi-Fi or packet data transmission, through which the Google Play Market application connects to the network, or your connection to the access point has dropped. If the Internet does not work at all on any device, reboot your access point or router.

If you have a new smartphone or tablet, in this article in our knowledge base you can read about how you can set up an Internet connection on it:

2. Make sure your Download Manager is running

The Download Manager application is responsible for downloading files, and if for some reason it does not work, naturally, Google Play Market will not launch on your phone or tablet. Find Download Manager in the list of installed programs by going to Settings -> Application Manager (or simply Applications) -> All. Click on the name of the program, and in the "About the application" window make sure the program is up and running. Otherwise, launch the application.

3. Check your firewall or antivirus software settings

Typically, antivirus software is well aware of what the Google Play Market is and does not restrict its operation in any way. But perhaps you yourself tinkered with the firewall settings, and accidentally Google Play Market has been blocked from accessing the Internet. For example, this is very easy to do with one click in the popular DroidWall program. If the Google Play Market does not start, and you have an antivirus or firewall installed on your phone or tablet, go to this program and, just in case, check its settings, black and white lists of applications, etc.

4. Clear Google Play Market cache

This simple operation can help in the vast majority of cases. If the Google Play Market doesn’t work for you for some reason, and there are definitely no problems with your Internet connection, the first thing you need to do is clear Google Play Market cache.

To perform this operation, also go to the “Settings” of your phone or tablet, find the “Application Manager” menu item there or simply “Applications”, go to the “All” tab and find the Google Play Market program there. “Tap” your finger on its name, the “About the application” window will open in front of you. Find the "Clear cache" button in this window and click it, deleting all temporary program data.

5. Erase Google Play Market app data

You followed everything according to the previous instructions, but Google Play Market still won’t launch for you. What to do? Try after clearing cache as well erase Google Play Market program data. To do this, in the "About the application" window of the Google Play Market, click the "Erase data" button (on some Android versions - "Clear data"). All information from the settings and your activity in the Google Play Market will be deleted, and this may also help resolve the problem.

6. Uninstall all app updates

If the above operation did not help you, and Google Play Market still does not work, in the same “About” window of the application, click the “Uninstall updates” button. After this, the program will return to its original state, as during the first launch. Reboot your mobile device and try logging into Google Play again.

7. Clear Google Play Services app cache

You did everything exactly according to the instructions, but for some reason the Google Play Market on your phone or tablet still doesn’t want to launch. Try to do clearing the cache for the Google Play Services application just like you did for the Google Play Market. Find the Google Play Services application in the list of installed programs and click the "Clear cache" button in the "About the application" window.

8. Clear Google Services Framework data

The GoogleServices Framework application is responsible for the correct operation of Google services. If clearing the Google Play Market cache does not help you, first try to find the Google Services Framework program in the list of installed programs on your mobile device, go to the “About the application” window and erase its data by clicking the corresponding button. After this, you need to repeat a similar operation for Google Play Market, as described in paragraphs 4 and 5 of these instructions. Now you need to restart your phone or tablet, the Google Play Market should work.

9. Delete and reinstall your Google account

You have erased and cleared all Google program caches and data, but this still does not solve your problem. Perhaps it will help you deleting your accountGoogle on a mobile device and then restore it.

Go to the "Settings" menu and find the "Accounts" item there. “Tap” on the name of your account registered on this phone or tablet, and in the menu that opens, select “Delete account.” Reboot your device and register a new Google account on your mobile device.

10. Reset all settings of your device to factory settings

What to do if you have already tried all possible ways to solve the problem of Google Play Market not working on your Android device, and none of them helped you? In this case, you have the last, radical remedy left in stock. You can reset all the settings of your phone or tablet to factory settings, that is, give it a hard reset, returning your mobile device to the state in which it left the factory.

You should resort to the method of resetting the settings to factory settings only as a last resort, if you have already tried everything else, because hardreset will destroy all your data and applications you have installed, including contacts, messages, accountsGoogle. Only the information located on the SD flash card will remain untouched.

In order to reset all Android OS settings in this way, perform the following sequence of actions (in some versions of Android firmware the names of menu items may differ slightly):

1. Go to the “Settings” menu of your phone or tablet;

2. Select the "Backup and reset" menu item there;

3. Click on the “Reset settings” item and confirm your choice by agreeing to start a full reset in response to the system question.

Before resetting all the settings of your mobile device and thus deleting all personal data, applications and contacts, it is highly recommended to back up the necessary information so that you can then easily and quickly restore them back. You can read about backing up and restoring data on Android in this article in our FAQ:

There are a huge number of reasons why the Google Play Market does not start, and it is impossible to definitively answer why this trouble happened to your phone or tablet and what to do in each specific case. We can advise you one thing: don’t panic, it’s better to calmly try different options for solving the problem, and one of them will definitely suit you. And our instructions will help you with this.

Very often, Android system users encountered errors 941 or Google Play Market does not work, does not start, crashes all the time, and so on. Let's look at how to solve this problem in detailed instructions.

Why doesn't Play Market work?

The most common failures and problems in the Google Play Store are: technical problems on the service itself, constant errors in operation, the application crashes all the time and does not work. This article provides several solutions to fix these errors.
We also recommend an article on this topic:

  • What do Google Play Store errors mean?

Google Play doesn't work - How to fix it?

  • Reboot Android

The very first thing to do is reboot the device. Often this can solve a problem related to Google Play, but also if the system slows down or freezes. If this does not help solve the problem, see the next point.

  • Reset Google Play Market settings
  1. Let's go to settings.
  2. Open Applications or Application Manager.
  3. Find Google Play Store in the list and click on it.
  4. In the application settings window, select “Erase data” and “ Clear cache».

  • Uninstall Google Play Market updates

We repeat 3 steps from point 2, only now click on “ Uninstall updates“. This will return the Play Market to its original state at the time of installation.

  • Reset Google Play Services app settings

Go to settings, open "Applications" and in the list find " Google Play Services" Open it and clean it too cache and data.

  • Clear "Google Services Framework" cache and data

Google Services Framework" Click " Erase data" And " Clear cache».

  • Google Accounts app is disabled

Go to Settings → Applications → All tab. Select " Google Accounts" If this application is disabled, please enable it.

  • Enable "Download Manager"

In the Applications section, go to the " All" and open " Download Manager" If you have it disabled, click " Turn on».

  • Delete your Google account and restore it

Make a backup copy of your data and in step 6 select “ Delete account“.

  • Applications blocking the Google Play Market

Some applications may block your work Play Store. For example, the famous application Freedom, which allows you to make in-game purchases for free, may interfere with the normal operation of the Google App Store.

  • Set up the "hosts" file

If you have the application installed Freedom, then this item is just for you. This method requires root rights. First, disable the Freedom application (in the program menu, select “Stop”), and only then delete it. After that, install the application Root Explorer or provide root access to ES Explorer. Then find the “hosts” file along the path /system/etс/, open it using a text editor and leave only this line (if not, write it):

  • Hard Reset Android

This is the most radical method that will delete all data from the internal drive. The data on the memory card will remain intact.

This method will definitely help you, the most important thing is to create a backup copy of the system before using it. At the first launch, you will be able to restore all data from a backup copy.

  • Check your Internet connection

Check your network connection. If you cannot open any website in your browser, reboot your router and set up an Internet connection.

  • Set the correct time (error “No connection”)

Set the correct time and enter the correct time zone. It's best to keep these settings in sync with your network. To do this, go to “Settings” → “Date and time” and check the box next to the items “ Network date and time" And " Network time zone».

Like Windows, the Android operating system allows you to install applications offline, however, most users prefer to use the Google Store, or more precisely, a special Play Market program, for these purposes. This method is not only more convenient, but also more secure than installing from an APK file, since many applications are scanned by an antivirus program before they are published.

Unfortunately, neither the Play Market nor the Android OS itself are perfect, so from time to time users have to deal with various errors, including errors in the Google Store. For some, the Play Market simply does not open, for others it cannot connect to the server, others complain about the impossibility of performing this or that operation.

The reasons why the Play Market does not work are largely related to problems in the system itself, but it often happens that the user himself, who voluntarily or unwittingly changed the Android system settings, is to blame for the failure of the Store. What should you do if the Google store, which was previously functioning completely normally, suddenly stopped working?

Temporary problems

Problems with the App Store may be caused by temporary interruptions in system services. This fully explains why the Play Market does not work on Android. What to do? No matter how trivial it may sound, a simple reboot of the device often helps in such cases.

Please also note that problems with the Store may be due to problems with Google servers. It’s very easy to check this; just try opening the Store in a browser or from another device.

No internet connection

Check if everything is fine with your Internet connection, if there are enough funds in your account, if the mobile traffic limit has been exhausted, if you have left the coverage area, if the signal source is a router, make sure that it distributes the Internet, and the mobile device sees the network and is connected to it.

Lost Google Store and services settings

It is possible that the problem is related to a failure in the settings of the Store itself or Google services. Eliminate this option. Go to the application management section and, having found the Play Market there, clear its cache. If this is not enough, also click the “Erase data” button.

These actions will delete temporary files, reset Play Market settings to default values ​​and, if the problem lies here, restore its operation. Similar steps must be repeated for the Google Play Services application. Just keep in mind that after the reset you will have to log in again.

Problematic updates

If the Play Market on Android does not start after an update, it is possible that the source of the problem was bugs in the update package. Try uninstalling the update or rolling back to a previous version of the application, if possible. For these purposes, it is good to have some kind of application backup program on your device, for example, SYNCit HD.

Download Manager or Google Accounts disabled

The Android operating system has a service application called Download Manager. It is believed that for the Play Market to work correctly, it must be running. Go to application management, go to the "All" tab, find the "Download Manager" application and make sure that it is working. If the Manager is not active, enable it.

At the same time, we recommend that you find the Google Accounts application and also make sure that it is also active. If this application is disabled, the Play Market will not open, and even if it opens, it will most likely not work correctly.

Google Account Access Errors

The reason why you cannot access the Playlist Market may be an error in accessing your Google account. You can solve this problem by deleting your Google account and connecting to it again.

Since deleting an account may result in the loss of user information, you should back up your important data before performing the operation.

Presence of incompatible applications on the device

Some third-party applications, in particular Freedom, can block access to Google services and thereby disrupt the operation of the Play Market. If you're using Freedom or another similar app and you suspect it's causing problems with the Google Store, uninstall it. You need to remove such programs correctly, namely, you must first stop the application and only then press the delete button. Sometimes the running VPN service interferes with the normal operation of the Market. Try to stop it temporarily.

HOSTS file changed

A number of third-party applications, such as Freedom, for example, can change the system HOSTS file, which is responsible for settings for connecting to remote hosts. There is a possibility that some third-party program has written its data into this file, which is preventing a normal connection to Google servers. Therefore, after completely uninstalling questionable applications, you should check the HOSTS file.

To access it, you must have root rights. Let's assume you have them. Go to file manager to location /system/etс, open the specified file with any text editor and delete all contents from it except the line localhost. Save the file, restart your device and check the Play Market.

Store files are corrupted

Another reason why the Play Market does not start may be a violation of the integrity of its files. Such damage could occur after a virus attack or user manipulation of Store files. In this case, you need to try reinstalling the Play Market. Uninstall the application in the standard way, clean the system with CCleaner or another cleaner, then download the Market installation APK file from a trusted source and install it in any way convenient for you.

The settings are set to the wrong time

Now let’s consider a situation where the Play Market does not work via Wi-Fi or mobile Internet and writes “No connection,” although it is known for sure that everything is fine with the Internet connection on the device. The most likely cause of this problem is an incorrect time in the settings. Go to the date and time section and check the boxes next to the “Network time zone” and “Network date and time” options. After this, the date and time will be synchronized automatically.

Reset your device to factory settings

Resetting to factory settings or Hard Reset is a tough method, which should be resorted to only when other methods have not brought results. Before resetting, it is imperative to create backup copies of your personal data, as well as the necessary applications, because they will all be deleted. You can start the full reset procedure either from the “Recovery and reset” section or from the Recovery menu (recovery mode).


This is perhaps the most radical way to restore the Market. There have been cases where the Google Store, as well as other applications, services, and the Android operating system itself continued to work incorrectly even after a factory reset. In this case, you can resort to reflashing as a last resort.

Brief summary

So, we have given the main reasons why the Play Market often does not open on Android and indicated what to do in most of the described cases. However, you need to understand that there are problems, so to speak, of a private nature that users of mobile devices with custom firmware have to face. The same should be said about the owners of Chinese mobile phones, whose firmware does not use Google services in principle. Errors in the operation of the Play Market, for example, after installing it on a Meizu smartphone, may be caused by other reasons, which must be considered in the context of the characteristics of the mobile device and its software environment.

Phones often (mainly for children) serve as a kind of entertainment platform. Various types of entertainment are provided by the Google service, also known as Google Play and now Play Market.

What is it and what is it eaten with?

Let's get to the definition. Play Market is a platform (it would be better to call it an Internet database) where many games for your mobile phone are presented, paid, free and shareware, that is, you can make purchases in the application itself. Arcades, racing, shooters, puzzles, online games and many other varieties and types of entertainment applications. But, as with other utilities, problems with the operation of this service are also possible. Such situations arise for thousands of users everywhere, and we will look at all sorts of malfunctions in the operation of this application in more detail.

Why won't the play market open on android? So, the main reasons.

  • The service itself. This happens extremely rarely, but it still happens. The simplest reason is that at a certain moment the service simply does not work. Just wait a while, the problem will be fixed and the application will be “launched” again.
  • Date and time. If the date and time settings on your smartphone are lost, this leads to an error associated with “missing connection”. Make sure the settings on your phone are correct.
  • Net. Operation may be interrupted due to problems with your Internet connection, please make sure your connection is working properly. For WiFi networks, try rebooting the router. In turn, those who use the mobile Internet should contact the operator and check with him about the possibility of problems and the correct settings.
  • Account. You have access to the Internet, but is your Google account connected? Making sure that it is deactivated is quite simple: the application will not allow you to perform actions in it. You can connect your account directly by clicking on the “Login” button. Next, go through the authorization procedure by entering your login and password. If you don't have an account, create one by registering. Did not work? Try enabling automatic recovery in the “Backup and reset” menu.
  • System interventions. Do you have Freedom installed? Disappointing news for you: firstly, you decided to bypass the system and get paid application features without paying for them. Secondly, Freedom blocks the functionality of all Google services. Uninstall the utility and access to all platform features will be restored.
  • File: Hosts. Changes can be made to one specific file named “hosts” by third-party programs or malicious programs. To fix this, you need to return the file to its original state. To do this, download the original version or create a text document and enter in it: localhost. The finished document (without .txt) is already placed in this folder. Unsavory individuals may try to extort money from you to restore this aspect of the system, because you can do it yourself.

Alternative solutions to this problem are also attached:

1. Reboot the device. It would seem like a simple action, but it can help in half the cases, as well as with problems with other utilities. Helps in resolving system failures that can often happen with all programs on mobile and desktop devices.

2. Rollback settings.

  • Erase application information. This refers to the “Cache Clear” function, that is, a certain area of ​​​​memory with a higher data exchange rate. You can perform this action in the memory settings of your phone or the gaming platform itself by selecting the “Clear cache” option.
  • Try deleting your update data. To do this, find the Application Manager in the settings of your device and click on the corresponding button in the Play Market application menu itself.

3. Connecting the download manager can help get many applications running again. In the manager we know, we look for the “Download Manager”, which in turn needs to be connected. If it works, we turn it off and re-enable it. Can be combined with rebooting the device.

4. It also happens that our Market is incompatible with other applications. It’s not easy to determine, but often the problem is caused by the same Freedom.

Finally, our most radical solution yet. It is located at the end of the list because you will need to reset your mobile phone. Make sure to back up your information: write down everything important to a memory card, since resetting data does not affect third-party file and folder storage. In the “Restore and Reset” menu, select the “Reset” option, after which the gadget will reboot. This technique also improves the functioning of the entire operating system.

We hope that our instructions helped you. Good luck!
