Simple cell phone repair: Troubleshoot hardware problems yourself. phone charge controller. Power controller: what is it What is the controller in the phone responsible for

Controllers are useful devices in their own right. And in order to better understand this topic, it is necessary to work with a specific example. Therefore, we will consider the battery charge controller. What does he represent? How is it arranged? What are the job features?

What does a battery charge controller do?

It serves to monitor the recovery of energy losses and spending. First, he is engaged in monitoring the conversion of electrical energy into chemical energy, so that later, if necessary, there is a supply of the required circuits or devices. It is not difficult to make a battery charge controller with your own hands. But it can also be removed from power supplies that have failed.

How the controller works

Of course, there is no universal scheme. But many in their work use two trim resistors that regulate the upper and lower voltage limits. When it goes beyond the specified limits, then the interaction with the relay windings begins, and it turns on. While it is working, the voltage will not fall below a certain, technically predetermined level. Here we should talk about the fact that there is a different range of boundaries. So, for the battery, three, and five, and twelve, and fifteen volts can be installed. Theoretically, everything rests on the hardware implementation. Let's look at how the battery charge controller works in different cases.

What are the types

It should be noted a significant variety that battery charge controllers can boast of. If we talk about their types, let's make a classification depending on the scope:

  1. For renewable energy sources.
  2. For .

Of course, the species themselves are much larger. But since we are considering the battery charge controller from a general point of view, they will suffice for us. If we talk about those that are used for windmills, then in them the upper voltage limit is usually 15 volts, while the lower one is 12 V. In this case, the battery can generate 12 V in the standard mode. The energy source is connected to it using normally closed contacts relay. What happens when the battery voltage exceeds the set 15V? In such cases, the controller closes the relay contacts. As a result, the power source from the battery is switched to the load ballast. It should be noted that it is not particularly liked to be installed for solar panels due to certain side effects. But for them they are mandatory. Home appliances and mobile devices have their own characteristics. Moreover, the battery charge controller of the tablet, touch and push-button cell phones are almost identical.

A look into the lithium-ion cell phone battery

If you open any battery, you will notice that a small one is soldered to the terminals of the cell. It is called a protection circuit. The fact is that they require constant monitoring. A typical controller circuit is a miniature board on which a circuit made of SMD components is based. It, in turn, is divided into two microcircuits - one of them is the control one, and the other is the executive one. Let's talk in more detail about the second.

executive scheme

Overdischarge protection

When the voltage reaches critically low values ​​that make the operation of the device problematic (usually in the range of 2.3-2.5V), the corresponding MOSFET transistor turns off, which is responsible for supplying current to the mobile phone. Next, there is a transition to sleep mode with minimal consumption. And there is a rather interesting aspect of the work. So, until the voltage of the battery cell becomes more than 2.9-3.1 V, the mobile device cannot be turned on to work in normal mode. Probably, you might have noticed that when you connect the phone, it shows that it is charging, but does not want to turn on and function in normal mode.


As you can see, the Li-Ion battery charge controller plays an important role in ensuring uptime. mobile devices and positively affects their service life. Due to the ease of production, they can be found in almost any phone or tablet. If there is a desire to see with your own eyes, and touch the Li-Ion battery charge controller and its contents with your hands, then when parsing it, you should remember that you are working with a chemical element, so you should be careful.

Modern electronic devices are highly dependent on the quality of components, whether it be a battery or a simple accessory. Everything must be of high quality in order to work for a long time and not refuse at the most inopportune moment. For example, you may be let down by a battery that has worked properly for several years, what to do in this case? Battery calibration on android will help and iOS devices or buying a new energy storage device. Before buying a new spare part, we will still try to restore and swing the battery of the device.

If you are reading this article, you are familiar with the problem of the device suddenly turning off at the most inopportune moment, even when the iPhone or Samsung shows that the charge is 50% or more left. This means that you have hit the so-called "Memory Effect". This can happen not only with NiCd but also with modern Li-Ion batteries.

Over time, the capacity decreases, but everything is recoverable, you can reanimate the battery by calibrating it. This is not a difficult procedure, but it takes time and care. If you do not have either, it is better to immediately abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200brestoring a Li-Ion battery, you can only make it worse.

It's time to restore the battery

Before embarking on radical methods to revive lithium-ion batteries, let's try to determine if there is a real need for this. We will analyze the main points when it is simply necessary to overclock the battery on a smartphone.

  1. The operating time of an iPhone or Samsung on android is constantly decreasing - if a new one new smartphone lasted a day or two without recharging, and after a year of use it lasts a maximum of 12 hours. Then you definitely need to reanimate the battery. How to properly disperse a dying battery on a smartphone, we will tell the following chapters of the article.
  2. Sometimes it happens that even immediately after turning off the charger, the samsung or iPhone immediately turns off, the battery is so “killed” by time and incorrect user actions that there is not enough energy even to load the operating system.

If you find out your situation in one of these points, then the question of how to restore the original battery capacity of the phone is not an empty phrase for you. Let's move on to practical actions.

Battery calibration

How to properly restore a Li-Ion phone battery to its original capacity? Several effective and inexpensive methods come to mind, applicable to both Android platform devices and iOs devices. The principles of operation of energy storage devices for smartphones, tablets, laptops are the same, so the instructions are universal and suitable for most electronic assistants.

  • The first way is how to reanimate a battery made using Li-Ion technology or polymer. We put the smartphone on charge, as you usually do on a daily basis. Upon reaching 100% filling of the battery (according to the version of the device itself), turn it off using the button. Immediately after that, we again connect the power adapter with a cable, and wait for about a couple of hours, during this time, the battery will get the missing energy and restore the “memory” a little. We repeat the procedure for several days in a row, for 5-7 days it will be possible to observe a clear improvement in battery life.
  • The second way, recovery of lithium-ion batteries. You need to try to land the electronic assistant to zero, so that even the screen does not display a request to connect to the charger. IN iPhone settings or Samsung on android, we set the screen backlight to the maximum level and launch a movie, a youtube video, a heavy toy, and wait until the battery gives up under the onslaught of high energy consumption. After this happens, we connect the charger and wait for the full completion of charging. After that, repeat the procedure up to 5-6 times. In most cases, this helps and overclocks even a new smartphone battery.

Applications and programs to help

In the previous section, we considered manual ones capable of calibrating the battery of an iPhone or Samsung phone on android. It's time to turn to the App Store and Google Play. In the open spaces of the virtual store, you can find many applications for the proper revitalization of lithium-ion batteries.

The sequence and logic of actions will be the same as when manually overclocking the battery on a smartphone, with the difference that some steps will be removed. For example, some applications themselves are able to discharge the battery to zero, starting the load on the main and video processors, which leads to the full consumption of stored energy in 30-40 minutes.

For Android

For android there is a battery calibration program called Battery Callibration. Convenient and not difficult to use.

Also, you can use the standard features of the operating system from Google. To do this, we transfer the device to "Recovery Mode" and go to the "Advanced" section, where we clear the records about the battery settings. I'll attach a video tutorial.

For iPhone

You can download the "Battery Life" application, but it can only be used to collect statistics, to calibrate the iPhone battery, it is better to use the manual method.

Doubtful and controversial options

There are quite a few rumors on the net about how to restore a lithium battery after a long and deep discharge. In most cases, these are fakes, you should not trust them. Here are a couple of examples (taken from the forums):

  • We put the battery in the freezer for a day, then we charge it with a standard adapter and we get a “new battery”. Now I’m telling you how it really is - by putting an old and long-dead energy storage device into the freezer, you will only finish it off, since self-discharge will begin to accelerate at a negative temperature, and you will achieve absolutely nothing. Although a deep discharge of the battery is 100% provided to you, followed by a slow “dying” of the battery.
  • Rumor has it that it is possible to restore a swollen phone battery, but this is not so, it is better to get rid of it by throwing it in the trash and buy a new one. This is an already used element, we do not recommend installing it in your iPhone or Samsung device.


  • It is best to manually calibrate the battery.
  • Overclocking new battery meaningless.
  • It is not possible to revive the battery by freezing, it is checked.

Observe the modes of storage and use of iPhone and Samsung smartphones on android, periodically (once every 2-3 months) calibrate the battery, and your gadgets will work for many years before going under the screwdrivers of the masters from service centers.

Power controller - what is it? This article will focus on a small part of your gadget, such as a mobile phone or tablet. Technology has not stood still for a long time, so various failures can occur, it would seem, for unknown reasons.

What it is?

This is a very small chip that is soldered to the circuit board of your mobile phone, usually near the charging port. What is a power controller for?

It regulates the process of supplying electrical current to the battery of your mobile device and is usually smart enough to detect, for example, that your phone is already fully charged. In this case, the energy supply process simply stops, and an inscription appears on the smartphone display, which indicates that the battery of your device is charged. It may also protect your device from chargers for more high voltage without letting your smartphone crash.

The power controller in the phone is broken, how to check?

If your mobile phone suddenly stops charging or the battery lasts only a few hours, then most likely this is the problem. Basically, there are not so many options for verification. You can try to charge the phone a little longer than usual or completely discharge and charge the battery. If the breakdown is serious, then, most likely, such actions will lead to nothing, and sooner or later the phone will simply refuse to turn on.

There is also an option when the smartphone starts to constantly reboot - again, the power controller is to blame. In this case, there can be an extremely large number of reboot cycles - until the battery is discharged. However, there may be other reasons for this behavior of your gadget.

Other breakdowns

It is possible that another malfunction is to blame for the strange behavior of your phone. Reboots and shutdowns are not necessarily a failed power controller. The battery could be the culprit.

However, here everything is a little simpler. In the case of a battery, first of all, you should check if it shows signs of damage or, for example, excessive overheating. If you have a monolithic battery (as in the iPhone), then it is better to contact a service center.

If you can pull out and inspect the battery (there is such a technical possibility) and it has visible signs of damage: swelling, concavity, etc.), it is better to try to replace it under warranty or buy a new one, depending on your situation.

Regarding self-repair

It does not matter what is broken in your phone: the battery or the power controller, it is strongly not recommended to repair it yourself. It is better to go to the nearest service center and let professionals solve the problem. Self-repair most often leads to the complete failure of the smartphone.

After all, its implementation requires a special tool, possibly additional parts (the same power controller, only a new one) and many other details.

How to extend the service life?

Having figured out what a power controller is, you can give some useful, albeit not new, recommendations on how to extend the operation of your gadget.

The most important thing is not to use chargers from other manufacturers. Despite the fact that they say around that such a replacement is safe - it's better not to risk it again. A small difference in voltage, which can be caused by anything, up to different materials of device manufacturers, is quite capable of destroying both the power controller and the battery.

As for the device itself, in addition to chargers, it is better not to use batteries from other gadgets. Of course, the era of counterfeit batteries is almost over, but compatible devices may remain.

Well, the last, quite logical advice - avoid moisture. If your device is not protected from water, then it is better not to wet it once again.


Now you can answer the question: "The power controller in the phone - what is it?" However, do not attempt to repair this part yourself. Without the necessary experience and tools, this will most likely break your smartphone. It is better to contact a special repair shop, where they have experience in dealing with such breakdowns.

In addition, if you notice such signs as, for example, frequent reboots with a full battery, fast discharge, and the fact that your smartphone does not see the charger, this is again a reason to take the phone to the masters.

Why does a lithium-ion battery need a charge controller?

Many readers of the site ask about what a lithium-ion battery charge controller is and what it is for. This issue was briefly mentioned in the materials describing various types of lithium batteries. This type of battery almost always includes a charge controller, also called a Battery Monitoring System (BMS) protection board. In this note, we will take a closer look at what this device is and how it functions.

The simplest version of the lithium-ion battery charging controller can be seen if you disassemble the battery tablet computer or phone. It consists of a can (battery cell) and a BMS protection circuit board. This is the charging controller, which can be seen in the photo below.

The basis here is the protection controller chip. Field-effect transistors are used for separate control of protection during charging and discharging of the battery cell.

The purpose of the protection controller is that it ensures that the bank is not charged above a voltage of 4.2 volts. The lithium battery cell has a nominal voltage of 3.7 volts. Overcharging and exceeding the voltage above 4.2 volts can cause the cell to fail.

In the batteries of smartphones and tablets, the BMS board monitors the process of charging and discharging one element (can). There are several such cans in laptop batteries. Usually 4 to 8.

The controller also monitors the process of discharging the battery cell. When the voltage drops below the threshold (usually 3 volts), the circuit disconnects the jar from the current consumer. As a result, the battery-powered device simply turns off.
Among other functions of the charge controller, short circuit protection is worth noting. Some BMS protection boards have a thermistor installed to protect the battery cell from overheating.

BMS protection boards for lithium-ion batteries

The controller discussed above is the simplest BMS protection option. In fact, there are many more varieties of such boards and there are quite complex and expensive ones. Depending on the scope of application, the following types are distinguished:

  • For portable mobile electronics;
  • For household appliances;
  • Used in renewable energy sources.

Often such BMS protection boards can be found in solar panels and wind generators. There, as a rule, the upper voltage protection threshold is 15, and the lower one is 12 volts. The battery itself in normal mode produces a voltage of 12 volts. An energy source (for example, a solar panel) is connected to the battery. The connection is made via a relay.

When the voltage on the battery increases more than 15 volts, the relays are activated and open the charge circuit. After that, the energy source works on the ballast provided for this. As experts say, in the case of solar panels, this can lead to unwanted side effects.

In the case of BMS wind generators, controllers are mandatory. Charge controllers for household appliances and mobile devices have significant differences. But the battery controllers of laptops, tablets and phones have the same circuit. The difference lies only in the number of controlled battery cells.

If you pick open any cell phone battery, you can find that a small printed circuit board is soldered to the terminals of the battery cell. This is the so-called protection scheme, or Protection IC. Due to their characteristics, lithium batteries require constant monitoring. Let's take a closer look at how the protection scheme is arranged, and what elements it consists of.

An ordinary lithium battery charge controller circuit is a small board on which an electronic circuit is mounted from SMD components. The controller circuit of 1 cell ("bank") at 3.7V, as a rule, consists of two microcircuits. One microcircuit is a control one, and the other is an executive one - an assembly of two MOSFET transistors.

The photo shows a 3.7V battery charge controller board.

A chip marked DW01-P in a small package is essentially the "brain" of the controller. Here is a typical wiring diagram for this chip. In the diagram, G1 is a cell of a lithium-ion or polymer battery. FET1, FET2 are MOSFET transistors.

Pinout, appearance and pin assignment of the DW01-P chip.

It was with this method that I managed to restore a Li-polymer 3.7V battery from an MP3 player. Charging from 2.7V to 4.2V took 554 minutes and 52 seconds, which is more than 9 hours ! That's how long a "recovery" charge can last.

Among other things, the functionality of lithium battery protection circuits includes overcurrent protection ( Overcurrent Protection) and short circuit. Overcurrent protection is triggered in the event of a sharp drop in voltage by a certain amount. After that, the microcircuit limits the load current. In the event of a short circuit (short circuit) in the load, the controller completely turns it off until the short circuit is eliminated.

As Woland once said: "The trouble is not that a person is mortal, but that he is suddenly mortal." The same can be said about our electronic friends - smartphones and tablets. Half an hour ago, it mysteriously flickered on the screen and pumped bass in the headphones, and now it is black, cold and does not react in any way to your attempts to revive it: it does not turn on, it does not charge. The same trouble can lie in wait when buying a used device. Yes, and devices purchased at promotional prices on sales can unpleasantly surprise the owner. Because of what the smartphone goes into a deep coma and how to get it out of this state is the topic of our short instructions for providing emergency care.

Why the device does not turn on

The problem of a device that does not show signs of life is perhaps the most common in the world of digital gadgets. As with most emergencies, a correct diagnosis is 99% successful.

The smartphone or tablet may not turn on due to software problems, hardware failures or malfunctions battery. The reasons why the device does not turn on are a wagon and a small cart.

Charger failure

Chargers are compact, operate in heavy thermal conditions and therefore often fail. Most The right way checks - use a voltmeter to make sure that there is a constant voltage of 5 V at the output of the power supply. If this is not possible, you need to connect another working smartphone to this power supply and check if charging is in progress.

Damaged USB cable

Cables fail much more often than power supplies. The wire is bent, and the charging plug is loosened with repeated connections / disconnections. At some point, the electrical contact is broken, the current through the cable no longer flows. No current - no charging. The cable is tested by connecting to a known good power supply and a working smartphone.

Deep discharge of the battery

The problem of deep discharge is typical for devices that have been lying without use / charging for a long time or have been in storage. The reason is that even when the smartphone is turned off, the battery is discharged due to self-discharge and current consumption by the standby circuits. The operating voltage of a lithium polymer battery is 3.6–3.7 V. If the battery voltage drops below 3.2 V, the smartphone charge controller will not be able to charge it due to the operation algorithm. To verify the problem of deep discharge, you need to remove the battery from the device and connect it to a voltmeter.

Battery failure

The original battery is rated for approximately 500 charge/discharge cycles. During the life of the battery, its capacity decreases. At one point, the battery capacity becomes so small that it can no longer be charged. Such a malfunction is easily tracked, since the operating time of the device also decreases with the battery capacity.

As a separate item, consider the failure of the battery from overheating. Most often, packaged lithium-polymer batteries in tablets and some smartphones with a non-removable battery suffer from this. Due to the high temperature in a sealed battery, gas formation begins, it swells. If it is not replaced in time, the consequences can be the most deplorable.

In case of loss of tightness, the battery will catch fire or explode, in addition, increasing in size from gases, the battery can damage the inside of the smartphone. Screens and sensors crushed from the inside are not uncommon.

Charge controller malfunction in a smartphone or tablet

Part electronic circuit smartphone is designed to charge the battery when connected network device. The charge controller monitors the remaining capacity of the battery, charges it when it is low, and stops charging when it reaches 100%. If you connect a non-original charger, a cable with a short circuit, or a power surge in the mains, the charge controller may fail. After that, the smartphone will not be able to charge the battery, although it will work fine from a charged battery or from a power supply.

Repairing the power controller on the tablet board is not a cheap pleasure. If your device is older, it would be better to power it through the Micro-USB port using an external battery (PowerBank), as the repair may exceed the value of your pet in the secondary market.

Troubleshooting power issues

network Charger and cable checked. Now we know for sure that the problem is in the device. Our first task is to try to charge the battery.

If the smartphone’s battery is removable, a charger, popularly called the “Frog”, will help us.

Connect the battery to the Frog and charge for 2-3 hours. Then install it back into your smartphone. If the smartphone starts up, connect its native charger and control the charge. Not charging - the charge controller is faulty. Have fun walking with the device to the service center.

In the case of a deep discharge of the battery, the algorithm of actions will be somewhat more complicated. If you do not know how to hold a soldering iron in your hands, it is better to contact a service center or buy a new battery. Are you determined to do everything yourself? Let's get started:

Video: how to charge the battery with the Frog

The device starts downloading but does not finish

Your electronic friend turns on, displays a splash screen and even starts to boot. Then it goes out and everything repeats over again. This malfunction can have two causes: software and hardware.

There can be many reasons for a software failure: both viruses and damaged file system user partition, and thoughtless use of serious system utilities. The correction algorithm is simple - loading the smartphone into recovery mode and reset to factory settings:

A hardware failure may be that the battery controller has blocked it at, say, 10-15% charge. When loading, the smartphone sees a low charge level and turns off. The treatment recipe is the same as in the case of a deep discharge of the battery: remove the battery, unsolder the controller from the “jar”, ​​charge the jar with a charger up to 3.7–4 V. But such a solution is palliative. A battery that has gone through a deep discharge has already irreversibly lost a fair amount of its capacity. The best solution is to buy a new battery, if possible.

Smartphone vibrates but does not turn on

If the smartphone vibrates, but does not boot, this indicates that the battery is discharged to 0%. From this state, the smartphone will not be able to charge the battery on its own. It must be removed and charged using a universal charger, as described above. When removing the battery, evaluate its condition. If there are signs of swelling or loss of tightness, be sure to replace it.

Do not charge the battery with a universal charger for more than 1.5–2 hours - this can damage the battery, because the universal device does not have temperature control and overcharge protection.

The smartphone does not turn on after firmware or update

The firmware failed. Was it software failure or in the middle of the process the battery “died out” - it doesn’t matter anymore. You need to transfer the smartphone to emergency (download) mode, repeat the firmware process or restore it. All user data will most likely be lost. Consider such an operation on the example of a Samsung Galaxy smartphone:

  1. Put your smartphone in Download mode: simultaneously press the power button, volume up and the center key.
  2. Connect your smartphone with a cable to the port Computer USB on which run Samsung program Kies.
  3. Click the "Tools" tab and then select "Firmware Disaster Recovery".
  4. Select your smartphone from the list. If it is not displayed, you will not be able to restore it in this way.
  5. Enter the emergency recovery code.
  6. Click the "Restore" button.

Device charges but does not turn on

In this case, there may be several reasons:

Of course, when buying a new smartphone, you need to thoroughly check it in the store. But when shopping on Internet sites, this may not be possible. And returning a problematic unit is often not easy. The fact is that a new smartphone can lie in a warehouse for many months, all this time its battery is discharged and may well reach such a lower threshold when it is blocked by a charge controller.

The first step is to connect the smartphone to its factory charger and let it charge for 7-9 hours. If this does not help, follow the algorithm for working with a battery in a deep discharge: remove the battery and try to charge it with the Frog universal charger. If this charging mode, as well as charging the “bank”, bypassing the controller, did not help, the only thing left is to replace the battery with a new one.

Buttons, sockets and contacts

Let's briefly mention a few frequent mechanical failures:

  • smartphone power button broken. Of all the buttons, it is pressed most often, as it also serves as a screen blanking button. Its resource is not infinite, and at some point it breaks. And without the power button, you can not turn on the smartphone. Here is such a tautology;
  • Broken USB port on smartphone. By inaccurately connecting and disconnecting the cable, you can render unusable not only it, but also the USB socket in the smartphone itself. And if you can just buy a new cable, then the socket will have to be changed by service center specialists;
  • battery contacts are oxidized. Most often, this problem occurs after “bathing”, when the smartphone gets into the liquid. You can try to clean the contacts yourself with a medium-hard eraser, but it’s better to contact the service, because the liquid has penetrated much deeper than the battery connector.

Video: what to do if the phone freezes or does not turn on

Prevention is cheaper than repair

So that your pet does not end up on the operating table with service engineers, and the wallet does not become noticeably lighter, you should follow a number of simple rules:

  • charge your smartphone only with the original charger and cable;
  • carefully connect the charging cable to the device, avoiding side loads on the socket;
  • once every one and a half to two months, inspect the battery for damage and swelling;
  • do not drop your smartphone and keep it away from water;
  • Avoid strong heating of the device, do not leave the smartphone in the open sun.

If your device won't turn on or charge, the first step is to try and find the problem yourself and fix it. And although some malfunctions are guaranteed to make you a customer of the service center, simple reasons will allow you to get by with simple ones. inexpensive solutions, protecting your wallet and boosting your self-esteem.

Power controller - what is it? This article will focus on a small part of your gadget, such as a mobile phone or tablet. Technology has not stood still for a long time, so various failures can occur, it would seem, for unknown reasons.

What it is?

This is a very small chip that is soldered to the circuit board of your mobile phone, usually near the charging port. What is a power controller for?

It regulates the delivery process electric current to the battery of your mobile device and is usually smart enough to detect, for example, that your phone is already fully charged. In this case, the energy supply process simply stops, and an inscription appears on the smartphone display, which indicates that the battery of your device is charged. Perhaps it also protects your device from higher voltage chargers, preventing your smartphone from breaking down.

The power controller in the phone is broken, how to check?

If your mobile phone suddenly stopped charging or the battery lasts only a few hours, then, most likely, the reason is precisely in this problem. Basically, there are not so many options for verification. You can try to charge the phone a little longer than usual or completely discharge and charge the battery. If the breakdown is serious, then, most likely, such actions will lead to nothing, and sooner or later the phone will simply refuse to turn on.

There is also an option when the smartphone starts to constantly reboot - again, the power controller is to blame. In this case, there can be an extremely large number of reboot cycles - until the battery is discharged. However, there may be other reasons for this behavior of your gadget.

Other breakdowns

It is possible that another malfunction is to blame for the strange behavior of your phone. Reboots and shutdowns are not necessarily a failed power controller. The battery could be the culprit.

However, here everything is a little simpler. In the case of a battery, first of all, you should check if it shows signs of damage or, for example, excessive overheating. If you have a monolithic battery (as in the iPhone), then it is better to contact a service center.

If you can pull out and inspect the battery (there is such a technical possibility) and it has visible signs of damage: swelling, concavity, etc.), then it is better to try to replace it under warranty or buy a new one, depending on your situation.

Regarding self-repair

It does not matter what is broken in your phone: the battery or the power controller, it is strongly not recommended to repair it yourself. It is better to go to the nearest service center and let professionals solve the problem. Self-repair most often leads to the complete failure of the smartphone.

Indeed, its implementation requires a special tool, possibly additional parts (the same power controller, only a new one) and many other details.

How to extend the service life?

Having figured out what a power controller is, you can give some useful, albeit not new, recommendations on how to extend the operation of your gadget.

The most important thing is not to use chargers from other manufacturers. Despite the fact that they say around that such a replacement is safe - it's better not to risk it again. A small difference in voltage, which can be caused by anything, up to different materials of device manufacturers, is quite capable of destroying both the power controller and the battery.

As for the device itself, in addition to chargers, it is better not to use batteries from other gadgets. Of course, the era of counterfeit batteries is almost over, but compatible devices may remain.

Well, the last, quite logical advice - avoid moisture. If your device is not protected from water, then it is better not to wet it once again.


Now you can answer the question: "The power controller in the phone - what is it?" However, do not attempt to repair this part yourself. Without the necessary experience and tools, this will most likely break your smartphone. It is better to contact a special repair shop, where they have experience in dealing with such breakdowns.

In addition, if you notice such signs as, for example, frequent reboots with a full battery, fast discharge, and the fact that your smartphone does not see the charger, this is again a reason to take the phone to the masters.

The power controller is one of the important microcircuits of any phone, without which it simply will not work to turn on the device. Regardless of the complexity of the breakdown, it is not recommended to carry out repair work on your own, it is best to contact a specialized workshop. The Re:Store service center has been replacing phone power controllers since 2009. All work is carried out by highly qualified professionals with a guarantee for a period of 1 to 6 months. Don't know who to turn to for help? Our service center is the best choice!

The main reasons for the failure of the power controller:

  • Mechanical damage to integrity as a result of falls and impacts.
  • Incorrect operation.
  • The ingress of liquid and dirt into the device, high humidity.
  • Voltage drop in the network.
  • Use of non-original power supplies.

Signs that urgent phone power controller repair is needed:

  • The smartphone is not charging.
  • Automatic shutdown or reboot of the device.
  • The ingress of liquid, dirt, dust into the smartphone.
  • The computer does not detect the phone when connected.
  • The device does not turn on.

Is it possible to fix the problem yourself?

If you do not have a special tool, you do not have professional skills and experience in the repair of mobile equipment, then the chance to determine the real cause of the breakdown is minimized. In 60% of cases, Re:Store service center customers tried to disassemble the device on their own in order to find out the cause of the malfunction. This method of solving the problem is wrong and very dangerous, because you risk aggravating the situation, which will greatly complicate its further repair.

Smartphone power controller replacement sequence

  • You provide the device to one of the branches of our service center.
  • Hardware and software diagnostics are carried out to determine smartphone malfunctions.
  • The manager agrees with you the cost and terms of repair.
  • We are replacing the power controller.
  • We inform you about the readiness of the smartphone using SMS messages.
  • You pick up the finished device along with a sales receipt and warranty card.

Advantages of the Re:Store service center:

Our service center is equipped with modern professional equipment that will allow us to carry out repairs of any level of complexity. Free diagnostics will reveal any type of malfunction, technical or software. Have you decided on a service center yet? Turning to us, we will be able to restore efficiency and attractive appearance your device. You can leave a request for repair by calling any of the numbers listed on our website.

  • The masters of our service center have vast experience and practical skills in the field of restoring the health of smartphones.
  • We give preference to modern equipment.
  • Minimum deadlines for completing tasks. In 80% of cases, we perform restoration work in just 1-2 days!
  • 100% quality assurance of work performed and components.
  • Maintenance of mobile devices different models regardless of the complexity of the situation.
  • Free diagnostics.
  • Availability of courier delivery.
  • Restoration work is carried out in strict accordance with the regulations of manufacturing companies.
  • The lowest prices and optimal pricing policy!

Equipment: mounting dryer, digital oscilloscope, measuring instruments, tweezers, plastic spatula, trinocular microscope, professional screwdriver set, soldering station, laboratory block nutrition.

Accessories: original spare parts, as well as their high-quality analogues.

Deadlines: 2-3 days (depending on the complexity of the breakdown and the features of the model).

Guarantee: 6 months.

The prices for repairing the phone's power controller are presented in the table:

*Indicated indicative prices to find out the exact cost of repairs, select your phone model in the top menu of the site

Parts 1 and 2 relate to HF and it is much more difficult to identify common features for all phone models, but something can be done. So if we consider part of the board 2 (Fig. 3), then here, as a rule, there is an RF controller chip (1), which is responsible for the frequencies in the r.telephone, as well as a master quartz resonator 2 (13 or 26 MHz) and a controlled oscillator voltage 3. In part 1 (Fig. 4), one can distinguish an operational amplifier (op-amp) 1, which amplifies the telephone signal and transmits it to the emitter (antenna) through the antenna switch 2. Ceramic filters 3 and 4 are 900 and 1800 MHz filters. Of course, such a scheme is very simplified, but for finding 50% of the faults that occur in the phone, this is quite enough. Further in more detail

Phone does not turn on:

Food chain:

1) Troubleshooting should begin with checking the battery. The voltage at the battery terminals must not be less than its nominal value of 3.6V, otherwise the power controller ( Power Supply IC) considers the battery to be faulty or does not respond to it at all . If everything is in order with the battery, then it is further recommended to connect from an external regulated source through a milliammeter. It should be noted that Nokia phones will not turn on normally with such a circuit, it will be necessary to apply logic signals to the additional power terminals (either 0 V or the supply voltage through a resistor with a resistance of 1 ... 10 kOhm). The main task of such a connection is to measure the current consumption of the phone when turned on.

The following options are possible:

When turned on, the current consumption of the phone is zero. This is the simplest case. Most likely the fuse of the power circuit burned out (it must be searched for by a specific

diagram), or the power button is out of order (easy to check with a tester), or the power controller (2) is out of order. It is also possible that the conductive paths are broken, for example, from the power button to the power controller. In any case, all these faults are easy to identify and correct.

When the power is turned on, a very large current flows, for example, about 1 A. In this case, it is necessary to determine what will heat up on the board. As a rule, the heating element will be defective. However, some rules must be distinguished: firstly, if a large current flows immediately after turning on the power and at the same time microcircuit 2 is heated (Fig. 2), then it definitely needs to be changed; secondly, if the current starts to flow only after pressing the power key and the same microcircuit is heated, then it most likely has nothing to do with it. I remind you that chip 2 is a power controller and it can get warm if

any other chip that is powered through the controller is defective. I can suggest the following way to search for a faulty microcircuit: check the resistances on the secondary power capacitors with a tester. Most likely, one of the capacitors will have a resistance of the order of 0 ohms. If there is no circuit diagram for this phone model at hand, then you will have to solder chip 2 from the board (so as not to damage it next steps) and apply an external voltage of about 3 V to the suspicious capacitor from the power supply, observing the polarity, and again evaluate the temperature of the microcircuits on the board. A hot chip will already be completely defective.

When turned on, a current of the order of 10-20 mA flows. In this case, the program of the phone in the FLASH chip is most likely damaged.

2) We begin the test in the diode continuity mode using a tester (see.NET 2) yellow capacitors. If the plus and minus of the capacitors rings, then we check the chain: one end of the tester is always on the + output. (See !!! in NET 2). On the plus, we measure by plus - one plus on the battery, and the second - on the capacitor. Should ring to the edge of the resistor R 22, then ring all capacitors from 1 to 6 in turn (see diagram). If it does not ring - directly from !!! we forward the MGTF postings (from the part with which it does not ring).

If everything is in order with the track, we supply voltage from the power supply to the capacitor instead of the battery. We measure the voltage on the upper leg of the power button (see. NET 2). Should be 3.6 V . When you press the button, the voltage should drop to zero. If this does not happen, you need to change the power button.

Attention:The power button cannot be soldered with flux! The flux gets inside, the button starts to live its own life, the phone starts turning on by itself.

If there is no voltage on the button, but there is voltage on the other side of the board, then this means that the adapter sleeve is rotten. In this case, we pass the wire and solder it on both sides.

If the voltage on the button still does not appear, then we measure on the capacitor - 3.8 V (see NET) - we measure on the left, because the right side is on the ground. If there is voltage on the capacitor, but not on the button, then we solder the CCONT (Power Supply IC) chip (see NET). If this does not help, you need to change this chip.

If the voltage appears on the button, we measure points 1, 2, 3. When you press the power button, 2.5 V should appear at these 3 points (before that, solder the Power Supply). If the voltage appears and remains on all three, you need to program the Eeprom. If it appears and remains on the top right, you need to program Flash. If the cause is an electrical malfunction, the phone will not turn on.

When turned on it goes small current about 1-3 mA. This indicates that the power controller is working, but not

the RF controller is working (chip 1 fig. 3) or the ceramic plates are broken quartz resonator 2 (Fig. 3). Replacing these components usually results in positive result.

After turning off, it turns on only after the battery is jittered: Warm up / Replace CCONT.

Charging is on, does not turn on: If there is no voltage on the power button, then

warm up/replace CCONT. If there is voltage on the button, change V202 (see figure).

Phone not charging:

See NET for charger.

Plus goes to the fuse, then to the coil, the coil should ring to 0, from the coil down to the Charging Control IC, and then to resistor 3 (R22). The tester should ring the fuse and coil. The reading should be 0. Otherwise, the fuse and coil must be replaced.

When charging is connected (the phone is off), the charging indicator blinks, when the phone is turned on, the message "not charging" appears: clean the battery contacts and check the transistor and resistor near the contacts.

Continuous charging: Warm up/Replace CCONT.

3310 Not charging: Check F200 (see figure).

"Not charging" with Li-ion battery, Ni-MH - everything is fine: software reset.

Fast battery drain when calling: Warm up / Replace CCONT, change PA.

"reconect charger": 1.Put a jumper R204 - R200 (see figure); 2. Warm up/Replace CCONT.

8210 "Not charging": Remove V 100 (see illustration).

8210 Does not respond to charging:Check F101 (see figure).

8210 Charging is in progress, does not turn on:If there is no voltage at the power button, then warm up / replace the CCONT. If there is voltage on the button, change V116 (see figure).

8310, 6510 Does not respond to charging: Check F100 (see figure).

Attention: At Nokia interchangeable chips inside the platform DCT 3 (3210, 3310, 3410, 6151, 8210, 8850, 2110, 6110, 5110, 5210, 5510, almost all models before 2000). The same is true for platform models DCT 4 (3510, 65**, 72**, etc.) The exception is 8310, 7650.

The most common iron defect is the failure of the "antenna switch", usually, this is manifested by the absence of a network, or the inability to obtain registration in the network, as well as the floating of the network strength indicator. The ceramic substrate of the antenna switch (as well as the transmitter) is very fragile and when the phone falls, it is these elements that most often fail. Diagnostic methods are shown in the figures.

The above solution can only be used to diagnose the health of this node, because. the phone only works in the 900 MHz band.

In order to determine what is the reason for the lack of a network, you need to go to the menu Settings - Network selection - Manual. If the message "No available networks found" pops up. So, the phone has no reception, the problem is with the receiver. If available networks are found, the transmitter does not work.

Faults related to the inability of the phone to work properly on the network. These faults can be divided into three types:

The phone shows the network level, but when you try to make a call, it says something like "call ended". The most common cause of such a malfunction is the operational amplifier 1 fig. 4. In most models, this amplifier is part

circuits on a ceramic substrate and when phones fall, this substrate can very easily break. Therefore, before looking for something more complicated, it makes sense to unsolder the operational amplifier from the board and visually assess the integrity of the substrate. Second

the reason is a broken antenna switch 2 fig.4. It is also assembled on a ceramic substrate, but it is much smaller in size than an operational amplifier, and therefore breaks much less often. It is checked in the same way as an operational amplifier. If the replacement of these components did not lead to a positive result, then it is necessary to change the microcircuit 1 Fig. 2. I remind you that this chip is responsible for exchanging phone data with the base station. The RF controller chip 1 may also fail.

fig.4. For different phone models, the probability of failure of the listed components is different. There are models where you need to start troubleshooting, for example, with an RF controller.

The phone cannot find the network at all. In this case, troubleshooting must begin with checking the antenna and antenna socket Fig.1. A broken external antenna connector can also be the reason for the lack of network layer. If the simplest reasons have been exhausted, then further we can consider the failure of the microcircuit 1 Fig. 1, the departure of the parameters of the quartz resonator and generator 3 Fig. 4, check whether filters 3 and 4 Fig. 3 are working.

Jumping network indicator / No network: Change cobba, ccont, pa, change 1st and 2nd IF filters. Network failure, slow playback of melodies: Replace the 32KHz quartz.

The phone shows a low network level or the network periodically disappears. Troubleshooting in this case is practically no different from the above case.

No network: HAGAR, c508, L511(delete), PA (N702).

8210 No network with active IR port: replace C153 (see figure).

Repair should begin by checking the speaker, microphone or vibrating alert, respectively. Then sequentially check the contacts of these parts with the board and the integrity of the conductive tracks to the amplifying keys or the control microcircuit, and, finally, the operability of the microcircuit itself. This type of fault is best seen on specific models phones.


Lines on the display, or no lines, etc.: Replace C409 and C410 (see picture).

No call:

Track break on the board (see figure).

Sound Distortion (RX):

Warm up / Replace COBBA.

Incorrect button recognition: Change R414 and/or R415.

8310, 6510 One or more buttons do not work:

Replace Z301 (see picture).

"Insert Sim": Clean/change SIM card contacts, warm up/replace CCONT.
Discharging the battery in standby mode less than 1 day: replace PA (N702). : Remove L511 (see picture).

Spontaneous shutdown (irregular):

  • 1. Turn off when network is found: Reset software.

  • 2. Works without SIM, turns off with SIM when network is found: Replace PA.

  • 3. Check the battery contacts, check the battery contacts on the board.

  • 4. Arbitrary shutdown: remove L511.

  • 5. Arbitrary shutdown: change R301.
8210 No vibration and backlight: Replace User Interface IC (N400).


If Nokia 7370, 3650 (with camera), 7650, 6100 "hung" from memory overflow (i.e. turn it on - only Nokia writes), you need to dial * # 7370 # when turning it on, before Nokia appears. The phone will turn off, then turn on, and it will work, however, everything that the user entered will disappear.
