Calibrating a new Android battery. Android shows battery charge incorrectly. Android battery calibration using programs

Greetings to all! With this article, we begin to collect for you the most useful and necessary information that will help you use Android smartphones with pleasure, without losing the performance and functionality of the device itself.

With the advent of the Internet era, the most pressing issue is the rapid discharge of the Battery. Yes, this is not strange, because now only the lazy do not use applications that constantly receive information and updates from the Internet. Even if you don't want it, then this function is enabled by default in the Android operating system and everything happens without your knowledge. We, as users, can only observe how quickly our phone is discharged.

For example! Samsung phone on the Bada operating system it holds a charge for 4-5 days, and there is nothing to be surprised about, there are really no applications for this OS, and searching for something on the Internet using a standard browser leaves much to be desired, it is due to these factors that the battery charge is maintained. The second example would be Samsung Galaxy S4, which already has a third battery on board and holds a catastrophically low charge.

Using S4 as an example, we will consider a problem and a solution that will help us restore the functionality of our battery and extend its service life. The smartphone came to me with two batteries, naturally Samsung, but from other manufacturers. The first battery has worked for more than a year and after being fully charged, it is discharged in a few hours, with turning on Wi-Fi, if you turn off the Internet completely, then you can extend the pleasure to 5-6 hours of operation on this battery.

The second battery is new, but the problem with it is a little different, when charging the battery, when the threshold of 88-90% of the charge level is reached, the phone turns off, an empty battery appears on the screen, then a full one, and so on in a circle, while the battery no longer takes charge. In operation, this battery is also no different; with Wi-Fi turned on, the charge lasts for a maximum of 6 hours of inactive use, while discharge occurs spontaneously and the device can turn off at any inopportune moment.

To test battery recovery, I chose two applications on Google Play, the applications are free, this was the first criterion, the second was the rating and the number of downloads. When choosing applications, I don’t take reviews as the main factor, since huge competition in the application market forces many developers to promote their projects, frankly, not very honestly. And in the post-Soviet space there are a huge number of people who want to write a review, good or bad, for pennies, so reviews serve no more than to familiarize themselves with the application, and in some cases, clarification, because filtering spam reviews is sometimes very difficult.

Android Battery Recovery

The Repair Battery Life PRO application was selected for testing and restoring batteries. More than a million installations and about 300 thousand ratings, with a rating of almost 5 stars, there was no doubt about its usefulness.

The first thing I did was reset the smartphone to factory settings, because it was not completely known what process could drain the battery so much. After the reset, charge the battery to maximum and turn on the phone. Updates to the Android OS and other applications from Google arrive immediately; this should not be prevented, because developers are improving and simplifying applications, which has a good effect on battery conservation.

Now go to Google Play and download and install the Repair Battery Life PRO application itself.

The program interface is Russified and quite simple, it does not require any special knowledge from us.

We launch the application, we are greeted with a message that we need to check the battery, click OK, and then the big green START button.

The first battery, which worked for more than a year, showed average test results. Basically, the cells were determined to have a weak charge. After which Repair Battery offered to fix this issue and extend the battery life by 28%. I agreed without hesitation. The fix took a matter of minutes.

The second new Samsung battery showed 100% serviceability, but let me remind you that the battery held a catastrophically low charge and the charge could disappear at any minute, which caused the smartphone to suddenly turn off.

For those who still insist that this is all nonsense and what cells are in the battery, I will explain a little. Smartphone, tablet and laptop batteries are very different from car batteries and regular batteries. And the main difference is the presence of a built-in chip, which, using software, controls the charge of each of the numerous cells, and subsequently their discharge. It is he who provides accurate percentage data on the state of charge of the battery. And the Repair Battery application does not repair your battery in the literal sense of disassembling, replacing acid and other things, but only corrects the software part of the battery chip.

Battery calibration

The second stage of recovery is the correct calibration of the battery, which affects the correct reading of information about the battery charge. In cases of faulty calibration, the battery can be discharged for a long time to 80%, and then drop to zero in a matter of minutes or hours.

To calibrate the battery, the application associated with Repair Battery, Advanced Battery Calibrator, was selected. Which can be downloaded both from the Repair Battery application and from Google Play - Advanced Battery Calibrator. The purpose of this application is to most accurately read data about the battery level and correct problems that are associated with it.

The application is not Russified, but it is very simple; to launch it is enough to press one big button.

After which the application in automatic mode determines the smartphone model, selects affordable way calibration and corrects it.

Many may be indignant, why such an application if you can do everything yourself by opening Root access. I'll explain that all the changes you make with using Root have very serious consequences that can turn your smartphone into a piece of scrap metal, so I highly recommend it if you do not have knowledge of the work operating system Android, under any circumstances, do not make changes using Root is right. These actions can greatly affect the performance of the device, OS security and performance. Be very careful when working with Root rights!!!

So, let's draw conclusions for each of the batteries after launching and correcting these two applications.

The old battery with Wi-Fi turned on began to hold a charge for about a day. Which is significantly higher than the indicators it produced before testing and corrections.

The new battery began to hold a charge with Wi-Fi turned on and running online applications on average two days or more. I think the main fix is ​​that after running these applications, the battery began to charge to 100%, the shutdown at the threshold of 88 - 90% disappeared, and sudden shutdowns of the smartphone disappeared. The only thing is that the percentage of the charge level is still not clearly displayed, so almost the entire working period is discharged to 40-50%, and the rest is gone in a matter of hours, but for many this bug goes away after some time. By the way, such a bug is very often noticed on new phones, so perhaps it also depends on the degree of development of the battery, since it is still new, the indicators before break-in are not entirely accurate.

All data is taken from a live example and I think the result is obvious, these applications work. But as you can already understand, these applications correct errors and only affect the software part of the battery and the OS, so you should not expect huge results when restoring a 5-7 year old or swollen battery, which, in addition to software faults, most likely already have technical malfunctions in the device itself.

(1 ratings)

On a newly purchased mobile device The battery life is significantly higher than after several months. The problem suggests that the battery is of poor quality and needs to be replaced. However, you should not rush and spend money on purchasing a new component. In most cases You can solve the problem by studying the instructions below. Let's look at how to calibrate the battery on Android using a manual or software method.

Determining the "calibration" value of the battery

Calibration refers to the adjustment of the operation of a certain component, as a result of which it is brought to its optimal state. In the case of a battery, calibration helps to establish the correct value of its volume, eliminate premature power failure and rapid discharge.

Signs of the need for a procedure

Before you begin following the recommendations below, you should make sure that the battery actually needs calibration. The main signs of the need for tuning include:

  • Spontaneous shutdown of a smartphone or tablet when there is a remaining amount of charge. For example, the device is forced to turn off when the indicator shows another 5% charge. In a normal situation, the device should continue to operate even at 1%.
  • Reduced battery life. If initially the smartphone could function without additional recharging, for example, 3 days, and then this period was reduced to one day - this is clearly indicates the need to calibrate the Android battery.
  • Inability to obtain 100% charge. The problem is rare, but its essence is that while replenishing the battery capacity, it is not possible to reach the maximum indicator.


If at least one of the indicated symptoms is noticed on your mobile device, you should perform calibration using one of the methods presented below.

Manual battery calibration Android

The method involves performing setup using a certain sequence of actions to charge and discharge the battery without using software. To carry out the procedure you only need Charger, which came with the phone or tablet. Instructions:

  • Fully required charge the battery, then turn off charging and . Next, the smartphone is put on charge again, but in the off state. Immediately after connecting the charger, the phone screen will light up and display the current charge status. You should wait until it reaches 100% again.
  • The next step requires turning on the device and changing its settings. You need to disable automatic sleep mode after a certain period of inactivity and set the brightness to the maximum level. This will help speed up the discharge. You can use other methods - include the film in high quality using a Wi-Fi channel. The main goal is to discharge the battery until it completely shuts down.
  • The final step is to recharge to the maximum value. When the full capacity is replenished, you can return the settings to their original position.

It is important to know

After performing these manipulations, calibration will occur and troubles with rapid energy consumption should stop.

Android battery calibration via apps

An alternative way to perform calibration could be use of special programs. Let's consider the process using the example of two of the most popular applications this category.

Battery Calibration

The application is available for download on the Play Market and, according to the developers, can be useful in the following cases:

  • done ;
  • produced ;
  • installed ;
  • the battery has been replaced;
  • The charge level is incorrectly displayed on the numeric or graphic indicator.

The software is used for:

  • battery calibration;
  • obtaining detailed information about the battery: temperature, condition, manufacturing technology;
  • determining the current and maximum permissible voltage level;
  • sound notification about the end of the charging process.

You can calibrate the battery on Android using “Battery Calibration” as follows:

Will be useful

As users note, the application helped to significantly increase the battery life of mobile devices and eliminate rapid discharge.

The essence of this Android battery calibration program is to display the amount of charge. Hence, Knowing the battery capacity, you can bring the indicator to the correct value. Before you start installing and using the application, you need to check the battery capacity. This is done in one of the following ways:

Once the necessary information has been obtained, you can launch the application and begin calibration. To complete the procedure you must:

Important tip! In order for your phone battery to last longer and hold a good charge, after purchasing a smartphone or tablet, do 5 full cycles of charging and discharging the battery. This will significantly increase battery life.

Methods for calibrating the battery on Android

  • Without obtaining Root access
  • WITH getting Root access
  • Using programs and applications
  • Using the Recovery menu

How to calibrate the battery without root access

Method 1.
First you need to find out the full capacity of your battery in milliamp-hours. To do this, you need to look under the battery, where all the information about it is stored, or you can find information on the Internet, in some review where the characteristics of your model are indicated. After this, you should install the calibration program from the Play Market on the device. There are a lot of them, but the most effective is Current Widget: Battery Monitor.

Using this program you can find out the battery charge in milliamps (mah). From this point on, you should charge the device to the maximum charge level. After this, you should turn off and turn on the device again. This action will let the phone know what the real and valid battery limit should be. If this method does not work, then you can try to do five cycles of charging and discharging the device and after the fifth time remove the charger and perform a hard reset phone or tablet. Hard reset will reset all created settings to their original state, but the command does not work on all Android operating systems.

Method 2.
Next calibration method Android batteries extremely similar to the first one, the only difference is that you do not need to install additional applications. To do this, you need to charge the phone to the maximum value. After this, disconnect the charger and turn off the phone. Then reconnect the charging cable and wait until the LED indicator turns green, indicating that the battery is fully charged. Then you need to turn on the phone and remove the auto screen off function. This action can be done using the settings. All this is needed to ensure that the phone runs out faster. After the absolute discharge cycle, we charge it again to the maximum value. After all operations, the Android operating system should use the battery sparingly and perform a full discharge cycle.

Android battery calibration program

You need to install the calibration program from Play market. There are a lot of them, but the most common is Battery Calibration. After installing this application, you need to charge your phone or tablet to the maximum charge, and then launch this application.

The charge values ​​on the display and in the application will differ significantly, so you need to wait until they reach the same value. As soon as they become the same, you need to press the “battery calibration” button. Your device's battery is now calibrated. This method is similar to the one we did without root access.

Calibration using Recovery

Need to go to Recovery mode on Android (Usually this is by holding down the power button and the volume + button when the device is turned off) and go to the additional settings section, where the “wipe battery stats” function is located.

It will delete all previously made settings and settings. After resetting all previous settings, you should completely discharge the device. After that, put it on charge again and charge to the maximum value. When the maximum charge value is reached, you need to go back to the application and perform calibration. This action will strengthen the settings and increase the functionality of the Android operating system.

There are cases among users that each of the methods does not work. This happens because the battery it uses is more than five years old and any calibration will not help here. When purchasing a new phone, it is recommended to immediately perform several cycles of complete discharge and charging. This action will increase the functionality of the phone and ensure long-term operation.

Batteries modern smartphones and tablets controlled by the operating room Android systems have sufficient capacity to mobile device worked without recharging for more than a day at average load. Over time, of course, the ability to hold a charge weakens and the gadget has to be charged more often. The first serious problems in battery operation usually begin after 500 full discharge/charge cycles, but in some cases a significant decrease in battery life can be observed after 100-200 cycles, and if you take it in time - after several months.

The first thing that usually comes to mind for the average user in such a situation is replacing the battery. However, this is an extreme measure and should be resorted to only when the battery has physically exhausted itself. In any case, it is better not to rush and first perform a procedure such as calibrating the Android battery.

What is calibration and why is it needed?

Calibration is bringing a device, in this case a battery, to an optimal state, in a word, optimization. It is performed in cases where problems arise in the operation of the device that are not caused by physical wear and tear of its components.

The reason for calibration may be stopping the progress of the charge at a level that does not reach 100 percent, rapid discharge of a battery that has not expired, disconnecting the device from the autonomous power supply when the level reaches 50 (or less) percent, as well as turning off immediately after the battery has been fully charged. In this article we will give several examples of how to properly calibrate the battery on Android. There are two main calibration methods – hardware and software. Let's start with the first one.

Manual hardware battery calibration

Connect a working smartphone to a power source and wait until the charging indicator shows 100 percent or the maximum value. After this, turn off the device completely and reconnect it to the power supply. When a signal appears on the screen that the battery is fully charged, turn on the gadget and deactivate the auto-extinguishing backlight function in the screen settings, that is, sleep mode.

Bring the charge level back up to the limit and leave the device to discharge with the display on. After the battery has used up all its energy and the device has completely turned off, put it on charge again (without turning it on) and bring the charge level to 100 percent. Calibration is complete, just remember to turn on sleep mode again.

Software calibration method with root access

The second method involves using third-party software and having superuser rights. First of all, download and install the program from the Market Battery Calibration from SuperThomasLab. After that, charge the device to its maximum. Then launch the application, give it root rights and see what charge level it shows.

If there is something wrong with the battery, most likely the values ​​of the standard indicator on the screen and the parameter in the program will differ. Continue charging until the level reaches the maximum, and then press the "Calibration" button and restart the smartphone.

Software calibration without root rights

You can calibrate the Android battery using the software method without having superuser rights. Apps designed for this purpose can also be found in the Google Store. The most popular of them is Battery Calibration, only this time from the developer NeMa. Resetting the battery using it is carried out according to the same principle as in the application of the same name from SuperThomasLab.

Calibration via recovery mode

There is another working way to calibrate your smartphone battery. This time third party programs won't be needed at all. Turn off the device, and then simultaneously press the volume up, power and home buttons to boot into recovery mode.

Go to the “Advanced” section, find the “wipe battery stats” option there and use it to reset the battery settings.

Departing from the text. Cleaning with "wipe battery stats" removes system file batterystats.bin, containing records of battery usage and previous calibration data. Programs like Battery Calibration do the same thing. Everything seems to be correct, but the debate over the effectiveness of this method has not yet been settled.

Some Google engineers, in particular Diana Hackborn, claim that calibration by deleting the batterystats.bin file is nothing more than a myth. According to their authoritative statements, the said file serves solely to collect information about the battery usage of processes and in no way on offline time work is not affected. However, many users claim that it was clearing batterystats.bin that allowed them to increase the battery efficiency of their device.

Engineering menu or Hard Reset

Essentially, this calibration method involves full reset reset the device to factory settings, which will erase all data, including battery usage. The method is considered radical, since in this case all programs, licenses and user information will be deleted. It is recommended to fully discharge and charge the battery five times before resetting. After this, you enter or directly boot into recovery mode and completely reset the device.

So, we learned how to calibrate the battery on Android. How effective it will be depends, first of all, on the physical condition of the battery. If its age is more than 3-5 years or the number of full discharge/charge cycles has reached the maximum values ​​​​according to its specifications, then you no longer need to think about calibration, but about completely replacing the battery.

Users most often complain about battery problems, which is why there are so many articles devoted to this topic.

If you notice that your battery is working less well, it may be time to calibrate it.

How to check if there are problems with the battery

First you need to understand why the battery performance has deteriorated - due to system calibration or the battery itself. We'll talk about calibration later, but for now we need to check if the battery is damaged.

If the battery is removable, turn off the device, remove it, and inspect it. Check for bulges and leaks. The picture below shows what a “healthy” battery looks like and a swollen one. If the phone does not lie flat on the table, this may also be a sign of a swollen battery.

Do I need to calibrate my battery?

If you see that the battery itself is normal, you can move on to the next steps. If you think that the problem is still there (even after calibration), we advise you to take it to a repair shop and consult with a specialist.

It turned out that the battery needs to be replaced? Then choose only an original battery or from a trusted manufacturer.

Buying a cheap, unreliable battery will only add headaches in the future, believe me.

Remember that battery problems may have different reasons. For example, if your phone won't charge, it's possible that the input port is faulty.

Also, the battery may drain quickly if you recently updated software, so it's worth clearing the cache.

What is battery calibration?

The Android system has a section that shows the battery status (Battery Stats/Battery), whether it is full or low.

The problem is that sometimes this data is not true. And there may be situations when the phone is discharged, although the charge indicator is normal.

Calibrating the battery means making sure the system displays the battery status correctly again.

It is important to understand that you cannot calibrate the battery yourself, because it is a power source that holds a charge and discharges.

Lithium batteries have printed circuit boards PCBs that protect them from explosion or deep discharge.

Myths associated with smartphone batteries

Lithium-ion batteries have no storage, so there are few ways to maintain their performance.

The problem is generally in how the system reads and displays the battery capacity, and not in the battery itself.

There is also a myth that deleting the batterystats.bin file will miraculously calibrate the battery.

On most devices, this file simply stores information about battery usage since charging. And it reboots every time the battery is charged to 80% or more and is unplugged.

The batterystats.bin file contains the same data that you see in the Battery section, it just looks more clear there: this is how the system tracks battery usage during the next charging cycle.

When we mention battery calibration, we're talking about about a percentage counter that has stopped showing correct data and needs to be rebooted.

How to calibrate the battery for Android without root rights

One of the most simple ways calibration - fully charge and discharge the battery. It is, of course, worth remembering the problems with low voltage in lithium batteries, and a decrease in their life expectancy due to complete discharge. But if the problem with the battery really bothers you, it’s worth taking the risk.

What to do, method 1:

1. Completely discharge your phone until it turns itself off.
2. Turn it on and let it turn off again.
3. Connect the charger. Without turning on the phone, let it charge to 100%.
4. Disconnect the charger.
5. Turn on your phone. The charge indicator may not show 100%, then connect the charger again and charge the phone to 100% (without turning it off).
6. Disconnect your phone from charging and restart. If still not 100%, reconnect the charger and charge until you see 100% on the indicator.
7. Repeat all over again until you see 100% on the phone disconnected from charging (or so if you think this is sufficient).
8. Now you can completely discharge the battery and let the phone turn itself off again.
9. Fully charge the battery again without interruption. In theory, this should restart the battery status counter.

Remember that fully charging and discharging is often not recommended. Even if the battery is so dead that the phone does not turn on, its charge reserve is enough to prevent the system from crashing.

So don’t take risks, do a complete discharge maximum once every three months. If you see that this is not enough, you will have to deal with more serious problems.

Simply put, completely discharging the battery harms it. And attempts to reboot it do not add life. Positive point is that the charging process will automatically stop if a safe limit is reached.

And the battery always has a small reserve of charge, even if the phone no longer starts.

We repeat: do a full discharge only if absolutely necessary, because the operation seriously affects the life of the battery.

How to calibrate the battery for Android with root rights

To be fair, we will describe this method as well, especially since it is known that different manufacturers use batterystats.bin for different purposes. The process is similar to the above, but adds the step of using a root app.

What to do, method 2:

1. Completely discharge the phone until it turns itself off.
2. Turn it on and let it turn off again.
3. Without turning on the phone, connect to charging, wait until 100%.
4. Turn off charging.
5. Turn on your phone. If there is no 100%, return the charge (the phone may be turned on at the same time) and charge up to 100%.
6. Disconnect charging and restart your phone. If there is no 100%, connect the charger again, bring it to maximum.
7. Repeat these steps until the phone is disconnected from charging and the indicator is 100% (or so if you think this is sufficient).
8. Install the Battery Calibration application. Before starting it, make sure the indicator shows 100%, restart your phone.
9. After starting the phone, first of all, open the Battery Calibration application and calibrate the battery.
10. After calibration, discharge the battery to 0% and let the phone turn off on its own.
11. Charge the phone completely, without interruption (it must be turned off) - the battery status meter should now restart.
