Error code 24 download the application. Sberbank Online update

Installing applications on Android usually does not cause problems, but sometimes it happens that while downloading a program from Google Play, the user sees a system message “ Unknown error code during application installation - 24" and the software installation is interrupted. Let's figure out what error 24 is and how to fix it.

Reasons for error 24 in Android

The main reason for error 24 is this, which was previously installed on Android smartphone or tablet, but was incorrectly deleted, leaving behind “garbage” in the form of a cache and various non-deleted files.

You can fix error 24 by clearing the cache and all remaining files from a previously installed application using regular funds Android OS or using third party programs.

Fixing error 24 using Android's own tools

During the process of clearing data and removing updates, the system may report an error, we just don’t pay attention to it. Next, find in the application manager “ Google Play Market "and perform the same procedure for him. After which the smartphone/tablet must be rebooted.

Having completed these operations, we roll back the applications to their original state, clearing all the garbage after them, which causes error 24.

If this does not help and the error appears, then you can try synchronizing . For this:

Fixing error 24 using third-party applications

You can clean up the remnants of deleted applications that can cause error 24 using software that can perform a deep scan of the system for junk files. One such application is SD Maid. For him more efficient work It is advisable to have Root rights. What it is is described in the article “”.

Fixing error 24 manually

You can manually find uninstalled remnants of an application whose installation causes error 24. To do this, you need root rights on the device and file manager, capable of showing the contents of Android OS system folders, for example, Root Explorer.

Install Root Explorer and launch it. Open the Root section and find the “data” directory, which, in turn, also contains the “data” directory. Open this folder, look for the remains of the problematic software and delete them.

We hope that this material helped you fix error 24 on your smartphone or tablet.

Usually, installing software from Google Play takes place without any problems or bugs. However, there are still cases when downloading the required application fails, as a result of which you have to refuse to download it. One of these problems is error 24. Let’s look at why code 24 may appear when installing programs from the Play Market and what to do in this situation.

Reasons for code 24 on the Play Store and how to resolve them

Call this error can download any application to Android if it was previously installed on the device and was removed incorrectly. The fact is that the installation process of almost any software product from Google Play and its subsequent operation are associated with the appearance of several folders on the device at once. They record the information necessary for normal functioning software Such files are stored in the system partition of the gadget and free access to them is prohibited.

When you delete a program, in theory, all data associated with it should also be erased. However, this does not always happen. Some information may remain in the device cache or in the data folder. These files may cause failures when re-installing the application and cause error 24 on the Play Store.

There are several ways to fix code 24 on Google Play:

  • Standard features of Android OS;
  • Through additional software.

Using built-in Android tools

The first step towards curing your device from error 24 on the Google Play Market is a regular reboot of the Android OS. This is due to the fact that when the system is restarted, temporary files and cache are partially erased, freeing up space on the gadget and increasing its performance.

If code 24 could not be eliminated, we try to recover through third-party applications.

Correcting error 24 using additional software

To clear the cache and remove residual files on Android, special software has been developed that can be downloaded to the device from the same Google Play. These are the applications we will use to get rid of error 24.

The most effective Android system cleaner programs are:

Removing residual files using Clean Master

To fix code 24 on the Google Play Market using Clean Master, you need to do the following:

To more completely clean the system of residual files, in the main Clean Master menu, instead of “Acceleration”, click “Garbage”. The device will begin scanning and searching for unnecessary data. After completing the procedure, you should click “Clean” and check whether error 24 on Google Play was resolved.

Using SD Maid Cleaner

This application shows the best efficiency in finding and removing unnecessary system files than Clean Master. However, root rights are required for its normal functioning. Rooting a phone or tablet voids its warranty. Therefore, if the device has a current warranty card, it is better to refuse to activate Superuser rights.

In other cases, you can get root access using the Kingo Root utility:

After the gadget reboots, you can begin to resolve error 24 on the Play Market:

You can also manually clear your device of residual files that interfere with the normal installation of an application from Google Play. For this you need.

A modern phone is fully complemented by various applications that any user can download from the official Google repository. Available are all kinds of games, programs for sports, music and entertainment, presented in a huge variety.

However, unexpectedly, when downloading another game, the user may see error code 24 on the screen in the Play Store. This is a rather serious problem that will require specific knowledge from the user to solve. We'll have to delve a little deeper into the structure of the file system. But don't be alarmed, below will be given detailed instructions to resolve this problem.

Reason for appearance

It occurs when an application is downloaded or uninstalled incorrectly. When installing from the Market, by default certain folders and files are created in memory containing important information, necessary for the correct operation of the program within the system. Abruptly interrupted downloading or deletion of an application for certain reasons damages its integration with the firmware, which, as a consequence, leads to a malfunction of the Market and shows error 24.


Despite the seriousness of the above, you should still try restarting your phone first. It is possible that after switching on again, the system will correct the failure on its own. After this you can download without any problems necessary programs from Market.

Method 1

If any error related to the repository occurs, it is strongly recommended to carry out certain manipulations with the Market application itself. Due to the specificity of error 24 in the Play Market, this method does not work as often as we would like, but it’s still worth a try.

  1. Go to Settings operating system, we are interested in the “Applications” section, there, swipe left, go to the “All” tab. Find the Market itself in the list, tap on it once, and inside the window that opens, click on the “Clear application cache” button. After that, restart your phone and try using the Market again.
  2. If this does not help, then you need to click on the “Clear data” button there. This will delete all files belonging to the application, along with its settings and search history. You don’t have to reboot your phone, but immediately open the Play Store and download what you need.

Method 2

It may happen that the user does not reach this point after resetting the Market settings. However, most likely this will not help, and intervention in the file structure of the operating system will be necessary. Error code 24 in Google Play Store often occurs when installing one or more specific applications:

  • They may have been previously incorrectly removed from the system;
  • During the installation of programs, the Market crashed with an error;
  • The operating system issued a critical reason, after which it abruptly rebooted, interrupting the installation or removal;
  • An antivirus or other security mechanism did not work correctly, interfering with the installation or uninstallation process.

The result of such errors is usually files that remain on system partitions or on the memory card. Their presence prevents the recording of new ones during installation or update. The only way To fix this problem - delete unnecessary files manually, or use special software to remove garbage from the system.

Manual fix

Go through each entry, remove all unnecessary files and folders (it would be a good idea to back them up in a safe place before deleting them, so that later it doesn’t turn out that in a fit of hatred for error 24 you deleted important elements), then reboot the device and re-download what that it was not possible to load.

Automatic correction

How to eliminate the error automatically (perhaps some will find this method not as reliable as manually) - use special cleaning programs. A very good option is SD Maid.

Our tasks may still require access rights, but the program itself will scan the system for unnecessary files, folders and will suggest them for deletion. To do this, open the application, confirm root access, then press the big red “Scan” button on the screen.

The operation can take from one to ten minutes, it depends on the size and fullness of the directories. After the scanning is completed, click on the “Run Now” button, it will display the approximate size of the objects found. Don't be surprised if there are about one gigabyte of them. After cleaning, restart your phone, and then use the Market without errors.

It is recommended to use the manual and automatic methods in turn. First, go through the garbage with human pickiness (but do not delete the folders of those applications that are installed and running), and the program will clean up the traces (it also removes garbage in other directories). Rebooting in this case is recommended so that the phone will re-evaluate the file system. It would also be a good idea to clear the Market cache to correct its associations with installed applications.

Bottom line

This error, despite the first impression, is not that serious, although it does cause a lot of inconvenience. To solve it you need basic knowledge file structure Android systems and care when removing debris. If a failure occurs with other applications, we gradually restore the deleted one from the backup. In addition to fixing errors, you will also free up useful space inside your phone, put things in order file system and also gain new knowledge.

Information helped The information didn't help

Typically, installing applications from Google Play does not cause any difficulties for users of Android devices. But sometimes, instead of the standard procedure, the process is interrupted by the system message: “Unknown error code during application installation - 24.”

Today we will tell you what “error 24 on Android” is, how to fix it, and what to do to prevent this kind of problem from appearing again.

This problem usually occurs when a user tries to install an application that was once already installed on his device, but the uninstallation procedure was performed incorrectly. The fact is that if you simply delete the application without clearing the so-called “tails” in the form of a cache or some residual files (folders).

We will not repeat ourselves and write again how to remove an application from an Android device; everyone can see how to perform this procedure using an example.

Now, let's figure out what needs to be done to get rid of the difficulties that have arisen.

Fixing error 24

Using standard tools

Open the main settings, go to “ Application Manager", from the list installed applications select " Google Services Play«:

Having opened the information about the application, wait a few seconds for the data to load, then click the “Clear data” button. When the system asks for consent to delete application data, click “Yes”. Then we delete updates using the same scheme:

While performing these actions, an error message may appear at the top of the display in the Google Play Services application; ignore it.

Now we do the same thing (cleaning data and removing updates) with Google app Play Store.

This manipulation will clear all data and residual files and folders of all applications downloaded from Play Store, returning them to their original state. After the above procedure reboot your device.

Now, when downloading programs from Google Play, the error should not happen again. By the way, if necessary, follow the link provided, where all the methods and necessary actions are described in detail.

Second way

If the previous method did not help solve the problem, you can try debugging your account. What to do: Open " Settings", In chapter " Accounts" (May be " Accounts") go to your Google account, open the settings - three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the display (on some devices these may be parallel lines, or an icon in the lower left corner of the device), after which the position " Synchronize“, press it, and wait for the synchronization process to complete; after completion, reboot the device:

Using special software (ROOT)

First way

For this method you will need and. Now let's launch Root Explorer, then in the Root section we find the folder “ data“, open it, and there we also look for the folder “ data“, opening which you need to find the remains of the problematic application and delete them.

Second way

In this case, we also need Root access (see above) and installation of the SD Maid application - System Cleaning.

Let's launch SD Maid, we can start a scan and at the same time see what else is lying around in our device, or we can open the section “ Garbage“, where the program will remove all “tails” from deleted applications:

Well, with our joint efforts, together with you, we answered the question of how to fix error 24 on Android. Was this material useful to you? Or maybe you have already encountered such a problem? Leave your wishes and questions in the comments, good luck!

More information about the SD Maid - System Cleaning application:

Not so often, but still sometimes it may appear on your phone screen error 24 when installing the application on Android. The problem is not simple, but solvable.

As a rule, this failure is caused by the remains of junk files after deletion, or when the application is not completely installed on the device, or when the smartphone is hard rebooted (HARD RESET). There are several ways to solve this problem, this is clearing the cache and deleting application remnants.

Removing cache and data

First of all, clear the device cache and clear the playstore data. This is done through the application manager, then select the right application, in our case these will be playmarket and Google play, and in the window that opens, click erase data and clear cache.

Removing application remnants

Next, manually remove any remnants of the application before installing it again. It is advisable that your device has Root rights. Since you have to dig into system folders and files. More specifically, in the data/data folder located in the root directory of your smartphone. If your phone does not have root rights, there are several programs that can do this without them. They can easily be found on the play market by searching for “phone cleaning”. There are many applications; when choosing, rely on reviews and the average rating of the application.


Error 24 when installing an application on Android is not as scary as it is described, or rather, all difficulties arise solely due to ignorance of the causes of the failure. Now that you know why this is happening, you can easily deal with this problem.
