Go to the topface application. Download Topface - dating and communication. The Topface dating and communication application has a number of positive aspects

Is there a way for Topface to register\ login without registration? It is impossible to do without registration completely. However, there are several ways to register:

  • register in the traditional way. To do this, click on the link “ Create a profile" You will need to enter your data: Name, email address, create a password, enter your date of birth, indicate your gender and city. All that remains after this is to click on the “ Register" You will also need to check the box indicating that the user accepts the agreement and privacy policy. However, by default this checkbox is already selected. The process takes no more than a couple of minutes;
  • You can also start using the service by registering through an account on one of the social networks. Currently available: VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki and Mail.Ru service. After this, the Topface application will have access to an account on one of these social networks. This account will be linked to account on Topface. All basic data will be transferred to the newly created account on Topface. But you can log in without any password or login.

Which method to choose is ultimately up to the user to decide. However, you must also take into account that if your account is deleted, for example, on Odnoklassniki, you will no longer be able to log into Topface. In addition, there are methods for detecting a user’s profile on Topface if his address on the social network is known. If hiding your account on Topface is very important, it is better to create a new profile “from scratch”.

Topface how to register\login without registration

As already noted, it is impossible to start using the service without registering at all. The maximum is to view user pages, and then only if their id is known in advance. In this case, you can simply type in the address bar: https://topface.com/profile/ххххххххх/, where the x’s are the user’s ID. However, you will not be able to do anything else with this profile.

Thus, as with many dating sites, there are no ways to register/login without registration on Topface. However, there are many ways to go through a simplified registration procedure.

Topface is a multinational international service created for convenient communication between users. His main specialization is photo evaluation and with the help of this resource a person will be told which photographs are successful and which are not.

How to use Topface

In Topface, as in some other resources, acquaintance occurs through the appropriate assessment of the photo. The user can like the photo or skip it.
Communication between users is carried out only if both interlocutors have shown sympathy for each other.

Also, Topface has entertainment functions. You can write your wishes to the person you like, who will see them only if they guess the wish from the proposed options.
As in the Odnoklassniki social network, in this resource users can exchange

How to log in via Odnoklassniki to Topface

WARNING: Be careful with automatic registration. In the Odnoklassniki topface, you log in by copying the data, then use your own profile on the site. But if the OK profile is lost, the Topface page may also suffer.

If the user decides to use automatic registration, then to complete it, you need to follow the steps described below:

  • You need to go to the main Topface website.
  • Click on the orange button at the bottom of the page that says “Log in with Ok.ru.”

  • A window will appear asking you to gain access to your personal information. You need to click “Allow”.

After the above steps, the Topface will be logged in, and the user will go to the place where he will spend the most time - “My Page”.

Immediately after logging into Topface using Odnoklassniki, the user is asked to rate several photos. This was done to integrate the user into the Topface environment as quickly as possible, and to gain the opportunity to acquire a social circle.

HELP: In Odnoklassniki there is a specialized group dedicated to the Topface service.

As in Odnoklassniki, the user can fully use the basic capabilities of the resource, or pay for the special services offered for a more comfortable pastime.

How to log into Topface from a mobile device

The mobile version of the resource is absolutely identical to the version for personal computers.

The only difference might be appearance request for the use of personal data.

The user can log into Topface from a mobile device without using a browser. To do this, you need to download and install the appropriate application on your phone or tablet.

Topface is far from the only resource where you can log in using the Odnoklassniki social network. This useful feature can significantly save time by eliminating the need to enter the same data multiple times.

With the development of the Internet, more and more people prefer to meet people online. Today there are many dating sites. One of the most famous is Topface. The huge number of participants and ease of use make it popular among people of all ages.

The advantage of the resource is that it links your account to a page on a social network. One of these networks is Odnoklassniki, which is linked to Topface. You can log in by following a few simple steps.

The basis of the site is photo evaluation and dating. You express your sympathy to the person you like using a heart under the photo. The recipient will be notified about this. If the sympathy is mutual, users have the opportunity to communicate via messages. Registration on the service is free.

To make your account attractive and interesting, you need to upload as many photos as possible. Everything from your Odnoklassniki profile can be easily transferred to the Topface album.

HELP: You can register using the social networks VKontakte, Facebook and Mail.ru.

How to get to Topface through Odnoklassniki

Let's figure out how to log into Topface through Odnoklassniki. There are two login options. The first is by opening the official website:

Registration on the Topface website has been completed.

The second way is to login using official application in Odnoklassniki:

IMPORTANT: the Odnoklassniki network has many groups with the same name, but there is only one official application.

How to log into Topface from a mobile device

The dating service is available not only through a computer. Exists mobile version site. You can use it as follows:

A simplified interface helps save traffic. There is also a button to go to full version site.

There is a more convenient way to use Topface for mobile devices- download the application. To do this you need:

  • download the app from the official store (depending on operating system mobile device);
  • after installing the service, buttons with the names of social networks will appear on the screen, through which you can get to your profile;
  • select the “Odnoklassniki” button.

The page is ready.

INFORMATION: The application has an expanded menu, which adds tabs that are not available in the version for mobile devices.

Topface is a convenient and easy way to make new acquaintances or even meet your soulmate. Logging in through Odnoklassniki frees you from the need to fill out a form and upload photos. The page is prepared for communication in just a few clicks.

  • The presence of a large number of users;
  • Convenient and fast registration;
  • Extended questionnaires;
  • Special radar to detect people near you;
  • System of likes and guest profiles;
  • Convenient chat for communication and making dates.

After quick installation, you need to register an account, this can be done using popular social networks, or using email. When registering, you must provide your name, email address, password, gender and date of birth. Please note that in the future, to fully use the program, you will need to upload your real photo.

Topface - Dating and Communication has a popular carousel system, with which you can choose nice people and start getting to know them. The carousel can be customized using filters so that it only shows people who are close to you. You can immediately write them a personal message and invite them to a meeting in one of the cultural places of the city.

For reference, not only a photo is displayed, as in other applications, but also a questionnaire with expanded information, it allows you to quickly go through the main criteria and make a choice not only based on appearance. Don't forget about the gift system, which will help you win over a girl or guy and start your acquaintance on a pleasant note.

To become more popular and recognizable - fill out Additional information About Me. It will be displayed along with your photo in the carousel and then you will have more chances to get sympathy from users. You will immediately receive notifications and can start communicating.

The Topface mobile application provides great opportunities for creating new strong relationships. Millions of people are looking for love here. Surely there will be several contenders to take the place of your soulmate.

Topfacepopular app for online dating and communication with a huge database of male and female profiles with free registration. The mobile version of Topface dating and communication will help you make new acquaintances, close friends and build serious relationships.

Why do we recommend downloading Topface dating and communication mobile version?

More and more people are choosing virtual platforms for dating. It's quite convenient! You can see what the person you like is interested in, find out his interests and hobbies, worldview and life guidelines. You can scroll through the photos, and if you like him, let him know about it by liking him or sending him a compliment. Thus, in a short period of time, you will learn all the information you are interested in about the candidate and will be able to take the first step.

The program will help you find your soulmate and build romantic relationships not only in your city. You will be able to meet and meet interesting people in your region, country and even the whole world. The application allows you to request the necessary information and open a chat with the person you like in return. The principle is this: like other users and rate those who like you. If there is reciprocity, you communicate in private messages. If you don’t want to wait for mutual sympathy, but immediately write to the person you like, you can buy VIP status. Thanks to this, you can write messages without waiting for sympathy, see who visited your page and remain in “invisible” mode while flipping through other people’s profiles.

How to meet people in Topface on Android?
1. Upload your photo to the site.
2. Specify the search criteria for people.
3. Send likes to those you like or take a closer look at. If they respond with sympathy, you can move on to closer communication in the chat.

Ease of installation and use
Downloading the Topface dating and communication mobile version is very easy. It is optimized for the Android operating system, takes up little memory on the device and is quite easy to install thanks to the apk format. A special feature of the application is the ability to instantly register using accounts in in social networks. You can register through the website Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki. Topface guarantees a high degree of security to its users. All messages are encrypted, and you can also configure your privacy settings yourself.

The Topface dating and communication application has a number of positive aspects

✓ Ability to download the program if there is a small amount of memory on the phone.
✓ Quick registration using existing social media accounts.
✓ Guarantee of a high level of security for users.
✓ Chat for reciprocity.
✓ High-quality search filter: friendship, relationships and much more.
✓ Dating is absolutely free.

IN mobile application Topface you can meet the person you like from your own or another city. Now, finding new friends and finding love will not be difficult. But don't forget that the more attractive your photo, the better your chances. And you can do this using a photo editor
