Email and serial number on bandikam. Setup and Free registration in the new Bandicam! Installation and activation video

Bandicam is the most convenient and understandable program for recording video from the monitor screen and webcam, as well as simultaneous recording of the display screen and webcam; in addition, audio from the webcam is also recorded.
The full version of the popular Bandicam program from the official website costs 39 Baku. Not everyone can afford this program. If you do not use Bandicam for commercial purposes, then you can download a cracked Bandicam from us - free version bandikam in Russian via torrent. This one is just as complete Bandicam version in Russian as well as from the official website + keymaker for bandicam.

Program Version: Bandicam 3.2.5 crack
Interface language: Russian
File format: .exe
Tablet: there is a serial number generator
Size: 16 MB

Bandicam repack from rabbit download in Russian torrent

Bandicam with activator download free version of Bandicam in Russian torrent

System requirements:
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10.
Works on all bits (x64/x86)

What does the full version of Bandicam look like?

This is an ideal tool if you are a video blogger on YouTube or just want to show your friends how you beat the game. Very flexible settings, you can select a specific area or the entire screen. You can highlight mouse clicks, this is useful if you are doing a video lesson or showing actions on the screen. The ideal combination of quality and video file size when saving on your computer. In all similar programs, video files are most often not adequately saved by default. You can record only 5 minutes in time, and the file will weigh more than a gigabyte. Then you need to recode it and compress it. With Bandicam everything is just perfect, a two-hour recording will weigh no more than 600 megabytes, with acceptable quality and bitrate.

Free Bandicam activation

1. Install the program on your computer or laptop
2. Launch the crack, which is important on behalf of the administrator.
3. Enter your email address, you can use any non-existent one, not too short.
4. Click the button in the key generator
5. Add the line file to the hosts file (path to file C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc):
text at the very bottom:

You can also block the Bandicam program from connecting to the Internet using a firewall or antivirus.

How often do you have to record a video from your desktop or a game? Probably not very often, but still happens. Here a program like Bandicam comes to your aid, and like most programs, this one is not free and requires an activation key. In fact, today’s topic of our meeting is: License key for bandicam 2019 – 2020

Bandicam is a program for recording video from your computer, or rather from games, desktop and other programs that you use and want to record and share with others. Actually, this is where all the functionality of the program ends. The program is very similar to fraps, but in personal experience usage, I can say that Bandikam consumes much less FPS.

By the way, after recording a video, you may need to process it, and some programs will help you with this, for which we also have keys:

SITE ADMINISTRATION ADVICE: We strongly recommend that you use another, no less popular and even more functional program, with which you can not only record video from the screen, but can also conduct live broadcasts in such resources as Twitch, VK, YOUTUBE. Well, the main advantage of this program is that IT IS COMPLETELY FREE. Her name OBS Studio. To get it, you can simply write “download OBS” in Yandex and the first site with a confirmation checkbox will be there. If you trust us and are not afraid to follow the link, then click here: Official website - OBS download.
It’s just that everything is much simpler there and you don’t have to grunt and look for keys.

Actually, if you still haven’t changed your mind and decided to stay with the bandicam (why?)), then there will be keys.

License key for bandicam 2019 – 2020

Since the program is popular and is constantly updated, the keys fly off very quickly, but we still found a couple:


Another way to activate Bandicam 2019 – 2020

Why think and look for keys when you can simply download the activated program and install and enjoy it with peace of mind. Although it’s even easier to download free OBS 😀


1) – Yandex disk

2) Install the Instal or portable file

That's it :) The program is installed and there is no need to remember about keys and so on.

The versatility and user-friendliness of the interface of the Bandikam program for capturing video and screenshots makes it one of the most popular and in demand. The software is paid - the amount of the license is indicated on the manufacturer’s official website and ranges from 2,400 rubles for one PC. However, it is possible to purchase and activate Bandicam completely free of charge, for which you need to download the special KeyMaker application on our website.

You can use the program’s functionality for free by downloading an unregistered trial version from the manufacturer. But in this case, significant restrictions are introduced: the recording time is no more than 10 minutes per file, and when shooting, a watermark is displayed on the material (

To remove the icon (logo) from the video above, you need to register, that is, either pay for the license key and enter the received one serial number into the program, or crack (which means “hack”) Bandikam using the KeyMaker activator.

You can do without a registration key generator if you have it on our website or through a torrent. In this case, the KeyGen key is not required.

However, activating Bandicam using crack KeyMaker is simple and will not cause difficulties even for inexperienced users. Installing new latest versions in Russian and hacking them is done in several steps.

How to hack Bandikam - crack program KeyMaker (Keymaker)

How to use the Keymaker program is described in step by step instructions. During installation, the Anti-Virus may counteract unfamiliar software, so it is recommended to disable it. The program provided by the site is virus-free and does not have dangerous content.

After downloading the proposed archive, you need to extract the files from it.

Installing Bandicam

If Bandikam has not been installed before, install the program by running it as an administrator. Select language - Russian is set by default.

Check the boxes if you wish:

  • Program Group - add software to the Start menu;
  • Desktop Icon - add a shortcut to the desktop.

After the process is complete, uncheck “Run Bandicam” and click “Finish”.


Now you can go directly to hacking the program using KeyMaker. To hack Bandikam, enter the corresponding folder extracted from the archive and run the “hat” file as administrator.

Enter your email (any email, even non-existent one) and click “Register application”.

The message “Bandicam registered successfully” will appear, the translation of which means that the registration was successful. The program is activated.

On video hosting sites, fresh training videos and videos with instructions for solving problems with software and operating system problems recorded on home computers. Most of all on the Internet you can find gaming videos (guides, completing quests, capturing interesting moments). And many users noticed that at the top of a considerable number of such videos there is a translucent inscription: “Bandicam”. This means that the video was filmed using latest version not the grunted Bandik.

Program functions

The utility is developed for the following OS:

  • Windows 7;
  • Windows 8.1;
  • Windows 10

The application can record what is happening on the screen into a video file. The capture area can be any program, window, its element, or a specified area. Video quality, codec for compression, frame rate and basic sound parameters can be specified manually or selected from a number of ready-made presets. The video resolution can be native or reduced to reduce the size of the final file, although the material is already perfectly compressed with minimal resource consumption.

Activate the application

As for restrictions, Bandikam allows you to capture up to 10 minutes of video for free, and puts a watermark on the finished material in the form of an address on your own resource. keygen will help you get rid of these restrictions. From our website you can download a working key generator for Bandikam without viruses.

To get rid of the watermark on a video and remove the 10-minute limitation on its duration, you need to download keymaker from the link below. We even follow the following instructions.

  1. Unpack the resulting archive into any directory.

You may need to disable antivirus program, because it will block the launch and even unzipping of the key generator.

After this, you can enable anti-virus protection.

  1. Launch Bandicam and check for the presence of the inscription: “Unregistered” in the interface header and offers to purchase full version with discount.

To be sure, go to the “About” tab and check the contents of the text field in the “License Status” frame. If there is any serial number and the previously entered postal address, then the crack worked.

Dec 2019

If you need a tool to record what's happening on the screen, then it's time to get a Bandicam, this is exactly what you need. I myself once needed a similar program, and of course I went looking for it on the Internet. I tried a whole bunch of different apps. In the end I settled on this, although I also left one more thing for myself, but I already talked about this in one of the news.

Thanks to this small program, you can record what is happening on the screen personal computer to a video file. You can write on the entire screen, or select a separate area, or a specific window. I would like to note that the recording quality is quite good. You can even record what happens in some program, game, document, basically anywhere. It is noteworthy that the program can record video with a resolution of up to 2560x1600 pixels; not many applications have this capability. The final file size can be more than 3.9 gigabytes, this is another plus for our program.

In addition to recording video, you can take screenshots, that is, save what is happening in graphic file. Pictures created in this way can be saved as one of the following: PNG, JPG, BMP. I was very impressed by the interface of this utility; it is surprisingly very simple, and at the same time clearly thought out, since everything is located nearby. Even new users can understand the program; its interface is written in Russian, which makes working with it even easier.

To the delight of our users, the serial number for this version of the Bandicam application was built into the program itself, by which I mean that after installation it is already cracked.

Russian language
Size: 16 Mb
Activation: Key
