Is it necessary to stick a protective film on a modern smartphone? Do I need to glue a protective film or tempered glass? Is it necessary to apply film to a smartphone?

The American company Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers conducted a study to find out how often people use smartphones. It turns out that the average user looks at the smartphone screen about 150 times a day. If you subtract from the day the eight hours that fall on sleep, it turns out that a person looks at his gadget on average every 5-8 minutes. At the same time, hardly anyone always holds a smartphone in their hand: these devices are stored in a bag, in a pocket, placed on various surfaces, and regularly fall down. All this fatally affects the appearance of the gadget in good condition. This is especially true for the screen, which is the most fragile part of the device.

After purchasing a new smartphone, we are pleased to look at the screen and move our finger across it, because it is new, smooth, perfectly even. But within just a few days the first scratch appears on the screen - an unpleasant moment, you must agree. And if you carry the device in a pocket or bag with keys, change, key fobs and other hard objects, the screen quickly becomes covered with scuffs and scratches. After falls, cracks and chips remain on it. As a result of active use, the smartphone begins to look “old” after just a few weeks. Unfortunately, no new developments by engineers in the field of glass manufacturing or advertising gimmicks will save gadgets from such an unenviable fate. However, users can independently extend the life of their devices by resorting to a number of tricks: buying a case, installing a protective glass, or gluing a protective film.

Protective films for smartphones are designed to protect the device screen from mechanical damage, primarily scratches, abrasions and chips. They are made from high-quality polymer, which is particularly durable. Of course, the film is unlikely to be able to save you from a fall or impact, but for those who carry a smartphone in their pocket or bag, this option is perfect. The main advantage of protective films over other screen protection options is that they are practically invisible on a smartphone. In addition, they weigh almost nothing and thus do not weigh down the already heavy modern smartphones, which will also be a plus for many. But before you press the coveted “buy” button, you need to figure out how to choose a protective film for your smartphone.

What are the differences between protective films?

Smartphone model and screen diagonal

Modern protective films come in three types: dimensionless, for fixed screen sizes, and for a specific smartphone model.

Dimensionless films are a rectangular sheet of plastic of a certain diagonal with a grid marking, from which the user can independently cut out the desired shape. The advantage of this option is its versatility: this film will fit any smartphone, and you don’t even need to know its diagonal. The downside is that you won’t always be able to cut a perfectly even rectangle. And if you want to cover the entire surface of the glass with film, including the speaker and buttons, such a complex shape is unlikely to be cut evenly and beautifully.

Protective films for fixed screen sizes are polymer rectangles of a certain diagonal, suitable for screens of the same diagonal. They are quite universal if you know this parameter of your smartphone.

Protective films for a specific smartphone model are an ideal option for those who want to cover the entire surface of the glass with film, as well as for those who do not want to spend a lot of time choosing. The disadvantage of this option will be the high cost of protective films for top models.

Film type

There are three main types of protective films: glossy, matte and mirror. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Glossy films are the most common. They convey the color of the image in the best possible way, practically without distorting it. Such films perfectly hide minor scratches on the surface of the screen and resist the appearance of new damage. There are glossy films marked “transparent” and “super transparent” - they are completely invisible on the screen.

However, glossy films have a number of disadvantages. Firstly, in the sun and in bright light, glare appears on them, interfering with viewing the image. The solution is to turn the brightness to maximum. Secondly, fingerprints remain on them, so the film will have to be wiped regularly. Thirdly, the effect of finger sticking may occur. In this regard, gaming enthusiasts should not use glossy films. Fourthly, due to their minimal thickness, they provide protection worse than other types of films.

Matte films have a higher density, so they better protect against scratches and abrasions. Thanks to the matte surface, the light is scattered on them, practically without reflection, which helps to avoid glare. Some models are labeled as “anti-glare,” which means they have improved resistance to glare. Also, dirt sticks to such films worse, and fingerprints do not remain at all. It is also important that their surface ensures smooth sliding of the finger.

However, among the many advantages, matte films have a big drawback: the image with them is slightly blurred and becomes grainy. Nowadays, when many users purchase smartphones for the sake of the perfect image, this is indeed a significant disadvantage. But the problem is still partially solved by increasing the brightness to maximum. Another drawback for many may be the thickness of such films - they are immediately visible on the screen.

Mirror protective films are similar in characteristics to glossy ones, but have an interesting feature: when the screen is turned off, they reflect the image, which allows you to use your smartphone as a mirror. At the same time, such films “glare” even more than glossy ones, which makes them not very popular among users.

Fixation method

There are films with two methods of fixation on the screen: static and adhesive-based. Static films have a thin silicone layer. This allows them to be easily and tightly attached to the glass without the formation of bubbles. The main thing is that they can be removed and cleaned many times. Adhesive films are difficult to paste a second time, as bubbles will appear.

Number of films included

A protective film does not last a smartphone forever - if you actively use the gadget, it will need to be replaced after a few months. Therefore, many manufacturers include two or more films in a set for the convenience of users.

Before you apply the protective film, let's figure it out: Do you need a protective film on your smartphone?
There is no exact answer, but let's try to figure it out.
Roughly speaking, smartphones can be divided into two types: smartphones with a plastic display or with tempered glass.

The first, for the sake of economy, use ordinary cheap plastic on displays, which is easily scratched and literally after a week you will notice that the smartphone screen is covered in micro-scratches.

The latter use tempered glass, which is not so easy to scratch, but it is possible.
As is already clear, in the first case, a protective film is necessary to preserve the normal appearance of the smartphone. In the second case, a protective film, imho, is not needed.

Protective film is a thin polymer coating (transparent) coated with glue on one side. Usually supplied with two additional stickers. layers that you must peel off before you apply the protective film to your smartphone.

There are several types of films:
a) universal ones, which you must cut yourself according to the shape of your display.
b) special films for your smartphone.

The films also differ in quality:

  • Cheap ones - made of a stiffer polymer and a rough exterior. It is difficult to remove fingerprints from such film. The finger slides along it reluctantly.

  • Branded - made with higher quality. The outer side of the film is made of a softer polymer on which the finger glides perfectly and stains are wiped off without problems.

They are supplied in branded packaging with additional “buns” in the form of microfiber, stickers and are exclusively designed for specific models (that is, not universal).

Tempered glass is nothing more than ordinary glass that has been processed using a special procedure. First, the glass is heated to 680 degrees, and then gradually cooled with cold air. Thanks to this treatment, glass acquires increased mechanical strength and resistance to damage. In other words, scratching such glass is much harder than regular glass.

What comes with tempered glass (or film):

1. Protective glass (or film)
2. Microfiber.
3. Blue sticker (adhesive tape) to remove dust.
4. Liquid for removing streaks (not always).

There are many different companies on the market specializing in the production of tempered protective glasses for smartphones. Depending on the thickness and strength of the glass, its price varies.
Currently on the market you can find protective glasses with a thickness of only 0.1 mm to 0.4 mm with a strength of 9H. 2.5D - means rounded at the ends.
If 0.3 mm glass in China costs only $3-4, then for 0.1 mm it costs no less than $8.
The thicker the glass, the cheaper it is. I’ll say right away that 0.22 mm glass is almost invisible on a smartphone. There is no point in paying twice as much for 1 mm.

Real photos of a smartphone with 0.22mm tempered glass:

As you can see in the photo, the glued glass is almost invisible. Glass with a thickness of 0.35-0.4 mm may protrude slightly.

Having experience using both, I believe that tempered glass is better than film:

  • Firstly, if your smartphone has not received an oleophobic coating (prints are difficult to erase), then with tempered glass you will solve the problem of an ever-dirty display forever.
    Tempered glass is very smooth and all traces can be easily wiped off with a microfiber cloth.
  • Secondly, if your smartphone falls with its face (display) down, the protective glass will take the entire blow and at most you will get a broken glass of 1000 pieces.
  • Thirdly, tempered glass will perfectly protect your smartphone from scratches.
  • Fourthly, replacing broken glass is cheaper than replacing the entire display + touchscreen.
    The fact is that in new smartphones, display manufacturers combine the display and touchscreen into one whole (OGS technology - One Glass Solution). This significantly improves the quality of the transmitted image, but if the touchscreen is cracked, everything will have to be replaced together, which significantly increases costs.

If previously the touchscreen could be replaced separately by paying 10-20 dollars, now you will have to pay at least 45 dollars, and sometimes as much as 100 dollars.

If you want to protect the display of your smartphone, then we advise you to use a protective glass.

What happens if a smartphone with an OGS display falls from a height of 1m:

If the owner of the smartphone had glued tempered glass, then this outcome could have been avoided...

Update 04/28/2015 OnePlus One:

You can read how to properly stick film or glass.


Manufacturers of mobile devices recently conducted an experiment, the purpose of which was to find out the effect of the presence or absence of a protective film on the smartphone screen on its functioning. The fact is that many users do not attach much importance to this detail and believe that a protective film on glass is an extra accessory on which they can save money.

The experiment was based on the Lenovo P780 smartphone, since it is the most popular and modern device in its category. As a result, data was obtained allowing us to conclude that additional screen protection is necessary, which can protect against many damages.

  • Smartphone with protective film installed

As part of the experiment, the device had a protective film for six months, and during this time it was changed several times and a new one was installed. Of course, as a result, there was no damage to the smartphone and its condition was assessed by experts as ideal.

  • Smartphone without installed protective film

During the second half of the year, the protective film on the glass was not installed, so the device was used carelessly and without complying with safety requirements. After some time, scratches began to appear on the screen, which were not even noticeable to the average person and generally did not deteriorate the appearance of the smartphone.
At the end of the experiment, noticeable damage appeared on the screen caused by the phone coming into contact with metal objects. In general, the resulting scratches did not affect the operation of the smartphone, but the appearance was significantly deteriorated. Considering that the protective film 100% protects the glass from damage, it is better to spend some money to preserve its original appearance.

Where to buy protective films or tempered glass?

You can purchase film or glass at any store that sells phone accessories. However, they often significantly inflate the price and in order to save money, it is better to choose a suitable option in online stores (for example, on - clickable).
You may not be able to stick the film the first time, and besides, over time, the protective film on the glass wears out and sometimes gets damaged. Therefore, it is better to order several copies at once on Aliexpress and save money. Fortunately, the film costs nothing at all: 5-7 dollars for 10 pieces.

Update 09/07/2015

In the comments they wrote that protective glass is not needed and that if it falls, the display will crack in any case. A couple of photos:

OnePlus One - crashed when dropped from a height of about 1.3-1.5m
Xiaomi MiPad - I still don’t understand why the protective glass cracked.
Will break | whether the protective glass for $3-8 or the display of your device cracks - it’s up to you!

What do you think about it? Are you able to do without protective films on the screens of your devices? Tell us in the comments about your strategy for avoiding scratches on displays.

Smartphones aren't cheap, and you've probably spent hundreds of dollars on one. And the more expensive our device, the more carefully we treat it. After all, in essence, we are investing money in a product that can be resold after a certain time, and a phone “worn by life” is unlikely to arouse interest among a potential buyer. And for the owner himself, you will agree that it is much more pleasant to use a device that looks like new for a long time.

There are several ways to protect your phone from unwanted damage. As a rule, these are all kinds of covers and protective films. I would like to dwell on the latter in more detail. Many of you are familiar with them firsthand and even use them currently. They are quite cheap and create an additional layer of protection between the smartphone screen and the cruel outside world, which is trying in every possible way to destroy it.

And yet I do not use protective films. Why you ask? Well, for several reasons. Firstly, I am very annoyed by the sticking process itself, and I am wildly indignant at the sight of air bubbles and dust particles leaking under the film. Familiar feeling, right? Secondly, I don't like the tactile feel of the film-protected screen. Believe me, even the most expensive film can change your experience with the device for the worse. Either of these, over time, causes content on the screen to appear less crisp and clear than if you were looking at an unprotected display. This comes from the constant interaction of the film with natural and other fats from our fingers. And finally, I just don't feel like I need it. After all, phone manufacturers used specially designed materials for screens, which in most cases are very difficult to scratch.

Engineers all over the world use the concept of material hardness. To classify materials by hardness, various tests are carried out based on the ability of certain materials to influence each other, and in our case, with phone screens, to scratch each other. In general, in theory, a harder material cannot be scratched by a softer one. Usually smartphones these days have protective glass and usually it is Gorilla Glass. According to Corning specifications, Gorilla Glass 3 has a hardness of 534 - 649 kgf/mm2. This value can be compared to the hardness of tempered steel and means that objects such as household knives, keys or coins are unlikely to scratch the display. In addition to increased hardness, Gorilla Glass uses a special so-called oleophobic coating that reduces its ability to collect fingerprints.

There are actually a limited number of materials that your phone screen comes into contact with that can scratch it. By adopting a simple strategy for handling your mobile device, you can avoid scratches without resorting to protective films.
This is what I do. Every piece of my clothing has a “designated” pocket in which I carry my phone, and I know for sure that nothing but it will go there. This can be either a pocket of trousers or jeans, or any internal pocket in outerwear.
The main culprit for scratches on the screens of not only smartphones, but also watches is sand. Sand itself is a product of mechanical weathering of rocky soils, and grains of sand, as a rule, consist of the most unweathered particles, mainly quartz, which is used in glass production. As they say, I found a scythe on a stone. If you live on the coast or are just on vacation at the seaside, then you should get a small plastic container to store your phone when visiting the beach. I agree that the “naked option” of carrying phones is not for everyone. Maybe you are a sea rescuer or a builder, and your work takes place in an environment of “unfriendly” materials.

This article was not written to discourage everyone from using mobile device protection, but only to raise awareness. I see a lot of people around who, almost on a subconscious level, feel a manic need for the screens of their smartphones. Believe me, companies have already spent a lot of time and money on research to make your phone's glass more durable and scratch-resistant. And I hope the information and tips above will help you save some money and the hassle of using screen protectors.

Despite the fact that modern phones have long been equipped with reliable and durable displays, you still want to somehow secure your device. However, hyper-accuracy awakens to all new things. Only after a while, when you get used to them a little, do you begin to love them less. Same with smartphones. Time passes - and they are already thrown, and not put down, they often sit down and put down cups of coffee. But that's all later.

Now that the brand new device has just been taken out of the box, it needs to be protected from all sorts of dangers. To do this, a case is put on the case, and a film is glued to the display. Which one is better will be discussed below.

What is a protective film?

There is no need to consider screen film as some kind of high-tech product. They learned how to produce plastic a long time ago, but it was simply not needed for such purposes. Typically, films have three layers, and the topmost layer provides protection. The middle layer should absorb ultraviolet radiation from the phone, and the bottom one - silicone - should stick to the screen.

It is very important to be able to stick the film correctly if you decide to do it yourself. Just before doing this, it’s better to think several times, because you will have to carry out a whole range of measures. But more on that later. And now, in continuation of the topic of what is better - glass or film on a phone, let's figure out what types of soft plastic are found.

Types of protective film

So, there are three main types of such films: glossy, matte and mirror. Why so many types? After all, in essence, this accessory is a small piece; what are there to choose from? But the fact is that when films became popular, people began to buy them often, and there was a need to expand the range. Each of the existing films today has its own properties that need to be considered.

Glossy film

Many people, thinking about what is better - film or glass for a smartphone, settle on this option. It is suitable for those who value practicality first of all, because as far as the protective function is concerned, it is fulfilled. By dressing your device with such an accessory, you can be sure that the image quality will not suffer. True, there are also disadvantages - glossy film can be very reflective, gets scratched quickly and really likes to collect fingerprints.

Matte film

As for this type of film, it is no less popular. Its main advantage is that it is able to absorb glare and hide fingerprints. But this is all her merit. Due to its unusual structure, image deterioration is often observed. But some people don’t notice this, which is why many choose this film option when they decide what is better - protective glass or protective film for a smartphone.

Mirror film

Unlike previous models, it does not often become a defender of displays. Its peculiarity is that it can reflect objects, i.e. turns the turned off screen into a mirror. But, like this accessory, it can also distort the image.

Protective glass

This screen protection option is considered more modern. It is obtained chemically from It is harder and thicker than conventional film, so it can provide protection not only from scratches and fingerprints, but also from impacts and even moisture. At the same time, the sensitivity, color and brightness of the display are maintained.

The thickness of the glass (0.25-0.50 mm) is explained by its multi-layer nature. Typically, the first layer is made of silicone to adhere tightly to the screen. Next comes the fastening layer, which prevents fragments from scattering in the event of a violation of the integrity of the glass. The third layer is anti-reflective, its task is to maintain the visibility of the image in bright light. A protective layer will save you from impacts, falls and other types of damage. And finally, which provides protection against moisture, fingerprints, and also makes the screen easier to clean.

Protective glass or film - which will protect the front of your smartphone better? It is still difficult to answer this question, but it is already clear that the film comes in several types, from which each owner of a touch screen will be able to choose the appropriate one. True, you will have to sacrifice something - either the brightness of the image, or a clean, “unstained” screen.

In this regard, it is easier with glass. There is nothing to choose here, because in structure they are approximately the same. Only the name and manufacturer differ. But they retain the brightness of the picture and, due to the oleophobic coating, hide fingerprints. For the same reason, safety glass is easy to clean, although it requires some care.

Is it worth caring?

Glass or film for the phone? Let's continue to figure it out. As already noted, the film is softer than glass, which means its service life is shorter. In case of any contact with hard “sharp-like” objects, it becomes covered with scratches and eventually becomes unusable. There is no point in prolonging her life; it is easier to buy a new accessory.

The situation with glass is different. First of all, it has a protective layer that should protect against accidental falls or impacts. There is also an oleophobic coating that repels dirt from the display. Just wipe with a cloth. But such a coating wears out over time, this is inevitable. True, if you care for it properly, it will last longer.

It's time to clean the glass

Before you start cleaning the glass, it is advisable to first check its integrity. To do this, you can pour a little water on its surface. And if it starts to form into drops, then everything is normal. If the liquid spreads, then the coating is damaged or absent altogether.

You should not clean glass with alcohol solutions or other cleaning agents, even if this is their main area of ​​application. They just contain some compounds that can remove the grease-repellent coating. It is better to use water-based solutions, which must be applied to a cotton cloth and gently wipe the device screen.

However, you can correct the situation with the disappearance of the oleophobic layer. For such cases, special oleophobic coating kits are sold. The kit includes a soft substance and cloths for its application and distribution. Everything needs to be done quickly, as the product dries instantly. It is advisable to repeat the procedure the next day.

Film or glass for the screen? Now, when choosing between these accessories, it is necessary to take into account the fact that film protection does not require maintenance, but does not last long, and therefore must be replaced frequently.

Glass is a more durable accessory, but it can quickly lose its properties due to careless use. It needs to be looked after, which many mobile device owners may not agree to. True, for those who dare to do this, the glass will last for many years.

Preparation for gluing the film

Regardless of what is chosen - protective film or glass for the phone, each of the options will have to be “made friends” with the display. Therefore, it is necessary to know how this is done. And the film will be tested first.

It is worth noting that this procedure can be performed in different ways. Of course, only one will be considered, but this does not mean that other options will not be suitable.

Film or glass on an iPhone or any other mobile device is usually glued using special objects that simplify the process. In this case, you will need the following things: a plastic card, a microfiber cloth, display cleaning liquid and a lot of patience.

You should also take workplace preparation seriously. You should sit comfortably, preferably at a table, remove all unnecessary objects and be sure to wash your hands. This is a very important point. If you do the work “on your knees” and with dirty hands, it will not be easy to achieve positive results.

Difficulty in gluing film

You need to stick the film on a clean surface, so the next step is cleaning the display. It is necessary to carefully inspect the screen, it must be perfectly clean. After all, dust, specks, fingerprints and other types of contamination will eventually manifest themselves in the form of bubbles. A special cleaner for wiping LCD screens and the aforementioned microfiber cloth are suitable here. Just please, no alcohol. It can have a bad effect on the display itself.

Protective glass or film, it doesn’t matter, has a sticky surface with which they come into contact with the display. To prevent dirt from getting on them, the accessories are covered with special stickers. And the film is usually protected on both sides. Therefore, before sticking, you need to remove the first sticker, holding the film by the sides.

It is advisable to start gluing from the side where it will be more difficult to align. For example, this could be the location of the Home button, which many devices have. After this, you need to use a plastic card to move to the top of the smartphone. The main thing is that there is no air left under the film, as this will cause the surface to bubble.

Okay, let's say bubbles appear. This means that there are small specks left on the display. In this case, we collect the remaining patience, take the tape, peel off the film to the desired place and use adhesive tape to remove the cause of the bubbles. After that, we glue the accessory back in the same way.

Easy installation of protective glass

Protective glass or film? What is better - we continue to figure it out. So, the film is pasted, and now it’s time to install the glass. The beauty of this process is that it is non-irritating. Here you don’t need to rub the display until it shines, removing the slightest particles from it, or tear off the accessory several times to remove bubbles. It will be enough to simply wipe the screen with a soft cloth, and you can begin installation.

Next, the glass is freed from the protective sticker and applied to the device display so that the holes for the speaker and the “Home” button are in their places. In this case, it is advisable to hold the glass by the sides, slightly bending the edges upward. It should be taken into account that the glass is up to 0.5 mm thick, due to which it may stand out a little from the background of the device’s body. Then you can correct the situation by rounding the edges using some small grinding tool. That's all. Protection is installed.


Protective glass or film - which is better? It is quite difficult to determine the winner in this competition. There can be many opinions on this matter, and each of the contenders for the title “Best” will eventually gain many fans. Here you need to set your priorities correctly. Film is cheaper, varies in texture and can last for several months if used carefully. But it will not protect against serious damage, and it can be quite difficult to stick it on.

Glass, in turn, has an impact-resistant layer, a grease-repellent coating, can last a couple of years, and its installation leaves only a pleasant impression. But in appearance this accessory is not particularly different; its oleophobic coating requires proper care, and its price is much higher than the cost of the film. Look like that's it. It's time to choose what's right - a protective film or a protective glass for your smartphone.

Not everyone has the opportunity to buy a new smartphone every year. Such a device is not cheap, and expensive things require careful handling. This is the reason why many users try to use a common option for protecting the touch screen of a smartphone - gluing a special film. Is it really necessary to have such a coating on the screen of a mobile gadget?!

In most cases, the film is a transparent plastic that has the property of sticking to the screen. Although this material is relatively inexpensive, there is one caveat here: the diagonal of the screen of a mobile device can be from 3.5 to 10.5 inches, which implies the need to find a film that is suitable in size. Another option is available - purchasing a large sheet of plastic, from which the required piece is subsequently cut out.

Disadvantages of transparent plastic

Many people think that transparent film is an ideal element for protecting the touch display. This is not true. Problems can begin at the stage of gluing plastic to the screen. Air bubbles may appear under the film after its application, which will lead to the need to repeat the procedure.

Another drawback of the material is the appearance of scratches from objects that could not harm the screen itself. A lot of such damage leads to the need to remove the old layer and apply a new one, otherwise the appearance of the smartphone will be completely unpresentable.

The technical characteristics of the film are not at all ideal. It is advisable to keep in mind the following nuances:

  • Cheap material has a negative impact on the touch properties of the screen;
  • The plastic is 99% transparent, which makes the image slightly blurry and cloudy.

If the decision to use film as display protection is nevertheless made, you should take into account the recommendations for its application. This step-by-step procedure might look like this:

Corning Gorilla Glass is a new technology

The issue of protecting the touch screens of mobile devices has become more serious with the advent of Android tablets. Corning quickly took stock of the situation, providing gadget manufacturers with the opportunity to apply a coating to the display even at the manufacturing stage of the device. The new product was protective glass, when applied there was no air cushion, the image was not distorted.

Although the new technology was used by tablet manufacturers, it still had one drawback - the complexity of tempered glass to install. Everything changed in 2013 with the advent of Gorilla Glass 3, an even more advanced product from the same Corning. The glass has become 40% more resistant, and the comparative ease of installation has attracted attention to the company's products from smartphone manufacturers. Now, unless we are talking about cheap Chinese counterfeits, almost all mobile devices in this category are equipped with such protection.

As practice shows, the Gorilla Glass screen cannot be scratched with a coin, key, screwdriver, or other similar object. Any doubts? You can easily verify this by searching the Internet for videos on the relevant topic.

When you still can’t do without a protective film

Gorilla Glass is able to withstand the effects of man-made materials almost flawlessly. The conclusion suggests itself: a protective film is not needed. This is not entirely true. There is also sand, a substance that can leave scratches even on a screen with such a serious coating. This is the reason why mobile devices with LCD displays are not recommended to be taken to the beach. If, however, there is no choice, in this case it is worth sticking protective plastic on the display, which will save you from scratches.
