Agreement on information exchange between. Agreement on information exchange between the territorial body of the Federal Migration Service of Russia and the provider of information (draft). Agreement on information exchange between organizations

The provision by the Parties of access to information, access to state (municipal) information systems, the transfer by the Parties of non-exclusive rights to use state (municipal) information systems is carried out only if the Parties have appropriate legal grounds for providing such access, for such transfer. The Parties undertake not to infringe the intellectual property rights assigned by the Parties and to use the objects of intellectual property solely for the purposes of this agreement. The conclusion of this agreement does not mean the transfer of exclusive rights to information systems and databases.

How to draw up a communication agreement

The initiating Party sends a written notification to the other Party indicating the reasons, the start date and the term for suspending the information exchange of data. 3. Access to the information provided is resumed after the elimination of the facts and reasons specified in paragraph 1 of this article.

4. The parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement if this failure was the result of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of the agreement as a result of extraordinary and inevitable events (or their consequences): natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, fires , typhoons and others), circumstances of public life (military operations), directly or indirectly concerning the Parties, which the Parties could neither foresee nor prevent at the time of the conclusion of this Agreement.

After the conclusion of the agreement, the parties have the right to exchange information among themselves, which is aimed at increasing the pace of development and improving interaction between the participants. You can download a sample agreement at the bottom of the page. information exchange.


The exchange of information between the participants in the interaction can be carried out in electronic format, based on formats using electronic signature. Information on state registration is transmitted within 10 days.

In case of failure to fulfill the obligations prescribed in the legislation, the party is liable based on the legislation Russian Federation. If force majeure circumstances arise that interfere with the fulfillment of obligations or other situations beyond the control of the parties, exemption from liability is carried out.

Agreement on information exchange between organizations


The scope of rights to use the results of intellectual activity and other conditions under this agreement, if necessary, are regulated by the parties in separate agreements and (or) additional agreements concluded on the basis of this Agreement. Article 6 Mutual provision of information within the framework of this Agreement is carried out in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Leningrad Region.

The exchange of information between the Parties is carried out in in electronic format according to the rules established in a particular state information system Leningrad region, including using an electronic signature.
Agreed Head Federal Treasury R.E. ARTYUKHIN December 12, 2011 Chairman of the Association of Control and Accounts Bodies of the Russian Federation S.V. STEPASHIN December 12, 2011 Agreement on information exchange between the Federal Treasury Department for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the control and accounting authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (municipal formation) (sample form) » » 20 y. Federal Treasury Department for (name of the subject of the Russian Federation) represented by the head acting on the basis of the Regulations on the Federal Treasury Department for (name of the subject of the Russian Federation) approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 4, 2005.

Agreement on information exchange between organizations sample

At the same time, services for placing the audio materials specified in this paragraph are provided by Party 2 at equivalent airtime and within the time period additionally agreed with the Customer. 2.11. On the refusal to place information materials on the specified in paragraph.
2.9. and clause 2.10 of the grounds of this agreement, Party 1 immediately notifies Party 2. Party 2 undertakes to replace the rejected audio clip or bring it into line with the requirements of the relevant Radio Company and / or the legislation of the Russian Federation. 3. TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT 3.1. This Agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing and is valid indefinitely.3.2.
Each of the Parties has the right to make a proposal for early termination of this agreement. The interested Party shall be notified in writing of the decision taken.

Upon the expiration of the one month period, the Agreement shall be deemed terminated. 4. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PARTIES 4.1.

Information received by the Parties in the framework of the implementation of this Agreement is not subject to disclosure and transfer to third parties. 3.4. The provisions of this Agreement are implemented without mutual financial obligations and settlements between the Parties.

The transmitted information cannot be transferred to third parties without the written consent of the Information Provider and the subject of personal data. 3.6. The procedure for information exchange of information, including between the territorial bodies and (or) structural subdivisions of the parties, is carried out using telecommunication facilities, directly on a rejected medium or on paper.

IV. Responsibility of the Parties 4. The Parties shall be liable in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. V. Final Provisions 5.1.
Organizer", speaking on behalf of the Leningrad Region, acting on the basis of the Regulations on the Committee, approved by the decision of the Government of the Leningrad Region, on the one hand and, hereinafter referred to as the "Participant", in the person acting on the basis of, on the other hand, hereinafter jointly referred to as " Parties”, in order to implement the activities of the state program of the Leningrad Region “ Information society in the Leningrad Region”, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Leningrad Region (hereinafter referred to as the State Program), have concluded this Agreement on the following: Article 1 The subject of this Agreement is the creation of conditions for ensuring effective information interaction and information exchange of information between the Parties within the framework of the creation and operation of state information systems Leningrad region.
The subject of regulation of this Agreement is the interaction of the Parties on information exchange within the framework of the functioning of the state automated system of legal statistics (hereinafter - GAS PS). 2. Interdepartmental information interaction of the Parties is carried out in compliance with the requirements of the federal laws of July 27, 2006.
N 149-FZ "On information, information technology and on the Protection of Information”, dated July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Parties, as well as this Agreement, protocols to it specified in paragraph 3 of Article 2 of this Agreements (hereinafter - protocols), and is based on the mutual exchange of necessary information that is not related to information constituting a state secret.

By mutual agreement of the Parties, amendments and additions may be made to the text of the Agreement, and additional agreements and (or) other documents may be adopted (concluded, signed) due to necessity and not contradicting the current legislation. All changes and additions to this Agreement are valid if they are made in writing, signed by authorized representatives of the Parties and are an integral part of this Agreement.

This Agreement may be terminated at the initiative of any of the Parties, of which it is necessary to notify the other Party in writing no later than three months before its termination. This Agreement is made in two copies having equal legal force, one copy for each of the Parties.

Since 1995, she has been successfully working in the field of expert activities in construction and has achieved significant results and recognition in this market segment.

✔ We work throughout Russia i The INDEX expert center operates throughout Russia.

✔ We have highly experienced professionals i Our specialists have extensive experience in their field. The average work experience of our specialist is more than 15 years.

✔ Individual approach to each client i Each application received by us is considered individually, taking into account all the features of your project.

✔ Issuance of EPD and RII conclusions in 10 days i The term for conducting a non-state examination of project documentation and engineering survey results is 10 days.

Uploading the design documentation corrected based on the results of the examination into the Unified State Register of Expertise Conclusions (USRZ) of project documentation for facilities, assigning a conclusion number and issuing an expert opinion to the Customer is carried out in one day.

Agreement on information exchange with the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the city of Moscow

Agreement on information exchange

Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the city of Moscow and


№ ________________

Moscow city "___" _ __ _____ 20 years

Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the city of Moscow

(Moskomarkhitektura), hereinafter referred to as "Party 1", represented by Deputy

Chairman of the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the city of Moscow

Head of the Contract Service Belova L. N. acting on the basis

power of attorney dated 05 .0 3.2015 No. МКА- 03 -832/5, on the one hand, and

________________________, having a certificate of accreditation for the right

conducting non-state examination of project documentation

(_____________) and results of engineering surveys __________ , in the face

General Director _________, acting on the basis of the Charter, referred to in

hereinafter referred to as "Party 2", on the other hand, hereinafter referred to jointly

referred to as the "Parties", have entered into this Agreement as follows:

1. Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The subject of this Agreement is informational

interaction of the Parties in the transfer of positive opinions to non-state

examination of project documentation and (or) results of engineering surveys,

designed for facilities located in the city of Moscow, and

design documentation and (or) results of engineering surveys.

1.2. This Agreement has been developed taking into account the requirements of the Federal

No. 363 "On information support urban planning activity,

2010 No. 225-PP "On the introduction of an information system for providing

urban planning activities in the city of Moscow and the formation of the environment

electronic interaction to ensure urban planning activities in

PP "On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision

public service of the city of Moscow "Provision of information contained in

integrated automated information support system

approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision of state

services of the city of Moscow "Issuance of building permits" and "Issuance of permits

for putting the facility into operation.

1.3. This Agreement has been drawn up in order to fulfill the requirements

organization and provision of state and municipal services”,

improvement of information interaction of executive bodies

the authorities of the city, necessary to provide public authorities,

local authorities, individuals and legal entities relevant and

reliable information in the field of urban planning.

2. Organization of interaction

2.1. Authorized representative of the expert organization within 7 (seven)

working days from the date of issuance of a positive opinion of a non-state

expertise submits an original copy of the conclusion to the Moscow Committee for Architecture

expertise and an original copy of the project documentation and (or) results

engineering surveys and a copy of the document approving the design


The transfer of materials specified in paragraph 2.1 may be carried out with

using the Integrated Automated Information System

ensuring the urban planning activities of the city of Moscow (hereinafter - IAIS OGD).

No. 87 "On the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their

2.2.1. For capital construction projects of industrial and

non-production purpose:

Section 2. "Scheme of the planning organization of the land plot."

Section 3. "Architectural solutions".

Section 4. "Constructive and space-planning solutions".

Section 5. “Information about engineering equipment, engineering networks

technical support, a list of engineering and technical measures,

-subsection 5.1 "Power supply system"

-subsection 5.2 "Water supply system"

-subsection 5.3 "Water disposal system"

- subsection 5.4 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, thermal

-subsection 5.5 "Communication networks"

-subsection 5.6 "Gas supply system"

-subsection 5.7 "Technological solutions"

Section 6. "Construction organization project".

Section 7. "Project for organizing work on the demolition or dismantling of objects

capital construction" (if any)

Section 8. "List of measures for environmental protection"

Section 9. "Measures to ensure fire safety"

Section 10. "Measures to ensure access for persons with disabilities"

Section 10(1). "Requirements to ensure the safe operation of the facility

capital construction"

Section 11(1). “Measures to ensure compliance

energy efficiency and equipment requirements for buildings, structures and

structures with metering devices for used energy resources”

2.2.2. For objects of linear purpose:

Section 1. "Explanatory note".

Section 2. "Project of the right of way."

Section 3. “Technological and design solutions for a linear facility.

Artificial constructions".

Section 4. "Buildings, structures and structures included in the infrastructure of the linear


Section 5. "Construction organization project"

Section 6. "Project for organizing work on the demolition (dismantling) of a linear facility"

(in the presence of)

Section 7. "Measures for the protection of the environment"

Section 8. "Measures to ensure fire safety"

2.3 Formation electronic documents listed in paragraph 2 .1 must

carried out using a single file PDF format(version 1.7) and

Acrobat software (version 8.0 or higher).

Transferred electronic images of documentation must be scanned in

color mode with a resolution of 300 dpi and digitally signed

(electronic signature).

2.4. Moskomarchitectura after receiving the documents listed in clause 2.1,

carries out their registration and placement in the IAIS OGD in the established,

the current legislation of Moscow, terms.

Technical functions for receiving, transmitting, registering and placing in IAIS

OGD documents can be transferred by the Moscow Committee for Architecture in accordance with the established

by a specialized organization.

The interaction between the Moscow Committee for Architecture and a specialized organization is regulated by the terms

state contract concluded in accordance with the procedure established by federal legislation

2.5. Reception-transfer of the documents listed in par. 2 .1, carried out with

registration in the Reception Log - issuance of project documentation.

2.6 Moskomarchitectura after registration of documentation on paper

ensures the placement of an electronic image in the IAIS DGD for the transfer of information

to Mosgosstroynadzor to secure a building permit.

2.7. Moskomarkhitektura may refuse to register documents in the IAIS OGD

in cases:

- when in relation to design documentation and engineering results

surveys in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation

state expertise is provided for;

Agreement on information exchange between the territorial body of the FMS of Russia and the "Information Provider" (draft)

Annex 2 to the Regulations of the FMS of Russia dated 05.03.2014

AGREEMENT on information exchange between the territorial body of the FMS of Russia and the "Information Provider"
________________ "__" _____________ 20__

Department (Department) of the Federal Migration Service for __________, hereinafter referred to as the "UFMS (OFMS) of Russia", represented by the head _______________________, acting on the basis of _______________________, on the one hand, and ___________________ "_____________________", hereinafter referred to as the "Information Provider", represented by the General Director ______________________, acting on the basis of _____________________, on the other hand, collectively referred to as the "Parties", have entered into this Agreement as follows:

I. Subject of the Agreement
1. The subject of this Agreement is the information interaction of the Parties on issues of mutual interest, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

II. Procedure for interaction between the Parties
2.1. The Parties, within their competence, in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and on the basis of this Agreement, exchange information for the purposes of the Information Provider of the Federal Migration Service (OFMS) of Russia:
- information on migration registration and removal from migration registration of IGs and LBGs;
- information about registration at the place of stay and deregistration at the place of stay of citizens of the Russian Federation;
2.2. The interaction of the Parties on issues not regulated by this Agreement is carried out on the basis of additional protocols to this Agreement and in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

III. Implementation of the Agreement
3.1. Under this Agreement, the information received by the Information Provider in the course of providing services is transferred to the Federal Migration Service (OFMS) of Russia for the subsequent possible use of such information in its activities.
The transmission of the above information is carried out using _______________________ (specify the method of communication).
In the case of using a qualified electronic signature, a copy of the certificate(s) on paper is attached to the agreement.
3.2. The Parties, when implementing this Agreement, will take measures to:
- monitoring the implementation of decisions taken within the framework of interaction under this Agreement;
- ensuring the reliability and objectivity of the information provided and, if necessary, promptly amend and clarify it;
- timely warning of the Party concerned about the impossibility of providing information, indicating the reasons;
- use of information provided by the other Party within the competence of the Parties in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
3.3. Information received by the Parties in the framework of the implementation of this Agreement is not subject to disclosure and transfer to third parties.
3.4. The provisions of this Agreement are implemented without mutual financial obligations and settlements between the Parties.
3.5. The transmitted information cannot be transferred to third parties without the written consent of the Information Provider and the subject of personal data.
3.6. The procedure for information exchange of information, including between the territorial bodies and (or) structural subdivisions of the parties, is carried out using telecommunication facilities, directly on a rejected medium or on paper.

IV. Responsibility of the Parties
4. The parties are liable in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

V. Final provisions
5.1. This Agreement shall enter into force from the moment of its signing by the Parties and shall be valid for an unlimited period of time.
5.2. This Agreement may be amended and supplemented by signing additional agreements that are integral parts of the Agreement.
5.3. This Agreement may be terminated at the initiative of any of the Parties. The party initiating the termination shall provide written notice of termination of this Agreement no later than thirty (30) days prior to the expected date of termination.
5.4. The Agreement is made in two copies, having equal force, one for each of the Parties.

VI. Addresses and signatures of the Parties
Administration (Department) of the Federal Information Provider
migration service
