Sample agreement on information exchange. State statistics and other federal bodies. Agreement on information exchange between organizations sample

Recommended template for an agreement information exchange Federal Service state statistics and other federal government bodies, government bodies of subjects Russian Federation, local governments, courts, prosecutors, the Bank of Russia, state non-budgetary funds, trade unions and employers' associations

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on information interaction of the Federal Service

state statistics and other federal bodies

state authorities, public authorities

subjects of the Russian Federation, local authorities

municipalities, courts, prosecution authorities, the Bank

Russia, state off-budget funds,

trade unions and employers' associations

The Federal State Statistics Service (hereinafter referred to as Rosstat) and other federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities, courts, prosecutors, the Bank of Russia, state non-budgetary funds, trade union associations and associations of employers (hereinafter referred to as the user), hereinafter referred to as the Parties, guided by the Federal Law of November 29, 2007 N 282-FZ "On Official Statistical Accounting and the System of State Statistics in the Russian Federation" have concluded this Agreement as follows.

1. Goals of communication

The goals of information exchange are:

Creation of conditions for information support of the activities of the Parties, making management decisions;

Organizing the provision of official statistical information;

Ensuring Compatibility information resources Parties.

The parties carry out information interaction in the following areas:

Provision of official statistical information compiled in accordance with the federal plan of statistical work approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;

Provision of normative legal and methodological documents regulating the state statistical activities of the Parties;

Provision of advisory services in the field of official statistical accounting;

Ensuring the compatibility of information in the existing automated data processing systems of the Parties.

3. Order of information exchange

To achieve the objectives of this Agreement, the Parties:

Organize, according to the agreed lists and form, the provision of official statistical information;

Solve methodological and organizational issues of information interaction, establish the procedure for interaction and the formation of the data presented;

Coordinate information interaction between the territorial bodies of Rosstat and the territorial bodies of the user;

Agree on the structure, formats and ways of presenting information in in electronic format at the federal and regional levels, ensuring the compatibility of the software and hardware used and observing the measures that exclude a computer virus;

If necessary, they carry out joint activities to organize and conduct professional training of their employees in the field of information interaction (meetings, seminars, etc.).

4. Obligations of the Parties for the implementation of the Agreement

4.1. Rosstat has the following responsibilities:

Providing the user with official statistical information in accordance with the agreed list provided in Annex 1 to this Agreement;

Coordination of the work of the territorial bodies of Rosstat on their interaction with the territorial bodies of the user in accordance with this Agreement;

Providing the user of all-Russian classifiers with technical, economic and social information and changes to them;

Providing consulting services at the request of the user.

4.2. The user has the following responsibilities:

Providing Rosstat with official statistical information and administrative data necessary for the formation of official statistical information in accordance with the agreed list provided in Appendix 2 to this Agreement;

Coordination of the work of the territorial bodies of the user in their interaction with the territorial bodies of Rosstat in accordance with this Agreement;

Provision of consulting services at the request of Rosstat.

5. Final provisions

5.1. The lists of official statistical information submitted by the Parties at the federal and regional levels (appendices 1 and 2) are attached to this Agreement and are its integral part.

5.2. Official statistical information is provided on paper in one copy or in electronic form through communication channels.

5.3. Each of the Parties may terminate the Agreement in whole or in part by notifying the other Party not later than one month before the date of termination of the Agreement.

5.4. The agreement comes into force from the date of its signing and is valid until __________ year.

5.5. This Agreement is signed in two copies, which are equally valid.

Signatures of the parties:

From the Federal Service From the user of state statistics (Rosstat)

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Since 1995, she has been successfully working in the field of expert activities in construction and has achieved significant results and recognition in this market segment.

✔ We work throughout Russia i The INDEX expert center operates throughout Russia.

✔ We have highly experienced professionals i Our specialists have extensive experience in their field. The average work experience of our specialist is more than 15 years.

✔ Individual approach to each client i Each application received by us is considered individually, taking into account all the features of your project.

✔ Issuance of EPD and RII conclusions in 10 days i The term for conducting a non-state examination of project documentation and engineering survey results is 10 days.

Uploading the design documentation corrected based on the results of the examination into the Unified State Register of Expertise Conclusions (USRZ) of project documentation for facilities, assigning a conclusion number and issuing an expert opinion to the Customer is carried out in one day.

Agreement on information exchange with the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the city of Moscow

Agreement on information exchange

Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the city of Moscow and


№ ________________

Moscow city "___" _ __ _____ 20 years

Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the city of Moscow

(Moskomarkhitektura), hereinafter referred to as "Party 1", represented by Deputy

Chairman of the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the city of Moscow

Head of the Contract Service Belova L. N. acting on the basis

power of attorney dated 05 .0 3.2015 No. МКА- 03 -832/5, on the one hand, and

________________________, having a certificate of accreditation for the right

conducting non-state examination of project documentation

(_____________) and results of engineering surveys __________ , in the face

General Director _________, acting on the basis of the Charter, referred to in

hereinafter referred to as "Party 2", on the other hand, hereinafter referred to jointly

referred to as the "Parties", have entered into this Agreement as follows:

1. Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The subject of this Agreement is informational

interaction of the Parties in the transfer of positive opinions to non-state

examination of project documentation and (or) results of engineering surveys,

designed for facilities located in the city of Moscow, and

design documentation and (or) results of engineering surveys.

1.2. This Agreement has been developed taking into account the requirements of the Federal

No. 363 "On information support urban planning activity,

2010 No. 225-PP "On the introduction of an information system for providing

urban planning activities in the city of Moscow and the formation of the environment

electronic interaction to ensure urban planning activities in

PP "On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision

public service of the city of Moscow "Provision of information contained in

integrated automated information support system

approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision of state

services of the city of Moscow "Issuance of building permits" and "Issuance of permits

for putting the facility into operation.

1.3. This Agreement has been drawn up in order to fulfill the requirements

organization and provision of state and municipal services”,

improvement of information interaction of executive bodies

the authorities of the city, necessary to provide public authorities,

local governments, individuals and legal entities of current and

reliable information in the field of urban planning.

2. Organization of interaction

2.1. Authorized representative of the expert organization within 7 (seven)

working days from the date of issuance of a positive opinion of a non-state

expertise submits an original copy of the conclusion to the Moscow Committee for Architecture

expertise and an original copy of the project documentation and (or) results

engineering surveys and a copy of the document approving the design


The transfer of materials specified in paragraph 2.1 may be carried out with

using the Integrated Automated Information System

ensuring the urban planning activities of the city of Moscow (hereinafter - IAIS OGD).

No. 87 "On the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their

2.2.1. For capital construction projects of industrial and

non-production purpose:

Section 2. "Scheme of the planning organization of the land plot."

Section 3. "Architectural solutions".

Section 4. "Constructive and space-planning solutions".

Section 5. “Information about engineering equipment, engineering networks

technical support, a list of engineering and technical measures,

-subsection 5.1 "Power supply system"

-subsection 5.2 "Water supply system"

-subsection 5.3 "Water disposal system"

- subsection 5.4 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, thermal

-subsection 5.5 "Communication networks"

-subsection 5.6 "Gas supply system"

-subsection 5.7 "Technological solutions"

Section 6. "Construction organization project".

Section 7. "Project for organizing work on the demolition or dismantling of objects

capital construction" (if any)

Section 8. "List of measures for environmental protection"

Section 9. "Measures to ensure fire safety"

Section 10. "Measures to ensure access for persons with disabilities"

Section 10(1). "Requirements to ensure the safe operation of the facility

capital construction"

Section 11(1). “Measures to ensure compliance

energy efficiency and equipment requirements for buildings, structures and

structures with metering devices for used energy resources”

2.2.2. For objects of linear purpose:

Section 1. "Explanatory note".

Section 2. "Project of the right of way."

Section 3. “Technological and design solutions for a linear facility.

Artificial constructions".

Section 4. "Buildings, structures and structures included in the infrastructure of the linear


Section 5. "Construction organization project"

Section 6. "Project for organizing work on the demolition (dismantling) of a linear facility"

(in the presence of)

Section 7. "Measures for the protection of the environment"

Section 8. "Measures to ensure fire safety"

2.3 Generation of electronic documents listed in paragraph 2.1 should be

carried out using a single file PDF format(version 1.7) and

Acrobat software (version 8.0 or higher).

Transferred electronic images of documentation must be scanned in

color mode with a resolution of 300 dpi and digitally signed

(electronic signature).

2.4. Moskomarchitectura after receiving the documents listed in clause 2.1,

carries out their registration and placement in the IAIS OGD in the established,

the current legislation of Moscow, terms.

Technical functions for receiving, transmitting, registering and placing in IAIS

OGD documents can be transferred by the Moscow Committee for Architecture in accordance with the established

by a specialized organization.

The interaction between the Moscow Committee for Architecture and a specialized organization is regulated by the terms

state contract concluded in accordance with the procedure established by federal legislation

2.5. Reception-transfer of the documents listed in par. 2 .1, carried out with

registration in the Reception Log - issuance of project documentation.

2.6 Moskomarchitectura after registration of documentation on paper

ensures the placement of an electronic image in the IAIS DGD for the transfer of information

to Mosgosstroynadzor to secure a building permit.

2.7. Moskomarkhitektura may refuse to register documents in the IAIS OGD

in cases:

- when in relation to design documentation and engineering results

surveys in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation

state expertise is provided for;

Standard form
agreements on information interaction of the Federal Migration Service and its territorial bodies with the administrations of hotels, sanatoriums, rest houses, boarding houses, campsites, tourist camps, medical organizations or other similar institutions, institutions of the penitentiary system that execute sentences of imprisonment or forced labor, when provided directly or when sent using the means of communication included in the telecommunication network or using information and telecommunication networks, as well as infrastructure that provides information and technological interaction information systems used to provide state and municipal services and perform state and municipal functions in electronic form, information on registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay

AGREEMENT on information exchange between _________________________________________________________________________ (indicate: Federal Migration Service or name territorial authority FMS of Russia) from _____________________________________________________________________________ (name of the hotel, sanatorium, rest home, boarding house, camping, tourist base, medical organization or other similar institution, institution of the penitentiary system, executing punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty or forced labor) when provided directly or when sent using the means of communication that are part of the telecommunication network or using information and telecommunication networks, as well as infrastructure providing information - technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services and perform state and municipal functions in electronic form, information on registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay ___________________ "__" ___________ 20___ Federal Migration Service (Department (Department) of the Federal Migration Service for ____________________), hereinafter referred to as the "Operator", represented by the head (head) _____________, acting on the basis of ______________________________________________________________________________, (date, number, name of the document on the basis of which the head (head) of the Federal Migration Service acts (Department (Department) of the Federal Migration Service) on the one hand, and ______________________________________________________ (full and short (if any) name, TIN, KPP, _________________________________________________________________________ OGRN, address of the location of the legal entity or information about ______________________________________________________________________________, individual entrepreneur (last name, first name, patronymic ( if available), series, number, date of issue of an identity document, TIN, OGRNIP, address of registration at the place of residence)) hereinafter referred to as the "Information Provider", represented by _________________________, (last name, first name, patronymic (if any)) valid for on the basis of _______________________________________________ (date, number, name of the document, on the basis of ________________________________________________________________________, of which the representative acts, if the party is entity or individual entrepreneur) on the other hand, collectively referred to as the "Parties", have entered into this Agreement as follows:

II. Interaction of the Parties

2.1. The information provider within ________________________________ (the period during which the information is provided) shall provide the Operator with information on the registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay***. 2.2. The transfer of information is carried out by ____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________. (the method of providing information is indicated: directly or when sent using the means of communication that are part of the telecommunication network or using information and telecommunication networks, as well as the infrastructure that provides information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services and execute state and municipal functions in electronic form). 2.3. Terms of interaction when sending information in the form of an electronic document: 2.3.1. Information in the form of an electronic document is provided in the formats that are given on the official website of the FMS of Russia in the section "Open batch interface for the Territory application software". 2.3.2. Electronic document is signed by an authorized official of the Information Provider __________________________________________________________________________, (last name, first name, patronymic (if any)) of an authorized official of the Information Provider) using an enhanced qualified electronic signature. The name of the certification center that issued the certificate of qualified electronic signature ___________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________. 2.3.3. When providing information on an external electronic media The information provider takes measures to prevent unauthorized access to the transmitted data. 2.3.4. In the event of a change in data formats, the Operator is obliged to inform the Provider of information about the changes that have occurred and provide a description latest version data formats. 2.4. The Parties, when implementing this Agreement, will take measures to: monitor the implementation of the provisions of this Agreement; ensuring the reliability and objectivity of the information provided and, if necessary, the prompt introduction of clarifications into it; warning the Provider of information about the impossibility of providing information in a timely manner, indicating the reasons; use of information provided by the Information Provider in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. 2.5. Information transferred by the Information Provider, in accordance with this Agreement, is not subject to disclosure and transfer to third parties, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

III. Responsibility of the Parties

3.1. The Parties are responsible in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for the safety and confidentiality of the information received under this Agreement and its use for purposes not provided for by the Agreement.

IV. Procedure for resolving disputes and terminating the Agreement

4.1. Disputes and disagreements arising between the Parties in the implementation of this Agreement shall be resolved through negotiations.

4.2. In cases where it is impossible to reach mutually acceptable solutions, disputes between the Parties shall be resolved in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. This Agreement may be terminated at the initiative of any of the Parties. The party initiating the termination shall provide written notice of termination of this Agreement no later than thirty (30) days prior to the expected date of termination.

V. Duration of the Agreement

5.1. The Agreement comes into force from the date of its signing by the Parties and is valid for one year.

The Agreement can be extended for each subsequent year, if none of the Parties declares its desire to terminate this cooperation no later than two calendar months before its expiration.

VI. Final provisions

6.1. Changes to this Agreement are made by agreement of the Parties by signing an additional agreement.

6.2. Interaction under this Agreement is carried out free of charge.

6.3. The Agreement is made in two copies, having equal legal force, one copy for each Party.

VII. Signatures of the parties

Operator Data provider _______________/______________/ _______________/_______________/ "___" ____________ 20___ "___" ____________ 20___ M.P. M.P.


* Gazette of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1993, N 32, art. 1227; Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 45, art. 4377; 2006, N 31, Art. 3420; 2008, N 52, art. 6236; 2010, N 31, art. 4196; 2011, N 27, art. 3880; No. 50, Art. 7341; 2012, N 53, Art. 7638; 2013, N 48, Art. 6165; No. 51, Art. 6696; No. 52, Art. 6952; 2014, N 52, Art. 7557; 2015, N 1, art. 78.

** Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 7, 2014, registration N 34256.
