Presentation formats of vector graphics files. Presentation on the topic of graphic file formats. Formats the text of the file using

  • Raster
  • computer images
Raster graphics
  • Raster graphics is the work with realistic (photo) images.
  • A bitmap image is stored using dots of different colors (pixels) that form rows and columns.
  • Pixel - the minimum area of ​​the image, the color of which can be set independently.
Raster graphics
  • The quality of a bitmap image depends on the size of the image (number of horizontal and vertical pixels) and the number of colors that can be specified for each pixel.
  • 16x16=256 pixels
  • 1 bit is required to store each pixel
  • Figure size = 256 bits
  • 256 bits = 32 bytes
Raster graphics
  • Raster images are very sensitive to scaling (enlargement or reduction).
  • Vector graphics are drawings.
  • Vector graphics
  • Vector images are formed from objects called graphic primitives.
  • For each primitive, coordinates are specified, as well as a color.
Vector graphics
  • Vector graphic images are the optimal means of storing high-precision graphic objects (drawings, diagrams, etc.), for which the preservation of clear and distinct contours is important.
  • Vector graphics can be enlarged or reduced without loss of quality
Graphics - vector and raster
  • In vector graphics, objects. Object = path and inner area.
  • In raster graphics - a matrix (raster) of colored dots (pixels)
  • Image - a collection of objects
  • Image - collection of points
Graphic editor
  • Graphic editor - a program for creating, editing and viewing graphic images.
  • Vector
  • CorelDRAW
  • Macromedia Flash MX
  • GR embedded in Word
Graphic file formats
  • Graphic file formats determine how information is stored in a file (raster or vector), as well as the form of information storage (compression algorithm used).
Graphic file formats
  • Bit Map image (BMP) is a universal bitmap graphic file format used in the Windows operating system.
  • Number of colors in an image 16.77 million colors
  • The BMP format file loads quickly from disk to RAM.
  • But the IMAGE is transmitted over the Internet channels for a long time, since the file is prohibitively large.
  • BMP format is good for local use, but not suitable for the Web
Graphic file formats
  • Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) is a bitmap graphics file format. Includes a lossless compression algorithm.
  • Recommended for storing images with a limited number of colors. Used to place graphics on Web pages on the Internet.
  • Maximum number of image colors: 256.
  • (Colour selection is carried out: for each image - its own palette)
  • Information compression is used without quality loss
      • Images are imported
  • in Word and PowerPoint
Graphic file formats
  • Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) is a raster image file format supported by all major image editors. Includes a lossless compression algorithm.
  • Reserves 3 bytes for all colors of a pixel, just like BMP.
  • Allows compression of information without loss of quality. Therefore (when using compression) it is more economical than the BMP format.
  • Used to work with large images.
  • Widely used in the printing industry, but NOT in the Web
  • Images are imported into Word and PowerPoint
  • Portable Network Graphic (PNG) is a raster graphics file format similar to the GIF format. Recommended for accommodation
  • graphics on web pages on the Internet.
Graphic file formats
  • Joint Photographic Expert Group (JPEG) is a raster graphics file format that implements an efficient compression algorithm (JPEG method) for scanned photographs and illustrations.
  • The algorithm discards "redundant" information that is not visible to the eye, and therefore provides information compression with loss of quality
  • Provides savings of approximately 5 to 60 times.
  • Images are SUITABLE for posting on websites
  • Images are imported into Word and PowerPoint
Graphic file formats
  • Windows MetaFile (WMF) is a universal vector graphics file format for Windows applications. Used to store a collection of Microsoft Clip Gallery graphics.
  • Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) is a vector graphics file format. Recommended for printing and illustration for desktop publishing.
  • CorelDRaw files (CDR) is the original vector graphics file format used in the CorelDraw vector graphics processing system.
Possibilities graphic editors:
  • Using a color palette and tools for creating and editing graphic images;
  • Enlargement of image fragments for processing small image details;
  • Adding text to pictures;
  • Fragment conversion;
  • Storing drawings on external media as graphic files.

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Graphic files. Graphic file formats. Creation of graphic files. Converters

Objectives: to get an idea about the types of graphic images, formats, programs for creating and editing images; give the basic concepts necessary to work on a computer with graphic files; to cultivate an information culture, logical thinking, perseverance, the ability to draw conclusions, develop cognitive interests, self-control, and the ability to take notes.

Tasks: Distinguish between graphic file formats; Determine the need to use a particular graphic format; Be able to save files in various formats

Review questions: What is a file? What is the file extension (format) Where is the file created? (Operating system or application program?) What is the purpose of an operating system? What is the application program for? What types of applications do you know? What is the folder for? What is the label for?

Computer graphics Computer graphics is a branch of computer science that studies the means and methods for creating and processing graphic images using computer technology.

Raster graphics Raster (grid, grating) forms a set of dots (pixels), each of which has its own color. The main element of raster graphics is a pixel (dot)

Vector graphics Everything that is in vector illustrations consists of lines. A line is an elementary object of vector graphics.

Three-dimensional graphics A three-dimensional 3D (Dimensions - measurement) image is a three-dimensional model of an object that corresponds to reality as much as possible. Such three-dimensional images can be rotated and viewed from all sides.

Fractal graphics A fractal is a drawing that consists of elements similar to each other. The construction of a fractal pattern is carried out according to some algorithm automatically using formulas.

Raster files An image on media is stored as dots (pixels). Each point has its own color, brightness and coordinates. Storing each pixel requires a certain number of bits of information. The more shades, the more bits it takes to store it. The image is of good quality, but the file size is large.

Bitmap file extensions: BMP (Windows Device Independent Bitmap) Gif (Graphic Interchange Format) TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) IMG (Digital Research GEM Bitmap) JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)

Vector files An image on media is stored as graphic primitives (lines, ovals, broken lines), which are described by mathematical formulas. When it is displayed, the program calculates the coordinates of points and forms lines.

Vector file extensions: WMF (Windows Metafile) EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) DXF (Drawing Interchange Format)

Capabilities of vector graphics editors Freehand drawing (with the mouse) of free-form lines Using graphic primitives Adding text to a drawing Rotating images Enlarging image fragments

Possibilities of raster graphic editors Graphic effects (volume, overflow, cropping) Ordering, intersection, union of objects different ways work with curves Rich possibilities of working with text

Changing the file format To change the file format, use special programs converters. For example:

Questions for consolidation: What is computer graphics? What types computer graphics happen? How is an image formed in vector and raster graphics? Advantages and disadvantages of raster graphics? Advantages and disadvantages of vector graphics? When is vector graphics used, and when is raster graphics used?

Homework: Write out the main vector and raster graphics editors Convert one file format to another. Write the conclusions in a notebook. Learn abstract

Thank you for your attention!

These two files (on the left and on the right (just a white background)) are BMP - drawings that have the same information volume!!! (the size of the file does not depend on the degree of filling the picture with objects, since each pixel is encoded for both pictures). BMP format BMP - (Windows Bitmap) was developed by Microsoft as compatible with all Windows applications. This is a "pure" raster format, where each pixel is encoded, so of all the raster formats it is the "heaviest" (i.e. having the largest information volume). Advantages: high quality of images Disadvantages: a very large file size, which makes it very difficult or impossible to store, transfer, especially on the Internet Raster graphics formats

JPEG format JPEG - (Joint Photographic Experts Group) - a bitmap file compressed in a special way (with loss of quality). JPEG looks for smooth color transitions by processing square blocks with a side of 8 pixels. Instead of actual values, JPEG stores the rate of change from pixel to pixel. He discards superfluous, from his point of view, color information that is poorly perceived by the human eye, averaging some values. The higher the compression level, the more data is discarded and the lower the quality. The format is hardware independent. Only the final version of the work should be saved in JPEG, because each resave leads to more data loss (discarding) and turning the original image into a mess. Advantages: high quality of images with small file sizes (compression of images by tens and hundreds of times). The most common format used for storing photographs, posting full-color images on the Internet. Disadvantages: does not support transparency of images, the occurrence of blurring of the image with a strong degree of compression. Raster graphics formats

GIF format GIF - (Graphics Interchange Format) - was created specifically for transferring images to the Internet by CompuServe. GIF can store images in indexed color mode (up to 256), i.e. by switching to the GIF format, we reduce the number of colors and the file size (in cases where simple picture does not require millions of colors). Files are compressed by replacing a sequence of identical characters with one multiplied by the number of repetitions (LZW algorithm). In addition, a GIF file may contain not one, but several bitmap images that Internet browsers can load one after another at the frequency specified in the file. It's called GIF animation. Advantages: small file size, support for transparency and animation of drawings, the most popular format on the Internet (design of Web pages, banners). Disadvantages: the main limitation of using GIF in a small number of reproducible colors (up to 256). This is clearly not enough for printing. Raster graphics formats

An example of GIF-animation: The picture contains 3 layers (frames), in each of which one of the colors “burns”. GIF "can" alternately show frames (layers), creating the effect of switching traffic lights. GIF allows you to save files using interlaced scanning. When using this method, the browser first shows every 8th line, then every 4th, every 2nd, and finally, the full image is loaded. At the same time, the visitor to your page will be able to understand what is drawn on this picture without waiting for it to fully load, which is very convenient. An example of interlaced image loading on a Web page Bitmap Graphics Formats

PSD Format The PSD format is the standard format of the Adobe Photoshop package and differs from most conventional raster formats in the ability to store layers (layers). The format supports alpha channels, layers, outlines, transparency, vector labels, etc. It is perfect for transferring or storing images containing specific elements that are specific only to Adobe Photoshop. The main drawback is that it is hardware dependent. Raster graphics formats

PNG format This format, created specifically for use on the Internet to replace GIF, compresses graphic information without loss of quality. Unlike GIF, it compresses bitmap images not only horizontally, but also vertically, which provides a higher compression ratio. The color depth can be any, up to 48 bits (RGB, for comparison - 24), smoothly transitioning transparency is supported. Information about gamma correction is written to the PNG file. Gamma is a number that characterizes the dependence of the brightness of the glow of your monitor screen on the voltage at the kinescope electrodes. This number, read from the file, allows you to enter a brightness correction when displaying. It is necessary so that the picture created on the Mac looks the same on both the PC and Silicon Graphics. Thus, this feature helps to implement the main idea of ​​​​WWW - the same display of information regardless of the user's equipment. PNG files can do all the main graphics editors.

Raster Graphics Formats TGA Format TGA (Targa) is the name of Truevision's graphics card that first used the TGA format. The format can store images with a color depth of up to 32 bits. Along with the standard three RGB channels, the TGA file has an additional alpha channel to represent information about the transparency of the image. The information may be compressed. The main advantage - the format is used software products many well-known companies in the world of computer graphics.

TIFF Format TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) is a hardware-independent TIFF format, which is one of the most widespread and reliable today; it is supported by almost all programs on PC and Macintosh, one way or another related to graphics. TIFF is the best choice when importing raster graphics into vector programs and publishing systems. It has access to the full range of color models from monochrome to RGB, CMYK and additional Pantone colors. TIFF can save Photoshop "a vectors, Alpha channels for creating masks in Adobe Premiere video clips, and a lot of other additional data. The biggest problems are usually caused by LZW compression, sometimes used in TIFF" e. Some programs (such as QuarkXPress 3.x and Adobe Streamline) cannot read such files, and they may take longer to output to printers and phototypesetters. Only if the file is compressed 3-4 times, is there a gain in output time.

Let's summarize... BMP format - very high quality graphics, but a large file size; JPEG format - the most suitable for storing high-quality images and photographs, an acceptable ratio of quality and file size; jpeg format is commonly used for drawings High Quality containing thousands and millions of colors (up to 16.7 million shades); The convenience of using JPEG pictures lies in the fact that by changing the quality of the picture, you can control the degree of compression of the file; the browser can only load JPEG images linearly, from the top line to the bottom; GIF format is best suited for images that contain a small number of different colors; Let's summarize...

An interleaved GIF image is first loaded at a low resolution and then gradually improves in quality as the whole image appears. Thus, the user can see the essence of the image before the image appears in its entirety; one of the colors of GIF images can be made transparent to see the background color of the current browser window; the TIFF file format is used as a universal format for the exchange of digital images; the PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format is an alternative to the GIF format, but allows millions of colors to be stored in an image; Let's summarize...

Graphics optimization The meaning of graphics optimization is to reduce the information volume of a graphic file, especially for posting it on the Internet. Recall that the size of the file depends on the size of the image in pixels and the color depth: Therefore, you can reduce the size of the image (optimize) in the following ways: reduce the size of the image in pixels (A × B); decrease in color depth I (use fewer colors); file compression (compression) by special methods, rejection of part of the color information, use of GIF formats. Graphics Optimization FILE SIZE (V) = A × B × I

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Graphic file formats

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Raster graphic formats BMP (Windows Device Independent Bitmap) PCX (Soft Publisher's Paintbrush) GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) PNG (Portable Network Graphics) JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) TIFF (Tag Image File Format) PSD (Adobe Photoshop) Vector AI graphic formats ( Adobe Illustrator Document) CDR (CorelDRAW Document) WMF (Windows Metafile) PDF (Portable Document Format) Conclusion

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Raster graphics formats

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BMP (Windows Device Independent Bitmap)

The simplest bitmap format, BMP, also known as DIB, is native to Windows and is supported by all graphic editors running under it. BMP supports both indexed colors (up to 256 colors) and full color images. Without compression, the file size is close to the maximum possible. Due to the most primitive image recording algorithm, when processing files of the BMP format, very few system resources are consumed, therefore this format is very often used to store logos, screen savers, icons and other elements of the graphic design of programs.

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PCX (Soft Publisher's Paintbrush)

The PCX format, developed at the dawn of the computer era by Z-Soft specifically for its PC PaintBrush graphic editor for the MS-DOS operating system, has approximately the same capabilities as BMP, only support for operating system OS/2. But images in PCX format can be viewed by most programs under DOS, including the internal viewer Norton Commander. Color options: 1, 2, 4, 8 or 24-bit color, only RGB scheme is supported, and there is no possibility to save a monochrome image in grayscale. ROB compression is always applied. Like BMP, this format is largely obsolete and is supported by modern graphics programs solely for compatibility with antique software.

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GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)

The most popular format on the Internet is the fairly old GIF format. Its distinctive feature is the use of the indexed color mode (no more than 256), which limits the scope of the format to images that have sharp color transitions. The GIF format is a favorite format for webmasters who use it to store numerous design elements on their pages. The small file sizes of the images are due to the lossless LZW compression algorithm, which makes images in this format the most suitable for sending over the still narrow WAN links.

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PNG (Portable Network Graphics)

This format, which compresses graphic information without quality loss, using the Deflate algorithm, unlike GIF or TIFF, compresses bitmap images not only horizontally, but also vertically, which provides a higher compression ratio and supports color photographic images up to 48-bit inclusive . Distinctive feature of this format, two-dimensional interlacing can be noted (i.e., the image appears gradually not only in rows, but also in columns) and built-in gamma correction, which allows you to save images whose brightness will be unchanged not only on any PC machines, but also on such alternative platforms like Mac, Sun or Silicon Graphics. Since the format was created for the Internet, there is no space in its header for additional options. But it is good for publishing high-quality raster graphics on the Internet.

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JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)

The most popular format for storing photographic JPEG images(or JPG) is the accepted standard on the internet. JPEG can only store 24-bit full color images. Similar to the format, a fairly complex compression algorithm is based on the features of human vision. Although JPEG is great at compressing photos, this compression is lossy and ruins the quality. The JPEG format does not support animation or transparent color, and is suitable in the vast majority of cases only for publishing full-color images, such as photographs, on the Internet.

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TIFF (Tag Image File Format)

The TIFF format was developed by Aldus for its PhotoStyler graphic editor. As a universal format for storing raster images, TIFF is widely used, primarily in publishing systems that require images best quality. With LZW compression, a TIFF file takes up almost as much space as a GIF, only, unlike the latter, TIFF supports full-color images and stores in its body detailed information about the image. This format supports purely professional features, such as clipping paths, alpha channels, the ability to save multiple copies of an image with different resolutions, and even include layers in the file.

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PSD (Adobe Photoshop)

The PSD format is the standard format of the Adobe Photoshop package and differs from most conventional raster formats in its ability to store layers. It contains many additional variables and compresses images using RLE Packbits lossless compression algorithm. The format supports color depths up to 16 bits per channel (48-bit color and 16-bit black and white), as well as alpha channels, layers, outlines, transparency, vector lettering, and more. Great for transfer or storage images containing specific, peculiar only to Adobe Photoshop, elements. PSD files are freely readable by most popular viewers, but do not forget that opening these files in some third-party graphic editors, even declaring support for the PSD format, you can lose a significant part of their specific capabilities (especially in terms of working with layers).

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Vector graphics formats

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CDR (CorelDRAW Document)

Quite controversial is the CDR format, the main working format of the popular CorelDRAW package, which is the undisputed leader in the class of vector graphics editors on the PC platform. Having a relatively low stability and compatibility problems with files of different format versions, nevertheless, the CDR format, especially the latest, 7th and 8th versions, can be called professional without stretch. The files of these versions use separate compression for vector and raster images, fonts can be embedded, CDR files have a huge working area of ​​45x45 meters, multipage is supported.

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WMF (Windows Metafile)

Another native Windows format, this time vector. Understood by almost everyone Windows programs somehow related to vector graphics. However, despite the seeming simplicity and versatility, it is worth using the WMF format only in extreme cases, since it cannot save some parameters that can be assigned to objects in various vector editors, is not perceived by Macintosh, and, most importantly, can distort the color image diagram.

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PDF (Portable Document Format)

PDF was originally designed as a compact electronic documentation format, but has recently been increasingly used for transferring graphics and mixed documents containing both text and graphics over networks. The PDF format is a fully platform-independent format, in the text part of which it is possible to use a variety of fonts and hypertext links, as well as graphic illustrations of any type (vector or raster). Compression is used to achieve the minimum size of a PDF file, with each type of object being compressed according to the most beneficial algorithm for it. View documents in PDF format and print them on the printer using the utility Acrobat Reader distributed by Adobe free of charge.

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