How to open a photoshop file. How to open (edit) a PSD file without Photoshop. Other problems with the psd file

The most common problem that prevents users from opening this file is an incorrectly assigned program. To fix this in Windows OS, you need to right-click on the file, in the context menu, hover the mouse over the “Open with” item, and select “Select a program...” from the drop-down menu. As a result you will see a list installed programs on your computer, and you can choose the appropriate one. We also recommend checking the box next to “Use this application for all PSD files.”

Another problem that our users also encounter quite often is that the PSD file is corrupted. This situation can arise in many cases. For example: the file was downloaded incompletely as a result server errors, the file was damaged initially, etc. To fix this problem, use one of the recommendations:

  • Try finding the file you need in another source on the Internet. You may have luck finding a more suitable version. Example Google search: "File filetype:PSD" . Just replace the word "file" with the name you want;
  • Ask them to send you the original file again, it may have been damaged during transmission;

PSD is the main format of Adobe Photoshop. Exported and imported into raster and vector software products. Designers and artists use this format due to its functionality and know how to open psd other than Adobe Photoshop.

psd format

Initially, the program was used as an application for image processing in the printing industry. Nowadays Photoshop is actively used in web design. Therefore, it is important to know how to open psd online. File with extension .psd – format for storing and processing raster graphic information. Created for the application. The format is not freely available for software products, so only Photoshop can open, edit and save files with the .psd extension. An important difference between .psd and .jpg (.jpeg) is that information is compressed without loss of quality, so the document remains available in its original resolution.

The format is associated with numerous media processing and animation applications. The file with the .psd extension is exported and imported into:

  • Adobe ImageReady, ;
  • Photo-Paint;

The functionality that is implemented in PSD format includes:

  • creating a graphic file with the location of several photos;
  • increasing/reducing image sizes during processing;
  • adding effects;
  • subsequent saving.psd in optimized image formats: jpg (jpeg), png, gif.

History of origin

First Adobe version Photoshop and the main psd format (how to open it is indicated below) appeared in 1987 under the name Display. In 1988, the developer renamed the application ImagePro. In September 1988, Adobe Systems bought the rights to the application. The developer of the software product is listed as Thomas Noll. 1989 is the date when the software product was renamed Photoshop. If when creating the installation file there were no questions about how to open a psd file, then with the availability of many modern applications for image processing, the question becomes acute.

Since June 2014, the Photoshop release name includes the release date (Photoshop 2014.0.0). The Knoll brothers, who developed the application for creating images and processing photos, are still expanding the tools and introducing functionality.

How and with what to open a file with a .psd extension

The PSD format is fully functional in Adobe Photoshop, but it is possible to open the PSD file online or in another application.


Experienced users advise taking a closer look at the Photopea Online Editor. The functionality of the browser editor is mediocre, but it allows you to perform basic tasks. The application menu is familiar. To open a PSD document, the user:

  • clicks “File-Open”;
  • in the dialog box that appears, indicates the path to save the file with the .psd extension.

The user has the right to edit psd if he knows how to open the file online. Photopea allows you to edit individual layers on any computer with Internet access.

On the computer

Opening a psd file on a computer is easy if Adobe Photoshop is installed. The software product allows you to run images, edit them, change them at the layer level, and convert them to other formats. Since the program is paid, not every user will afford to buy and use the application. Therefore, it is important to know how to open PSD documents using free programs new products.

You can open the psd file using:

  • free alternative Adobe Photoshop. Supports formats opened and edited by Photoshop. GIMP edits PSD files in full. The disadvantages of the software include an inconvenient interface and long loading times due to numerous fonts.
  • . The lightweight file viewer operates at high speed. Designed to open a multi-layered image for viewing without editing.
  • . The functionality of the application includes editing the image size and viewing the document. In-depth editing and coding are not available. Among the disadvantages, the English interface stands out.
  • . Able to view all layers of a psd file, but the functionality of the application differs from Adobe Photoshop.
  • . Practically no different from XnView. The functionality is the same. The interface is available in Russian.

Now the user understands how to open psd. All that remains is to select the software in accordance with the functionality and required tools.

On Windows 7

Viewing and editing psd files in Windows 7 is possible if the mentioned programs are available on your computer.

GIMP natively supports reading and editing layers, so no additional plugin installation is required. The downside of the program is that changes are not saved correctly in the psd file.

Paint.NET runs on computers running Windows 7 and higher. Able to read layers of a PSD file if a special plugin is installed.

To do this, the user:

  • loads the plugin and extracts documents from the archive;
  • copies PhotoShop.dll to the FileTypes folder (in the installed application folder);
  • launches Paint.NET.

  • adding effects;
  • applying filters;
  • changing the color palette.

IrfanView supports fewer formats. Files open as images. Access to layers is closed. To process a photo, a document with a .psd extension must be converted into an acceptable format.

On Windows 10

Viewing PSD and editing a graphic file is possible if the listed software is installed. Application functionality and tools are available in both Windows 7 and Windows 10.

On Android

To open a PSD file on Android, you can visit the Go2Convert web resource. The service converts a multilayer image into a familiar format, sets the size and compression of the finished image.

Google app Drive, available when you access the Internet, allows you to view a document with a .psd extension as an image. The only caveat is that it takes a long time to recognize the format.

For smartphones with OS Android user has the right to install applications:

Other problems with the psd file

If the program for opening PSD is selected, then the user may have other problems with the format:

  • damaged file (the developers suggest using special utilities to recover a document or download a file from a trusted source);
  • content of viruses and dangerous objects;
  • lack of software products that support the format;
  • lack of drivers on the equipment responsible for viewing the image.

You can only fully work with PSD files in Photoshop. But there are several free programs that can open PSD files and even layers.

All programs in the collection are free. Of course, they cannot compare with the functionality of Photoshop, but they will cope with simple tasks.

At a minimum, you can simply open the PSD file as an image, and some of these programs even open layers.


  • Operating system: Windows, Mac and Linux.
  • Russian language: supported.

This is one of the most interesting free analogues of Photoshop. GIMP reads PSD files without installing additional plugins, so you can open the file in the same way as regular images: File → Open.

GIMP opens the layers of the PSD document for editing. But there are pitfalls here: the program does not read all layers; some need to be rasterized. GIMP may also not save changes to PSD correctly. After this, the file may not open in Photoshop. The latter should not bother you if you opened the file for minor edits and saved the image as a JPEG.

  • Operating system: starting from Windows 7.
  • Russian language: supported.

Paint.NET is better standard Microsoft Paint, but just as clear and easy to use. If you don't know what to do with a file in GIMP, open Paint.NET.

The program reads PSD, but only after installing the appropriate plugin. For this:

  • Download the plugin.
  • Extract the files from the downloaded archive.
  • Copy the PhotoShop.dll file.
  • Go to your Paint.NET installation folder (for example, C:\Program Files\
  • Paste the PhotoShop.dll file into the FileTypes folder.
  • Launch Paint.NET.

  • Operating system: any, since the application opens in the browser.
  • Russian language: supported.

Photopea is an online service whose interface resembles Photoshop or GIMP. Its advantage is that you don't need to install anything. The program will open in a browser on any device. But online applications are often not as practical as installed programs. Photopea is no exception, but it allows you to work with layers in a PSD document.

  • Operating system: Windows (there is a version for Linux and macOS).
  • Russian language: supported only in Standard and Extended versions.

XnView is a kind of graphic organizer in which you can open and organize collections of images on your PC. XnView has primitive editing functions: you can change the color palette, add a filter or effect.

The program is unpopular, but for good reason: it can open images in more than 500 formats and save them in another 70. So install it as a primitive PSD editor or converter.

The basic version only supports English, French and German.

  • Operating system: Windows.
  • Russian language: supported.

IrfanView, like XnView, is designed to view and convert graphic files. But IrfanView supports fewer formats. The program opens the PSD as an image. You can't edit layers, but you can edit a regular image. To get more processing options, the PSD file must first be converted to another format.

IrfanView works quickly and is lightweight (installation files take up a little more than 3 MB).

If none of the options suits you, you can convert PSD to JPG using Go2Convert or any other converter. You can also open the PSD as an image in Google Drive.


PSD Raster image file format

PSD files allow graphic designers, as well as other users to edit images using layers. Layers make it easy to add and remove elements, as well as add and remove various filters, effects, transparencies, and basically change the image. PSD files can be opened with different versions Photoshop programs. Moreover, such files can be saved in other formats (PNG, JPEG, GIF, etc.) for further downloading, sending or saving. After converting a PSD file to another format, all layers become one layer. If you save the file with the PSD extension, the layers will be saved. They can be viewed and edited. Such files are very often used in the case of draft documents, and not with finished publications or images.

Technical details about PSD files

Photoshop files with the PSD extension save the image while allowing you to use a set of editing tools in Adobe program Photoshop. Some of these tools include the following: masks, transparencies, halftone blending, gradients, color balancing, blending, clipping paths, etc. PSB files are similar to PSD files and cannot contain images whose height and width exceed 300,000 pixels, and whose length is more than 4 exabytes. At the same time, individual layers are saved in such files, and not the whole image. These proprietary file types are larger in size and serve as working documents for graphic design projects. Converting from PSD format to other image formats produces a final compressed image.

More information about the PSD format

- Extension (format) is the characters at the end of the file after the last dot.
- The computer determines the file type by its extension.
- By default, Windows does not show file name extensions.
- Some characters cannot be used in the file name and extension.
- Not all formats are related to the same program.
- Below are all the programs with which you can open the PSD file.

PicPick is one of best programs to take screenshots. Among the special features, it is worth highlighting the ability to capture the entire screen, the active window, a separate area of ​​the screen, entire web pages (with the ability to scroll), or an arbitrary part of the desktop. In addition to the fact that the program is distributed free of charge for non-commercial use and is available in Russian, it also has such useful functions as a ruler, magnifying glass, slate, color palette, etc. In the program settings, you can assign hotkeys for all necessary actions, specify FTP data to automatically send screenshots to a remote...

XnView is a fairly powerful program that combines many functions for working with images. This can be a simple viewing of files, their conversion, and minor processing. It is cross-platform, which allows it to be used on almost any system. The program is also unique in that it supports about 400 different image formats, including the most used and popular ones, as well as non-standard formats. XnView can batch convert images. True, they can only be converted into 50 formats, but among these 50 formats there are all popular extensions...

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XnConvert is a useful utility for converting and primary processing of photographs and images. Works with 400+ formats. Supports all popular graphic formats. With XnConvert's simple tools you can adjust brightness, gamma and contrast. In the application you can change the size of photos, apply filters and a number of popular effects. The user can add watermarks and do retouching. Using the application, you can remove meta data, trim files and rotate them. XnConvert supports a log in which the user will see all detailed information about his recent manipulations with images.

IrfanView is a free graphic file viewer, the distinguishing features of which are its small size and functionality. IrfanView supports a large number of formats, has a clear interface and the necessary set of functions. So, with its help you can not only view images, but also rotate them at any angle, do minor color corrections, remove red-eye from photos, etc. Also, using IrfanView, you can take screenshots (both of the entire screen and individual areas), tear out icons and icons from various files, rename files according to a predefined template, and...

Honeyview - simple and beautiful program to view photos. Supports all popular image and photo formats, including those that are “raw”. There is also a convenient interface where you can view a photo in full screen, or two photos in parallel, which is very convenient if you need to choose the best one. You can immediately save your favorite photos to a separate folder. If the photo contains location data, then the program will open Google Maps, where it will be possible to see the place where the photograph was taken. Using hot keys, the program will open in Windows Explorer a photo that is open in...

FastStone Image Viewer is a program for viewing images. This program is one of the popular viewers because it has large set functions. First of all, I would like to note its interface. The main program window looks almost the same as the standard one Windows Explorer. Double-clicking on the file expands the image to full screen and also allows you to edit it, for which the program has several additional panels. In addition, FastStone Image Viewer is capable of batch conversion of various files, which saves a lot of time. It is possible to save...

Alternate Pic View is simple program with a clear interface designed for viewing images. In addition, it allows you to apply a number of other actions to images. This application allows you to navigate through catalogs and view images using an easily customizable interface. Works with almost all commonly used file formats: bmp, gif, png, jpg, ico and others. It is open source, developed on CBuilder 5. With Alternate Pic View, the user can edit colors, make mirror images, change color, contrast and sharpness of the image.

Xlideit Image Viewer is a lightweight and convenient utility designed to facilitate image and photo editing. The application allows you to simultaneously view pictures of interest and edit them. The built-in editor helps you adjust the size, rotate images, and create your own slideshow. Also, using the program, you can crop pictures to the desired size and change their scale. The user can change a wide range of configuration settings to suit his own needs. Supports full screen mode, just press F11 and the mode will be launched. The operating principle of Xlideit Image Viewer is simple: just load...

Pictus is an extremely convenient application that helps you view graphic documents. Instead of the usual icons for programs that work with images, the user will see a miniature view of the desired picture. It is built into Explorer and helps display thumbnails in the required formats. Works with many different formats. Using the application's capabilities, the user can scale, flip, and adjust parameters such as brightness, contrast, and color gamma. Using the program, you can assign the desired image as your desktop wallpaper. The user can launch full-screen map display mode...

Vintager is a small utility designed for editing photographs, which has several necessary functions built-in. Using the program, you can not only change the photo, but also crop it, rotate it and change the pixel size of the image. Vintager also has a built-in photo aging function, which makes the photo look old. Due to its small size, installation of the program takes a few seconds. The utility differs from other editors in its high speed and has a comfortable interface, making it perfect even for novice users. The program settings menu is very easy to use...

Artweaver is a small free graphic editor with a nice interface and a wide range of functions and capabilities. This editor can work with layers, and also has the ability to process the image according to your wishes. To do this, this program has a large number of different brushes that allow you to simulate almost any effect. For example, you can draw something with chalk or charcoal. In addition, this graphic editor contains all the standard image processing tools, for example, an eyedropper. Another feature of this program is the ability to install...

ViewFD is file manager with many different functions. This program is distributed free of charge and is an excellent alternative to paid clients. The main features of this program include not only the presence of a built-in player and image viewer, but also the ability to view text files any formats, as well as edit database tables. In addition, the program can control the autostart of various services. Process management is also supported, although for these purposes it is better to use something else software. In addition, this one supports working with tabs.

Unity is a multi-platform tool for creating 3D and 2D custom games. The user can create his own heroes and their enemies, clothes, buildings, structures, and the surrounding exterior. The program allows you to import additional textures, models, various background sounds, scripts, sprites. Unity supports all known texture formats (jpeg, png, gif). Works with 3D models in 3DS, DXF format. Supports audio formats such as MP3 and WAV. The tool allows you to create games without serious programming skills. The main code of most library elements is written in Javascript, but...

VSDC Video Editor is designed for editing video and audio files. It has two modes, one for beginners and the other for professional use. This is not a linear editor, unlike other analog programs. The advantage of the program is that it supports many formats, which will allow you to import videos of any format, combine them into a clip and export them in one, without loss of quality. It can also apply many effects to audio and video. The interface is as intuitive as possible, which will allow the user to work without any overlays. Just in case, the program has a very good and detailed manual that explains...

FileOptimizer is a convenient file compression application created by one of the independent teams of programmers. This application It features improved compression algorithms and high operating speed. The program allows you to compress files of almost all types, including archives, text formats, image formats, etc. Also, this program can work with scripts, as well as through command line, which will be especially useful for experienced users. For novice users, everything is very simple. The program is integrated into context menu, which allows you to very quickly compress files located on any disk and in any folder.

ImBatch makes editing any image quick and easy. Just open it or drag it into the program window and you can get to work. Allows you to enable preview of effects and changes and is suitable for simple change colors or for scaling, as well as for more professional work. The program is also good because it is lightweight and does not load the processor when working, everything is very fast - open the image, apply an effect, save it. It has a wide selection of tools and capabilities, can apply effects such as blur, color settings and much more. ImBatch supports many languages, including...

WildBit Viewer is a program for viewing digital photos, characterized by an abundance of functions and capabilities. For example, the program contains a standard effects editor, and it is also possible to use a finished image as a background for your desktop. You can also view your images in a slideshow mode, which is convenient if you're showing your photos to someone and don't want to manually scroll through them. The program has more than 70 transition effects when displaying a slide show. Another function of the program is to display all metadata, as well as rename images. Batch transfer is also supported...

One of the most popular office packages, characterized by an abundance of features, including the ability to check spelling. First of all, this package is notable for the fact that it is completely free, which allows you to use it on any computer. Allows you to perform all common tasks. Thus, it includes text editor, and a spreadsheet editor, and a program for creating templates or presentations, as well as slides. In addition, it is open source, which allows you to make changes to it if necessary. Also, the application can be installed on almost any operating system...

AVS Media Player is a full-fledged multimedia center that can be used to play almost all multimedia content. For example, the AVS Media Player program not only supports playback of most video formats, but can also work with images and audio files. It should be said that the list of supported formats is very large and includes all popular audio, video, and graphic formats. The player has a user-friendly interface and allows any user to start working with it without the need to study special manuals and additional materials.

The Gimp is a graphics editor that can compete with well-known editors. The program itself has a clear and simple interface that almost any user can understand. Nevertheless, the range of functions of this program is quite extensive. For example, you can do professional photo retouching. The program's tools even contain modules such as healing brush, image cloning, etc. It is possible to clone the color of almost any window. So, you can drag a color from the toolbar onto the image, and it will turn into the color you want...


File extension .psd