Writing a simple control program. Machine tools, numerical control (CNC), Postprocessors

Name: Delcam ArtCAM Pro
Version: 2010 Service Pack 4.0 32bit & 64bit
Developer: www.artcam.ru
Interface: Russian
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/Seven
File size: 1.8 Gb
Software solution for spatial modeling/machining, which allows you to automatically generate virtual three-dimensional models from a 2D drawing and develop control programs for CNC machines based on them.

Delcam plc is a world leader in the development of design and technological CAD systems for modeling, manufacturing and control of complex products and technological equipment. The software is used in various industries, including automotive and aerospace, mechanical engineering and energy, production of plastics, glass, ceramics, rubber products, as well as various packaging; for tasks ranging from conceptual design to the production of master models and production equipment. The company was formally founded in 1977 after initial development at the University of Cambridge. The team bought the company in 1989, and in 1997 the company became an open joint-stock company. The company currently has over 400 employees worldwide, with half of the staff located in England.

About Delcam ArtCAM

Delcam ArtCAM offers a powerful, easy-to-use modeling suite that gives the designer the freedom to create complex spatial terrain. ArtCAM turns ideas into finished products much faster than is possible using conventional methods. ArtCAM copes even in cases where manual modification was previously required.

Creating 2D Elements

ArtCAM allows you to create relief using imported vectors or a raster image created in any graphic editor. In addition, ArtCAM has its own set of tools for creating and editing vectors and raster images.

Creating a 3D model

ArtCAM allows you to create complex three-dimensional models using vectors and raster images. Extensive modeling options allow you to create weaves, textures, extrusions, and constant height letters. Interactive sculptor tools in ArtCAM allow you to change a three-dimensional model in real time, which allows you to achieve the effect of “manual” work.

Machining Strategies

ArtCAM Pro has flexible machining strategies that are fast, accurate and most importantly, highly reliable. There are machining strategies such as 2D sampling, profile processing, die/punch processing, and engraving. ArtCAM also allows you to trim edges or engrave along the center line, which creates the appearance of hand engraving.

Control programs can be easily created, saved and edited. ArtCAM has a wide range of highly efficient machining strategies in its database, which allows you to minimize NC preparation time and reduce the processing time on the machine.

Parts processed on a CNC machine can be considered as geometric objects. During processing, the rotating tool and the workpiece move relative to each other along a certain trajectory. UE describes the movement of a certain point of the tool - its center. The tool path is represented as consisting of separate sections that merge into each other. These sections can be straight lines, circular arcs, curves of the second or higher orders. The intersection points of these sections are called reference, or nodal, points. As a rule, the CP contains the coordinates of the reference points.

Let's try to write a small program for processing the groove shown in Fig. 3.4. Knowing the coordinates of the reference points, this is not difficult to do. We will not consider in detail the code of the entire program, but will pay special attention to the writing of lines (frames of the program) directly responsible for moving through the reference points of the groove. To machine a groove, you first need to move the cutter to point T1 and lower it to the appropriate depth. Next, you need to move the cutter sequentially through all the reference points and move the tool up out of the workpiece material. Let's find the coordinates of all the reference points of the groove and, for convenience, place them in the table. 3.1.

Table 3.1. Coordinates of the groove reference points

Dot X coordinate Y coordinate
Tl 3 8
T2 3 3
TK 7 3
T4 7 8

Let's bring the cutting tool to the first reference point:

The next two frames cause the tool to descend to the required depth into the workpiece material.

N60 G00 Z0.5
N70 G01 Z-l F25

Once the tool is at the desired depth (1mm), you can move it through all the reference points to machine the groove:

N80 G01 X3 Y3
N90 G01 X7 Y3
N100 G01 X7 Y8

Now you should remove the tool from the workpiece material - raise it to a small height:

Let's put all the frames together, add a few auxiliary commands and get the final version of the program:

UP personnel Frame description
% Program start symbol
O0001 (PAZ) Program number (0001) and program name (PAZ)
N10 G21 G40 G49 G54 G80 G90 Security string
N20 M06 T01 (FREZA D1) Calling tool no. 1
N30 G43 H01 Tool length compensation No. 1
N40 M03 S1000 Turning on spindle speed (1000 rpm)
N50 G00 X3 Y8 Accelerated movement to reference point T1
N60 G00 Z0.5 Rapid tool movement B Z0.5
N70 G01 Z-l F25 Movement to a depth of 1 mm at a feed rate of 25 mm/min
N80 G01 ХЗ Y3 Tool movement to point T2 (25 mm/min)
N90 G01 X7 Y3 Tool movement to point T3 (25 mm/min)
N100 G01 X7 Y8 Tool movement to point T4 (25 mm/min)
N110 G01 Z5 Tool lift up in Z5 (25 mm/min)
N120 M05 Turning off spindle speed
N130 MZ0 Completing the program
% End of program symbol

Mach3 is a program for controlling a CNC machine that allows you to automate workpiece processing processes. The use of CNC machines is relevant for large enterprises and small workshops. The difference lies only in the characteristics and sizes of the machines that are used in certain situations. Let's consider the issue of using Mach3 at the initial stages of its development.

  • A modern milling machine equipped with a CNC module allows it to interact with a regular personal computer or laptop;
  • By installing the Mach3 driver on your PC, you can develop control programs;
  • Once developed, the program is loaded into the memory of the numerically controlled module;
  • The computer’s task is to configure all the necessary parameters for the CNC operation;
  • In addition to automating processes, through a PC you can manually control the movements of the cutting tools of the machine, control their movements relative to the workpiece or work table;
  • The operation of Mach3 is based on the following scheme: computer - master - milling equipment. To carry out such management, you will need the appropriate program;
  • Mach3 is an excellent example of modern software that controls and configures machines;
  • Mach3 is designed to work with all Microsoft operating systems;
  • The program works like this: normal application"window" type;
  • Mac3 has wide functionality, intuitive interface;
  • At the same time, beginners for whom CNC setting is something completely new should carefully study the instruction manual. It takes a minimum of time to adapt to working with CNC through a special program. This is due to a well-designed interface and an understandable control principle.

Preparing to work with Mach3

Photo Mach3 - programs for controlling a CNC machine

Numerical program control, that is, CNC, is an advanced development in the field of machine tool construction. The program simplifies management and automates all processes. Proper CNC setup using a program via a PC allows you to minimize the human factor and reduce the likelihood of errors to zero.

It is important to understand that if the settings are performed incorrectly, you can break the cutters, incorrectly process the workpiece, and damage the CNC module and other equipment components.

To avoid such mistakes and unpleasant incidents, you should start with proper preparation for operating CNC machines.

  1. Completely connect the machines. You must make sure that the machine is prepared for work and receives high-quality power from the electrical network. Available for many machines special programs, allowing you to check the condition of the equipment and the serviceability of its individual components via a PC.
  2. Install Mach3 on your Personal Computer or laptop. At the same time, make sure that your PC meets the minimum software requirements system characteristics. Mach3 is not a “heavy” program, so almost any computer can easily handle it.
  3. The program may require Russification in some cases. The licensed version is made on English language, but special localizers are widely available on the Internet. It is not recommended to use pirated programs like Mach3, since such software can have serious errors that can damage your machine even if the settings were done correctly. The license costs about 12 thousand rubles.
  4. Try to optimize the operation of the operating system by disabling all kinds of pop-ups and unused programs. Nothing should interfere with you while working with the machine.
  5. Don't run Mach3 in parallel third party programs. This is especially true for computer games, watching movies and other content that requires impressive resources from a PC. Otherwise, the setting may be incorrect, which will affect the quality of processing and the machine itself.
  6. If at the same time you want to compose control programs for a CNC machine, or use your computer not only to work with Mac3, then divide HDD into subsections. For software for a CNC machine, install a separate operating system. Logical subsection hard drive must be completely dedicated to the control of the machine. This will allow you not to occupy the entire PC with CNC control issues. Use this operating system specifically for hardware settings, do not load extraneous software there, minimize the set of programs.

Working with the program

When the preparation stages are over, you will need to start setting up the Mac3 program itself.

  1. Carefully study all the buttons that are available in the Mack3 menu. Many are frightened by their huge number. But having a Russified version will allow you to quickly figure it out.
  2. Depending on the type of machine, you need to open the appropriate tabs. For milling equipment, you will need tabs for parameters of electric motors, part speeds, port parameters, spindle parameters, etc.
  3. Once you purchase the licensed version of the software, you will find all the descriptions of the settings in the user manual. Or it can be found on the World Wide Web.
  4. If you have conditionally correctly configured the machine through the Mak3 program, when commands are issued from the keyboard, the electric motors of the equipment will begin to rotate and move. It is important that the portal moves without jerking, neatly and freely. This indicates that the setup was done correctly.
  5. Perform a run. This is what is called a trial manual movement of tools. There is a corresponding button for running in the Mac3 program.
  6. The run is determined by the corresponding icon, which allows you to turn this trial mode on and off.
  7. Pay attention to the jog ball. It should light up when running. It is used to control machine tools using the mouse. The closer the cursor is to the jog wheel when clicking, the higher the rotation speed of the electric motors will be. In addition to the mouse, you can use the keys on the keyboard to activate the tool.
  8. Control of tool movements can be step-by-step or continuous. In the case of continuous, the machine tool moves constantly while you hold down the corresponding key or mouse button. The step-by-step mode assumes that after pressing the button the portal will move a strictly specified distance. You can set the step size yourself.

Mach3 is offered to customers with detailed instructions manual. Based on the official manual, you can adapt the program to a particular machine. Proceed strictly according to factory instructions. Only they make it possible to correctly set the operating parameters of CNC equipment. If the setting turns out to be correct, the compiled control program will allow you to automate the machine and adapt it to perform certain operations with workpieces.

Any owner of a CNC machine faces the question of choosing software. The software used for such technological equipment must be multifunctional and easy to use. It is advisable to purchase licensed software products. In this case, programs for CNC machines will not freeze, which will increase the efficiency of production processes.

Set of software for CNC machines

The choice of software largely depends on the type of equipment and the tasks that the user intends to solve. However, there are universal programs that can be used for almost all types of CNC machines. The most widely used products are:

1. . This software package was developed for the modeling and design of products manufactured on machine tools. It is equipped with the function of automatically generating models from flat drawings. The ArtCAM software package contains all the necessary tools for designing creative products and creating complex spatial reliefs.
It is worth noting that this software allows you to use three-dimensional templates to create designs for future products from simple elements. In addition, the program allows the user to insert one relief into another, as in a two-dimensional drawing.

2. Universal program LinuxCNC control. The functional purpose of this software is to control the operation of a CNC machine, debug a part processing program, and much more.
A similar software package can be used for machining centers, milling and lathes, as well as thermal or laser cutting machines.
The difference between this product and other software packages is that its developers partially combined it with the operating system. Thanks to this, the LinuxCNC program has advanced functionality. You can download this product completely free of charge on the developer’s website. It is available both as an installation package and as a LifeCD.
The user interface of this software is intuitive and accessible. For the software to function smoothly, your computer’s hard drive must have at least 4 gigabytes of free memory. Detailed description LinuxCNC programs can be found freely available on the Internet.

3. . This software has a huge army of fans all over the world. The software is used to control milling, turning, engraving and other types of CNC machines. This software package can be installed on any computer with an operating system Windows system. The advantage of using this software is its affordable cost, regular updates, and the presence of a Russian version, which makes it easier for an operator who does not speak English to use the product.

4. Mach4. This is the latest development from Artsoft. Mach4 is considered the successor to the popular Mach3 program. The program is considered one of the fastest. Its fundamental difference from previous versions is to have an interface that interacts with electronics. This is new software can work with large files at any time operating system. The user has access to a manual for using the Mach4 program in Russian.

5. MeshCAM. This is a package for creating control programs for CNC machines based on three-dimensional models and vector graphics. It is noteworthy that the user does not need to have extensive CNC programming experience to master this software. It is enough to have basic computer skills, as well as accurately set the parameters by which products will be processed on the machine.
MeshCAM is ideal for designing two-sided processing of any 3D models. In this mode, the user will be able to quickly process objects of any complexity on the machine.

6. SimplyCam. This is a compact and multifunctional system for creating, editing, saving drawings in DXF format. This software generates control programs and G-codes for CNC machines. They are created using mortar designs. The user can create an image in one of graphics programs your computer and then upload it to SimplyCam. The program will optimize this drawing and convert it into a vector drawing. The user can also use a feature such as manual vectorization. In this case, the image is outlined using standard tools that are used in AutoCAD. SimplyCam creates toolpaths for CNC machining.

7. CutViewer. This program simulates material removal processing on two-axis CNC machines. With its help, the user can obtain visualization of processed workpieces and parts. The use of this software allows you to increase the productivity of the technological process, eliminate existing programming errors, and also reduce the time spent on debugging work. CutViewer is compatible with a wide range of modern machine tools. Its powerful tools allow you to detect serious errors in technological process and eliminate them in a timely manner.

8. CadStd. It's easy to use drawing program. It is used to create projects, diagrams and graphics of any complexity. Using the advanced toolset of this program, the user can create any vector drawings that can be used to design milling or plasma processing on CNC machines. The generated DXF files can then be loaded into CAM programs to generate correct part paths.
