Application for reading in fb2 format. Fb2 e-book - what format it is, how and how to open it

Paper books gradually switched to electronic form, and now all book lovers, instead of extensive bookshelves, acquire a variety of files. And sooner or later the question will arise about how to open a Fb2 file, because these types of books are the most common and convenient for use.

Fb2 is the most popular format for e-books. Its main advantage is that it will look the same on all types of devices with any operating system and screen resolution.

From this it becomes clear that there are programs for opening Fb2 files for all platforms and devices. Moreover, there are a huge number of such programs, and I will talk about some of them in this article.


One of the most popular tools for opening a Fb2 file. It earned its fame due to its simplicity and ease, as well as cross-platform functionality. The program works quickly, and there are versions for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, Blackberry and many other OSes that run desktop and mobile devices. On the developer's website you can download the version for the desired operating system.

FBReader supports the following features:

  • creation of offline and online libraries;
  • sorting books
  • working with bookmarks;
  • working with a table of contents;
  • search function;
  • and others.

ICE Book Reader

You can open the Fb2 file using the universal ICE Book Reader, which also supports a huge number of other text files. This program was created exclusively for Windows, unlike those described above, but it has maximum functionality.

Some of the features of ICE Book Reader include the following:

  • opens text files of different formats.
  • you can open the Fb2 file and enable autoscrolling.
  • working with bookmarks;
  • working with a table of contents;
  • search;
  • There are many options to customize the program for yourself.

So, in this article I have listed the most popular programs that allow you to open the Fb2 file. They became so famous due to their comfort. It is unlikely that programs will appear that are more convenient than those I have described. So use it.

Those who are familiar with e-books and often download them on the Internet are already familiar with this format. But for those who accidentally downloaded a file of this format, this will be a slight surprise. Especially if you encountered it for the first time and it turned out to be impossible to open it just like that. What if there is some important information there? That’s exactly why I wrote this article, to dot all the i’s and find out what kind of file fb2 is (and there is also fb3), how to open it and how to edit it.

First of all, let's figure it out
What kind of file is fb2 format?

FB2 (FictionBook) is a format for presenting electronic versions of books in the form of XML documents, where each element of the book is described by its own tags. The standard is designed to ensure compatibility with any devices and formats. XML makes it easy to create documents that are ready for immediate use and software processing (conversion, storage, management) in any environment.
Documents, usually with the .fb2 extension, may contain structural markup of the main elements of the text, some information about the book, and may also contain attachments with binary files that may contain illustrations or the cover.

To put it simply, this is one of the most convenient formats for reading e-books (which is gaining popularity), especially since the software for opening it also exists not only for a Windows computer, but also for other distributions (operating systems) and for smartphones (also different OSes) ).

There is also fb3 format. Dry characteristics from the office. site what is the difference between fb3 and fb2 hidden under spoiler
Main differences from fb2 are not in the field of ideology, but in the field of technological solutions.

An Fb3 file is now essentially a zip archive in which meta information, pictures and text are packaged as separate files.
- Requirements for the zip file format and conventions for file naming, placement and organization are described in the ECMA-376 Part 2 standard
- Meta information is placed in a separate file, the body of the book and footnotes are placed in another file
- All pictures are taken from XML and are, ultimately, files in the archive
- Documents are linked to files not through xlink, but in accordance with the Relationships mechanism described in OPF
- In addition to a number of minor innovations in formatting (space, underlining), a fundamentally new “block” object is added, which falls out of the general flow of the document and draws up an arbitrary fragment of the book in the form of a quadrangle, which can have a border, be embedded in the text with a flow around it, and have some other placement features .
- Some tags that have semantic analogues in HTML will be renamed, for example, emphasis will turn into em.

Well, for me, it’s like everything new - the same, only better.

How (how) to open a fb2 file?

There are several programs for opening. this format. Although they are not intended specifically for it, they simply support opening the same format. These programs can be used as a convenient “reader” for reading books (tuftology turned out). I will consider only the most popular and worth attention.

FBReader- the main program for opening and reading fb2 and fb3 files.

HaaliReader- FB2 reader for regular Windows and Windows CE.

AlReader- Reads and edits texts in FB2 format on computers running Windows 2000, Windows XP and higher
which does not work and is NOT Russian and working.

Cool Reader- convenient for reading large files. Although in principle the same as everyone else.

STDU Viewer- a small, convenient program for reading e-books, including fb2.

ICE Book Reader Professional- also received attention and consideration.

More programs with which you can open this file format: Athenaeum,

Have you looked? Have you downloaded it? Well done...
Here are a couple of options for curious perverts:

1) You can open this file with regular Word (since it is an XML document), if you don’t like the tags, save as RTF-document, and then into a regular one DOC. Click on the document and select from the Word list. Or right-click on it and select To open with... and select Word.
The disadvantages of such a conversion will be:
1- if pictures were inserted into *.fb2, they will NOT be displayed in Word;
2- most likely you will want (but this is optional) to format the text because it turns out... ummm... like a bunch of lines and sentences. Not so nice overall.

2) You can simply rename the file extension from fb2 on htm or doc or rtf, and then open this file using the same Word (if rtf or doc) or using your browser (in the case of the htm extension). The disadvantages are the same as in the previous version.

It will be easier, you don’t need to download programs, but you will only get black text on a white background. In general, it’s up to you to choose how to open the fb2 format.

How to edit a file in fb2 format?

You can use the same AlReader as presented above or ICE Book Reader Professional.

You can use a special utility FictionBook Editor.

Developer: Hose, KVS (LitRes) ()
Program status: For administrative use
Interface: Russian English
Version: 2.6 (build 05 Oct 2010)
System: Windows 2K/XP/Vista/7
Format: FB2

The archive contains instructions and the program itself.

How to convert to FB2 file format?
It will be useful for those who want to create their own book in fb2 format.

FB2 is a popular format used for storing printed materials: books, textbooks, magazines. It is an XML table in which each element is described with its own tags. This approach allows you to open FB2 on any device, provided that the reader you are using supports this format.

Online services

If you want to read e-books online, you can use the service, which provides the ability to download files in FB2 format. Unfortunately, other sites have stopped working: either they are blocked due to copyright infringement when downloading books, or they simply give an error when trying to add a new document.

The service looks unprepossessing, but it copes with the task, actually showing the contents of the book. How it works:

The page will refresh and you will see the text of the downloaded printed product. Pictures are not added, there is no table of contents either, but the text itself is formatted as the tags are written in the XML document.

Browser extensions

You will see the text of the book with all the pictures and correct layout. EasyDocs automatically saves the downloaded file in the library, so you can add all the books to your browser if necessary. If you open the FB2 format through Chrome without installing the extension, an XML document with all the tags will be displayed. Theoretically, you will be able to read the text in this form, but it will quickly get boring.

Similar functionality is offered by an add-on for Mozilla Firefox called “FB2 reader”. You can install it in the “Add-ons” section of your browser settings.

The FB2 reader does not save books in the library, but has another advantage - it displays a clickable table of contents, making it easier to navigate through the text.

On Mozilla Firefox you can also install the EasyDocs extension, which is used in Google Chrome to open the FB2 format.

Computer programs

If you constantly open e-books on your computer, then it is much more convenient to install one of the programs that can work with the FB2 format and offers a number of additional functions. There are similar applications for Windows 7, Windows 10, and Mac OS, so there will be no problems with reading.

FBReader is distributed free of charge. The program allows you to quickly create a real library of e-books on your computer, neatly sorted by genre and author.

A simple program with a minimalistic design that does not distract from reading, and a small set of functions. Ebook Reader has a free and Pro version.

The Pro version has the following advantages:

  • Reading in full screen without restrictions.
  • Copying text.
  • Changes in the title and author of the book.
  • Creating categories in the library.

But you can completely do without these options. In the free version of the program, FB2 files can be easily added to the library individually. You can add bookmarks and save them so you can quickly return to the right place. The library displays your reading progress.

Universal reader for different formats. It has a portable version that can be run from removable media without prior installation. Another advantage of STDU Viewer is the display of the table of contents of the book. If the Ebook Reader does not display the content, then STDU Viewer displays at least the division into parts, if it is present in the book.

It is possible to add bookmarks to pages. In addition, the program offers several reading modes. The page size can be changed in height, width, or manually specified as a percentage. Text and images can be selected and copied to be saved as separate files on your computer.

The list of readers that support the FB2 format is not limited to these applications. You can find several other programs with similar functionality, but most users choose FBReader because this application has long established itself as the main assistant when reading e-books on a computer.

Readers for Mac OS and Linux

If you are using an Apple computer, install the Caliber program on it. This is a free utility that can work with EPUB, MOBI and FB2 documents. In addition to reading, Caliber provides the ability to create your own rating of the works you read. It syncs with major online libraries, so new books can be added directly from Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

In addition, there is a version of the FBReader program for Mac OS. You can also install it on Linux – the corresponding version is also located on the program’s website.

Fb2 format was created as a universal way to store books. It has many useful properties, and one of them is the ease of conversion to a number of other formats. However, not every user has a fb2 reader on their computer. This is what slowed down the development of the format. But if you have a special utility, you can enjoy convenient book reading.

Free FB2 readers

Universal "reader". It supports most formats for storing books and works with any amount of information and number of sheets. To use it, you don’t need to install anything, you just need to run the executable file. It's really convenient and fast.

It would seem that such a simple program should have little functionality, but this is not true. In fact, Cool Reader meets all modern requirements. In addition to reading the fb2 format, this program will ensure work with any documents, including those located on the network! For this, there is convenient access to online libraries.

The utility's interface is very convenient and simple. It is divided into several parts, one of which shows recent files, the second - the document directory, and the third - settings. This approach allows you to use it regardless of the localization language. According to many users, this is the best program.

A little old-fashioned, but very functional program for Windows. It allows you to work with absolutely any text formats, and can also connect to archives! Now you don't need to extract books from RAR, ZIP or other packages, you just need to specify the path to them.

In addition, it should be noted that there is a huge variety of settings. In the program you can customize almost everything - from the catalog to the font. It should also be noted that the cataloging system is incredibly extensive and convenient. In it you can divide books by categories, genres, your own wishes, the number of bookmarks and even corrections. By the way, they allow you to remove typos from the text.

ICE Book Reader Professional will help you preserve your vision. There are a number of different viewing modes available to suit different conditions.

It's not called that for nothing. This program works with all formats that a user can find on the Internet. Docx, abw and even chm books can be read in Alreader. This is the main advantage of the utility. It does not have any outstanding interface design, but it is not irritating to the eyes, even after a very long time of reading.

Alreader will help you tune in and focus on the process. To do this, you can choose the most convenient font, background color and illumination, and even anti-aliasing mode. This approach to customization allows the user to truly enjoy reading. The program has the usual “day” and “night” modes, as well as a lot of unique settings.
It is important to note that the background for reading can be as authentic as possible - in the form of paper of varying degrees of preservation. The background images are made of very high quality, which will help you get aesthetic pleasure.

At this stage, the program is still being finalized, so it has several shortcomings. For example, table formats and CSS styles are not fully supported. However, this practically does not limit the reader. Problems will occur extremely rarely, on single copies.

In FB2 Reader you can create an entire library, cataloging information according to one of a dozen different parameters. This program can be downloaded for free and used without any restrictions.

STDU Viewer- can hardly be called a classic reader. It is designed to work with any documents, including e-books. Many free programs specialize in reading ease. This is very important, but not in all cases. The same program is more aimed at maximum functionality. You can view any document format in it. It's hard to even think of a book that STDU Viewer can't open.

The program interface is laconic, but very convenient. Small symbolic icons can be understood intuitively, especially since everything is translated into Russian. Despite the huge number of different possibilities, they are neatly placed in several panels, allowing the user to concentrate on the text.

Among the unique features, it is worth noting the format converter and the ability to work with images. Also, STDU Viewer allows you to print documents.

FBReader is a popular multi-platform reader that allows you to play e-books and documents in the highest possible resolution. It can be installed on both a phone and tablet, and on a computer running Windows OS.

Features of the FBReader program

A distinctive feature is the realistic interface. All saved books and documents in any format are displayed on virtual shelves. Also users can create individual directories for free and directories with data to read. This feature is only available in some reading programs. Creating your own thematic sections by author and title makes it much easier to find the works you need. There is no need to scroll through books in alphabetical order; the user himself sets the necessary parameters.

Other features of FB2 Reader include the following:

  • Using exclusive backgrounds for reading books.
  • Support for working with external dictionaries. When reading foreign texts, you can instantly look up the translation of an unfamiliar word, phrase or entire text using dictionaries from Google, LEO, Prompt, Flora.
  • The function of purchasing books from online stores is built into the program. Without leaving the reader, you can view the range of available products and purchase the books you like. Windows users can also download books to the phone’s memory independently and for free and then open them using the installed program.
  • The interface is available in Russian.
  • Supports most popular document formats and e-books.
  • Supports different encodings for correct text display.

The reader has another important feature. It stands out among other programs in that the user can not only read the text, but also it in different languages. This feature is very convenient for students who can listen to the necessary material through headphones on the way to study, so it will be useful for them to download FBReader.

FB2 Reader installed on a computer running Windows OS can only work with, since it was created specifically for her. The user can open files in FB2 format directly in the window without making any unnecessary movements on the computer. You no longer need to search for where the file was saved and open other programs, just one click is enough.

In addition, the plugin displays pictures, author notes and title page. A Windows user can customize it to suit his perception and make the process of reading books even more comfortable. With the help of the FBI reader, they are unpacked directly in the program on the computer and opened like ordinary books.

This program is indispensable for students, office workers and book lovers who constantly work with text files of various formats.
